Mordhau coming tommorow

You're going to buy it...
You wouldn't want these poor, innocent devs who have sunk their livelyhoods into a chivalry knock off to get evicted, right?

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Other urls found in this thread:


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too bad the game is more broken than chivalry

Care to share why?

ill have to see if the hitreg is better than chivalry but im guessing it wont be since high accuracy online competitive games are a fucking meme

same toxic community in charge of 'balancing' the game with the devs, even tho devs dont listen and combat is still broken. every1 using the same broken weapons with anims that make less sense than chiv's shit mechanics. and oh yea, let's make a BR mod even tho the core mechanics are still garbage

>I'll respond to this in this thread because this thread is about to archived

Ok I'm here

Look out superior game coming through

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Does this have voice chat? Did chivalry ever get voice chat? I remember it was one of those "soon" features but when I uninstalled it still wasn't in which is kind of pitiful.

mordhau more like mordhonor

>named after the dumbest fighting technique in history
Yes, I'm sure it will end up really good.

this. game should've been called DUAL WIEILDING

>community in charge of 'balancing' the game
>devs don't listen
pick one

if the game is good it's going to succeed without me. that's what i think about every game that looks good but not good enough for me to really give a shit.

Why would I buy a shitty multiplayer only zoomerbait Chivalry clone releasing way, WAY after Chivalry's popularity turned to dust?

The gams isn't perfect, but do you have any instances where it's directly worse than chivalry?

The chamber mechanic has changed a lot throughout the testing period. At first it was only a counter because it required such precise timing that you might as well just be reading feints anyway, so it was like training people to read feints instead rather than countering them.
For a host of reasons, the chamber meta became super cancer because the entire game revolved around getting around chambers because they allowed you to block without spending stamina. So the devs made it so chambers actually took more stam to use than parries, but to make them still useful at all they DRASTICALLY reduced the difficulty in accuracy and timing needed to perform them, so for the most part in the game if you want to dab on someone trying to feint you can just immediately attack in the same way they are to chamber, or just hit them if they do feint.
But there's also morphs, which shake up this feint-chamber countee. Morphs are like feints but you can't chamber them as quickly.

Chiv had voice chat I think but they removed it. I don't know what the devs here are planning to do

>another thread
Looks like shit and For Honor is already a game that's alive and well and looking much better

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Right right, what is a morph? Go from attack A into attack B with some kind of down-time between the attacks I am guessing?

Thankyou for your explanation user

because chivalry was actually bad and this has the potential to not be

*kills your game before it releases*

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Why should I? I got For Honor for free already.

I played Deadliest Warrior more than I played base Chivalry because assymetrical multiplayer is my jam. I have hundreds of hours in Pirates, Vikings, and Knights.

>unironically shilling for muh honor

lelele nigga that game is free


>Multiplayer Only


Are casuals able to have fun here? Or is it helpless, like chivalry, playing it against super neckbeards spinning around, blocking everything with their knives and blasting you out of everything?

Better than shilling a DOA

>chivalry was actually bad

Take that back, user. Chivalry was one of the finest memegames of the early '10s. It was unabashedly toxic in every way. Even the votekicking was hilarious and broken. My God, there were few games funner than Chiv at its peak.

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Morph feints are pretty cancer desu

same, actually

i much prefer the feel of deadliest warrior anyway. faster attacks with slower start-ups, less drag shenanigans and generally tighter gameplay. it's too bad it was one of those games that were just put out to die

mordhau is going to be either dead on arrival, or dead in a few months.
the devs have no fucking clue what they're doing. streamer marketing is a fucking meme

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In this game each weapon has two attacks. Remember how in chivalry you had 3, but the overhand and horizontal attack were both swings but did different damage values? Well this Mordhau they got rid of that but just have different attack angles for swings-and-stabs and the damage values are consistent between angles, but have different values based on where attacks hit.
A morph is when you either turn a swing into a stab or a stab into a swing, or a swing/stab into a kick and so on. You can also feint after morphs. Trying to chamber the first part of a morph will usually fail because morphs are faster and smoother than feints, so it punishes people that only spam chambers, but if you have patience you can also chamber the "real attack".
Also, you can feint or morph, or morph feint a chamber too.

Yeah, but it's fun to shit on people that use them as a crutch if you read. Stam war is true meta prove me wrong.

Explain why you think this game would be good with bots. Do you have fun when the game just decides that you win?

No casuals allowed, which is usually the main appeal of games like Chiv and Mordhau. In Chivalry you either got good enough to exploit the mechanics or you just had fun doing trolly stuff with a group of friends in the 64 player servers.

so wait, how do you get an overhead out? is there a special button for it or is it some kind of analog control?

i can't kill you youre a part of me

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1v1s can be rough, but if you stay away from duel severs you can have fun in the big objective modes. There's a lot more things to do on the side than in chiv, and because there's no backswings it's easier to win in in teamfights if you stick with teammates.
You can also avoid fighting and stick to building fortifications (think like tf2 but medival) and setting traps, and givning out medpacks.

I have a bad opinion of deadliest warrior because I feel like it led to Torn Banner creating Mirage instead of Chivalry 2. It's like they fell in love with the mixing of combat styles and abandoned the class simplicity that made Chivalry great.


Save your money, it's 30 bucks down the drain

For Honor is only 7 bucks right now, might as well get that instead:

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Sounds solid, thanks!

How are For Honor and Mordhau related?


They're not in any way related, one is a combo based fighting game and the other is Chivalry 2. I think it's just one guy spamming that stuff.

Ah yes....

been asking the same question since morhau user started shilling his game on very single /fhg/ thread starting sometime around TWO YEARS ago

There's two control schemes, and you can blend them. One is that you can use your mouse to pick an angle off attack sort of like m&b but with far more angles. Another is that you can set binds to the 2 horizontals, 2 overheads, and 2 underhands. Also you can use alt to swap directions both in binds and mouse. However mouse alt changes direction both ways, as in a right overhead becomes a left underhand, and so on. Binds just swap from left to right.
The "pro" community has decided for the most part that mouse controls suck and that pure binds are way better, but I personally use a mix between the two, like I have stab controlled with mouse set to scroll up, right overhead set to scroll down, and mouse swing set to left mouse with underhand and horizontal set to my two side mouse buttons.

what a retard

Anyone carrying over their old Chivalry names into Mordhau. The only folks I remember is from a server where everyone's name was a twist on a game of thrones character. There was also a Jaime Lannister that I consistently played with, and a dude that just went by george zimmerman

yeah from the sound of that, you kinda have to use mouse controls intermittently with most mice. binding attack buttons on your keyboard means you'll sometimes be unable to attack while strafing or sprinting or something like that. i'm guessing you don't really need those extra angles that much anyway

is there a scheme that lets me get cozy and play casually with a controller


More like


you can play with a controller
you'll be garbage

lol no

idk. i want to save money for bannerlord...

