Did the PS3 win last gen?

Did the PS3 win last gen?

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In terms of overall quality? Sure. But the Wii was a runaway success right out of the gate and the 360 cemented the xbox brand for millions.

Really says a lot about a console when the only game for it is girl squirt

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Like every Sony console. It's library came out on top, despite the false hype of rivals.

Isn't that piss? Like someone pissed on the ps3 because it was shit?
Or is this a hentai or something

It's piss!!!!

Of course not.
Sony's first party games were mediocre for the most part.
The third party multiplats it had performed horribly.
Despite just barely selling more than the 360 it burned almost 5bn total.
Later revisions did LESS than the first.

It was a failure in almost every regard

Best console to own by the end but Sony lost god knows how much money Sony lost on it.

>It's library came out on top,
What library?
The only decent game it had was Demon's Souls.

only neogaf before it's death shilled the PS3 as a good choice

faggotera got the PS4 so now the PS4 is the best console

ppl said faggotera is going kill soon so maybe sony will go with them



It's the odd one out to me. The PS1, PS2, and PS4 have good libraries but the PS3 library is shit.
Xbox 360

>so maybe sony will go with them
They'll come here just like Neogaf.

The PS3 was the better machine overall, but the 360 won last gen.

Well, technically, the Wii won last gen, but who's counting?

>good library
It has less games than the ps3.

Anime is umaru-chan

At least for me, the only PS3 exclusives I really liked were LBP and Demon's Souls.

The 360 had a much, much stronger start but everything went to shit when they put full focus on shilling the kinect. the games stopped coming and exclusives started being ported little by little. The 360 started being pointless to own before the generation even ended.

The Wii was just another typical nintendo console with hardly any third parties and the obligatory nintendo rehashes. It's easy to make your console look better than it really is when you pander so hard to the pre-phone gaming "look I'm playing videogames too!" demographic that every grandma's house has a Wii collecting dust with no other games besides wii bowling in it.


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It sold well enough to restore people's faith in the brand for them to go for the ps4 over the wii u, yes. xbone was a non-contender after their retarded pre-launch fiasco.
I'd say it probably ended on fairly equal footing between all the groups in gen 7, frankly. PS3 launched to absolute failure, but once they started slicing prices it started to recover. It got a lot of those early 360 exclusives ported over with extra content , It started getting some worthwhile exclusives, and more. It was definitely ass for multiplats though, but those aren't really why you buy a console (or shouldn't be anyway, you shouldn't be rewarding devs for lazily shitting their product onto every platform, you should be buying games that are optimized and make use of unique features on a console instead).

this is a neogaf widow

pay attention in how they do it

Have sexual intercourse


No one won last gen lol.

Marginally. It spent way too much time playing catch-up with the 360. And the Wii won, but I don't really think it counts because those people are now playing exclusively with their phones.

I'd argue the wii did given it had the best library and most sales. But no one ever really explored the wii library so that's why you hear about all of these hidden gems on it.

Every post /vr/ gen ranked
Gen 8
Switch > PlayStation 4 >>> Xbox One
Gen 7
Xbox 360 >>> PlayStation 3 > Wii
Gen 6
PlayStation 2 > GameCube > Xbox

>but I don't really think it counts because those people are now playing exclusively with their phones.
Using that logic the ps4 didn't win either.

>In terms of overall quality? Sure

How so?

PS4 has arguably the best library of all time.

Attached: PS4Games.jpg (1304x2680, 3.37M)

Really? Name one.

I think the PS1 and PS2 libraries shit on the PS4 library, but the PS4 library shits on the PS3 library.

Not a single exclusive on this list you porcelain faced tub of shit.

It was the WII for some fuck up reason

No, the 360 was the clear winner along with the Wii. The 360 had better versions of multiplats, had better exclusives, and until the PS3 reached roughly 3 of 4 years into its lifespan it was an enormous waste of money. It's still only worth owning for a handful of games while the rest have been ported off, and any multiplats you would want to play on it perform better on the 360 99% of the time or are on PC.

