so have nintendhoes just never heard of soap? why are you all so stinky
So have nintendhoes just never heard of soap? why are you all so stinky
Other urls found in this thread:
I never met a hygienic person who used it.
>better make sure I get the likes and retweets in the image so people know what my opinion is
You can bath once every two weeks and still smell nice as long you don't exercise
People like to say it's just smash but it's very, very common in the fgc.
>this is what smashies actually think
you need to shower at least every other day, every day if you sweat at all.
Seriously though what person who is older than 12 uses deodorant?
I mean, the bath user isn't exactly wrong. But that would be assuming you do as little movement as possible.
Literally everyone
I was under the impression thats just americans in general. It's hard not to stink when you're 300 lbs and sweat all the time
deodorant isn't hygiene
don't @ me
He isn't though, you excrete toxins from your skin while you sleep.
That's why showering is pretty important.
This can't be real. I mean I know nintendo fans are babies but even babies know you have to wash yourself regulary.
What kind of a putrid human being do you have to be that within 24 hours you start smelling worse than deodorant?
By as little movement as possible I mean doing literally next to nothing each day.
no no no is this actually what nintendies believe
Bathing is stinky.
niggers smell naturally, regardless of how many times they wash themselves.
Why are tendies in general so fucking disgusting? They hardly care about their image
People who don't like smelling of sweat or don't want to be sweating through their pits for the day, user.
no it isn't
Is deodorant actually useful or is it a meme item used by retard who try to use it instead of showering
I haven't noticed much difference when i used it
You'd be surprised how unaware some people are of how bad they smell. Yugioh had to add an official rule telling people to clean themselves before tournaments or they can be given game losses.
What are you doing that showering every day still makes you smell like shit?
women are attracted to your natural aromas not the Africa body spray your mom bought you for xmas.
Only if you are a shutin, all you do is walk to the kitchen to eat and watch crap all day. And even then you get a stuffy aura at the week mark. If you fap, the smell becomes rank at day 3.
Holy fuck I never thought a thread would be this revealing but v/ actually feel the need to use deodorant.
Never mind. I'm done. Niggers, fat fucks and children that is the population of this board.
People who actually have an active lifestyle?
So you know, most productive members of society?
Some people just sweat less, so just shower without using deodorant
I shower daily, but I have never used deodorant a day in my life. I will confidently stand next to you as my musk wafts into your nose, making you fully embrace my manly scent while I stare directly into your eyes, unblinking and unflinching.
And sweat smells like shit? What do you eat out of the sewers?
antiperspirant doesn't work for me but i still use deodorant to mask whatever sweat smell i might get during the day
>contributor to "stinky day"
>not using your stink as a weapon
It's literally racism for them to call you stinky or refuse you the ability to play because you smell. Just make a big stink about it.
Then when anyone has to play against you they'll be too busy gagging to win. ezpz.
I use the dry one after a shower and it keeps my pits from smelling something bad for at least 2 days before it gives out.
Seriously, someone explain to me what is hard about getting bath/shower
Quick shower can be done in 5 minutes. How hard can it be to find a 5 fucking minutes to clean your ass?
I shower and put deodorant on out of courtesy for other people so they dont have to smell my stink. In my house tho I live alone and can go 3 days at a time without taking a shower. Deodorant is just good manners after like 6+ hours your sweat starts to pick up a musk.
You ever walk into a locker room? That's what you smell like.
>Stinkys unmasking themselves
Holy shit Yea Forums you told me this was just a meme
People who shower regularly don't smell like a locker room.
Pro-tip, you get used to your own stench.
You smell user. You just think you don't.
>touching your butthole
that's gay friend
Does anyone have the one where a ultimate player shat his pants in mid set
it's useful if you sweat, but honestly it's not good for you. You should make it a point to buy deodorant without aluminum. I don't wear deodorant most of fall through spring unless I know I'm going to be active. My body chemistry is different though, my armpits don't smell from sweating for a few secs. I can't do that in the summer though, I sweat too much and then you stink like onions or something. Just try not wearing deodorant for one day and if you smell then you need it.
