>director leaves the project a few months ago
>now this
S-Should we start getting worried? I feel we might be two years away from it...
>director leaves the project a few months ago
>now this
S-Should we start getting worried? I feel we might be two years away from it...
Platinum started a million different projects in the last few years, the only reason to worry about this game is because of Platinum being horrible with project management.
I've been saying that this is vaporware for a while but none of you fags believed me.
dat Animal Crossing doe
Jesus fucking Christ. Metroid, now this.
did they learn nothing from their embarassing last attempt at that, which resulted in 3 bad games, 1 ok game and 1 cancelled game?
I want to fuck Bayonetta so bad bros
they saw DMC5, got shook and went back to the drawing board.
Bayo 3 will be a March 2020 title. No need to release it in the second half of 2019 with how already packed it is, unless you went to send it to its death. That's just common sense and good business management.
Bayo 1 & 2 switch ports any good?
Been wanting to play through them again.
Best option for Bayo 2 since it performs better, and the first/second-best option for 1 since it performs just fine and it's got the Nintendo costumes.
They never gave a release date, you fucking idiots.
Bayo 1 actually did get a bit of a performance boost on Switch.
It was never 2019. some uneducated faggot is clickbaiting yet again. It's been TBA since forever.
Good, that means I can postpone my Switch purchase
Good ports but the games are horrible to play portable. Not because of resulotion or frames, but hand cramps. Still worth it, since they are great in docked mode
Automata and Transformers were great, and Korra was fine for its price. And you're incredibly naive if you think Platinum was entirely or even mostly to blame for the problems with Scalebound's development rather than Microsoft.
>literally lying
fucking why? Nintendo has changed the date of many games before but Bayonetta wasn't one of them, are journalists really that starved for clickbait?
Don't worry, you'll get your game. I promise!
you gotta be shitting me, transformer was passable at best, Korra was trash and that ninja turtle game was pure trash.
devs are programming in one hand mode lol
>Transformers great
Yeah, no. And TMNT?
>metroid delayed to 2023
>bayonetta in development hell
>reggie left nintendo
I feel bad for Nintenbros, but even Microsoft is doing better atm
It never had a 2019 release date
lol switch owners actually thought nintendo was gonna release new games
fucking insane, another filler year
>We can't make a game this bad bros, we should strive to push the genre forwards instead of backwards. Let's go back to the drawing board :)
wtf i love Platinum now
>but even Microsoft is doing better atm
ok nintendo isn't doing that bad, they still have smash dlc luigi''s mansion and animal crossing. xbox has literally nothing
What happened to that Babylon game?
I'm sure fans are looking forward to ??? meeting its date.
The next xbox gen is gonna blow everything out of the water nintenkiddo
Maybe could just be that they have and/or are planing for a stacked holiday release and want bayo 3 to have as bigger chance to sell better when not surrounded with a bunch of other releases.
Since cause of that last direct they announced a shit ton of summer stuff which leads me to believe that they saved a bunch of announcements for E3 of which then they will then announced all the stuff for fall and winter.
That or maybe just maybe they may also have jack fucking shit for next year so they are going to save this to avoid a too heavy a drought as well as the above mentioned shit.
When did they announce B3 was coming in 2019?
Oh right, they never did.
It's a weak year for me but pretending Animal Crossing and Pokemon don't have massive fanbases is retarded.
Nothing, it was announced in Square-Enix E3 conference in 2018 then it was never talked about it again, now it has been almost an year and E3 2019 is about to come so who knows if actual news about it will surface in their conference.
The fuck is this pose, more retarded than useless but a bit of both.
Microsoft has Ori, Gears 5, Battletoads and a new expansion for FH4
Xbonefag here. I'm waiting for Killer Instinct 2.
I wasn't expecting much from 3 to start with after the dismal showing that was 2. How you make everything feel worse after the success of the first game. I just don't know. Worse plot, worse feeling weapons, underwater combat and a gimmicky form change for it.
I'm also expecting part of the reason was that they wanted to do something that the Switch just couldn't handle and they are part of the push for this rumored pro version and Bayo 3 will be exclusive to it and be part of the bundle.
