New thread, fuck you people, this shit is important. It has nothing to do with Ross...

New thread, fuck you people, this shit is important. It has nothing to do with Ross, but the content of the video itself. Hope this shit gets spammed so hard every single thread is nothing but discussion over games as a service.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Goodbye :)

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thanks for the bumps, keep spreading the message

When reading an article about someone losing all their games due to racist comments online, it was overwhelmingly in favor of everyone saying he deserves to lose the games that he legally owns. We have entered a time period where the sheep have no more resistance to being owned by corporations and think that it is a luxury to be able to give rich people your money and you shouldn't expect anything in return. Good luck getting the masses to change user.

I suggest you post this instead of linking to Ross's video since mods are faggots

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noted for future, thank you user

I'm sure Ross wouldn't mind if we spread his message on Yea Forums without crediting him since it would be ammo for shills to delete the threads. Stay Yea Forumsigilant

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The thread yesterday turned into a really good discussion about both games as a service and the nature of professional shilling on Yea Forums. After the shills got called out there actual discussion took place. Then mods nuked it.

Usually only watch his game dungeon videos and put this on just for background noise whilst doing work around the house

Ended up being insightful given I'd no idea what games as a service was prior, or a very loose idea at best

>long hair
>shirts with band names
>listening to metal past age 14

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>Mods nuking actual video game discussion

Color me surprised

Nigger I'd love to listen to him but there is no way that I am spending over an hour looking at this ugly munchkin make his point.

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when was the last time anyone invited you to a party user?

>Ross triggering all the zoomers and corporate drones

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Electronic Frontier Foundation has been at it for years. As far as game preservation goes, their victory rate doesn't fill one with optimism.

You could still start the discussion again using that flowchart again since it doesn't violate Yea Forums rules. if they nuke it again, start the discussion again. Never give faggot mods corporate dick suckers any easy excuses to nuke threads

that's giving them the benefit of the doubt that this isn't professional shilling. also, I've seen people dump on Ross for being ugly before this vid dropped.

same post as yesterday. do you guys have to stick to prewritten material?

>still thousands of people playing SWBF2, Halo 2 and Ace Combat Infinity online one day couldn't do so anymore

This needs to be brought to attention imo

Really weird to me that these threads get taken down.

what is this shit

why does this autistic OP keep reposting this

Hi corporate shills, from how obvious you are I gather that you don't need a degree to be hired. Is it a minimum wage job or do they pay well?

I always had the belief that corporations have already infiltrated Yea Forums Don't be surprised if mods turned out to be professional shills.

This is what it's all about. We literally just had the shitshow with that superhero MMO being played secretly for 6 years. Games that can be shutdown regardless of consumer consideration shouldn't be sold in such a condition. This all ties back into the situation we find ourselves in now where it's becoming harder to "own" a game, to have all of its necessary parts saved onto your computer to be used how you see fit.

>spams the same retarded image of the same retarded youtuber and the same retarded video by him 24 hours a fucking day

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First day on 4channel, kid? Spamming and generals have always been against the rules.

first time I made this thread asshole and I made it the moment the last one by someone else got deleted. And the image is perfect, your parents are retarded for raising a corporate shill.

There are gamers that are going to be developed exclusively for Google Stadia. When Google shuts Stadia those games are lost forever since all you're getting is a video feed.
The future is truly horrifying

Get off our site NIGGER

reminder that caring about this shit is literally red.dit

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bless them

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>one thread about X is in catalog
>newfag comes and makes another one because he doesn't even know what a catalog is and just looks at the first page
>jannies clean up his mess and give him an award

>Reddi gave upvotes to this, doesn't that make you HATE customer rights?
Piss off.

>reddit isn't a faggot for once

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Based reddit

Stopped clock is right once a day.

>wanting not to get fucked by malevolent business practices is reddit
Yeah real gamers beg for EA's on the regular



>using a 24-hour clock

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It's true that you're the OP of only this one, but every single fucking one of these retarded generals before this one were made by one autistic spammer.
>the image is perfect
The image is retarded e-celeb shilling, as is the video.
>corporate shill
I actually agree that "games as le service" is shit, retard. I just fucking despise retarded faggots who spam garbage on this shitty fucking board. Hating shitposters does not make one a shill.

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Imagine being a literal shill on Yea Forums, how pathetic your life must be.

>announcing a report

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Google Stadia is the future
Game ownership is obsolete tech

Get on my level, 12-let.

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There's nothing to discuss. I know it's bad. You know it's bad. I've never signed up for a game service and (You) never did either.

Now what? No amount of discussion is going to change the people's minds who choose to sign up for subscription-based games.

This thread is a waste of time. YOU are wasting your time.


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>tripfag complains about e-celebs
Oh, the ironing.

Just look at the cool 3d backgrounds you nerd. That's what I did and I turned out fine

Not bideogames

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alright, alright, I'll even back down and say you have a point witch is probably unprecedented in Yea Forums's history. I still think the image is perfect, but since people can't go over the fact he's somewhat famous in obscure circles, I should have used a different image.

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>a literal tripfagging tranny complaining about attention whoring

adapt or die, pathetic incels

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Let me mount that boipussi.

What big examples of GaaS are there?

Oh I'm sure.

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I've seen that piece of shit get mentioned maybe 2 or 3 times in the past month

Yikes, cringe thread

Stadia will be a subscription service, which isn't what this is about.

>customer buys physical game
>the end

>customer buys digital copy
>copy has to be stored on a server which costs money
>digital games are a service
>service goes down, customer loses product
Sorry but it isn't fraud. You guys are choosing to pay for a service and demand the same things you get when buying a good. If you don't like what this is turning into, don't fucking give them your money. If you want the burden of storing your games to be taken off your hands, continue paying for your SERVICE.

>muh trannies

Have sex

Question, what's the difference between a toy that degrades over time and you losing your game via degrading/"support ends"?

Is this about you can't play the game you bought after many years when this was already the case with disc based games, or about the idea you should be able to get old games after years after support ended, despite that is a limited option in the first place?

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because one degrades thanks to natural processes, the other doesn't.

>>digital games are a service
Incorrect. They are distributing code to you to run on your own machine. They have no right to tell you when you can't do that any longer.

You know it's against the rules to announce a report, right Reddit? It's highly likely that you'd get banned/have your post deleted as opposed to anything happening to OP.

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his 10head is genuinely disturbing.
If you underage shills are going to keep posting this thread at least use a different image in the OP please

shill your channel somewhere else you hippy weirdo

>human support isn't natural

W-What the fuck do we do bros?
Aren't wars fought with blood and steel?
Do we need to rise up against the corporate overlords with our arms in order for things to change?

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Look at this libertarian cuck.

>Tons of games released every year that aren't "services"
>Choose to constantly complain about things that don't affect you


Yes? What, did you think he was arguing this thread doesn't exist?

For socialism.

One degrades over time, the other stops working one specific day due to a choice the company has made.

Only thing is that 1 needs to change

end yourself tripnigger

Show me that ass and I will.

>the other stops working one specific day
Just like the former. You don't "degrade" like your game just starts loading slower or makes some shit not load up correctly, once its fucked, it's fucked, end of story.

The latter just triggers you because someone else is doing it in a way that feels unnatural. But the same thing can happen just from your mother taking your games away for being a little shithead.

>Metric time.

Disgusting Frenchmen.

Maybe start a thread about the topic without shilling some faggot jewtuber in the OP? Maybe that could help?

Maybe you people should realize this is the best video made on this subject to date.

"Games as a service" has existed as long as putt-putt golf, hookers, and stage shows. You're paying for entertainment-by-the-hour and walking away with nothing to show for it except experience. This is not groundbreaking.

Reminder that games are goods and not services with the exception of literal subscription service games. They can do that because the terms of operation/access are clearly defined. Games don't even need service oriented distribution, they need good oriented distribution. You also own your games, your copies of any game that is. Stop supporting games that fuck over consumers. Stop calling video game discussion threads "shill" threads. Have a nice day.

Maybe you should try getting a job.

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Look again then never reply to him again.

thanks for pointing it out

You don't need to buy the entire golf course or strip club to enjoy those services though. And you're not left with a useless building once the people running it decide to get out and barricade it off.

>You're paying for entertainment-by-the-hour
Except you're not. You're paying for a digital license for a product that you can enjoy entirely as you see fit. The seller has sacrificed his rights to control your use of the product in exchange for your money.

Ross goes on at length for how games that actually have a subscription fee are except from most of the fraud charges. Repeated payments at regular intervals do actually constitute a service rather than a good. His fraud accusation is more towards shit like Darkspore. EA sold it for a one-time fee to customers and has now INTENTIONALLY prevented them from using the good they paid full price for. And that's fucked up.

