The absolute state of western gaming

>the absolute state of western gaming

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Other urls found in this thread:

mom i posted it again

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TLOU2 is gonna be shit but if the kikes wanted to push this shit on children why would they pick an M-rated game?

>muh tribe
>muh objective morality

>Did you just assume their gender?
I want to believe no one uses that expression unironically anymore.

everyone knows kids play M rated games retard, they'll get their hands on it. Dont be dumb. Also young adults are basically kids they dont know shit

Japanese developer
>knows that they are making a GAME, and that the point of a GAME is FUN
>creative and original, has variety
>action packed like DMC or just plain fun like Mario
>finished game that holds up a decade after coming out
>pander to PLAYERS
Western developer
>pretentious Oscar bait
>same few formulas, like big empty open world or a copy of Fortnite or COD
>thinks walking in between cutscenes is "gameplay"
>unfinished piece of shit that has bugs and needs patches/mods to function, also microtransactions because fuck you
>pander to "journalists" and Twitterfags


keep seething tranny

Hideo Kojima.

No rule is without exception. I will freely admit that Kojima is one.


i'm not sure if this is ironic

Dumb wojakposter.

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Kojima started the downfall.

Nobody really did in the first place. This site is just 99% retardation. Good thing we have faggots like OP to make containment threads.

Nu Sony is such a far cry from 1994-2006 Sony. It's sad.

You've got it backwards, user.

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There are still good Japanese games, in this year alone we had Sekiro, DMC5, KH3 and RE2.

I like how people have to make a parody of anti-SJWs to even stand against their points. Like you can't even win on a discussion level, so you have to meme a win into existence.

You mean the only good games are still japanese.

Yeah, because Dark Souls and DMC are movies, but TLoU and Heavy Rain aren't.


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I remember someone talking about MK11 and saying that fighting games would FINALLY have good stories.
Then I watched some of the cutscenes and the acting and dialogue was literally on par with a shitty CW show.
Why do people pretend that most western media isn't full of fucking awful, disgusting, wooden acting that wouldn't be out of place in a porno?


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Hehe nothing is real, sacks of meat bro

Trump is an embarrassment to our nation

Japanese games are the ones responsible for movie games, particularly Final Fantasy and Metal Gear Solid. Those two series basically told the industry that it was ok to focus on production values and being cinematic over interesting and engaging gameplay mechanics.

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Jews and christians are homophobic trash like almost all shitty fairy tale cultist religious people

Because japanese acting is ten times worse you retarded weeb

>levels take minutes, cutscenes take hours
Aplies to TLoU
>combat is braindead easy
Aplies to Batman and all its clones
>combat is challenging and satisfying
>story is told environmentally
Applies to Soulsborne.

Here's me dropping a penny in the jar

Sekiro and RE2 are Japanese, brainlet.

>Playing (((Western))) games in 2019


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Not even close newfag

>and here's why...

Attached: thecancerkillingthewest.png (600x335, 272K)

Nah, Jap acting is heavy on melodrama, which is shit, but western acting is full of snippy quips and similar stupid shit, which automatically deflates the tension in any scene and ruins it, which is even fucking worse.
I can deal with the melodrama in something like The Promised Neverland since it's about kids trying to not be murdered and eaten by horrifying demons, I can't deal with the terrible quippy "comedy" dialogue in something like Captain Marvel because it really shows just how tensionless and boring the movie itself is when no one takes any of the conflict seriously.
It's even sadder considering one of these is a literal kid's show made for little babies.

You stupid fucks.

>he thinks there's an actual discussion on either side instead of just shitposting memes

Trumptards LITERALLY can’t refute any of these

Fact: the west is ruinning video games.

t. didn't play sekiro

>Goalpost-moving this hard

no NOO!!!
diversity is strength! it makes things better including the development of the games!

we just need unions!
its the crunch! and the transmisogyny!

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I don't like trump but 90% of those aren't reasons why he is a bad president
Why can't the left form actual arguments?

Uh oh, is that a triple flippin soijak on my video game board? Looks like it's poopoo thread time.
Poopoo thread I say.

How so?

it's sad because it's true. I've always been a strong antiweeb poster but current western gaming is total shit.