I shower and use deodorant every morning. It's not hard.
You two have literally no idea what you smell like. Your nose has gotten used to your own nasty stank and you've convinced yourself that everyone else is stupid for cleaning themselves. Kill yourselves.
I didn't realize the smash community was filled with niggers.
Why don't americans like washing their ass? I actually had to lead this smelly slut to the shower and pretend i wanted to have sex there, i turned the shower up and washed her butthole and vagina because i could tell she probably doesn't wash at home for some reason.
>work with a 40 year old who constantly smells like shit
>can't tell if he doesn't wipe well enough or he just never bathes
>would rather not ask
This is somewhat true. People don't use it unless they substitute showering or after physical work.
i think you're confusing body spray with deodorant.
Did you try to pass it off as some weird foreplay when you're scrubbing her taint with soap?
You're kind of supposed to use it after showering and drying off. Its meant to help cut back on sweating more than it is for smelling good. I use it but there are some people who get so sweaty it washes it out in sweat.
It also depends on what you use too. Some cheap shit brands are garbage while some other cheap brands can be okay to get through the day with. Lynx prices are a joke though.
and just for clarification, I shower daily so that probably helps. If I don't I can smell BO on the second day.
Take a fucking shower, you smelly faggots.
Someone would tell me.
I know because there have been occasions where I wasn't able to bathe for a while and people told me.
I'm 90% convinced that this thread is full of fat fucks and niggers who naturally smell like shit.
there's a sink right next to my toilet, so when i wipe i dab the paper with water to clean more properly. it changed my life.
>people unironically defend not using deodorant
I know exactly what I smell like, and it is fantastic. The way my natural body scent mixes with my cologne is intoxicating, and I will stand closer than arms length to make sure anyone and everyone can enjoy my scent.
Only if you join me, faggot.
What the fuck? Give me context user
Its A meme like shampoo.
>people think the most advanced species on earth have to worry about showering when we got this far without it
just buy babywipes
Put your hands on your thighs next to your nuts, and bring it back to your nose, that awful smell is what you smell like to everyone around you.
I'm American and I feel gross if I don't wash my ass nuts and dick. Then again I like to take long showers so I might not be the norm.
Just curious, when you guys say bath or bathe, do you guys mean literally taking a bath? Or bath/shower.
I haven't been in a bathtub in over a decade, I just shower. Is that seen as unhygienic in America?
t. Seething Smashfag
>in America
baths are disgusting no matter what
you're soaking in your own filth
much easier to just use toilet paper 2bh, no need to buy anything extra.
Baths are unhygienic since you're just stewing in your filthy water. Showers are the way to go.
There are a huge amount of guys out there who will not touch their asshole area at all in the shower, I'm telling you this is common, in the US of A. They think its gay, they believe toilet paper is enough.
everything is considered unhygienic in america that isn't showering daily and using deodorant 10 times a day
Yea just used all the hotel body wash bottles and sprayed the her butt, i knew the stinky bitch didn't wash because shit flakes were dropping from her ass into the shower drain.
toilet paper misses a lot that baby wipes get just use a bit of toilet paper to dry at the end
People who don't play smash and touched a boob.
So why do Americans say that you should "take a bath" or "bathe".
>I will stand next to you and avoid all sort of eye contact, choosing to stare at the ground or into the distance until someone walks into my line of sight and I have to struggle to stare straight without acknowledging they're passing by
Baths are only good as a relaxation thing and are kind of phasing out here in the UK with either bath/shower combos being a standard or showers being in houses.
I haven't really seen a bath only bathroom in a while.
This explains this thread quite a bit.
People who don't wash their ass are the worst offenders for BO. Especially when they're a forest down there from zero shaving making it even more sweaty and putrid.
