>be 8yo
>mom lets you go play in your friends house
>5 hours later you come back home
>your house is on fire
>your twin brother is missing
>your mom is fucking dead
>all you have is your reality shredder giant 160cm katana your dad gave you before vanishing

What do you do?

Attached: ouch my toe.jpg (972x2048, 169K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I keep looking for my brother.

Try to kill your own twin brother for no reason.

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Raise a tower, of course, what could ever go wrong with that?

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Oh shit I forgot to watch the new episode of demon slayer.

new chapter from the mango

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wtf this isnt a classic wow thread

Should old weapons like Nevan or any old gauntlet weapon (since they have a whole different gameplay compared to Balrog) come back in DMC5?
I think they have a lot of depth to offer to the game

Attached: Agni_&_Rudra.gif (600x600, 79K)

That's not true! It's not possible. He can't be Vergil's son. PROVE IT

Attached: Dy15k5iWkAElhzH.jpg (641x1200, 52K)

Yeah. And give us a Vergil DLC. With his own moves, skills, devil arms, missions and bosses.

Easy, I'll stab myself.

Dante is such an asshole, let Vergil read his goddamn book

Vergil is the reason Nero turned out so cute

Attached: D47xUcuUEAAv19z.jpg (642x1169, 188K)

>want to make up with your brother but you're too autistic so you try to kill him instead

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Nevan should be given to Nero tbqh, dual wielding is quite an unga fighting style.

The most logical next step - acquire power.

I would try to get stronger and slay as much demons as I can and help human beings in memories of my family.
No I am joking, I would raise a tower of course

Attached: happyvergil.jpg (1707x714, 588K)

>It's DMC6
>You get to choose Dante's campaign or Vergil's campaign
>They each have new move sets and abilities
What are they?

Attached: V and D fight.jpg (564x691, 95K)

Meant agni & rudra

I want Dante and Vergil to use Agni and Rudra to make stylish combos together!

Disregard brother, acquire power, get salty when brother turns out more powerful because "muh humanity"

>missions and bosses
this is all I want. I'm tired of having to play the same story mode with Vergil in previous entries. I can stand old Vergil with old moves and weapons, it still has enough deph to be fun. Give me new stages. New enemies.

It's almost as if, Vergil isn't a main character

You could collapse A&R's SM moves into its basic moveset (like they did with Cerberus) and it would be a great weapon.
>keep Combos A, B and C
>keep whirlwind as is on back input
>forward: crossed swords
>back-forward: jet stream but the FE Combo B version
>hold: twister
>air neutral: sky dance without the finisher
>air back: sky dance finisher
>air forward: aerial cross
>air hold: tempest
That's everything in a neat package save for that one crappy ranged move. Otherwise you could also take some moves from the boss fight or the introductory cutscene.

Attached: Ardo & Rica.webm (640x360, 2.39M)

If we're inserted into Vergil's situation I'd try to find my brother.
>Stab myself with Rebellion to merge myself with it and Yamato.
>Gain a sword that can merge and divide stuff at will.

You need to give Dante attention or else he might die.

Yes. I want Alastor back. But I don't want another Rebellion clone. I want a whole new moveset for it

Attached: 3e616517ec92b60f87a766e7e0eb186f.jpg (563x709, 44K)

Swordmaster, Gunslinger, Royal Guard, Trickster

Dark Slayer, Quicksilver, Doppelganger...and can't come up with a new one.

>New enemies.
Forgot about that. Not only new enemies, but also new subtypes of existing ones too.

find my brother and kill him

Attached: 1528840138054.gif (700x387, 2.48M)

>user, did you know? Dantes die if they're left alone for too long, take care of your Dante and give him your attention
>Page 93 of book "How To Take Care Of Your Little Brother: No Huge Ass Towers Edition"


Blade Slinger
>he uses summed swords

So that's why he's a whacky woohoo pizza man.

Most of Alastor's moves are shared with Rebellion though, so you'd probably just get a clone that might only be differentiated by sword master moves.

Is it nostolgia or aesthetics that has you attatched to the thing.

Think the dragon mouth thing worked way better for Ifrit.

>King Fury boss fight
>On DMD he summons Furies to aid him

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He sold them

Vergil is a good husbando. I love him.

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Now I need a full model description and details image like the Vergil one.

What if Dante was depressed because he missed his brother?

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>Dante bothering him when he just wants to read
>Dante bothering him when he just wants moar power
>Dante bothering him when he just wants to power up

Or simply make it that it focuses more on Summoned Swords and allows to use more moves with them the same way Gunslinger is to guns.

>Is it nostolgia or aesthetics that has you attatched to the thing.

Is it weird to say that I love is profile, his little nose and plump lips ?

Dante was depressed because he finally realized that the only attention he wanted was his brother's.

would you fucking stop? this is some disgusting pedo shit

Which is what I was thinking when I made that up.

Attached: vergil smiles.png (1223x688, 1.85M)

Name 1 (one) reason why this thing shouldn't come back

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Should I use Alastor Express or Sparda Express?

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It would be weird if you didn't.

did Vergil even want to kill Dante? I thought Vergil just wanted power and Dante said no no no.

Pandora's concept is really cool but I don't miss it, especially when Double Kalina Ann and Faust exist.

what should i have for lunch today lads?

Attached: D4YAqe1UEAAUlVD.jpg (218x260, 12K)

That was exactly it, that's why he acts like a retarded curahzee man.

I always feel like saying that you like someone's profile is a strange compliment to make. But that's something I particularly love in Vergil.

>split into two, and remove your human side that's a goth chick

Attached: v fem.png (357x585, 410K)


>Vergil's a tranny

A healthy salad, with melon for dessertpizza


Attached: 1554576617777.png (303x117, 14K)

Why would it be weird? Saying you like someone's hair or eyes is normal.

