>grinded Fashion Report for 6 weeks to get Spring Bottoms
>find out Garo ranged legs are better short shorts
>get Garo shorts in 1 hour
Why the fuck did I waste my time
Grinded Fashion Report for 6 weeks to get Spring Bottoms
Grats you realized why WoW killed MMOs forever
>Why the fuck did I waste my time
Let's be honest here
Your time is of no value
If you weren't wasting it chasing glam you'd be shitposting here all day or just absently staring at objects thinking about the futility of existence
You clearly don't have anything important going on
>Why the fuck did I waste my time
Because you're the sort of faggot that wanted jean shorts in a fucking fantasy game.
You are a ninny. Good day, sir, pray never darken my front page again with your frivolity.
I wish they'd just remove MCH from the game
is PvP the only way to obtain Garo gear?
you can get the gear in the gold saucer, but it cannot be dyed and the rates are ridiculous, best to just do PvP for it
too bad queues are fucking ass
Retards be like:
Meanwhile, the JP data centre with the least clears still has more than double that of Aether.
If you genuinely think that your DC's population is going to impact whether or not you can clear, you're probably one of the shitters who make clearing hard in the first place.
If you want the mounts and titles, yeah. Undyable gear can be bought for ridiculous prices in Gold Saucer. Better to afk in PvP roulette once a day. You have like 6 more months
if WoW did it, FFXIV might follow.Are we safe mod bros?
If we get banned for mod use then that's it, really.
They don't seem to give a shit, though.
>garo shorts better
lady's knickers are better than both
And cost real money and can't be dyed. Fuck off back to /vg/
i just wish it had a more coherent identity, and had better gameplay
the only time you will ever realize there is a machinist in the party is if you look at the party list, their skills have almost no visual or audible impact
Mods are already against the rules in XIV but that's just to cover their own asses if someone is a retard and installs spyware. The devs have a don't ask don't tell policy.
>not having them from 1.0
>needing anything other than black
Also I don't post on /vg/
Jesus that forehead looks huge. Not even in a cute way.
>And cost real money
>he's a SBabby
Why is it, that a expansion job doesn't get the AF gear of the expansion before it (i.e HW no AF1, SB no AF2)?
It fucking sucks, I once had a DRK in The Lost City of Amdapor who had less HP than me, and I was a Ninja, ffs. And I was wondering why he always died, when he did bigger pulls.
HW sucked dick and literally nearly killed the game
se has already warned one idiot for spamming lewd stuff on twitter, but now a whole mob of people are using the ff14 tag using mods and i haven't heard any drama since. Maybe they have something in the works right now but who knows, yoshi has already said how ff14 isnt a porn game, funny how that backfired
Alisaie is cute
>isn't a porn game
>ramping up mogstation compared to previous expansion
He knows what he's cultivated and he knows that in the end they're gonna be the only idiots who stick around.
>He unironically believes fake controversies that people made up and one JP power tripping GM fag.
The funny part is the Jap GM warned a Jap player for posting unmodded lewd stuff (Literally just their character in bikini's) Only because they had a link in there search info to their Twitter.
A3S sucked dick and litearaly nearly killed the game
Neck yourselves weeb trannies. You will never be a woman. Where my WoW chad's at.
Are the gold saucer garo sets any different from pvp ones?
they aren't dyable, and are ridiculously expensive in comparison to a few feast matches per piece
There's plenty of people who have their twitter in their search comment and have modded picture or nsfw shit. It's almost as if the modding scare was manufactured by a few trannies that wanted more followers.
So no reason to get them through mgp
everyone i don't like is a tranny
Don't you faggots need to dilate somewhere?
dilate tranny
T. Actual tranny. I wish I could meet up with you so I could smash your head in with a wooden plank
i will bring a larger and heavier plank and smash you first
What's the deal with Yea Forums only hating trannies? What about faggots? Faggots are not okay either.
I bet that faggots try to diverge their hate on them by calling out trannies but don't worry you pathetic faggots, I'll never stop hating you and you'll be exctinct in a few years, together with anything that's not heterosexual.
T. Tranny fuck
Good ffxiv thread
Lalas need to be purged
I would literally kidnap you and tortured you for actual months with a butcher knife until I mentally and physically break you and after that blow the fuck outta your brains with a .44 magnum
happens every fucking time now, these threads should just be deleted on sight
actually it's bad
>studio FOW will never do a FFXIV movie
Do you guys have a group of friends to play with or do you play solo?
I know this is Yea Forums but i feel like im the only guy playing solo
>tranny this, tranny that
>WoW shills
>crystal cancer
these threads might be fucking awful, but at least this ain't /vg/
>wanting to play with Yea Forums
Just make normalfag friends and blend in.
>don't look at me
>look at them
Please you're both so awful.
Took a break for a few months, came back and 2/3rds my FC either came out the closet or transfered to nu-Balmung. The game is easy to play solo, don't stress about it too much. Better to play solo and enjoy it than to be surrounded by shitters who make it a miserable time.
The game came be more fun to play with friends but then you have to do all the friend stuff. The game came be plenty of fun playing solo, but then you don't have the friend stuff.
Time for an unrelated blogpost
>Playing game for the first time with only vague idea of what to do, having never played an MMO before
>Grind to level 30 before Haukke Manor to change my Marauder into a Warrior because I'm already close to 30 so why not
>Change into warrior as soon as possible and queue for Haukke Manor excited to test my new i-dunno-what-the-fuck-it-does-bar
>Dungeon starts
>Rush into first battle and then completely fuck it up because my hotbar is now a fucking mess of abilities I saw before about and I didn't notice when it changed when I became a warrior
>Have to apologize for group for fucking up the tanking and ask them to wait for a bit while I fix my hotbar back to my Marauder skills
Thanks daddy Squeenix for changing my hotbar into complete useleness for me, that really fucking helped.
Meant to say I never saw them before, fucking damnit.
I solo. I'd gladly play some with friends but I have none except for acquaintaces from work that just play Call of Duty and Fortnite all day long on their PS4s.
>I didn't notice my hotbar changing when I became a warrior
well done, its only the most notable part of equipping a job crystal for the first time
You boys hyped for tank DPS getting nerfed again?
been playing with my FC for almost 4 years now. we do stuff together and chat but sometimes it's nice to just play solo since you need a break from interacting with other people so much.
I met guys through Yea Forums and I'm in a good group and discord now
Kind of, yeah. I'm a tank (but mostly WAR) main and tanks in this game are absolutely insufferable cunts. The game needs to be tooled back into tanks being "tank first", not shittier DPS' with mitigation skills. There's VERY few reasons to ever turtle up against tank busters and they're all heavily telegraphed/not random. Nerf the shit out of tank DPS and adjust the amount of enmity gained based on the damage loss. See how quick shitters flee.
Which job causes you to seethe on sight? For me, it's BLM. Bunch of shitters
As long as I don't die I don't give a shit
Nah. Best login screen coming through
contrary to popular belief it is possible for people to be gay and never bring it up
the same can't be said for trannies
I admit I was wrong in not checking everything that changed before I entered a dungeon but I was hype as fuck to try it out and honestly even if they changed it why change it to a bunch a shit I can't use and never seen before? I just can't deal with this, man.