>being such a brainless contrarian that you willingly forfeit your own rights as a consumer to faceless blood sucking corporations just so you don’t share a single opinion with reddit
Think for yourself you smooth brained tribalistic caveman

>They have no right to tell you when you can't
You have no right to demand them to keep servers running for you to obtain that code. They are providing a service, no matter how ignorant you are to what services are. Let me give you a hint. If something requires continual effort for you to enjoy it, it is a service. If something is made once and then handed over, it is a good. The code made be a good, but you are getting it through a service. That service can't be provided for free forever no matter how much you demand courts to say otherwise.

>libertarian cuck
I don't associate myself with a party, but how can a libertarian be a cuck? I mean, as an individual, someone who calls themselves a libertarian can in fact be a cuck, but the libertarian part is the opposite of a cuck. Instead of seeking approval from a government and making sacrifices to have them around, they literally want the minimal from the government, aka what they were designed to do. You need to come up with insults that actually make sense, like calling me a liberal cuck.

>you will never get paid to shill some garbage on Yea Forums
Life isn't fair, lads.

Libertarians love getting stomped on by corporations and shilling for them like goodbois.

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I don't know about Ace Combat, but Battlefront 2 has server emulation for online play, and Halo 2 has project cartographer on PC.

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The major gripe people have is not that servers are going to go offline one day, it's the fact that developers/publishers make it extremely hard for people to host the games for themselves.

The person who told him that it would be easy to fork over 'server code' was either an idiot or Ross doesn't understand why that isn't applicable everywhere. Just because you can write an open source server emulator and distribute it freely doesn't mean the same applies to commercial entities. What happens when parts of your server code is outsourced to other services? How do you distribute that to end users?

A lot of the time there are license keys held by the developer to use external sources of code to handle various parts of serving game content. Best case scenario you ship it out to the customers completely broken, worst case you don't have the legal right to distribute it because it's not all your code.

I support the idea of keeping games alive, but there is not an easy solution for this. I'm sorry but there just isn't. This is the price we pay for developing large scale networked applications - The voice communication is a service, the anti-cheat is a service, the very reliance on certain software libraries are all services. Everything on the internet is a service for everything else, that's just how it fits together.

>Repeated payments at regular intervals do actually constitute a service
It doesn't constitute a service. It just makes it obvious that you are paying for a service. AKA the whole "fraud" part. The fact is that if you paid a one time fee, you still paid for a service because those servers have to be maintained. The issue isn't that you are paying for a good, but rather with a one time fee you THINK you are paying for a good. If they are leading you to believe you are paying for a good, then yes it is fraud. Saying modern games are goods and not services is just not correct in most cases though.

Iron Maiden's good

>"hey Yea Forums look at how cool and NOT-Reddit I am!"

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Most laws in most countries and even most of the United States disagree with you. Digital licenses are goods. Full fucking stop.

Ancap is fucking trash. Libertarian ideas work best when they are moderate with some regulation that specifically promotes consumer friendly competition. Competition makes for healthier capitalism than total freedom, and stuff like monopolies, exclusives, and this "what if we market products as goods but get paid like its a service" bullshit is exactly the sort of thing that needs to be kicked in the dick.

its still a pipe dream
the fact that even the video stream for the announcement had problems should tell you all you need to know

>It doesn't constitute a service.
Yes it does. Even the EULA and law says so except for few rare cases (one being WoW).
Get your facts right.

>it's a service because I said so!
Libertariancucks at it again.

EULAs are not generally enforceable nor legally binding at least in Europe.

>You have no right to demand them to keep servers running for you to obtain that code.

If you paid $20 for a game to play it and they shut down servers without telling upon purchase date or before, they're destroying the product you've paid for. It's not a service, the game IS a tangible product. Only games with a subscription service would be services, as you don't own the game but agree and are binded to it.

If they ask for $20 for a multiplayer-only game and I own the game, dont' have to pay monthly, then I own it. I have every right to play it whenever, beyond if the Company shuts support.

The easy solution is don’t make games that are designed to die like we’ve been doing for the past 30 years

he actually argues that in the video proper

he says that if you get a flat tire then you can at least get it repaired or buy another tire, but you can't do that with a game that you've lost "service" to

he also talks about other shit like planned obsolescence, just watch the video

Listen to it while you play vidya on mute.

They are not, and not games or digital property are considered as "services" here. They are considered goods.
Are you trying to say something or are you just an idiot?

He isn't wrong.

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If I pay someone for the service of fixing my roof my roof needs to be fucking fixed before they're done. If I pay a dude to clean my house and serve me tea and go by the name Jeeves, he gets a consistent wage.

What service involves a lump sum up front and the person being able to bail out any time they want even if its minutes after they were paid with zero entitlement or rights to what you paid for? Hmmmm. Oh yeh, prostitution. The way games as a service operates is most similar to prostitution.

>Man who know nothing about law tries to argue about precedent
>BuT iTs IlLeGal

You know what pisses me off even more than "Games as a service".

Games as a service components in non games as a service.

Assassins Creed is a prime example, every single one of their games since AC4 (maybe earlier, I can't remember) has had an "Online" component/requirement arbitrarily tacked onto SP for no reason other than DRM, and now that they've started shutting the servers down you completely lose access to basic SP functionality in a SP fucking game.

he never said that you fucking newfag

Can someone explain why this video is getting spammed here?

Great new bait to get YOUs

Literally half the video is that faggot

How the fuck haven't you been rangebanned yet?
Are you banevading?

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Ending support is a deliberate act by the guy who sold it to you to get rid of your shit

A toy degrading is an uncontrollable circumstance that the guy who sold it to you could not control.

>Yea Forums calling someone ugly
>literally a community full of neckbeards
you faggots make me laugh.

post time stamps or your being a flaming faggot.

sure it is, faggot

Actually its a little worse than prostitution with loot boxes. Instead of "ehh it will be another 15 bucks if ya want a handy" imagine if a hooker brought a slot machine with her and you had to play to win a yank of your sausage after you already payed the ho

it's like there is more than one person making these threads as it left a huge impression on them. But nope, can't be that.

Because it's honestly an issue everyone who buys games should be aware of and informed about.

It's also the reason as to why everyone is pushing towards streaming services, everyone is pushing towards subscription services (PS Now etc) so they can increase profits at the cost of consumer rights.

I don't even have the the retard did it for me

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spoken like a true shill

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>A toy degrading is an uncontrollable circumstance that the guy who sold it to you could not control.
The design and choice of material absolutely does control that.

not good enough try harder

Because even if the toy degrades, I still, physically have the toy. I can still use said degraded toy.

Which is impossible, really. The only thing you can do is to accept that the digital age is one of transience; when I buy a game like Overwatch I know that one day it's going to shut down and I'll never be able to play it again. That's a risk I'm willing to take when I buy it - that the return on investment for the amount I pay will equate to me having felt I've got my money's worth.

The idea that there's a shadowy board of videogame companies plotting this stuff is ludicrous, the reason people don't fight back isn't because of propaganda or some kind of shared narrative being pushed by the videogame illuminati, it is because we already know that paying for an online game is a gamble, but we weigh it up and we work out if spending X amount on the game will feel worthwhile if the servers were to be shut down at some point.

It's a risk we take with cloud backups or with having our media on streaming services, or family photos on facebook or memories on YouTube, it's the same risk as using a library instead of buying books. I know Ross Scott is making the point that you can rebuy a book, but some music is streaming only, some videos are Netflix only. Trusting the cloud for convenience is just something we do now. I don't necessarily think it's good myself, but it is what it is. It's not fair to penalize game companies for doing it when literally everyone is doing it and we as customers consent to it. Nobody who buys Overwatch is expecting the game to be playable when the servers go down, nobody.

it's not opposite day user, today is orthodox easter.

Your e-celeb spam isn't on topic. Just stop.

>sucking influencer cock this hard
Are you ban evading or not? Answer the fucking question.

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ITT: Corporate bootlickers.

>The idea that there's a shadowy board of videogame companies plotting this stuff is ludicrous

You're dumb as fuck, video game companies have been planning and pushing for this since the fucking 90's.

Software companies as a whole have been pushing for this since the 90's.

There are literally court cases surrounding it, fucking ignorant twat.

why are you playing viday? you're just as bad by shit posting.

no faggot, different people made the same thread and I'm willing to bet no one got banned over this as it's about video games.

fyi, "sage" in the options field prevents a thread bump.