Because those same people spend more time on their phones rarely playing the games they buy.

Bloodborne, the best game made this last decade.

are you retarded?

Had the best singleplayer games for sure. Even had some great multiplayer games like LBP and Modnation Racers.

Let me fix that.

>Gen 8
WiiU > PS4 > Switch >>> Xbox One (seriously, what the fuck went wrong here?)

>Gen 7
360 > Wii >>> PS3

>Gen 6
PS2 > GC > Xbox > Dreamcast

Do you think that telling a bold faced lie is trolling?

nop . The ps2 have the best even the Ps1 have better library

I crossed out the non exclusives that I know of

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>the best game made this last decade.
You called?

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You know this because?
I said what I said about the Wii because it was full of shovelware and phone-tier shit. Hell, several families bought just to play nothing but Wii Sports.
Your argument isn't cogent, so unless you can prove otherwise, I'll just assume you're a mindless board culture regurgitating faggot that hates Snoy because all the cool kids hate them now. Or even worse, you'll start virtue signalling.

>Walking simulator and weebshit machine.

Berserk isn't exclusive.
Kingdom Hearts 2.8 is exclusive (0.2 can't be played anywhere else and DDD is DDD FM with gameplay changes).
Yakuza 6 is exclusive right now, it hasn't even been rated for PC so not considering that exclusive is idiotic. It would be like saying Judgment isn't exclusive because Yakuza games are getting ported to PC even though Judgment isn't confirmed for PC at all.

The Switch can play Switch games most Wii U games, but the Wii U can only play Wii U games.
I was very, very stuck between the PS3 and Wii honestly, but a tie felt like a cop out.
Never owned a Dreamcast so I didn't put it.

>Did the PS3 win last gen?
yes. it was the HD console that sold the most. the wii was just a rebranded Gamecube Pro.

Guys could you help me with my Runge-Kutta assignment?

Ok, but the Switch doesn't have games like 3D World, XCX, or The Wonderful 101. The WiiU gives you access to almost every Nintendo console on top of having more games than the Switch. When the Switch gets games like Metroid Prime 4, SMTV, and so on, it might be better than the WiiU, but at the moment, the WiiU is unironically better.


Night, night, Xcuck.

I guess. I don't know who's going to win this gen, probably Xbox. PS4's censoring itself because of rogue SJW's, and I am witnessing PC gaming being eviscerated by Epic Chinese Spyware Store.

Imagine defending a corporation that FORCED you to pay to play online, and unironically believing they won the gen
delusion at its finest

The PS3 was sold at a lost. Cope harder.

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Ps3 had no games despite being a solid system
Wii was fun for it's gimmicks and hacking capabilities
Xbox 360 had the best library but had a lot of problems with rrod and it eating discs real easily

ps3 wasn't even worth buying until the very end of the gen

>You know this because
Trophy data combined with sakes. Very little people actually finish their games.

>Ps3 had no games

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It had one game, now it's PC's thanks to the ps3 emulator

Sales: no, wii

Popularity: no x360 was the go to for the masses since call of duty dlc would come out months before PS3, and halo 3, and most early games looking and running better, because nobody could decipher the cell architecture and make good use of it.

the more things change, the more they stay the same

I would agree with you if Bloodborne didn't exist, or if I had not played it. But since I have, I know Bloodborne does so much more than Dark Souls ever did.

The only people who care are not is, so no it didn't. The 360 would. The normie crowd.

this is how I know it is all corporate drones on this board. I had a PS3 the whole gen and it fucking blew.

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Demon Souls
Gran Turismo 6
and uuuuuhhhh....

wow killer library bro

>DDD FM with gameplay changes
There is no FM for 3d and the only changes made to the game were to accommodate for the lack of a second screen.

wii did in terms of money. no one did in terms of good games.

Wii printed money. PS3 lost money on sales and nogaems. Xbox360 killed itself constantly.

