I completely forget Final Fantasy XV was even a thing...

I completely forget Final Fantasy XV was even a thing. The only time I remember is when that one XV autist shitposts on Yea Forums. How did they manage to fuck up so badly?

Bazztek/Barry is currently on Twitter right now losing his fucking mind. He is currently getting BTFO left and right. How can one person be so goddamn autistic?

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What brought this on?

What the fuck is Barry doing now?
>Checks his Twitter

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It all started yesterday. Some chick posted about how Square was being top level greedy with FF XV DLC (which is a valid criticism) and Barry went berserk then Barry posts a tweet about how Nomura named the KH 3 DLC ReMIND because he has to Remind people KH 3 exists and then all hell broke loose so he's getting his shit pushed in on all sides. Even the normalfags on Twitter see him as a fucking lunatic but Bazztek insists that everybody else is wrong and crazy while he is right and sane. He might be the most autistic person I ever seen

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Does somebody have the list of all the fanbases Barry picks fights with? I know KH and DMC are his main enemies

>How did they manage to fuck up so badly?

Tabata. He was given a golden egg and fucked it.

>Nomura named the KH 3 DLC ReMIND because he has to Remind people KH 3 exists
Is this the truth or is it more Barry shitposting?

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Barry shitposted this on Twitter and now he is getting destroyed

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How long until he shows up?

>Tabata. He was given a golden egg and fucked it.
Kek, Nomura is mediocre as fuck and hit the golden goose with KH2. All KH games after KH2, including KH3, are average as hell.

Ah, so it was a Barry shitpost.

did someone tweet him the whole "KH3 is the top selling game in NA of 2019" tweet yet?

if he does, he is still under a ban. Also he apparently posted gore/CP when a thread on Yea Forums linked him to his gamefaqs account, which is probably more bans

and there is Barry

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Hey Barry. Why is Persona 5 amazing while FF XV was shit? Saw you shitposting on Twitter about Persona 5. Leave P5 alone and jerkoff your shit game filled with missing content

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I thought anons were legit reporting Barry to authorities for those posts or did nothing ever come of that?

>He was given a golden egg and fucked it.
Oh shut the fuck up, Matsuno left Square over 12. Being the director in a post-merger Final Fantasy is hell, and Nomura's blueprint was flawed from the outset. Tabata fucked up hard, but VS13 wasn't going to be the fucking rapture. Look at KH3, and understand VS would have to be even less complex due to Square's desire for mass appeal.

kh3 is the best-selling game of the year so far, last i checked. barry is more delusional than ever.

>Only Barry the Bitch can think KH2 > KH3
You people are insufferable.

Rent free and delusional. I never said FFXV was great, it's literally the worst Final Fantasy game in the series, and that's really saying something considering how bad FF13 was.
You really can't say anything bad about Nomura without screaming KHfags coming out in droves calling you Barry. Absolute fucking pottery.
KH2FM was the only truly great KH game, KH1 was pretty great and every game after KH2FM was average as hell.
You fags are just as bad as that fool.

Does Barry have some interesting backstory like Barneyfag or is he just some random autist?

Hey Barry nice falseflag again

As I said, pottery. The delusional part of KHfags are just as bad as Barry.

Funny joke, he should have just left it at that

Agreed, user. Even in 2FM's case most of the good content was in the endgame. The level design and mob encounters were honestly worse than in 1 despite a generally improved combat system.

He's a random autist. He literally posted CP and gore in a thread to get it deleted because it was a thread about him being a fucking sperg. He tries to deny it was him and says it was a KH fan doing it (which makes no sense since why would a KH fan post that shit to get a thread deleted when the thread is about Barry. KH fans hate Barry)

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Some autistic Australian who is obsessive about an unfinished final fantasy title.

Well look at some of the autism in this thread and you could say he had an arrgument

Well. Yes. But does he have some exciting origin story, like Barneyfag being forced to watch Barney episodes in special ed?

Yea Forums has Barry, Yea Forums has Damian fag, and Yea Forums has Brandon. Who are other prominent units on neighboring boards?

