Why is it that gamers are incapable of appreciating the artistic aspects of videogames...

Why is it that gamers are incapable of appreciating the artistic aspects of videogames? Everyone is so caught up in frame rates, bugs, resolutions that they don't ever talk about the story influences, themes, storytelling, etc.


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games are about gameplay, it's not a movie

Closed the tab

It can be both if done right.

>video games are art
>and i'll prove it with a basicly designed aaa game full of basic trends and oscar bait appeal
but no, if someone puts a more interesting story, theme or gameplay it's too weird
fuck this concept of "art" that exists just to justify some otherwise baseless product that's the equivalent of market soda
there are games with more creativity and passion that barely get attention because the funko pop crowd are afraid of experiencing new things

Because we need TLOU pt 2 for that

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Why can't it be both?
God of War was used for about 2 minutes, and it's mainly to get a wide audience of people interested in the video.

because framerate, bugs and performance as a whole are the pillars of a videogame, what's the point of having a good story if the GAME plays like shit?

Because games are about gameplay. If you want to tell a story - go create a movie. But I guess you are too mediocre to create movie.

>there are games with more creativity and passion that barely get attention
Care to recommend?

Gameplay is only a component of what makes a game good. There's still stuff like the aesthetics, sound design and story that factor into it, with the value of each varying from person to person. There's no singular definitive "thing" that games are only about, like just about every other artform.

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gameplay is the critical component that you can't do without, you can have a great game with shit graphics, no sound, no story.
If the gameplay is bad, the game is bad.

>over fifty comments on a video with only 900 views (most agreeing with the video) with the video only being posted 11 hours ago.

God of War is a prime example of a bad videogame; the narrative and gameplay never interact with each other throughout, only in predefined moments. Coupled with terrible UI and design choices (cooldowns for powers), as well as a by-the-numbers combat system leaves you with the underwhelming norse mythology retread and the offscreen development of Kratos.

>you can have a great game with shit graphics, no sound, no story
Like what? What games do you have in mind when you say that gameplay is the be all and end all of videogames? I'm not even disagreeing that I think it's important, it's usually something I look for in games, but it's definitely not the only thing and I can think of a few times where I've forgiven less-than-great gameplay if the game makes up for it in other ways.
>If the gameplay is bad, the game is bad.
It depends how you even define "gameplay" surely adventure games have pretty shitty gameplay yet some are lauded as some of the greatest games of all time.

Because a game has to be a game first. If you primarily aim is to craft a story, then write a book, direct a movie or a cartoon.

If the gameplay is solid, then there will be people who enjoy to discuss it's story and it's influences, themes, storytelling, etc, and they could do it for decades to come.

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I really don't understand this. I mean, how many video game trailers are there where you see a hetero couple making out. It's not tasteful, or relevant to the game, it's just pointless pandering. Not to mention lesbians aren't even a legitimate thing.

You're a parrot

The OP didn't say the be all and end all you dense faggot. They said it's the main component, and it is. Take something like Dark Souls. It's acclaimed for it's gameplay, not it's story and liberal regressive dogma.

>woman starts talking

I don't think its pointless. It will most definetly make sense for the game. But at the same time, it was hyper intimate to the point of breaking the borders of the audiences comfort, and because it was just a gameplay trailer it didn't manage to establish the point before it happened, only after. So it felt extra jarring.
Could have been done differently.

You have to remember that she's not there because she wants to be, she's there because that's where her degree took her..



A good story and music can ehance the experience, but books, film and music are actual art for making statements, stop shitting up video games with pretentious nonsense.

>being this retarded.

It's not even pandering. Check their containment units, SJWs think using lesbians as token is weak because "it's too normal and doesn't shock anyone", basically.

They want to be woke and hip but too afraid to include gay men. They want to feel good about themselves and get their agenda out, but too afraid that they will spook normies that don't want to see propaganda in their games.

>only after

What was the point? Because, to be honest, I lost all interest in the game when I realized they were just going to shove more LGBT stuff down my throat.

>it's only pretentious in video games
Underage contrarian detected

No they aren't, the pillars are the gameplay and story.
You can incorporate gameplay and story, retard.
GoW is only mentioned for 2 minutes.

Too be honest, SJWs aren't going to be happy with anything. They live to destroy. They could have two gay dudes blowing each other in the trailer, and SJWs will bitch that they weren't trannies. If they use trannies they'll complain that the trannies looked too feminine. I read an article where people weren't content with Deadpool's sexuality because when he was getting pegged it didn't look like he enjoyed it.

The artistic merit of videogames lies in their gameplay above all else.
Therefore it is very difficult to appreciate something like God of War as art when it makes so many gameplay compromises for the sake of """art""".

