Here's your indie mascot bro

here's your indie mascot bro

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Other urls found in this thread:

>le black and white animaloid

it's because they're easy animate


For lazy untalented scum of the industry
Indies are the worst

whoa so unassuming and apathetic. perfect character for an epic indie gamer like myself

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if you're working in a literal garage with less than 5 people, it makes sense to only have cheap?quick assets

Baba and Rain world characters definitely are the best, rest is virgin edgelord/faggot appeal.

and yet majority of these games shit on anything released by AAA devs in the past 15 years

Baba is God

Don't mind me, just posting the one good white animal race.

Attached: artworks-000346453110-q5pm8u-t500x500.jpg (500x500, 52K)

Rain World > Hollow Knight >>>> other

Baba is You is better than any of the listed games. That being said Rain World is an easy classic

Superior game incoming.

Attached: latest[1].png (623x475, 3K)

Dang what a cute lil gote

Man that part was creepy. I always wanted to know if there was something below the bottom, like infinite void.

Cave Story characters have actual eyes and eyelashes and not vacuous expressionless black holes for eyes. Leave it to westerners to be unable to make cute animal characters.

Attached: 1453061397303.jpg (384x368, 6K)

>minimalsm: *exists*
>indie devs: "Our budget is low"
wow im so suprised oh wooooooow

Show pee pee!

not an excuse

I'm glad to see Untitled Story isn't forgotten.

Baba may be the simplest but his game is the most original.

What's second from right?

Excuse for what? Noone needs to be excused for liking an aesthetic and using it. This thread is as retarded as someone posting screenshot of several sports games and complaining that they all use similar sports uniforms


Baba was the only game on the list that took literall 9999999 IQ to develop.

Ralsei is sexier

Your opinion doesn't hold up because sports have an extremely specific relation to reality, so it makes sense that all sports games look similar in nature. Indie games don't have any relationship to anything (other than themselves) so it doesn't make sense that they would all crib the exact same character design, unless they were all creatively bankrupt losers which (Toby Fox especially is)

Undertale was a mistake

>Rain World devs
>Baba is You dev
>Hollow Knight dev
>lazy untalented scum of the industry

I have a feeling you haven't played any of those games.

Attached: Come on now.jpg (601x571, 50K)

I think he was mainly referring to Undertale

i have played all those games and he's right, they're bad

The game gives you an orgasm of intelligence when you complete a puzzle. Imagine actually being the one to create that game. Makes you feel like a retard again by comparison.

and yet you listed 4 out of literal hundreds of thousands of indie games
>unless they were all creatively bankrupt losers which (Toby Fox especially is)
The ironic part is that undertale is actually the one game on that list where you had to show a random enemy in the game to actually fit the aesthetic because the main characters look nothing like it

>lazy untalented scum of the industry

>Caring about how easy it is to animate in a game without animation.
Doubling down on the "haven't played" bit.

>creating a "puzzle" when you already know what the solution is
if anything i'm smarter than the devs

I don't recognize half of those

Glad I'm not an indie sõiboi

Only with the hat on.

You have 1 minute to post how to solve Prison in Baba. Anyone who would've played it should know

>the absolute state of western gaming


Compared to the other games you've listed, yes

Designing puzzles is much harder than solving them. Especially considering how well-made majority of Baba puzzles are.

I can't wait to play Ori's next game in august!

Attached: 1532275514264.png (799x1000, 863K)

thanks, looks good

>he thinks being a snoy/nintendie/microshit sõiboi is any better

That's true for a lot of games, but creating the puzzle is a puzzle in itself. There are so many things to take into consideration in Baba that won't let the player solve it in an unintended way.

Shut up fag

ITT: filtered by Prison fags
Dont ever dare to talk shit about baba again you pathetic pretenders.

Baba is All

OP and Thread is Shit and Weak

Where's the August confirmation?

Let's see your game then since you are smarter.

>That list
Baba and Rain World are literally 2 of the best games released in the last 10 years, this thread is fucking retarded lmao.

you, my sir, are based

since when was the dog the "mascot" for undertale and not sans? Oh wait since that wouldnt fit your retarded narrative

Maybe perhaps but im not any of those

baba is gay


Is it really a good game, seemed pretty simplistic tbqhwyfamily

Without getting too semantic the dog in Undertale is on most of the promotional art and in the trailers, he's definitely the mascot and you don't fight him so he's not an enemy. Baba isn't the protagonist of the game, since baba is you doesn't have any main characters. You are the protagonist, baba is the mascot. Ori and Hollow and Slug Cat are the protagonists of their games, but the design is shockingly similar.

There are alot of indie games with minimalist style but they don't look alike at all. Off has an extremely minimalistic artstyle, but none of the characters are just a white face with black spheres on a white bean animal.