>We will never go back to the days of Absolute Alpha Tanks who wore DPS accessories and died to auto attacks
We need to go back......
>471 hours and he hasn't gotten to stormblood yet
I am fine with it, I don't want to tank only to deal with people expecting me to deal my share of the damage, I am a fucking tank, my job is to paint a big ass target on me and get everything to fuck me up while the DPS fucks them up. I didn't sing up for damage dealing bullshit.
I literally became a NEET for a good year because of HW
>Use duty roulette to level my marauder to 30 just to get Warrior before going through Haukke Manor
>Gets Haukke Manor
It was a miserable experience, almost had an aggro war with the BLM but managed to tank everything.
At least Brayflox Longstop wasn't that bad.
Unironically yes, as long as they make relevant changes to encounter structure so that actual tanking is a boon instead of a bruden
This was inappropriate
PLD detected.
Nah it went back to the gloomy setting XIV began as and really captured the spirit of Ul'dah. Fuck idolshit.
people have said that they're gonna make two tanks "dedicated MT" and two "dedicated OT"
as a PLD main I'm fucking seething because I know despite the strat being that PLD OT while WAR MT, SE isn't going to give a shit. They're going to force PLD to be the MT, because they know they won't complain, and they're going to make WAR the dedicated OT, since they're all demanding retards who WHINE and WHINE and WHINE if they don't get what they want, i.e. 4.0 launch.
It's a total toss up as to what Gunbreaker and DRK are assigned to, imo, but odds are since gunbreaker is the cool new class and SE have not given a fuck about any tank that isn't warrior, DRK is gonna be stuck MTing too.
>dps bad
kys grey parser, you don't deserve to tank
arent they the ones where you gotta trade your male for the female and vice versa?
ive been male since 1.0 and i forgot what all i can swap for f to m and vice versa at the scavenger
you are just shit
>queue for Expert roulette as Marauder because why not
>no tank stance but whatever
>Ghimlyt dark
>2 dpses are BRD and BLM, healer whm
>just spam overpower on trash and use butcher block combo on bosses
>BRD never used tactician
>zero aggro issues
>clear it in 15 min with no problems
btw this game is very understaffed, please apply for these jobs if you want to save this game.
DRK was originally meant to be a "main tank" anyway, as it had procs and shit.
>as a PLD main I'm fucking seething because I know despite the strat being that PLD OT while WAR MT, SE isn't going to give a shit
When Yoshi was talking about his dedicated MT/OT plan he acknowledged PLD as an OT. He knows what it is and that its skillset sets it up as the perfect OT.
Someone wanted O9S IIRC so here it is
>a bloo bloo fashion report
Literally takes 10 minutes a week looking at the reddit cheat sheet and pulling two gold items out your ass, whether it's in your armoire or easy to craft\NPC buy.
Could OP be any more of a faggot?
I've never seen anything of him saying that but I hope to god you're right user
All my friends quit and now I'm the only one left in our dead FC.
doing god's work user, fuck crystal trannies.
Cover is the iconic Paladin/Knight skill in the series and it's really hard to implement that as anything but an OT tool unless they do something awkward like make other tanks immune to it.
I'm on Mateus
yeah, he could be (you) lmao
Damn based
Haven't seen Gunbreakers kit yet, but it will likely lean more to being MT oriented, making it and WAR the MT designated jobs, while PLD and DRK are OT, based on how PLD and DRK can shield the MT with their kit
NA in general is fucking pathetic, doesn't matter what datacenter you're on
yeah I believe so. at least they had the foresight to allow that
>cactuar 3rd NA
The fuck happened to Sarg?
at least NA is the one that's actually funding this game.
that's raw numbers, cactaur is a bigger server than sarg
if you look at they both have about the same percentage of characters clearing, although cactaur is slightly ahead
Remember that the 1st dungeon in the game is full of women that were raped by pirates.
Be on primal and I would play with you. Also stop being a retard.
just come back to finish up a few things before ShB, how long will it take me to max out the Nemazu beastribes?
beast tribes that are still in the relevant expansion take about a month
one month (if you have a 60 crafter/gatherer)
I'm willing to relocate and I'm getting better at Japanese but man, I just can't handle those grueling 12 hour work days they do over there.
SE is 8 hour work days but they will make you work for those 8 hours
>but they will make you work for those 8 hours
The hell does that mean?
cool, I still need to finish the very last step of the Ananta, but at least I have plenty of time if I login at least once a day for a couple mins
CUL at 68 and Miner at 60, should be able to level those to 70 quickly enough, I want to take part in the Ishgard Reconstruction planned in ShB
It means no slacking off at work or you get fired. Yoshida already mentioned a while back that he fired a couple of people from the team because they weren't putting in as much work as the other members. Also it's implied that the same people that were causing a laughing ruckus during the anniversary livestream (that Yoshida told them to shut up) were those same fired people.
This must be why people keep on joking Yoshida is about to fire them.
nigga are you fucking deaf? How could anybody not notice those aoe pew pew sounds
They haven't touched ACT and most likely never will, so model edits are most likely fine.
Just don't go shouting you gave your catgirl a huge futa penis on limsa and you should be fine.
Tought trannies and faggots were one and the same
FFXIV has no client anti-cheat, unlike Blizzard which uses Warden which is borderline malware.
ACT is practically undetectable. Model/texture swaps are easily detected by checking the file MD5 hash at any time. Square has done mass bannings of things the playerbase thought were allowed back in FFXI days.
I took a break from a few months.
The only friend that plays keeps complaining about the game at every little thing and my FC is dead.
I just want people to have fun with
God if they mass banned all the ERP shitters treating this as a mod playhouse for barbie dolls I would buy everything on the mog station as thanks.
Enough speculation about all the DoW, what the hell are they going to do with FIS? Spearfishing was awful.
Remember the Ala Mhigan chick who got gang raped by the Corpse Brigade while being told that she can never go home.
FSH is already perfect. Just add more fish and that's all they need to do.
make more than one fish per expansion relevant to crafting
also another fsh retainer exclusive minion, i made a shitload of gil off of fat cats when they first came out
>join fc about 2 years ago
>have a blast, everyone is nice and funny
>never really entered the inner circle though because too shy to join voice chat
>not perma subbed either
>fc dies over the course of the last few months
>only one active member left
>barely talk to him, but if I do he's very nice and helpful
>want to join another fc and get social again but it would break my heart
>play solo instead
My duty finder experience has plummeted since being moved to Crystal. And now balmung faggots are invading my server. I thought it was a meme but holy shit I need to go back to aether.
it was never a meme, you could tell crystal is a garbage datacenter by the lower than average clear rates from census and the fact that every server on crystal except balmung and mateus has a fuck ton of plots because everyone moved away.
Just be like "Hey man, would you wanna come with me and hop to a more active FC?"
Is a FIS retainer useful? I don't wanna spend money for a third retainer and I'm currently going with a DoW and a miner.
