>Plays Japanese video games
>doesn't read japanese
What are you? Some kind of casual?
Plays Japanese video games
Jokes on you I can read kana, I just don't know what the words mean
>implying your language skills are any better
No way surely there's no like that on Yea Forums right? Who could be so pathetic?
Why would I waste my time on Japanese when translators do the job for me?
You poor fool...
nice katakana fag
It just did it automatically. Not that it matters since they mean the same.
hell yeah. too lazy to learn it so im good with subtitles and if there arent any then ill just play the game blind.
How many hours of DuoLingo until I’m fluent?
fuck you dekinai chan
Same. Pokemon Moon is great for reinforcing it since nobody ever shuts the fuck up and let you do what you want.
I'm at 189 hours on anki, and still not fluent so a really long time
fucking kek
>Been studying the language part time for three years
>still shit.
I can read hiragana and katakana, as well as hold a basic conversation but I'm still miles upon miles away from reading games and books in their original language.
Kanji is a fucking nightmare.
Japanese language is like french, useless and unimportant and everything you would want from it is already in English.
Dragon quest monsters 2 baby, didnt need to understand any text at all.
I'm trying my best