>getting roflstomped by a girl
Getting roflstomped by a girl
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god I wish
s-show her your dick
There is only one option to retain your honor
holy fuck how fucking shit are you kid? honestly just jump off a bridge you repugnant piece of shit. can you imagine being such a genetic dead end that you lose to a female. EMBARRASSING!
So men are mentally weaker than women
Tell her to crush you're head with her thighs
Or the society is far more demanding on them than on women.
>it's real
b-but muh 40%...
>suicide is weak
Suicide is literally the ultimate fuck you to life. Life completely and totally shits on you and you decide to rebel and end your suffering. By committing suicide you make fate your bitch. It is the greatest show of defiance a man with nothing left can accomplish.
>[adult swim]
reddit out
This but unironically.
There is no such thing as a metaphysical and universal constant as fate. Quit yo shite negro
>By committing suicide you make fate your bitch.
what if that's your fate
Of course it's real
Thought people knew this by now
Men succeed at suicide more, women often use more poetically feminine methods of killing themselves like slitting their wrists or overdosing on pills, that have a higher survival rate than blowing your head off with a shotgun. Women attempt suicide more than men, though, and often get the counseling they need.
Breh you are killing yourself sooner than you realize the life is full of endless reincarnations. Even if you kill yourself you wont stop this cycle.
Imagine being this much of a weak cuck. Do it and get the fuck out of the gene pool.
>they think free will is real
god i wish that were me
suicide is the bravest thing a person can do
Not now but when we ascend to godhood it will be
Based and best proebalt
>and often get the counseling they need.
ding ding ding
even a therapist will find a grown ass man whining about having nothing to live for disgusting
you are a disposable worker/warrior unit, not a family pillar with inherent value
That's the rate out of 100000, dear user.
>waaaah trannies
>mfw it's just a dude with his sister/mom/gf on the mic
just because time is a constant doesn't mean you can see all time at once so yes the choices you make are your own brainlet
>family pillar
Time is static.
No they aren't
They were set in motion before you were even born
It is more like life is much more difficult for your average man in a first world country than it is for a woman in the same circumstances.
Men are generally asked more of in society than women while given less support and pity. Most support groups, charity programs, government help etc is for women. Men are told to pull themselves up by the bootstraps, grab life by the horns, and generally to accomplish everything by themselves. Maybe friends and family will help you, but you can bet women are better taken care of by their friends and family, too, as they are generally seen as not as able as men.
No pity is given to men, which is why every article about every social ill you see in the news concerns something afflicting women, even when it is a male problem that is tangentially afflicting women.
that's what i meant we all know all things that have happened will happen and are happening and all that next dimensional shit but my point is that YOU dont experience time that way so the point is moot you have free will
>men more likely to suicide
Trannies are men, so it checks out
>free will not real *burp*
Where did this meme came from, ricky&morty?
>Non-threatening approach
>Clearly trying not to hurt her, lets her do what she wants to him within reason while still playing along
>She gets him into a compromising position where she can headlock him
>Acts like it was a great victory for her and she's super tough
Men are lucky to even have friends anymore
Basically if you aren't using 100% of your free time trying to please/find a women then "lol are you gay?"
god losing to a girl must feel terrible
Man if that was true I’d still be back in my birth house jacking it to porn instead of living somewhere I don’t like but have to
The more education you have the better decisions you can make and the more insights you can use for said decisions. The only idiots who believe in fate are the ones who pay the poor tax ie the lottery. Those who base everything on luck instead of counting the cards so to say.
>getting roflstomped by a girl
I can't remember the last time I even interacted with a girl.
god I wish that were me
The fat guy sitting trips him
>no qt girl to play fighting games with
Women attempt more but fail, men attempt less but succeed more. At least as far as the statistics I've read.
Holy shit. You're right. Chubster in the back does trip him.
No, you cannot have a family without a woman you fag.