I want a house bros
yeah i think im gonna be submitting this to the police
No. It has only a brief period of being profitable when they put out a new fishing venture minion and otherwise has basically zero use.
not really, no, because of the whole "only one fish is relevant per expansion" thing and most of the fish they can catch aren't crafting material anyway
you do occasionally get minion rewards from 18h ventures, and those tend to be pretty expensive since very few people have a fishing retainer in the first place, but i don't think they've added new venture minions in a while
the standard combat class + miner/botanist is much more useful, and the only reason i haven't switched mine over is because i don't feel like releveling the dude
Ain't him, but dude that's not a Warrior. That's a fucking Marauder. Likely on one of his first classes in the first dungeon you can be in with an upgraded class. In one level he'd get 20% more HP and aggro on everything he does.
And you're comparing your experience with people in the last, end game dungeon with a bard and black mage that have skills to lower their aggro and restore your TP to spam overpower.
Obviously you don't want it enough to take a free transfer off your crowded server, because there are many open houses right now.
I wish they would remove the job system, it no longer has any reason to exist and if they aren't going to expand on it it should be removed.
I agree in principle, but also it's going to take dev resources to do that which would be better spent literally anywhere else.
Nigger what?
I wish they would remove the duty finder, it no longer has any reason to exist and if they aren't going to expand on it it should be removed.
Make a new FSH Sidequest with an exclusive mount.
>tfw one of the 1151 from Diabolos
feels good. Crystal really is a clusterfuck though, avoid at all costs.
I can't blame blizard for banning for mods, it's a pvp game.
Or at least it was.
Did you do O12S already in a previous thread? Mind if you link it?
weren't people using client side mods in wow a long time ago to modify the game maps to cheat? I remember something where people were editing the warsong gultch map to a have a tunnel where you can carry the flag to other side without getting attacked.
Trannies are abominations that exist outside the natural order. They are impure and must be purged.
b-b-but muh only 2% clear rate difference!
>xiv banning all raiders and erpers
do it, kill the game
Yea Forums and /vg/ love faggots and hate trannies
>on Crystal
>Goblin OG
>Mediocre player who butterfingers and mispositions myself into deaths constantly
>Now qualify as a solid, decent player because everyone in the data center is a fucking mongoloid
I didn't think it would be this bad, holy shit. I just had a lighthouse run that took longer than orbonne used to, how is it possible for the dps to be that shit? On top of that even hunts suck now because balmung faggots are butthurt and trying to snipe A-ranks constantly. Can we just make a new, fourth data center for balmung and mateus?
Meh, I've noticed a lot more shit-talkers and divas.
>doing Orboner
>some cunt keeps whining about the other two groups' DPS when her group could literally barely kill their monster during one part
I've never done any Hildi stuff. Approximately how many hours of questline are we talking about here? Is it all good?
>Is it all good?
Depends on how much you like slapstick.
Heavensward Hildi is a low point but otherwise it's all pretty good.
never mind, found it
>On top of that even hunts suck now because balmung faggots are butthurt and trying to snipe A-ranks constantly
It was weird having people from bigger servers talk about how 'polite' mine is when it comes to hunts (or being in hunts at all holy fuck I haven't seen those things get zerged down that fast in a fucking while). All we do is wait a minute or two before pulling.
You know those shitposting threads about "Japanese humor" in Xenoblade? You can gauge your reaction to Hildibrand by them.
So it will be funny?
trannies are society's aberration
post your bars faggots
I've got role actions on l2 - r2 and pots on r2-l2
0-4 make war arr relic
5-9 make whm sb relic
As a DRK, I'm trying to get the HW Cronus Lux weapon. How long will it take me? Is it even possible for me to get it now that everybody moved on to newer content?
Sargatanas and Fairy are the new Balmung and Mateus of Aether, it's where all the shit players come from now
As another DRK who went through the torment of getting Cronus Lux, all I have to say is don't bother. The juice isn't worth the squeeze.
Most of the grindy segments are pretty solo oriented anyway. You might have to get lucky to find an A9S light farm party though.
Rate my glam
>Smoothbrain still doesn't know
>tonberry mod
Fuck you they need to remove SAM first. It literally has no reason to exist aside from me wanting to play it, and trannies declining me from groups
This is what I was wearing when I got a random tell looking for erp. Tell me I deserved it.
It exists to be fun.
Wanna erp?
>metallic green dye
>apologizing to anyone as WAR
>not blaming them for your mistakes
Sprouts are so cute.
fuck off attention whore.
Too bad no one else lets you have that fun. Inb4 “maek ur own groop for”
I farmed all the Garo gear and mounts a while ago, I didn't know it would end up a temporary thing, I'm glad I'm not on a time limit now.
You were pretty much asking for it harlot
Well you're dressed like a lower class mhigger whore
The group probably sucked anyway.
this is your shitposter for tonight
please thank him for calling you a tranny
it truly is hell, I'm going back to aether
Because all trannies are faggots but not all faggots are trannies.
Haha, what a story Mak.
I find it funny than even WoW in its current state is better than this console shit FF game.
>ice and fire not segregated
I don't. I find it incredibly sad.
moonlight as a healer, but BLM is best class.
bruh look at this dude
I actually play both and you really coudn't be more wrong. Here's another (You) though.
>all that empty space in the main action bars
>two months till EA begins
Lads I don't think I'm gonna make it the burnout is fuckin real
so why did he get the 500k gil tho?
Then unsub, there's no reason not to.
Because you participate trash features of Modern MMOs like Transmog/Glamour.
Be like these guys instead and let your aesthetic reflect your prowess and accolades.
Musclefags (And by that I mean beefy guys that cannot fathom that dudes can have varying tastes) are the most defensive, angry pussies out there when it comes to rejection.
Like, the very idea that I'd (Or anyone, for that matter) wanna bang a slim twink instead of some beefcake fills them with a special kind of rage.
i tried that but i looked like i was fresh off the short bus
Despite only being 13% of the population lalafells make up 50% of the clear rates.
that fat faggot definitely isn't beefy he's obviously convinced himself he is though lol
Those guys were fucking legends of their time, there's no way to repeat today what they had accomplished then.
What the fuck is happening in this image
charizard is taking a selfie
This is your average hrothgar poster.
Weaboo otherkin shit.
>4.55 part 2 comes out
>no surprise Ultimate Hildibrand to tide raiders over until ShB
I'm early on in fishing, so forgive me if they already have this, but make a separate inventory for bait so it doesn't clog up my actual inventory. I hate carrying so much shit with me.
>xer parse wasn't high enough to unlock the secret Ultimate Gilgamesh fight
>Hildibrand's final chapter
>It's a Godbert trial
>Only difficulty is Ultimate
>It's mandatory for completing the storyline.
>first phase - Gilgamesh + Enkidu
>second phase - Ultros + Typhon
>third phase - Gilgamesh + Primal Enkidu
>fourth phase - Yojimgamesh
>final phase - mind-controlled Godbert
>no Grand Sers
Find better groups. Only absolute turboshitters would kick people for not being meta comp in a catchup patch.
I play solo too. too many spergs and redditors around. I'm even a social type but I get plenty from chatting in dungeons etc. Don't need to get close to weirdoes from 4chin or filthy normals.
They'd be the transition cutscene to the final phase, but are too old and fall asleep.
Remember us?
Nope. Too busy jacking it to Alphinaud porn.
Enrage: Julyan gets tired of waiting for your ass and kills you.