>Use 145 FOV or be at a disadvantage

Listening to your ""competitive"" branch is fucking joke. Just make a fun game lmao

If you want to chamber with binds you'll need to be ready to have all the angles, but honestly chambers are so useless because they cost so much stam you might as well never use them.
But the underhands'll be tricky to read for people that just played chivalry, since you can do some pretty dank accels with them.


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Good thing they didn't listen to the competitive branch then, since the max fox is like 102.

thanks. guess it's a hard pass for me. any game that doesn't let you take it easy every once in a while can't be any fun to begin with anyways.

im sure im gonna buy it, but, the only things that bother me is the fov, why just 120?

i want my 140 fov like in chiv

everybody will drop this like a hot turd in a month and move on to the next game, or if not then drop it when bannerlord comes out

>when bannerlord comes out
ha ha good one

cope harder ubicuck

You can use a controller, and it's not as bad as a shooter disadvantage because there are turncaps when you're swinging. If you only want to play casually if you can be semi decent at the game mechanically you'll be able to play with other scrubs in pub severs just fine. There's people in that alpha that use controller and it's hardly noticeable unless they directly say they use one.

Ehh ill give it a shot if its like 20-25 bucks, just for the Chiv nostalga and populated servers

it's 27

Its 30 so don't bother

>when bannerlord comes out

>everyone already hate mordhau fags
See what your shitposting did to your faggy game, retards

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no, stupid bitch ubicuck, week 1, you get 10% off

Only a small fraction of the community has any input. The forums are a massive circle-jerk of autists, and only a subset of those were permitted to play-test private pre-alpha builds. What was the point of an alpha of new features were just going to be vetted by an small, exclusive clique?

The community is a cesspool in general, like chiv but without the humor/mild irony.
I would give it a week and see what kind of crowd it draws.
What i'm most worried about is a /pol/ infestation, which will no doubt inflame the inevitable SJW controversy on release, with no tiddy or 13%

This guy knows

It hasn't changed and is still fun to play pubs

this is what he gets for two years of this shit

players in the discord are already screeching about women in the game, a lead dev joined the voice channel earlier today and a few people were screaming roody-poo at him. really powerful stuff

Are there voicelines? Some of my fondest memories of Chiv are just running around shouting FOR AGATHAAAAAAAAAA and making my character laugh.

Yes there are, some of the old chiv VA's even did stuff for Mordhau

The shitposting is just a consequence of the game being shit. They try to sell it with aggressive marketing because the game itself is too shit to warrant sales.

>old chiv VA's even did stuff for Mordhau


This was meant for


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i got banned from the discord for pinging the devs telling them that the game is gonna fail

i'll check it out because one of my friends wont shut up about the game, apparently the devs have taken note of them too

Chiv was filled with white supremacists. It was hilarious. Like every fringe group with a PC in mostly first world nations made the chat toxic as fuck and I loved every second of it. So many racist germans and swedes. So much vote kicking. Good times.

>agatha archer

Im too poor to actually buy games on release and have huge backlog anyway. I did had fun with Chivalry but I played for like 30-40 hours, unlocked most stuff for melee classes and got it for 80% off anyway.

Assuming that game will hit 50% one day, convince me to buy it then. Im honest and open for your arguments.

>enter server
>notice some guy on the other team is running around with just his fists spamming laugh
>start doing the same, even swap to the same class as him
>we meet somewhere on the fringe of the battle and laugh at each other non stop while having a fistfight
>repeat for a few fights
>someone on my team comes in and interrupts the fistfight trying to gank this dude
>he and I both start spamming NO and shit
>we punch my teammate to death and continue laughing


>unlocked most stuff
This raises a question, does mordhau have unlocks?

Jokes on you, this was my plan all along

This is exactly how you play those games.
Same shit in Chivalry, same shit in Mount and Blade

it has a gold unlock system to keep dopamine addicts busy

It has

a shit load, and devs are intending on adding more, recently they've added plumes for helmets

What mode in here is the "main" game mode? Not the BR shit but something like that objective mode from chiv?

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k, but what about masons VA?

Is it cosmetics only though?

No. There are specific cosmetic unlocks for nearly every item.

Yes, but it's will gold you earn in game and you can spend it on what you want when you want.

There's 4 armor tiers, each with expensive and cheap variations that only affect cosmetics.
All the weapons are cheap, but to change the cosmetic only parts on them you need to pay.

You cannot buy the gold you get in game with real money.

>What i'm most worried about is a /pol/ infestation
really hope the game succeeds and people like you are not apart of the community, faggot

I don't think so, but I wish. I loved pushing the cart or trying to kill the king. Those were the simple things that actually made it feel like your team was working toward a goal and not just running from point A to point B.

for now
when the nieche market dries up the devs will no doubt add non cosmetic microtransactions

Cool, thanks

The main mode is like the chivalry objective mode but with a tug of war element mixed in. It has you capturing points and pushing carts at different parts of the map, but both teams are defending and attacking at the same time.
The BR mode is a meme, and there's also a horde mode that's pretty much cod zombies.

>activate windows

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What is there besides BR?

why are yall shilling this vallhall ripoff

>you know for certain you're not the best player in the server
>been losing 1v1's against this one dude consistently
>you become the king

That shit was intense

Frontlines is their primary mode. I think BR is just an afterthought.

what's wrong with that, i don't wanna pirate because i'm a good boy.

Because everything else went to shit and this looks to actually go beyond the scale of what others did years ago

It's literally impossible to play casually against people not below your skill level

Lost all interest when I saw that they're adding female warriors.

have sex


Can't wait to spin 2 win on you fags

The same reason I would lose interest if you could swap your model to Darth Vader or wear stupid glowing hats like Team Fortress 2. It's an immersion killer that cheapens the setting.

Is the FH shill still here?

So cleaving through a group of people with a big sword and cutting through plate armour doesn't break immersion for you?

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I'll be playing For Honor desu.

his post are just copy pasted low effort shilling, im guessing ubisoft caught on and stopped paying him.

No, that's a gameplay concession, like respawning and time limits and map boundaries.

Seconding this

Chivalry had a star wars mod and it was actually pretty funny

you wish we were shills

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What are the conditions for disarming? I see it in a video

Welp. Sounds like you need to have sex, user.

When you run out of stamina and parry.



Can you throw halberds and the like?