It would be stupid to put something in a trailer that would only hurt your bottomline.
Endgame spoiler
If they put the clip of the Russo guy talking about his date 5 years after the apocalypse it'd be fucking stupid

I refuse to believe that two women kissing was the only spoiler-free part in tlou 2.

Yeah, what was the point of that scene? Oh yeah, pander to gay people.

Dude who cares about that, it was so subtle. Why does it make you angry

I'm deeply closeted but that's beside the point.

It doesn't make me angry. It's just such an obvious attempt to pander.

>it was subtle

lol no. Nothing about Steve Rogers randomly being at some group therapy with no one he knew while some literal who talked about his date with a man was subtle

lol whatever buddy. Not everything comes down to sexuality, this is what you dumb liberal fucks need to understand. It's not progressive to constantly bring up shit that you say is unimportant. IT'S REGRESSIVE.

The person I replied to did
>games are about gameplay
>If the gameplay is bad, the game is bad.
And like I outlined there are good games without good gameplay. Maybe learn to read next time, okay buddy?

Also, interesting point about Dark Souls since the games owe their staying power to the atmosphere and lore, we can compare them to a comparable game like Nioh that Yea Forums constantly praises as having better gameplay than any Souls game, yet nobody gives a shit about it because everything else about it sucks. In fact, people only ever talk about Nioh as a contrarians choice to Dark Souls or Bloodborne and now Sekiro. Anyway I probably won't reply to your next post, but thank you for the response.

Thanks for playing.

>What games do you have in mind
Dungeon Crawl: Stone soup is a good example. pic related
Game has no sound, tile art is optional, game can be played in ASCII, story is minimal. Virtually all character/fluff in the game is tied to gameplay. Play as an octopus, okay you can wear 8 rings but virtually no armor. Play as a centaur, you're fast and strong, but you need to eat a lot more.

>It depends how you even define "gameplay" surely adventure games have pretty shitty gameplay yet some are lauded as some of the greatest games of all time.
This is an issue with trying to bring outside schools of though into game development.

Gameplay is going to be a vague indefinite thing, that's a given.
And tastes on that will vary immensely, that's also a given.

The mechanics of this game are dependent on a challenging environment with permadeath, if you gave the player the ability to respawn, it would ruin the game. Changing it from requiring skill and understanding of the mechanics of the game to just playing it until you reach the end.

Adventure games are a good example, point ant click variety anyhow. Older titles would use the puzzles and interactions to integrate the user with the experience. Solve this puzzle because it makes sense for the player character to progress.

Modern versions such as the walking dead are bad, nothing your character does matters, the puzzles are "put batteries in a walkie talkie". It's a barely interactable movie.

Gameplay is the sole defining factor from other forms of media.

Things like like framerate and resolution, while not essential to a good game, are objective measures of technical execution.

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yeah Nioh is an example of where despite superior gameplay, the game itself is just bad and boring

Have sex

>good games without good gameplay

Yup it's retarded

Sick burn

The gameplay is the art and everything that complements it, not take away from it.
not focusing on walking slowly waiting for audio clips or scripted events to trigger, not focusing on long shots with camera angles, or masturbatory wide shots of a highly detailed environments, not focusing on cutscenes, not focusing on seeing representation for x group.
Sekiro's gameplay is art
Prince of Persia sot
Super metroid
Mario 64
Street fighter
Resident evil 4
Splinter cell
Half life
Duke nukem

Not him, but while I agree that aesthetics, sound design, art, story and the like are all important parts of the game, gameplay will always come first because that is the primary method through which the player interfaces with the world. Nobody's gonna see all the cool shit you put into your video game if the control scheme is fucking ass and plays worse than it looks. There's a reason YIIK got shit on; while the story may have been mediocre enough (from what I've heard), it still plays like garbage, and that takes priority. Why the fuck would I waste X hours of my life forcing myself through a slog I don't enjoy for some story when I could just as easily watch a real movie or read a book or look it up on Wikipedia or something?

Shit like TLOU2 where that jackass said "we don't use the word 'fun'" is the problem with these cinematic video games, they go through every avenue possible to be "realistic," which is why we have these shitty plain font UIs and bland-as-fuck collectibles and gameplay loops - they're trying to fake being more of a video game than they actually are.

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>game runs at 15 frames per second
>held together by spaghetti code and crashes every 5 seconds
>but it's still a good game because muh artistic vision don't worry about the technicalities bro

If you keep hearing one answer.... it might be the right answer.

Wait a second.... how can metroid be drinking if he has a helmet on?

Did you miss the straw upgrade in Brinstar?