>Top 5 things you must know before getting Vergil
5: Always, ALWAYS let your Vergil know that you love him
4: Keep your library updated, Vergil loves reading and showing him that you share his hobby might help you in the long run
3: Don't touch Yamato
2: Vergils live in pairs, concider getting Dante too, but don't let him distract your Vergil from reading or you might run into seriours troubles
1: Never use Imagine and Trish in one sentence

delet this

Attached: dant.jpg (1347x2218, 142K)

In DMC6: Nero's awakening Vergil will be the co-op support on their journey to save Dante and the game ends with Nero getting his 100 armed Sin. Dante will be DLC. That's what Dan is really keeping under wraps and what he means about plans for Vergil. 6 is going to be a father son adventure.

Attached: 1553229506943.jpg (301x389, 26K)

Hot as fuck desu

>64 messages
>ctrl +f : motivated
>0 results
the gay is strong here

shut up...

QSXpress is better than either since it can stop time instead of just going at light speeds.

Don't worry it's just me who make a big deal out of nothing lel

thanks friends

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>Vergil will never fill you with his motivation
Why live

Attached: 1553539857636.png (1000x855, 594K)

Kekked hard. Point 5 is pretty easy. But I meant something like that Russian drawing with Vergil's parts and description.

Get your inappropriate touching hands far away from DMC.

He didn't say it once in the game though.

Actually what's his new quote going to be now that he's less muh power.

>kek he thought 6 wasn't gonna be my game again

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DKA already is a better laser and missile launcher than it, Faust is a better gatling gun and boomerang, and SDT judgement is a better screen wiper.

Unless you give it completely new moves it's a worse version of other weapons.

>early Urizen looked like a butterfly Sparda

Attached: early urizen.png (1038x470, 1.12M)

why are these thread always full of gays?

Come on, user. I was having a nice Sunday.

He looks more like Nelo Angelo tho

In the end they both got what they wanted all along
Each other

Attached: epilogue.png (1000x399, 58K)

Nor did he flip his hair...

You are the one being gay, here. Now get out.

That's cool. I hope Dante's daughter gets a butterfly-based fairy DT.


Because you're here.

Dante looks like fucking cyberdemon

Attached: Cyberdemon.gif (200x200, 11K)

>never used E&I in 5 because i'm not that good at aerial juggling and they seemed pretty weak in terms of damage
>almost done S ranking DMD, especially M18
>alright, i'll give em a try
>GS + mashing gun+style builds up 2 whole ranks in 5 seconds
>honeycomb fire is another whole rank if it hits

Attached: file.png (392x243, 126K)

I miss using Agni & Rudra, One of my very favorite Devil Arms in the entire DMC series by far.

>not being a homo for the male characters

Attached: LIPS.png (872x435, 304K)

Best ending for best boys

Some of these could still work as alternate skins / costumes for V.
Chronologically, they went from El Mysterio to Goth Punk.

Attached: V concept.png (1043x596, 821K)

When he goes into sdt he does a sort of slick back.

lol the second one

I will never, until the end of time, not be mad that they don't look the same. So what if they only looked the same in 3. This rage is undying.

Attached: 7.png (1534x863, 2.05M)

The only one I like is the first one

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E&I are the most powerful they ever been in 5 excluding 2

Attached: perfection.png (1717x1699, 1.76M)

literally, the one on the far left is the best why did they have to make him look like such a faggot.

>high boots

I liked better when they were identical too

Attached: 1553056604685.jpg (550x366, 47K)

Still weak compared to Blue Rose tho

Concepts 1 and 2 look like a sleezy dirtbag.

user, there is no going back now. You have to accept it. This is your LEGACYYYYYYYYYYY.

I'd be happy if they let us play through all the story missions as anyone we fucking want.

Or at the least letting us sub V for Vergil if they wanna be fruits about it.

So has everyone gotten over BP not having co-op? Disappointing yeah but ah well.

million slash is up there for being one of the most satisfying moves to pull off for me.

hitting a crowd with it is pure bliss.
>RQ exceed combo B
>(distorted) real impact
>nevan bat riff concert or whatever it's called
>lady fully charged kalina ann rocket

Blue Rose still uglier

Attached: 20190327212809_1.jpg (1920x1080, 143K)

The idea of an all-in-one with all those modes is neat but in that case I'd rather see them just give Nero something similar with Blue Rose than bring it back for Dante.

Lady ought to get it in any case, since she's the gun expert.

I seriously don't know, it didn't used to be THIS bad

>"DEVIL MAY CRY 5 is a testament to progressive undercurrent of contemporary culture, where we explore a story of Vergil, an epitomized patriarchal (and every baggage that comes with it) self-denying capital-M Male that, unable to cope with losses solely on his machismo beliefs, commits ultimate act of self-denial. Using a magical heirloom sword, he decides to cast away everything he perceived as weakness - discarding traumatic memories of DMC 1, and finally, his entire humanity, leaving only the worst qualities he had - a typical male lust for more power, but now unbridled by vestiges of humanity. The story follows V -Vergil's true self who surprisingly turns out to be a woman, aided by three remnants of traumatic past. Finally free from depths of denial (we never had any indication of Vergil and her inner self) V starts by trying to atone for actions of her rampaging insecurities. Finally, after who cares what happens, the conclusion is clear - epitomized male "strength" lying defeated unable to lift a finger and a woman - feeble, dying almost, -but oh so much stronger!- ready to put an end to this fucking meme

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Second one would be great for a different character.

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don't open

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y r u gae

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if he wore a hat he'd look like a pirate lol

Jesus christ all those pores on his skin are kinda freaking me out.

Nigga. That shit is just different colors with ugly sloots on it why would he even have sloots on it when he girlfriendless, this shit actually has artistic design and no trash thots on it

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 107K)

because vergil is a faggot

Cattos are lewd.

Are those herrings?

Is this real?