I like to get down on all fours in the shower, aim my ass at the showerhead, and spread my cheeks apart and let the water run over it for a while.
i haven't had a problem with just the paper really, and i dry it afterwards anyway.
People rarely tell someone if they smell, you'd have to have been smelly for a long period of time before someone is finally fed up enough to mention it.
>shaving your ass
Either they are lying to you or your sense of smell is totally fucked from being a slob
You can probably figure out which one it is
Does that mean her asshole was full of hair too and had dingleberries?
Do not project your insecurities onto me. I am a grown man who has no problem maintaining constant, unbroken eye contact with anyone I choose.
We don't, we tell them to shower.
>not cleaning your asshole
yikes I hope this isn't true
not only it's good to be clean and have a pleasant scent down there it also tickles to wash your butthole lolz
lololol WRONGGGG
>He doesn't enjoy a smooth boipucci
Its called MANSCAPING you uncultured swine
Why don't you go maintain it with your mum
>doing doggy with a girl
>her cheeks start flapping forward
>shit penetrates my nostrils
>get skid mark on my fupa
never again
Most people say take a shower. I've rarely heard someone say take a bath.
Only absolute brainlets use deodorant. The stink is caused by anaerobic bacteria in such places like your armpits. The best way to free yourself from it is to use disenfectant spray on your body and shower afterwards.
Try going for less fatter chicks
I just told you exactly why you're wrong.
I'm surrounded by judgmental people.
Maybe you need some fiction where I'm a slob, but my hygiene is impeccable. And I never use deodorant exactly because it stinks. If I get sweating a lot and i need to meet people, I shower like a normal person.
TIL that Yea Forums is full of unapologetic stinkyfags
No, you still fucking smell like armpit and onions even though you personally don't notice a difference
>We don't
But you literally do.
I'm guessing it's synonymous with washing yourself.
>Not having a detachable shower head and hosing that ass out real good
I shower daily and rarely will skip a shower and so it will be every other; I haven't had a bath for about 23 years
hey I do that too but sometimes I worry if I fill myself up too much what happens
Why is america full of stinky fags eho refuse to take a shower and use deodorant
Or just trim it? Or is that too much for someone as autistic as yourself?
Japanese/korean bath houses require you to shower first, scrub off all your shit and then get into the bath so you don't pollute the water. The bad thing about the men side is they just fart in the water spreading shit particles.
Not all of us live in a palace
>I'm not American but I'm gonna tell an American what terminology they use
>it's another twitter cap thread
I hate this board so fucking much
Yeah about that i've yet to see a workplace for 8 hours have a built in shower and washer on a hot day where your pits start sweating into your shirt. That may stop the stink but it won't stop the stains
Just use baby powder instead of deodorant shit.
What could happen?
Women have this weird habit of wanting to have sex after taking a shit. I think they assume that girls are always fresh and clean, when in reality they get moist down there and stank the room up
a detachable shower head costs like $5 where I live what are you on about
I'm not telling you to do anything user, it was just my guess as to why it's so common if bathing isn't.
Must be nice having disposable income
>sometimes I worry if I fill myself up too much what happens
You become andrew dobson art
I don't know I never dared to go too far, I can only use my hentai knowledge to assume the consequences
and that's bad
Holy fucking shit no wonder you're all single
You should at the very fucking least shower every other day
Use a mildly scented deodorant
Holy fucking shit everyone else learned this at age 10
you can just steal your neighbour's shower head
they're too fat and lazing to do anything else besides stuff their fat fucking american faces
>tfw rarely shower
>tfw mentally ill
Having greasy hair and smelling like a poorly wiped ass is ok when your entire village does likewise. When in Rome.
Soap, nigger. It's cheap. Use it.
Just pirate it, idiot.
Yes good goyim, the aluminum in my very own Shekelshein Deoderant will keep you smelling good for all those ladies
If you don’t use deodorant/ shower daily you’re fucking filthy and should not reproduce.