Don't lie the only porn that exists of this game is futa catgirls.
With a frying pan.
All I remember is she hangs around moogles far too often. Also cries like a bitch over the state of the Black Shroud elementals.
>not overtly sexual
It's a shame those two never ran into each other again in the MCH questline.
Drama is for /vg/ keep your sperging to scaring away the tranny and janny menace.
God damn the cutscenes in 1.0 were so much better. Specific animations, believable emotion, dynamic camera angles, I wish they could achieve this quality now.
Just some decent camera angles would do wonders for what we have now.
It's 90% the camera-work. It flows and follows with the action instead of hard static cuts fucking everywhere.
Don;'t hate either of them, I hate camp edgelord fags and that society treats tans as anything other than schizophrenia, but that's society so i tend to be cooler to individuals if a little spicy to the ideals they harp on about.
God I wish I were you
There are like 7 pics of Alphinaud. Maybe. Might only be 5.
A semi naked old man beats the shit out of Ultros, you decide
>have dozens if not hundreds of various emotes to use
>our character only does like five total
>tfw too autistic to find a cute lalafell gf
I just want to plow some lalafell fields with my Au Ra cock.
Meh. Seen this one. Some chocolate futa BROWNing him, right?
I'll stick to the gay stuff.
he's saying everyone is forced to dps down all the savage tier, so it's just GW2 with a wow spray paint
the only good alphinaud image
Make use of the tools available to you, you helpless faggot.
I for one would appreciate if they would use more than 3 background tracks for cutscenes. There's so much music made for FFXIV and yet I have to hear this shit EVERY SINGLE FUCKING QUEST IN THE GAME.
/brpa is the command
>he doesn't know how to go to a booru and type in "alphinaud"
What a cock-guzzling retard.
God I'm so fucking sick of that song.
They could just do what 1.0 did and just not have music playing FOR EVERY SINGLE CUTSCENE. Just let the noises of the NPCs moving/shuffling their gear about fill the void.
I'm fine with music, but FFXIV literally holds the world record for most tracks in a video game and yet they don't make use of them.
It only has about five cutscene mood-setter tracks, primarily all from 1.0 to boot. 80% of it is zone music (day+night themes), or battle themes. Each expansion only added like.....1 each, and it was a leitmotif of that expansion's theme.
I don't get a whole lot out of futa-on-male stuff.
back to /vg/ futafags
There's nothing wrong with using zone music in cutscenes though. They've even started using Unspoken, the 1.0 Coerthas track, for somber scenes so they're not against it. I get the feeling Soken's workload just means he has a short list for cutscene tracks so he doesn't have to think too much about it.
>implying you need anything other than youtube.com
Now this artist rocks. His colors and facial expressions are pure boner fuel.
MMO mouse set up.
A nice, even 3 bars. I don't know what I'm going to do in Shad if they add more spells without removing older ones.
Swap INT for Eureka pots when I'm not raiding because I fat finger 0 a lot.
To be fair, using a controller on PC is even more smoothbrain than not realizing you can, or even more than being a consolefag.
sorry i'm not gay, I only like girldicks
I groan every time I hear this fucking song
they use it fucking constantly in the story, its honestly ear grating at this point
>tfw there are people that willingly use keyboard over these amazing W crossbars
Lads don't know what they're missing I swear, pad is so comfy and efficient in this game
I like using the crossbars but targeting is dildos.
it's okay to not know user, no need to keep embarrassing yourself.
I assumed the event dev team picked the music.
oh wow, I've actually seen this one I think
learn your target filters, default L1+L/R dpad is alliances and L1+U/D dpad is aggro list
All I see in your post is dildos
supreme champion/10
>"""grind""" fashion report
it takes five minutes a week and you get 60,000 MGP each time for your trouble. is this how retarded you all are?
yeah, it's ugly but I think it's for the better since it avoid missclicks and lets me see certain abilities easier than others.
Clicking is nice though, spamming 4x fire vi in a row gives plenty of time to position mouse in for a click. Also avoids giving me hand cramps from reaching across the keyboard. I would have more bindings buy I have a poorfag $15 mouse that only has 2 side buttons.
>I get the feeling Soken's workload just means he has a short list for cutscene tracks so he doesn't have to think too much about it.
Then he can offload the work to one of the other audio folks on the team, since he doesn't do 100% of the soundtrack solo. Hell, someone else does the piano track versions for the most part for example.
But why
what do you mean?
Is Monk any fun?
It's okay to pretend like controllers aren't garbage user, keep deluding yourself.
Do you play on a tiny monitor or something for that resolution? I don't see why you'd need icons any larger than 110% on a typical 24"+ display.
Keep embarrassing yourself, consolefag.
Imagine the least fun job in the game then populate it with the most pompous elitist assholes you can imagine. Welcome to MNK
Only if you have a VPN
Imagine being this butthurt that people better than you like a particular job
MCH is the least fun job in the game. I am a pompous elitist asshole though.
1080p on a 32 inch. The fatter icons just make it easier to see cooldowns at a glance
>Imagine the least fun job in the game
I already play RDM though.
This t b h, but them raging and crying about ninja is amusing
>it doesn't matter that you cleared ultimate, you cleared it on nin!
Good thread
You're STILL mad about that, NINfag?
I said it was amusing.
Who is MAD?
Could you explain this a bit more? I'm interested in using a pad since I feel like movement would feel better. Is that a default setup or does it take a bit of customization to make pad mode good?
Someone making fun of you for being a trickslave doesn't make them mad at you.
>that mnk that filled the nin slot but refused to use chimatsuri
I'd rather be a trick slave than the personal bitch of the bard, be kicked from PF for existing or being a mhigger.
It takes some fiddling with menus. You have to enable W crossbars and make them visible, and also enable expanded crossbars (L2 -> R2 and R2 -> L2) but it's very damn worth it since it puts all the buttons you'll ever need within perfect reach.
Basically whenever you see people saying pad is shit it's dums that can't into crossbar setup.
MNK might have the most to lose from LB3. The Dragoon can do it, their personal DPS is shit anyway.
>5.0 finally makes attack animations start mid-castbar instead of at the end of it
Only 6 months away.
that's pretty much guaranteed to never happen
meh, im a summoner and i dont use any of the cross class spells, they make no diference at all
It would only make the game feel like every other bloody game with telegraphed attacks. Is that so hard to ask? That and lowering the offgcd animation locks on a lot of skills so you don't have this mismatch of ones that take far longer to resolve than others, causing GCD clips if you double-weave them.
>i'm a summoner and i don't use swift cast
don't post ever again
I don't think they physically can ad many more spells, controller is about to flat out run out of room.
t. grey parselet
>I'd rather be a cuck
It doesn't matter. You can't be worse than a nin player. It's impossible literally and figuratively both.
>5.0 takes all of the buff/mitigation-based DPS role skills and puts them back on tanks/healers again because DPS can't be trusted to do shit when needed
aah yea, swiftcast, thats the only one, just to insta summon, whats the point of the other what? 10 spells?
Nah, he could be a samurai or red mage, their so bottom tier they are underground
I hope it finally kills WAR monkeys from shouting about their deeps
They have some use besides being there so that others can do better i. e, a cuck. I personally rate those jobs higher if only because they have some utility outside of that single function.
