Does he still count as a Yea Forumstuber? A majority of his videos don't have much to do with games anymore
Does he still count as a Yea Forumstuber? A majority of his videos don't have much to do with games anymore
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>Does he still count as a Yea Forumstuber?
He never was a Yea Forumstuber. In fact, there are no Yea Forumstubers. Never was, never will be.
It doesn't matter. ecelebs are not vydia.
>A majority of his videos don't have much to do with games anymore
just like Yea Forums
/zoomer general/
He is now a savior of the white race
>saviour of the white race
What does he say?
You know you could just watch the video? Basically he disavows the "subscribe to pewdiepie" meme, Brandon Tarrant, racism in general and says he doesn't want to reach 100 million subs if it relates to any of the above. He also said he won't pursue the ban on some of his videos in India
he started to do retarded shit again like tiktoc or whatever that garbage called and milking same jokes for months
no longer based
What a faggot. He has nothing to do with that degenerate meme spouting shooter and he knows it.
>A majority of his videos don't have much to do with games anymore
then he belongs here.
I unsubscribed after that diss track "congratulations". it was way too cringe
almost 30 year old trying too hard to look like a zoomer
>Posting Zoomer ebaums
Get out
Why is he so unfunny, tried watching one of his vids, he's so annoying, especially when he tries that stupid accent, his older shit was cringe, but it's 100 times better than this
>being subscribed in the first place
I agree with the right side of op’s pic.
He is a nob.
Nigger please.
i can name at least 5 people whose dicks Yea Forums suck on regular basis altho very justified
any youtuber that actually plays, with no face cam, without intros, no click bait and does long plays will remain unknown, but for the better, Yea Forums doesn't deserve such thing