>search risk of rain in the catalog
>nothing found
what a surprise
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hopefully the mods won’t delete this thread
What’s the best Lunar item?
good, another dead Plebbit game
>scavenger in 3D with a random assortment of items based on difficulty
>scavenger gets additional item effects equivalent to what you've traded in at printers and the lunar shop
host when?
I want to fuck a lemurian.
How do I git gud
I thought there would be more discussion going on.
guess this game is finally dead
we just need a content update and a host
sleep tight, risky rain
Lack of content
(You) should host.
Blue meteorite of course. Only drizzlets think it's a bad item
>Scavenger gets more items the more chests you miss in a level
I had a great run with mercenary earlier using that item that gives money upon hitting ennemies and I had 20+ syringes, i had tons of money in no time enough to buy everthing on the map
Do you guys want a ror1 or ror2 host?
>rush to keep difficulty low and pass on chests to get buttfucked by scavenger
>full clear stages to keep scavenger weak but get buttfucked by difficulty ramping
please no
>risky 2
>nobody talks or even says hi
>leave when they die even hosts
>people steal boss items, sometimes even chest items
>aesthetic inferior to 1
>2d gameplay was better
>way easier so far
I hope they don't add command without changing the function, that shit will ruin online more than it already is.
>playing with randoms
you legit asked for it
>people actually talk
>friendships are formed
>friendly banter
>people share items
>people actually cheer each other on when there's one person left
>comfy aesthetics with enough charm to put the south to shame
Why is QP in this game so abysmal
I'm not sure I wanna have to dodge missile spam in 3D to be honest, which goes double for idea of having volatile elites return.
Gesture of the Drowned when combined with fuel cells and either royal capacitor or disposable missile launcher
Shaped glass + transcendence, gestures + fuel cells and a good orange.
Ye missile spam in 3d would be aids. Although it could work if it was only possible by scavenger and not a general elite mob modifier.
>increases passive collection range by 5m
Sounds a little underwhelming to me. If you never get the other items, it would be a waste. Maybe increased stacks of Monster Necklaces or Bandoliers should increase pickup range for their own drops.
Ok, now for my own item ideas (critisism welcome):
Fractured Timepiece (Lunar) - Doubles attack speed... but lowers movement speed.
Box of Chocolates (White) - Containers drop healing orbs.
Courage Medallion (Green) - Increased resistance to elite effects.
Reptilian Skin (Green) - Gives a brief defense buff from healing.
Oh, and post your own ideas. Survivor ideas are fun too.
>comfy Yea Forums community of adults, undesirables get kicked the fuck out and denied games
>100 concurrent players on steam
>reddit catches whiff of the game, game reaches 60k concurrent players
>everybody is a total faggot as expected
the sooner ror2 dies the better for the game
blue meteorite is great, but you'd have to be retarded to not trade it out for a capacitor or missle launcher later in the run, especially when fuel cells and gesture of the drowned exists
Easy solution: artillery rather than homing missiles
NA vanilla hard
still need 2
Gesture, Glass and Crown are legit the only usable items
>Gesture + MIssle spam
I think it doesn't get anymore fun than this, feels like there's no point in playing anymore after reaching that a couple of times
+ Catalyst or whatever its called, of course
finally did the long road on drizzle
40% damage reduction
It's more or less ror1 was lesser known and has been around for about 7~ years with a small community on Yea Forums that cycles players in and out (including myself) while ror2 is the new hotness that's attracted a larger audience of newfags due to gearbox's marketing, as well hosting games in ror1 being like a internal gate keeping mechanic while ror2 hosting is more seamless and easy, either way both games are fun and both have comfy fun comradery and resident shitheads (that mexican trip fag who used to shit up both the games and threads) anyways whens the host?
eu vanilla
1 more, cmon
>tfw did the long road with Yea Forums and one of the people broke the game stacking shaped glass and transcendence
Was it a Bandit or Mul-t player.
I think Fuel Cells, Gesture of the Drowned, and the Missile Launcher is the best combo in the game.
They moved to /vg/
Thats because you guys are essentially making generals on Yea Forums, a thread every hour on the hour is excessive. Cut the shit
how many bears he stacked to pull it off? having loads of shields is good but not enough to handwave stacked transcendence incoming damage increase
It was probably me.
How did you know?
Reposted it. Cause I want the attention
What is the thing on Commando's shoulder anyways? His piercing shot launcher? A speaker? Dot matrix display?
I don't get it
I have literally died 3 times in perfect huntress runs because I got blown up from behind by a single enemy while waiting for the goddamn teleporter, can they please just make it so it goes down faster after the boss is dead for the love of god
Arty missile.
Disposable missile launcher.
>Perfect run as Huntress
Make a lobby and I'll see how good you are with Huntress.