The only girls that are good at fighting games are girls(male) like kayopolice
>Tfw no footfag gf that always wanted to give you footrubs
>man can't get their life together
>remove themselves from the world and stop taking valuable resources
>women can't get life together
>claw and screech for as many resources as they can get, with presumptions that they deserve it, actual results vary and many will just mooch the rest of their lives
conscientious vs sociopathy
The body language here says a lot. The guy probably didn't want anything to do with this and finds the act of hitting a girl disgusting, but the girl thinks aNyThInG a MaN cAn Do I cAn Do ToO and she's not letting him get out of this without taking him down a peg. The guy reluctantly plays a long but t he whole fucking room is against him because they all want to bone the chick, so fatty in the back trips him and the dude who runs in when he gets headlocked you can be sure is making fun of him on the floor.
why losing to girl feel so good
most women probably just do it for attention doing things like slitting your wrists horizontally while men usually are 100% on offing themselves
>women attempt more
doomed to fail get rich quick schemes don't count
haha me too haha
>no qt trap to play fighting games with
How to we encourage more women to kill themselves for the gender equality anons?
>"I can't believe how badly you're getting owned by a girl!"
>"It's so cute how hard you're trying~"
If I remember correctly, men choose things like guns or hanging more often. Things that are very lethal. Women will use pills and wrist cutting, which are lethal but can be saved more easily.
Losing to a girl is a natural stance
I made a friend in fightcade, HFTF specifically. They were really fucking good at playing Polnareff and months after messaging them on discord we did a voice call for more Heritage, and they were a fucking GIRL and a cute sounding one.
>any time there's a girl in my lobby me and my friend team kill her and force her to leave
>All these dudes taking this so seriously
Bet you're fun at parties
That is the most gay thing I've ever heard in my life, do you two give eachother brojobs after?
No, we've never even met.
we just play games together
that's because men in society are usually treated worse than women
I don't see the point your making the trannies are mostly men too and just add to the body count
Are you that user who is obsessed over that /mkg/ girl
>he doesnt know the ego of a girl once she dominates a man, be it playful or serious
I bet you never been to a party without your parents.
life doesn't give a fuck about you
suicide is giving up
Based, me and my mates do the same thing
>your gay if you fuck with a girl in a video game
>implying that fucking with the girl means that you don't want sex in real life
you should be going to the theaters with your wife's son soon user you don't want to be late do you?
Absolutely brilliant
our universe is deterministic
even quantum mechanics are deterministic, there are just hidden variables
I'll show you deterministic, faggot
*unzips dick*
I've seen several times girls btfo'ing men irl, why are girls so good fighters?
I don't get why people get so fucked up because of determinism. Your life up until that point was predetermined, so what has changed now that you know that?
im determined to have your mom suck my dick bitch
>unzips dick
Mind taking a brief second out of your very important schedule to go over some fundamentals of quantum mechanics user? Just one or two would be enough.
Determine this you little slut
>unzips dick
Depends on the reason you do it.
>*zips and unzips dick at the same time"
heh, now what faggot
user he knew you would do that your pants are already off watch out!
Because the only women who pick fights with men have actually had training, and the only men who actually get challenged by these women will go easy on them.
If they were to ever get actually attacked by a man intending to hurt them their chances of success plummet
You're Christian to the core.
is he wrong?
also, quantum-randomness doesn't proof free will
>life doesn't give a fuck about you
And the guy who kills himself doesn't give a fuck about life
*dabs while jumping off cliff*
Clearly he does if he's killing himself because of it.
You must be at least 13 to post here.
But it would also render determinism a misnomer.
No. Clearly he doesn't because he doesn't find life even worth his time. What do you do say, hypothetically you find yourself at a party (lol) and it's full of boring people and you dont give a shit about any of them? You leave. Because it's not even worth your time.
how do I get a girl Ive been rly sweet to a lot lately to b u l l y me
>trannies have a 40% suicide rate
>men have a 00.07% suicide rate
>"take that cis white males"
There is a big difference between hating something and not caring. They are polar opposites. If you hate your life and kill yourself you certainly do care.
