
classic thread cont

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Other urls found in this thread:


>playing cl*ssic
Say goodbye to your demon hunter then.
Say goodbye to to hairstyles.
Say goodbye to to pallies on certain factions.
Say goodbye to to about 3/4 of your current profession recipes.
Say goodbye to to all you flight mounts and flying at all. Say goodbye to to all your pets. All of them.
Say goodbye to a huge slew of flightpoints.
Say goodbye to to 15 hearthstones.
Say goodbye to to AOE looting. ( do you really want to go back to looting one body at a time?).
Say goodbye to to transmog. All of it.
Say goodbye to to LFR / LFD / CRZ / realm transfers/ faction transfers.
Say goodbye to most of your classes.
No Pandaren. No worgen. No goblins. NO DK. No DH.

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what are some essential vanilla warlock pvp videos? no drakedog please already seen them

least popular race/class combination? maybe gnome warrior? tauren hunter?

>Say goodbye to to AOE looting
admittedly this was is QoL I will miss

All good things to say goodbye to.

Say goodbye to retailfags

What professions are you lads taking at launch? I might try to get my own wand and then just do skinning while I level.

Female Dwarf Rogue

posting the rolling image for anons that want to test their luck

Attached: classic randomizer.png (1680x1050, 385K)

Gnome warrior
Orc rogue
Female dwarf anything

damn its like I'm really grinding in the barrens again!

Goth and Seuche. I would also recommend watching some of perplexity's duels against warlock so you can see how people will counter you.

>I might try to get my own wand
I heard this is essential for locks/mages/priests, does it take long to make the entry level green wand?

>Mfw the 40%ers become the 45%ers after classic releases

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Name a better dungeon than ST.

Pro tip: You can't!

Attached: ST.jpg (800x600, 151K)

>Everything you just said

Attached: so_good.png (659x609, 66K)

What do you even need it in classic for? You can't really AOE farm unless you are a mage.

I generally go skinning/herb to just make mount money while leveling then drop skinning for alch at 60.

This will work for a year and a half, maybe two, but after that they will have to add stuff or let it die, and retail is already dying/dead to begin with. We just have to hope they don't fuck it up.

god yes, thank you for reminding me this.

All the disgusting 30yo putrid animals that play for mounts and transmog will never touch classic, thank fucking god.

Alliance warlock pls

Easy, Maraudon.


But I will be a mage senpai

Congratulations user, you sold me on classic.

the autists will get it done in a matter of hours, by the time you reach the level to use a wand with your lock/mage/priest there will already be a billion wands for sale

There was a guide up somwhere on how to get one pretty efficiently first day while leveling, but apparently there will also be lots of people selling them ASAP, so you could just buy someone elses. It's probably like a 40 min time loss.

Reroll if horde

wow it looks fun

gimme the big boys

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skinning/mining. gonna drop skinning for either bs or eng eventually.


looks like you are going mage with the race that you want


>awful dungeon for leveling
>first half is boring as fuck, going through the same hallway to kill the mobs on the balcony
>one stoner in your party got lost
>nobody in your party brought the egg for Hakkar so you miss one boss fight
>one retard in your party got feared in the you know what room and pulled the whole room
Yeah ST fucking sucks.



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It's your pick so go ahead user

>That one druid who thinks people will let him tank.

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I played priest a bunch and yeah, wanding enemies helps a lot. It would probably be smarter to get collection professions for cash and just check the AH every time you level enough to equip a stronger wand.

>Orc Warlock

fucking KINO

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Why is he so sad lads?

Rerollan to test my luck.

were going home bros!!!!!!!!

>leveling with 2 other friends
>dwarf warrior tank
>dwarf hunter
>dwarf priest
pic related, us. if we see you out in the world, nothing personnel

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This makes no sense

>No sword skill for 8% more threat with thunderfury

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>Say goodbye to to hairstyles.
Will actually probably miss since Vanilla didn't have many. On the flip side though it also didn't have the anime hair for human males that every kid uses so it kind of evens out.

>Say goodbye to a huge slew of flightpoints.
I don't particularly care about the number of FPs so much as Vanilla's absolutely retarded pathing between some of them. I'd personally like to see that fixed but purist cucks will claim waiting 20 mins and spending 3x as much money on a FP that should take 5 mins is part of the "CLASSIC EXPERIENCE".

God WoW is cringe
>L-let's go home bros!!!
Like a bunch of fucking children.

Nigger, dwarf tank is based af.
Get out of my thread.

>Elder God Tier:
a lore-friendly name (matches your race and character) and sounds cool; original idea of yours; my private OC
>God Tier
a lore-friendly name which piggybacks on an established family or copies a random NPC; Nargal
>Fine Tier
a name which sounds vaguely fantasy-like but isn't quite accurate to Warcraft; Thenderon for a Dwarf
>Meh Tier
a name which sounds vaguely fantasy-like but overdoes it; Thendelerion
>Bad Tier
some name which references your character but is just some modernite phrase; Cosmiccow (get off the mailbox)
>Beyond Bad Tier
some name which clearly just some irrelevant modernite reference; Fruitbasket (get off the mailbox)
>Shit Tier
copying the name of some famous entity in the Warcraft universe but settling for a misspelling; Netharion
>Beyond Shit Tier
some random "gaymertag"; Wpgsgsg ; Qtlol, etc.
>Ascended Shit Tier
copying the name of some entity from another fictional universe but settling for a misspelling; Seffiroth
>Extreme Diarrhea Tier
copying the name of some some real world thing or streamer but settling for a misspelling; Asmongolld, Josestalin

>Nefarious Tier
stealing a streamer's name on the server they were going to play on
>Run Tier
person saying they're a tank with "tank" in the name

Anything to add to the official tier list? I'm glad to see about 50% of people running around are at least in the top 4 categories. The rest of you, however, ask for help or spend more time thinking until you get that stroke of creativity.
If it's a really packed server, names with y's or silent letters are usually overlooked. Normie vowels like e and o and "german sounding" things are the first to go.

objectively worse tank

I remember this forum post. 7/10

You wont once you fill up all your 6 slot bags 10mins into questing. You fools asking for auto loot have no idea about vanilla bag space priority and are apparently to lazy to SHIFT+CLICK


Never got a chance to play Vanilla when it first came out, so I am excited to play the hell out of Classic. Plan on playing as a healer. What would be a fun class to play on a PvP server?


st has the same problem lbrs has, it never got updated like strat/scholo so most the loot is terrible and there's way too much trash

fuck it


>worse than night elf

Rogue. or Nelf hunter. Not much healing though.