Nah, you can throw one handed weapons though.

i've be able to run this game with 1gb video card? (7770)

Nope, 1060 is recommended

Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
OS: Windows 7 64 Bit, Windows 8 64 Bit, Windows 10 64 Bit
Processor: Intel Core i5 - 4670 or AMD equivalent
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 680 or AMD equivalent
DirectX: Version 11
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 20 GB available space
Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
OS: Windows 7 64 Bit, Windows 8 64 Bit, Windows 10 64 Bit
Processor: Intel Core i5 - 6600k or AMD equivalent
Memory: 16 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 1060 or AMD equivalent
DirectX: Version 11
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 20 GB available space

In this video the dude is hitting people with the hilt of his sword, can you swap between that and using the blade during combat?

Yeah you can, each weapon has an alt mode. The hilt strike is a historical technique called Mordhau..

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They got the VA for the Mason's Man-at-arms. The mason's knight is just the Agatha knight VA with deep pitch edit.

Lute gang rise up

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Almost every weapon has an alt mode like Perfect Dark. The basic-bitch longsword and Estoc has the mordhau grip, which does more damage to armor as well as alters swinf/stab speeds. You can swap between them fairly quickly while fighting with a single press. You can also do things like feint into a mode switch to trick people out.

well shit

Can't, the game will be DOA

Is there dual wielding? And if so, can I choose which weapon I throw?

just tell me if this game has fucking retarded mouse flick sword swing combat

>is there dual wielding?
No, this isn't retarded fantasy shit like For Honor

There's no dual wielding

The "pro" community in small alphas are worthless
Adding more inputs through keybinding is retarded

Isn't/wasn't it a real thing though, pairing a light weapon like an estoc with a long dagger?

>those faggots in chivalry that would always complain about people feinting, an actual mechanic, but were completely fine with abusing dragging
I really hope they fix dragging in mordhau but from the gameplay ive seen it looks just as bad

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>No, this isn't retarded fantasy shit like For Honor

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have sex both of you

You're thinking of a parrying dagger, which as the name implies, was mostly used for parrying

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I'll get it
are there gonna be community servers?
a Yea Forums server would be fun if not autistic as fuck

Doubtless but if you've already got throwing in the game and can ostensibly parry well enough with your main hand weapon, being able to throw a dagger at someone mid-fight would seem like a small disruption to the established gameplay

Do people get more angry at Chivalry (and first person sword fighting games in general) than they do first person shooters? I think it's because in these games, you're up close to your opponents, and on a subconscious level, that inspires more rage than when your opponent is far away.

>devs immediately cave in to the SJWs' commands
Oh boy, that's always a good sign

>always have the option to choose character gender in Mordhau
>have forced gender diversity female-only characters in for honor

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The OP of these threads posts his garbage in our general every fucking day. He's been doing this for two years.

>have forced gender diversity female-only characters in for honor
There are several male-only characters too.

are you implying that either are ok?

>t-there's more than one way the devs limit my character customization!!

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What are you babbling about?

>Male only
Jiang Jun

>Female Only

A whopping five characters can't have a penis outside of the current twenty-three options, how terrible.

Yeah the aggressive marketing consisting of occasional v posts

and yet, in Mordhau, any loadout can be male OR female
Sorta just sounds like you're defending the devs for giving you less overall content TEE BEE AYYCH

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>this isn't retarded fantasy shit
>even though use precisely 0 proper implementaion of real fighting techniques
for honor owns it's retarded fantasy shit and still manages to look more realistic than a glorified source engine mod

No it's literally because the devs understand a giant female sumo wrestler or a female wide brick in a suit of armor looks and sounds retarded.

Isn't the new character literally just fem shugoki tho? Pretty lazy

No, not really. She's based around fast heavy combos, she's also not 500lbs either.

I was about to buy some shitty cosmetics, thanks for reminding me I'll buy it tomorrow.

For Honor is only 10 bucks and its actually a good game

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They had plans for female knights from the very beginning. They even have models already. Fucking moron.

I am but please make the rapiers longer.

For Honor? I played that game in the beta. Third person perspective is pretty casual for sword fighting games so I'm not really into it

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It's literally Dead on Arrival . Oh I am laughing, Mordhaufag.

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>all these SEETHING FHniggers
is MordhauAnon the most basedest of all boys? just IMAGINE all the (you)s he's collected already. absolute legend

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the male version is also superior

She's built like a brick dude

Ill be honest, I don't really care for the option; I'd prefer if they add it just because but I would find it kind of annoying seeing a battlefield full of fucking trannies. Its when they do the opposite and make female only characters; like they did with Mirage. I regularly play shit with my girlfriend (unironically) and she prefers to play with female avatars where I prefer to play with male. So she wasn't super happy about it but she also has Chivalry and doesn't give that much of a fuck.

God, I'm glad Mirage fucking died. I posted on their fuckin discussions page saying it was retarded how they only have one meathead you can play as as a dude or a total pussy and you can't play the shield classes or assassins as a male. I told them the game was going to die; that there was a spec of interest but I saw their shit and didn't like it, and only accepted the game for free but wouldn't even install it until there were more customization options.

These spergy-faggots were like "oh its lore!" like mother fucker lore isn't historical accuracy this shit was written by some fuckin dude at a desk somewhere; and was probably a budget decision rather than an actual "hey wouldnt it be interesting if there was a magic and melee battlefield with basically no fucking men in it." If I cared enough; I'd go back and fucking necro the thread so I could laugh at all the cunts who chest-thumped and acted like the game was going to be the shit because of its stupid ass diversity.

Can't believe they won't have katanas and naginatas in Mordhau. Can you believe it? How lame.

Not even close to Shugoki.

she's got tiny girl arms and zero muscle definition. very disappointing.

destroying sweaty nerds with the billhook is the most fun i ever had

I mean, why bother adding Japanese weapons when they'd be completely useless against European armor? Can't really blame them. Why add something to your game that the community wouldn't use?

>they won't have katanas and naginatas in Mordhau
Its like you want me to buy it

Japanese million folded steel can cut through anything.

Fuck off Lindy.


>using the word toxic unironically
shouldn't you be on tumblr complaining about microaggressions

They said on steam forums that they're not 100% on adding females and if they do you'll be able to disable them client side so you never see any

anyone else gonna main quarterstaff?

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>devs immediately cave in to the incels' crying
What a bunch of cucks

I saw bows but are crossbows also in the game?

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>They said on steam forums that they're not 100% on adding females
they're already modeled and there are videos of them in action

They are


thank fuck, hopefully this will weed out the aspie teenagers

Yeah but since inceloids kept crying on the official forums they're slowly backing off from them.

The people that are comparing For Honor and Chiv ITT I believe have never played Chiv, and if they have played Chiv, they haven't even played it enough for the defined meta to come through to them.

This is absolutely true. I love how ITT people are bashing on Chiv left and right, saying that it's bad, and broken. The original Torn banner never caved to SJW demands, and made a game that was competitive. With the exception of the Spears in Chiv, all other weapons were fairly balanced, with the exception of the flail and warhammer, and double axe being underpowered.

