What's the best Resident Evil game?

What's the best Resident Evil game?

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Never played 3

Why is everyone so mean to Claire?

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You didn't play CV either. Pathetic

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Por favor, ayúdame, estoy a punto de ser asesinado por el duende.

REmake 2. Claire is wonderful.

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By order

Remake > The best of all time
RE1 > Instant Classic
Remake 2 > A better version of an excelent game
RE2 > Excelent, most popular
RE3 > Great gameplay, has the best villain
RE4 > Good game, overrated
RE5> Good game, underrated
RE7> Good game
RE0 > Good game
RE CV > Silly anime characters, uninspired and recycled overall (plus Steve)
RE Rev 1 > Uninspired and recycled
RE Rev 2 > Uninspired and generic
RE UC + UC2 > Fun
RE 6 > Cancer

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censor those feet

My favorite game is also remake 1

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Claire is a cutie.

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The one with best death moaning.

Why is that hot?

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Code Veronica, huh? Now that's classic Resident Evil right there.

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Never understood why the double team change.

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I don't know, Claire is a wonderful girl.

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That red is way too bright it looks like a cartoon and clashes with the rest of the style

No one is mean to Claire. Who is the woman in your image though?

It's wrong that I did the following?

See Claire getting eaten.

Killed the zombies.

Have my way with her corpse.

Not him. Didn't Yea Forums called her a globin?

>no one likes Claire
>possibly has the best nude model of all time
>everyone loves her
Why did this happen?

Cause Yea Forums are basically men-children.

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She's the star of remake , the face of jill : Julia voth

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Did you miss the thread yesterday? Everyone came to a unanimous agreement on the ranking of each game.

Capcom needs to bring her back!

>Everyone came to a unanimous agreement
Sure they did. I bet you like re4 retard

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I don't get it.

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She's perfect

Why are the extra scenarios in this game so unfun?
>play in this exact way and if you deviate at all fuck you start over

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Gameplay RE6
for a horror game
Resident evil revelations 2


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Good to see she owns it on PC

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The original RE2

>Remake 2 > A better version of an excelent game
Damn that absolute trash opinion though.


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Rare Claire from steam sale image

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Claire's game is the best, just imagine licking her pits.

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You may not like it but accept it

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You may like it, but that doesn't change the fact that the gameplay is a mess

How is ti a mess my man?

Cancerous camera (even after patch)
Unintuitive controls
The WORST (BY FAR) menus and item management in all series

Should I go on?

>forget RE4 isn't short
>sit for nearly 8 hours straight doing a no save run
>game doesn't even mention saves in the results screen anyway

fuck im tired now, is my time decent at least?

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CV was easily the best of the survival horror RE's.

Every scene with Wesker is kino
First he bullies Chris's sister, then he enslaves Chris's partner

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It would be if it wasn't for the second half. Great game, but it loses a lot of steam until it picks up at the very end.

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Puzzle games put me to sleep

whos the tomboy?

That's officer/professor Chambers to you

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Draw a boy
call it rebecca

Any guides to unlock guns/characters via registry?

Claire is a sweet and empathetic person

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>pc - re2 2019
Any guides to unlock guns/characters via registry?

Claire is amazing. I love her.

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Ok Anons here's my ranking.

RE5 = RE4 > RE2 = Remake 2 > RE3 > RE1 > RE0 > Remake 1 > RE6 > CV

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Claire deserves to get bullied and humiliated

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Claire deserves to be cherished and loved forever.

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God, I wish that was me.

its pink

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I want to hold hands and cuddle with her

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Based and jillpilled

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Guys I'm about to start REmake after resi2remake
What should I know going in? I know inventory is a lot tighter

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Is Julia /ourgal/?

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not only does she not exist, but she's also getting tortured in her own fiction.

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I wanna marry her


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>people making actual discussion
>degenerates posting fapbait mods
based and jillpilled

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imagine the smell

Am I the only one that liked Resident Evil 6? Like, it wasnt great or anything, but I really enjoyed all the movement mechanics and options, how fluid it all worked too. Mainly play it for Mercenaries.

Wish it was a spin-off game instead

>Am I the only one that liked Resident Evil 6?
Statistically unlikely.

It's the same user in every RE thread too
He degrades every thread into this shit

Some people love to eat shit, and that's all right
It doesn't make eating shit a good thing

Play as Jill if you want more inventory and weapons
Play as Chris I you want more health

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dead aim

Inspect every item.
Keep a good mental map of what area has what because you'll need to be able to put things together like 'I need X item for Y room' a lot.
Play as Jill for your first time.
It's better to run from zombies than to engage them, unless you have to.

game where I can play Claire as a nudist

it was really fun to play co-op with my friend

Say what you want nigga but it had the best controls of any over the shoulder RE by far. If the story and level design werent shit it, it could have been a decent 8/10. Merc mode is the best in this one as well.

imagine the smell

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>If the game wasn't shit, it would've been good
You're not wrong.

No it isn't.

RE5 merc is far superior (they even launched a dlc for it).

RE6 gameplay is cancerous fecal matter.

>feet not dirty
immersion slightly ruined

have sex

Claire shouldn't be allowed to wear pants or shoes

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Imagine if someone you knew irl saw your Claire folder
They would find out how much of a kissless virgin you are
Kill yourself

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And why is that?

yeah man im trying to have a fuck with her toes and soles bro

is there a good reshade for remake 2?

