>channel where his hard work consists of reading news articles aloud
>can't read for shit
Truly magnificent stuff.
Channel where his hard work consists of reading news articles aloud
Other urls found in this thread:
just goes to show you how desperate people are for anything but the fake left wing media cabal funded by large corporations that push for immigration and homosexuality for cheap labor and mindless consumerism
who the fuck is this neckbeard and why the fuck should i care
kill yourself
t. republican brainlet giving tons of money to those massive corporations he complains about that are ruining society
>gets punched for being a nazi
>attacker gets off completely unscathed
pretty much this
Why are these threads still up?
>Fake news and sensationalism is A-OK, as long as its right-wing propaganda
This guy probably makes more than the majority of "journalists." I should throw a hundred dollars or two his way some time.
what fake news exactly?
he also makes a living off it. thanks for making so many threads, would've never known about him otherwise
The only magnificent thing is that he makes you seeth enough to spam threads on Yea Forums. Cope
Take your meds boomer.
>Fake news and sensationalism
whatever helps you sleep bud
Nobody said that. It's saying that people are tired of the current status quo that's being shoved down their throats. I don't want partisan politics in anything in my life. Voting red or blue fucks the country either way. Listening to people argue from extremist ideals is fucking dumb.
This. It's why based operations like The Young Turks are still going strong.
Wouldnt that also count yongyea?
>onions beard
>JUST hair
>pol memes irl unironically
>faced up a homosexual and started yelling pol memes at then unprovoked and got his ass beat.
>pressed charges of assault and claimed he was sucker punched
>trannies forever mad
He at least, you know, can actually read
I wished TJ has basically fucking quit.
>unironic tranny tripfag crying about the bearded youtube man
LMAO cant make this shit up
>republicans support cheap labor and consumerism for 40 years
>in 2016 suddenly realize it's doing nothing for them or their communities
guise why did the left do this to us
Says a lot about you if a degenerate that got their ass kicked by a tranny still is still more successful than some retarded tripfag posting on a chinese cutlery board. Cope.
There really should be a Jaclyn Glenn of the vidya commentary genre. Someone who is actually able to articulate and is somewhat presentable ripping off the content of dyslexic neckbeards and being so successful at it that getting exposed multiple times as a plagiarist doesn't destroy her career.
I hate the guy
but I need some sjw hate
"The Quartering" sounds like something you would use to describe America's genetic destiny.
>not watching the superior neckbeard
He’s a normfag but he’s a good source for news
I'm convinced Hambly makes these threads to promote himself. He's total view/subscribe whore with shitty points who somehow managed to get himself banned from a card game without even playing the card game. He whines about people going into hobbies they don't participate in then does the exact same thing.
>Muh trannies
The fact that you think I have to be a tranny to dislike trash like his channel is both hilarious and sad desu
Fuck off libtard, nobody said anything remotely like that. People are just tired of the leftist politics that keep interjecting themselves in media and entertainment. If you want to argue left vs right / red vs blue, go do that at those snorefest political rallies or something, nobody gives a fuck. Is it so tough to just want game companies to just make normal, fun videogames the way they've made them for decades prior without interjecting shit that makes them go woke go broke?
He legit used to shill himself on /tg/ before moving onto overall politics. He always got called out though
Yea Forums is way more underage and retarded than /tg/ so it's way more effective here
cheap labor isnt inherently bad, it can be done by kids and old people who want to earn extra money. consumerism isnt inherently bad, so long as the nation is otherwise stable. important hundreds of millions of diseased criminals, gang members, and rapidly breeding low iq people for cheap labor is a problem, consuming endless junk and borrowing from china to do it because youre producing nothing is a problem. leftists dont understand enough about the world for any of their opinions to be taken seriously, thats why they only operate by buzzwords and virtue signaling.
>fake left wing media
I can see this was written by a commie.
All that shit is leftist.
My only question is why are these blatant e-celeb shill fanboy threads allowed
They're not even disguised as videogames. What the hell are the mods doing?
Oh right, the Left is pro-corporate now. Good to know.