Amazing, trumpies can parrot what normal people say and think it offends us educated individuals

Say what you will about fortnite but at least it knows its a videogame and doesn't push any pretentious storytelling

why do people have so much self-hatred

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Do white people think normal people actually care about trannies and faggots?
Serious question.


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>implying that western games were good in 2007 with dumbed down garbage like cod, bioshlock, halo and oblivion

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It pushes micro transaction bullshit.

True, that's why I didn't say all Western games are all one type. There are 4 main types: Uncharted clones, Skyrim /Ubisoft clones, COD clones and Fortnite clones.

>Modern western vidya is shi-

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I agree with your point, but Halo 3, CoD 4 and Oblivion aren't good either. Western gaming died a few years before 2007. More like ~2004.

thats why i aint playing games at all anymore,also i will never play weeb garbage from japan eather,better to stop gaming all together than go for anime looking shit

>1st-party title of nintendo
>"western" game

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>Developed by a bunch of Texans

t. autistic friendless niggas

It's 5 years old already, user.

I wonder how the people that make these type of threads look like?

>i leik nintndoo gaems.....

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Do people who ridicule Reddit for everything actually often see the shit they complain about on Reddit?

You're such an epic poster

If you're implying I don't like CoD 4 and Halo 3 for being MP, that's not it. I like Smash.

>Japanese developer
>Makes a game that consists of scrolling through menus inbetween long cutscenes that make no fucking sense
>Western developer
>Actually pushes the medium forward by trying to blend film and games together
Perhaps the latter hasn't been perfected yet, but at least they are trying. Japan sticks to the same shit and does nothing new. That shit got old 15 years ago.

I miss the old times bros. They were simple and honest

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>t. autistic friendless niggas

>autistic for not liking shit games

Western gaming is in a lot better state than it was in 2007:

>prey is a vastly superior version of bioshock
>we actually have fun indie shooters like dusk and amid evil instead of everything being a cod clone
>we actually have an indie scene of rpgs and even some decent triple-a rpgs like kingdom come

>Modern western vidya is shi-

Attached: 250px-Prey_cover_art.jpg (250x319, 20K)


Final Fantasy VII had 100 hours of gameplay to accomodate those 14 hours of dialogue though

Doesnt count


you forgot the t.

Honestly only game ive beaten in like 4 years. great game

Good times

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>Final Fantasy VII had 100 hours of gameplay
FF7 is a 40-hour game dude, and even than, its only that long because combat is excruciatingly slow, with a loading screen everytime you enter into combat, and long drawn out animatiosn, as well as having to wait for atb turns to fill in between every turn.

Tell me a single western game that is pushing something, you're delusional, both exist mostly reusing old concepts that work well. Also movie games are boring as fuck

why couldn't the right form real reasons about Obama?

Final Fantasy VII's "gameplay" is almost exclusively comprised of combat, which involves pressing attack over and over again with the occasional healing.

I was 12

>Amerimutt """COMEDY"""

Fucking /pol/tard zoomer, get out

It will still kill sales for many kids. The most popular game with kids right now is rated T, so dont tell anything less than an M would make it unpopular with them.

>Japanese developer
>creative and original

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A known western fanboy

newfags were, are, and will forever be cancer

>Movie games are boring as fuc-

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Gotta love uninspired bait

Why are you politicizing a thread about video games?

>I can't get over the fact people are younger than me

But Haiti is a shit hole, and most African countries are shit holes too.

Video games are inherently political, user.

Heres what I do; ditch console and mod your favorite old PC games.
I can't remember the last time I bought a new game

To be fair Yakuza has a lot more gameplay sections and freedom than the averarge western movie game, and it uses the cutscenes to tell a history instead of just for show

fuck you, Berseria was dope

good idea

How do you figure that?

Jim sterling told him


Attached: Yakuza 0 QTEs.webm (640x360, 2.17M)

Halo bad

White people just can't deal with the fact that there exists a non-white nation producing better media than them, so they lash out.
Western media is shit.
TV shows are largely shit, cartoons are COMPLETE shit made for women and faggots, video games outside of some indie and PC games are trash, movies are capeshit made for manchildren or garbage outside of a few, whites just can't compete anymore and they know it.

You know that 1 example of a QTE doesn't mean that something has no gameplay, right?

