Those caught using filth mods on places like moon guard will net you pervs a 6 month ban now. So go out and actually find a girl to have sex now with ya fucking incel perverts!
Wow perverts and incels BTFO
Other urls found in this thread:
nice screenshot
The madmen did it! They are officially out guy again pals. Lets enjoy this based game until we can finally go home in Summer to an even more based game!
blizzard is so fucken based m8
No mods for you anymore, also have sex
>no more kick-bots in muh mini-games
Based blizzard desu.
i'm racist against wow anyway
i used to be friends with this two where one who was some fat female who just played wow all fucking day, and i got into an argument with her faggot ass stalker friend to which she sided with him despite him starting shit with me in the first place
her boyfriend on the other hand didn't step in for shit and while i don't hate him, he drunkenly accused me of trying to move in on her one night and i'm like wtf she is fat
based and whitetrashpilled
based blizzard banning their only players left
I see they really want to kill WoW now.
>3dpd women cant compete with a garbage tier game like wow
So blizzard are actually trying to kill whats keeping that shit game alive huh? Well it only took about 15 years to do it. Cheers bros
Not vidya in the slightest.
By the way, Venom Snake is Big Boss.
>taking a photo of a computer screen
These are the end times. We've reached peak stupidity.
blizzard wont stop until everyone is banned or stops playing wow
they need it to die to release wow mobile
Whats matter little fella? Cant jerk off the draenei donkey dick anymore ingame?
Look at this dude! Mad he cant beat off to pixels anymore with naughty mods. Ohnononononononononpfffttthahahahahahahaha!!! Have sex
it does seem kinda white trash
her boyfriend got antagonistic with me simply because i was enjoying aniki videos which "made fun of homosexuality", and he also posted on neogaf so that explained things, he was like an sjw before i even heard of sjws
They did it for him guys
How do I get a gf?
I've never played WoW in my life, I'm just calling you out for not knowing how to take a screenshot
>no one pointing out what OP thinks a "screenshot" is
fuck sake...
the fp did...
Yet you are on a wow thread, a retail thread at that.
Was waiting for a thinly veiled shitpost thread to discuss upcoming classic release.
anyone want to explain how you'd even get banned for modding if you don't run around talking about it like a retard?
>punishing non-invasive client-side changes
Why don't you just punish the modding community already then? Jesus fucking christ.
is it announced yet? are they changing it?
It blows my mind how stupid blizzard are now.
Incels more focused on a image that told the truth about what blizzard did their circle jerk sessions. Makes me glad blizzard did this.
>as a result, we've reversed all suspensions as a result of this action
If you faggots actually read the baffling phone picture, you'd see that they actually reversed the suspensions due to people just doing custom models. The reading comprehension here is like a chinese dude trying to read engl
Because they get anal about people making better models than they did, and for free too. But in reality its just to kill degenerates on Moonguard
Yet they are still denied of pixelated gurl draenei horse dick. Which that in itself is pretty fucking based and red pilled for banning *trans* mods
>using filth mods on places like moon guard will net you pervs a 6 month ban now.
that blizzard post says that they unbanned the ERPers
>people mod in horsedicks for 15 years
>suddenly its a problem
Still cant use the mods though. So gotta rely on underroos and mental fantasy now. Which is still a good btfo'd to them
>taking a picture of a screen
I can actually see them banning things that alter models since it would be impossible to distinguish nude mods from something that would alter a model to put a big glowing beacon on some one in battlegrounds to see them through walls
Wasn't my computer so hitting print screen wouldn't have helped, dipshit
Sorry retard, they backpedalled and reverted this.
that doesn't make sense.
Quick guys, hop in! I can only keep the time portal open for so long!
Learn how to use a computer you brainless goon.
Barrens chat will never come back, slave
nah thanks classic sucks
why are you taking pictures of other peoples' computer screens? dumb phone poster
I don't even. It was obvious from the OP that you are a retarded retard. But this is still quite something.
You're at the computer. You're actively using the internet which Yea Forums is part of. The hell are you talking about? And there's more ways than print screen to take screenshots.
These dudes and their love for shit dickgirl mods tonight bros...
People still play this trash?
>have sex
Imagine being such a cuck and fall for feminazi propaganda
If maybe you'd say
>have sex with a beautiful girl
Then sure, but that would go against the narrative saying "any """girl""" is ok"
This whole thread, blizzard, and the entire inceldom brewing here in a nutshell.
completely based, fuck erp
Yes, and prob not for long now since Blizzard killed off the mods that kept the incels going.
Do you have any idea how much of a retard saying incel in every single post makes you look?
You chimps ran it into the ground months ago. Move on.