Where do red mage miqo'te ears go?
>tfw healing is actually kind of fun
you use it so you proc wyrmwave. I'm not even a summoner and I know that
someone just gave me the fashion report this week for free. didnt have to do anything
Surecast is a dps gain
If you don't use diversion in competent savage pulls then you'll rip aggro off the tank since both tanks will be in dps stance and trying to avoid their enmity combo as much as possible
Lucid Dreaming solves any mp issues you have if you ever have to raise someone
Addle is very good for progression
user do you realize what game we’re discussing here
>helping a prog group on crystal because I find it fun
>tanks never use reprisal
>melee never use feint
>casters never use addle
how horrifying
>They have some use
Not sam and rdm players, total retards that manage to do tank level dps on the easiest jobs
Good thing for that 15% echo to offset the 10% extra damage y'all taking from no one debuffing shit. CASTBARS ARE SO HARD TO WATCH.
I fucking love mahjong
On Elemental I've never seen a Savage party finder exclude any jobs except for one's that specifically say they're running it for parse reasons/speed kills.
The most they do is force you to have a paladin (sometimes) because using cover/hallowed has become an expected part of how the fights go.
to be fair now that it's 15% echo the only time those abilities really come in handy is when multiple people are dead and there's a stack mechanic.
I really dislike that the echo even exists for 'current' content, at least delay it until the expansion hits.
>main tank and am depressed every time my OT doesn't reprisal while mine is on cooldown
I don't think I've ever seen addle used.
Miqo'te ears are closer to the top of the head than the side of the head, they're obviously jammed up in the hat.
If you can't even muster up the willpower to play whatever you want in a video game then you should be conscripted and sent off to some war zone because it's not like you can think or live for yourself anyway.
I do too but I wish it didn't take 60 minutes just for me to end up in third again because the game has a fetish for giving me all honor singles and then cucking me out of the two or so good hands I get all game with a second turn riichi.
what do you think Spire will do in 5.0?
>your ot reprisals at the same time you do
He's just trying his best
Oh I know the feel. I keep drawing some other dude's Ron tile either in the beginning of the round or the end of the round. But when I have a godlike winning hand, my tile never comes AHHHHHHH
ouch, even WoD has 5.9 user score
I wish, at least then I could instruct him to just take every second raidwide.
Movement speed
that sucks because addle is really fucking good, a lot of raid wide heavy damage in the game is magical, stuff that usually ends up killing if the healers aren't on time with their heals
maybe reduce mana consumption for the duration
>drawing some other dude's Ron tile in the end of the round
learn furiten and suji, this should be very rare except in the case of traps (which most NA players are not skilled enough to lay)
Nah I just get greedy because I'm in Tenpai when they're usually in Tenpai. I just need to dial it back lmao. Kinda wish Mahjong gave MGP or other awards. It's fun and all but it feels a bit wasteful when I could probably play that mahjong gacha instead.
that's exactly what Ewer did, then they changed it because it was garbage
too bad actual Viera aren't this cute.
spire could do literally nothing and it'd still be useful for royal road, i'm not sure what else they can do with it though. XIV is not an RPG in the traditional sense, the only variables that matter are damage and mitigation which are already covered
>that time when Spear was cooldown reduction and was absofuckinguseless because you wanted consistency in fights
The Lalafell community is so autistic and dorky it's great.
>In a few Lalafell Linkshells
>We're always talking about strats, min/maxing, watching for hunts, etc.
>While also meeting up to compare glamours and spam /hug and /surprised at people passing by
>We decide to run a dungeon
>Three of us enter
>Fourth Member is a Non-Lala
>We run laps around them in the beginning while acting like retards
>Then brutally, efficiently speed clear the dungeon
>Then go back to spamming /hug and /surprised
All jobs are cucks in some way
Unironically sounds cute as fuck.
Unironically sounds cringe as fuck.
>We run laps around them in the beginning while acting like retards
Reminded me of lalas i run PF with, i want to kill every last one of them
Just make it increase DH and call it a day.
spire is really useful when you need to spread a card, but so fucking useless outside of that, honestly it doesn't matter what, just make it do something useful
>Spear nerfbuffed to be half its current +Crit, but now gives +DirectHit also.
>Ewer gives less Mana since it's now more important across all classes instead of just casters
>Spire is an HP regen, similar to Ewer
>Balance reduced to +5% again
>Arrow & Bole left alone
Unironically sounds bluepilled as fuck.
Fucking 1.0 had a better score.
What are the chances of SE making another FF MMO (like xvii or something) and not having it be a wow clone? I love the aesthetic, I love the lore, I love the jobs but I just don't like XIV or its progression at all
>Finally decide to level BLM
>mfw getting fire 4
Depends on whether or not MMOs are still a thing 10 years from now.
>speed clear
>but waste time at the start
lalafells are fucking retards.
ff11 mobile is in the works but unfortunately nexon is on the project
>Characters and mounts have special strafing animations
>You can't see other characters do them
Does this bother anyone else as much as it does me or is it just autism?
They're never going to not do a safe bet ever again after how much of a risk ARR alone was with just cloning WoW.
MCHs aoe is so fucking loud wtf are you talking about. I think it only gets beaten by WHM Holy spam but I feel like Holy deserves it for being such an impactful spell
It won't be wow, but it won't be XI either. It'll be some breed of gacha I'm sure
MMO is an antiquated genre unfortunately
Is that some muthafukin r-type?
>watch early raid prog vids between the big groups
>most of the folks record with all effects on
How the fuck are they able to see amongst the light show?
thanks doc
Are you fucking retarded? Get out of here
my party effects are only lowered for alliances/non party members
become a hobby of mine. I get Sastasha about every other day on leveling roulette and if there's a sprout we go to The Hole and I invite them to consider the circumstances
>muh reprisals
Oh no, that's 300 damage less. What will we ever do without it!
Try several thousand x the number of participants.
>you're a cuck because you need to lb xdd
Show some respect and you will allowed in my ultimate farm.
You are.
I hate echo and balance changes in general. It really fucking sucks as a new player coming in and not getting to experience the content as intended. Its like playing a game and being forced to play on easy mode
Waiting for them to stop watching the cutscene, waiting for Protect and stretches of hallway where you autorun gives us time to be stupid. Then it's serious business once we have stuff to kill.
You'd never be able to gather the groups for old content to experience it "as intended" anyway because no one would want to do it.
Player skill =|= class capabilities. A retard would fuck up with the best of jobs.
not like I lose anything doing it at specific times, and my drg lb as much I do.
Lalafell players outside Japan are all retards that think they're 10x better than they actually are.
>Be me
>Main DRG
>Used to bully a NIN in static in HW
>Joke about he's just a walking Trick Attack
>mfw DRG is just a walking buff bot in SB
is this karma?
Another cuck joke job
I keep mine on, party limited, others off. Been wanting them to implement options to scale down the size of visual effects, since they've been stupidly oversized/showy ever since v1.18.
Feelsgood to be a cuck
I can't tell if your shitposting or just genuinely retarded enough to believe that people being shitters reflects on the jobs themselves.