>Complaining about losers being on Yea Forums
The fuck did you expect? Don't be such a dumb nigger.

>Why are you doing this?
>Because I care

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I'm a game dev, so any character and game pics I have are strictly for reference and inspiration

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Sounds like someone never got gud it's the best PLAYING RE game, more so for the action titles. The camera really isn't that bad either, seems like you're reaching to be on the bandwagon. Item management or lack thereof is a valid complaint. But please go on about why it's cancer. You may not like the gameplay because its not your super slow spook game, doesn't change the fact that it mostly excels in what it's actually trying to do.

>Sherry: were gonna die aren't we

I forgot how white Ada looked before re2

Steve ruined Code Veronica.

imagine being this upset over someone else's life choices

Would you rather play resident evil with Claire or Jill?

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>tfw you turn on the game now just to see Claire and hear her voice

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>RE5 merc is far superior

How? Stiff as fuck controls all over the place, doesnt play nearly as fluid or gives you as much control over your actions as RE6. Face it, RE6 gameplay itself is great.

REmake > 2 > RE2make > 4 > 3 > Rev 1 > Outbreak 1 > 5 > 7 > Outbreak 2 > Rev 2 > 6 > Dead Aim > Umbrella Chronicles > Darkside Chronicles > 0 > Code Veronica > Gaiden > Operation Raccoon City > Umbrella Corps

Just how bad is Umbrella Corps?

What makes you consider REmake better than RE2make?

>Think about Claire
>Instantly feel better

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>mfw had a dream about meeting a girl who looked like claire

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Claire is very kind and strong girl

clairefags are subhuman

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I guess if you could compare it to anything it would be like GRAW style gameplay (the shitty online playstyle, not the campaign) mixed with half baked PvPvE. At this point no one is even playing online, so it's not an actual playable game anymore. It's one of those games that makes you scratch your head over why it was even made in the first place.

That being said it gets compared to ORC, but ORC is a functional game without the online and isn't half bad. Underrated since it's basically RE6 gameplay on top of a nostalgia trip in Raccoon City.

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I worry for the Clairefags mental health. When it came out I figured it was tongue in cheek but it's nearly May and they still post in every RE thread.

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You can't help who you fall in love with.

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I played it for the first time since release the last couple days and I don't get the hate. It's goofy as all fuck and is just straight up an action game but it was fun.


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Have sex

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Id have 5 a bit higher but for the most part this

Claire is such an angel.

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>REEE my bimbo mod doesnt fit the aethstetic of fucking RE

you retards will complain about anything

Made in Heaven

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How to unlock all these outfits?

Has claire met jill?

Remake, 0 or CV

Found the poser faggot.
“No guys, bad acting is totally unique to Code Veronica”

Beat the game for tank top

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No. Never.
And that's a good thing.
Look what they did with Chris and Leon in RE6.
Absolutely ridiculous.


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REmake > Re2 > Re 3 > REmake 2 > CV > Re4 > Re (96) > Re7 > Re5 > Re0 > Re6

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Claire is a cutie.

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The controls in RE5 are fine. It has the same RE4 style of gameplay.
RE6 controls are atroucious compared to RE4/5.
For instance, RE6 camera is horrible (they had to patch it lol), and im talking objectively. Camera movement is still bad, FOV is worse.

>excels in what is actually trying to do.

Are you serious?
A game that tries to be every other game? (and fails)
This shit is like a cancerous mix between Vanquish and Gears of War.
RE6 is shit ... A total mess...

RE4 was amazing at the time, but the controls feel so outdated. It's hard to go back to it after playing RE2make

Nice, user.

>CRAPCOM shills on Yea Forums hype up DEMAKE 2 for months before release
>GET BTFO and the game forgotten immediately after release just like that trashfire kusoge DMC V
Goblino models, and terrible story and atmosphere

don't enable this faggot

Who is BE?

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Mine, Resident Evil 3.
Yes, I liked 4 to 6, 5 got a great replayability value for me, but Nemesis is still my top game.

And I just find fixed camera views more comfy and appealing for me.


For me its Rebecca

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Brad vickErs

You’re not alone. I enjoy 6 and 5 the most for those reasons, too, so. Play what you like desu

I wouldn’t mind having sex with chris

Sounds like you never played the game, never got good enough, or realized you can change FOV through settings lol zzzz

Resident Evil 6. Best gameplay, best content, best production value and best Mercenaries. Only contrarians hate it.

Yes, you must adjust FOV through settings... The fact that you need to do it to play this crap says it all.

>Resident Evil 6. Best gameplay, best content, best production valu

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The amount of contextual bullshit in Giraffe Blowjob 6 is inexcusable. Why the fuck does a game with no jump button have so many ways for the character to flop around like a plastic bag in a tornado? It's the wrong kind of controls for the wrong kind of gameplay design in the wrong franchise.

Someone post the Hank Hill resident evil vocaroos.

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Remake 2 >= RE4

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Holy fucking kek

Leon or Claire first?

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> 7 under 5
7 was the best in a long time.

Leon, so you can get Claire's classic costume and use her SAA revolver for her B run. Leon's 1911 sucks, and so does his classic costume

not even top 3