>doing something we’ve been doing that has been the precedent of the medium for decades and take the majority of the medium is still doing is impossible
What dimension are you from

Designing your product in a way that ensures it will break faster on its own at some unspecified time in the future is planned obsolescence.
Designing your product in a way that immediately destroys it at your command / at a specified time in the future is programmed obsolescence.
These two things are legally different. The guy talks a lot about it in the video, too, maybe consider actually watching it.

I wouldn't expect that to be the case, but it doesn't matter. If you have to argue over your insult then it is a bad insult. Insults should offend me, not make me scratch my head.

>something is a monopoly because it is popular and can die the next day should the masses grow bored of it

>host the games for themselves
In other words people are complaining about not having rights to an IP in its entirety where they can just provide their own services? Okay what of it. Online services isn't a good that you bought. It is a service. If you want to play a game online with your own servers, make your own game. You don't just get to do whatever you want with other people's IPs.

Before you argue why this is a good point, just realize that not rewarding people for their effort means innovation comes to a crawl. Socialist countries only have GOOD healthcare because those new machines were created in a free market.

So you are saying they work best when they are applied the way they are meant to be applied? If there is a problem here, it isn't with libertarianism but rather with libertarians. That is why I said I don't associate with a political party. It is also why I don't mind Christianity but hate Christians. Ideas and the people who claim to follow those ideas are two separate things.

You own the game, not the right to create a service for the game. Stop mixing up wants with rights.

>fixing my roof
You just shot yourself with this one. You are paying for someone to fix your roof then demanding it stayed fix for life. The tiles you paid for are still there even if they aren't usable, and those tiles are part of what you paid for. If those tiles can't be used non-stop, oh the fuck well.

I have watched it, I was correcting user on being fucking retarded.

go back to neogaf

Is Ross going full sovcit?

I'll try to make it clearer for you.
>Buy a copy of a game
>You own that particular copy
>Mother comes in and destroys your game, leaving you unable to play it
Game company is not responsible.

>Buy a copy of a game
>You own that particular copy
>Game company destroys your game remotely, leaving you unable to play it
Game company is responsible.

Pushing for what? Having games hosted in the cloud? Having MMOs? What you've said doesn't make any sense, it's literally a bunch of words.

>You just shot yourself with this one. You are paying for someone to fix your roof then demanding it stayed fix for life. The tiles you paid for are still there even if they aren't usable, and those tiles are part of what you paid for. If those tiles can't be used non-stop, oh the fuck well.

The tiles and workmanship come with a set warranty period, you have a legally enforceable minimum for which they are going to last.

A games server can be shut down a week after launch.

>not vidya
>ban evasion
>go back to plebbit

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if you don't like a product or service, then don't buy it. Wow. So fucking difficult.

Long haired sperg.

>Game company destroys your game remotely, leaving you unable to play it
You mean they cease to maintain the server? Did you really expect them to do that until the end of time?

>yfw the entire industry is becoming a service

>not releasing the code after it's death so you can play it online

Pushing for their ability to remotely take away the product you've purchased through licensing fuckery and unnecessary dependence on a remote server.

So you're saying online games should have a 1 week warranty?

then I'd save a lot of money and gain a lot of time.

Legally speaking if they can no longer provide a server for the product they sold, they have to provide the user with the ability to run their own server.

weak troll b8

>person talking about video games
>Not vidya

>legally enforceable
Warranties aren't a legal requirement user... At least not in the US. Yes there may be legal action if your problems come from workmanship, but if a strong gust of wind comes and takes those tiles away, you are SOL.

go make more shitty inane youtube videos and whilst you're at it, get a shower, shave and haircut

he isn't wrong. Again, Yea Forums is wrong

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But that isn't always technically feasible. A lot of the times the game/server code uses external services and can also contain 3rd party code leased out to the developer privately for which the developer has absolutely no legal right to distribute the code to the customer.

>Dont like it dont buy it!
Oh boy we just fixed video games bros just dont buy it!

I'm saying that it's something that absolutely needs to be regulated and that yes there really should be a "minimum" of some description.

Same goes for a lot of games.

How long are the Hitman 2016/Hitman 2 servers going to be up?

See Takes anywhere from less than an hour to a few days of work.

GaaS are pretty widely resented here and the vid attacks them in a well informed way

>a neck beard tells another neckbeard to shave/shower
you faggots are hilarious and oozing with irony.

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So what happens when the legal minimum becomes 1 week?

>but if a strong gust of wind comes and takes those tiles away, you are SOL
Game company shutting down a game server isn't an act of God.

>he thinks neckbeards still represent most of Yea Forums
oh user, oh user...

>an hour and fifteen minute video that just boils down to the obvious meme phrase "money stolen"

Way to make a video that nobody will care to watch in its entirety 101. No thanks, I already know what that phrase means, and while I agree, only consumers can stop it really. This isn't educating them, this is pushing them away with a absurdly long video.

you should watch the vid user, he destroys your argument.

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>Warranties aren't a legal requirement user... At least not in the US.
Really, that's odd, because they are in first world countries.

>but if a strong gust of wind comes and takes those tiles away, you are SOL.
That has nothing to do with warranties you underage fuck.

Stop discussing things you have literally no understanding of.

We must secure the existence of our vidya and a future for physical games.


>when this is literally how it works
What happened to lootboxes when no one bought battlefront 2? If people stick to their guns then games will be fixed instead of temporary patches.

you trailed off there, you made no point.

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thanks for the free advertising

Video games don't "degrade". They're digital. If it's a physical game, you can upload it to another disk so it doesn't suffer disk rot. If the console breaks, you can emulate it on a PC. Theoretically, and in practice, it should be a permanent item that you can always come back to. What devs and publishers want to do is artificially destroy this, so they can force you to keep coming back and buying their latest game. Consider the following:

>Super Explorer Man is released
>fun game without DRM
>company stops supporting it
>people still have fun with it

>Super Explorer Man 2 comes out
>piece of garbage with denuvo, microtransactions, and mandatory online
>nobody buys it, they just go back and play Super Explorer Man

Their idea is that, by destroying any chance of ever playing Super Explorer Man, they can force people into playing the terrible sequel, then dropping support for it when it's convenient so they can announce Super Explorer Man 3, which comes with a bitcoin miner, a season pass, and a vague promise that it'll be out of early access within 5 years.

Call it a slippery slope if you want, but do you want to take that risk with something you pay for? Think of that any time you argue against preservation of games, or pirates.

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It would never become 1 week, as soon as this sort of bullshit finds it's way in front of a court, which no fucking publisher wants to see, it'll probably see a minimum of 5+ years.

No, it can increase or decrease the probability of your product breaking down, but it isn't a deliberate act by the guy who sold it to you to lose access to your product instantaneously

>he deserves to lose the games that he legally owns.
Companies should still have the right to block someone from accessing their servers to play. However it wouldn't be an issue if GAAS went away because said access wouldn't be a requirement to play, and you and the other edgy teens would be free to join the /pol/ dumpster server and call each other niggers all day while more well adjusted people could play on the better 3rd party servers.

I've already seen the video, he doesn't.

>i've seen the video

Attached: 1536642491583.png (1280x720, 525K)

>It would never become 1 week
It's 0 weeks, 0 days and 0 seconds right now and everyone still buys games knowing full well that the server could be shut down at any time.

Never going to happen. The people buiying this shit are the same people who don't even understand why it is a problem in the first place. See Battlefront 2 and all the idiots whining that microtransactions got removed, and was mad at the people behind the shitstorm, not EA.

Congrats, you've just found out why your comparison is shit and why you shouldn't have used it.

Okay well tell me where he addresses this without referring to the already-countered server emulator friend who said it takes 'A few days'.

How exactly do you answer this?:

>It's 0 weeks, 0 days and 0 seconds right now
It isn't anything right now.

Which is why it needs to be legally challenged sooner rather than later.


>the only argument people have against him is throwing insults his way because nobody can argue anything he says down because he sources everything with documentation, legislation, breakdowns, and even Devil's Advocate, to the last letter, resulting in an unbreakable case
Brainlets make me laugh. Especially brainlets who give power to a company to decide what mods they are allowed or not allowed to apply to their game or when they are allowed or not allowed to play it, the definition of being a cuck.

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You say that but everyone knows it's nothing right now and they still buy games. So lets say you legally challenge it and the courts agree that the minimum time is 1 week.

What happens then? Do you really think people will be outraged? That's 1 week more than we have now and nobody cares now. What makes you think they will care for an extra year?

normies are playing vidya while neckbeards and prajeets are shitposting corporate bootlicking prpaganda

>A lot of the times the game/server code uses external services and can also contain 3rd party code leased out to the developer privately for which the developer has absolutely no legal right to distribute the code to the customer.
Do you have any sources or documentation supporting your claims?

