Games with orgasmic chanting plays in the background

>games with orgasmic chanting plays in the background

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Kiara's theme is so fucking good.

Attached: ng.png (885x759, 187K)

Is that the girl from fate extra that fucks the whole planet or some shit?

>Wada wanted to draw her naked and/or pregnant in her final art but Takeuchi didn't let her.
Fucking cuck.

Attached: Kiara.jpg (600x846, 749K)


everyone ever all at once fren

Who knows, she fucked pretty much everything on Earth.

Fuck gacha garbage.
Stop shilling retards

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This shit is weird because the eyes makes me thing this particular shot of Kiara was drawn by huke when juxtaposed against the shot of Melt during Palladion right after which clearly is done by Wada.

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>being a lucklet

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You mean like this?

Will the grinding ever fucking end

>Wasn't really planning on rolling this time
>Fuck, Meltryllis is actually pretty cool


>decide to do the three ticket routine before playing any of the missions
>get poopfox with the second ticket, worried laughter.jpg
>play missions, decide I really like Melt
>burn all my Quartz and tickets, literally nothing
Why must Lady Luck ridicule me like that?

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Shit, I don't recognize this sign

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>get poopfox with the second ticket, worried laughter.jpg

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Honestly I rolled and got her because I liked her design but I’m genuinely impressed how fleshed out she became throughout the event (grantee this is coming from someone who has vague knowledge of CCC and only read a small portion of Foxtail so I can’t necessarily say it’s a faithful characterization).

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>paying for gacha
i shiggy diggy

will i be able to do the story if i start late?
im still in babylonia

I mean, I do want to fuck her, but arts teams are for fags

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I think you need to beat Salomon in order to do this event, which is kind of a dick move. You have around two weeks before the event ends.

Babylonia and then a boss rush are the last things so if you hurry maybe.

>arts teams are for fags
Watch your mouth.

Attached: Hokusai.jpg (1200x900, 139K)

>which is kind of a dick move
The plot is directly tied to the EoR.

It's still a limited event.

Fuck latelets

Every FGO thread you post this. Lucklets are the biggest brainlets. Next time go for a rate up that isn't filled to the brim with shitty 4* CEs

>Nero doesn't show up at all in the event outside of the introduction cut-scene even thought the Extraverse is literally her origin point

I'm not sure if that was funnier or Liz being turned into a literal black silhouette because BB got lazy

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If Nero had an Alter or whatever, she might have shown up, but they had to make do with Gawain. You can tell that Nasu wasn't too happy about this decision, but had no other alternative so he just kinda unceremoniously killed him off midway.

Huh, didn't even register to me that Gawain was the proxy for Umu when we at least got Detroit Emiya and Cat to fill the other two roles, then again Gil only managed to get acknowledgement that he's tied to this event through the 5* gacha CE and one of BB's lines once you can set her as your favorite in My Room.

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The only alternative version of Nero is Bride, but Bride is too similar to normal Nero so it wouldn't have worked. That said, I guess it worked out. Nero was the focal point of Septem and Gil got his time to shine in Babylonia. Emiya tends to get roles in side events, but Tamamo rarely gets the spotlight much. I guess Nasu wanted to give them their fair share, even if it's just an Alter and an Alter Ego.

And I am following the gamepress guide
Bottom Black, moongazer is the superior boss theme btw

You have over two weeks, just take your time.