Tfw too shy and self-conscious to use voice chat with people online

>tfw too shy and self-conscious to use voice chat with people online

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just do it. once you start you'll realise its not so bad and become accustomed to it. it might even help you irl

even children do it
stop whining

you should remember that people you speak to everyday hear your voiceand they don't complain so you shouldnt sabe afraid of speaking in an online environemt

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Why do you give a shit? If retarded ESLs and literal 8 year olds can shit-talk online you can as well you giant pussy.

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>too afraid to use voice chat because I sound like a girl/fag
I don't want people thinking I'm a trap I just want to be taken seriously while playing vidya. Maybe I should just pretend I'm underage

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use your big boy/girl voice and it will be ok

I wish more people were like you, op
I play pubg online and the amount of mouth breathing retards/yelling kid is too many


just practice by talking in team games
as long as you relay useful information and callouts only retards will give you shit for it

same user... i hate this feeling because i'm too shy to refuse using voice with someone but i'm too shy to talk to them as well... So i accept most of the time but it's awkward and they always come back and want to chat vocally again and i don't know what to say to them, most of the time i delete people because of this, because i don't know how to deal with them, i think i'll hurt them or they will think i'm an asshole if i just say i don't want to voice ever again. Although ultimately deleting them without explanation is making me look like an asshole as well.
Some of them tell you it's okay if you don't talk and they talk alone (weird flex but i think it has to do with the fact that i'm a woman so they are more eager to speak to me), but that is even more embarrassing to be honest. Also my french accent in english is very strong so i'm even more self-conscious online.
Okay i'll stop blogging now back to shitposting

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I have no problems using voice chat, my problem lies with my complete inability to start or maintain a conversation.


I like meeting guys like OP on VRChat and convincing them to come out of their shell a little.

Just laugh when dickheads like me make jokes and you'll have a friend for life, we can talk about anything you want, as much or as little as you like, man.

I'm afraid of awkward silences, and I'm scared that my voice is too deep, and I am terrified of tripping on my words since english is my 2nd language.

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Maybe all those things will be true, but they'll only be true the first time you try.
I've forced myself IRL to lighten my voice a little and speak the best English possible and over a period of a year it's drastically changed how I sound.
I used to mumble and run sentences together, now in the last year I've been told twice that I should do audiobooks. It justs takes practice, user, and the best way to do it is get involved with free shit like VR Chat or whatever other equivalent is popular atm.
You can do it bro. unless you are a swede

I'm Fingolian

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Blease be my friend, the only Finn I know IRL is a disappointment.