Your post is

0 (Yours)
3 (Below)
8 (2 Below)

0: Pick your class
3: Corresponding race
8: Corresponding spec

For example, if you picked mage you would be.

0: Mage
3: Gnome
8: Frost

What about just making it your IRL name?

I'd recommend looking up some information on various classes/abilities in vanilla and figuring out what play-style you like best and go w/ that. If you enjoy your class you'll likely enjoy engaging in pvp w/ it.

how fucked would I be if I rolled ally lock and was keen on doing lots of pvp, are there as many undead as ive heard and can you deal with every cunt having will of forsaken if youre decent

durr whats the difference between worse and worst

also, 1% dodge sounds better than active 10% armor


Blackrock Depths

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what about a derivation of your real name/surname? like imagine your last name is Boseman and your name is "Boz". Short, memorable, relevant.

>stealing a streamer's name on the server they were going to play on
lel didn't even think of that

You'll be fine as an ally lock. There are a decent amount of UD but you'll have fear+deathcoil and your other abilities.

Probably because he's letting an ugly thott barbie doll suck him dry of everything he owns except his nut sack, and she owns that too!! Asmon has it good but is too fucking stupid and inexperienced to understand whats happening to him

>ignore other benefits of stoneform
>frost resist for naxx
nigger out

pretty disgusting desu

Can't decide between lock and mages, both are desirable and have mind numbing 1-2 button rotations, guess i'll flip a coin on release

>Not researching your lineage to find out the name of the royal house that your great-great-great-great-grandfather belonged to and using that as your in-game name

Attached: inhuman 2.jpg (241x215, 9K)

It's 10% armor AND Bleed/Disease/Poison immunity.

Oh god, it IS a real post on the blizz forums. I thought it was a joke.

it is bottled retailtears

>implying I don't come from a pleb family in which my ancestor chose the first word that came to mind when government bureaucrats visited him on his property for the census
my last name is literally leg

can't wait to run cozy dungeons with guildies in discord and help them be the player they want to be

at least you're not called Johansson
>Be swedish man in the 1700's
>New law says everyone has to adopt a ptrilineal surname (i.e "Anders-son" if your father is named "Anders")
>90% of men in Sweden is called Johan at this time for some reason
>Everyone gets named Johansson

Same. I'll also help random folks w/ quests/dungeons/elite mobs etc.

Attached: allyboomer.jpg (234x215, 9K)

Reminder that warlocks are going to be useless until AQ40 geared. Don't play one, they're boring and useless. And i want to be the only one on my server


Roll me baby

>Say goodbye to your demon hunter then.
That's fine.
>Say goodbye to to hairstyles.
Also fine.
>Say goodbye to to pallies on certain factions.
>Say goodbye to to about 3/4 of your current profession recipes.
Still plenty of recipes in Vanilla.
>Say goodbye to to all you flight mounts and flying at all. Say goodbye to to all your pets. All of them.
Than god. Especially the removal of flying. I have always hated flying.
>Say goodbye to a huge slew of flightpoints.
That's going to be disappointing, for sure, but not a deal breaker.
>Say goodbye to to 15 hearthstones.
Mage master race.
>Say goodbye to to AOE looting. ( do you really want to go back to looting one body at a time?).
You rarely kill groups in Vanilla anyway.
>Say goodbye to to transmog. All of it.
I'm not looking forward to clown outfits being the standard again, but I recognize the importance of showing off hard-earned gear.
>Say goodbye to to LFR / LFD / CRZ / realm transfers/ faction transfers.
Typing "LFG 1 DPS DM" for 40 minutes is gonna be lame, but it's hardly the core of the game.
>Say goodbye to most of your classes.
Still plenty left, and those that are are fairly recognizable.
>No Pandaren. No worgen. No goblins. NO DK. No DH.
Sounds good to me.

In all actuality, there are some QoL I'm going to miss, but none of it is a deal breaker at this point.


Ascended shit tier confirmed for best pvpers.

Also what about a simple gamertag that i've been using since i was 12

Seems fun.

I want the worst possible combination.

Are you samefagging, or just retarded enough to take the first piece of bait you see? Dumb faggot.

r u ok

>Also what about a simple gamertag that i've been using since i was 12
I assume that fits under Beyond Shit Tier

anyone who has played NA retail lately, are the chinks infesting your sever as well?
they're fucking everywhere on Illidan and I fear they're going to do the same thing in classic as well

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Roll for a friend

>My choice

Well, I don't really care for Undead, but I could do worse in general.

>tfw I'm going to tell every Druid healer to fuck off for 5 mans

Can't heal for shit as non-resto, can't resurrect when stupid people do stupid shit even as Resto, only "good" for raids and don't even become decent on their own until full T2.

Either go Bear and Swipe / Thorns AoE aggro everything or go away.

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>Holy human pally
Pretty faggy but not as awful as I was going for

They will get their own realms to shit up.

You seem mad.

Every Classic thread should be a "Retailcucks seething" edition

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healers are fine 5-man healers, the problem is a lot of them can't possibly have 2 sets of gear to heal better. you're right about the res though.

My little brother hates vanilla just because there are no goblins nor quest markers, but he liked everything else about it.

why should we worry about that when we can get comfy as we get ready to head home?

Nah it's not randomxd, its a prefix and my name. i'm the limp dick of online gamertags.

>healers are fine 5-man healers

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Does blizzard ban for ninja looting and ganking now? I havent played since tbc and really want to go back but the retarded onions community that congregates in blizzard games now kind of worries me.

>that pic

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Friends are rolling Horde aka refugees welcome-faction
>Green space niggers
>Smelly undead(still best choice)
>Furries(haha cows lol amirite guise?!)

I just wanted to play a WHITE HUMAN MALE, not some "misunderstood" no-shoes dindu edgelords. Fuck sake.

If I had to guess, it would go in-between shit and beyond shit.



You sound like an edge lord to me

You are not getting an invite to my guild if your name has any untypable special character shit in it like Séphiroth

If your name is taken, come up with something else

I'm not mentally ill, and i'm not 12 either. I want to smite niggers, and belf trannies when TBC Classic comes out. Fuck you space nigger, go back to the nigger moon and eat mudcakes homo.

Calm down.