This is a tell tale sign that you are inexperienced with chiv. The fundamental problem with feinting in chiv is that it abuses lag to score hits.

To explain what feinting is in chiv Ill give some background. As you attack there is 2 stages. The wind up and the release.

Each one has an animation and can manipulated.

You can cancel the attack, only during the wind up animation at the cost of stamina.

Not during the release.

A average block will be like 250ms.

The wind up for dagger stab is like 100 ms.

Person A winds up attack, releases last frame.

Person B blocks, incurring 250ms penalty.

Person A attacks again dealing damage

Best ping you'll get in chiv is 30ms.

With the fastest weapons in the game, its practically indistinguishable when someone is feinting and not feinting. With dragging, it always readable.

There's proof of this by the countless weapon modification mods where they rebalance, damage, length, and wind up animations of weapons To make feinting more fair.

>Forgetting the norse sword

Bitches don't need to ruin any more games for me

So? I don't care if I don't see them

>The people that are comparing For Honor and Chiv ITT I believe have never played Chiv, and if they have played Chiv, they haven't even played it enough for the defined meta to come through to them.
It's just funposting since there was one dedicated Mordhaufag spamming the ever loving fucking shit out of For Honor /vg/ general so now some anons are bringing it back in Mordhau threads.

they've nerfed draglords hard

>devs give the playerbase an option to have a client-side mechanic where you can have females in battle or not through the flick of a switch
Hell, they're not even sure of adding them based on their feedback. Time will tell I suppose.

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femoids deserve to be gassed

femoids should gas ME

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>if it's not british it's automatically shit
>especially if it's french, german or japanese
How can anyone listen to this cunt?

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because listening to him pull shit out of his ass is deeply entertaining

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Are quarterstaves any good?

they get a 400ms top light with literally infinite range so yeah pretty damn good.

I'm maining poleaxe, the best medieval weapon.

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>Not Halberd
Alright then, keep your manlet weapon

What's the name of that helmet type?

Would this have different stats to say a halberd? Or are the only differences cosmetic at that point?

Warhammer is the true patrician choice

lads lads we can a tleast all agree that polearms > any other baby bitch weapon

Halberds are for formations. Poleaxes are for duels.


Yes. History agrees with us. Swordcucks are just edgy teens.

I think its an armet

Thanks senpaitachi.

I wish totalbiscuit was still alive to tell us his thoughts on the game

Of course. I can't wait to ride a horse and literally sweep swordbabies. Falchion and Messer are acceptable tho



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>A game literally created by and for perma virgins who got dunked on by Helicopter back-swing chads

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already got some of my normie friends hyped up about it
hope it will deliver though and not be a disappointment in the end

Halbard and poleaxe are completely different weapons in this game. Halbard is more like a spear with a blade and halbard is like a smaller halbard with a blunt edge added on. They both have their own customization opens, the poleaxe is kinda autistic in that you can mix and match the tip, blade, and blunt part.
The halbard also knocks people off horses.


Seriously, fuck that Mordhau spamming faggot.

t. Perma virgin pleb

Oh so they're different in length and capabilities? I thought the weapons were almost identical IRL and thought differences in game would be minuscule shifts in speed/reach over attack damage or something.


I hope they add dynamic weather / daytime effects to the maps

ok thats it take it back right now
if you dont i'm challenging you to a duel post your steam

The halbard is the most expsensive weapon to use in the game, points wise. The poleaxe in this behaves more closely to the longsword but with better stabs and a a better blunt mode, with slightly better reach, I think. There's 4 polearms in the game. The billhook, poleaxe, bardiche, and halbard, all quite different from eachother. There's a spear and short spear too, and you can throw the shortspear.

modern mountain blade mp

is the warhamer any good? can you use the sharp end for more damage against unarmored targets?

yeah actually it is quite terrible, i would enjoy making a male ashigaru mook or manlet pk but im denied it by ubifaggotry quotas

If that is the case, what is the point (if any) to using a longsword? Besides roleplaying as jaime lannister

I haven't used the warhammer in a while, but it's like a maul but much faster. I think the sharper side does more damage to a fully armored head, but to the rest lightly armored oppents are better. (Blunt side two shots any head though). But usually the warhammer strat is to just spam morph feints and make your opponent spazz out than playing real stratically. Its
speed is its main power.

The longsword is cheaper tham the poleaxe, and it has some really busted windup and release timings that can it arguably better than ths poleaxe, assuming you can use it really well. Also swords lol
(I main the longsword)

>I think the sharper side does more damage to a fully armored head,
isn't it backwards? blunt does more damage to higher tiers of like plate
I really have a hard on of the weapon so I was hoping to use it mainly and not just as a gimmick

Re: the gear system, do I have a set amount of points to spend on my total kit, or is this a persistent unlock system where once I've unlocked a halberd I can just use it freely?

it's a point based loadout system so you can't be fully decked out in the best shit
gotta pick and choose


You have a limited amount of points to expend on your loadout. Heavy armor and weapons cost more points so if you run full plate you may only be able to have a primary weapon while lighter gear allows for more versatility.

Yeah, the blunt side does more damage overall to better armor but the sharp sids does more JUST to head. They might have changed this but that's what it was last time I checked.
And sadly, like all the really short range weaps it is just a gimmick, it's cheap enough to have as a sidearm though.

>And sadly, like all the really short range weaps it is just a gimmick
that's a crying shame
Is the maul good then? I just really like blunt weapons and hammer

>tfw no fem samurai
>but male and female ninja are allowed

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The maul has always been a gimmick weapon, but it can still 1 shot any head. I think you'd like the poleaxe alt mode though, there's also an eveningstar which is basically the greatmace from chiv but better.
I'll warn you, the blunt weaps in this game have hitstop, which feels REALLY nice to use but it can be somewhat annoying in teamfights.

I wish they'd add some fist based grappler or melee focused character but that won't happen since Shaolin got the monkey stick

Because kunoichi are a popular trope in media

>everything I like sucks
guess I'll look into trying out the eveningstar, cheers

how does fem kensei or fem roachi not count?

Yeah... but the hitstop only works if the opponent doesn't die with the attack. If you use the eveningstar ina teamfight with people that are already damaged you'll easily take them all out.
But the poleaxe isn't something you wanto to sleep on. The blunt mode can 2 shot t3 armor if you get one headshot, and the stabs with it will 2 shot anything else as long as u aren't hitting legs.

>the next game
which will be...? this genre barely gets any new games, its not like some f2p battle royale flavour of the month turd, it should have staying power for a good many deal of autists
>drop it when bannerlord comes out
>when bannerlord comes out

Orochi and kensei can be female. Unless you want a female Aramusha.

doesn't really appeal to me aesthetically

I meant fem Aramusha specifically

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Are we talking it stops your movement, theirs, or both?