I only probably had 60 hp during that run so none of that really mattered cause I would just do millions of damage and nothing would live.
I doesn't rain on contract light does it?
Are you fucking retarded? Do you SEE what this place is? Fucking 9 smash threads 3 OH NO NO console war cancer threads. And you wanna talk about a new thread every hour? Did you forget a month ago when Sekiro came.out? But heaven fucking forbid some.people wanna actually discuss a game they play. I forgot that you can only exclusively post low quality, reply b8ing, bottom of the barrel trash here.
it does not, so far all levels are perfectly rainless and it very upsetting
I had my suspicions.
hence why its called "risk of" rain and not guaranteed rain
>go to RoR booru to try and find "this robot is trained to end your run" edit of that one comic panel
>it's literally all lewds
I'm mad at myself, for not seeing this coming.
Why do toys and items give powers? Let alone godly powers? How does this work.
you mean this one?
The booru was started by that guy who had a mega of a bunch of a lewd work, I think meme images are allowed but nobody bothers uploading them
Daily reminder that "Into the Doldrums" is the best track in RoR2, and better than anything in RoR1, not counting Coalescence of course.
Yes, that one, thanks a lot user.
>wanting an incompetent dev to implement rain when they'll most likely render each droplet as a physics object because they're hacks
>t. hopoo
RoR2 Imp party when.
>not realizing the "rain" in Risk of Rain is the rain of supply chests crashing into the planet falling from the carrier ship they were on
How do you play Merc? As soon as big jellyfish shows up I'm fucked
That explains why there are chests all over the place?
how? it's really easy, just dash and jump on him to dodge all attacks and use r for his aoe attack
Someone throw a room up
Wow someone is mad
then shouldn't they be actively raining during the game?
like, let's say 50% of the chest normally spawn as they are right now and the other 50% fall down during the boss fight?
that'd pretty cool
>implements a chance that it actually rains during the level
>no enemies spawn but a phantom of Providence haunts you until the teleporter is charged
Is this game already dead? It has become increasingly difficult to find people to host, and the game isn't even officially out yet
It's a risk of rain, not "theres definitely going to be rain"
i took a hardlight afterburner as commando and the huntress raged at me so much. dude chill the fuck out i bought the gold chest.
Now that theres quickplay people arent forced to play with Yea Forums autists
if i roll a 6 i'm buying the game
Yeah, you can see in the background of the character select screen that you're on a ship that's crashing. It's why the final stage of the first game was that crashed ship, you make it back to it and use the thing to get off that fucked planet.
That'd be a neat way to encourage people to leave chests until post boss fight.
This is hardly even a video game at this point. It's just pure numbers porn.
wew lad
Yea Forums lobbies don't have much point without artifacts right now
have fun user
have fun
Have fun, user.
EU Vanilla
>user uses up all the luck of his life in one single roll
Meteor's severely underrated. You need Hopoo feathers out the ass but it's amazing if you can keep from touching the ground. It's borderline-broken on Huntress because using her R just suspends her in the air for a while.
tomorrow will be a good day but now it's time to sleep
I want the final stages and boss now guys.
I need it.
try not to have dreams about rain
They better add that ship to the second game.
>new blue
>Underworld Manifest, barrels can drop items in addition to money and experience, even reds, but can also randomly function as monster shrines that only summon elites
need 1 more USA hard
need one (1)
>another gambling enabling aspect of the game as if shrines of luck weren't enough
I like that idea
Sleeposters get out
My first idea was
>Forged Manifest
>Chests have a chance of dropping two items, but also have a chance of dropping nothing
>Stacking more of them increases the number of items dropped, but also increases the chance of failure
you are such a faggot lmao
imagine having this much stake in a video game """community""" (actually just a couple dozen autists on a chinese basketweaving forum)
mirin them quads
>game attracts the attention of my friends
>simple matchmaking makes it easier to play with them so i'm not stuck with you spergs
i haven't played a single Yea Forums lobby, in ror1 or ror2, since this game came out
fuck you faggots, playing with you retards was cancer
oh hey it's me
fun times
its called risk of rain because in the finally level there's a chance of it raining in the background
So there will still be small balance changes in between the large patches on the roadmap right?
There's not much to balance if there's nothing new getting added I could see artificer getting tweaked but that's probably it till june
Sounds like you couldnt handle the funballs user
This or BFG + stacked gesture of the drowned. I once had the BFG with enough stacks of gesture to be firing one off every 10 seconds, shit was fucking rad.
most likely, balance patches haven't taken long to deliver thus far and hopoo seems responsive to complaints about balance/qol stuff
sticky nerf soon friend
>make 3d printers a 2:1 item ratio
>but you get to choose which items you put in
Hopoo pls
What about Royal Capacitor nerf? Everyone knows it's deserved even if some don't want to admit it.