"bathe" means "go clean yourself with soap and water you dirty nigger monkey"
It's not a fuckin mystery
Nothing will stop your sweating. But using disinfectant will clear you of most micro-organisms on your skin surface and remove 99% of the smell
Honestly it is ok to not shower/use deoderant/wash your asshole when you are NEETs and the only people who can smell you are your parents. Brushing teeth optional too.
most people are too docile to tell you that you smell bad. you probably don't interact or leave the house enough to have that happen anyway
I recently tried out deodorant cream instead of a spray/stick and its weirdly fucking OP. I dunno what kind of voodoo magic it uses (maybe it just straight up blocks your pores) but i've literally completely stopped sweating altogether since i started using it. I can come back from 12 hours of nothing but pure sunshine and my shirt smells like it just came out the washing machine. Im mainly posting it because i've literally never heard about deodorant cream before last week and im so shocked by how well it works that i dont understand why. Is it a sleeper god-tier product or something?
can't wait for 25% of humanity adopting daily showering and draining the remaining freshwater supplies in less than 2 years
What's the best brand of deodorant for active males. I just buy random sticks but one of these has gotta be stronger than the others
bathe means to immerse yourself or swim in water in english. maybe you guys bastardized it into meaning simply wash.
Aluminum is in antiperspirant not deodorant you shit-smelling cretin
You're not single because all women only want Chad, you're single because you're a tinfoil hat lunatic who smells like salty garbage and onions
>Brushing teeth optional too.
It always is regardless of your neet status. Brushing once every week is more than enough.
Underrated post
Imagine giving this little of a fuck about your parents. Cant wait till all you NEETs have to wake up to reality (homelessness) in a few years
Deodorants are scams, just buy disinfectant spray
>active males
Hi boogie
Goddamn the nigger is actually in the right here
Wash yourself you fucking degenerates
shhhhh. Theyll bump up the price immensely once it gets popular.
My teeth are in perfect condition though
>Brushing once every week is more than enough.
I assume because some people take baths user, though like others have told you I myself would say shower and in my experience most people would tell you to shower.
Showering once every two weeks to a month is normal for my family, my dad raised me alone.
If I had a mother maybe it would be different.
>his teeth were all rotten and fucked, they simply removed them all and installed false teeth
>$10-20K operation
I wish you could smell me
>americans are more subhuman than people who live in third world country ghettos
Jesus christ, I'm fucking hoping this niggers are joking
Hi digibro
The people in this thread saying that "doing X just once a week is ok" are the same people that say shit like "bro i just dont get girls because of genetics, hygiene and working out dont do anything for me"
Want the best hygiene redpill? Shave your armpits. All that odour clings on to hair like a motherfucker. It feels good and deodorant can be applied much better.
I know a chick from a different country who only showers once a week and says that's the normal because otherwise you'd ruin your skin
I shower every day even when I don't stink. What the fuck how can you appear in public without showering you disgusting fucking slobs
Yes, thank you Habib. I understand the dictionary definition of the word, the colloquial meaning is "cleaning your filthy brown body with soap and water"
Now you fucking third worlders are just being pedantic as a defense mechanism for being animals
Are you bald? If i dont shower atleast once every 2 days my hair looks like im homeless
I tried shaving them once and it just made me sweat more
trimming them is the best solution I've found
Nah, he has prosthetic teeth drilled into his skull now. It's fucking uncanny, really.
So did your dad have trouble paying the water bill or something?
This. I can't leave my house without showering. Even if I don't leave my house for whatever reason I still shower everyday to start my day.
Boogie is such a pathetic excuse of a human.
smug ass lookin nigga
Why does it have to type like that and in all caps too?
Why would you not shower every day? Are you just fucking lazy?
wtf i love europeans!
>falling for the hygiene jew
Idiots. People are made to have a natural musky smell. Only retarded normies think no smell is natural and right. What's next? Raise a kid in a haz mat suit? Good job, you now made the kid weak and it will die the moment it comes in contact with any bacteria.