Tell me what Mario stands for

>never heard of reddit
It was pretty widely known, newfag. Back in those days, though, it was where the CP spammers would organize. Like the modern tranny uses discord to talk about snipping off their wedding tackle, there were numerous "child model" sharing boards on reddit. Wasn't uncommon to see links to reddit groups when CP spammers were active.

Huh, kind of weird how Kiryu changes places when the second QTE comes up. Makes me wonder what was skipped over in that webm

>You know that 1 example of a QTE doesn't mean that something has no gameplay, right?

>1 example

Attached: Yakuza 6 QTE.webm (1920x1080, 2.57M)

Mario is subtle communist propaganda.
>Colors are red and white
>Seen as the 'people's hero' by Mushroom Kingdom
>Needs to overthrow the ruling class (King Koopa)
>Every time he clears a level, he puts his own flag in place in Bowser's


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A huge cutscene; what else.


you mean another QTE occurs.

What did Japanese developers even contribute to gaming as a whole? Because I can only think of the negative impact they had.

>Shenmue pioneered and popularized quick-time events

>Ico pioneered and popularized escort missions

>WinBack & Kill Switch pioneered and popularized cover-based shooting

>Metal Gear Solid pioneered and popularized 'movie games' with a heavy emphasis on cinematic storytelling to the detriment of gameplay (just compare MGS to its stealth game contemporaries like Thief and it becomes painfully clear how primitive its 'stealth' mechanics and level design are by comparison)

>Resident Evil 4 pioneered and popularized the tight over the shoulder camera where your character takes up half the screen, necessitating a much slower movement speed and pace of gameplay, in contrast to older third-person games where the camera was zoomed out and both player and enemy moved very fast.

>Final Fantasy and other jrpgs removed classic rpg features like extensive character creation and customization and non-linearity in favor of a more guided, linear experience filled with cinematic spectacle.

>Oh, and Japan invented visual novels

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>What did Japanese developers even contribute to gaming as a whole?
The best game ever made.

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I swear Yea Forums is either constantly baiting or you guys have no idea of what you're talking about

People used to post on reddit and link there. The disdain for it nowadays is caused by their nofun mods and normiefag masses.

>normiefag masses.
You are aware that Venn Diagram of Yea Forums and reddit users is nearly a circle, right?

Not him but they ended the crash of 1983 and pioneered 3D gaming.

>le beige suit
fast and furious

I've stopped caring. There is nothing I can do to stop it. I've just delegated myself to playing Japanese and retro games in all honesty.

>tries to refute the claim that japanese devs are guilty of movie games
>posts a cutscene

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The best game ever made is Japanese, but it is Devil May Cry 3.

No one here is refuting that Final Fantasy and Metal Gear Solid are movie games that are shallow imitators of their western counterparts, but that doesn't mean that the Japanese haven't produced some GOAT tier games.

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But that's like blaming CoD for WWII and Modern Warfare shooters, or Halo for 'Halo Killers'. All of which were trash, especially Killzone.

wojakposters need to be exterminated

Wojakposters improve the quality of this board by tenfold.

>Bible is a fairy tale despite it being 100% accurate past present and future

Stay mad corrupted tranny

>Final Fantasy and Metal Gear Solid are movie games that are shallow imitators of their western counterparts
? What western counterparts?

>people unironically believe this
Please go outside

White people need to deflect when it comes to the state of the modern western industry, so they look to the past.
The modern west is indefensible, so they stay in the past and try to blame Jap games for the state of western games like they try to blame kikes for the state of western society.

Refer to

Actually redpilled post

>The modern west is indefensibl-

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There's a reason why the western side of that image is a bunch of games that no one remembers outside of hollow knight, they were boring shit and only autists here talk about them. Also why the fuck is HK being compared to Okami and not Castlevania or Metroid?

The reason they're remembered is because they all have lowest common denominator approach and a game like SotN would compare poorly to Hollow Knight, too. Whereas high IQ ludotricians acknowledge games like Thief as being superior to Japanese stealth ""games"".

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The absolute state of Yea Forums.

You're talking big about thief but nips barely try to make stealth games, MGS is the only example I can think of and I admit that it's not that good at it

>There's a reason why the western side of that image is a bunch of games that no one remembers

You must think Fortnite is the best game of all time.