Ebony and Ivory never needed a redesign to look good :)

Attached: 1472887800139.png (612x466, 265K)

Ah yes, Ebony & Ivory, two guns based on Alucard's insanely crazy 10kg pistols that can literally destroy a person into blood and guts.

Attached: Screencap-2018-08-31-03h26m01s750.jpg (1280x720, 181K)

My brother. Let us die together.

Attached: 1.jpg (1200x675, 140K)

He looks like Johnny Depp.

No lewding the cattos pls.

Attached: D45xHXDXkAYX9Hx.jpg (1200x1200, 75K)

Someone has trypophobia I see.

Redesigns, you say.

Attached: Weapons_CA_01_DmC.png (1533x1032, 1.98M)

my favourite E&I buff is that enemies will get staggered so hard that they tumble down effectively stunning them for a decent amount of time
you can rainstorm over antenoras and cainas to put them to sleep for a few seconds so you can deal with less annoying shit or to single an enemy out

Urizen went from Dark Knight, to Angelic Demon and to G-Virus Nelo Angelo.

Attached: proto Urizens.jpg (1357x1920, 669K)

Every artist improves on their own work overtime. Nero didn't have a genius craftswoman to give him a gun ok he was an orphan with a dream.

Move over everyone, here comes the only devil arm that's coming back.

Attached: VendettaHQ.jpg (264x518, 42K)

This game doesn't count
>from Capcom's perspective DmC: Devil May Cry doesn't count

Attached: dmc.jpg (898x507, 200K)


Even in DmC E&I looked better than Blue Rose
Here's your DmC Blue Rose, bro

Attached: Kablooey_DmC.png (659x315, 242K)

>catch up with the threads
>it's full of my shitty shots
You absolute madlads. I-I'm flattered.

Attached: s_134.jpg (948x2000, 1.11M)

>in one dimension V looked like Grindelwald

Attached: 1554468950612.png (397x498, 185K)

That's DmC Lucifer.

This is DmC Blue Rose.

Attached: Weapons_CA_04_DmC.png (1533x1032, 1.94M)

that's DmC coyote-a tho

Oh shit, you're back? Would you mind taking a look at this?

>manga flat out says Vergil never paid any heed to humanity
They keep digging a bigger hole in terms of explaining who the fuck Nero's mom was.

Please keep it up I need more Vergil and Dante

Attached: 1553634598083.png (900x820, 127K)

Its charged shot works like BR's, not Coyote's.

What's there to explain, he probably felt lonely or wanted his dick wet.

She's gonna end up being a Succubus

She was probably a demonboo.

You mean Vergil nodding with him looking straight into the camera? Can do.

>Score for Dante! I'm up one.
>Where did you learn to count? We're even.
What did either of them mean by this?

>DMC3 1: Vergil
>DMC3 2: no contest
>DMC3 3: Dante
>DMC1 1: no contest
>DMC1 2: no contest
>DMC1 3: Dante
>DMC5: no contest
>DMC5 epilogue: Dante

Attached: 1552117505859.png (974x737, 595K)

Considering how UNGA Nero is, she's probably some bottom of the totem pole demon.

High res-san ! Glad you are back ! Can you post some new shots of Vergil ? I love you !

She's an angel
DMCV really is DmC2

Never ? Like never never ? Or is it more that he grew to not caring anymore ?

They fought shitton as kids+they fought more down there, we just saw one

Attached: 55783907.jpg (464x577, 36K)

They're both dumb and old and forgot how to count.

Once again, Itsuno confirmed a few weeks ago that angels doesn't exist in DMC, so impossible.

V said he wanted to be loved and protected so having woman that he connected could work. Or she was someone with POWER.
But honestly I think they'll never touch this subject.

It just says that he didn't give a fuck about humans and only wanted power

Poorfag here. Is it possible to pirate BLoody palace?

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Bless you sweet user.

I'd rather have her being a secretary or a Fallen than touching DmC to explain anything.

Was he 8 tho?
The first time they meet since the fire was in 3 and they both look 16+ in that

>niggas with puny pistols being jealous of a real man's gun
Sidenote you rarely get to see the back of it in game, you miss that the spine-like things travel all the way back to handle. I know I did. This nigga an artistic fuck

Attached: 888893.png (1531x537, 400K)

It maybe the same kind of shit as Dracula in Castlevania. He only loved his wife and despised humans if I remember correctly. Vergil must have gone through something a bit similar but most probably not as deep and also he doesn't seem to have an aversion for human in particular.


Secretary would be neat because it would explain why Nero's got bird wings.

The day Eva was murdered Dante and Vergil were 8yo

also if you E&I near a downed enemy, while it doesn't exactly pin them down like in DMC3 it looks almost identical

Bloody Palace is a free patch though?

>Vergil tapped a Fallen
That's a huge level of desperation right there.

Demons regularly disguise themselves as humans in the anime.

yeah but only for steam

Oh shit it's deleted the fuck

Yeah but we're talking about the guy that was so desperate he stabbed himself to get rid of his weaknesses and went after a blood sucking tree.

>capcom goes crazy and actually pairs Morrigan and Vergil

Attached: 1510176125262.jpg (318x329, 11K)

would be kino

Attached: 1554580329189.gif (550x400, 1.59M)

>nero is morrigan and Vergil's son
>gene/alexander is Dante's son

Forget that thot Lucia, bring back Bolverk.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 95K)

>tfw you rip your sons arm off, and he shows up unannounced at your private conference to choke the life out of you with a giant ghost one

Attached: 1556441972794.jpg (1024x1024, 192K)


Since dmc threads are slowly dying to fujos, as is their natural cause, I wanted to share with you guys something.
The best thing 5 offered me is the fact that I'm excited about video games again.
You know how you ponder sometimes about how it would be cool if X publisher gave Y dev enough money and time to do a proper sequel (Beth and obsidian with fallout is a good example) but then you realize it's never gonna happen because the industry is rotten?
Except capcom, fucking capcom who released SF4 4 different times with hundreds of dollars worth of dlc, decided to make a proper and complete DMC as their next 3A launch. This shit isn't supposed to happen in 2019 but it did.
VtMB2 got announced recently and notmally I would have been extremely cynical trying to find things to justify picking on it but now I'm genuinely positive.
Thanks for reading my blog and god bless Itsuno.