Yes user we all know that once the code jockeys stop running in their wheels the code starts to rot.

That's a sarcastic answer. How exactly do you propose people make games differently to avoid this?

After what happened with horse armor and how it become a disastrous mishmash of corporate greed, I will never listen to anyone who says "but it's just a slippery slope fallacy, it won't happen,"

Get bent, ignoring it just made it worse.

>Assassins Creed is a prime example, every single one of their games since AC4 (maybe earlier, I can't remember) has had an "Online" component/requirement arbitrarily tacked onto SP for no reason other than DRM, and now that they've started shutting the servers down you completely lose access to basic SP functionality in a SP fucking game.

>Try to play Black Flag on weekend
>Kenway's Fleet doesn't work, pretty much your primary source of income and materials, as well as unique unlocks because it's locked to online
>Club Rewards don't work so outfits etc you've unlocked with an actual currency that has tangible real world value doesn't work
>DLC you've paid for in a SP game doesn't work

whys everybody so made? your just bumping a thread you don't like.

>sarcastic answer
try harder next time.

>Really, that's odd, because they are in first world countries.
They are enforceable, not required. Are you illiterate and can't understand the difference?

>That has nothing to do with warranties you underage fuck.
The tiles are warranted, not the workmanship. The workmanship can never be bad. It doesn't matter if it is 2 years after warranty expires. If craftsmanship is the sole cause of something failing, it must be corrected. The problem here is wear and tear is not covered and it becomes hard to distinguish between the two as time goes on. Learn some REAL law and stop relying on calling others kids.

corporate shills have invaded Yea Forums

Or just lower the volume of the game a bit because unless you're brain damaged you should be able to focus on both at the same time.

Literally no one can say it won't happen at this point.
It's happened and it's both disastrous and cancerous in equal amounts.

We now literally have games with thousands of dollars worth of micro transactions in them, and even worse the micro transactions you do get are completely randomized ala loot boxes.

No, they are required in first world countries whenever you offer a good or service.

>How exactly do you propose people make games differently to avoid this?
By not making games that rely on an external server to run their single player content? You know, like how we've been doing it for decades now?

stop projecting

2bh if you're a grown man with long hair and aren't a professional wrestler or in a legit band, I can't take you seriously.

>Companies should still have the right to block someone from accessing their servers to play
This was them blocking access to his offline single player games that only required access to confirm he bought the games. I can understand blocking online games since it really is a service, but offline should never be touched since that is something that now belongs to him.

I like this Ross guy's videos, and this video seems pretty good based on the parts of it which I already watched, but he isn't the first guy to express these feelings. We can have a discussion about the topic without posting his video, if the posting of the video is causing problems. I'm sure you don't want your thread sidetracked by accusations of YouTube shilling.

Anyway, as for the topic, I don't play anything which fits into the "games as a service" category because such games are usually not the kind of games which interest me. Multiplayer shooters with loot boxes, for example, do not interest me, at all. When people complain about this type of game, I agree that the games are shit, but I don't really have any stake in this debate one way or the other.

But I do agree that "games as a service" — or, more generally, any kind of always-online requirement or server-activation DRM — poses a serious problem for the preservation of video games if it becomes any more prevalent than it is. There are a lot of games released today which will continue to work after their publishers are defunct, but will that be true in five or ten years? Probably not, if Google's game-streaming shit really does become the gaming equivalent of Netflix.

ok restra

>Stop buying what I don't like
Zoomers have spoken, gramps. They want this. They watch streams with people who play this. They buy it. Cope.

EA only removed lootboxes from Battlefront II because the negative PR scandal was so massive that it drew the attention of actual government law-makers that threatened to start looking into the practice of lootboxes as actual, genuine gambling (and IIRC Belgium actually did pass some legislation on it in the end). Plus on top of this it was a Star Wars game, so Disney was getting one of its massive IPs getting thrown up alongside negative media attention everywhere which they weren't best please about; I remember reading something about some Disney bigwigs holding a meeting with EA's bigwigs at the height of the controversy and I imagine they basically told EA to fix it as quickly as possible.

If there was no media shitstorm I guarantee you those lootboxes would still be in the game today.

>yelling at a wall
this is you now

this is kinda like the xenoblade dance webm, at first it just pissed people off after it was spammed so many times, but then you start to enjoy the whole autism of the threads. Maybe I'll give his full video a shot.

When grown-ass Feminists waged war on the children's hobby called gaming, the children argued them to a stalemate and the Feminists were forced to beg Journalists to stoop to their level to create hit pieces against children and video games. Now those Journalists, shills for Corporations, are always keeping an eye on Yea Forums in anger, disgraced souls over the age of 20, 30, 40, who couldn't win against children and stooped to arguing with them, in hopes of selling a scam to children when anyone over 18 sees it for the scam it is because that's when responsibility with the wallet and understanding of ownership are supposed to be developed. Such is the life of the corporate shill and Feminists alike, always seeking children to attack like pedophiles because they fear attacking actual adults.

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>don't like something
>buy it anyway
>complain about other people buying it
real compelling

Both options are going to need "Add offline update packages for client".

>server turns off in a few years
>"why can't I play my favorite game anymore?!?!?!!!"
>meanwhile the boomer can still play Super Mario Bros. until the end of time
I don't buy zoomer games so honestly I'm happy to see them fuck themselves over.

unlike your post

>Yea Forums - Lawyers & Judges
Protip: if you don't actually know anything about the law, don't go throwing words like "fraud" or "illegal" around lightly. It makes you look extemely dumb.

Not the consumer's problem.

This is why single-player games are generally superior. People are hell.

>all those old memes
boomer scum detected

>copy has to be stored on a server which costs money
That isn't the issue being discussed cuck.

Announcing reports is against the rules; reported.

It's an incredibly common practice, you don't actually think all games (or even all large pieces of networked software) are all developed in-house do you? If you don't know any better, I'll explain it for you: Take Vivex for example. They lease out their services for PUBG to use voice chat, if PUBG has to shut down their servers, Vivex aren't going to let all and sundry use their services. It's limited to use by PUBG (The company) as per an agreement between them. Vivex don't have unlimited bandwidth after all.

This is a very basic example, you could say 'Well just strip out voice chat functionality', but that only works in theory. Bits of Vivex's client-side (Server-side to gamers) code will have to be torn out as well, that means that you could destroy other parts of the game functioning at all; in other words it could be completely useless.

Once again, this is a very basic example that handles one feature, I can't even go into bits of code written by other parties that are integral for the operation of the game.

If the database for example is outsourced to a company who specialise in writing databases, there's a good chance they own that code - not the developer. So the 'server code' would get released to the public without a working database, depending on what that database does.

And there's security to consider too. If you write in-house server-side code for the handling of your online games, no way do you want to suddenly make that open source, that's a huge decision - that means everyone can scour the code for vulnerabilities and hack new games running on that same code base.

If you know anything about development you know why this the 'release the server code' example is simply just not feasible or practical at all.

That's why I said it wouldn't be an issue if GAAS fucked off.

Zoomers haven't lived long enough to see this become an issue with the games they play.

Boomers have and they would rather deal with this shit now so that Boomers and Zoomers alike don't continue to have their consumer rights eroded by billion dollar corporations.

Why are you shilling for killing games?
Imagine if Dark Souls or Bloodborne or Sekiro had an online component when shut down renders the entire game unplayable. How would you feel about that?

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Bigger problem I have is GAAS just became synonymous with "Early access but it's from a AAA publisher".

Lots of SP games now have an Online requirement.

Hell Ubisoft literally pioneered "always Online" SP games.

imagine defending corporation just to bait and being contrarian, cancer of the cancer

I'm more angry at the singleplayer games that have online requirements. They literally don't have a reason to shut them down, yet they do it anyway out of pure greed.

just go back to plebbit with your meme speak. it's fucking embarrassing

Generally, I agree. But even single-player games can be always-online and thus suffer from the industry's inexplicable desire to produce games with expiration dates.

This honestly pisses me off more than anything.

maybe you should try changing the OP picture next time so zoomers wont get triggered

>retards didn't care about us saying this for years
>eceleb makes video
Fucking zoomers.

Why, because it shits all over your argument?

Unironically yes. The US govt only ever started giving attention to labor rights when the workers started shooting at their bosses and police, and civil rights laws were passed because the government thought the nogs were about the start a mass insurgency.

corporate drones and braindead shitposters will try to derail anyway, too much narcissistic retards on this board

>It's an incredibly common practice
I am still waiting for documentation and sources. I am not interested in pseudo-intellectual hypothesizing and theorizing by some underage dumbshit farting too many words.