I think he's referring to the fact that if you hit someone with a blunt weapon, your swing won't go through them to potentially hit another person next to the target, as would happen with a sharp weapon. However, as far as I'm aware, killing blows will still go through people.

who is a disgraced samurai so u see my confusion

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I mean it stops your weapon. It doesn't pass through enemies, so instead of slamming your maul into somebody and having phase through their body it'll just crush into it and you'll drag it back. It actually feels really good in game to do this do this in game. It's also more effective in 1v1 scenarios.

The best thing about Chivalry's "toxic" community was it's self-policing. If someone was a little too annoying they'd be put up for a votekick, and everyone would almost always vote YES (unless you had friends in the server or something). It was fucking great. People who were too good would often get kicked as well, which was an unfortunate byproduct of a hilarious time-now-gone. Accidental team damage? You're getting kicked. Russian in a NA server? Nope you're kicked.

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Oh, so it doesn't interrupt movement?

Not any more or less than a swing from any other weapon, like it'll stop you from sprinting


I still remember killing half the enemy team with the falling rocks trap on the swamp map and immediately tk'ing four teammates afterwards.

>get tired of all the rage votes
>instant yes on literally everything just so it goes away

A fellow based and bluntpilled individual, to be sure.

The teamkilling in Chiv added to the atmosphere for me. When there's a guy spinning and swinging a longsword there's bound to be some collateral damage, and I never really initiated kicks for tks

I watch him secretly for the dance tips

The mark of passage was charging as a vanguard and killing a teammate and the dude he was fighting.

For a long time I tried to fight conservatively, thrusting and using overheads in an attempt to avoid team damage, when I realised it seemed like basically nobody else did this, I would sometimes go into team fights spamming horizontal attacks with massive weapons like the zweihander and just stopped giving a fuck. It was equally rewarding in a different way, smacking a teammate in the back of the head and using their attacks to bait out openings in a flustered and outnumbered opponent. I felt like longshanks.

Countdown to EGS announcement when?

This game actually punishes you for hitting teammates; you can just swing through them like a brainless retard.

The TTK in Chivalry (and mordhau apparently) is so much slower than a shooting game that there's a lot of forgiveness there as well. It's incredibly hard to be spawn killed or anything like that, so the frustration of being accidentally team killed never set in.

Hard pass.

You mean can't?

So I can cleave through 2 (or more?) opponents but not 1 teammate into 1 opponent?

the actual reason is probably voice acting because women cant be funny

my man. When I was a vanguard I tried my hardest to poke between friendlies, but in the end teammates that stand directly in front a bardiche are kinda asking for it

Yeah I'm sorry, you can't. Whenc you swing at teammates every attack you do stops your weapon from passing through them (but if you kill them it will).

One of the reasons I stopped playing chivalry was that you often had to be more wary of your own eager teammates than you did your opponents. A small enough community like that a quick glance at the scoreboard would tell you if there's anyone on the other team who will give you serious trouble in a head on fight, but literally any of the shitters on your side will happily flog you across the back with myriad weaponry trying to steal your kills

youll be able to disable them according to devs

game actually turned out really nicely, im glad its coming out finally. its a good game in a sea of shit

That's great, liked that in Insurgency, too. It's so much better than
>I have more hours played so I win
Really the only way to do skill based customization where no one load out is superior

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mk18 + foregrip
1 flashbang
literally nothing else

I run so fast

based sonicfag

>youll be able to disable them according to devs
How? All women models will be males?

You fucking idiots need to stop comparing Mordhau and For Honor, they're nothing alike. Literally console war tier retardation, I've been playing For Honor since beta and I'm excited for this, why can't we just be sword combat bros?

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Literally half of the chiv playerbase got into For Honor.

There can only be one.

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steam forums and reddit have a brain aneurysm inducing amount of stupidity

>wait for bannerlord
will always make me laugh no matter how many times this image is posted

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no idea they mentioned a clientside toggle though, i assume it would turn the females male

Yeeeah, no.

I wish this game luck. It will need ALL OF IT.

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Ought to give the option to turn all males into females then too

m16a4 with ap rounds and a frag is the true gamer

they actually mentioned that in the post, ull be able to do both apparently

>I've been playing For Honor since beta
Then you know about Mordhau shill ruining every fucking For Honor thread since forever. This is just payback. Hope the game flops.

user, women are already disabled. Why do you think they're so inferior?

too bad for honor is complete garbage while this is actually a good game

didn't ask for your opinion, Mordhau shill.

>genderswapping unsuspecting waifu-hating anons
That would be crazy

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Fantasy waifu honor never.

stop shilling your poor man's Chivalry in /fhg/.

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mordhau is supposedly an improved version of chivalry
for honor is a piece of shit

Yes but only because I need a multiplayer game that isn't a shooter.

Mordhau poster has been posting in /fhg/ longer than you

I've been posting in /fhg/ since it was formed in the beta days.

Sure bud lmao

yeah yeah, just stop posting in /fhg/ about Mordhau.

and in case you don't believe me - here's my emblem with the outline you got from winning the beta faction war. let me repeat: stop shilling Mordhau in /fhg/

Attached: beta border.jpg (2245x935, 586K)

Post Emblems

Attached: reaer.jpg (1235x840, 446K)

it was so bad it was good
but it was still bad

>He changed factions
what a cuck

muh free shit. I play all 4 factions' characters so it doesn't matter much to me anyway.

This shit honestly looks like a console game. This is mordhau?

For Goner


>wearing a choker into battle

Attached: file.png (573x365, 361K)

>posted the emblem to prove he's been playing for honor for a long time (as if that's an achievement lol)
>This is mordhau?
Take a guess.

hard passsss then

>not wearing an iron collar in case of an axe to the neck


Totally historically accurate tactical choker

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enjoy your consoleshit pleb

Third person is shit for most multiplayer games, free wallhacks


flat bum

>weak women cant use polearms
dead in 10 minutes on the field.

thats the best part

Nips can't into ass


>he doesn't like big tiddie flat ass women
you're not white enough in my book

Polearms are for girls

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Honest question, why should I get this if I have chivalry already?

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Chivalry has like 20 people who still play it

are you irish by chance?

>Naginata were originally used by the samurai class of feudal Japan, as well as by ashigaru (foot soldiers) and sĹŤhei (warrior monks).[3]
thats just wrong retard, sure later in history women were allowed to use them but they were never made for women.

Come on user, That's not a valid point.

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>he doesn't like big tiddie flat ass women

its chivalry 2, and it'll have 60 man severs.

64 akshully

praise be. even more of a reason to get it.

Calm down spergbro. I know. I'm just bringing up how it's been represented in the media for the fuck of it.