Attached: pg140-141-1.jpg (200x418, 35K)

Gene's not Alexander.


More importantly how Vergil even banged Nero's mom. What were the series of events that resulted in Vergil even thinking about having sex with her. OK, like mentioned, but on the other hand that doesn't explain why he left her. Or you know what? This is getting pretty convoluted at this point.

Yeah, RE2 and DMC are the most fun i've had in games in a long time, but i'm not excited for VtMB2. Looks like it's gonna be a shitshow full of politics

Time to ROCK!

Attached: b8d8a1bfde9db2e2d2d660072d04efbf.jpg (566x800, 406K)

>sponsored by devil may cry 5
that fucking cut from the little girl crying to v killing demons

Attached: 1556345749690.jpg (736x490, 32K)

there hasn't been any fujoshit lately though, just bad period jokes

That would require HUGE balls from Capcom to make one of their poster girls have an actual love insterest that sticks around and have a son.

Attached: morrigan-capcom-vs-snk2-artwork-by-kinu-nishimura.jpg (1600x1600, 1.01M)

Let's have some FUN!

Attached: a9321156f3535fcbe6e1391dc99da3ef.jpg (566x800, 266K)

Uh its uh deleted. What was that?

Trainer to access BP

>implying the original wasn't full of politics
It was a BP trainer.

No matter what kind of woman she was, Vergil's quest for Sparda's power would still be top priority.

That was the case in DMC3, he only wanted to lure Dante to the tower to get his amulet. In DMC5 they retconned it to be "I'm autistic and butthurt because I can't defeat Dante."

>>implying the original wasn't full of politics
It was a different time

Most of whatever "gay" shit gets posted nowadays is fags and yumejoshis lusting after the characters more than shipping the characters with each other which is what the fujos do.

>Vergil facing away from the family portrait, rejecting his humanity
>Dante facing towards the family portrait, embracing his humanity
absolute kino

Attached: file.png (959x950, 799K)

Like dust in the wind and grass beneath the earth, I am but a presence

Attached: r0erewe.jpg (502x810, 173K)

if only 5 has a good story

I assume they started counting when they were in the demon world and they've had multiple fights during that time before the one we see. at this point I say they're both equal in strength thanks to Dante stabbing himself again and Vergil eating the fruit.

Attached: file.png (1300x863, 1.22M)

nelo angelo >>>>>>>>>>>>> urizen
such a waste of perfect design

it does have a good story
it just isn't as good as 3's

I'm going to bank on her being a devil hunter. I can't see Vergil giving the time of day to a weak normal human girl and her being a demon is just dumb. Plus if she'd been a waifu like Kyrie is, Vergil wouldn't have ended up the way he did.

Attached: 1555663047354.jpg (755x715, 195K)

To be fair without Lady, 3's plot becomes meh, she carried the game, her and arkham. Dante was just a retard throughout the whole game and vergil just monologued.

yeah obviously when you take out one of the main characters a story becomes meh

the story only had to be one third longer after vergil returns


Friendly reminder that blogposts are also killing the threads.

that's what i was getting at, and i'm fine with self inserting characterfags because i am one but fujos are irredeemable degenerates

Attached: yes.png (575x380, 188K)

Can we discuss the flaws on this game? Not talking about the gameplay itself. As an action game, I dare to say it is the most complex ever made. But there is something wrong with AI and enemy design. They are not Musou-tier bad, but I feel them shit most of the time. Even on DMD. Besides some very few exeptions, almost every enemy is just doomed if it's a one on one fight. Also, I notice they don't interact very often in group fights. Sometimes they are there just to be hitted. This is very contradictory with the game due to the FUCKTON of tools that Nero and especially Dante have to counter enemy attacks

SHE IS the main character, 3 was Lady's story as far as i'm concerned, fuck dante and vergil dumbass drama. Lady had the real growth.

I'd see it as a detraction of some kind.

That would make sense...though who knows what he thought when he was on Fortuna Island.

Someone once said he might have left her out of fear of her getting hurt.

they all have growth, but yeah, you're right

What if she's dead?

Attached: mommy.png (1000x552, 534K)

Something like this?

Attached: verg_nod.webm (1920x1190, 2.89M)

Even better desu.

Interestingly enough, during the credits fight, Dante can loose to Vergil or even tie with him if you're playing on HoH mode. A different line of dialogue plays, but that's about it.

They were fighting again, but this time they had no intention to kill each other. They decided to use a point system to decide who was stronger

fucking based but could you zoom out a little

Attached: 1556461364925.jpg (1200x604, 51K)

gay incest and ocasional pedo posting are killing way more

That's peak autism.

yeah people would be pissed that Morrigan stole everyone's power waifu


I can even make a vertical vid if you want.

Attached: yeehaw.jpg (2560x1440, 621K)

Nobody talks about gameplay in these threads. Post something gay instead, faggot.

Attached: 1548096471936.jpg (443x496, 93K)

Holy shit, my heart.

y-yes please, user-sama

This, her constant moral struggle was the best part of 3's story for me

based user

>pedo posting
Literally never. The only thing posted was a link to carymono's hideous shotacon artworks.
>gay incest
There hasn't been any of that in a long time.

imo there's not a single enemy in 5 that makes me feel unmotivated to play the game like 3's and 4's

Damn everytime I replay this game I learn something new. Not only did I discover Nero's knuckle thing but also that rawhide had an entirely different melee combo if you held off from the first attack.

kill yourself

Would be reasonable. The latter would also explain why he summoned that bloody tower in DMC3.