>somehow managed to get himself banned from a card game without even playing the card game
Keep in mind that WotC has for years been on this SJW brigade only supporting the """approved""" channels and actively pissing on the """disapproved""" channels. Even Rudy who just does MTG finance/collecting/evaluating/buying isn't one of the approved channels just because he's a big outlet for why legacy/vintage/reserved list cards have risen in value in the past few years.
They'd do anything they can to silence or shun a voice they don't like out of the game if it hurts their feefees enough. That reflects more on WotC's shitty practices about policing communities rather than just making fucking cardboard trading cards that are fun to play with. That's literally the only thing they should be doing.
>I've never worked in my life
Someone needs to contact 4channel's advertisers and inform them of the FREE integrated ads going up constantly on here.
You can't put brand-name stuff in TVs shows because why would anyone pay for it when some companies get it for free? The same logic applies.
I imagine they'd be pissed enough to pull their ads off the site.
Nice strawman, that's not an argument.
He is a fat lard and I dont want to see him in my recommended, but why do discord trannies have such a hateboner for him? Quit posting him
There is no need to argue with brainlets who advocate exploitative economy, mr neoliberalism low pay is good for your people.
These are obvious hate threads though
How is your internship going, kid? Parents still paying for everything?
>Capitalism is inherintely anti-white. The reason blacks were brought into white civilization was simply because paying whites was too expensive, natives got sick too easily, and blacks were simply the most reliable slave laborers at the time. If plantation owners didn’t bring in black slaves they would “lose” the game of profit to those who did.
>As you can see, capitalism is inherintely globalist. The rich will always shill for more cheap labor, the free market does not care about skin color.
>You may then ask “but sir, blacks and other stupid lazy poor people are no longer profitable, so why does capitalism tolerate their existence?” It doesn’t, that’s where abortion and chemicals in the water that turn the fricken frogs gay come in. Why do you think feminism and transgenderism is so intensely pushed? Because it reduces the birth rate of retarded NPCs.
Neoliberalism brought us feminism, abortion, immigration, refugees, LGBT pride, racial pride in general, gun control and open borders. Not necesarally capitalism.
You do make it seem like you're so seethed that this random e-celeb happens to make a certain kind of content that triggers you.
Maybe just me, but I don't care either which way on random e-celebs that show up here. I dont' personally dislike them or like them, I'm just indifferent because I haven't watched their stuff and don't particularly feel like watching their stuff either.
Whatever reason you have a personal vendetta against some generic talking head youtuber, it sounds like you'll be seething and wasting years of your life being angry at inconsequential shit, but for now I'm happy prodding your fickle and sensitive ass for a few giggles while you get angrier.
Cope, retard.
You mean a company only gives out previews, works with creators who aren't douchebags? That's every fucking company. What are they even supposed to do for Rudy? Dude does nothing but talk about secondary market. Hambly went on a rant making fun of a cosplayer who hadn't even done any slut cosplays and got fucking rekt for it. Dude contributed nothing to the community but box openings and every MTG creator on youtube did that. Guy's a waste of space.
why is it that leftist can never respond to the actual statement and instead have to literally make up shit and then respond to that?
you missed the memo. We're in the middle of the obligatory party flip that occurs every couple of decades. The left is becoming the dogmatic pro-corporate moral police. Basically a secular version of 90's evangelical dipshits. Meanwhile the right actually has factions that are straightening their shit out. If the right can purge its old guard and diehard trumptards it'll be in a good place. Or else we're left with extreme vs. extreme and fuck my ass if that happens.
>somehow managed to get himself banned from a card game without even playing the card game
I was actually there when it happened. He called out some e-slut for selling naked pics, girl claimed he ruined his life even though by around the next day she started attending to school (so it wasn't a sudden decision caused by the guy)
Guy did not do anything wrong
>consuming endless junk and borrowing from china to do it because youre producing nothing is a problem
Oh yea. That was a result of that hotbed of leftism the WTO, and famous left wingers like Milton Freidman!