Attached: EdgySynth.jpg (522x350, 31K)

>Does blizzard ban for ninja looting and ganking now?
no, don't be that guy, user.
It's one thing to worry about rampant SJW shit in your video games, perfectly acceptable to vote with your wallet when that garbage alarms or bugs you too much. But it's something else entirely to make up illlogical situations that make no sense at all and then attribute them to your diversity hire related boogieman.
Unless you're calling people nigger over and over while you do it, you can gank and ninja loot all you want. The ninja looting isn't really advised if you want to make friends and keep them, but up to you. There are zero instances of someone being banned for a gank or for ninja looting.

Keep yer feet on the ground

Tell your friends to fuck off and roll your white human chad.

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there was a resto druid in my guild who had gear for everything, we'd invite him to groups and he just did whatever he wanted

>You are not getting an invite to my guild

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but lorewise the Horde are racist right-wing extremists (And That Is A Good Thing). They are all about honor and defending their nations by genociding foreign races.

did you just called a tauren furry? I'm shacking right now i can't believe it

Fuck yeah.

I had a druid back during Vanilla, but was casual as fuck. Are they not good Healers for 5-man and raid?

I remember doing ok was as annoying prick in BGs.

Holy fuck is it this easy to get (you)s in Classic threads?
I should be posting more copypastas then.

>making your name impossible to type

you're dumb

>Those three first sentences
Is your brain okay, user?

End up as some other guild's problem, which is exactly my plan

well thats spooky, cause I'm playing a gnome destro lock on chink dale this very moment....da fuk

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We still dont have a fuckin release date, huh?

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I'm only playing alliance because of paladins desu.

rollan feef

Druid healers aren't fine for 5 mans user.

They suck shit by default and you have to rely on the entire party to not be retarded AND the Druid needs to be doubly relied on to be good so nobody dies on their watch. I can't even trust people to dismiss pets for fucking jumps, having a Druid healer around is like purposefully doubling the potential chance of party failure.

Druid healers can fuck off until TBClassic when you'll more likely have a Paladin, Priest, Tankadin, or Shaman in party to pick up their class's dumbass design flaw slack.

Attached: Paladin.jpg (600x750, 93K)

It's probably really bad, like after blizzcon, so they're going to drag their feet for as long as possible before announcing it in hopes to lower backlash.


I can't decide between warlock and mage so I hope this picks one of those

rollingas mon

according to two dudes i know that have been right before, the current goal is closed beta in 2-3 weeks.
release is still this summer as per a confirmation blue post.
Obvious grain of salt as beta in 3 weeks isn't exactly a stretch but that is what the e-celeb discords are saying as well.

they're fine, very good numbers


>tfw when game released when I was 12
>tfw first games I played and really enjoyed were Warcraft II, III and starcraft
>tfw super excited for WoW but had no idea how to play it
>tfw still salty no warcraft IV
I leveled a troll hunter solo, never really doing any quests, instead grinding mobs. I think I got to level 20 and it took FOREVER. Mostly I just explored the continents, trying to find places from the RTS games.
I'm excited to go back through content that I remember hearing about but never participating in. I didn't play the game again until WoTLK came out.

looks like July 16th theory is more and more likely

what the fuck does summer mean tho? we talking july or august?

>Orc female Hunter
>Undead female Mage
Which one?

Is there anything more chad than an orc rogue?


druid makes up for its mediocrity with thorns/motw and drinking time


You are not getting an invite to my raid if your
>Nelf priest
>Non-human warrior
>A hybrid dps
>Not full pre-raid BIS
>Non-gome warlock/mage
>Dont have an epic mount
>Non-human rogue
>Nelf hunter (male)

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I didn't want to spend all night wiping anyway LOL

Have sex.

making a female character with a male name like 'Jeff' or 'Brad'

>not playing ultimate boomer human mage
kick rocks scrub

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you won't make it to raids old man.

>Losing out on 2.3% crit from gnome racial

Have fun never getting past Lucifron with your raid full of sub optimal specs

>Not getting the best mage racial in the game

No it doesn't.

>Oh sorry dumbass rouge who ate boss mechanic and died, you'll need to do that 7 minute run to get back to where we are!

You will lose more time bringing a Druid Healer in a dungeon 19/20 times. More importantly, if you want fucking speed, you'll just take a Shaman for Windfury totem.

They either tank the 5man or fuck off. Hell I'd take a Cat DPS over a Druid healer.

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All the minmaxing in the world wont make me play one of these little shits, zoomy

With bait this good you'll be the next Nat Pagle


your loss

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>alright everyone mount up and head to the instance
>i think we all have epic mounts oh nevermind user doesn't hehe

100% certain this is an ironic shitpost to encourage more classic play

>i just don't want to be banned for "toxicity"
I don't blame you, but you wont get that for pvp, ganking, etc.
You'd get it for racial slurs. And even then you'd eat a suspension first. They don't always adhere to the same pyramid of sanctions they way they used to but it's pretty close. Bans aren't something they can toss out easily and most bans that people whine about have some important info left out of the story.

i already know what i'll play, but roll regardless

If femgnomes actually looked like that, I'd consider playing them.

All of that is shit execept Aoe loot

>His parents didn't buy him gold to get his epic mount

I'm told dumb to understand this


Do you actually think classic needs to be min/max and optimized? Raids are going to be a breeze with just about any group that has some competent people from retail. Classic is for community and fun. Don't think your autism is going to do anything for raiding until naxx.

Is this accurate for classic?

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>orc warlock
>SL spec
I am going to be such a naughty unkillable boy and nobody can stop me, don't even try stunning me either

roll KEK

yeeeah, fuck off with that retailcuck nest

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Frost gnome mage


>retail thread

Based and dwarfpilled
>older brother goes dwarf paladin
>I go Dwarf warrior
>younger brother goes Dwarf Rogue
We're all over 185cm irl

>stealing a streamer's name on the server they were going to play on
Oh! I wanna do this!
What are the names of some faggy streamers?

>i only party with nobodies
good 2 know u have no friends lmao loser

You are breaking Yea Forums rules with these threads that are obviously in General format. /vg/ was created for this exact reason. To keep ongoing threads off of Yea Forums.

>second reply mentions non-vanilla content
>third reply is blogposting
really selling it my man

you have clearly not spent time in the general discussion forum, it's full of ultra casual shiteaters who bitch about everything

I don't think they're quite as miserable as you make them out to be but yes, they do need someone else in the party as extra insurance.


Seething Sekiro/Nintendo/MK11 cuck

I vividly remember during 2005 vanilla my friend who rolled a fem gnome mage telling me in whispers that he was extremely jealous of my fem human mage because all the gear looked great on me while it looked like shit on him. He told me straight up that the small int bonus was NOT worth it and that he sincerely regretted rolling gnome and would have chosen human if he did it all over again.