I want a documentation of all or at least most video games utilizing this model.
I want the documentation to validate that a good portion of that list does indeed utilize the model you propose therefore validating your claim of frequency.
I want validation that each title had the company establish the legal contract you propose in the majority of cases to validate your claims.
Anything short of that is you farting out your ass and making gibberish anecdotal evidence and mindless analogies which are not supported in this topic and sector with documentation.

So either provide evidence for your claims, or stop showing your small intelligence which is worthless without proof behind it. An intelligent person would provide proof instead of trying to sound convincing in desperation.

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Look how big his forehead is and his hairline. Why not just go bald?

You need to weaponize the Australian Government once again.

They fucking love dealing with this shit.

>embarrassing yourself is shitting on my argument
no it's still in pristine shape despite the diarrhea you typed out.

Wait Yea Forums hates Ross now? Why?

>implying people haven't been complaining about games as a service since the idea first started
What you're seeing is more attention on this important issue, yes because some guy made a youtube video.

>namenigger tripfag

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>buying Ubishit games
Yeah, I agree. Which is why I try to steer away from those games who do require online for this exact reason.
It does limit the pool but once I find some good ones, I tend to enjoy them more and take my time.
Gaming, as a whole, has gotten comfier for me when I decided to cut out the excessive skinner box games.

They are unironically incapable of forming an independent thought, much less understanding what a EULA is for.
This shit's been around since Everquest ffs.

>corporate shills hates Ross

Keep seething faggot, your argument was wafer thin to begin with and now you've just pushed a shitty finger right through it thanks to my efforts.

you seem bothered user. also your obsession to scat is a bit alarming.

>imagine defending corporation just to bait and being contrarian,
this. Its just so tiring "pretending to be a retard" for epic (you)s. There's not even any cleverness to it anymore just spout dumb buzzwords, and you'll be showered with "ironic" based and redpilleds

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> that means everyone can scour the code for vulnerabilities and hack new games running on that same code base.
He also debunked this, shill harder, shill. He saw through all your disinfo campaign.

If a toy degrades, you can fix it nothing short of it literally rotting apart and if that fails you can at least replace it.
A game connected to a server that dies can't be fixed easily because the data needed to run that game is partially on the now shut down server so you'd need to find some way to rebuild that all from scratch which is a long ass process compared to the extremely short and simple solutions literally any dev shutting a game down could just set up. Even on a most basic level, releasing the source code or a server emulator wouldn't take much doing and would mean the games are still playable, it takes next to nothing to do but people figured they'd rather do nothing and flip their consumers off while telling them to buy the next game in line. Even then in the case of MMOs, some companies are fucking vultures and will C&D a private server in a heartbeat despite them not even making money off the game anymore.

Ignoring the issue and hoping it goes away isn't a solution to the problem user and your apathy has only caused it spread.

IF something was done when this shit started to first appear, if it had been legally challenged and a legal precedent had been set the industry would be very different now.

>MS paint comic
opinion discarded

neo-nu-Yea Forums doesn't care about something until an eceleb makes a video. It's really fucking annoying.

I'm not bothered at all, you got rekt, now you're using strawmans because your argument was that non-existent to begin with.

>MS paint comic
Doesn't matter, that user is still completely fucking right. But maybe I just value honesty more than most.

>opinion discarded
not him but your post was very cringe. quit seething and go back to trannyera

I'm reporting you for announcing you reported that report.

>going through the classic deflection playbook

There are more eyes on youtube than anywhere + people like "personalities" for some reason. Probably gives them that sense that they're spending time with another human which releases endorphins.

>mfw jannies are trying to sanitize fucking Yea Forums >anything that sparks even the smallest bit of controversy gets deleted no matter how on topic
>epic store, mk11, now this

>physical in 2019
Almost all games are online and code anymore, physical copies don't mean shit anymore, unless you're going to attempt an argument that shit like pic related can still be played.

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>i can't express myself so i'm going to meme my way out of a discussion

this already happens em masse in the mobile market. tales iof has a new mobile game every year. than when the current game stops making the acceptable number of profit its servers are terminated and one month later bandai releases a new trash. it is not only bandai but many other companies do that

wow what a fantastic discourse, so glad mods are allowing this shit to continue

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that's greg blazinki's copy

You think we didn't fucking try? The people who eat this shit up massively outnumber us.

Consider this anons: do you really think corporations aren't out to screw you over due to petty reasons, or greed? Think about this: why do they persecute people who emulate their older games, especially ones that no longer sell? Should Sega throw a fit that I emulate skies of Arcadia, even though it hasn't seen retail since the 2000s? What about games whose devs have gone bankrupt or the titles that don't even have IP holders anymore?

Imagine this scenario then: why do devs take issue with you making legal backup copies of games you legally purchased? Is that not guaranteed to you under the consumer protection laws of various lands? Why would they fight so hard to keep you from being able to play a game you legally bought? The bootlickers aren't even trying to justify this.

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you keep spamming this faggot when you've had plenty of time to make the same point without being a shill. I wonder why.
If it was really that big of a deal to you then why do you do it in a way that pisses people off and puts them on the opposing team out of spite?

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I haven't deflected once, each and every post i've addressed you and your inability to form an argument.

>admitting to being a total faggot
that's a good start user.

Wrong. I've never paid for any subscription service in my life unless it is connected to my livelihood, and that includes WoW and other MMOs and Shitflix and anything else.
If it's not electricity, water, insurance, pension fund, Internet by itself, it doesn't deserve a line in my monthly bills. Looking by the past threads on all boards on this topic in the past years and especially since Adobe went subscription model, i'm far from being a minority on this principle.

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thats why services need to be segmented, if anything. Like if I say "Fuck niggers" on steam, they shouldnt block me from using my games but instead block me from using the social aspects of the service.

I know, its still fucking dumb, but we all sucked the dicks of Steam for all the years and this is what we now have to deal with.

first off EULA means jack shit.
2nd, Everquest doesn't apply since it's a service

It's because video games get discussed so rarely here that you think discussing it is some rare event when it should be the norm. Stop that user, get some help.

>isn't a solutio
Well, no. But it's a solution for me.
I can't force others not to buy things I don't like. Zoomers want this future so they can have it. I'll be happy with those who want to cater to my tastes.

If you would watch the first 15 mins of the video, you would know you are wrong.
Most countries considers digital games as goods and not services, despite wath being said in the EULA.

At least steam can be reigned in by consumer protection laws. Them getting reamed over refunds was one of my personal joys, despite me using steam regularly. Their second reaming over paid mods was just as sweet.

do you have that as a webm with a higher resolution? this is rad

Nah we finished half a dozen posts ago user, now is just you crying.

I just noticed, how come gamegrumps, yongyea cosmo and dsp threads are relatively accepted but the old dude in the OP is getting alot heat for being "shilled"

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Why should he have to form his own opinion and express new ideas, when he can just regurgitate the eceleb cum he chokes down every day onto our Filipino walleyball forum?
Diablo 3 came out and was shitposted to death back when we were still spamming shiggy diggy.
This shit is OLD. Older than your zoomer ass.

Attached: ShillingIsntRealTheySaid1.jpg (2100x2172, 1.37M)

>See 1+ hour runtime
Better settle in for some essay-length info
>Spends first 3 minutes nitpicking wikipedia then talking about how long this video is
Fucker needs to learn how to convey information. Give me back the 3 minutes I wasted and the 2 minutes I spent writing this, faggot OP.

>topic about ecelebs being ecelebs
accepted by Yea Forums
>topic about video that is a current event in gaming

Yea Forums is garbage.

Shouldn't this be stickied?

Imagine liking EA's barbed cat dick in your ass just because someone posted a video thumbnail of a video criticizing it. Imagine paying $60 for a game and then a year later you can never play it again because it didn't sell enough microtransactions and an hour to set up even a basic end of service plan is just too much time to think about the customer and not the next get rich quick scheme, now imagine defending that you lost your product because you think saying "ECeleb Shill" makes you cool.

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*sends you 5 minutes in the mail*

Nice deflection but do you actually have an argument to prove any of that wrong? If you can't then the only other answer left is that you are a shill.

Please stop, there's no straw left for the livestock to eat.

AC turned into virtual museum. it will only get worse

>open Yea Forums
>10 threads about EPIC store
i don't doubt for a second corporations shill their trash here.

I don't know, I hate all the eceleb shit and wish Yea Forums never accepted them. There was a time when this shit wasn't acceptable here.

