Little Sisters are for ________

Little Sisters are for ________.

Attached: Little-Sister-from-Bioshock-Screenshot.jpg (1013x584, 95K)

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Deciding on whether Venom Snake is Big Boss.

my little ones.

Attached: MidwifeFanart1.jpg (767x1042, 85K)

dumbest moral choice in any game

vaginal sex, if you catch my drift



Thank God Bioshock 2 actually added moral choices instead of pretending anyone at any point was going to harvest a Little Sister.

>evil choice is less rewarding

Getting fucked in the front-facing cow-girl position, near a window in the near dark.

Didn't it actually give you more adam or whatever it was called?

In both games, every so often, the Little Sisters would give you gifts that had big chunks of Adam in them, in addition to other supplies. If you went 100% Rescue, you'd end with more Adam than if you went 100% Harvest.

It's really just instant gratification vs. delayed gratification.

early game yeah but you get a bunch of bonus rewards later for saving them like free plasmids

>not doing multiple play through
>not draining those little whores

Attached: drained.gif (200x150, 378K)

I'm pretty sure harvesting them gives you slightly more adam when you factor in the bonus you get for every three you save, but at that point the difference is negligible, so it's a question of whether or not you'd be willing to kill them for a small advantage.

that's some nice SS2 art

I can't bring myself to do it even after a second playthrough.


me either I just wanted to meme

You would get goodie drops for rescuing them, which included an assload of money (if I remember right), as well as tonics and a unique plasmid that would brainwash Big Daddies and turn them into your follower.

>loli can heal from any injury

imagine the possibilities

That would be some amazing gore porn.

... draining my cock with their little hands.

Big Sister is for ________.

Attached: 1282903-eleanor_lamb005.jpg (311x672, 30K)

which one of you was this?