He only looks smug because they built him that way.
duhuhuhu wiping your ass once a month is fine le funny contrarian ew give me (You)s haha
That does nothing brainlet, because you will just sweat more profusely because of the direct skin contact, you need to remove the bacteria in that area.
the only instances where i didnt shower for more than 2 days happen when i dont leave the house for more than 2 days. If you actually enter society without showering you're fucking subhuman
Hot showers are bad for your skin and scalp. Cold ones are great for your skin though.
This is the best compromise, you get to avoid razor burn and ingrown hairs also
I use salt deodorant
One of my female friends absolutely loves the scent of my deodorant, she says shit like "that smell makes me want to make out with you"
I don't do it because she's a psycho who tried to break me and my last girlfriend up and we haven't talked in 6 months, but yeah apparently girls like it so who am I to stop wearing it
Who the fuck showers with anything but boiling hot water?
bathe means to immerse in water. you can't bathe by showering. but americans do all kinds of weird things with our language, i can't stop you.
Try hiting the gym, it makes your sweat smell like nothing, also please shower daily and don't be a fucking pig
>People are made to have a natural musky smell
cavemen were. But literally thousands of years ago humanity figured out washing you disgusting subhuman.
>People attacking the niggers for smelling bad instead of accepting that showers are good.
Jesus, the stereotype is real. How fat, smelly and balding are you?
Honestly teeth and hair are how people identify you at first glance. He looks really fucking good comparatively with those teeth and a haircut. It doesn't change who he is as a person but he's more than fuckable.
I urge everyone in this thread to read through this page, yes its Reddit but there is a large collection of unspoken knowledge here. Many of you will learn that you are fucking freaks.
Not him but
>the colloquial meaning is "cleaning your filthy brown body with soap and water"
I suppose that answers my original question, it was an American/British English thing.
A lot of places south of the border have cold showers.
have sex
People weren't meant to sit on an anime board and jack off in front of a computer all day but you don't seem to have a problem with that
just wash you sad sack of shit
Everyone who is not a pussy.
People who dislike dry skin.
You must not smile with your teeth showing often
>Nothing will stop your sweating
I never said my sweat smelled or that I didn't shower regularly retard
The modern food that you eat is not natural, it is disgusting chemicals that make you obese and make you emit a disgusting stench.
I brush my teeth every day but only in the morning. Is that bad?
Based and Creampilled. I know exactly what you're talking about. I can wear shirts for literally 3 days in a row and have them still smell freshly washed because that fucking cream is a literal miracle-substance.
cold showers are meditation kino
>not having good enough skin to withstand hot water
T. ashy nigger
Yeah I don't use deoderant. I stopped when I realized my pits don't stink if I shower every single day.
yeah it's really bad
what the fuck man
>t. walking snowstorm
Hows that dandruff treating you bud?
Honestly the really important part is flossing. It doesnt matter how many times a day you brush, if something gets between your teeth in a bad way and you dont notice you WILL get the drill in a few years if you dont regularly floss
>coworkers tell me I smell good
>out shopping one day, helped a woman reach something on a higher shelf
>she was pretty close
>thanked me, suddenly brought up that I smelled like her husband
>she quickly walked away
Why do people on twitter type in ebonics?
No that's fine.
>brushing in the morning
>and then eating
>and then sleeping with all the shit on your teeth from what you ate all day
Brush before you head to bed you fucktard.
>Deoderant fags still don't deoderize the backs of their knees.
Dandruff is good for you though. Practically free protein snacks
can I get a sauce on that brand
Americans eat a shitload of fructose corn sugar, that shit is worse than regular cane sugar glucose.
Holy shit I shower twice a day and still smell the hour or two before I get in. Please kys
why do people brush both in the evening AND in the morning? Its not like new shit gets to your teeth while you sleep or is it purely for the smell?