>Thinks he lost the woman of his life
>Get a shitload of mental trauma on top of his childhood traumas resurfacing and hitting him like a ballistic missile
>Embraces edgelordhood completely and goes on to become a fully-fledged demon since his human side actually hurts him because of the loss he experienced

oh mai heart

Attached: 1555608554189.jpg (1200x1044, 90K)

>sound options
>put voices, effects etc to 5-6
>put music to 10

Attached: kirby2.jpg (217x202, 16K)

Why is Nero's gun so big and long?
is it to match with his big long cock?

I just discovered that charging shotgun buffs gunslinger moves

>music doesn't work in the void

Why did Vergil nod like this when Nero said that. WHAT DOES IT MEAN!

thanks for giving us a nice view of Vergil's gooch

Could you also post some new pics of Vergil ? I am sorry to ask again, when you gift us like this and I would understand if you are tired of this. I will love you even if you don't want to.

>music doesn't play for half of the missions

More like compensating.

Well I do. As I explained myself, I feel like I'm being a bully fighting a kid.

It's what brotherly rivalry would do.

What did Nero say?

That he wasn't going to die and neither was Dante.

Yes, he's a thicc boy

he's a big boy

I guess enemies like Angelos could be way more agressive to be honest
Also i hate how Behemoths charge takes half of your health out of fucking nowhere, the hitbox is fucked on that

That dante wasn't going to die and neither was he

Cause styling on groups > easy-fighting-game-combos on a puppet

It means he's acknowledging what Nero's saying. Don't you nod when someones talking to you?


Wish I had more but I stole it off twitter.

Attached: D4sDJIBU4AAtubH.jpg (1200x675, 171K)

Then you might have the 'tism.

>always the same shots of literally nothing
You can't even see Vergil ass or bulge like on Dante's or Nero's.

Post some bulges then.

why are missions 19 an 20 such absolute fucking garbage on SoS and DMD?
i don't get it, with Dante, the royal gurad timings are all weird and with Nero can't get close to Vergil to do some serious damage it's fucking bullshit

You're kidding if you think Dante has an ass.

I'd like it to be a clone of dsd so we can have it's amazing moveset without it looking like a knockoff monster hunter weapon.

nah i'm not a faggot

Atleast it's not flat like those Vergil pics

I am not exactly sure it's their bulge we see. It's more a question of type of pants .

I agree somewhat, but there also aren’t any enemies that I absolutely hate fighting, like chimeras or fallen.

It's not flat.

It is flat. Can't talk about Nero's because I didn't pay attention.

cute ass but why is he crouching in front of Dante? It looks like he's giving him a bj

>nero's buster move on a behemoth
How does he spin so fast like sanic?

Honestly if I had the choice to be beaten up by one of the 3 i'd choose Vergil, it'd be quick and painless. Nero is just mean. Jamming shit in people's mouths? Stomping on Malphas head? goddamn American history X in this bitch.

I dont have any shots of it at the moment but Nero has a nice thicc butt

>asking for bulge and ass shots
>not a faggot
I'd rather look at their cute faces then their dicks or ass
Dante's hairy chest is an exception though.

Attached: 1554848943298.jpg (2560x1440, 816K)

fucking christ, user
extremely based.

Attached: 1555470715667.jpg (1200x1200, 136K)

It's 99% of the thread, i'm just asking why you guys so obsessed about a flat ass and a flat bulge.

Please don't ruin the picture I just wanna look at Verg's ass.

Attached: D4m34KiVUAEnkkj.jpg (1199x568, 101K)

Some user at /y/ said something along the lines of under his shirt, Dante is flat. I thought it wasn't possible to remove their clothes?

for 19, send out round trips constantly, and just dash nonstop while Vergil is in dt. The round trips will always knock Vergil into his stun state when he can be stunned, which is helpful if you dont know to/can’t hit him when he is stunnable. For nero, gerbera boosting around and blue rose charged shot 3 to stun him after his attacks is an easy-ish strat.

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JYB was knocking it out of the park

Where do you see all these bulge shots? Almost all the thread is a picture focused on their faces.

I'm trying not to fall asleep at work, post nice pics of V please

Attached: 1556428406032.png (286x393, 9K)

They're just there to distract you.

Attached: 20190410183532_1.jpg (2560x1440, 939K)

You can enjoy his ass even if he has dante in his mouth user



I would, but I should go to bed now. Tomorrow after work.

Attached: verg_nod2_lr.webm (1046x1920, 2.91M)

>Alastor, Artemis, Nightmare Beta, Agni and Rudra, Nevan, Pandora and Lucifer will never come back

If we can remove it then why haven't I seen any of you thirsty fucks posting them?

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Good night then, senpai. See you tomorrow ! thanks for this !

Thanks a ton, user. May you have the sweetest dreams.

Jesus christ he's fucking cute here, thanks bro

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hang in there user

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>3 people posting ass shots is 99 percent of the thread
Did you go to the same school Vergil did?

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For (you) user.

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I don't get along with blender, so I wouldn't be able to. Besides, there isn't any skin texture in the models. I thought perhaps he was referring to the Mo0nx models.

thx user, I'll give it a try.
gotta take a break tho, started to get frustrated and not having fun

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I just wanna understand the lust for the non existent ass.

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>tfw this happened to me, except the giant katana

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H-hey, they sure went to the same school! Dante is a dumbass too!

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Because it's existent ? Not a big ass, but a cute one.

If Capcom releases Vergil campaign these threads with just turn into screenshots of Vergil. Not that I would complain.

Hi, user. I hope someone shits on your doorstep
Thanks, basedboys

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maybe it's because i don't know what makes a male ass attractive
but i can't see any ass in the pics itt
i fail to see even a single curve

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Wtf why would you wish that on me? You asked for v

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Smol asses are still fine and his face makes up for the lack of ass.