Based banner
and this is why you'll forever be a shitter
it's like dps that are too braindead to press diversion
I can't wait for jobs to be further ruined in ShB.
>not ast
>hate lalafells
>old 1.x friend is lalafell and a literal boomer
>she's fucking terrible at the game so so terrible and nothing I say makes her try harder
>refuses to put all of her LEVEL 50 skills on the hotbar because "they won't fit"
Most braindead DPS outside RDM
At least on primal there is the synced/min ilvl community, but it takes time to schedule and gather people to do content.
Which Is sad, I love all the fights on this game and I wish I had a group to do synced content just for the sake of it
>the WHM isn't in their own corner with "Medica 2"
You were always a buff bot, you're only realizing it now.
We all exist to make the bard tranny parse orange.
Guys please give me sauce
Probably BRD since it's just mashing Straight Shot and offgcds until you need to refresh dots or hit a song proc.
>too shit to hold aggro
>dps have to sacrifice their damage, the sole thing they are there for to make up for your incompetence
explain to me how using diversion prepull is a dps loss
But then it'd be like wearing earmuffs all the time. That can't be comfortable.
>sacrifice damage
holy fuck you are a retard too stupid to press a button
You bring down overall party dps by forcing tanks to use enmity shit.
>nb4 "its just like 200 dps!"
People wipe at 1% all the time, and if faggots like you were actually pressing buttons there would be a lot less of them
>sam and rdms get triggered
Hush now, go ruin someone's party and tell yourself that you are contributing
Elezenlads where we at?
it make you a bitch -> too beta -> low dps
Prove me wrong
I hate all of you casual shitters so goddamn much
The amount of weird nerds that use headphones instead of earphones despite the similar issues.. for hours on end. I dunno I think a hat has more room in it. cat ears aren't that big.
>he thinks dps have to sacrifice damage to push an oGCD prepull
>he thinks dps lose damage weaving it in between GCDs
imagine being this unspeakably stupid
One reprisal mitigates like 52k
diversion doesn't decrease your damage you rdm sub human
When is the best time to addle? Whenever cooldown is up? Do you use it to reduce specific boss skills?
Even with echo you're dancing close to the fire if you're not using reprisal on every Efflux
Whenever the boss shits out a lot of raidwide magic damage usually.
Alright so the latter then.
>weaving in ogcd's that aren't damaging abilities
That is a dps loss. You dpslets will always seethe at being told to do better at your own fucking role, instead you persist trying to teach others how to play theirs.
>still regularly see a1s light farm parties
>a9s is infinitely faster and requires you to do 0 (zero) mechanics
>announce in the voice chat "Divebombs coming in 10"
>"Tankbuster now, divebombs right after, find A"
>"First divebomb, go to A"
>the fucking retards go to C, infallibly, another pull
Come do UCOB they said
It will be fun they said
someone farm ex trials with me for spells
depends on the fight. usually stack up markers (like the big cross ack morn) are a good one. In savage, has a point, ion efflux does fuckhuge amounts of damage, used to kill if you didn't have shields up.
>there are literal monkeys playing this game
even BLM, the class that spends 85% of their time casting, can weave in diversion.
Do some real prog where Reprisal can mean the difference between living, or most of the group going splat without over-mitigating. The fact Reprisal is so god damn free these days is disheartening when you never see it used on busters or raid-wides in raid PFs.
>People are still falling for the diversion bait
literally no one says ucob is fun, not even the people who farm it
I want to do ucob,,.
>weaving in ogcd's that aren't damaging abilities
yeah, there are times when there isn't a damaging oGCD to press, you can weave it in then
you simply sound uninformed on how the game works, don't worry, we are here to help you
On a side note. Can someone on aether help me out with A10S? I just wanna get glamour for it. ;-;
>People using my creation
I'm proud.
>sam and rdm players literally so stupid they can't understand a shit post
I bet you don't press diversion
Fuck off Invictus
give me an elezen eb
UCoB is not fun. It's meant to be a stiff challenge of respecting the mechanics.
eat shit bitch, this is what you egotistical faglords should go through for bragging to everyone how you cleared ucob
His pinned tweet is 100% correct
I love dualcasting jolt
>voice chat
there's your problem. The issue with "callouts" is that people don't learn the content. Take for example the fist adds during Final Omega in archive peripheral. I've seen way too many people not know where to go. They simply follow the leader. Same with the M/F stacks on the healers. Multiply that x10 for Ultimate. This is why I don't join discords for raiding (also because I'm autistic and don't like to socialize). People don't learn the fight for themselves, it's simply "this is where I'm told to go so I do it".
This is why we have catcbot now
>get invited to an elezen LS
>they're all cute
A little bit closer to heaven
so long as the game adheres to a WoW-like format the job system will never be expanded on or rendered anything of greater import than a choice of playstyle, while any interesting systems or systems that wouldn't work in the rest of the strict system (ie blue mage being able to heal, tank, and "dps" all in one job) are pigeon-holed into the limited-job system as a way to give you neat shit without it impacting the raid-oriented endgame. being a different playstyle attached to a red, blue or green icon isn't necessarily a bad thing however as each job has identifiable niches and specialties in spite of their homogeneous purposes, with tanks and healers being able to differentiate themselves more clearly in purpose than dpses, and xiv still has more distinct buttons to push on your hotbar than other leading mmos. the day xiv became a job system game would be the day xiv ceased to exist in its current state and would be rebooted a second time; failing that it would be the day the world of warcraft-styled raiding-oriented endgame came to a close and the game shifted to a horizontal progression model more in the vein of xi which, i hope, is what they will do with the game when they conclude the garlean/ascian storyline and the game has effectively fulfilled its purpose
please look forward to it
And this is the main reason why the JP raid scene does a better overall job of clear rates than the English speaking crowd.
>there are times when there isn't a damaging oGCD to press
There aren't unless you're a shitter that fucks up your rotation or are playing a job that shouldn't be played.
Dragoon says hello
>join static
>leader does callouts
>one night leader has a sore throat and does his best to do callouts, but often misses them
>several members fuck up on midgard all night
>members whine about no callouts
>tell them to just do it normally
>one of them fucking admits he doesn't know the patterns and needs the callout so he can concentrate on dps
I'm glad the group disbanded, after a while it just became a shitshow
If you think JP don't use voice chat you've been memed on, they do, a lot.
Is that lb3 strat reliable or was it pure luck?
>UCOB isn't fun
But it is.
So, benchmark this week?
if it isn't tuesday, it'll probably still be within the week
You wish buddy.
Dragoon belongs in the cuckshed, so his opinion doesn't count
t. seething 3k samurai
Even if everyone knew the fight from back to front, they would still use voice callouts because they reduce the likelihood of mistakes. This post is pure maximum cope from someone so deathly afraid of speaking that they needed to rationalize their fear just to live with themselves.
I'll admit I never bothered to learn which side to go on during Level Checker in o10s when the initial divide happens, i always just follow everyone
>join a random duty cleared group
>get to that part
>every single person just kind of mills around
>half the people on one side half on the other
>everyone else in the party was just following other people for the mechanic as well
>dps barely above nin
Yes. You read it right.
literally lmao if you don't think yoshi will make DRG the king big dick rdps for the fourth straight raid
1k thank you very much
>join 011s group
>tanks puts marker on himself and tells us to follow him for the level checker
>he gets it right every time
sometimes it feels good not to think
God i hope shadowbringers is good, i was hype until the stormblood ending. what the fuck was that
Please square enix just give me another heavensward that's all i want in my life
Gonna have fun watch you faggots go through all the stages of grief.