Even more based since it just confirms Blizzard is a anti tranny company
didn't blizzard perma ban people just for "abusing" game mechanisms?
and now they are only giving 180 day bans for real cheaters?
Have sex degenerate. No more horse dick mods for you!
Did candlejack get you is that a thing ag
This little man trying so goddamn hard not to see the truth, and focus from a god damn picture is fucking pottery.
Why do creatures without functional sex organs keep telling actual humans to have sex?
At first they did, but they reversed those bans soon after.
They probably realized that those horsedong lovers made up like half of their remaining playerbase and were in for some serious losses.
Where were you when corporate greed saved the tranny lovers from their due punishment?
Btw buy the pig now or they'll do it again!
Can you repeat this with different words? I am having a hard time understanding what it is supposed to mean.
Because they rely on degenerate mods to get off, and are seething the fact they can never get laid and the last bastion that comes close to that is gone for good.
>last bastion
holy fuck what is this, Yea Forums is dying, all these bots and shills are literally infesting every thread and it SUQS
when do you guys think they'll give up after realizing this will just create another work around?
Now hes mad that he cant take a single couple of words without seething? How has inceldome come to this low of desperation guys?
Why does other people enjoying something upset you?
>have sex meme
>last bastion
>when the real degenerates and 'incels' are the furries and people from 'secondlife' and the new VR lobby game
It's been dead from the start tard.
No I literally just came into the thread and asked non sarcastically for you to rearrange words so I could possibly understand them better. You're really trying hard to insult me, but I honestly just didn't understand what you meant by that sentence.
Get help and maybe I dare say it...
have sex
take your sex mods to single player games, dont shit up games that other people play with you
>Banning players for shit that affects fucking nobody else
>Yea Forums has always been bad/dead meme
please go, bots/trolls have never been this bad except for raids
we actually had unique comments in the same threads, not this copy paste shit
>it's just nostalgia
And how does it affect you when you literally can't see their texture mods?
This is like complaining that a kid modded his Skyrim to look like Minecraft. It doesn't affect you in the slightest.
If you bothered to read the first paragraph, you'd know that's not what's going on.
>doing things that literally don't affect other players
>don't shit up games other people play with you
>when they can't even see your shitty texture/model
sure thing bud, can we shitpost more?
read what wrote. Also it's not like changing how playermodels are displayed can create competitive edges in other genres/games. Specifically FPS
are you high, really autistic, a woman, or some combination of the above because no normal human being can be this much of a tech illiterate
>Uses secondlife as a example for where degenerates go
>Implying Moonguard isn't WoWs secondlife
honestly, tell me, what's wrong with harmless mods like this?
Would you believe there are people who want to ban this?
tldr based blizzard I love our corporate masters for making incel trannies seethe 40%
>Also it's not like changing how playermodels are displayed can create competitive edges in other genres/games
Absolutely nothing, other than being weird fetish fuel for people with weird tastes. But, y'know, it bothers other people who can't see it so it has to go I guess because we're living in a clown world.
post worgen yiff
Just did, and your mother told me you always lie about your own *sex* life by getting off to a shitty video game. Dare I say... I think maybe you are the one that need's help.
People weren't changing things to gain advantages. They were changing things to make those things look better in their eyes.
Indeed, you should feel embarrassed about your life.
I never implied I lied about my sex life, nor did I say I played WoW if that is what you meant by shitty game. Please get help, your delusional.
This what blizzard did to you perverted overkinked pigs. Now enjoy the game without those cringe ass mods.
>her boyfriend on the other hand didn't step in for shit and while i don't hate him, he drunkenly accused me of trying to move in on her one night and i'm like wtf she is fat
To be fair it's annoying as shit to have a girl who's into vidya, you won't believe how fast those orbiters accumulate if they don't immediately shit them down.
Why do threads like these exist?
They are literal shitpost threads, designed to throw shit in a illogical manner. Nothing comes from this, who's trolling who?
To be fair I guess it might be rather hard to discern what exactly gets changed, or they don't really want to give modders/hackers the opportunity to realize what they count as harmful.
I remember in vanilla, I've downloaded a file that basically removed any clipping for a AQ40 wall, which allowed you to get to the NPCs for the weapons without killing twin emperors. Shit like that is worth a ban in my opinion.
There's an old saying that delusional user's will always call others out being the delusional ones to make themselves feel normal. Choose better words next time bucko.