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For all those cherrypicked examples, I raise you Mario Brothers, Kingdom Hearts, and Dark Souls

kingdom hearts was always shit

>Kingdom Hearts

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Nope, but at the same time something being obscure doesn't mean that it's good, hell I'm a pretty big fan of nieche titles as well, but the old Fallouts are pretty fucking boring next to old FFs for example

>lesbians = degenerate
>JRPGs with 500+ hours of cutscenes designed to push games as movies = just fine

You people make me angry.

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Ahhh yes a random middle eastern illiterate somehow captured two of every animal in the trillions of animals during some magic flood.

me on the left

>invent a new type of gameplay
>people like it
>retarded devs copy it and make shittier versions of it in countless terrible games
>this is your fault somehow

>Final Fantasy



You're a retard. The boat was huge took years to build and Noah put baby animals on it so they all would fit. Dumb ass. And yeah a flood is so impossible right? Even tho 70% of the earth is already covered in water. Grow out of your 16 year old fedora tipping angst stage already.

not based. The underage need to find somewhere else to post.

Where'd he get the animals?

>arguing semantics

There's nothing to believe. It's fact. This is what american gaming has come to

actual pedo, hope you enjoy getting your smut removed from every social media platform ^^

What does this have to do with video games, again?

I am an "actual pedo" but at least I'm not rude.

>Nope, but at the same time something being obscure doesn't mean that it's good
Except nobody said this. I am arguing against what you said, which was:
>There's a reason why the western side of that image is a bunch of games that no one remembers

This is an appeal to popularity, which is a logical fallacy.

>but the old Fallouts are pretty fucking boring next to old FFs for example
In what sense? Everything from exploration (essentially non-existent in FF) to character building to quests is a hell of a lot more engaging in Fallout. Heck, even the presentation in Fallout is better, with actual voice acting for key characters, something weirdly absent from the PS1 Final Fantasies.

The combat in Fallout isn't very good, but it's still more tolerable than the combat in old FF's which consist mostly of random encounters every few steps where you can mindlessly auto-attack everything to death. At least the combat in old Fallouts is quick, snappy and has great death animations.

Imagine thinking Jap games are any better.

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The thing is most of the kids that would be in their edgy M rated only phase are also more likely to avoid it because "I don't want to play as some gay guy bro".

Your game is not a video game if people would rather talk about the story than the actual damn gameplay. Ban the degenerates who think MGS threads should be lore discussion, and then I'll agree with you about western games being bad.

>Video games are inherently political


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>the absolute state of western society

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You have described most games

The map on the left is from fucking Doom, you retarded amerilard

You think it's a parody? I think that says enough about anti-SJWs and their "points".

Armstrong was before Trump

>The map on the left is from fucking Doom, you retarded amerilard
True. Even a mindless shooter like Doom has more sophisticated level design than MGS, which is quite telling/

Literally how can anyone defend modern western games?

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Gaming communities were a lot more peaceful when only "anti-sjws" were around.

There weren't any anti-SJWs around then.

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yes, I was around back then.

>Yakuza doesn't hide that it's a game

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You weren't an anti-SJW.

I remember shitting on Jack Thompson

Yikes, and people defend this movie trash?

Keep spamming autist

He wasn't an SJW

>thinking people: I'm not going to be needlessly bigoted or mean to trannies if i can help it.
>based and redpilled people: I hate trannies I can't stop thinking about trannies do you like trannies? i bet you do you tranny lover soros plant! trannies! it's my gamer duty to make everything about trannies and how much i hate them!

...You're the only one talking about /pol/, you incel.

Mmovie games are ok, when Japan does them.

Being against violence in video games is a form of justice that conservatives sought. The definition of SJW is someone who is too dumb to handle works of fiction and think that censorship and control over what gets put in games will solve social problems. That's what SJW try to do, and it pisses me off that someone like that is writing articles on the internet and there a whole community of them that tries to gate keep the game industry.

Very accurate. Also it is scary that people are actually getting angry at yhis.

Good combat systems require you to press more than one buttom, if they are in real time to do it in precise patterns and timing, they also need spatial awareness (biggest problem of JRPGs), resource management, enemy and PC knowledge, tactics...
A shitton of JRPGs and FFVII in particular can be literally be completed exclusively chosing to attack and cure/ defend here and there, it's not even a fucking hyperbole.
Japanes devs make great action games, but their tactical and strategical games, including RPGs, are beyond abysmal.