No one kills themselves because they don't care. The lack of caring does not provoke action.
Had a girl carry me through a ranked game in R6S. She went 11-2. I said thanks for the carry. She said no problem dude, enjoy the elo. I wanted to add her to my friends list but I thought that might be too weird so I didnt.
>so many dudes are femdomfags
>i'm still just a dom
how the hell are you guys so mentally secure with yourselves
gentle femdom is hot
>no one kills themselves because they don't care
Citation needed. BIGLY.
Read the following sentence.
not caring means sustaining your life isn't worth the trouble and sometimes pain
Unironically good work!
absolutely based
Christcucks BTFO
>always imagine sitting on the guys face who I epicly destroy in game
how do i stop this
what do you play?
To make that assessment you have to care in the first place. "oh this is a pain, I'll change something" is caring.
Same, but i imagine ripping a big fat brap into their mouth
Can I add you on discord
Do a flip but I like your cadence
Holy fucking shit this is the most Brooklyn accent I've ever heard.
>the lack of caring does not provoke action
>therefore ending actions counts as caring
good shit mate
Wow, women are just better at life, huh
if you don't care about the supposed rewards in life, then the inevitable suffering and toil aren't worth going through for however long
i don't think it's possible to be totally indifferent to the painful side of life, or it takes a lifetime to cultivate that mindset if you wanted to for some reason, but that's not what people mean when they say they don't care
to be clear i'm a different guy from the one you were originally talking to so he might not agree
You make the action of stopping and evaluating the situation because you are butthurt about life. Then you make the decision to change your way of life from the routine you have been following up until that point.
Someone who doesn't care would just shrug it all off and not give a fuck, just do what he's always done.
The dick wants what the dick wants. No need to think so muchI knew I was a femdom fag when a girl I was going for started to tickle me after she found out I was ticklish. I was nursing a semi the entire time. I was so ticklish that she was overpowering me and nearly put me in the ground. Up until that point I only fapped to femdom in doujinshi but that moment made me realise I really do want to be held down and overpowered by a girl. Your dick really just knows
Bush World sequel when?
Because I know that a woman can never get full control over me because I'm a grown fucking 6'3" man. There is nothing to be insecure about.
>Someone who doesn't care would just shrug it all off and not give a fuck, just do what he's always done.
why would he do anything if he doesn't care
but you take forever to die if you literally cease action and it's hella painful so using a faster method to kill yourself at that point makes more sense
Is that graph illustrating teen/adult suicides? What is this?
I wanted to visit Lithuania. Why is it so suicidal?
no they aren't just well protected by men
If you want to kill yourself that badly, sure. But if you don't care one way or the other, you wouldn't.
>he doesn't care, shrugs it all off
so he slowly dies because he doesn't care about eating or drinking, causing a horrible slow death
truly better and more woke than suicide
If you want to kill yourself do it. It doesn't matter much to me. You can even preorder a tombstone that says "lol I didn't care you guys" so that you can be at peace knowing that everyone knew you didn't care.
>if you care you kill yourself but if you care about nothing you live on
sure makes sense to me kid
Ok reddit
>take any event you can think of to prove you have free will
>rewind time
>event plays out exactly the same because why would it happen any differently
your body and mind are wired to make starvation excruciating
now your options are to keep going through the motions of doing a bunch of bullshit you don't care about for the rest of your life, or finding a more efficient method to end your involvement with it
If none of this mattered to you why did you make a whole chain saying that people who commit suicide weak? Also I never mentioned wanting to kill myself I just jumped in halfway to understand what makes you think not caring (to much effort to think about this problem so unless it effects me physically i ignore it)
The fact that you are so fucking hung up on this issue in the first place means that you care a whole fucking lot.