That is seared into my memory and I will certainly not make his mistake.

Dumb pserver baby
Real classic will be hard as fuck since minus armor will have diminishing returns and boss spell resists will be fixed.

Every fucking day a thread about this and we dont even know the date of release, calm yourselves faggots

>losing out on 2 whole item slots

Be sure to send Feedback to Yea Forums Moderation about stuff like this. The more people that draw attention to this shit belonging in /vg/, the faster they will act.
Yea Forums.org/feedback

wow, you're right. Classic is gonna be so good without all those things. Thanks man

>ascended final destination elder god tier

mm baby keep going im almost there mmmf

Were not a general retards.
The last classic thread was yesterday

darn another /pol/ shitposting thread got knocked off of Yea Forums
what ever will we do

What about purely functional names. "Farmherbs" "Restodruid" "Tradingalt"

You're right, we need more smash/persona/DMC/RoR/Touhou/consolewar/wojakposting/trannyposting threads!

wang me in the scrotum chief cuz imma gonna roll it

Yeah, you are. You've been a general for over a month. The only thing you're missing is a copy/paste OP. Don't act retarded.

Orc females are underrated, and I don't mean for fap bait. I legitimately think they're neat.

not a defense for violating Yea Forums policy against chain threads.

holy seethe, go make another low effort bait thread to try and bump us off autismos

I know you bfacucks feel lonely, if you buy me a token during classic i'll personally come check your mount and cheevo collection - only 5 minutes tho, i'm a busy man and those allitrannies at stv won't gank themselves

Hunter so you can meme about in marudon or dire maul and earn easy gold

So what tier would by lore friendly name, which i later found out to also be an ingame NPC be?

imagine willingly visiting /vg/

go shit up those threads with your complaints then, we'll stay here and get comfy

To be fair, once a release date is confirmed, home threads should probably go to /vg/


Fuck off, backseat janitor retard

Why haven't you become part of the 40% yet?

Why you newfags give a shit is beyond me
Enjoy the (you)s.

Scarlet Monastery was kino

Shammy or pally, which is stronger in pvp and more desireable in pve? I wanna be a special snowflake


Attached: lets stretch her legs.jpg (1280x720, 126K)

What makes classic WoW so much better?

Wow is for white men

Thanks guys

>non-human rogue
combat daggers is a viable spec too you know

I was younger when i played it.

I want a warrior desu

Pally is a huge pain in the ass in PvP. Shammy and Pally both have a couple of nice buffs that raids want, so you'll get a spot but it won't be that fun

More challenge, and the rewards feel more rewarding as a result.

I just found out Ner'zhul is an orc nigger in ice.

>mfw undead are bitches of some orc

This is why Warcraft lore is shit.


No were not retard, you can have daily threads about a video game if they aren't up 24/7.
There's a reason they make half competent people who know the rules jannies and not retards like you.

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Reminder that the only correct races to play if you are a straight, white, christian male are human and dwarf.

I never played WoW. Should I play the classic version?

lets do this my man

Wow, look at this lorelet.

Attached: GetALoadOfThisGuy.jpg (240x260, 23K)

>he didn't know this already
fuck off wrath baby

hey dumb fucking nigger i've got an idea how about you go back to niggerland aka reddit

Falls off really hard by the time you get to AQ/Naxx

absolutely, the player experience will be so much better than the jumbled mess that is modern wow levelling

Is Human rogue the best race on Alliance?

Do Saxon sounding names work for Tauren?
I mean tauren are supposed to be native americans but magatha, cairne, and baine are all vaguely saxon sounding.

Would hardline saxon sounding fantasy names like Raedwald, Beothoc, or Osward work for Tauren?

Rogues aren't a race

For PvE. For PvP it's dorf or nelf.

Just be urself

>When you've played a Druid to 60 and know what you're talking about and some non-druid tells you you're wrong

I'm discriminating against Druid healer from literal experience.

Fuck those niggers in 5mans, only good for Tanking and meme DPS.

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Based. You'll have to play as a male though

Combat daggers is the best DPS spec until post BWL.

racists literally denying the existence of my people just because they don't see us in everyday life smdh

>Would hardline saxon sounding fantasy names like Raedwald, Beothoc, or Osward work for Tauren?
I don't think so

will i get banned if i roll the most niggerish skin tone of human with a stereotypical african name?

I don't think so, too human (english) sounding

Yeah well I'm doing it anyway so there!

No they should have ameri-indian names, or shit like Cairne, or Kateshoof.

Did smurfing exist in vanilla? I remember at one point in WoW I had a level 19 rogue with fairly good gear albeit not the bis expensive stuff and it was pretty fun how you could effortlessly gank and kill people way higher than you.

yes, and it's called twinking ya doofus

I am making a bald, black, human rogue and calling him Johj or something.

i've healed almost everything as boomkin, you should not be having issues in 5 mans

Were their flying mounts in Vanilla?

If it's a fake name like "N'uggr Umbomo" then yeah you'll get banned

cant wait for the good times again frens

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What would the point be, though?

it only falls off a little in naxx, and even then it still does more than enough dps

19/29 brackets are very popular

Naming yourself "holycow" would be more fitting desu

Shit you are right, I hadn't heard about this in years.


I'm gay

who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick :

- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city





No. If you use racial slurs in the name then yes, but if you just name your rogue Mbwenugndlwe then that'd work.
... you might get pinged for nonsense names though.

Is the classic version available now?

If you want to be swords rogue yes, for pvp dwarf + gnome are superior though

When is classic coming out?

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Yes, but you violate Blizzard's IP rights to obtain it, so a bit risky.

>using fun as an excuse for doing something
You can change your tastes and learn to enjoy different things, so fun is not an excuse for doing things!

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I've been waiting for this, thank you.

92.7% 2019, 36.2% in the summer.


>You can change your tastes and learn to enjoy different things, so fun is not an excuse for doing things!
w h a t

What the everloving fuck of a point are you trying to make?

Summer is all we officially know.
The july 16th date still looks doable, as rumors are that beta is soon and won't be a long one.
But it's important to know that all we truly have confirmed is summer (and that has been reconfirmed), so whether that means june or the last technical summer day in September, we do not know.

If you've got a guild group sure. If you're lucky and the party isn't retarded sure.

Do you know who will be trying to do Classic? Retailers. Even the PServer people are shitters so can you even imagine the hellscape Classic will be? We're talking about mother fuckers who don't know how to ranged pull and then LoS ranged mobs or about the 5 second regen rule.