In terms of vidya. PS3 suffered from having the cell. Xbox 360 killed itself and was brown and bloom. Wii was underpowered as hell, splitting themselves off from multiplats.

>'Uncharted is bad' meme

Attached: God Tier Uncharted 2 Gameplay.webm (900x506, 2.94M)

Is gamingbolt supposed to be satire?

PS3 had Folklore, Demon's Souls, 3D Dot Game Heroes, and...huh.

The PS4 version is an FM. They changed all enemies to have hitstun, they added at least five or six new Dream Eaters, they changed the Dream Eater toy minigames and the Reality Shifts to accommodate losing the second screen, and they also changed the portals to work differently compared to needing Streetpass in 3DS.

Yes. It had a terrible start, but it it ultimately caught up in the end and came out with the most worthwhile exclusives. 3rd party abandoned the Wii save for shovelware due to 6th gen hardware and an unconventional controller, and Microsoft completely shat the bed as soon as Xbox started being profitable.

In hindsight, I wish MS hadn't shat the bed, maybe competition would have kept Sony from turning to horseshit like they have this gen.

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Being a PS3 owner was true suffering, have to wait months for CoD dlc that Xbox always got first.

Wii had plenty of underappreciated gems and, in its best moments, felt like an extension of the 6th gen with titles like No More Heroes, Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, Pandora's Tower, Sin & Punishment 2 and Zack & Wiki.

Is this supposed to imply otherwise?

Where the fuck is Deep Down? That has to be considered Vapor Ware at this point

It had some excellent games and I still go back and play it. PSN also helps to grab some ps2 games like Nocturne that I could never find physically.

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yakuza 6 is not a exclusive turbo retard

How the actual fuck do we fix Sony for the 9th gen, Yea Forumsros?

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Sony lost over 3 billion dollars on PS3, Xbox has never been profitable ever, meanwhile Nintendo has never lost money on a console before, not even with the Wii U.

>slowdowns and QTEs

Yes it is. The only mention it has at all is a financial document stating it's on PC as well as PS4 but as we saw from Kiwami 2 that's coming out, not 6, so the only thing 6 has is a mention in a single financial document.

Need more Nintendo stuff

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It is.

None on the shitch, ericfag.

>Games that all play differently
I'm not sure what you were going for with this one.

>Sony lost over 3 billion dollars on PS3
Almost 5.

>but it it ultimately caught up in the end and came out with the most worthwhile exclusives.
The problem is that this was right at the end. 360 lead for like five or six years at that point and even now it's still the better option if you want multiplats or exclusives (Because the PS3 exclusives have mostly been ported over by now). Hell, Deadly Premonition still plays best compared to every other version that came out and Red Seeds Profile isn't in English and apparently has more bugs than Deadly Premonition to top everything off. Games never had parity and the 360 was always the better option, I honestly can't even think of a single example where the PS3 ever outdid the 360 copy even into the end of its life, the online absolutely sucked on the PS3 but it was free, the PS3 had less features and the ones they copied are much worse (You have to manually sync trophies just as a quick example), and unless you were an Assassin's Creed fan the vast majority of exclusive DLC was on 360, not PS3.

Most of those are multiplats user

No one says botw is a switch exclusive so why should they count?

I had it as the first console of the gen (before buying the others later) and I found its lack of hardware power to hurt the console a lot. A lot of console multiplats (that did not hit PC) in the previous gen would be on GC, xbox and PS2. But now the wii was so weak it only was on PS3 and xbox360. Second a lot of games that did make it to the wii didnt look next gen. The wiggle controls didnt help the machine either. A lot of games were bogged down by it. Like the prince of persia T2T remake. I didnt really like it, but when I replayed it on PC i liked it a lot better.

I know. Thats why I saw financially, the Wii won. But when you dont consider the perspective of a gamer, who doesnt care how much some big corporation makes (unless hes some retarded drone that loves daddy's cock) the gen was a mistake. Sony fucked up by making a retarded processor. Xbox fucked up by making a faulty product. nintendo fucked up with wiggle controls and no good hardware. Devs fucked up with brown and bloom

>Wii U can only play Wii U games
Very wrong

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Jeez you don't even have to be accused anymore do you. Thanks for implicating yourself.