Ross has always been Yea Forums too unlike those zoomer e-celebs

Boy, you trannies sank their teeth deep into this one, huh? You 40%ers will be contrarians about anything these days. I sure would hate to see that backfire :^)

LOL just make you own games, bros

He isn't wrong though

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>i don't doubt

just posting it for the delusional fuckwit crowd that stumbles through this thread

Except that's literally this thread's discourse, people posting the video and stating it's an issue and faggots saying none of this shit is important and also that nobody actually cares and only cares because an eceleb said it therefore it shouldn't be discussed. If you dickheads aren't defending things like NCSoft shutting down a private CoH server or the rise of live services to try and rip more control away from the player then why fucking argue? Do you also shit on people decrying Anthem because Jim Sterling made a few videos calling out crunch bullshit?

>and the nature of professional shilling on Yea Forums
Jesus Christ you guys are fucking paranoid.

There are no shills paid to disagree with you user, sometimes you're just wrong.

The worst part is the faggots in this thread arguing for corporations fucking people aren't even getting paid.

They're literally doing it for free.

here shills refute this

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Anyone with half a brain knows this and has known this since it has been an established fucking thing of anything that relies on servers of any sort to work.
Like God damn how new of a newfag and dumb are you faggots to not easily as fuck come to this obvious as fuck conclusion for yourselfs? Not saying you should accept this or anything in any way shape or form. But god damn man just god damn. Just how dumb are you fucks really.

Obviously not him specifically but there are absolutely paid shills here just like every other social media outlet of any size whatsoever.
It's called marketing.

>just make your own alcohol, bro

Somebody with a copy of LawBreakers should start a class action suit.

The servers were open for less than a year and the 30$ game is now unplayable, one of the most extreme cases today I think.

NPC's if you will

There are shills but it's the prevalence that is exaggerated

The main point is to get the mainstream aware of it. Any drooling retard that posts on here knows that games as a service are toxic, but the masses don't and continue to buy into it. It's why so many games these days require an online connection and die completely as soon as the company is done with them.

>99% of the people talking about GaaS are barely acknowledging Ross
>all the people crying about ecelebs just keep drawing more attention to him

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>stop paying monthly for software subscription and lose access
>It's okay because I stopped paying and this is normal
>pay once and developers shut down the servers 5 years later causing you to lose access
>throw a tantrum because "muh goods"
I legitimately don't understand the outrage here. This sort of thing never really happens and if it does, there are patches or cracks released to unlock the software if it's possible. It's up to consumers to decide whether or not they want to buy a game that's a service- as long as its disclosed up front, the hypothetical risk that the company shuts the servers down is on the consumer.

Read the thread, user. There are people here who either can't reach this obvious conclusion or refuse to do so to spite the fact that OP posted a video about the issue because decrying ecelebs is more important than being aware of corporations trying to dick you around.

You are flailing so hard to pin random anons down for all these acts, yet I see zero evidence for it.

>prevalence that is exaggerated

Attached: fellow nonshills.jpg (1200x800, 162K)

>The servers were open for less than a year and the 30$ game is now unplayable, one of the most extreme cases today I think.

Cliffy B's next game Radical Heights was even worse, shut down within a month I think.

>everyone hates soulshit and From goes back to AC
Id be overjoyed honestly

>pay once and developers shut down the servers 5 years later causing you to lose access
But why? Why does a single player game need "servers"?

>kickstarting a Yea Forumsitch hunt because of your paranoia

Based Ross poster.

Because a monthly payment is a license to play for that month, you're effectively renting out a character slot and thus it isn't technically a form of fraud because that would be a service.
But to buy a game with no sub fee that acts as a live service means you have the license to play it as your own copy, you own that game and thus it being shut down with no end of service plan beyond "Eat a Dick" is fraud because you own the game as a good and should have the right to play it even after the servers die.

It's futile user. The guy is actually arguing that singleplayer games should be shut down after a while.

>its up to consumers to decide whether or not they want to buy a good that's a service
>good thats a service

yes i know you said game, but video games have already been defined as a Good. A good cannot be a service. Its one or the other.

Fromsoft needs to bring back Chromehounds.

Radical Heights shut down in a matter of weeks from it's launch, and yes, class action suits need to start becoming a regular thing as unlike other software industries, we can't rely on big business and other corporations to fight on our behalf.

Ubisoft would be a prime and easy target, if you've bought a Ubisoft product in the last ten years odds are you have a legally enforceable grievance.

Mostly for DRM, but sometimes for live content.

>REEEE don't go against the narrative

I know, but I did not mention it because it was F2P and only had MTX, which I believe is a different case.

Still really a bitch move though, proof we shouldn't give any money to any F2P game that didn't prove it is stable enough.

Its been years since his second popularity spike

It's not fraud because nothing unlawful took place.

I don't play single player games so I don't really care either way.

>live content.
More bullshit, it's just artificially locking content to a server that could absolutely be on the users machine.

Hitman 2016/Hitman 2 are a prime example.

>Most of the video is a “deprogramming” of the industry narrative as to what “games as a service” is, similar to how you would try to treat a rescued cult member, hence the reason it’s so long.

Holy FUCK How can one man who lives in Poland be so BASED!?

speak of the devil and he shall apear:

Who are you quoting?

>he says this when 4channel was made to accept as much paid shilling as possible

Seriously, what faggot does this? Hey, i hear reddit has a video game board.
>you guys srsly likr gaems?!

Seriously, how can you be that fucking ugly?

It could be but it's not.

Radical Heights was free to play

And reddit and Yea Forums cheer him on as they purchase more games from Steam and EGS. How ironic.

Ross has always been fucking based
Only braindead zoomers desperate to fit in yelling "uh eceleb reeee" think otherwise

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>someone on Yea Forums calling someone ugly
Kek, the oozing irony..

>can't refute his points
>attacks his looks

>live content.

This is the equivalent of buying a loaf of bread, but the bakery insisting that you can only take one slice home and you have to come back to the bakery when you want your next slice and them promising that they'll be open/available 24/7 forever.

What do all the "game journalists" have to say about this?

This reminds me of Hitman 2 TM and MK11. Single player unlocks are tied to a server. I don't think you can unlock anything offline even if you pirate the game. What will happen when the servers shut down for good?

b-but games are goods therefor I own radical heights!

same dumb bullshit, and honestly who cares

It had paid founders packs.

Are all of the proponents of the video in OP like this?

i fucking bet they will never touch this topic too much, their corporate overlords would crush them at the speed of light

To be fair user, in the past Steam did declare if it ever were to shut down that it'd create a way to allow your games to be kept around offline, there's no telling if they still would but they're also nowhere near close to death to determine that.

>food analogy
And it's terrible, imagine that.

Wasn't the EU trying to make dead games playable? Like legalizing private servers for games which servers have long been shut down or abandoned?

I know someone would complain that it would "enable piracy" or the like, but imo devs should go back to releasing lan modes/user hostable servers again. In the instance a game that is primarily played online, when the 'official' server is closed, there are still potentially many privately hosted ones that aren't. Also would solve the problem of "toxicity" in that people could host a server and if someone claims someone else to be toxic they can just be told to fuck off.

in other words.

>you can't play that unless I say so

You get cucked with the bare bones SP shell that's left.

watch and see for yourself

Game journalist will be on the side being most clickbait, siding with "entitled gamers wants to own they game they bought with they're own money"

free to play simply implies a sales price of $0

which is still a binding sale if I have to agree to a EULA to complete the transaction.

false equivalence fallacy you retard.
Law Breaker was sold as an good while RH was F2P money grabbing service. they don't have the same weight in its argument

sorry if this has already been addressed in thread, but where do games that get updates afterward while still being content complete fall into this?
I mean, Super Mario Odyssey was pretty fine after release, but Luigi's Balloon World, Koopa Race Sharing, DLC Costumes, etc., Where do they fall into this?

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They also said you only had to activate your games once and you could play in offline mode indefinitely, but we all know that's bullshit.

kek based food analogy.

Let's say Nintendo goes bankrupt. Can you still play and have access to these purchases

Most of these games are shit or obsolete because there is a newer/better version. I'm not some corporate cuck but come on, what are you even fighting for here?

Attached: list of game shutdowns april 2019.png (1920x4060, 1.42M)

I personally talked to Aaron Webber regarding Emulation of Skies of Arcadia from my DC and Gamecube copies via digital format and transfer and he said that as *LONG* as you were the one that have the original game from which the code/data came from and you have the disc with the barcode. You are all solid. But this is just Aaron Webber of SEGA passing along word from his higherups in Sega of America.

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Yeah, that's how it works, user.