Druid Healer is going to be a bad show.

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Something being fun is not a valid reason for enjoying it.

How is this game compared to Guild Wars 2? That’s the only mmo I played for a good length of time.

seemed obvious to me as well kek

much better

Has anyone of you guys farmed Thorium Brotherhood rep in vailla? How long did it take without using the ah other than buying dark iron?

This is like going into a hospital ward, handing someone the cure for cancer, and saying "oh man say goodbye to that life threatening disease and being bed ridden, you chump"

Seeing as ripping of your nails is a better time than playing gw2, you will most likely enjoy it.

I haven't played Guild Wars 2 so I can't really say.
There isn't any spontaneous randomly generating quests and you don't get put into groups with other players without your permission.
You also PROBABLY won't be banned from the game for buying items from a vendor.


It's going to be interesting seeing Retail tanks trying to tank in Classic and thinking they can just Leeroy Jenkins their way through mobs.

There's going to be a lot of people unaware that CC in dungeons was extremely important in Classic and TBC, and still fairly important through WotLK and Cata.

Saying something is fun is a description of it being enjoyable. The question was "what's the point" and the answer given was "fun". Therefore, people do it because they enjoy it. The follow-up question should be "why", not "stop using the word fun reeeeEEEEEE".


>How is this game compared to Guild Wars 2?

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>cc important in wrath
nope, what?
>cc important in cata
maybe the first month of cata

>press Presence of Mind
>press Arcane Power
>press Pyroblast
>it barely makes a dent in the chad warrior's health
>he is now aware of you

What does the virgin mage do in this position?

2days to honored (realtime, not ingame /played), probably 3 weeks to exalted if you literally do nothing but haul ass around Searing Gorge hoovering up dark iron veins.
You need to spend a few hours farming up Heavy Leather and Incendosaur scales, then do 5 BRD runs to hit honored.

when are they releasing this piece of shit?

At least it was until Arthas fucked it all up...

At least it was before I bugged the abominations up

Almost like two different genres. If you're interested, I would say check out a private server. If you really like GW2, vanilla wow might not click with you.

Something being enjoyable is not an excuse for enjoying it, because you can learn to enjoy different (and better) things.
Cmon son.

lift his dress and present his boy pussy to his chad

Great. I need that in my life right now

Gnomeregan. That was easy.

My only regret is that I won't be able to play a gnome girl healer, even if it's a spit in the face of the lore.

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wwhens classic

I'll miss my goblin girl but Classic is more important to me.

>If you really like GW2

Couldn't agree more. If you have shit taste, you will never enjoy good things.

You can be a healer that works by preventing damage rather than repairing it.
And you prevent damage by killing the source.

Who are you to judge that activity A provides inferior enjoyment to activity B?


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Why would you open with PoM on a Warrior? You are supposed to whittle them down to 30% before finishing because Warriors are such ezmodo with infinite interruption utility and some cuck healer could just come by and start sniffing their asshole.

Wailing Cavers

You can polymorph heal your enemies

I can't do it bros I can't stomach The Balance of Light and Shadow again those stupid fucking peasants I can't do that to myself again those stupid fucking peasants what are they even doing in the cave how do they even all fit in the cave bros I'm literally shaking thinking about Eris's 2 hour respawn timer fuck the cleaner and fuck the peasants I just wanted to heal people and have a nice staff

>there will be RP servers
>there won't be RP-pvp servers
Why? That's the point? It's world of WARcraft, this is not immersive at all.

Just have someone else do the quest for you like half the fucking shit priests do.

Depends on the thing. You can't develop a general rule for what's the superior/inferior enjoyment and in that case it's only your word against someone else's.
But sometimes an enjoyment is objectively bad. Like a 3dpd girlfriend, or 20tickrate matchmaking-only services, or saying level 19 for something that you'd be much better at when you're level 60. In those cases you're willingly tolerating an inferior service because it's "fun". don't do that.
Get a waifu, a game with user-hosted servers and a server browser, or level up.

my personal experience healing on a druid was great, with healing on a shaman being the most painful, in shitty 5 mans at least, though druids are OP in 5 mans in general, like you can just bomb a crappy tank with obscene healing for like 10 minutes straight easily

Solid healing and tank option but hunter come on

Just played on a pserver, every quest i've been on so far required me to stand in line, or camp mob spawns with 20 other people. I wasted hours on that shit.

>Just played on a pserver

theres your problem

Those are fucking shit kys

40% of them will

I was in that thread. I remember it.

>he does it for free

What would be the difference on classic, without changing the topic?

This is a troll right

So it's not really me acting as a judge. It's more the activity in question being inferior or superior, and me being one of many people who could make you aware of the consistent reality underlying your tastes.
For example, if you try to user-customise the 3dpd, or perform basic maintenence on the 3dpd's personality, you'll get arrested for kidnapping. You probably don't want that. While it'd be good if that wasn't the case, the unfortunate reality is that laws exist and people with more guns than you will try to enforce them, and you just have to put up with it until an opportunity arises where you can fight and take back your right to properly domesticate your 3dpd and turn her into a 3d waifu.
The 20tickrate matchmaking service is shit because firstly the up to 50ms delay on the game's internal state engine means that hit detection is unreliable and movement is not smooth, so your experience is more random and less predictable, bad for a high skill ceiling.
Matchmaking is cancer because you can't deliberately search for people with similar gaming attitudes to yourself, and must instead put up with everyone, including whatever group(s) of people you view as a bad influence.
Staying level 19...
I don't actually have an argument as to why that's bad so staying level 19 is probably a-ok.
But still, be vigilant!

it would be awesome if everybody like that did as you say user, so the rest of us can easily detect your boring fat asses

i want to fuck your mother

>I don't actually have an argument as to why that's bad so staying level 19 is probably a-ok.
Okay glad we cleared this up

I tried very hard to find quality RP-PvP. The sad truth is that the vast majority of people interested in RP are shit at PvP and the vast majority of people interested in PvP are shit at RP. And to top it all off, the vast majority of people interested in RP are shit at RP. So there is no type of role playing experience that is good outside of a small group of personal nerd friends who are seeking to use WoW as their medium instead of a TTRPG.
Role playing also doesn't jive well with PvP that is actually effective because real PvP is full of all sorts of weird scum shit like engineering.

pservers have realistic server populations of around 10k-15k.
classic has destitute, barren, sparse and empty populations of only 3k.
There are less people to get in your way if you want to do something alone.
And also less people if you want to co-operate to group up.

It will never be home for me. Neither classic, nor the far inferior retail. For me home is RTS.

