Were they truly still alive if all they were making was mobile trash?
Dont worry once the ps5 and xbox2 arrive they'll ressurect to port ikaruga again
This. All they had to do was make ports to sony/ms consoles and get a profit. How do japanese co fail at basic business.
The indies are doing this now.
But they were dead since long ago. They are just brandholders ir something.
>more good beat 'em ups never ever
Who owns their properties now? I don't care about new games but I want them to be able to rerelease Gunstar and Alien Soldier for new systems.
I-is this real?
I mean a lot of AA Japanese studios stopped making games so them not making new ones isnt a new thing.
Outside of Gunstar Heroes, Mischief Makers, and Ikaruga, Treasure was completely ass.
What's wrong with Radiant Silvergun?
NOW this is some trash opinion alright.
It's shit.
Those two games belong to Sega. Always have.
That's completely wrong, and also you're gay.
>All they had to do was make ports to sony/ms consoles and get a profit
Quick way for small devs to fail.
Literally nothing of value was lost.
Well maybe we'll see a small resurgence of popularity in shmups if we're lucky.
Okay, but what's wrong with it?
Did something happen?
Silhouette Mirage?
Dynamite Headdy?
can we all agree that this was their greatest game?
I prefer Sin and Punishment, but Alien Soldier is easily 2nd best.