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Yea Forums had Tensnake. Only real niggas remember Tensnake

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Redpill me on Barneyfag. I see the name pop up from time to time

Yea Forums has ACK and other deranged yurifags

He’s that guy who posts map threads just to fill them with spam.


I never fuck around with Yea Forums, tell me more of this Tensnake

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He's a guy spamming every single thread even loosely My Little Pony by comparing it to Barney and telling people to kill themselves. Turns out, his particular hatred for Barney comes from having had to watch it after being put in Special Education for mentally disabke students as a kid and having to watch it there a whole bunch. Why exactly he associates it with My Little Pony, though, nobody knows.

Yea Forums also has ladderbro who is much much worse

Godamn. Why is Yea Forums home to the most autistic creatures on Earth?

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I see his name pop up every now and then, but I more or less left the board since it’s all capeshiy movies and no storytimes ever. What’s his deal?

He was some autist who shiposted on Yea Forums and acted like he was hot shit and was a habitual liar. He was around during the golden age of Yea Forums and I guess he realized how much of fucking loser he was and left before Yea Forums went to utter shit. I miss old Yea Forums it was literally the best board on Yea Forums from 2012 - 2014. Mods killed Yea Forums and it still hurts my fucking soul

Hes someone whose only knowledge of comics is the mcu, he shits up threads with company wars and thinks captian marvel (carol) can beat anyone.

It’s because it’s in the time slot after Barney on some channel or something like that.

because you don't need an account and ban evading is easy, if any of these people were on literally anything else they would be blocked instantly and any subsequent accounts would be too which sucks because it's kind of entertaining to watch

its sad he's so autistic for such a mediocre company

Also that Big Brother dude and the guy that wrote that thing about a tripfag.

If you guys miss barry that much come to /ffg/ over in /vg/. He's perma banned from Yea Forums so he shit posts over there all the time now since he has no place left.

Fuck that sort of shitposting is why Yea Forums is a goddamn cesspool now. I miss slow storytimes and comics. May as be fucking Yea Forums now.

It's the fact that Barry is so obsessed with such a fucking bad game is what gets me. Like of all games in the world to drive a person to madness, FF XV is the one.

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>He's perma banned from Yea Forums so he shit posts over there all the time now since he has no place left.
Did he seriously get permabanned? When was this?

Shiiiiiit. There was also Unty on Yea Forums. Short, obese, black autistic dude that spazzed out in sharethreads and threatened women after they rejected his advances. He was magical and frustrating all at once. I hope he has vanished from the face of the earth.

>Barry tried to pit DMC and KH fags against each other
> it backfired and made them become even better bros
Maybe Barry’s endgame is to make himself become so hated that it brings fanbases together ?

I refuse to believe that they have actually done something about his constant ban evasion.

I've never seen so much autism before. I plat'd FFXV and I still think it's a pretty shit game. This dude is in love with shit and completely delusional.

Don't fucking touch me, KHfag.

You guys are more obsessed with him than he is with FFXV.

Literally impossible

This thread is literal proof.

Delusional, a hypocrite and he is a schizophrenic. Barry is literally a walking mental case

Hey Barry

You're literally obsessed with him.

Literally impossible. Go see Bazztek Twitter for what true obsession is

This. That Aussie faggot ban evades like crazy. Hell he got banned 15 times in one day

Couple weeks ago i believe. Think he finally got his isp banned. It's why he doesn't post hete much anymore. Seriously, he's posting in /ffg/ non stop these days same fagging harder than ever. His break down is coming soon. He's been trying to shill that shitty xv novel.

>16 posters
>60 replies

That’s fucking hilarious.

Well with all the cape shit movies these days, there is a lot of Yea Forums cross posting there. It's depressing how far Yea Forums has fallen. It used to be one of the comfiest friendliest boards on Yea Forums...

Holy shit I have to see this. A fucking sperg

Well, he has a point. KH3 is shit, that's objectively and unironically true. Despite him being a turboautist for praising FFXV, he was right about KH3.

I was looking forwards to kh3 myself until i found out there were no ff characters. So now i just don't care. I'll get it when its cheaper.