Luv me schnapps
Luv me schnapps
Why is it taking so long?
Why not buy it if you want it so bad?
Luv me Schnapps.
Luv me Sausage.
Luv me Soap.
'ate Jornaleros.
Simple as.
fug me, im looking for a relaxing game to play and anno picked my curiosity but for fucks sake i cant get fucked to dish 60$ for a PC game... like come on. I remember time when it was inconceivable for a PC title to go beyond 40$, and me and my friends laughed at consolefags for dishing 60$ plus online membership fees. Now? What the fuck, for a city building game? Denuvo on top of that + either Uplay or Epic launchers? Industry needs to burn and fast.
the industry will burn once you've learned to spell.
Low priority.
Luv me hemp dude blaze it faggot.
>i remember when
what is inflation, grandpa?
Also, $60 for hours upon hours of fun, what's wrong with that?
Why does my income keep jumping between 3000+ and 1000 in the red?
How about you support good games?
compared to the millions that demand the crack of a good game such as handball or mortal kombat 11
>$60 for hours upon hours of fun
>what is inflation, grandpa?
>what's wrong with that?
whats wrong is that your imaginary inflation only works for the industry/corporation part of the economy and people who go to work only see prices rising yet their salary remains still which shouldnt work this way. This is a path to an economical crash where disparity between wealthy and poor/middleclass is rising, soon to prohibit the latter from acquiring 'exclusive/luxury' goods like games/consoles/tablets/etc on average basis.
support blue byte. They're one of the last studios owned by AAA publishers that deserve it.
>either Uplay or Epic launchers
if someone is stupid enough to buy a Ubisoft game in another launcher he still has to get Uplay.
You think somehow that the money goes to BB and not Ubishit
because your supply of goods fluctuates. duh.
Holy shit. And it's not even on Steam anymore. Knew these games had big followings but didn't know it would move so many units in such a limited amount of time.
As I understand it, the bulk of the sale goes to the publisher but the studio does get like ~25% of the sale, on top of their salaries.
I'm gonna buy it for 30 €
so in half a year in a sale
where? in a real store with people? on uplay's launcher that will 404 you and steal your money? on epic gamestore's chinese botnet?
if they just fucking left the game on steam i'd have bought it by now but they decided to only sell it in unstrustworthy places and via apps that don't fucking work. and using denuvo is like putting embedded ads in your youtube vids, it's cancer of the highest order, they don't deserve your money.
yea i know, just tried to emphasize the ridiculousness of the situation the corporations are forcing upon the consumer. 15 years ago i wouldnt have fucking dreamed how bad its going to be and if someone were to tell me back then that i am going to need to download additional 2 fucking launchers which both have botnet and drm/always online protection preinstalled despite me buying physical copy of the game i would have laughed. i pity the naive and ignorant zoomer generation that is already immersed to the brim with microtransactions/day one patches bigger than the game/restricted digital distribution (eula can take your game if you step out of the everchanging line)/rampant uncontrolled political correctness and more, they have no idea that some time ago people actually made games for something more than exclusively profit.
>Boomer who happily installed Steam 15 years ago blames zoomers for his mistakes
what kind of rationalization is this lmao
have sex
You realize that these things exist because of pirates, right? The rampant piracy is what created the need for all these things to begin with. YOU and everyone like you are literally the reason for all this DRM. The fact that piracy still goes on despite all the steps taken to prevent it is the reason stupid shit like cloud stream gaming is looking to replace the current model.
I'm a bit buy-curious but in what ways is this game meaningfully different from 1404?
this is no way accurate.
>15$ for the retailer
in digital distribution age?No, forget it. Even 10-20yrs ago they wouldnt be so bold to get that much of a cut
>7$ returns
no, in digital distribution there are simple automated systems that take care of 'valid' claims (steam under 2h playtime etc), retail? We are probably talking about some chain like Walmart and shit so there are people who get stable salary to sit at return window for every other product the store offers including the game. We could argue that it might include repackaging and even overall exchange of a DVD/BR but the cost is marginal from a company logistical standpoint since they get cuts left and right considering they operate in bulk quantities.
>4$ Distribution, Cost of goods
4$ for a Dvd/BR and a case? They dont even bother to include physical manual these days, on top of that you will have to still waste your own bandwidth since game is not even on the disc like Blops4, so why even mention the disc cost? Also in digital distribution, there is no cost, even for the servers to download from since that is taken care by the platform loyalty fee or whatever they call it
>27$ for the publisher
as for the whole package? Publisher+developer? Dont think so. If steam will steal 30% cut rest goes to the publisher+dev, no fucking platform royalty, distribution cost,returns or retail margin. The only wasted costs are in the marketing department where they pay shills to spam online or buyout streamers time on twitch in hope more people will fall for scams and unfinished products, but thats all on the publisher.
On top of that this whole graph is a fraud, the only thing i can find (from others who mindlessly quote this trash like kotaku) brings me to LAtimes site with no further citations, the OnLive site itself is of no help, only a mention that some faggot named Alex Pham showcased it in a slide show of some sorts somewhere, fuck that.
I would have thunk everyone knew at this point that steam takes a 30% cut ($18) so if anything $15 is cheap.
I paid more than $60 for Anno 1404 a decade ago, you're retarded old man.
Waiting for them to patch it. Influence is too much bullshit. At least they've said they are looking into it.
Found a more recent image but this one is also for physical. Seems mostly parallel with the other image.
How about you suck my tiny dick?