It'd more likely be undead because of WotF

3k is perfectly fine. It was fine back in real vanilla.

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Human is the best for pve, the difference is very small though since rogues has 5 weapon skill from talents, I calculated it assuming 60% white damage a while back and the difference is 2.4% damage difference between human and non-human on alliance, and with maladath it's 1.4% damage difference, so it's not a very big deal unless you minmaxing meters.

For pvp I'd recommend dwarf or gnome though, perception is underrated for rogues but stoneform and escape artist is godlike for rogues

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>doing The Den quest
>hunter's mark and ice bolt sounds

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this, that's a healthy server population. nobody wants nost/lights hope population on the server

>that guy in your school that tricked people he was a girl irl during vanilla is a tranny now
>all the other guys are productive members of society
Many such stories. Sad!

I'd also like a smaller server, it's so fun to know everybody on the server and not have a clusterfuck with people

>nobody wants nost/lights hope population on the server
I do.
STV on chink's hope is fuckin top tier.

Rolling for curiosity.

That actually makes me pretty happy to hear, though Vanilla could feel a bit lonely. I'd be fine if they doubled the number. Lightshope was just a fuckfest though, hordes of retards waiting for mob spawns 24 hours of the day.

We had organized campaigns against other (serious)rp-guilds in full rp-gear during wotlk. It wasn't ballanced, but you couldn't say who was going to win beforehand. I've found that the racial guilds will be the best when it comes to being serious rp-ers

I've gotten warlock 3 times now

Listen kid, I played vanilla back in 2004. It was fine. Never had an issue finding a group or whatever. Never too many idiots camping something. Was just right desu

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I did too, on Proudmoore-US.
Allegedly high pop server.
Less than 400 people in a capital city at any time
10man groups could take up to 30 fucking minutes to form. Fuck that shit.

>30 fucking minutes to form

You're not sitting in a queue and staring at loading screen retard, it's an MMO. You're supposed to be out doing shit while you form your groups. Or better yet, join a fucking guild you friendless virgin.

Yeah, you could join a capital city's chat channels from outside the city in those times and it was pretty good.
But still, I'd prefer more players.
And what fucking guild did you join that could instantly boot up a 10man? Shit, what guilds even -schedule- 10mans? Cmon son.

>classic comes out
>everyone and their nan logs in at launch
>all the retails trannies are logging in to see what the big fuss is about
>servers shit themselves à la blizzard
>they announce they'll put in sharding just to manage this initial load on the server
>few weeks later and all the retail trannies have left after they didn't get an achievement for reaching level 10
>only the people who actually wanted classic are left
>they don't get rid of sharding
>sharding on 3-2k pop servers
>you never see another player again

This is the future. You know this to be true.

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good bop axes for pre-raid orc warriors? all i'm seeing are boe epics that's gonna cost a fortune

>tfw a discord tranny/titty streamer deletes her account due to massive ganking from Yea Forums

I mean, if you had a server pop of 10k instead of 3k
instead of PuG UBRS
You now have PuG AQ20.
Fuck yeah gimme PuG AQ20.
Though with a server cap of 10k, you probably COULD get guilds large enough to just instantly form an UBRS or schedule a B team AQ20 (because make no mistake I am not A team), and I'd be down for that as well.

>yfw all the retailfags stay because vanilla is an objectively superior game


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:( I'm sorry

Ally lock is still insane
You're not supposed to rely on fear, warlocks have a gajillion other tricks and ccs
Don't worry warlocks are super strong (and if you spec sl/sb you are unkillable)

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I miss the global LFG chat channel

I know it got removed before 1.12 so it probably won't be in but it was great for finding groups and made the community feel like it existed.

Classic will succeed because it gives you reasons to play, whereas for retail, you have to think of reasons to log on.



>nost babies are unable to find groups unless 6k+Chinese are on the server
stay on your containment servers

All of the contrarian neckbeards acting like modern wow has better qol than classic. We wont miss the fedora tipping incels playing classic.

Why bother updating the game when the classic version is better?

LFG in a city or better yet in the zone the dungeon is in so you're directly communicating with the players who would want to do that dungeon

Back in vanilla, didn't every zone have its own LookingforGroup, for example LookingForGroup - Ironforge?
Or have I gone full Mandela effect?
I could've swore most LFG was done in LookingForGroup - Ironforge rather than a global channel.

>Back in vanilla, didn't every zone have its own LookingforGroup, for example LookingForGroup - Ironforge?
No, it was done in the global LFG channel, or trade.

>Back in vanilla, didn't every zone have its own LookingforGroup, for example LookingForGroup - Ironforge?
They did.

Nah it was global

I liked having it on cause sometimes you'd see someone recruiting for groups and go "Oh huh I could run that" while you were out questing.

I don't remember but i remember needing to have someone go to org to spam trade chat if our healer left or something

Naxx. Don’t judge

Can't they playerbase create a channel for lfg? It just has to become well known that it exists.

Oh right, trade chat. I remember that.
I guess my memory isn't reliable. My bad.

rollin for them digits

As a tank, you've got Annihilator and Serathil. If you get both, you can also go DW Fury and operate as an off-tank, because both of them are stupid-fast and generate rage like nobody's business. If you want to go 2H, the best PvP weapons until you get better stuff are The Nicker and, the best, Arcanite Reaper. For PvE stuff, if you find a way to run an MS build in raids, then you'll want Treant's Bane or Brain Hacker, which are very difficult to come by, relatively speaking.

yes, tho there was a cap on how many people could be in custom channels. I don't remember the cap or if its even relevant.
plus you'd have someone become mod and set a password or kick people or whatever the fuck

rolling for that sweet sweet class

>tooth of eranikus
nice, much appreciated

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>those 4 dragon pulls near the end with no CC

RIP my mana pool

And yet its far more mechanically complex than vanilla.

>OP and all of these other cucks actually continue supporting Activision-Blizzard just because of their nostalgia

I don't use this term often. But ya'll are a bunch of cuckolds. Legitimate, refined cuckolds.

delayed gratification

Hey, I just read the patch notes.
It WAS zone-specific!
In 1.9 the city LookingForGroups were linked and in 1.11 it became global, but for most of Classic, the LookingForGroup channel was zone specific.

related to this, im sure there will be some sort of addon that becomes widespread to facilitate group-making. Not anything automatic, more in tune with addons like call to arms that vanilla private servers use - which merely copy/pastes all lfg/lfm posts in world/global.
Honestly, finding groups shouldn't be a huge concern. We still dont know server caps but it wasn't a big issue on 2.5k cap servers back in retail vanilla, it shouldn't be now. If anything, especially early, groups should be rampant.
Much of the time when people whine about how obnoxious groups were "back in vanilla" they were playing a dps class like rogue that wasn't necessarily needed and would often be selectively ignored by tanks due to drops, or they had other social issues that 15 years later they still haven't gained self reflection upon.
It did take longer for sure since no global chat and using custom channels wasn't widespread. The complaints may be a perspective issue more than anything else.