Even TV tropes is aware
>More precisely historically, the weapon rose to prominence in the Genpei War and saw plenty of use in the hands of male warriors for years until the yari spear became more popular later in the Sengoku period, after which the naginata became relegated solely to the use of samurai's wives and gained its iconic image,

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Can I play this against bots like a casual or would I have to actually play it with greasegoblins who've been playing it for a year?

Hey m*Rdhau virgins, For Honor chad here. Just came by to say that when your game flops on release all those players wanting a taste of a REAL game will jump on based For Honor, so thanks in advance for gifting us all those players.

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How's the gameplay,mechanics,etc different from chivalry?

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just play against people and git good faggot

Its ironic because For Honor was given away for free multiple times and its still dead.

The devs are autistic fans of Chivalry that got frustrated with Chivalry's issues and decided to make a balanced bugfixed version of it

watching gameplay from the alpha right now, it looks almost identical

It's just a less clunky chivalry. Dragging and spin to win ballerinas are in Mordhau as well and promising NOT to have those things were the original main selling points of it, but now they're being defended as features much like the Chivalry Devs did.

Why would I buy the same shitty game twice?

swings don't do damage during windup or the start of the animation so no 180/360 bullshit
they specifically addressed hitting people behind you with reverse overheads so none of that shit
pretty harsh cap on how fast you can turn your camera regardless of dpi/sense
massive sway on bows
Their design philosophy is fun to play and not ridiculous to watch like chiv was

accels and drags are a byproduct of giving the player the freedom to actually move their character which you can't fix without it being extremely clunky and removing a large skill factor
No spin to win.

You can play against bots and in a horde mode


theres better places to shill your game user

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>Forhonor severly broken in the beginning
>Actual servers that took way to long to get implemented, The online issues are what practically killed the game for long time
>Very minimal character customization with limited armor choices
>Limited combat choices and some attack moves that are left in the game that can be ultimately unfair in games that take up to 3-5 minutes to just start.

Forhonor is still one of my favorite games, I've gotten 500+ hours in and i still continue to play it, But-
Mordhau looks like all of those extra complex options a lot of people including my self have always kind of wanted.
I plan on playing and enjoying both and i'm sure a lot of other people will as well.

Or it'll just fucking die in a year.

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Did anyone else find Last Team Standing in the gladiator arena to be Chivalry's best mode? I feel like that was a better battle royale style mode suited for this type of game. You'd make your way to the back and always see the first few guys out the gate mowed down by archers. Then you'd hide behind a pillar or get behind someone else's shield and advance. Holy shit that was an underrated mode.

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dont worry fren, mordhau is shaping up to be a well polished autism simulator
depending on your definition of dead, it's not dying anytime soon

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i just got banned in leageu of legends, so i guess i'll be buying this for mindless fun.

Here it is in action:

voice chat is not going to be in the game at launch but they are adding proximity voice chat

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good, only voice chat you need was your char screaming.

The only thing that i care about is that it just has a dedicated community that'll stick around. And the only thing i see ruining that are online issues but i have no idea if that's been a issue or not.

Hopefully the appeal of it just being a straight up multiplayer weapon fighting game will appealing enough.


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>And the only thing i see ruining that are online issues but i have no idea if that's been a issue or not.
its got a server browser, some official dedicated servers, and players can host their own custom servers
zero p2p
mod tools supposedly at some point
real shame that for honor never pulled itself together, played since the earliest alpha tests

holy shit this comes out tomorrow
I guess I need a new pc

No Linux version so I'm reluctant to buy it. But it's not EA or Actiblizz so there's probably a chance they will make a native version if they have the resources.
Decisions decisions

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its not officially supported but there are reports that proton works fine, its just ue4 after all

Been playing since beta.
As much as i love the game. I've always wanted it to expand so much more. Hopefully FH2 will at least have 4 directional attacking and less fucking grind to get barely decent customization

Forhonor needs a proper sequel, real bad.

Some Mordhau dev or fanboy was shilling this piece of shit game for YEARS, I think For Honor fans are just having some well deserved revenge.

I still remember seeing like 10-50 posts per thread of some autist screeching "MORDHAU WILL BLOW X OUT OF THE WATER"
That obnoxious faggot is the sole reason I'm not buying this shit

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Is this art from an actual game or something?

>Polearms are for girls
99% of the wars fought my men disagree

Spears, Quarterstaves, Halberds, Glaives and 3-sect-staves are the most based weapons known to man
only katana / greatsword fags disagree

Who else is getting it tomorrow? I need frens.

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It might look that way because, basically, it's still 2 players swinging a weapon at each other, with no super power instant ability bullshit.
But it's a lot more complex. Chivalry was sort of rhythm game. You aimed your attack and RMB or LMB'd accordingly, with some footwork involved. If your aim was somewhat OK and you timed your inputs properly (sort of a minimum 250-500 ms minimum window), you landed a hit.

Mordhau's parrying and counter attacking is a lot more complex, potentially more frustrating as well.

Feinting is potentially more cancerous though because it will take literally dozens if not hundreds of hours to recognize the animations.

>Taking someone quoting tvropes seriously when they're obviously joking
>being incapable of reading the rest of the thread thereby making yourself look like a retard
>inb4 pretending to be retarded in any form

I'd be getting it now if they let you preorder.

>greatsword fags
they exist?

only in fantasy
t. greatsword fag

>That obnoxious faggot is the sole reason I'm not buying this shit

The most autistic Chivalry NA fanboys (i.e., the "competitive scene" of a broken ass game lmao) used to post in /r/Yea Forums/ and a lot of them moved on to Slasher/Mordhau. It's embarrassing but they're most likely responsible for the shilling.

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>say dumb shit
>get called out

Attached: GAME OVER.jpg (226x213, 12K)

I'm really hoping this game is fun. I haven't been able to find any vidya that I could get into in the last month, and it's driving me crazy.

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From what I've seen the gameplay looks at first glance to be faster, but with the differences in gameplay from Chivalry seems like it's actually slightly slower paced, more emphasis on planning your approach and attack patterns whilst also making educated guesses as to what the enemy's will be.
Has anyone who has played the game can confirm this?

More like your lack brains is ruining things
Your farts are not that smelly, retard
You said when god was handing out the brains
/r9k/ retards are already disabled. Why do you think they're so inferior?
fixed that for you

I wonder if mordhau will take away the retards in the knight faction being autistic about the stupid volcano

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I've been trying to e-beg for this game from devs, streamers, and the community for AGES with no avail. I can 99% get any game for free just by hitting up devs, employees, and paid shills for just about any game, AAA or not.

This game however, they are NOT budging one bit. I don't want to have to resort to catfishing some virgin for it.

I'd totally be down to just buy it if it had a huge population like early Chivalry did.


