Looking back, was it really THAT bad?

Looking back, was it really THAT bad?

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Worse than Skyrim by miles. It has few quests, no role play value, a boring map, clunky movement, and hardly any content/lore

Pretty terrible. I played New Vegas and 3 several times through but I played 4 through once and have no desire to play it again

you tell me

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engine had potential
sadly it was crippled horrible design choices, bad writing and unmemorable quests, and made worse by a microtransaction system that nobody wanted

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Writing for 4 was fucking atrocious. It's like they were trying to go for the NV angle with the factions but they managed to fuck that up hard with their retard tier dialogue options

at least it was better than nv

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No, I still play it through occasionally and put almost 500 hours into it. Unlike many people here I actually am pretty imaginative so I can have a pretty enjoyable experience depending on if I want a bright fantasy style or a horrific cannibalistic style. You can just use some atmosphere altering mods with no performance hit and completely change the game.

thats the point you have to mod that game into oblivion before its even somewhat playable

Pretty good game

Pretty bad Fallout game.

It’s actually worse than I remember. The world is the biggest problem for me, it all seems so bland. Characters suck and are unmemorable. Story line is fucking retarded, and there are too many people you can’t kill. You’re not ever in charge of any organizations, even as general of the minute men. Fucking thing sucks!

Far Harbor was a welcome improvement, but that was too little too late. Nuka World was an obvious band aid to compensate for lack of player choice while playing on the "amusement park" game design mentality forwarded by Bethesda, honestly the best part of it wasn't even exploring the park, but the wasteland desert surrounding it.

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No, it was worse

I like it. it's fun.

the definition of soulless.

I played 3, new vegas and this one. Something about 4 feels off, writing is terrible, its not "atmospheric" enough

i personally like 3 the most and a bit less 3 because of all the bugs, recently started playing 1 (playing it on easy) with the fix mods, having an amazing time, i might even enjoy this one more thn 3, the immersion is just insane, it really feels like im in the world

i consider it a bit like dark souls 2, its an okay game on its own, its horrible compared to other fallout games tho

I honestly thought in Nuka World we'd be fighting against a giant enemy force not a butthurt underling faction. It also shit the bed with the entire place being short and dead as fuck if you decided to liberate the slaves

It sucks. I have a fuckton of hours into it just because of it's moddability though.

It feels good to say, 'I wish this thing was different' and then make it so.

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Nuka World was a total cash grab. They took a step forward with Far Harbor and two steps back with Nuka World.

People bought it thinking they would continue to improve on Far Harbor's model, instead it's just a colorful box with precious few toys in it.

I have no motivation to replay it. Would sooner replay 3. It's biggest problem was that it was riding the nostalgia of the last two game but didn't add anything new except for base building.

Possibly one of the worst hackjobs of a game I've ever experienced on a technical level. I enjoy the game but it drops frames even on the highest spec consumer hardware the second you touch the precomb data.

Just started a new playthrough this week. This time i am going with railroad.
Not a bad Fallout, but not such as good as some of the previous one.
Fallout 76 is a bad Fallout.

Same here, started a BoS play-through and used SS Conqueror to kill Preston and the Sanctuary bunch.

To be honest, I'm just tired of turning off my brain when playing these games. New Vegas proved that you can create a coherent world in games based on this engine. Enderal did, too. So why can't you, Todd?

If the game was called Boston Under Trump, or anything else for that matter, and not Fallout 4 it would have been an infinitely better game.

Having it set in the same universe as the rest of the good Fallout games is an embarrassment to the franchise compared to what we had and don't even get me started with 76.

It's set in the same universe as 3 though

Gunplay good. Gun modding good.
Grenade button good.

Most other changes are completely for the worse.



Thank god to the person who put Nick Valentine into new vegas

Wait, what?

Someone put the time and effort to port nick valentines model and voice lines into new vegas. They also made like a rudimentary quest to introduce him. A masterwork it is not but Valentine himself is ported expertly

Played it a couple years ago and I only remember how bad the loading screens were lmao.

>Something about 4 feels off, writing is terrible, its not "atmospheric" enough
precisely how I feel about it
honestly the Commonwealth is just a big toybox with no hint of anything existing outside of it. Barring things like Power Armor, the BoS and Super Mutants, 4 just felt so disconnected for the series it might as well be another world entirely.

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The grenade button was fucky as hell though.

>Oh shit there's a zombie in my face, better melee him!
>Fuck I'm suddenly engorged in molotov cocktail flames for no reason!

>Talk to Preston minutes after meeting him.
>Tell him that you survived the war and were frozen for 200 years.
>He isn't suspicious at all and completely believes your story. No questions asked.


>Go to Boston Airport when the Brotherhood first arrive.
>Tell the guard that you should be able to join immediately because you served in the military.
>He believes you and is impressed. Doesn't even question how you could have been alive hundreds of years ago.

What the fuck is wrong with the writing in this game?

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