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Is it just me or is bloody palace easier than it was in 4?

I guess the lack of annoying bullshit gimmick enemies makes things easier

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But before I fuck off, here's something else for chuuni's glory.

Attached: you spin me right round.webm (1920x1132, 2.9M)

More like you're no longer shit at games

Big curvy asses are a feminine feature. Why would you want a dude to look like a girl?

You're just blind

I'd be okay with the weapons that are actually unique show up.

Alastor while cool for some isn't really worth it in my eyes. Nevan would bring the moves that are unique to Alastor relative to Rebellion so that would be what I'd have instead.

Could be cool to just have the movesets return as some configurable and swappable thing for each input.
Kind of like Smash 4's customizable movesets.

Just try to back in as much functionality into the weapons as possible.

His cute face and dick sucking lips make up for his average ass, plus just thinking about Vergil's ass even if non existent is uwu

The whole game is easier than previous entries in general.

yeah maybe I just finally got gud


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what a nerd trying to show off to dante and nero

Not them but well shaped asses are good on men. Nobody likes Hank Hill asses

You want the game to be harder? Fuck off.

Is Alastor's moveset even that different? Doesn't it just have one more combo finisher?

Oh boy, I don't even know if your God or Satan at this point. Either way bless you.

Look at this nerd showing off his waifu.

drawfag coming through

Attached: (you) posing with lady and trish.png (644x482, 212K)

Guys i'm 100 percent positive that if there is ever a DMC6 it will be co-op. They were just getting their feet wet with this one, but they've proven that the multiple character formula works and what other way to make DMC hit the numbers they want then going full co-op. They also know how bad people wanted BP to be co-op. It's totally gonna happen. They can't have the narrative of a Sony movie exclusive that makes all the youtubers cry, co-op where everyone can play as the character they love is how DMC wins.

I mean, i like small asses, hell, Lady is my waifu and she almost has that Hank Hill ass but i still find it cute like said

I just think Vergil's pants don't show anything like Dante's or Nero's. But maybe that's because i'm not a faggot or a woman. Whatever, you do you be happy


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Attached: vergil carries (you).png (439x531, 113K)

Male asses aren't supposed to be curvy, but muscular.

can't unsee

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Wait, now I'm confused. I thought Hank Hill ass was supposed to look deformed and weird, like V's.

it seemed to be what they were originally going for, V was supposed to be a woman.

Yes. Only combo A and Combo B are different
The rest is Stinger, High time, Helm breaker, Round trip and Million stab. All moves available with Rebellion/Sparda/DSD

I love you draw user

I really need to start learning to draw. I was trying and then college started killing my free time

Only thing that's different I remember is the DT moves. Vortex and Air Raid with the lighting replacing guns when flying and DTed IIRC.
Nevan has Air Raid and Vortex at least and purple lighting so I really fail to see the point of bringing it back.

Dear god, what a day to be a Vergilfag here. Thank you based drawhue.

to this user sorry man, the psd file got fucked this morning because of an error when i opened the color wheel (which's been happening a lot for some reason)
now i feel really bad for not delivering your request twice

No wonder vergil can't beat him, he hasn't shot at him once.

>Vergil's pants don't show anything like Dante's or Nero's
They don't that's why we gotta do some extreme angling of pictures so we can get a decent ass shot.


They can be both. A male figure skater's ass is peak male ass physique.

Attached: alexander_johnson_comforted_by_an_old_582dij&wh.jpg (542x650, 46K)

It is, but people found out that Lady normal model don't have a modeled ass, so some people call her that. I don't think she has a Hank Hill ass though, it looks perfect to me

Attached: uncensored.webm (1280x720, 2.79M)

How is this done?!

Ones on the left look like the guy from that one thing
you know with the demon arms


That he is. Nero is unimpressed.

Attached: I have the power of Sparda and anime on my side.webm (1920x1342, 2.88M)

Now, someone change (You) to (Capcom)

Attached: DRAWFAG YES.png (900x243, 294K)

user, it's been said that his "human loss" is mostly from what happened to his mother. He was more of a momma's boy than Dante was.

Jackie from The Darkness?
They aren't arms but I think I get what you mean.

I'm still LMAO'ing at those morons who kept denying that urizen was vergil. crazy to think there were people here who guessed the whole plot before the final trailer even released

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>skaters having peak male asses
>not rugby players, footballers and swimmers
Imagine having ass taste this shit

I doubt they went to school if they were on the run and under pseudonyms. Vergil is definitely a good reader but he's running off an elementary schooler's knowledge of human biology. Which explains Nero.

It was simple denial. Not many wanted to believe Vergil was some generic big man villain, thankfully both sides were right though. It was the weakest piece of Vergil, but not actually Vergil.

this reads like a virgin vs chad template

Because Vergil wanted that too and he knows Dante will listen to Nero. Vergil can't really say "Dante I've changed! I don't really want to fight to the death!" because he would have to hand over Yamato and that sword wouldn't even respond to Dante. There is literally nothing Vergil can say at this point to make Dante stop wanting to fight him.

Imagine taking my comment that seriously like a faggot. And I've yet to see a rugby player or especially swimmer with as nice of an ass.

because it evolved to that from their clashing world views
also vergil never went up and tried to kill dante in 5, he just showed up and since they're too autistic to have a normal discussion they start fighting instead because it's routine at this point since they never reconnected, which kinda seems the case at the end actually

>that foot work
How is this man not gay

>vergil is urizen postan
>reminder to laugh at the vergilfags
teasing the vergilfags was fun, we even got a copypasta of links proving it and there was still denial.

perfection desu senpai

he is

Attached: yuzubutt.jpg (1000x1514, 1.12M)

many, many hours of smacking yourself with your dull practice sword

teenage vergil was probably the most embarrassing thing in history. I bet he just wants more power to stop anyone from ever finding out about his youth.