The video discusses how people who shill the video are eceleb-cocksucking faggots?
Well maybe I should actually watch it then, thanks.

to destroy the practice itself

Whatever they say it will source to opinion pieces as their "documentation" and it will lack any documented counters to this guy, as the youtuber here actually engaged in what is defined as proper journalism and backed up his claims with precise and factual documentation and sources and emphasized whenever it wasn't so.
In a way this video is the Black Plague upon game "journalists" because it showcases how journalism is supposed to work, and in that case "journalists" will be buttmad at it.

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The analogy is spot on, it's a company thinking they can dictate how and when you use a product after they've sold it to you.

Pro tip, they can't.

well they would touch it but basically spread that online only games are good.

no it doesn't. it a service that costs you zero money to use. it does not equal a sale. sueing for LB makes sense. for RH doesn't.

Most we got was Jim Sterling bumping Ross's video at the start of one of his but he hardly counts because he's funded by patreonbux so he doesn't gotta worry about sucking on the corporate cock to stay alive. Say what you want about his personal life but he's usually one of the most vocal about crippling issues in the industry when it involves developers being fucked by publishers or consumers being fucked by publishers.

F2P would be a special case. Since no money was exchanged, you do not own a licensed copy of the game. Playing the game is a service. Since there were microtransactions, however, you DO own permanent licenses for any stupid cosmetic bullshit you bought. Those are goods to which you are entitled basically forever.

So even Radical Sheights would have to implement some kind of EoL plan to account for that, according to Ross's arguments. What form it would have to take would be bizarre indeed.

Is this whole post-ironic shitposting we see now just an evolution of the "lol so randum" humor of yesteryear? I feel like I'm just now connecting the dots there.

>Actual E-Celeb threads
>No video game discussions and there's like one or two anti-celeb posts

>Ross thread which talks more about pro-vidya ideas that he promotes rather than him
>Constant screeching about it being E-Celeb thread and to stop discussing the subject
Really makes me think, I wonder who could be behind this?

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obviously they will defend their corporate overlords like the good lefty npcs they are

as long as that doesn't cut into your gay porn time, go for it zoomer.

Why would they have a problem with someone emulating it if they didn't own the original game? If they want money for it, they should sell it. That way people wouldn't have an excuse.

who the fuck is gas, you retard
you don't have to abbreviate everything

GamerGate was right after all

/pol/ was right again

Glad to know the mold didnt kill Ross

i fucking wonder goyim

Mold wants to kill video games.

Oh, so this is referring to games that like, need online to even function?
Okay, thanks for clarifying

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those Polish apartments are killer

False, user agreed to buy a loaf of bread under the condition that he would only be allowed one slice per visit. It's more like a season pass for bread.

I grew up working in my own retail store. There are 0 dollar transactions and those customers fully own the product on the back end of that 0 dollar transaction. It was not in my legal right to immediately run up to them after they left the store and rip it out of their hands w/o risking charges.

Radical heights is a good, the servers they supplied to run the game on would be the service. Giving it away free doesn't remove that there is a transaction involved and a contract you must sign just to install the game itself. Agreeing to the contract completes the transaction and allows you to install "YOUR" copy of the game onto your computer/console hdd.

So is OP going to have an original thought next thread or keep shilling this shitty video?

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The strong will surpass the weak.

>no it doesn't. it a service that costs you zero money to use. it does not equal a sale. sueing for LB makes sense. for RH doesn't.
If you spent even a cent on content for RH, you own it and are legally entitled to access to that digital good.

It's no different to buying an entire game, an ebook etc

Games are just legally muddy waters that have been exploited for years.

Nope, Radical Heights is on my account, I have it installed, I own it. This is fraud.

It literally does you stupid faggot, see PT.

money isn't the only currency in the world user. Most of thost EULAs give companies the rights to spy on you and sell your data to other companies. Your currency is your personal information for their good, the game that has a monetary price of $0.

>tripfag is a faggot

Who would have thought.

>If you spent even a cent on content for RH, you own it and are legally entitled to access to that digital good.
>Games are just legally muddy waters
Nice contradiction, dipshit.

It doesn't matter what user agreed to, the practice in the first place is unlawful.

>Games are just legally muddy waters that have been exploited for years.
of course but this eventually needs to end, games today are super mainstream


>the corporate shills itt are just mold that has evolved to use and communicate through the internet
>Since the mold couldnt kill Ross now its trying to bring him down online

It all makes sense now

He didn't contradict himself at all.

No not false, a company cannot dictate how you use a product after they've sold it to you.

This is legal fact.

>you're attempts to advocate for my benefit annoys me in an arbitrary way!
> I will now hurt myself in order to spite you for no defined reason!
>that'll show you for trying to better my circumstance!

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Nintendo has the problem with unauthorized Copying from their Carts into Digital.
So if I get written + Vocal approval from Aaron regarding a specific game. Then I have the OK (AS LONG AS I DON'T REDISTRIBUTE THE DIGITAL FORMAT OF THE GAME).

However Sharing/selling Physical Skies of Arcadia is A-OK.

Why are you even going on Reddit in the first place?

I didn't contradict myself, I said in the case of radical heights you are legally entitled to access of that content.

Then I made a broad statement regarding "GAMES" as a whole.

Fucking idiot.

Prove it

Imagine if Hasbro remotely deactivated your Monopoly boards when when they went out of business

>video games as a service so you get billed like other utilites eg. electricity
>a fucking video game bill

Hell yes, some slower mech combat would be a nice every now and then

If there is a law, then it's not "legally muddy".

In light of what he says, wouldn't Steam terminating your account be illegal, at least under EU law?
I don't know if that actually ever happened, but there were rumors.

>All these retards giving (You)s to a tripfag who is trying to do nothing but detail the thread
Don't even reply to my post. Learn to filter and focus on the thread subject in question.
If a retard reply to me mentioning e-celeb bullshit just ignore him as well.

The question is for us to have the "right" or "capability" to select what to preserve or not. We ourselves should be able to think what is worthy of preservation or not. As things are now, we cannot even do that.
Everything dies, the end.

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He isn't wrong.

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What a shitty take.

What's the difference? There's no similarity at all.

>Prove it
I don't need to, the legal system in Canada, Europe, Australia and the US has proven it time and time again.

Imagine discussing a topic you haven't researched, in a thread with a video you haven't watched and expecting people to take you seriously.

Do fuck off.

It's okay, I knew you couldn't because you don't know anything about law.

just fucking watch the video retard, he refuted every dumb shit youre saying

>Family Guy Online

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Games encompass a whole lot of legally muddy areas, but ownership and access to digital content is not one of those legally muddy areas, it's very clear.

Maybe before you have a kneejerk sperg moment you should actually think about what was actually posted before posting yourself.

>I'm sure you don't want your thread sidetracked by accusations of YouTube shilling.
What? Of course he does. Why do you think he spends more time spamming ecelebs than a full-time job takes? He relishes the attention. He finally gets to feel important. Well, as important as a nigerian prince who needs $100 TODAY, but still. It's something.

there is no money exchange to play RH. the game is there as a service that you can use for free. but does not in anyway belongs to you. the trash they had as microtransaction and founders pack does, but not the whole game.
stop being stupid. and there is also a difference between real life products that people will consume and virtual game that is free to play. playing the game means agreeing to use a service that doesn't need money exchange to work. don't go full retard

>asking a paid shill to see the facts
you're wasting your user

>you don't have to abbreviate everything
I dont but I will anyway, I dont feel like typing that whole marketing term out every time

take your slacktivist ass back to facebook, faggot

>wanting protection for consumers against billion dollar corporations is now reddit
You're trying too hard user

You're not going to bring da gorberashuns to their knees by spamming your pretend friends on fucking Yea Forums.

I'll wait for you to show me the law that states people who bought cosmetics in Radical Heights must have access to it now. I know you can't because you're making shit up.

>hurr i game i don't like got killed
>def not a canary in the coal mine scenario

As I said, if you can't even be bothered to watch the video the thread is discussing, or research the topic, don't think people are going to take you seriously.

Now eat shit and fuck off.

Does he at least mention in the video the legal precedent set on this issue?
>Justin Bassett sued Electronic Arts over the company shutting down their game servers even though the games are still available in stores with online play advertised on the box. EA attempted to take the case into arbitration, citing their EULA, and Bassett argued that the arbitration clause was not valid as it was added later on. EA argued that Bassett agreed to the new EULA when he attempted to log into the online servers.
>Last year, the judge sided with Electronic Arts and threw the case into arbitration. As I said back then, we will probably never know what the final ruling was as arbitration results are almost always sealed to the public. What we do know is that, as of last month, the case has been dismissed with prejudice.
>Plaintiff Justin T. Bassett (“Plaintiff”) and defendant Electronic Arts Inc., the parties to the above-captioned action, stipulate and agree, pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 41(a)(1)(A)(ii), that Plaintiff hereby does and shall voluntarily dismiss the above-captioned action, and all of the claims within it, with prejudice. What does that mean
>Dismissal with prejudice bars Bassett from bringing an action on the same claim in the future.