>There is no need to argue with brainlets who advocate exploitative economy, mr neoliberalism low pay is good for your people.
Ah, yes. The typical Yea Forums armchair economist. The one who if they had a day power to command the federal reserve or other powerful investment companies like goldman sachs, your decisions would absolutely fix the economy.
Nobody here's arguing that a capitalistic laissez-faire economy is absolutely perfect, but in the past 300 years it's proven itself to have the least endemic issues over other economic policies, such as communism.
In reality, you're the real brainlet thinking that you somehow know better than actual experts that have worked in economy for dozens of years and think you know better than centuries of actual practice. Fuck off your armchair politics for a bit, kid.
>Sees Jeremy shill thread
>Sees one not about Trannies getting btfo's for the 6gorillionth time
>seething and wasting years of your life being angry at inconsequential shit
>writes wall of text complete with Reddit spacing to let me know
Cope, retard. Strawmans aren't arguments.
Stop posting, he's not an approved /ourguy/ e-celeb like DSP
>If the right can purge its old guard and diehard trumptards it'll be in a good place.
So pretty much everyone in the Republican party?
>splits logical thoughts into paragraphs
>suddenly changes the topic to a back2reddit defense
I struck a nerve didn't I?
Does deliberately spacing sentences like this anger you?
Will you spend the next few decades of your life in anger at random people on the internet?
Or will you finally get over your dumb shit and grow up someday?
I'm happy getting a few more giggles out of you.
Cope, retard.
>Oh yea. That was a result of that hotbed of leftism the WTO, and famous left wingers like Milton Freidman!
yes it actually was, because leftists are the reason everyone is borrowing to begin with. they cannot live without their free shit, lavish tax payer funded benefits for voting leftist politicians in exchange for union allegiance, etc.
based guy does not even play fightan but defends my rights to anime tiddies
>acts like mtg's keemstar
>gets banned from mtg
>Yea Forums's idol is a guy who is suing someone because he got punched the face for running his mouth
This doesn't surprise me at all
trannies be seething
is this what happens when you get your news from social media?
He gets enough resetera trannies to promote his shit. We've gone full circle from the days people complained about kotaku's articles, now we have anti-sjw youtubers milking views through enraged sjws.
>knows enough about Yea Forums thread reading phone it in youtubers to comment on them
>ignore highly polished scripted youtubers
He's a massive faggot that tries to self promote on here. Just hide his threads and ignore them.
She didn't do nudes
red states = welfare queens
I've noticed this too. He regularly mis-reads words which is different from a mispronunciation. I never realized how good I was at reading until I was about 8 years old when other kids around me were struggling with the same shit this guy is struggling with. He just needs to slow down and speak at the same rate he reads.
>borrow billions and import millions of third worlders
>claim to be funding others
>In reality, you're the real brainlet thinking that you somehow know better than actual experts that have worked in economy for dozens of years and think you know better than centuries of actual practice.
steve bannon posts here?
What's with Yea Forums's obsession with this neckbeard and the other chingchong? Even totalbiscuit didn't get this amount of attention.
Nuke this shit, mods. Ffs what are you doing??
its just trannies seething and spamming the board
The Yea Forums hivemind flocks to dissenting opinion like flies on shit.
why are trannies so obsessed with this guy? what did he do?
Holy shit will you faggots FUCK OFF spamming this guy?
Is it 2015? Cringe
>Also fuck Jews they are trying to genocide whites
God I wish that were me
Seriously though
I don't like or hate Jeremy
But somehow in like the last month he has become the face of videogames being posted endlessly and referenced in every fucking thread, even though all he does is read word for word articles from oneangrygamer, and it's fucking weird
>being on a first name basis with an eceleb
if you want a friend simulator you should check out twitch
keep seething faggot
Have you seen my friend, Jason? He plays games on twitch.
He had an MtG channel for years and everyone just called him Jeremy
he looks like the type of guy who would play mtg
He got lifetime banned from the game for making fun of a cosplayer
Later on the ban was mitigated to 99 years instead