He is delicate and feline, fuck you

>Son look at me twirl my swordfu around are you impressed?

you haven't seen shit man, this is from a blog that openly ships Dante x Vergil so YOU JUST KNOW

Attached: YAMERO.jpg (650x650, 130K)

fuck off, Vergil has a son
he CUMMED insider her
and he LIKED IT
None of the characters except for maybe Nico is gay

Based Jojofag drawfag

Fuck that's thing is sexy as hell but it's a shame the E&I designs were garbage.

We already had a guitar and a fucking bike...
What would you like too see as the next Dante's CUHRAYZEE weapon?

Attached: enuff-logo-stain-complete-skateboard-i3.jpg (440x321, 12K)

>and he LIKED IT
How would you know?

sounds like furry shit user, that's worse.

>that was a long time ago *smirks*

>a man who willingly chooses a sleeveless jacket with a built in corset is straight

Dan is a delicate flower

>never seen a rugby player with a nice ass
>in the literal sport of huge thighs and huge asses
What a sports brainlet

Stop the real man ass posting please what the fuck

When you cum is normally because you like fucking a thing very much

keep projecting user

Fuck off fujo

Already used by Nero in a form of Punchline
Saxofon or a Pike if we're not getting KC in the next game

>only had sex that one time
are you sure?

>"Dante I've changed! I don't really want to fight to the death!"
Kek, he's too much of a prideful autist to ever vocalize his thought like that, but it would be so amusing to see him try.

>Main antagonist one way or another in like every game
>Not a main character
hurr durr, and Ganondorf isn't a main character either because he's the antagonist, what sort of backwards-ass logic are you subscribing to m8?

>retard can't take a joke

What ? The fuck not ! Jesus Christ. It's a way of saying that he is really like, precise maybe in his walk maybe ? Also you have to remember that it's Dan who did that.

That's just a weird waistcoat.

That's V, not Vergil
V is just the human and most soft part of Vergil

That shit could easily be mistaken for a woman from the waist down.

V = Vergil
Vergil = V
Corset coat = Vergil's choice

He was literally being a slave for a demon emperor
Not a sex slave for fucks sake

Not him but considering what Dan said and what we know of Vergil, he most probably did it more than once, user.

I guess they wanted it to be less obvious that Vergil = Urizen but it's fucking obvious in the game anyways. Though you could argue that they didn't want it to be as obvious from the trailers. I mean I think there were already some people theorizing but it wasn't overwhelmingly "THAT'S VERGIL" when Urizen was shown in the trailers until the VGAs one where we first heard his voice

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I sell the sword for any money I can scrounge and use it to get an education, using that I get a well paying job and rebuild my house and start a family of my own.

Now you made imagine Dan as a crossdresser.

>a waistcoat with strings
So a corset.

V = soft poetry reading and kinda a fag human part of Vergil
Urizen = MUH POWER demon part of Vergil
V + Urizen = Vergil

V still isn't coming back though

it's a gay zipper

With the same woman, I assume.

>3 main antagonist arkham
>4 was the priest
>every game

you're reading the exact opposite of what I was trying to say

How long for 6 ? Considering that Itsuno is problably doing Dragon's Dogma 2 now. 6 - 5 years ?

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Until his voice was heard the most popular theories I remember seeing were:
>It's Sparda
>it's and old god style super being above devils that monitors the state of everything or some shit

i beat dis game. am sad

10 years

He'd make a very sexy women with a gigajaw.

He didn't had sex after Nero's mom because he was being Nelo Angelo

Yes, I think it was a short relationship but really important for him. And then you realize that deep down Vergil is a pure boy who only had sex with the same woman and never again after her. Sad.

Dante and Vergil went into hell right? must be all kinds of juicy bosses there

When we got those leaks in July almost everyone kept theorizing it was Vergil because of what V said, that he took Nero's arm.

>1 main antagonist Mundus
>2 was Arius
And before he replies to you, yes, you're right, Arkham indeed is the main antagonist of 3 becuase he's the mastermind behind all this shit

It’ll be nice if he did fall for a human woman but she dies like his mother did. Providing greater motivation in DMC3 to abandon his perceived weaker human side.

why are Trish's arms so thicc?

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Dev team said in the video
"prease play this for a long time" so take that as 5 plus years

dammit, I really enjoy playing as him and it sucks that he definitely won't be coming back for any new games going forward

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Eh I'd rather have his main motivation be his mom for 3 and maybe in dmc 6 he finds out a little more about her and that's his motivation to be a better father to nero.

She's Nero's mom

Impossible. Considering he didn't know about Nero, she was still alive when he left her. She could have died after giving birth and abandoning Nero though.

I would bring it back with Trish in a DLC.


I wish that they Gave V more moves. he feels kind of gimped compared to dante and nero.

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>because of what V said, that he took Nero's arm.
I could be wrong but I actually remember that even though there were people saying that, a LOT of people were saying that V was just untrustworthy as fuck/hiding something and had his own agenda, that was a while before V = Vergil was as popular a theory.

And Dan understands Vergil better than anyone. He even said him fucking a rando chick was out of character. So keep digging your hole deeper.

The more I learn about him, the more I'm certain he's perfect husbando material.

Maybe V gameplay comesback
But V the character won't

Attached: patty.png (597x597, 196K)

No one is going to pay for V DLC. His gameplay is despised by most of the fandom.

what does him not coming back have to do with this?

Wut, you are crazy.

to be fair both of them had their own games to evolve
no one cared much about nero in 4 either

Come on, Dan's fanfic is as canon as any fan theory

>He even said him fucking a rando chick was out of character.
not that user but what does that have to do with anything? Also he didn't really say that, he said that the original line "I had fun once" was out of character.