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It's fascinating what the west did to cartoons.
I don't know if it's my age bias, but cartoons nowadays appear to encourage imbecility. People may claim same about the cartoons I was watching growing up, but I still think something has changed in the industry recently.

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>Friday Night
>Get all school work done
>Order pizza and play Halo 3 with the boys
I wanna go back.


The game is around 70-100 hours long.

>That's what SJW try to do, and it pisses me off that someone like that is writing articles on the internet and there a whole community of them that tries to gate keep the game industry.
Son, by that definition, aren't the "anti-SJWs" the real SJWs?

Based but Japs use microtransactions too now.

Do anti-sjw try to censor partial nudity? Do they try to take away violence in games?
Do you have a brain?

The answer to all those questions is NO.

No, but they do think that having certain races or genders or sexualities represented in fiction poses a social problem, and they are of course the self-appointed gatekeepers of video games. You know, like you actually said.

It's resetera refugees

>Thinking people: Trannies are just annoying white idiots who think they can escape their privilege by "identifying" as women

>one sentence reply vs. multi-forum spam campaign
who is seething here?

Get out of the basement you sheltered retard

>falling for obvious bait
proof nintendies are literal children

I'm not trying to be a gatekeeper though, I just want developers to have creative freedom like they used to have before SJW started setting rules and regulations.

Ooof, looks like I struck a nerve.
It's okay user, I understand how white guys are, you're really just oppressed, that's why you spend $600 a month on makeup and women's clothing while shitposting about how aloof and depressed you are on Twitter.
Oh, you're just such a precious little oppressed victim.

>Halo 3, CoD 4 and Oblivion aren't good either

Yes they were. They were so good that they almost exclusively destroyed all of gaming because everything afterwards had to be an exact copy of them.


>I just want developers to have creative freedom like they used to have
>Developers exercise their creative freedom
>no no not like that!

>>List lefts failed attempts to meme as a joke.
Is he still larping as a conservative?

I unironically miss this time now holy fuck

>Developers exercise their creative freedom
The don't. The do what they can under the publisher's requirements.

Having a set diversity quota for token characters is not creative freedom. It’s parental racism powered by greed.

So when you said
>creative freedom like they used to have
you lied?
It's also not real. It's a figment of your imagination fuelled by a victim complex.

They used to have creative freedom before SJWs started setting rules and regulations.

>t. ResetEra

>Sonic mania and indie 2d sidescrollers
>Yipee s o y!

>It's also not real. It's a figment of your imagination

Wrong. The developers themselves would disagree with you and educate you that it’s important and healthy to have more than just white men in video games.

>Shenmue pioneered and popularized quick-time events
Talking shit on Shenmue... I am leaving this place forever now. Bye, andSee you tomorrow..

Frost is unironically hot

>They used to have creative freedom before SJWs started setting rules and regulations.
Right, so you claimed, but that's not true, because as we are hopefully all aware, they always did what they could under the publisher's requirements. So the "creative freedom they used to have" is just like the one they have now.
That's just using their creative freedom.

Arkane has never made anything that isn't just polished mediocrity. Prey was boring as fuck at least dishonoured had cool setting

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>Openly admitting to being underage

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We had more games being produced with the creative freedom they used to have. The creative freedom you claim they have now is more restrictive.

>Aplies to TLoU
No, it doesn't.

>Japanes devs make great action games

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this. brainlets and casuals will never understand this

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>they do think that having certain races or genders or sexualities represented in fiction poses a social problem
the problem is not the representation of lgbt characters in video games but how most of them are shoehorned in there for no good reason other than to finish a diversity checklist
even worse is that resources go to filling out this diversity checklist as opposed to making a good game that is fun to play and the reason you buy a fucking game in the first place which is to escape the dread of school/work
keep politics out of games, every element in a game should add to the experience

but its not like sjw developers will last when they keep shoveling out dumpster fires like ME:A, overwatch and lawbreakers, its hard to think of more because they're all so bad and forgettable

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Yes it does.
Walk and talk sections where you hold the analog stick forward are still cutscenes.

Absolutely false. You're really just making shit up because you're angry about the way game devs choose to utilise their creative freedom as opposed to how they used to back in the day, but you know that's not a good look after you made a huge deal about creative freedom so you have to fit your pissiness into the straitjacket of your previously constructed argument.