Lmao at the amount of angry cope replies to this bait.
>why did you make a whole chain saying that people who commit suicide weak?
Is that what we're arguing? I'm not any of the guys saying committing suicide is weak.
holy fuck my mistake, i might have responded to the wrong person. Commiting suicide is literally not being able to handle the current emotional crisis, some people can gain the motivation to leave such a state but most end up killing themselves as they have made no contacts besides family. Not that the world needed them anyways. (which likely provokes even more suicidal tendencies)
i'm not really hung up on it, i just find your position pretty strange
personally i probably care about quite a lot, so i haven't killed myself
Hit enter before finishing lmao, anyways caring to much about your current state and how you see it on a level compared to society. It's all fucking tricks anyways, do whatever to tell your brain to release the endorphins.
I am so confused.
Then why haven't you killed yourself yet?
ignore me i think i'm having a strokeboth me
Reality is a spook
outplayed dude
post communism
women take 3 gummy vitamins and then end every argument with "I attempted suicide you know insensitive prick" for the next 3 decades
based retard
How does this prove absolutely anything brainlet-chan?
I mean you can argue for magic soul stuff if you want
you stupid fucking faggot, going back in time and seeing the same shit happen doesnt prove anything for or against free will you stupid determinist piece of dogshit. i want to break your neck, i truly do and this is my own decision and not some faggot ass fate.
I can see the concept is making you very emotional
>i want to break your neck, i truly do and this is my own decision and not some faggot ass fate.
You were always going to type this out
Where is your proof of that user?
I'm pretty sure existence is inherently per-deterministic in the sense that we're all of the same source and that eternal return is a thing.
I just checked
Why does this even bother you? What part do you think is illogical?
ok now go kys
>lmao dude if i saw a nigger jumping out of a window today and turned time back tommorow he would do it again bro!
>this is totally proof of a pre determinated fate
>what do you mean this is just the timeline where he chose to jump out of a window?
>stomp girl
>they rage quit
Every time. Girls leave the game too often when it doesn't go their way.
Where are you getting this from? Of course we have responsibility for our actions because we are within this predetermined universe. Do you not see how it doesn't exclude that? You can still be proud of your achievements or ashamed of your failures.
>Largely a male issue
>Let's focus on how it affects women
Every time.
Oh nothing really. Life itself is illogical. But the train of thought of "I just checked" doesn't equate to there being a universal constant that you(Yes YOU user) can tap into and come back with the winning megamillion lottery numbers. Instead, you are opting for sheer luck then saying you always knew it was going to be. I don't know about you, but that seems a little reactionary. Like the event already happened.
The molecule cascade we live in is way too complex to actually predict anything that major
And That's A Good Thing
That is a good thing
i kind of just enjoy femdom and maledom, like she can pinch you and blow into your ear but you can also trample her and carry her around. it's kind of cute.
God I fucking hate women.
women live on easy mode
>Getting a real gun
Whenever I hear a female voice I, and my compatriots, will chant “Girl gamer?” As many times as is necessary before she responds. Upon said response we will launch into a verbal barrage of requests for feet pics and for her to fart into her mic.
Keeps the lobby clean and male only as it should be
I used to but I don't care to now
It is not their fault, they cannot see from our perspective and vice versa
They cannot comprehend a world bereft of smiles and constant aid so I do not expect them to understand
>Not being switch masterrace
>all of those (You)s
This. Depressives should hurry up and fuck off.
I'm Switch and consider females as the worse gender, that's the reason why femdom trigger my humiliation fetish so much more since someone worse than you is in control
>little girls bully you in lobby
Legendary fucking post
Saving this
>happened to me recently
damn, at least I have the undeniable right to call myself shit at the game now. it was even a 1 on 1 too
have you done any vocaroo shit before
you sound so familiar
Where the fuck is Japan on this list?
Did you suffer some kind of traumatic head injury or have you always been this stupid