Why do people like playing warrior in classic?

Is it because they are the best tank?
Is it because people claim they have highest dps?

I know oQueue has a vanilla port called vQueue. That'll get some use.

Something called twinking exist where you play a lvl 19 or 29 or whatever and kill people in the 10-19 or 20-29 bg brackets
Imo it's so much more fun to pvp at 60 but some people seem to enjoy it

I was banned the last time I saw this post but would like to play a gnome lock. I guess we find out now

That and the genuinely helpful, friendly and all-round playful community it had in the early days until everything became a grind.

That's right, i've used that one too. Was trying to recall the other that wasn't call to arms.
Same difference, really, and you're right. Or at least a port of it will get use as no current pserver addons will work in classic. We'll have to wait for new ones during beta or whatever but they'll happen for sure.


ST is fucking ass if you have an unexperienced party. Somebody will get lost, the hakkar boss will be fucked up etc etc

Warriors are the best tank and are the best dps (at least in mc and bwl which are the most common raids)
It's the only class that can fill two roles at the highest level (many classes can do several things but they are only good at one of them)
The reason people roll them I believe is probably because they are the "standard" class and are popular because of it
But who knows

>friendly and all-round playful community it had in the early days
And this is exactly why people are calling it nothing but nostalgia. This type of community is not magically going to exist again today. It will be the same shit we have in every other game.

Is there a viable way of skipping this PTSD-inducing hellhole?

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I won't have the time to raid, so naturally I will pick an orc hunter for funsy fun times in the STV and ez lvling, shitting on EVERY rogue with cancer sting.

Friendly reminder that if you play Alliance then you will get the big gay

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Questing in desolace and arathi supplemented by a lot of grinding. The grinding honestly won’t be too bad since you’ll need money for your level 40 mount soon anyway.

Maybe. Maybe not. Depends on whether the slower pace and forced delayed gratification will be enough to chase away the people who seek to ruin fun for others when they get bored for 5 seconds and aren't the center of attention constantly.
I still have my hopes that I can level a druid nelf in old Teldrassil and enjoy the comfy Darkshore and Ashenvale music for a weekend or two.

Go to Desolace>Feralas instead.

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Who fucking knows and everyone has their own experience, but even on a server like northdale i had majority positive experiences interacting with people and even making new friends.
I won't assume anything since it always fucking depends, but that was my experience at least.
yes but you're going to be missing out on a ton of great xp as well as some decent quest rewards depending on your class.
Desolace is probably the best pure alternative and has some really comfy grinding with decent vendor trash.

I heard most elite players join the evil side. Is this true?

Best race for shaman?

Thousand Needles, Hillsbrad Foothills, Desolace, Alterac Mountains, Dustwallow Marsh, The Badlands, Swamp of Sorrows, Tanaris, and Feralas don't magically not-exist, retard.

1k needles/desolace/feralas/dustwallow/badlands/arathi and a few inbetween dungeons, there are plenty of alternatives from 30-45

Alternatively, just get grouped up

I like oQueue because it's MUCH less of a piece of shit than the matchmaking finder. It's convenient and you can at least check if people you invite/join have basic brain functions.
I'd probably use vQueue. My main (and only, really) complaint about the dungeon finder tool is that you have no fucking way of telling it "please ffs give me people with basic brain functions who will at least -pretend- like they're trying to play the game well"

They're all fine.
pve troll is best but it's near irrelevant increase in output
pvp orc stun resist is huge, tauren warstomp is good also
You can pretty safely pick whatever you prefer.

for alliance it's easily skippable, i only ever do the kurzen quest chain up north because the rest of the zone is too hot, for horde it was much worse and i had to grind a bunch of feralas gnolls and hinterlands turtles

>watching people who are bad by todays standards to get good
lol classic fags truly are the worst at WoW.

Tauren is objectively the best, because shaman do not have any form of CC, yet tauren provides War Stomp.

Gotta go Alliance for quality ERP in Goldshire, tho. You know all the trannies will be playing nelfs now that Blood elves are out.

nut up, make some friends, and slog through it.
I did it as a dwarf priest with 2 other dwarf priests mindflaying any dumb greenskinz that messed with us to death

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pve troll
pvp tauren or orc

Arathi Highlands, Desolace, Badlands, Gnomeregan or RFK.

>3 races can pick Shaman
>2 races can pick Paladin
What did Blizzard mean by this? Are gnomes a mistake?

>What did Blizzard mean by this? Are gnomes a mistake?
Horde was a mistake

And boring.

>Are gnomes a mistake?
You shut your whore mouth. Never had as much fun in any mmorpg as I did with my gnome lock pre-wotlk.

Post yfw retailfags get to level 20 and complain about not getting a mount

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What are the main differences between the classic edition and the current version?

>tfw prot warrior 4 life
>tfw not going to invite a SINGLE dirty fucking fury warrior or rogue into any of my dungeon groups
>and especially not while I’m farming BRD emp runs for Ironfoe
The angry whispers will be GLORIOUS

Gnomes also fulfill oppai loli fetishes.

well classic is called CLASSIC because it stands the test of time. the other isn't.

>tfw ghost wolfing past suckers
Heh, nothing personell, kid

Everything, user. Literally everything.

They're whole different games

>retailfags complaining it takes too long to level
>pserverfags complaining classic doesn't have their private server jank
>occasionally coming across a guildie from 15 years ago
yeah, I'm thinking we're home

Nostalrius had it, fool

>vanilla ice bolt ice bolt ice bolt
>retail ice bolt proc ice bolt ice bolt proc

>wanting to skip the most based and atmospheric jungle + the absolute best hub (booty bay) in the game because babby doesn't want pvp

On a related note
>mfw I -finally- made it to 40 and got my felsteed after two buds helping me through the quest
Seriously, the small group social gameplay and the well-spaced rewards after some effort but not boring grind was top tier comfy gaming.
I still remember doing my succubus and felhound quests with a buddy too.
I miss that so much.

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Classic will start on 1.12 and it will be shit because of it.