The point was to show how terrible this world is and contrast it with an emotional high point for the character. How does it go from a fun party with dancing and music and romance where you stab your girlfriends neck tube with your tongue, to stabbing your enemy with a muddy knife in a forrest?
That was the point. The contrast.
Also the general SJW audience despises violence in games and TLOUpt2 probably has some of the most grim violence in the industry.

Wait, are you not supposed to be able to do that

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Everyone knows Mister Chef has a drinking port.

>have that unique medium that can present story in such way that no other medium could
>authors just decide to infodump shit in cutscenes or make it another "movie game"
for the most part its just typical incompetence

>It would be stupid to put something in a trailer that would only hurt your bottomline.

Whose bottom line? Big guys with money don't know shit - or didn't until recently. They hired literal whos for marketing departments and went with what was said to them. And more often than not, these marketing depts are full on retarded SJWs that don't care for bottom line, and want to subvert everything to get their otherwise unpopular message out above everything else.

Big corpo guys are finally realizing this, after all the recent fiascos, and puring them. Acti-Blizzard did it, EA did it, some others did it, and more will do it, because they are trully in for just money, and woke shit is unpopular.

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Those have to be really fucking good for that to happen, and based on that thumbnail, no, ripping off existing mythology with basicly no decent twist does not count

>God of War is a prime example of a bad videogame; the narrative and gameplay never interact with each other throughout

That's like, the opposite of the truth.
Like, you literally could not have picked a video game that disproves that statement better if you tried.

And obvious examples are right fucking there! You could've picked Uncharted, for example. Or Red Dead.

But no, you had to pick the one game that's about reconciling with your son, and literally every single aspect of the game, from the story to the setpieces to your fucking progression system is all about your relationship with your son.


God of War is a prime example of a game that sacrifices gameplay for the sake of other aspects.

and it's still more boring than the first 3 game that were about being an angry dude slaughtering everything in his path

Oh fuck off.
Go play the fucking game and come back with a less ignorant thesis statement, you fucking tool

>The artistic aspect of video games

Because games like God of War are bottom brow trash that aren't worth discussing, and any games that approach something being worthy of discussion and not talked about.

>Not to mention lesbians aren't even a legitimate thing

So in the end you are just complaining because your political agenda.

Unlimited Saga

It's mentioned for 2 minutes

Because video game stories are juvenile, their premises often revolve around various power fantasies (+violence & killing) and they rarely even utilizes games unique storytelling aspects. Storyfags can participate in their special olympics while the big boys do the real heavy lifting discussing gameplay.

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Older God of War had better story and everything else except graphics.

Nice strawman

God of War is mentioned for 2 minutes


There is a reason why the medium is called video GAME.

Plenty of people talk about story shit, but the main focus is game play because that's what 70% of the time you spend during the game minus games like gone home. The real problem is that too many games separate game play and story when really they should be woven into each other. RDR 2 had a good story, but terrible game play, so the experience suffers overall. On top of that the open world and the story missions are so divergent from each other it's jarring

This, the camera being its biggest problem.
It hurts the gameplay, how enemies fight you, the controls, the progression system, the exploration, even the story and the way its told, everything is obsessively focused on being shot in a make believe 1 take, which is not impressive when it's digital, and every time you pause the game to change the equipment, or stop playing, or just die, that shit goes out the window.
Maybe if they take pointers from Godhand, or even Resident Evil 6, they could improve it, but they won't, because the one shot camera will get in the way, and the tone, they cannot sacrifice the tone no matter what. Gameplay comes last ot middle, never first, for games like new gow.

I mean I played it at launch. Brok & Sindri was the best part of the story, by far.
UI suffers for assuming you are going to use the default mapping (because R1/R2 worked in Dark Souls, why don't we use that here) and if you use the traditional X/Square that means your cooldown abilities are mapped differently and thus don't match spatially with the UI.

Focus on openworld destroys the linear progression of the previous games meaning you have shit that has more health and does more damage, but doesn't fight any differently. Just cheese them with the axe, which requires a fucking upgrade for returning with the same button.

Bossfights consist of: trolls, that troll again but a different color, another color, another color. The only large scale boss is a puzzle fight like a zelda game. We've also got puzzle fight golems.

Environmental traversal is just a fucking line, with bright runes on all climbable surfaces painted by the climbing elves.

Camera is pulled in close, for some reason, combat suffers for it, combat is weaker than previous games in the series.

Look at all the retards who havent read the thread and keep posting the same shitty disproven posts

please stop parroting Matthewmatosis and get your own opinion.

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>sonyboy calls someone else a tool

I played this game and it's shite. Won't even explain shit to you as another user did, you don't deserve my time.