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Eh, it depends. I have 2k hours in Chivalry and not that many in Mordhau but the guy who kick my ass all the time are super aggressive and tell me to never be on the defensive for too long. Every good player will go for fast attacks (i.e., they will drag their swings so the arc is shorter), fast weird feints, high dmg dealing weapons, etc.
A major difference is that Mordhau doesn't have any hit trading so you can't just blindly spam attacks. Chivalry usually rewarded the more OP weapons following that tactic. A guy with a short sword needed to land between 3 to 5 hits to a heavy class, while his enemy could just kill him with just 1 or 2 hits. Past a certain point in the attack animation, they could hit each other at roughly the same time.
Mordhau has first hit flinch, meaning who ever lands his attack first interrupts the other guy.

>say dumb shit
>explain later that it's a joke
>retard incapable of reading the thread comes along
>says dumb shit that's already been explained
>get called out for it
>repeat ad infinitum
This isn't gonna go anywhere, we're just gonna keep going back and forth calling each other retards. You could've just read the thread and realized that the shit you're saying is redundant. Or better yet actually read what the first poster linked and realize that it was a joke to begin with.

How can one person be so retarded?

we're on Yea Forums

Region? I have the alpha and I'd be willing to play with any noobs?

You work out how you got so retarded, retard.
Yeah we can tell by the amount of morons shitting themselves because a game may have women in it.

>that guy who keeps saying people don't have honor
>that guy who always kicks people off bridges into the water
>that guy who keeps asking people to dress like a girl and let him squeeze their buttcheeks
I'm gonna miss chiv, especially the chat


>That one man at arms spamming oil pots and the laugh taunt
>Everyone spamming battle cries or taunts

If I can't shill it for free I might buy it but currently NEETlifing with no income at all so it's a risky buy.

>chat devolves into a gay orgy where everyone is talking about sucking each others cocks

Region? This game blows at high pings

A 1st world country. EU / US.

Scrubs ruined chivary!!!!! End of story.
MMA dominated every match before nerfs
Ruined by a butch of babies

>not filling them with the arrow as they endlessly try to kill you allies

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crossbows and throwing weapons are going to maximum comfy and salt inducing day 1
gonna be great
everyone trying to "learn" the combat unaware of the bolt being put into their heads

So is there a progression / leveling system?

Like if I day 1 crossbow bro it up do I eventually get a super 1-shot crossbow or faster reload or something?

This chad knows what's chad

I'll progress you straight to the grave, faggot archer nigger

Here's some strawmans for you since you like em so bad
>pretend to be retarded
>"b-but it was joke"
>"cmon stop bullying me, go read the entire thread so you can be verified that I indeed said "I was merely pretending to be retarded"

Can broadswords be mordhaued?
If so, they're superior to polearms, Spanish tercio rodaderos, butchered elite swiss pikemen polearms..

probably not
in chivalry there was a small system where you started with one weapon in each category, like crossbow, longsword, polearm, etc. and had to unlock the other two by using the base one. It was really fast and easy, otherwise you unlocked new helmets I think basically just by playing. There's probably going to be minimal progression, other than whatever they do with cosmetics.

Just scroll up, this has already been explained in the thread.

That's a strange apron and cooking utensil

You can mordhau longswords and estocs, but they aren't completely better than polearms because they lose out on range.

My copy has never worked
So i don't play

Look again when your retarded underage face is not being hit with dicks

Remember these words. You are a faggot.

>reading through 9 hours worth of /pol/faggotry

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But you're speed for movement and swingings faster right?

Movement and speed should dominate duels

>not being a slut to the bitter end

Attached: 1.png (2293x713, 205K)

>Triggered betafag
Why salty?

Your movement in this game is dependent an armor, not weapon held. And the way you accelerate attacks makes it really difficult to say what's really "faster" completely in weapon speed, but that mordhau stab is pretty fast so I'd say that is faster.

So does this unlock at the same time for all regions or nah?

Well that's imbalanced, weapons should affect overall speed movement, running with a dagger is the same with claymore?

Better engine, better developers, horseback combat, better performance, better graphics, better customization, music instruments, I could go on

I would imagine that would entirely put people off from using bigger weapons entirely. You already move slower than you could in real life wearing no armor, let alone plate armor. It would really break the game if you think about it.

hahaha end him rightly am I right ???? xD

Let the cluster fuckery begin!

t. buttblasted retard

> Pizza restaurant logo


Attached: marox_ISIS_executes_Chivalry_and_For_Honor.jpg (700x570, 86K)

The community is gonna become cancer and metagame the soul out of it by abusing mechanics within a few weeks. Not touching it.

have you played any remotely competitive game

Any good competitive game correct exploits that go against the intended gameplay. Otherwise it's trash.

>Casually walking around
>Hear "aaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" coming from behind
>Head gets lobbed off
>See him run away going "AAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaa"

I wouldn't even be mad.

>implying this game doesnt
have you even played

Well it puts me off from using smaller weapons entirely and from buying this game.

Sounds like the game panders to claymore knight Vanguards over MMA broadsword from chivalry. Won't be buying this game.

Does this thing give out buffs like instruments in Mount and Blade or is it just a meme.

I wanna get it, but I have no emone. I know a good amount of people who want to play it, even some who played alpha and beta. I hate that I'm gonna get in as a freshie while everyone has experience.

you know you don't gotta be bumpy all the time user

I was utter shit in chiv and made it up to rank 28 before I quit, experienced people just trashed me with dragging and overheads.

Is it possible for me to git gud at this game?

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>Another """medieval""" game that doesn't feature cavalry

I'll stick to best.

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It does have cavalry

10 hours until you're all gonna be very dissapointed

>riding in circles shooting arrows for 20 minutes instead of actually having a sword fight on foot with the mechanics the game was made for

Fuck off

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I know nothing about this game? How do classes work? Do I have to level up for certain weapons or armor? Is there crafting?

there are no classes, you can equip whatever you want

No grinding or leveling up then?

But it has horses. Why are you posting in a thread about a game you know nothing about?

I retract my statement

> Why are you posting in a thread about a game you know nothing about?
Your 1st day on Yea Forums?

u right

game literally releases later today, they're not pulling an optional cosmetic option just because some overactive incels dont want them

Ah yes, today the day I will get to laugh and kek at the Mordhau shill.

Remember folks, he's been shitposting for 2 (two) whole years how this game WILL BLOW FOR HONOR OUT OF THE WATER.

I will enjoy every laugh and every kek whole heartily

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Are you retarded? How would they pull a feature that's not in the game?

You do realize that women aren't in the game yet?

idk they said they'd add them on release so i can only presume they have them ready to drop

>game that has been in and out of alphas and betas constantly
>only people playing are going to be sweaty nerds who have played them all and are gonna pubstomp new players

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oh damn lol well i hope they add them or i wont get to dab on waifushitters

how is progression working in this game? Chivalry had these shitty pseudo classess and you had to grind next weapon unlocks.