If you get past the EULA, no court in the land will side with you.

go get some exercise, you fat cunt

yes he mentioned that

European and Australian law don't give a fuck about scummy EULA's.

It's literally one samefagging schizo.

A commercial title using a licensed library for whatever purpose has already paid the relevant licensing fee and has the right to redistribute compiled code using the library in question. Otherwise your game would never have worked. They can distribute it for free, with or without encryption, DRM, or anti-cheat plugins. Revenue share licenses are not a concern either; it is economically end-of-life, they lose nothing.

As for third-party *services* required for a game component to run, I think this falls under Ross' request for a deobfuscated binary release as a minimal necessary effort to allow the mere possibility for community efforts to reverse-engineer a server solution. The publisher doesn't have to provide the server emulator, or expose their third-party service, just give the packet documentation and a workable client binary so that efforts can be made to restore the network functionality privately.

I already gave you an example, what other examples do you want? Give me a title of a game and I'll do your research for you.

I don't approve of the practice of bricking games either, but you need to see the technical reality of what you're up against instead of just suggesting that I'm lying because you don't want to think up a better solution.

To give you another example, this time of how even entirely in-house code wouldn't work, think of matchmaking. Overwatch has a patented matchmaking algorithm, there's absolutely no way they going to open source that for any company to steal the code. They absolutely will reuse that same algorithm in other competitive games, so they'd have to rip that out. Well that sounds easy enough on paper but in practice whole chunks of the game are written around that code, meaning entire chunks of the game need to be rewritten in order for it to work, which is effectively useless; then the argument could be made that a game without matchmaking isn't a game at all, so that needs to be released too. It's just not gonna happen.

What you need to think about is the specifics of what Ross is asking here: When an online-only game shuts down it's service, the code must be released to the public. What this means is that every company with an online-only game would have to open source it. StarCraft? Open Source. Overwatch? Open Source.

This would mean that a sequel couldn't be made without rewriting the whole code from the ground up and Chinese spinoff games using the same code with different skins would flood the market.


Eat shit corporate cuck. If Reddit cares about something then they will have the power to help fix it.

kys shill faggot

yes they do
you're citing one case where they sided with the consumer to pretend that they feel exactly the same way you do on every issue
the brainlets in this thread

>everyone that hates my shilling is a shill
You don't have to pay Yea Forumsirgins to gate reddit, user, it's in their blood.

no you're just a gigantic faggot

Yeah, or don't design your game in a way that requires it to connect to a server
>put bomb in car that explodes after 5 years
>it goes off
>not our problem (^:

I was laughing because I always thought it was a fake game ala EEnE Online, but keep projecting buddy

That's great for Europeans and Australians, but DRM is still lawful even in those countries and it still affects what consumers are allowed to do with products they've paid for. So back to your point , you're still wrong. Nice try trying to change the subject though, very clever.

>having to disclose how long your game will last
What the fuck.

A virtual good is still a good user. Digital copies of movies are fully protected as your privately owned copy despite being literally nothing but a collection of 1s and 0s.

A transaction doesn't have to have literal money being exchanged for it to be a transaction. Jesus. I even broke it down to its most basest level for you in my explanation. Its thinking the opposite way that corportists want you to do because it supports their cause.

>going through the deflection play book

>yes they do
No they don't.
Scummy EULA's have and regularly get thrown out of first world courts.

>you have to be a lawyer to argue about law
Okay boomer scum. And you have to be a mechanic to know about cars, too.

>People seriously arguing against wanting to play your games offline or wanting corps to take away your games

He's not asking for Corps. to keep servers alive forever, just make it so that the games they're shutting down are still playable after stopping support.

Stopping Support does not mean they have to shut down the game, it just means they don't have any obligation to update it. Why are people arguing against the idea of people wanting to play a game well after the game's dead? Hell why are people against the idea of games not dying?

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actually end your life

Notice how Corporate dick sucking shill never tried to refute this chart (which Ross made and explained in his video)?
Because when confronted with facts they either pretend your post doesn't exist or deflect from the issue.

>first world
You mean the country that's trying to stop citizens from looking at porn? Absolute lmao

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> EU
> country
Damn, user.

>but DRM is still lawful even in those countries and it still affects what consumers are allowed to do with products they've paid for.
It's actually not lawful, not surprisingly though it still occurs because shock horror, billion dollar corporations don't give a fuck about the law.

And every time it's been challenged in Europe and Australia DRM and EULA's have been found to be unlawful.

Except in the US where the legal system loves to suck corporate cock, much like yourself.

No thanks.

Corporate shills and

The court overruled the EULA about reselling, that doesn't mean the entire EULA has been rejected
jesus christ how dumb are you
you're like those old boomers who believe fake news reposted on facebook
No court is gonna force a company in another country to keep their servers running just so people can play their games

He montioned it in his video. People need to realize that Ross covered all bases in this video. It's the reason why it's over 1 hour long

>They are unironically incapable of forming an independent thought
>He says while bringing up EULAs
Do you even see the irony in your post?

>games are services
I can't think of any services I have to go to the store and pick up off a shelf.

>No court is gonna force a company in another country to keep their servers running just so people can play their games
No one is saying that

It takes more than a mention to erase legal precedent.

In a vacuum the toy will be fine. A game that has to connect to a server will eventually go down.

EULAs aren't legally binding and have been thrown out of courts due to their verbosity.
You don't sign your name on them, you just hit "I Agree" and you're off.

What if it's an online-only game?

Where can I get a feMajima gf?

Private servers

see This shit was brought to court 6 years ago. It's old news.

Pretty sure he thinks EU courts are going to make games as as service illegal just because they enforce resaleabilty


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P2P still uses servers in most cases user. All of Nintendo's games use STUN servers to handle different types of NAT connections.

I don't think you understand 'Online only' either. I'm talking about games where the logic of the game is stored online on those very server. Copyrighted code - stuff you can't just hand out.


You are pants on head retarded faggot.

Lets back up for a minute so everyone can see just how fucking dumb you are.
Here's your first post.
>If you get past the EULA, no court in the land will side with you.
Which is wrong, as per what I posted here.
EULA's have and continue to get thrown out of court, so you're full of shit.

>The court overruled the EULA about reselling, that doesn't mean the entire EULA has been rejected
All I said was that courts have ruled against EULA's dumbass.

Go fuck yourself you dumb cunt and stop pretending and worse still spouting that EULA's are iron clad when the law has proven they are not.

Legalize private servers for WoW, Diablo 3, etc.

It actually is. Your toddler-esque understanding of law is showing once again. You know, it's kind of funny you bring up the EU anyway, where under article 13 now you can't even post anything online about a video game legally. Thank god EULAs aren't legal there because literally everything else you do with that game you "own" isn't.

Read Global Rule 2

Lol you're quoting replies from different people assuming they're the same person
Don't do that

Private servers, designing it in a way that the official servers aren't needed. Releasing documentation on how to replicate it, or flat out releasing the source of the original server.

>the actual results aren't public
hmmm. So there's no precedent? Cool.

Not the consumer's problem. They either support the game till the end of time or design it in a way that doesn't need server support to run.
They shoot themselves in the foot when they require a constant online connection to play.

How can any of you even be FOR GaaS? ARe you LITERALLY insane?

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Reminder that asking for government corporation interference is a commie move.

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Kust watched the video in its entirety. Is it reslly true that the EULA holds no merit if not backed by the law? I thought it's only overturnable if it contradicts a law, bur otherwise is a binding contract?

you're either trolling or really dumb. I hope it's the former, for your sake.

>And every time it's been challenged in Europe and Australia DRM and EULA's have been found to be unlawful.
You need to understand that the EULA is not one object and just because one particular clause is found to be unlawful it doesn't mean the whole thing is unlawful and is invalidated
You do have a childish understanding of law

That still doesn't make sense, user. If the game is hosted entirely online and the developers need to shut the server down then it ceases to function. How do you think private-server games work at the moment, where is the actual game content hosted?

>I thought it's only overturnable if it contradicts a law, bur otherwise is a binding contract?

>authoritarianism is okay when a corporation does it

nice (((tactic))) there.

It's been thrown out of many courts because they're always too verbose for the laymen to understand.

>It's been thrown out of many courts because they're always too verbose for the laymen to understand.
thats not how it works you fucking child