Literally fake news. PS2's library shits on the PS4 from high orbit.

Low effort trolling

Toukiden 2 is also not an exlusive

Yeah, it didn't fare as well in terms of modern multiplats. Wii was a console you bought for the exclusives.

>PS2's library shits on the PS4 from high orbi-

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>Wii was a console you bought for the exclusives.
That mentality caused a lot of people to miss some great games. The only Nintendo systems where that was the case were the n64 and wii u.

What is this supposed to prove?

The N64 is probably Nintendo's worst library. It's only remembered because of OoT and SM64.

The PS2 doesn't have Bloodborne, ergo it can't be better than the PS4's library.

In Wii's case it really wasn't up to hardware snuff. I mean sure, it got some of the same stuff that 360/PS3 got but rarely, if ever was it even the same build due to the discrepancy in power.

360 fucking destroyed ps3, but ps4 is destroying xbone now

>PS4 has arguably the best library of all time.
You share a board with these zoomers. Just fucking imagine that.

No it doesn’t

Only at first. 360 lost the plot hard post-Kinect and PS3 caught up.

It was an incredibly poorly designed machine.

Hardware didn't have anything to do with it. Often the wii would get its own exclusives from third parties but they were buried under the shovelware junk causing people to say third party games weren't worth it on the wii.

Designed? Not really. Conceived? Sure. Cell was not the processor they should've went with.


but then they were already at the end of their lifespan so 360 still crushed ps3 overall

Wait, I'm confused. Are you arguing in favor of the Wii's multiplats or its exclusives? Because
reads like you're arguing in favor of the multiplats.

No, because PS3 lived on FAR longer than 360 did. Kinect came out in 2010, 8th gen successors were coming out 2012/13, and PS3 was getting crossgen releases with PS4 up through like 2016. PS3 had a long as fuck shelf life.

I liked the PS3

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everyone here is a stupid faggot
that generation was won by the Wii

Reminder that Playstation 3 bombed hard enough to erase the profit of the Playstation 2.

>It's only remembered because of OoT and SM64.
>pokemon snap
>pokemon stadium 1 and 2
>F Zero X
>paper Mario
>star fox 64
>kart 64
Come on dude.

Even if you think Blodborne is better than any PS2 game it's about the overall library, not any one individual game.

>The Best copy of Kenzan
>Not owning an OG copy.
Would have been a good collection until I saw that.

Everyone won last gen.

Taladega Nights was the best game on the system

Xchads rise up

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Anyone notice how sonyfags hate everything before the ps4?

>Uncharted games aren't just overrated, they're downright movie game shi-

Attached: God Tier Uncharted 4 Gameplay.webm (768x432, 2.75M)


I clapped when Ludwig took out the moonlight sword!

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I never had a ps4, when I look at this there are 1-2 titles I want to try but won't justify a purchase.

it depends on the subject

>game library
PS3 won
PS3 finished 2nd, behind the Wii
PS3 was a money pit, Sony lost pretty much all the money they made with PS1/PS2
>disc format war
PS3 was pivotal in making the blu-ray win

man the fat ps3s had a build quality to them i never had issues with ylod not sure why people like the cheap out slims

and it was on the ps3 where online gaming really blew up, there was halo but that was nothing like mw2

>strong start
>xbox 360
>prior to the revised models
what the fuck

>game library
>PS3 won
Sure if you have no standards.


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Why didn't you tell me that picture appears at the end of the video? Had to wift through 25 minutes of awkward blurred anime secks

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I've been playing the megaman battle network games on Wii U.

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>obligatory nintendo rehashes.

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You still crossed out both Yakuza 6 and Kingdom Hearts 2.8. Unless you can point me to where I can play 0.2 and Yakuza 6 anywhere else right now.

I'd say yes, but that doesn't matter now that they killed themselves