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Other urls found in this thread:


never got the appeal of scp. everything sounds like fanfic of the lowest caliber.

Thanks for your opinion, tourist

What's your monster idea Yea Forums?

A reminder that trannies and far left faggots ruined anything good that was left of scp

Explain, because I am unaware and ignorant.

scp is literally rëdditera tier fanfic tho.


shut the fuck up you cockmongling mongoloid shitstain, ill spoonfeed you
SCP is a creation by /x/ and i first heard of it in 2008, but its probably older.
the downfall of SCP was in 2013 when it became popular, every originalfag left, redditumblr took over aaand its dead now.

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this is officially an SCP: Secret Laboratory thread

who's the best class, and why is it D-class?


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So many SCP threads this month. I am pleased.

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I stole Cassy

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whats going on in this thread?

I don't know. Usually SCP threads are very active. Try posting the SJW shit.

Thread is inactive because everybody is dying to It's only a matter of time until the entirety of Yea Forums i


I don't get it. What is it about SJWs that compels them to turn literally EVERY aspect of their lives into a vehicle for their political crusades? Don't they ever get tired of it? Don't they want to have even one hobby that they don't treat as super serious business all the time?

I can't imagine being like this and not dying from a stress-induced heart attack in the late 30s.

It's probably the media brainwashing that makes them think that everything is political and then the retards who fell for it tell other retards who fall for it and so on until it's an echo chamber of retards telling other retards that so and so is a problem
It's not even exclusive to the left, I've seen groups of diehard right wingers do this shit

It's just such a shitty ideology to live life by where you can't look or think about anything without tying it to politics

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Post good skips

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Dead. I'm posting from the grave.

>You wake up as a D-boi at the start of the containment breach
>The last vidya character you played as will protect you

How fucked are you?

Yea Forums is fucking dead today

>Protag of NFS Underground 2
I guess if i escape he can skrt skrt me out of the facility

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has anyone tried the scp 3008 game some guy is making?

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Now give me a batch of SCPs from aeires IV and V that are tainted by this supposed influx of cancer. Go on.

>What is it about SJWs that compels them to turn literally EVERY aspect of their lives into a vehicle for their political crusades?

What part of severe mental illness is hard to understand?


>tfw no SCP-173 qt gf to kiss you when you blink

Seriously what would happen if you show someone lankys face then threw the person into any of the many dimensional anomalous doors/portals. Just how far would lanky really go to murder someone?

I don't get it.

fucking minecraft copypasta is now an scp, series v is a cancer

got a link?

No it's not older than that.
Maybe it was founded in 2007 even but that's just that. Peak quality years were 2008-2011 for that site.

Hey you kids wanna join my group? Bring flesh.

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What is wrong series IV and V?

The fact that the *crack* sound automatically played in my head when I finished reading your sentences made me lose my shit. Goddamn if that game isn't funny

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I'll give it a try, but this better not be mustard gas.

I looked away for a month. Did Hubert's lack of updates finally kill us?

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Maybe it's probably the lack of hobbies that make people like that turn everything into a political shitfest.

Something something Discord raiders.

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It's where it gained too much popularity and attracted shitty people and authors who just didn't get the initial value of the site and started giving future SCP too much meaning and emotions. Some fucker recently re-wrote 049, 096 and 106 and I'm pretty fucking livid about those new entries because they feel more like people than anomalous entity who aren't even human, nor have any humanity.

Friendly reminder, Fuck the ethics committee and their "the foundation isint evil just cause" mindset.

I'm Cont.
I mean, for fuck sake there's even a Homestuck OC related entry accepted by the community.

You gave me examples for series I. What's wrong with series IV and V?

Diablo 2 summoning druid. I will be safe.

The Homestuck one is decent at worst. It needs to be edited down greatly, but it's just that: decent; two ages old entities that have been killing humans for an unknown amount of time find new identities with the rise of the internet.


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>the good hunter

>katamari prince
he's essentially a keter class scp himself that can end the world
just have to grow the katamari big enough to roll up any scps before they find me first

Did I stutter?
I know very little about IV and V because I stopped reading the site when retards started flooding the forum. I don't know very much about those series, only that it was during that time that I felt something was broken in the moderation group.

Only makes it angrier

So you don't know enough to make an opinion on the matter. K.

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You were the one that asked first about series IV and V you fucking retard.

Most of Series IV and V revolve around the Author's OC task forces and scientists than the actual SCP's themslves. Some of the articles will give the briefest description of the given SCP followed by pages of OC story focusing on task force whoeverthefuck going about their lives before encountering the SCP

>its real (4355)
luckily its not as bad as the osrs scp.

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>Peak quality years were 2008-2011 for that site.
>What's wrong with Series IV and V?
>[Talks about something else entirely]
>So you don't know enough to make an opinion on the matter. K.
>[Petty insult]
>Most of Series IV and V revolve around the Author's OC task forces and scientists than the actual SCP's themslves
And that one SCP with multiple portals that was really popular for some dumb reason. I'm starting to believe you all are just a bunch of Metokur dick sucking faggots.

That story was first wrote in 2012, you know stories about old SCPs can be added anytime by the authors, right?
Also, I wasn't talking about any different topic, you were the one that brought series IV and V into the argument like it's hot cakes.
Look I know you want to play the passive-aggressive know-it-all. I've seen you in since it was the same fucking writing and accusing style. You're not caring at all about the topic at hand and you're just here to bring discord through the people currently discussing the thread. I'm done with your shit and hereby calling you a flamboyant faggot.

>Best GOI from great to shit tier. Debate me

Doctor Wondertainment
Church of the broken god
Chaos Insurgency
The Factory
Sarkic cults
Marshall carter and dark ltd
serpents hand
Are we cool yet?
Gamers against weed

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Some of them are interesting, once you get past all the shitty edgelord ones, or the shitty creepy pasta ones.

They're all trash
Only Chaos gets a pass for being in Containment Breach and SL

I don't spend enough time on Yea Forums for your theory to pan out. I just keep seeing, over and fucking over,
>New SCP bad, old SCP good
And I always ask
>Okay, which ones?
>H-Homestuck SCP!
And that is ALL you can ever come up with, because the truth is you don't care enough to read the latest SCPs in bulk to make a truly informed opinion. Why bother posting otherwise? To wallow in nostalgia?

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>SCP-096 remodel
>SCP-173 remodel (to avoid copyright breach)
>SCP-939 remodel
All in the pipeline, Mega-Patch 2 due in the next couple months with any luck.

Thanks OP! I've been looking for my fleshlight

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It seems I made a typing mistake.
Bear with me it's nearly 3AM where I live.
In It's "It's *when it gained too much etc etc"
It gained popularity and people started actually editing out old SCPs, some with heavy edits. For some reason, the page ratings weren't resettings giving the false information that pages written like that were the standard so they actually had any reason to continue that parade.
Why tho do you even need examples on newer entries when even the oldest ones are being accustomed to the new writing style?

Instant death?

But Brock can see

So then he would need to blink.

Are there any good RPCs?

We died last summer.

Nice get.

If someone viewed SCP-096's face from space, would SCP-096 still be able to kill them?

He probably space ship to kill hime idk
Also do /x/ still care about scp?