Damn, feels like it's been longer.
because Nintendo made it exclusive and they wanted it to appeal to their braindead manchild audience
>i-it was shit anyway
get over it sonybro
Pls no
This is fucking why you never announce this and Prime 4 early. On the bright side, it's good that we know it exists at least, but on the other, it takes a fuckton of time to see and release it, though I understand the developers have lives and what not. It doesn't help that in Bayonetta's case, it's a very niche franchise that doesn't sell very well regardless of being in Super Basedboy Bros. Nintendo could one day go at Platinum and tell them the project has been cancelled because it's not worth it financially. They should just have kept the announcement/teaser to themselves until there's actual shit going on their development hardware with enough code added. I hope these fools at Nintendo/Platinum don't do this ever again.
the game is being reworked after DMC5 reception. the retards would release Bayo 2 under a different skin with the same shitty combat and issues
3/10 attempt, keep up the practice.
Hey, got at least one didn't i? Was worth it for thay level of effort.
>pro version and Bayo 3 will be exclusive to it and be part of the bundle.
Not even Nintendo are that retarded.
This is why you never allocate yourself to one console, especially one that's decided to go full-handheld.
People don't have multiple consoles?
Why are you listing PC games user
dumb fucks.
What games are actually even coming out this year? Not just switch. I mean in general.
No mention of Mario Maker 2 or Rune Factory? Astral Chain also looks like it will be good. I've bought consoles for Rune Factory alone so I'm hyped as fuck for that.
The fact that consolewars still exist pretty much directly implies many don't, yes.
The rest is just shit.
>open bayo thread
>immediately see a dmcuck posting his retardation
every time
Pretty sure it's a falseflagger. This genre is niche and most DMC players have probably played Bayonetta too.
>Astral Chain also looks like it will be good
this, also daemon x machina is coming this year, right? i hope that supposed new switch model releases this year
>Nintendo could one day go at Platinum and tell them the project has been cancelled because it's not worth it financially.
We're talking about Nintendo here, not Microsoft.
I knew it
platinum announced a fuckton of titles in rapid succession, they always do this shit. overwork, start a million things, announce everything and then do fucking nothing
>microsoft gave Cuphead to Switch, and gave Halo to PC
>released Crackdown as a broken failure
>Nintendo has Summer, Fall, and Winter packed
We told you this two years ago. Enjoy your next still image at E3.
>people can't mean things of corporate overlords
get fucked. DMC5 forced them to make an actual good game this time
>Nintendo could one day go at Platinum and tell them the project has been cancelled because it's not worth it financially.
Nintendo dont do that. They just instead repurposed work into other shit usually involving their more well known IPs like with smash or maybe even like in ARMS which was at first planned to have Nintendo characters but then spun out into its own thing.
>n-next time I swear it will happen
cope. I dont own a switch btw but if I did atleast I can play the lastest mario and zelda. I can just play KI and cuphead on steam
Give it all the time it needs to fix all the problems bayo 2 brought with it.
I can wait years if it needs to be that long to make the game as good as 1. Astral Chain looks cool from the trailer so that can easily hold me over on action games on top of DMC5 replays.
>DMC4.5 forced anyone to do anything
It also flopped and all DLCs were cancelled.
I am 90% positive the same thing is going to happen to AC. They announced the game over half a year ago and have not breathed a word about it since. If no new Pokemon stuff is announced by mid-June, you can probably assume that to be a 2020 release as well.
What happened to that Square Enix game they were supposed to be making.
You could say the same for Luigi's Mansion 3. Just because they dont talk about stuff until they are close to release doesnt mean its not coming out.
Also, Bayonetta 3 was literally never scheduled for 2019, it was always TBA
I fucking wish.
Platinum is stretched thin, everyone knows of that already, they'll have to slow down, that SE game they are making is probably going to be delayed as well
>It also flopped
anyone can use google yknow?
I wasn't expecting it to come out in 2019 after the Astral Chain announcement
fuck journalists, snakes
What are you implying? That it was a massive success and that's why all DLCs were cancelled?
>And you're incredibly naive if you think Platinum was entirely or even mostly to blame for the problems with Scalebound's development rather than Microsoft.
Scalebound failure came from both sides, Microsoft kept pushing for action game with dragons while Platinum couldn't meet any deadline they had, trying to put the blame on one side more than the other is just blind fanboyism over one of the two
Remember when Kamiya left Scalebound?
How many games did Nintendo lie about to trick you into buying a switch?
I'll never believe that Kamiya wanted to make multiplayer coop game. It was obviosly MS fucking with them, one of his earlier tweets is an evidence for that too.
No idea on lies, I'm not buying one until the fuckers are out. I'm a huge Nintendo fag but didn't buy a Wii-U until Mario Kart 8 came bundled with a Pikmin 3 code.
>x quietly y's
nice try, samefag