Just to be clear i'm not one of those retarded people that say V is a different person from Vergil


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Not crazy but I would like to see something like this

Attached: croc-yard-whip-micks-whips.jpg (1200x800, 132K)

Nero's Mom is the reason he goes full UNGA

That's fine by me maybe the vfags can move on and we'll get a good budget for the actual likeable characters.

Oh shit is that Kablooey ???

never said you were

when you leave it, gay boy

DLC/SE/6 announcement

When you leave.

A tentacle whip for Vergil.

So, Vergil having a short relationship with Nero's mom is less likely than him being gay ? That doesn't make any sense. Even without Dan, we know that Vergil is really reserved, it's not hard to imagine, it would take a lot to him to get intimate with someone.

Fucking this. Give Vergil a style that lets him use griffon, shadow,and nightmare.

That was just the vergilfags in denial lol.

The gay is there only because you want it to be user.

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>The way Dante looks at the Cerberus nunchucks when he gets them.
You can feel the nostalgia inside him.

Dan hold more weight since itsuno actually listens to their advice and not randos on the internet.

>have Vergil use the very corruption that was making him into a shit
No thanks

It wasn't, V description said he was mysterious and shit

I'm thinking about buying DmC: Devil May Cry because I want more Nero-centric gameplay, can Donte body slam?

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Vergil got leg locked by Nero's mom and got bullied until he came inside her.

Attached: 1553878957989.jpg (735x968, 485K)

>can Donte body slam?

>purchase cancelled

Honestly, remove the power autism and he is. Completely

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Where did Dante learn to breakdance?


Calm your tits, I'm just saying you shouldn't treat it 100% canon like you seem to do

He said it was out of character because it implied it was a one night stand. How is that not obvious?


Attached: vergil_stops.jpg (1280x720, 221K)

It's not breakdance, it's Capoeira fighting style

just pirate the fucking thing

But it is removed now. The V side won.

Yeah that's what I meant
what does that have to do with Vergil being "gay"?

Is it? Is it really?

Go from the beginning of the conversation, I said considering what Dan said, things had most probably turned out this way. No saying that it's what happened. It could be totally different. But I just don't understand why him being gay would be more plausible, that's all.

He's still an autismo but not as much.

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Dad.....why do you hate me? why did you leave me? why won't you accept my existence?

Attached: 48838935.jpg (540x674, 61K)

Not him but Vergil is chilled out now.

Attached: 1554863459643.jpg (2488x1440, 1.78M)

I don't think it works like that. Like yeah, you are right. But I do think that Vergil has a lot to see through now that he is back. He's got a lot of things to take care of about himself. He understood his wrong doings but it doesn't mean that he will completely change. Of course the quest for power is over and done with. But still, it's Vergil.

>vergil picking the book off the floor and staring at it is him reminiscing the same way he did in the manga until dante interrupted him again to fight

Remove the powerautism and there's not a whole lot left unless you husbando V.

more like

>why do you hate me?
I gave you my book. I didn't even drop that for Dante.
>why did you leave me?
A big tree needed cutting and I've got a big sword, just ask your mother if you don't believe me.
>why won't you accept my existence?
You had Yamato for 4 years and not once did you even attempt to train yourself to use it you UNGA fuck.

Attached: 1555788234666.jpg (5120x2160, 2.23M)

you are now remembering the stupid big arms and feet that donte had

is it me or is there something fundamentally wrong with the ranking system in mission 10 dmd? any tips how to s rank it without Faust cheese?

I'd like to pose another theory what if he actually didn't cummed inside her. What if Dante was sleeping with the same woman, and it was infact Dante who cummed inside Nero's mom and Dante is infact his father.

I prefer my husbando Vergil thanks. He is still the autist we know.

Attached: creepyvergil.jpg (595x890, 244K)

why do you guys want him to lose the power autism completely? it's fine if he's just nero level of autism

I almost wish the feet weren't a shoop, it's perfect badness

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That would be pretty fucking CRAZY

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It's more like, before he was the ultimate power autismo and now he is the acceptable power autismo.

>implying V didn't have the power autism inside as well
I need more power/strength

>never attempted to use yamato
Nigga what you think this is? he learned to absorb the weeb into his chakra. It is now apart of his inner chi

Attached: spectral yamato.png (1013x1745, 2.11M)

they're not shitty user, they're amazing
please take more of Dante too

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>Nero will be more power autismo than him now
Vergil loses again.

Attached: 1554850578877.jpg (2560x1440, 672K)

What if Nero's mom's name is Kat?

Itsuno wouldn't, would he?

Attached: 1556000729296.png (369x317, 69K)

don't do this

>Vergil loses again.
Not when he won the Dantebowl.

No, please, stop that.

Dmc1 came out a month before

What if Donte is Nero's cousin

Itsuno would, wouldn't he?

I mean, he has a point. There's a Kat graffitti, could be Itsuno teasing Nero's mom

Attached: image00296.jpg (1357x1920, 632K)

The biggest jobber ended up winning the most.

where im blind

Hellsing came in '97, you baka.

Attached: Coyote.jpg (562x800, 88K)

Top right

There's also "Itsuno" gra- wait...
Itsuno wouldn't, would he?

Attached: what.png (752x777, 524K)

What if......Vergil actually raised Nero. How would he be?

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What did they mean by this?

Attached: 1556491855132.jpg (45x126, 2K)

Disgusting. Nero might as well be part squirrel.

What the fuck is this ?

Itsuno will self insert him in 6 just like Kojima did with MGS

This series has the deepest lore.

Attached: Bolverk-devil-may-cry-2-39000326-1204-1920.jpg (1204x1920, 307K)

But who will wear the glasses? Besides Itsuno, of course.

Devilish looks like Jewish

Attached: (((Goldstein))).jpg (283x346, 44K)

I'm hoping for DMC6 they can expand Nero's moveset by having him learn more moves for his spectral weapons.

vergil dlc confirmed

Looks like "Veda" to me.