Imagine Diablo 2. Now compare it to Diablo 3.


dude nerzhul is dead. he's as much of an "orc" as all those rotting shits wandering around the plaguelands are "human".

It's like the pink-haired twin-tail hairdo was a fucking uniform for erp for a while.

1.12 is the best version of classic wow
The early versions was garbage

Why would you be prot if fury is the better tank?

Classic is a re-creation of pre-xpac WoW (so before tbc and the other expansions) using the final patch as it's bedrock, with progressive content release semi-similar to the official retro EQ servers.
The number of substantial differences between classic/vanilla and BFA would take up pages, but the gist would be that vanilla is a slower paced more old-style themepark mmorpg with an emphasis on social interactions and longer term commitments.

>LF healer and tank HoJ res
>shift click name
>lvl 60 warrior from no-name guild

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Post your face when Stranglethorn Vale is literally Vietname both in game and IRL.

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For threat yes
For mitigation no

You did get your tier 0.5 set, right user?

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Quests can be difficult
Grouping is often necessary to complete a quest chain
Need to form groups by whispering people and asking them for invites
Aggro management is an issue
Classes are different, often have lots of different utility abilities.
Less furries and futa erpers (but still some)

Attached: ptsd.gif (256x195, 2.86M)

No it was a pain. Much easier to get my t2 and 2.5.

What order should I take talents when levelling as a a resto/ele shaman? I've seen recommendations for a 30/0/21 build but I don't know what I should aim for first.

>being a white human male is now edgy

>join some guilds ubrs farming as off tank
>pretty much my only job is pointing drakkisath away and getting barfed on
>get both dal'rends and a bunch of other shit
why do roguecucks say getting them is hard?

>classic easily overtakes retail in popularity
>retail is left with a skeleton crew
>all the assmad retail trannies making characters on classic just to spam trade chat with negativity
>eventually the plug will be pulled on retail, resulting in thousands of retail trannies with nowhere to go
I can’t wait. Watching retailfags implode with jealousy and delusion will be just as fun as playing classic.

>You weren't THERE, man. We had to collect ALL the pages!

If you are farming ironfoe it's pretty expected to reserve it anyway and master loot emperor
This is not weird and if you get angry whispers for this then people are fucking stupid

hit me

>not having at least full tier 2 by the time 0.5 comes out
Shitter detected

Damn I was at phu quoc 1y ago, didn't know that was zandalar isle irl
Should have brought bijous

Would have been a great addition if added earlier

>[X] Doubt
Glorious as that would be, it wouldn't surprise me if we got some of the later QoL changes and UI tweaks that came later on (which would be fucking awesome).

>Would have been a great addition if added earlier
Lets hope they add it before MC comes out.

>ZG lines up with saigon/ho chi minh city

man they were really thorough

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Won't they just jump over to final fantasy tho?

How does druids heal in vanilla? Is it just downranked healing touch spam?

pserver babies are in for a surprise since IF is even rarer of a drop and its proc is far shittier than pservers have it
some /wpsg/ dork literally tanked 100+ runs for it to give it to some anime avatar discord "gurl" with a broken microphone

t0,5 and r14 weapons? nice
Leveling as resto will just be slower, isn't enha best for leveling anyway? I guess ele could work if you are 2+ ppl

user are you fucking retarded?

>user are you fucking retarded?
What would be wrong with that?

>implying niggers aren't racist

sure but you dont even need to heal in 40 mans just dick around and innervate the priest

Hit me up senpai

>pserver babies are in for a surprise since IF is even rarer of a drop and its proc is far shittier than pservers have it
How do you know?

What would be the point of MC if you could get better gear outside it?

>Leveling as resto will just be slower, isn't enha best for leveling anyway? I guess ele could work if you are 2+ ppl
Yeah, the idea would be to level with someone and focus more on ele so I'm not useless on my own. Just wondering if I should go all the way down ele first before putting points into resto

The point of a game is to have fun. Some people enjoy the fun of raiding together. Some people enjoy autistically min/maxing what they can through solo-play.
There's room for everyone.

Not that guy but what he means is probably that blizzard said that it won't be out until the fifth patch which is post-AQ iirc
I think we all would like it earlier but it is what it is

testing luck

My ragtag group of frens couldn't get past strat in under 45 mins

You dont have to level resto and especially early it would be dumb. Still of course doable but know that you can heal in whatever spec wihle leveling, just keep int gear handy and abuse the 5 second rule.
The issue with ele is that it doesn't really get "Good" until the later tier of talents, specifically the cast time reduction and range. Still fine tho, and fishing for free casts with either r1 lightning bolt or r1 shocks is workable, and while eye of the storm /sit wont proc in classic its still a bit better than the resto tree 70% pushback talent.
If you're dead set on it, go ele tree first. NS is great but it's an end game talent, not really a leveling one (but again anything fucking works if you want it to).

I'd still suggest enhance early and switching to ele after 40 or so if that's what you want.

>I want to be able to get better gear than the hardest content on my own
Back to retail

>Clearly did not play a druid in vanilla
I pity you.

>the developers should cater to people who want to play solo in an MMO
People like you are the reason WoW is in the state it’s in right now. Fuck off.

My group of irl friends right now
>2 prot warriors (human and dwarf)
>1 mage (human)
>1 warlock (human)
>1 Holy Paladin (dwarf)
>1 Holy Priest (dwarf)
>1 Rogue (dwarf)
>1 Hunter (dwarf)
We've all played wow growing up. Most of us quit after cata.
How about you guys?

Attached: 1512408397415.png (1000x800, 340K)

Might as well just have everyone start with t3 and infinite consumables then.

they have their own realms now but they refuse to go there

Should we be leveling our professions as we level or wait til we hit max

Ah yes druids, famous for soloing molten core.

I'd say resto, ele talents are really meh for leveling, at least until you are lvl 30 and can get elemental fury and at 35-39 lightning mastery, before that they seem a little pointless (assuming you will heal a lot)
Imp healing wave, ancestral healing, imp. reincarnation and later tidal mastery is super neat for leveling

Vanilla wow did. You could solo your way to 60 if you wanted. Some quests were hard as balls unless you partied up with some randoms in which case it suddenly became easy.
That's how you do it. Give people an incentive to party and they will.

There's that "using fun as an excuse" I warned you about.

You should have leveled your common sense skill some more.

>Are gnomes a mistake?
Hard yes.

Has anyone made a horde/alliance version of the anti-chink copypasta? I think it'd be quite amusing, i'd do it myself but I don't know enough about lore etc to make it properly