Far Cry 2 is one of those games that could be a masterpiece if it had been developed for a year or two more

Far Cry 2 is one of those games that could be a masterpiece if it had been developed for a year or two more.

obligatory: youtube.com/watch?v=FCeEvQ68jY8

Attached: Far Cry 2 2018.05.27 - (700x392, 2.93M)

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Redux is great

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>one of those games that could be a masterpiece if it had been developed for a year or two more.
that's every game ever
also this

zoomer nostalgia is not allowed on this board

It's frustrating how the game cusps the greatness of being something akin to STALKER but keeps getting all these little things wrong here and there. If it were more moddable the game could have been fixed. I really wanted to like this game but it kind of tapers off and turns into a chore by the time you get to the second map. Also all the guns are left-handed and it always bothered me. And the malaria mechanic.

Honestly it was really good and still nostalgia inducing to me. I'd like to play it again but either the disc or my 360 always hits the shitter when I try to play it. Maybe I'll get it on steam

It was good for the year it came out i hope i live long enough to see a remaster of one of the best games i ve seen in my life

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>that's every game ever
I don't know, but it's very apparent with some games. MGSV is another one. Basically, all aspects of the game are great except for the amount of actual unique content there is to consume.

i really can not stand left handed guns in video games

what's the point of having cool small details if the experience as a whole is mediocre

>Far Cry 2
Okay the atmosphere was good. But apart from that is was fucking life and death every 5 fucking minutes. I don't know how to describe instant malaria and weapon degrades in the middle of a fire fight every 10 minutes. Yeah it is good but holy fucking shit. I'm glad you don't have that shit in 3,4,5.

I realize some people will only consider a video game good if it has insanely tedious gameplay attached to it. Why is that?

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Yeah, the Redux mod is the way to play. Better AI, better stealth, guns are balanced realistically and weather slower. It’s definitely the closest to realizing the game’s potential.

it often helps with making the experience rewarding as a whole

I like how he bypass bad sides of old games.

I find that's only a niche group of gamers who feel that way. The more tedious and taxing the better for them, while other gamers prefer a more breezy approach to games.

Fuck off. I had to force myself to finish this "open world" bore fest. The game consists of shitty corridors everywhere, in which you are always, and I mean always, chased by 20 afrikkan cunts with their cars who wont de-aggro. Voice acting is awful. All it has going for it is beauty and gun play.

I swear, does Crowbcat like anything at all?

>does Crowbcat like anything at all?
Just the VR games he shills.

What do you think needed improvement in particular?
It makes the cool stuff about Stalker or even games like Operation Flashpoint more accessible, while not turning into a mindless DOOM-like power fantasy.

I think there's room for both kinds of games, and mixtures of them. It's not to FC2's detriment that it aimed for a middle ground, though it missed the mark in some areas.

I wish it had hostile wildlife. It never quite gets to the level of Stalker in being opressive depressioncore.
I still like it dispite the abysmal final levels.

Winning when you feel all odds are against you is more rewarding.
Killing two dozens of enemies with a rusty ak while dying of malaria and pulling out bullets off your neck gives a fantastic adrenaline rush.
I've been playing Blops II for the first time the other day, and it felt more like a guided tour of cool cinematic explosions rather than a game, since they basically put a row of unthreatening enemies in a conga line while you have xray vision and a team of AI soldiers doing the job in your place. And when you die it's alway due to a cheap trick and never your fault.
You can apply this logic to all other janky games: when your bullets go trough the magnetic bullet deflecting field and land a headshot in STALKER you feel like you truly earned it.

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Sounds about right. What games is he shilling, anyway?

the people that prefer the easy games are also the ones that buy every game ever and only play them for 3 hours then never ever touch them again

>opressive depressioncore
Now that's a good meme term to describe Stalker.

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>That drawing
>The shadow
>The fire in the eyes
That's way too much effort for a frogpost

>What do you think needed improvement in particular?
FC2 should've had an outpost mechanic similar to FC3. The enemy AI is also pretty bad. Other than that, I don't think the core gameplay loop has any major flaws. Even the widely disliked wepaon degradation system is something I prefer being in the game.

that's not frogposting cunt it's apu
here is the difference

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>outpost mechanic similar to FC3
Nah, i like it to be hostile for the whole game, in FC3 once you liberated all outposts the game turns into a hunting simulator. I'd get longer timers for roadblocks respawn, from 30 seconds to at least 10 minutes.

apu cute

>I'd get longer timers for roadblocks respawn, from 30 seconds to at least 10 minutes.
Yeah. I'd love if you could see on the map when an outpost is reinforced after you've cleared it. Having it be empty for like one in-game day would be enough.

That's the one criticism I would've accepted, so good job I guess.


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>3/5 of these commonly spammed memecharacters are finnish
how do they dew it?

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Based mongolians as proven by WW2

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>Far Cry 2 is one of those games that could be a masterpiece if it had been developed for a year or two more.
I remember the devs boasting that they had perfected a two year dev cycle.

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it's like they fucking went insane when designing some of the mechanics
this game came so close to be amazing

He practically fellates Grand Theft Auto IV.

Gondola was made by an italian on/ int/

Honestly, Far Cry 2 would work much better if they just trimmed down some of the fat the game has. It’s a quite long game for its genre, so I wouldn’t mind them cutting some of the most repetitive content away and designing the map to be more compact. I mean, it’s not like Stalker either would be any better if it had +50% more of map size and boring ”kill some bandits” quests.

There's only one good Far Cry game, the rest are trash: youtube.com/watch?v=0dofacvjRkc

>pointing out the shortcomings in something means you don't like it
fuck off

>I mean, it’s not like Stalker either would be any better if it had +50% more of map size
I disagree

fuck off tranny

There's a difference between pointing out shortcomings, and being excessively negative and refusing to see the good.