Attached: 96d308cb8145c0283eb2c763e6211352765691aev2_00.jpg (354x512, 29K)

Baba is Melt and Gay
Keke is Hot and Chad and Straight

since literally forever and always

You'll get your confirmation in exactly 6 weeks, along with the little tidbit that it's coming out on both Steam and the Switch on day one rather than just Microsoft's platforms. Look forward to it!

Attached: 1452427638026.jpg (1920x1167, 289K)

Rainworld is actually dog shit tho

Well a Switch version would be nice. If not that, then hopefully Steam or literally anywhere besides Microsoft Store.

You're dogshit

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Every time i see this thread being reposted it reminds me to play more Baba.
>tfw only 1 more orb and 10 more stages left
>tfw all the meta shit is fucking with my brain

This is one of the few times "let's see you do better" actually applies.

Where's the spaceship?

No u x 2

oh no no no

he's literally on the promo

Attached: H2x1_NSwitchDS_Undertale_image1600w.jpg (1600x800, 42K)

how so? Im sure you've played it extensively so you should be able to give me some reasons.

I don't like it. Now go eat your moms dick.

soulless shit

i agree

I'm going to kill you for this

And they're all great. What's the problem?

Not enough brown lesbian shooterpeople or animu waifus?

Okay user why don't you design a better character then

Rain World genuinely creeps me out. I can handle bugs in videogames but something about the physics-driven weird Rain World bugs makes me freak the fuck out.

t. stuck on tiny isle

This thread is hilarious considering 99% of japanese games (indie or AAA doesnt matter) are all the exact same anime fap-bait waifus just with different haircuts

Did you like Shaded Citadel?

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>uses low quality images of slugcat and hollow knight to make them appear similar
>didn't even manage to get a low quality Ori

i thought the blood suckers in the first area would be the worst of it lmao, boy was i wrong

You might not like them, but they're definitely not lazily put together.

>Yea Forums : why are all these niggers injected in my vidya
>Indie devs: *make all white protagonists*
>Yea Forums: WTF!

Should I play Rain World then? Baba, HK, Ori, and Undertale were all really good imo. Wonder if there's a pattern.

Baba is You and Rain World are more creative than ANY-FUCKING-THING that the western AAA industry has put out in atleast 2 generations

It's not easy to get into, but go for it

Attached: yep, that's me, I bet you're wondering how I got into this situation.jpg (1920x1080, 455K)

Yes, and?

Rain World is hard as fuck, and extremely kino as fuck once you make it past the initial steep learning curve

>repetitive gameplay, you always use the same patterns of movements when exploring or fighting enemies and rarely have to add variation
>useless movement features like turn storage that have little impact on gameplay, even after learning them
>mid-late game paths look like they were positioned specifically to make the player able to progress, it doesn't look natural (like, if it wasn't for a little conveniently placed pipe, you wouldn't be able to get past the map)

Definitely try it, the start is slow but once you start getting places it picks up and gets interesting. Just bear that you'll probably die a lot in it.

and nothing?

>it doesn't look natural
>In a fucking giant computer

i have it on good authority that Slug Cat is black, he's just drawn white to stand out. He is a primitive spear-chucker after all.

t. scav

imagine the best criticism you can come up with for a game are:
>"my boring playstyle started to bore me"
>too many features
>there was a pipe weirdly placed

Is based Peppino our last hope in the face of the generic black-n-white animal blob indie game protagonist onslaught?

Attached: pizza tower.png (500x400, 25K)

if it's SO easy, open up Paint RIGHT NOW and make one

play guacamelee instead

Should've played monk

name one good game from any developer

Ori 2 actually looks pretty good. They fixed the awful combat from the first game.

Attached: Untitled.png (800x600, 6K)

Shit, I'm not good with games where it kinda sucks ass on purpose at the start. I quit STALKER twice over that.
I already have.

I somehow got Baba into the overworld but I don't know if it's just an easter egg or you can do something with him, because as far as I know I can't get him to interact with anything, am I retarded?

Baba Has No Limbs

it doesnt suck at the start its just hard as fuck to get used to since barely any game uses physics engines to move its creatures instead of scripting animations

Yes, but a few of the later puzzles are really unintuitive and rely on mechanics that aren't explained to you, so may take some experimentation and guesswork to get through.

It starts out fairly easy, but gets more and more complex as you advance, especially when you get into the meta stuff.

You've reached the mind-fuck part of the game. Congrats, this is where shit gets really fun

Attached: Untitled.jpg (476x388, 15K)

bit racist if you ask me

Is not Baba. Is Blobbo.

Attached: Untitled.png (800x1100, 13K)

Attached: annyoing birb.png (548x337, 10K)

what have you made?