Does it have javelins? This is a deal breaker.

yes and no

there are short spears, and you can throw them, but im not sure if there will exist a version where they are a ranged weapon with ammo

After hearing from some places on the forums and personally from a mod, though I apologize for not having refs, they're going to make servers for alpha and beta players that are separate from new players to give day one players a chance to get used to playing.

You earn coins for playing which can unlock weapons and cosmetics. You can earn all the weapons pretty quickly but getting all the cosmetics will take some time. There are no classes you build your own character.

And tomorrow it's finally time to blow For Honor's water.

No, I think you get some kind of currency for buying cosmetics

So one toss and now you're disarmed and that's it?
Fuck it then, I'll get Mordhau if they ever get around to implementing them.

here is what i was told

a match gives 500 gold coins, and currently the most expensive an item will be is 4000 coins

thanks, sounds cool. Are there levels? Anything that can somehow distinguish experienced players from newbs?

well you can carry multiple weapons, though how many specifically i have no idea, so i imagine you can have multiple spears for throwing

>shill thread
>no one linked the gameplay

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opinion discarded riiiight here

Fuck off, ubishit.

how many times can they sell people chivalry lol

>same toxic community

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I made it to 58 on chivalry and haven't played in years since.
It's gonna be a fun launch day.

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>butthurt leftie plays historical game and gets mad they aren't into progressive LGBTQBRAAP politics
Go play Overwatch, that's where your low IQ kind resides.

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Say after me


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SwoleBenji here. I'd be willing to pair up with someone and help them absolutely body kids 16+ hours a day for weeks on end if they can supply me with the game.

I'm over at

Yeah I'll fucking play it.
I'm not a competetive fag I just want to roleplay as medieval dudes and club others to death.

>you'll be able to disable them client side so you never see any
I want a source on this.

Fuck off

Aww is living in a van and making shitty wow streams not lucrative enough to afford you 30 bucks? Lmaooo

>A whopping five characters can't have a penis outside of the current twenty-three options, how terrible.
Wow, you even talk like you were hired right from Tumblr for Ubisoft's marketing team.
You know what looks retarded? A female warrior in general.

Can't give you any substantial proof, but they said so in dev streams when being asked about the issue

could you reddit space any harder fucking damn. My browser is slightly zoomed out on a big screen and you still take up 90% of the page nigger

I already bought my copy in 2017
I honestly don’t care at this point

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I get zero revenue from youtube / the streams. I do it cause I like WoW vanilla.

cant wait to shartslam all the pozzd forhonor niggers and noobs with my insane chambering skill and mach 5 spinning feint tornado

prepare urselves kiddos u r finished
t. m&b warband competitive multiplayer autist 5 years trained since child

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I have been waiting for this game for over a year and now i heard they got a fucking BATTLE ROYALE in game, what the fuck are they doing? Is there some sort of ranking system yet?

>he does it for free

there are people here you would be great chums with

incel post

Youtube was fucking based before the Jew fucked it all up. Now all we have is advertisements and shills making shit videos.


Can I mess around like in early Chivalry days ? I'm talking starting a fisticuffs brawl, kicking archers in the ass to make them miss their shots, spamming voice commands to say random shit, that kind of stuff. I want a carefree fun game like Chivalry was around its release, is it gonna be that or just the tryhard experience before the game died ?

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Thanks for the starting point anyway. I googled "mordhau female client side" and got some results on the official forums and steam page of a dev saying what you said, so I believe you.

I 'might' wait to buy it until they officially confirm there's a clientside toggle.
I don't want a repeat of

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you wouldn't have made it in the supposed pre-jew era of youtube either, world of warcraft tardmongs were dime a dozen even more than now

I had 300k subs cause I imported my success over from warcraftmovies. I was one of those tardmongs, I'll admit.

I am absolutely certain that it isn't true, since i know you just want to cash in on clout you never had, being the attention seeker that you have proven to be

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>You know what looks retarded?
pol/tards from the look of your post

yes to all of that, to my knowledge

t.that one triggered faggot in Wargame global chat telling people to stop talking about why Hitler was right

Nah, it was pre-monetization and all that jazz. It got bad cause a group went after me hardcore with mega-doxxing and IRL raids. I wanted out. I wasn't having fun with it, and 300k subs were ONLY there for tutorial videos there was no sense of community or bond. It was just rando's who wanted an edge on WoW with stupid tips and tricks they couldn't be ass'd to parse thottbot to figure out themselves.

awesome made up story, but supposing that were true, why even try again when you're enough of an absolute fag that an entire community would want to dox the fuck out of you

Nope sorry. Also Hitler was a retard like you.

Cause it's better than wagecucking, and they literally can't dox me as I am going 100% anonymity route a-la HowToBasic. That means no webcam faggotry, no meetups, no conventions, none of that. Literal zero personal details about my real life. Also live in a van w/ no address so good luck doxxing a mobile entity LEL.

Will there be more faggotry than just the BR

>it's better than wagecucking

you're this determined to be a loser that you would rather die in a van in obscurity than make some money to get anywhere. Okay. if you think courtesy cuck or tendie cook are the only options for money you need to cull yourself you brainlet

>Mordhau thread
>nothing but shitposting, drama and For Honor
Glad to know I can save my 30 bucks for something better

>Yea Forums threads determine if he buys a game or not
Are you mentally handicapped?

I did both. Honestly the work wasn't fucking bad till you become the god damned manager but these CORPORATIONS don't give a fuck about you or your numbers. If you break some assinine rule you're fucked. Why should I ever devote hard work and energy into a company ever again? I literally threw 13 years of my life away wagecucking and for what? An upgrade in housing / food? I only ever wagecucked in the first place just to "see what it was like" before killing myself after the mega-doxxing. I've since redpilled and become an alpha Chad so there's no reason to do that but I'd rather not live a SLAVE making shit amounts of money while these pathetic reddit-normie-NPC's make six figures sitting in an airconditioned OFFICE doing nothing but shitposting on reddit 7 out of their 8 hour days.

What the fuck can a brainlet even do for ACTUAL respectable income? My entire skill set is balanced around streaming / youtubing. If some fucker possessed my body that's what they'd HAVE to do without investing a fuckload of time and money to learn other skills in order to "make it" in this life.

Were those rando jobs you listed or like, targeted dox? Hmm? Cause I knew who also had those jobs on this board that became quite infamous.

they were just examples

but it sounds to me you got yourself into those shit situations because you're grossly incompetent. Fact is, you're always going to be under someone's boot (especially you) but that doesnt mean you have to fall for the dipshit wagebait jobs, there are other options that dont require much if any experience to attain, that also dont require you to do much work whatsoever

anyway why Yea Forums is so butthurt about chivalry?
I thought that it was one of the best online games in last decade.