I miss it boys

I miss it boys

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Other urls found in this thread:


>when you use the accurate rifles and people sperg at you because it's not honorable
fucking lol


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>some fag is trying to do some gay shit with swords
>just shoot them
>they sperg out


It was only good with lead.
It's a brainless game with antilead.

>BF'ing around and getting accused of hacking
>those hand cramps after each match
fuck this game was so good. what ahppened to it?

damn, the good old times

hold me boys

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>rolling around naked with a rusty dagger and 2 LMGs shooting down kstyling kids who think they're hot shit
No better feeling.

"It's called Gunz the Duel not Swords the Glitch"

spergs erupt

>beat someone 8 levels above me
>banned for "cheating"
Get rekt faggot. I had like a few hours of experience. You know who you are.

>dagger them and knock them to the ground
>or off the map
man that was good times.

>always use shotgun because im obsessed
>just stand in a hallway so kstylers cant go anywhere and blast them
such skill

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it was shit and always was shit

cool concept but needed a company with at least 10x more money.

>join a free level match
>kguys dueling in the distance
>toss all my nades in the middle

Everytime, also dagger and LMG for cheeky cunts

>GunZ 2 barely gets any updates after its release
>dev stops supporting the game altogether
>dev sells the rights to the game to another company
>dev stops existing

GunZ 3 never.

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Outcast and Academy were some of the best multiplayer experiences I ever had.

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I miss it too, and pic related

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That's probably for the better, honestly.

>quest mode
>we all die but one new guy
>pamploa is the last enemy
>he stands still and unloads his rifle, runs out of ammo and he pull his katana to wail at him
>pamploa murderfucks him with the invisible proyectile
>all items down the drain

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Rakion was pretty damn fun back then I have to admit. Amazing feat for F2P game in the era.

man I forgot about this shit

always played as the big armored guy

>open up server list
>everything is either 400 ping shit or abandoned FFAs
I just want my team games damn it

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>372 ping duel server with 2/2 people in it
>several 20 ping 0 player servers filled with bots
>couple of 100 ping servers with modifiers combined in an extremely autistic manner like guns vs sabers, force powers disabled, only 1 map.
>decide to join it, everyone is just a fucking bot
>reinstall movie battles to see if that's better
>it's not
god fucking damn it why are all the games that I want to play dead

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I wonder what the devs are working on now

Nothing. They sold the rights to GunZ games and went bankrupt.

>GunZ comes up on Yea Forums
>its a "I'm such a badass for being a braindead rifle shitter" episode, again

shitting on everyone with my superior d-style

>cue stories how everyone were godlike using automatic rifles and tumbling against people who used k-style

post the picture of the stick people koreans

*K-styles u repeatedly*

>Try to fight
>Ends up being a race to see who can backstab the other first
It was the dark souls of its time

Not the company, i was talking about the devs themselves
K style was like the textbook definition of unintended emergent gameplay.. wonder if the devs ever intended to take it further

I wasn't good but I didn't need to be. If, for every 100 kills a k-styler got on me, I could dagger and LMG him just once, he'd get so pissed that it was still a victory for me.

I remember back in the days you had to use two shotguns and switch them while shooting, if not you would never be as good as the other guys

shit i miss gunz, ragnarok too

Dumb question but is there anything like this out there right now?

No. When kids now are our age they're going to be posting threads like this about fortnite.

>nothing out there like this
>reminded I'm getting old

Double whammy.

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>shit like ms1 and wow get a shit ton of private servers
>I can't even get 1 for the MMOs I want

I remember there was another game with guns and melee that was f2p. Played with Yea Forums during the open beta. Forget what it was called but it was a good time

S4 League.
There are threads being posted about this lately where people gather to play on a private server, so keep an eye if you're interested.

gunz 2 was awful and they threw away all the original plans they had (basically just making gunz 1 with a graphical update and slowly importing all the maps and quests) to m ake it a class based shooter cause they thought that would be fun (it wasn't). It bled them dry because netmarble wasn't willing to publish it like they published gunz 1.
Then netmarble caught on to the power of the mobile market, and wiped out ALL of their pc games (SD gundam online, grand chase, mini fighter, uncharted waters online, I could go on and on), including GunZ. So it had no official servers left, and no stable income. They'd blown all this cash on devving gunz2, so they pushed it out, hoping it would succeed. It sucked, so it didn't, it failed, they liquidated to try and survive, it failed, they dissolve.
The company that owns the game now (masangsoft) picked up a shit ton of abandoned games, so I don't think it's fair to put any blame on them. they're actually keeping the game alive (but only in korea, because korea is the only remotely profitable market for mmos anymore unless your game has warcraft or final fantasy in it). They also brought back drift city/skid rush, They were bringing back raiderZ but I don't know how it panned out, and a shitload of games like peria chronicles.

>use rockets
>butthurt intensifies to maximum levels
God I loved life so much more back then

if i grow up to have arthritis in my hands it will be because of this game and butrerfly/k style.



>link related out of nowhere


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forward forward

forward forward

forward forward

forward forward

>get to low hp in the stairs in the sky map
>jump off
>dash to obscurity
i was that scum and i enjoyed it.

>someone says your kstyle is gud
>get self-conscious and fuck up for the rest of the round
>leave lobby and delete system32


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fucking nostalgic