That'd be cool but only if the chance of dropping multiple items was always higher than the chance of failure. Otherwise it'd be worthless. If the chance was exactly the same the amount of items you get would just even out on a long enough run and be the same as if you didn't take it. If the chance to get nothing was higher than getting multiples it'd be a straight downgrade as the amount of total items would be lower than average on any given run as it goes on for long enough. Chance of failure on stacking is probably a good idea but only if it could NEVER get higher or even than the chance to get multiples.
Another MUL-T nerf
Just swap the rarities of Chronobauble and Sticky, there's your fix
probably nerf the shell before that honestly
its not all that great without them, its more that the other qs all fucking suck past like stage 3
They get deleted because you're remaking generals - that's what vg is for
What was his fucking problem
They would need to buff Sticky's proc chance if they did that. At least change it to increase by 5% per stack rather than 5% + 2.5% * (n - 1).
the last one didn't get deleted though, it just hit page 10
there were 2 others that got deleted instantly
Reminder that Sniper is fundamentally incompatible with 2's gameplay and won't be coming back.
US West, Monsoon
if sticky were a green as it is now it would still be directly superior to all of the other green proc items after 3 stack
it sure as fuck does not need a buff
probably just limiting it to one thread at a time
>amount of rain changes with difficulty
>drizzlets fighting in a light shower while monsoonCHADs brawl with the final boss in a hellstorm illuminated by lasers
Make red whip a white and make soda a green
Care to make an extensive post explaining your logic?
Alpha sniper is quite fun and fits in very well despite having no real skills or a scouter drone
God damn it was about time i buy the game. It's exactly like RoR1 but 3D and i fucking love it.
>Rain World crossover
>You need to teleport to next level before breaks every bone in your body
>Converted all my health to shield
>It makes hellfire no longer hurt you
transcendence only gets good when you start stacking it
sticky at 3
>10% chance to deal 500% damage
atg at 3
>10% chance to deal 900% damage
kjaro at 3
>8% chance to deal 1000% damage
runald at 3
>8% chance to deal 500% damage + 80% slow
sticky would need to be at 6 to outpace other on-hit procs
making it 5% per stack wouldn't even be that gamebreaking of a buff
Nope it got removed when a jannie actually did his/her job
They don't get deleted instantly, user.
They get removed when the retarded spamming the general threads realize once actually is active and just delete their own posts
Did ANYONE ever used effigy and that other lunar item which gives you burning aura?
>3 soulbound catalyst
>3 gesture of the drowned
>1 glass
>missile pods
>find a fuel cell printer
i use the burning thing when playing with merc
I thought you couldn't delete threads anymore
No effigy sucks so much you're more likely to get yourself killed using it than benefit from it
Effigy is usable with Huntress, but still not great.
Hellfire tincture needs like 12 teddy bears to be considered good. I've used it on engie and melted some bosses while standing in bungus, but the damage isn't high enough to justify the drawback or even justify taking it over missile pods or capacitor
Any hosts for 2?
US East is possible
Burning aura on merc is amazing. If you have some crit chance and your critical strikes heal you then you pretty much negate all the damage you receive from the burning aura.
It's always good on huntress and artificier. I'd say MULT also benefits greatly because it turns his already big HP into enormous shield. Engi doesn't really need it no matter the stack. Commando and merc have great on hit healing so they're the only characters who need more than 1 to justify it.
i did say after 3, big brain, not at 3
also youre just coincidentally leaving out the part where atg and fire ring dont deal consistent damage on proc because missiles have retard ai and enemies can literally walk out of the fire tornado
ice ring does but its scales at the same rate as sticky, minus the proc chance, so stickys just better at that point
the compound scaling isnt the only reason stickies are godlike, them literally just spawning attached to enemies on proc and also exploding for aoe is a big fucking deal
because Yea Forums doesn't like good video games
Kjaro and Runald have synergy. If one procs - another will also proc.
get in US east monsoon
>If one procs - another will also proc.
>playing quickplay
>get red early on in the run
>useless nigger shit like pic related or vulture or snowflake
please buff the reds in this game, only like 6 of them are good
>no one joins
Acquire proficiency.
>still no loader patch yet.
wake me up when I can punch and be mechanical spider-man in ror 2.
>666 back-up magazines
the tesla coil and ukulele is a good combo, though.
>45 tesla's
>on engi
not bad and the ukeles to boot
1 more spot
we gonna rock down to electric avenue
theon dies
little mormon grill dies
bran dies but gets resurected
jorah dies
hopoo actively monitors every game being run for 1 and 2 and manages them individually. This is the real reason development takes so long.
its your fault for talking shit so now you're being punished
He's not wrong.