>Digital sales of a $60 title look quite different:
>Digital price - $60
>Digital distributor share - $18
>Marketing - $3 to $5
>Developer royalty (if external) - $4 to $12
>This leaves the publisher with between $25 and $35, which is why digital sales are so attractive to publishers. And there’s no inventory risk. The cost of making the game available for sale is exactly zero. Note that the developer royalty will be higher because the distributor share is smaller, which leaves more for both publisher and developer.
t. Scot Bayless
bullshit my dude. Open your eyes and look a little, EU made a study to find correlation between piracy and sales JUST to be able to pin it once and for all on 'cyber criminals' to further push some online laws that will benefit large companies. They failed, not only that but when their own study revealed a positive correlation of piracy and sales they suppressed the release, makes you think who are you dealing with doesnt it.
>The rampant piracy is what created the need for all these things to begin with
fuck no, what created this is endless greed for profit of corporations, piracy is as prevalent as it was 15 years ago and somehow some gaming companies still exist even tho their games would be pirated to hell and back. CDproject red didnt need to put any fucking drm for their games, not first which was OK! not good ok, and they survived, second game gained traction and was a huge success. NO DRM! And now they are one of the wealthiest game developers in Poland and one of the most respected company in gaming industry worldwide. Why? Because they created a quality product in a sea of mediocrity shat by tripple A corporations. read some interviews with creators and you will know they didnt use DRM because they knew people will pirate their game, yet they believed its going to be good enough for people to want to support them.Simple as fucking that
>YOU and everyone like you are literally the reason for all this DRM
>The fact that piracy still goes on despite all the steps taken to prevent it is the reason stupid shit like cloud stream gaming is looking to replace the current model
again no, i specified why above, greed of companies is what drives creation and implementation of DRM and thats why many megacorprations in the industry jumped from making single player games to online shit since its always online policy to play with others renders game useless to be pirated, simplest DRM out there that started booming after WoW success.
or maybe, just maybe i wasnt so stupid to be scammed for more than i need to be? I bet you ask your parents for the newest edition of iphone every year since you dont have comprehension of worth.
>people steal from shops
>shop puts up alarm scanners at the doors
>"you know, thieves caused these things to be put up."
>>"bullshit, my dude. The store owner is just greedy."
>in-game holiday messages
i would appreciate if this site you are taking this from has any citations or is this also pulled out of some retard journo ass for clickbait points
Aren't games like these rather front-loaded in terms of sales? Most people interested in it would get it early, I think.
(I'm waiting -- assuredly in vain -- for a deep discount.)
Influence is genius. Actually gives you a reason to build up giant metropolises.
you are likely running short on items and then getting resupplied likely through trade routes. If your people at all levels start run out of needs or Luxury goods they stop paying their fucking taxes. Likewise with engineers and up having frequent power outages due to trains being retarded can bone you too.
I had kept running out of rum so the only way to get around it was massively increase production and use an entire six bay container steam ship to bring it to me so they wouldn't run out before the next shipment.
Any tips how to catch AI ships? They keep their distance from me making it hard to attack them without going all out on their ports. And I don't have a similar option to force my own ships to keep distance from enemy cannons and ships.
bro. if you're poor just say poor. no need to type an essay saying you're too poor
If you're pre-steam ships, abuse wind directions to cut them off and slow them with shooting. Otherwise, good luck cause you're not catching them without special items
On the one hand, yes... But on the other hand those are only preorders. First week sales were not able to be made on Steam and there's a sizeable amount of people who refuse to preorder anything for any reason.
They've already been paid by epic. They don't need my support.
I remember paying 60 bucks for Spore....
I like it too. And it makes sense that you need a large population to recruit good leadership.
dude, the game is good, buy it.
Let me wire money directly to the devs in order to buy it and I will.
why are u making incorrect analogy? if the topic is way over your head please dont embarrass yourself and stay silent.Let me explain so u can understand where you are wrong.
>people steal from shops
no they are not, they are replicating strings of 1s and 0s that can be done ad infinitum, speaking about digital distribution of course, without ANY physical loss for the 'owner/creator', sparking potential debate whether the culprit would buy the product in the first place thus 'potentially' generating loss
>shop puts up alarm scanners at the doors
they do on any physical product since it is something they can not distribute infinitely but they dont understand it doesnt work in digital space where 'intellectual property' can be doubled by just pressing ctrl+c, ctrl+v
>"you know, thieves caused these things to be put up."
they do, but pirates are not thieves just like you are not a thief for reading a book someone lent you or you listened to a song blasting from a window while walking down the street, moreover in the study i mentioned they are literally marketers who do it for free
>"bullshit, my dude. The store owner is just greedy."
in most cases we are not talking about singular store owner since i have yet to see media outrage about them complaining about 'rampant' piracy but about big corporations whos only goal is to milk consumer dry. They know what they are doing but you are too young to remember relic artifacts from my age called DEMOS, yes legends speak of such travesty that 3A companies this days despise. We were able at least to some extent assess whether a game is good or not by playing a demo, now they are replaced by CLOSED BETA! 1 month before release? Followed by OPEN BETA! 2 weeks before release, and dont forget preorder or special edition 1 week early access. In summary yes, they (companies/corporations) are the most greedy bunch on the planet in a wild west that unregulated video industry market is today.
no joke but let me pay 5$ extra for no denuvo version too, because i refuse to pay for worse experience even if its marginal.
Just unlocked engineers for the first time after several failed attempts. Is it wise to just relegate entire islands to a singular population tier thanks to commuter piers? I know that the goal is to get all of your production off of your main island at this point. I just made an island with 4400 farmers with a pier set up and am curious if that was stupid and if not if thats a decent amount for the rest of the game or will I need more farmers than that going forward?
The New World has really grown on me. So comfy getting all your production in order for export.
ok, pablo.
What's ur email i'll send you a code?