>thinking people take dragoon or ninja for their personal dps
Look at and It happens a lot more often than you'd think.
i play MNK :^)
you now realize that gauss barrel is an r-type reference
Fixed that for you
Literally every single DPS has weaving downtime.
Interaction with BRD and MCH through the piercing-down and how fucking good Battle Litany is keeps it firmly out of the cuckshed, nevermind it's an extremely low-enmity DPS job that's relatively engaging through constant attacking
I don't deny that there are people who use callouts as a crutch to avoid learning the fight, but even if there weren't groups would still use callouts in difficult content.
>Dps that can't dps and is brought as a slot filler for an arbitrary debuff so that others can fill better about their bigger numbers is not a cuck role
>do callouts, boss dies
>don't do callouts, boss lives
>callouts are bad, though, for some reason
HW was a lightning in a bottle. Stormblood is the baseline for things to come.
I'd be surprised if this doesn't turn out to be worse considering the amount of corners cut and deadlines just barely made.
>MFW I still don't know where to go for Archive all.
>Still don't know the difference between past and future in kefka.
>Still die too Grand cross omega to this very day.
God I love having a static.
I play solo mostly. This is my first mmo and I’m enjoying. Joined in FC but rarely interact. But I do say more in dungeons. It’s been fun.
>join lootmaster party
>always let the que timer run out but accept the ready checks
Does anyone have the spinning leylines gif that is used in this edit?
I need it for science
The only difference is the japanese lalafells don't think they're good.
Have Summoners disappeared of the face of the planet yet?
You've just listed the reasons why they're a cuckshed role. You could put those on a healer and save the slot for something that actually deals damage aka is good at the DPS role.
Does anyone have that gif/webm of the DRK plunging into Opressor and getting one shot?
They're poised to actually summon stuff, Blufever claims they'll get Phoenix with ShB.
Being better at damage-dealing than healers and tanks is already why it has the DPS role.
When your arguments are so fucking retarded that people know exactly who you are when you make them, that should be a sign
I guess cuckshed has a new meaning now. Fucking second generation cuckshed posters.
No, JP lalafells are statistically good players
Pretty much the best use of LB3 because it's not really needed as much for adds.
you realize that if you put DRG buffs and debuffs on a healer that DRG personal DPS would be massively buffed to compensate right? or do you not understand how balancing works?
>Being better at damage-dealing than healers and tanks
Barely. Sure, it counts as a DPS role, but not as a good DPS role. If they didn't have their cuck buffs, no one would want them.
>criticizing callouts when shit like cactbot exists
>more blufever leaks
Though he left for good? What did the new study say
JP in general are just better than NA.
>5.0 comes
>Healer damage nerfed 75%
>Given a Trait at lvl5 that boosts their dps to regular levels, but only if they are solo, just to ensure quest content/solo shit is still doable as those classes
>still thinking that being the most desirable melee dps is in the cuck shed
do you even know what the cuck shed is?
There is no fucking balancing
lazy as fuck but I really don't see that happening.
He did and he said he no longer worked for SE when he made the first round of leaks, so anyone claiming to be him is double bullshitting.
>being the most desirable melee dps
Delusion. They don't want your DPS, they want your buffs so that their DPS can be higher. Do you understand the difference?
This really sounds like something a seething casual cunt would come up with on Yea Forums rather than something SE would do. Apply yourself.
You fucking idiot, if everyone's DPS is higher, the boss dies faster
don't forget
>"oops, my act/triggers didn't work for some reason :^)"
If you use triggers or things like cactbot you're literally subhuman and cucking yourself out of getting better
t. cleared ucob effortlessly in a week with no triggers whatsoever
its more likely that tank dps is going to be nerfed
as yoshi already noted that tanks currently do too much damage
How likely is it that DRG will be the most desired DPS of Shadowbringers? I don't know what it is but something is telling me it will be the defacto most important melee class.
Accurately predicted the general contents of the full Shadowbringers trailer with an image dumped to Yea Forums before the Fanfest revealing Viera and Hrothgar, predicted Dancer's status as a chakram-using ranged DPS, Varis' smile at the end of the Stormblood MSQ. Job predictions are Machinist gaining tools probably more in line with Edgar in FF6 and Summoner gaining Phoenix, as an egi or as an actual summon is up for debate.
You're confusing him with the Discord leaker that predicted Kirin's Osode and a mage robe we'd already seen on a tarutaru minion and made a specific jab at Mr. Happy at the end of his spiel.
Still doesn't mean DRG isn't a cuck role
>Apply yourself.
If I wanted to apply myself I'd say I'd like for them to overhaul the LB system and make them personal gauges, like they are in PVP, and not overly lengthy on the animations. Of course they'd have to adjust a lot of the fights that are tank-lb3-or-die, but 'eh...
Shit would just boil down to the fights having to assume that garbage with then double tank/healer lbs and either make raidwide aoes hit harder, or do more aoes in succession to force you to use your LBs instead of trying to power through it with GCD overhealing.
I hedge my bets on either DRG or SAM remaining the de-facto DPS just by virtue of being the chuuni jobs.
>There is no fucking balancing
yes there is, its far from perfect, I won't dispute that, but as far as balancing goes, the game could be far worse
>They don't want your DPS, they want your buffs so that their DPS can be higher
drg is still a dps, just a dps with powerful party buffs
>cuck role
doesn't mean they are in the cuck shed you fucking fag, learn the difference
>a de-facto DPS
Cuckshed is where cucks belong
Contrary to official-forum memes nobody's really gonna turn a Samurai down if they're competent.
You're right, they go right into the graveyard after they high jump into an AOE
>DRGcuck's mind finally breaks
You didn't sprinkle it with links, 0/100 F see me after class
But they will take literally anything else instead.
cuck shed is for jobs that absolutely no one wants, you can cry about DRGs being cucks all you want, people want them because DRG is fucking good
MCH has been in the cuckshed for most of SB, due to fact it was literally bard, very few parties would take them, it was only after they were buffed that people would actually consider taking one, but even then, no one likes playing MCH anyway because its not fun and no one wants to put up with it
>muh dps muh dick, shiiiieet
>literally an inferior bard
If you're a Samurai the only requirement is you're competent, if you're a job with party buffs you have the additional requirement of knowing when to pop those buffs. Ergo a Samurai is a safer bet than literally anything else, and using the official-forums as a mark of intellect or common-sense isn't helpful
Nobody wants a Samurai, ever. A mediocre samurai is worse than a bad ninja. A good samurai is worse than a mediocre dragoon.
MCH is not in the cuckshed. It's main problem is just the gameplay. Never has it been bad.
>people want them because DRG is fucking good
People want them because they have exactly three useful abilities. And stop avatarfagging with your shitty trannylizard.
This is probably one of the only worthy weapon to make in Eureka for glam, the flame effect looks so good.