Eh, it's not useless but it is underwhelming to get it. Vultures are good now though, free damage\aoe bonus is nice.
still open
you can't just say something like that without proof
>never unlocked the 200% attack speed item
>never have I ever found a fucking syringe printer
>fuck it, let's play until I find one
>5 hours in
>went past god-mode long ago
>even when I just stand still, everything dies around me
>I have 30-ish bundle of fireworks
>open a chest and for the rest of the game there's fireworks
>I have 20-ish armor piercing bulltes
>I look in the direction of a boss and they lose life
>found a Will-o-Wisp printer
>one thing dies and takes everything on the map with it
>game finally breaks after the 6 hour mark
>teleport to next area
>no enemies
>when activiting the teleporter, no enemies spawn
>teleport to the next area
>same thing
>it's now just me, running around a deserted map, looking for the teleporter
>mfw I have found a total of 8 syringes
tincture is shit without transcendance or possibly the flower item but I rarely use that shit
Jesus man
Piercing enemies isn't nearly as useful in 3d as in 2d (which is why commando's m2 isn't as good, either). He's going to have trouble dealing with spread out crowds
Standing still to charge your shots is outright suicide in later levels. This is the biggest problem for him. He might be oneshotting bosses early game, but it won't be long before simply won't have the time or space to do that.
The teleporter requires you to get close, while sniper works best (or at least, he's supposed to work best) from far away.
In general, items benefit fast small attacks over large burst ones, although this can be fixed. Crowbar is to sniper as fungus is to engie, but as it is now it's very easy for the bonus from crowbar to be lost thanks to drones, ukulele, other players, etc.
>5 hours in
>enemies still spawn
>bosses still spawn
Wake up, drizzlet.
>it is underwhelming
exactly, its a fucking red. if i get two reds on the second fucking stage, i should be STOKED, not wishing i had gotten two crit glasses instead
i just had a run with 5 gesture of the drowned, the lightning bolt, 4 fuel cells, 10 crowbars/bears and enough mobility and jumps to fly - then i got the item that gives CD on your equip item if you get a kill
absolutely everything was obliterated in less than 2 seconds, even 90 minute bosses and i honestly think this is one of my favourite games ever
>gesture cheese was my favorite game ever
lunarfags everyone
whatever you misery - flying around the map obliterating everything is hilarious and fun
i wouldnt do it every run but having never experienced it, it was a good time
sorry im not having fun right
>Play Engie
Get fucked nigger. I'd rather live in a world with a lot of Risk of Rain,vermintide, and SCP threads than your dumb faggot ass thinking he's Jr.Janny for complaining about actual videogames rather than the legion of twitter threads. I never see you fucks rulesfags in actual offtopic garbage
haha holy shit user
I disagree piercing is fairly useful, it's bad on commando because his m2 inherently has terrible damage
Ror2 currently replaced his charge shot instead of being a separate skill it's built into his scope (i.e scope longer, get more damage similar to tf2's sniper) I agree being scoped in could be a liability but I suppose hopoo designed that to be a risk/reward similar to how standing skill worked in ror1
I agree with you as far has having trouble in close range, hopoo solution seems to be to allow to shoot without scoping but your big damage comes from being in scope, currently I answer seems to be kite around in the circle till while taking pot shots at the boss whenever you get a moment of clarity
I agree with you as far as items go too, currently most items are balanced around quick attacks making your items proc which allows characters like commando to thrive while characters like artificer who relies slower large damage moves suffer, I except hopoo to balance this out, or at the very least add more items that benefit single hit attacks
Overall I think sniper could work very in 3D and what we have as base works fine but needs some tweaks and obviously need to be more fleshed out
also I totally didn't except you give me your well thought out opinion and thought you would give me a shitpost, thanks
May as well turn the game off and start playing Mario.
Fucking based rng.
The game heard you talking shit about h3ad-5t
stop crying for change that won't happen and get over your choice to use the 3D printer
Anyone want to play some soku?
Every mother fucking game I play I can not get the cube. I am trying to get this stupid fucking challenge done to push the crabs off ledges and I either: don't get the cube at all every no matter how many boxes/shrines/etc I open, or it isn't spawning any crabs on the levels with ledges.
Fucking god damn I've already spent like 4 or 5 separate runs trying to get this dumbass thing done.
Sure, why not.
You host
NA vanilla
you dont need a cube, it just helps
You don't need the cube at all. Whenever you get close to the crabs they run away, if you chase them to the ledge they jump to the void (it's actually kinda cute).
EU lobby, NA fine
>have 3 stacks of shitty useless whites
>printer takes single tougher times/goat hoff/crit glasses
what's soku?
I'm closing the lobby
They really need to increase the chance of taking a shitty white instead of the only good shit you have. This game is bullshit.
The second best fightan game ever made
Command when? Hopoo managed to outdo themselves and make over half the items absolutely useless again.
yall niggas KNOW i got rid of all three of those fuckin sack of shit retard items