for me, it's true neutral
For me, it's true neutral
>bring a cuck
yikes OP
Has anyone actually whined about kill steals in the last 15 years? Do you see people just standing there staring at an enemy because someone is already shooting at them?
Stealing kills in dota and its kind is still very much a thing, as an effective team has to concentrate their xp and gold gain on particular players.
lawful evil for me
externally true neutral, internally chaotic evil
You all best be staying neutral
Normally I'm true neutral. On a good day I'm neutral good. I don't know which one really fits for when I'm having a bad day. I just become a prick and tell people to fuck off, but I'm not as obnoxious as chaotic evil.
Lawful Evil did nothing wrong.
>Wish I was good and man enough to be chaotic good
>Always end up being true neutral
>start off neutral good
>slowly devolve into true neutral and finally chaotic evil
Fuck off Gore, New Chaos is objectively the best ending
If I spam "ez" repeatedly after each round/match what am I?
unironically chaotic evil
Lawful Evil, if you can't adapt then get fucked. FUCK bitchmade excuse jockey low tier gawdz.
Me, can be lawful evil occasionally when i want to feel like im good at a game and stop handicapping myself buy using fun items instead of minmaxing.
Source on pic?
>implying neutral good exists in the form shown in the chart
Anyone says that to me, I'm assuming sarcasm unless they are a literal soiboi.
CE most likely.
chaotic good
Lawful evil as well.
That map in COD4 where you delete the enemy team with a noobtube hitting the car beside them was great.
>Not being neutral good to piss everyone off by being overly nice
i shiggy diggy doo
I guess Chaotic Evil because I am kind of an angry guy when I lose
Is that what Dota is like? Sounds faggy as fuck, unless everyone quickly gets their turn. Imagine getting a game and your "role" is supporting the team MVP, kek.
Phonon from Under Night
For me it's chaotic evil the definitive way to play any video game
Lawful good always looked like that "change my mind" guy.
more so high damage/glass cannon type of characters need to be carried by the team so they can start dealing massive amounts of damage in team fights, you faggot
Have you never played a game with any sort of Medic/Healer role before?
If you aren't Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, or Chaotic Evil, you are a redditor.
>not being chaotic good
the best thing in MW2 lobbies was emotionally destroying kids with loud mouths
Chaotic Evil. Just recently I told someone they are scientific proof evolution is false.
True Neutral
Chaotic Neutral
Lawful Evil
Neutral Evil.
suspended from league of legends
Neutral evil desu
Lawful evil
chaotic good, always.
in ds3 i'll use dried fingers to bring in invaders and immediately enter the boss room just because fuck you for invading people
True neutral or chaotic evil
You can tell this was made like 10 years ago
>Chaotic Neutral
I seriously hope none of you do this.
>he doesn't purposely act like a retard
I'm NG LE and NE
true neutral usually, lawful evil if someone starts flaming me for an "unfair" weapon or strat, lawful neutral if i feel like coordinating with my team, neutral good when the game ends.
Lawful "Evil".
I love seeing people complaining about the "AUTO NOOB" in CSGO. It's a weapon like any other that's available for purchase. Get good and stop complaining that I keep killing you with it.
Neutral evil. Whining about a video game is the ultimate beta-cuck move. Either git gud or gtfo
True neutral at first.
then, all the evils once shit gets heated.
all of the evils at the same time
Lawful Evil. I have the most fun learning whatever's overpowered and then just abuse that
I bait people into getting heated with calculated ignorance and then report them for being toxic
There is no difference between chaotic good and chaotic evil?
what's funny is that the same people that complain about autosnipers are the same people that pick up an AWP at any given opportunity
Just because I shot you twice before you shot me once that doesn't make you better than me, faggot
CG is raging because X is a bad thing and people are doing/using X. CE is raging to rage. I'd say LE is the one that CG is raging at.
where are these pics actually from? Some of them look like old college humor guys (back when it wasn't shit)
The image makes it sound like camping is a bad thing.
Lawful evil. I miss noobtubes.
>tfw I know 4 of the people in this image personally
Kill Stealing in Smite, me and my group of 4 friends lose every match because no one wants to support the other because the person you helped will bitch about losing a kill. Me and 1 other friend are the only 2 who don't care and just want to fucking win.
Chaotic good
I shit on faggots and Lawful evil fucks
get out
Neutral good or lawful neutral.
>compliment people in a fighter
>they say I'm being fake nice
>Imagine getting a game and your "role" is supporting the team MVP
>He doesn't know
Whops, meant to
In Dota you shouldn't care about who takes the kill when there's a teamfight. Sure, if you're ganking someone the carry should get the kill but when things gets messy it literally doesn't matter. I see that all the time in the tournaments. All that matters is getting the kills and not getting killed. It's one of the things I much prefer over LoL for example. In LoL you'll get flamed for even a mistaken kill steal on a shitty support. In Dota I often get a "nice job" instead.
any of them depending on my mood and the game in question
Chaotic Good is my favorite
Lawful Evil is the only true path.
Noobtube + OMA all day