Also they really buffed Pagos a lot, now NM basically give 1 full light, making light farming useless.
>If you're a Samurai the only requirement is you're competent
competent isn't enough for SAM, if they aren't hitting numbers far beyond most other dps sans Black Mage is dead weight, its only utility is its high personal dps, if it can't reach that, its basically a fucking waste, sure it has slashing debuff, but so do WAR and NIN, something most groups will have anyway
put it this way, a mediocre dragoon and ninja are far better than a mediocre SAM, because unless you are fucking great at SAM/BLM, you are a waste, even mediocre drgs/nins bring something to the table, mediocre blms/sams don't
Imagine having Lyse as the MSQ representative of your job.
muh dps fuhfuggah
SAM is fine as long as the player is actually doing 1k+ of the other meta jobs to make up for lack of group buffs.
I don't have the page, but iirc the number of MCH's who completed deltascape in the first 2 weeks was massively lower than the number of bards, because no one wanted MCH, they would rather bring bard, the only people who brought MCH's were parties that had Bards anyway
>People want them because they have exactly three useful abilities
>People want them
ergo, not in the cuckshed, thanks for playing
>if they aren't hitting numbers far beyond most other dps sans Black Mage is dead weight
It applies to all dps, don't let the cucks tell you otherwise. If you can't DPS well, you're not a good DPS. You'd think the fact would be obvious.
>i-it's ok to be a cuck as long as I'm not in the shed slurp slurp
Dumb tranny
A drooling NIN who can land trick attack every time is better than the most okay of samurai. A Dragoon who can sync is five times better than an acceptable black mage.
ah, so you finally concede defeat, once again, thanks for playing, feel free to keep seething about DRGs being the most desirable and most well regarded dps due to its very high dps buffs
without drgs, your own dps would be much lower, remember that next time alright?
>estimations pulled out of the ass
Without DRG I'd have something in the group that can dps better and kill the boss much faster too.
>and most well regarded dps
lol, DRG is a joke job
the challenge of nin is to not drift trick though
you can say unga bunga back as much you want but its the easier debuff to drift
a drooling nin isnt good to use it on time
The awful part is she doesn't even rep the job since she's a PGL, not a MNK. I'm aware she uses Elixir Field and other Monk actions but she's not a Monk story-wise.
>start out playing with a friend
>he gives up on the game after like 8 hours
>I don't have anything better to do, so keep going solo
>play for 200 hours alone
>let's try join a FC
>get invited by a friendly dude and accept
>the FC has like 4 people in it, but at least there's someone to talk to
>leader gets busy with work
>suddenly nobody's online for weeks
>it's no different from soloing and I need exp buffs
>leave and join a bigger FC
>has around 100 active members
>nobody ever talks to me
>I don't feel like talking to anybody unless spoken to
>keep playing solo
>at least there are buffs
cope harder, DRG is desirable and has been a mainstay in the best groups at all times during the games life, deny it all you want, a joke job wouldn't be held to such a high standard
once again, thanks for playing!
>at all times during the games life,
Ouch, no, you weren't around for when DRG armor had little to no magic-defense. They were well and truly cucked with magic-heavy raids and bosses at the time.
This is stupid.
>high standard
The only one playing here is you with that mutilated hole that you've got instead of a dick
I agree, nigger 2b is gross
Depends entirely on how good DNC is since it does slashing damage.
they fixed that around 2.2 or 2.3 right? admittedly I forgot that part, twas a dark time
back when jumps animation lock was sickening
>The only one playing here is you with that mutilated hole that you've got instead of a dick
stay mad kiddo, head to bed and try not to let the trannies getcha
I agree, we should stop getting content for XIV and all play the hit game Final fantasy XV by Square Enix's popular award winning DLC standalone game mode: Brotherhood! Am I right?
there is absolutely 0% chance piercing/slashing debuffs survive 5.0
at most there'll be physical/magical damage up
tfw the drg give you the dragon tether during trick attack
"Dude, remember previous Final Fantasies?" making up the entire 8-man of this expac was more insulting, I feel. Quality of fights made up for it but it's the biggest rehash the game will ever get.
Gunbreaker and Dancer were already confirmed to deal slashing damage in their reveals, specific damage-typing is still present and will probably have buffs and debuffs related to it. It's ogre
They fixed it way late in 2.45 when it became a problem with Gigaflare murdering them in T13.
Dude remember Nier Automata?
just play ff mobius.
I'm satisfied with the fights, for the longest time I've always wanted to fight God form Kefka, finally got to do it.
At the very least it wasn't "hurr trash mobs all fight" like some of the 2.0 and 3.0 raids
>Gunbreaker and Dancer were already confirmed to deal slashing damage in their reveals
Mistranslation. They were not.
But those were the best floors because it almost felt like an actual fucking raid.
now I remember, it was final coil that was the point where they buffed it, after suffering binding and second coil
at least it wasn't as bad as 2.0 WAR, but admittedly, they didn't suffer nearly as long
Who should I believe, the developers or one user on the internet saying they mistranslated their own reveal
Cuff of the Father sucks nigger dick, fuck you.
It was annoying as shit since we had to succor+soil the group, but also stoneskin the drg during prog.
honestly the worst. I still occasionally have the regular non-savage ones when doing my daily raid mission and it make me want to kill myself in how boring and awful they are.
I legit think XV is a better game than Nier: It would've been better as a Visual Novel Automata.
I don't stand to gain anything from lying to you.
>Yoshida: this gunblade isn't used to shoot, instead, you slash with it
They aren't able to roughly hamhand Automata into the story the way they did "dude previous Final Fantasies" though, the settings are entirely too different. They could take the lazy way out and say it's a dimensional portal or some shit but the way the Rift works connecting Final Fantasy universes I doubt they'll go for that.
>but it's the biggest rehash the game will ever get.
2.0 literally rehashed nearly all of 1.0 and then some, including a bunch of FFXI and FFXIII.
They've been saying that they're removing damage types since 3.0. I'll believe it when I see it.
Don't worry, they'll just rip more enemy models from FF13-2 13-3 & 15 to use for new raid bosses that are not the final fight.
Literally every omega floor is worse. How many fucking singular bosses in a circular arena is it going to take for you to get tired of that shit?
That sounds like a good way to make sure that no healers ever play the game again
Shut your dumb mouth bitch. We don't get classical raids in XIV but at least the fight design on the individual bosses are generally interesting. Getting cucked out of sprawling raid areas AND the decent bosses is fucking leveling roulette dungeon tier boring.
2.0 was a continuation of 1.0 and all of its stories, not really a rehash.
Longer than it takes for me to get tired of AoEing trash packs to death.
that's a great way to force people to stop playing healer altogether
>lala players thinking they aren't the real cancer
I'd take a cat slut retard over a lala player of any kind any day
Post logs
And how does this confirm that slashing resistance down will still be in the game? It doesn't, this is just a description of the class fantasy.
>2.0 was a continuation of 1.0 and all of its stories, not really a rehash.
t. someone who didn't play 1.0
Queue for raban on primal right now.
>using ranger against wind element guard scorpion
>using a warrior skill on ranger
>using a level 1 support skill
What the FUCK.
>queuing for a 24 man at 3 am
good luck with that