Lmao what the fuck is this post
This is some top tier bait and I’m giving it a comment because it defies reality while still sounding logical.
Brush your fucking teeth after breakfast, lunch and dinner you fucking pig
I use arm & hammer ultra max. No other sticks have worked as good as this does.
You must be XXXXXL obese if you EVER sweat or even stink from such weirdly specific spots
this was a nice thread
goodnight Yea Forumsros
so your breath doesn't smell from breakfast retard
If you can smell them then there's something you don't want on your teeth
>Its not like new shit gets to your teeth while you sleep
bacteria reproduces in your mouth over night
>what is the water cycle
>Met a cute gamer girl at work.
>Every time I learn more about her I get more disgusted.
>In spite of being cute she has zero hygiene sense.
>Smells like ass all day long.
>Claims to only shower once every few days.
>Has this weird green spot on one of her teeth because she doesn't brush very well.
>Never shuts the fuck up about her boyfriend.
>Never finished a game in her life.
i dont eat breakfast
>he still uses shampoo
good goy
Why don't Yuropoors shower and use deodorant?
If everyone stopped destroying their bodies in water, humans would evolve to tolerate "bad smell", and in fact attract mates again as the olfactory senses is stronger than visual and taste senses
>Never shuts the fuck up about her boyfriend.
this is the root of this entire post
>aaaaaalllllllllllllllllllll this bait
At least try to be subtle
Low-IQ retards, please for the love of god put yourselves on permanent mute so we don't have to suffer you existing
>being this retarded
the longer you leave shit on your teeth, the harder the plaque/tartar build up, so eventually you can't brush your teeth clean enough because have literal concrete bacterial shit stuck on it.
I was making fun of people who claim you absolutely always need to use deodorant under your arms.
If you're not fat and shower every day, your armpits will not stink, unless you have a weird diet or exercise a lot. In that case, please do deodorize.
>he still buys food at a store
good goy
You know how I know you're from the UK?
>I stink because I care about the environment!
That's a new one
If everyone stopped destroying the environment out species wouldnt be dead in 100 years
t. Ghastly white boy
I only shower with the hottest water and my skin Nevers dries up.
Is this true? Do I get dandruff and have a dry nose because I take hot showers? Is it fixable if I just do lukewarm?
>they still breathe
so just take a metal-utensil and scrape it off every now and then? Its not that hard lmao
>Brush once a day before bed, then use floss, then rinse with listerene.
>Teeth look great.
Twice a day seems excessive to me.
>you dont need to wash every day
>you dont need deodorant
>shampoo is a meme
As much as I love Smash. This is 100% true. That stank is worse than ass. Why I shower twice a day.
canada actually, also im farming you's, not trying to make actual points
>never getting laid
>oh geez i wonder he is like a medieval man when he doesnt interact with people and only plays autistic fighting games for nigs
it's probably because they are americans
t. smelly retard
>shampoo is a meme
It literally is, unlike the others.
I'm sorry, but what the fuck.
it will definitely help, tho it might not fix it
You will not smell like "eww wtf a bum" but you will smell like "this dude smells weird, ugh"
Says the smelly retard who never deodorizes his asscrack.
Most people that own nintendo consoles do also take bathes.
But as soon we're talking about people obsessed with an 2001 nintendo game and only this specific nintendo game, All bets (and bathes) are off.
this desu just brush in the morning so your breath doesnt offend anyone no need to at night i never get plaque buildups these niggas need to stop eating cheetos
thank you
Listen, from all of us, specifically to you, you fucking stink. Your clothes stink. Your body stinks. Your skin is greasy. You are a foul smelling, looking troll. We know you don’t think you smell. You live with your own odor. Of course you don’t smell it. But everybody else does, and they think you’re weird.
Just gonna sage this thread because it smells like shit
unless you REALLY inform yourself about the shampoo your using, shampoo really is a meme. Majority of shampoo brands are designed to dry out your hair and scalp to make you use and buy even more shampoo