>chooses to say some shit about an old saying but doesn't actually say it
>literally no you
i already knew this was a troll thread, but i have no life anyways so this isn't wasted time
Doesn't help you are on here commenting about it either. So you took interest in it instead of just ignoring it, and walking away.
funny that because i wasn't playing wow with her, her stalker "friend" that i argued with did, though
i only met her because she was then friends with someone i was acquainted with via a nongame hobby, and this fat girl was also into that hobby which was just drawing stuff
and that boyfriend/later husband didn't even shut the stalker down but apparently i'm a threat?
orbiting my ass, i guess unless you mean orbiting her like a moon because she's the size of a planet lmao
>implying ignoring it helps
but please, continue
>Tells people to get help in life in a troll thead
>Outright's admits has no life
So my statement stands, you do need help if you have no life.
>Now hes mad that he cant take a single couple of words without seething?
I feel like this retard is trying to communicate with us, guys. It's like a small, strange and retarded alien reproducing English words, but without actually succeeding to make intelligent and intelligible sentences.
It helps because it kills the thread faster, so basic logic isn't your way of life. And yeah I'm keeping it alive by even replying to this because this thread is a meme.
>Im so fucking seething, I have to hide my inceldome by commenting on one's engrish instead of my love for degenerate dickgirl mods.
Fucking cope fag
Why do I need a life? I'm literally mentally ill and have horrible genes :^) but i'm still coherent enough to understand when you fucking reach out into the ether and make stuff up about me.
Because only incels and degenerates dont want lives. But that's okay though because there's always a solution to everything.
>literally advocating a man to kill himself
wowee, we sure reached an extreme quickly, can we get back to that sentence I wanted rearranged so I could understand it?
I understand if you want to blindly insult me some more instead of explaining
>gets unbanned by appeal because blizzard fucked up hard
>but still can’t use my nude mods
why is there no market for lewd private servers?
you'd think someone would have made a custom server with a dedicated client mod containing tons of lewd shit and animations at this point
>Getting butthurt about anons telling other anons to kill themselves.
Welcome to the world of Yea Forums.
>Blizzard should have to manually sort through bans for an exploit that can be used to actually cheat, because a small minority of players need to jerk off to grossly proportioned monstrosities.
Fuck off degenerate tranny.
i know my friend
>having mods and skins only you can see is bad!
>take ur shit to singleplayer!!I
t. drooling mouthbreather
Doesn't help you are feeling off the low quality bait by responding to the trolls here.
I love that Blizzard had to put out a statement basically saying 'We know what you people are doing. just because of how absurd it is and how many people were actually banned for use of titty mods.
My b, just joined and typing off a phone
Because that's all that's left they have for retail beside the obvious blind shills.
damn all these degenerates in this thread
i wish they got perma banned
They were for like a day, but the butthurt overflowed the forums on Blizzards end. At least the modding community for retail is dead unless it's approved by based Blizz
it would still be modern blizzard moderating it, so what's the point?
You should know by now coming from thead's like this.
>nev wegas reaction
>They wiped out all the chink bots
>Realizing that the servers were empty the undid the bans
>Now they are pretending to be generous overlords threatening the evil character model pervs
classic will suffer the same fate in less than 2 months
This is honestly hilarious.
>New Vegas was shit
>Fallout 4 was best game in series
>blizzard thinks they can stop me from being horny
Oh no no no
Based 40% poster
Nooooooo!!!! Think of the Blizzard employee's who worked so hard on the hd models that you just tainted!
I don't get it, are they implying you can't just bot without modifying the client?
let's be honest, this was noname55's fault
>They get unbanned for illegally hacking into the game
>I dont for spoiling a movie.
>It's real
Blizzard is even more our guy now!
My question is who do they want these undesirables to actually have sex with? I thought the whole goal was to take it away from them, now they're trying to flip the script and remove other outlets?
Seriously though it's not that difficult to get a date. Why can't you people just have a real offline social life?
Don't think about it and just play this awesome game guy.
people get banned for saying le epic N word even on PRIVATE servers dude. really makes you think huh? we live in a FREAKING society bro
one ruined an experience for others
the other didn't
The ones modding their games to make the characters to their liking are better humans than the ones who are spoiling shit for a cheap laugh
I guess they're saying bots could be using this, so it looked like they were botting. Bots likely still are - or at least they were. Back when I still played WoW, years ago by now, you'd still regularly see obvious mining/herbing bots brazenly teleporting around from node to node, with it taking blizz so long to ban them that I've no doubt it was worth the investment of new accounts.
Even not botting or teleporting though, you can use this stuff to fuck with the client-side stuff to let you walk through walls or get to areas you shouldn't have access to and so on.
these are hilarious and cute. honestly, there should be nothing wrong with modifying personal visuals that affects nobody.