Its just like with a shitty album cover that you start to love simply because the album itself is amazing. None of those mascots are anything special if it weren't for the fact that they all come from amazing vidya (yes even undertale is amazing)

i'd play it

Birbo is you.

This one is actually pretty cute. Further proof that Minimalism > tryhard most of the time

Keke after joining the KKK

>The Kekeke

Turn the other level into a flag.

I tried to make that joke but didnt know how to type it without it looking retarded

Asriel I love you so much
except when you were in your adult form, that was cringe

The joke comes from the fact you read it in your head as (Keh-key-kay) and then you audibly kek.

Who here /slugandbug/?

Attached: slugs and bug.jpg (400x248, 12K)

I want baba and slugcat to fuck while HK watches

The Vessel and Slugcat are for wholesome hugs
you filthy degenerate

Attached: slug and bug.png (1603x1699, 816K)

you would love the games more if they stood out from eachother

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I hate that dog

So do I need to dilate before I start liking indie games? They're all fucking bad

Attached: el bun.png (340x308, 6K)

Undertale is fine honestly. The story's basic, but the writing otherwise is charming, fun and cute. The character designs are adorable, the gameplay is fun if you're not a stuckup twat who can't just go along with the gimmick of befriending monsters.

It's not good on multiple playthroughs because outside of the true pacifist ending you're not supposed to play through again, it's a very concise experience, no longer than it needs to be, never overstays its welcome, and it takes talent to know when to stop a story in and of itself imo

t. AAA-bootlicker

Attached: 1554876536660.png (974x1000, 290K)

would fuck

name a single bad one

The Knight is amazing design though.

guaranteed 1000+ results on e621

what playstyle, you face all situations in the exact same way in all slugcats. the only difference with hunter is that you need to actively hunt but they all have the same patterns of movements.
features are indeed useless additions if they have no depth and learning them has little to no impact in-game. a player that doesn't know of turn-storage can play just as effectively as someone who does so why even add it? it's poor design, better add something worth learning or don't add anything and keep it simple.
not even gonna comment on the pipe stuff, it's obvious you're caricaturizing my points and you aren't going to change your mind.

Every single indie game I've played in the past year has been better than any AAA trite I've played in the past ten.

Thanks, I know how to cather to my audience.

Indie games are the only games for the past few years that have been actual GAMES and not glorified tech demos or cinematic experiences.

I blame Kirby for inspiring all this lazy "here's a fuckin blob" character designs desu

Baba is you was fantastic, you take that back right now you son of a bitch.

Post >yfw

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i blame pong

The one you like.

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Am I too late to join the thread?

Attached: Wuppo.jpg (616x353, 76K)

Also, get the cursor onto him and carry it to the island, bottom right.

>>mid-late game paths look like they were positioned specifically to make the player able to progress, it doesn't look natural (like, if it wasn't for a little conveniently placed pipe, you wouldn't be able to get past the map)

you're literally climbing a giant super structure, it isn't natural.

wuppo is good

fuck off tripfag

japanese indie gaming mascot

Attached: 1526369416642.png (284x340, 78K)

Fucking how, do I need to fuck with the cursor in another level? I'm playing something else at the moment because this game stresses me out.

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Baba can't move onto levels, the cursor can only move on levels and tracks, Baba is a level, you can figure it out.

japanese indie gaming mascot

Attached: Recette.gif (220x400, 30K)

Someone needs to add the Forager dude in this pic.

For baba and the annoying dog those are games with simple art so busier design probably wouldn't look so good.

For the other, white sticks out from a background pretty well.

Attached: ss+(2019-04-29+at+01.13.05).png (212x267, 959)

Still glad I was the first person to beat the boss rush post-public-release. Was really fun.

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Expansion pak when?


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wait a second...

Rain World is so fresh and unique, the fact that you argue any other indie mascot game is better is dumb

I wouldnt love Baba anymore than i do if they changed his color. The entire point of the game is extremely simplistic sprites.

>It's ok when Japan does it


Attached: f4kLh2n.gif (540x394, 139K)

>Not posting THE BEST track in Baba

I never understand what is so hard in Prison.
Like, the words are on the wall but not in a corner, that's a huge hint to play with them and then it's litterally the only thing you can do.

are you dense? they're not alike.

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i feel the same but it seems to be the one stage that i see most people asking about weirdly enough. I had much more trouble with the first "stack texts" level

>Shota Gote
No thank you, I prefer twink gote

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i recognize that bulge

>skipping leg day

source I couldn't find the artist on e621

Post more please


i hate that undertale was co-oped by trannies at release. it could have been a good game but noooo


the launch was always going to be influenced by the homestuck fanbase due to it being by Toby Fox

>Image search


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