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Fuck what these snoyggers say, they’re too busy watching movies on their overpriced blu ray player

>stating a fact is parroting e-celebs now

Just admit that your game has problems already

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>make a painting
>but you're incompetent and lazy so you leave a gaping hole in the middle of the piece
>put it on display
>everyone talks about the fucking hole, not the rest of the painting

Wow you're fucking stupid.

No one's going to give a shit about your story and themes if they're too distracted by your shitty visuals and mechanics gamasutra cuck.

Oh sure! There's problems, absolutely! There's a lot of legitimate grievences to be had with the game.

>the narrative and gameplay never interact
is not fucking one of them

If your game looks like a PS2 game and runs at 10fps sure

If it looks like a late PS3 game and runs at 30fps then no, ultimately that shouldn't matter

>they don't ever talk about the story influences, themes, storytelling, etc.


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Not a point I made, but I would like examples to the contrary.

This character and spiderham ruined into the spiderverse.

Because you're trying to shove another media into games.
Story will only truly work in games when the game story react to your every action instead of trying to railroad the player into the story you want to tell.
The Sims is closer to truly exploring what story telling can do for games than god of war.

>runs at 30fps

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Except when a game looks/plays well (like GOW) then people are going to look at other aspects of it and praise those as well. Pretty fucking stupid to use that as the video's thumbnail since most people didn't ignore the art for that game.

>Bot video
Nice try zomer

>they don't ever talk about the story influences, themes, storytelling, etc.
We do talk about those when they're good, engaging or interesting enough to actually be worth mentioning, though. It's just that more often than not, they simply aren't. There isn't anything really wrong with that either, a game can be absolutely great even without an amazing story, or with no story at all.

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This video has such a bad flow. Women can't do anything right.

>shitty tiny video game video essay channel
>using Yea Forums to leech views with so that the algorithim will pick up the video and recommend to normies


oh boy get to see this trash and 'muh games as services' and yuuck threads for a month

>We do talk about those when they're good, engaging or interesting enough to actually be worth mentioning, though.

Megaten games would be a good example. The games might be basic with their themes at times, but there's still quite a bit there to spur on discussion.

>60 fps, high-resolution BAD
>"read books, dumb gamers!
>praising Colin Moriarty
Lol, this channel will never go anywhere

Technical performance matters more for games than other mediums, which doesn't excuse grafixfags who don't care about performance and just want shiny textures and pretty particle effects. Review scores are bullshit that nobody here should believe in after how many times its been proven that the average journalist is trash at games and genuinely doesn't care about the hobby. as for the "muh art" argument, stop focusing so much on story, setting, influences and whatever on it's own and more on how it interacts with the gameplay to produce something that's worth more than the sum of it's parts unlike shit movie games that use gameplay to string cutscenes and pretty environments together with no regard to the players performance in the whole thing.

overedited video with filler footage that takes too long to say what it does without really saying much. 3/10

For two reasons:
1) Gaming is about GAMEplay, you stupid faglord
2) The average video game consumer is playing shit like FIFA and other story-minimal, or in the case of best-selling AAA titles, straightforward stories that require nor inspire any sort of critical thought.

Hipsters like to think that their movie games like the Last of Us and God of Boi are super fucking deep, but the truth of it is, they're not. They have the subtlety of a fucking bulldozer

Many people who play video games look like this. They are emotionally stunted, dead-eyed, estrogenic manchildren raised by single mothers who can't handle emotions that aren't shallow, one-dimensional, surface-level approximations of "fun" and thus can't bring themselves to understand or appreciate art, with its vast emotional range and variety.

Consider this: the average Yea Forumstard watches anime and plays video games made specifically for children. They don't want to appreciate the way light is used to frame a destination or the way a character's idle animations subtly change throughout the story or how the soundtrack changes pitch in accordance with the breeze--this would necessitate an interest in photography or literature or music. They just want bright colors and loud noises in a product made for five-year-olds, and resent anything that strives to be greater than that and threatens to make their chosen form of escapism outgrow them.

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Name one deep game.

That's a shallow way of seeing the Art in video games. I sincerely believe the craft that goes into Level design, gameplay mechanics & stuff of the kind is a form of Art in itself. You are trying through maybe more tangible ressources than your average Art to engineer feelings into the player, to create the best experience possible. This expression is also unique to the medium & should therefore always be put forward.

This is the reason why we play video games. For the game play. If they want a cinematic game.. they can go watch a movie. Its why Souls game are the way they are. Because they focus on the gameplay. More than the story. The story is all around. Like a puzzle you need to explore and see. Not something you sit down and have to watch 5 minutes cutscenes untill they tell you, its time for you to finaly play the game.