Wait did they ban nude mods that just remove underwear, or just stuff that makes models way bigger or something? I remember some old mods that swapped player elf models for alexstrasza frames and stuff that were completely harmless
I got banned for saying *Shut up you N word* on Lights hope's official discord. They didn't know I was referring to this when I said it.
>the other didn't
What makes you say that? My expectation that you'll see my model as-is when you don't ruins the experience for me retroactively when I read about it on the forums later. That's basically assault.
everything model altering
Because the employees who worked on the models back in Warlords got butthurt that people were taking their hard work, and making abominations off of it without permission. Basically, wow art designers are former deviant art fags
Lmao post up to date spoilers pussy.
Bucky is Black Widow's dad
Nice one. Now try this one.
Cap went to the past and fucked OP's mum.
absolutely seething lmao
you forgot the flash buddy
They withdrew a majority of those bans for the innocuous users. People were editing BG flags to be gigantic, ore nodes to be easier to spot, and turning stealthed characters solid pink. It had no effect for other players. It only changed the visuals for you.
Based and redpilled
How does one seethe for telling other seethes they cant use lewd character modifications anymore?
Doesn't make a difference because ERPers are still blown the fuck out from using nude mod ever again.
I mean this has always been their position, people would warn you not to use client side mods because there was always the possibility they'd go full retard like this. Pretty shitty of them to throw up a 6 month suspension shortly before classic though.
This. They'll actively start banning more and more people so they don't feel ripped off when they finally switch off the servers.
The reason they have this ban initially was for PvP Capture the Flag mode, people would replace the flag with a giant tree so you would always know where the flag was. I dont think Warsong mode is that popular anymore so don't see the big deal.
What the actual fuck.
Did you take a fucking picture of your monitor?
>he still plays retail
The incel game
>there are people ITT who want to stick it to incel boogymen so bad that they're ok with losing modding abilities that don't hurt anyone
This is as bad as the people in the other thread saying games as a service is fine because there was a successful Reddit thread on it. You people need to think about what's actually at stake here.
Name a bigger incel game than WoW, I bet you fucking cant. Hardmode is you cant list fortnite as one.
>He replied to a retail thread
2x yikes
Also people making Netherwing Eggs fuck off huge in BC.
Not the only thing they were making huge. It was giving female Draenei's huge horsedicks is what started all these ban waves in reality.
Watching futafag tears never ceases to give me joy.
Imagine being paid to moderate a video game and still shill movies from a completely different company for free.
Maybe if you incels didn't harass us online, this wouldnt exist.
Why ban the last half dozen people still playing WoW?
still has at least four time as many players as ffxiv
Who the fuck are all these faggots against ass and tits in games?
Why would people even want to beat off to 2004 polygonal visuals.
>taking a fucking phone screenshot of your monitor
How do you even have the amount of brain power required to post, you goddamn moron?
One word. Comiefornians.
They don't want another buttgate... that is the only reason, if it hurts their stock, they will do the opposite (mostly.)
>implying they’re not just acting retarded for EPIC (you)s
Maybe because before he posted it, no one was mentioning the post beforehand. Also Blizzard has that stigma of deleting post's after being made after a few hours before the trolls screenshot them for memes.
>Modding abilities don't hurt anyone
Except it hurts the people that made the original base model's who didn't give you fuckers permission to mod them with sick fetishes.
based blizzard
What are you talking about? I'm asking why didn't screenshit it on his fucking computer?
Those models are a gorrilion years old by now you cuck. If people want to spice them up after all this time, then let them.
I don't fucking know, my guess is he was one of the guys who got banned because V
Stop deflecting with this shitty defense every time the declining player base is brought up.
Is that your only measure of wow's success?
That it still has more people than other games in a genre that traditionally never gets more than a few hundred thousand when wow is known for having millions?
It has more than ragnarok online too, but nobody's stupid enough to make that comparison.
Also, four times ffxiv player base (I think wow has even less than that) is still pathetic for what it should be doing and a complete failure.
>Recent wow base models with the exception of eventual Goblin/Worgen models, as well as non allied races were made 2 expansions ago.
Yep that's a gorrilion years old guys/
My fucking dick cant go hard as a fucking palm tree anymore without my loli gnome mods....FFFFFFFFUUUUUUCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!
Nice screenshot OP!
Nice !
i dont even play wow anymore or any mmo for that matter, only people who talk about wow on Yea Forums are obsessed ffxiv fans which is why its important to bring up it has at least four times (at the bare minimum, in reality its probably much higher than that) as many players as ffxiv
dude did you just post a phone picture of a screen
Guy who took it was prob a conspiracy theorist who thinks V and Blizzard is run by reptiles.
no, we actually want the number to be higher faggot
Frogposter BTFO
>Implying Slav men are people.