>you'll never laugh with your bros after hitting some fuckboi with a sticky
>you've lost touch with the guy who'd always call Hammer
>you'll never witness that cross map Laser hit that made the squad say "holy shit"
You can [NOT] redo, user.

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>the problem is not the representation of lgbt characters in video games but how most of them are shoehorned in there for no good reason other than to finish a diversity checklist
I don't care what you call it or how you phrase it, you're still doing the same thing.

Games in general should not be political. Sure, there can be games that have politcal messages (not all), but if one were to base their game through politics, people are going to be upset regardless if they have good intentions. It's like what Nintendo said, "The game is fun, and if it isn't fun, why bother." Hell, they don't want it in their games because they know it will upset many players, so they delete it. Not everyone is going to have the same perspective as the western gamer, not everyone is poltically correct, and some people who are politically correct in a pollitically incorrect enviroment/country can be severly injured, and vice versa. This whole thing is a double edged sword where everyone will be triggered one way or another. This is why I stay neutral to things.

>I don't care about context.
This is why no one but retarded white people likes you.

>you're still doing the same thing.

So all white people are "mentally challenged" (you just offended two groups of people you hypocrate.)

Yes, that's right, I don't care about the context, because the context is you saying "it's okay when we do it".

Independent devs have more creative freedom than devs working under a big corporations like EA for example, because they have less restriction on how they want to make their games and what kinds of characters they want to put on their games. AAA devs do have a lot more budget, but what do they do with the budget? They use it to copy PUBG.

Yes, all white people have mental problems.
Fuck white people and fuck retards.
And it's spelled hypocrite you fucking illiterate.

I blame the console and their fans, they just take whatever ______ dev fuck ems in the ass, PC players are retarded for other reasons but they usually boycott games with inane faggotry and P2W features
>inb4 CSGO
Um you really think that guy with the nicer skin is somehow gonna get a one up on you?

Using that logic, GTA SA is equally as SJW as a game in medieval Europe with black knights randomly added in.

>I don't care about the context
Okay, and this is why no one but retarded white people likes you.

>no Wolfenstein Young Blood
baka desu senpai

>Games in general should not be political.
Thank Kojima for the politicization of games.

Attached: MGS is SJW propaganda.png (1080x1920, 1002K)

>racism bad
>whitey bad
Fuck people like you

Congratulations, you just said that to an actual (highly functioning) diagnosed autistic person who cannot deal with auto correct correctly.

because you dont have a good answer to it
also >replying to opening statement and not the point being made
dumb sjw

I actually have no problem with racism, fuck niggers too.
I hate whites because you keep trying to stick your grubby little fingers in everyone else's pies, you need to fuck that.
Good, maybe you should fuck off.
Not surprised that you're a literal autistic moron.

There are more independent devs than ever, so video game development is also freer than ever.

Your presence is unwelcome in this world.

I'm not the one going extinct, that'd be you.
Ironically, because so much of your race is made up of faggots, trannies, and lesbos.

I'm excited for that game Its gonna have some lefty narrative like the 2nd game but I don't care since the game is fun first and a gay ass movie second. I'm a grown adult I can see the feeble attempts at reprogramming me and be like "ha gayyyyyyyy"

Bald hairless smooth puffy little girls cunny

>Yeah I'm hypocritically doing the exact same thing I just universally declared bad, but you have to consider the ~context~
Is the context that you're a retard with terrible reading comprehension who doesn't follow the side of the argument he's on?

What race are you?

This, but I'm not a white cuck, so I'll be pirating it.

You're right, give back your computer, cars, electricity, democracy #rejectthewhitedevil

>because you dont have a good answer to it
No, I do, and that was it.
>replying to opening statement and not the point being made
Everything afterwards was irrelevant, no need to get into it.

>video game developers DO have creative freedom


Attached: obama propaganda.jpg (409x486, 47K)

At least post Sekino you loser.

Attached: lmao.webm (1280x720, 2.47M)

I never said anything about calling you a faggot or a retard bad because I'm not that other user.
Which race does /pol/ hate the most besides Jews and niggers?
That one.
Nah, I'll keep them and use them to call you a faggot since I'm not a cuck.

Asians are the most common tranny, and fags and trannies make up like 3% of the population and don't reproduce so they are a non issue