Play this game after many long years

>play this game after many long years
>want to play as eevee
>according to the internet you need to answer naive questions for naive points and put your sex as female in the personality test
>naive questions are rare as fuck, spend ages trying to get them
>by god's grace I am awarded a lot of naive questions one incredibly luck run
>in my haste accidentally enter male
>a person like you should be... Totodile!

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>Not legitimately getting psyduck

>Not choosing female Eevee as your waifu partner

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>cheating the test
fuck off

Hey man, I didn't want to play as squirtle again.

You deserve it for wanting to play with such a shit pokemon

skitty is the best and always will be
Laying down all those status effects like paralysis and affection. Fucked over articuno like it was nothing. Way better than being some dumb elemental pokemon and getting fucked over in one of the dungeons. elemental pokemon should be left to recruits only

I hate the talking pokemon.

is that the game which made Yea Forums cry?

All the PMDs can do that

Yes, yes it is.

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>Grovyle... Please tell life...Did it shine...? Yes. Extraordinarily. ...I am glad...I-I am...I am, up to the very end...not wavering... Honestly...I lived...Because of you, Grovyle... Thanks to you...Thanks to you...I...I have no regrets...
Stop making me feel feels

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>Tfw always get lonely or naive no matter what game I play or how many times I take the test

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>Japanese version of Super partner

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why the FUCK did pokemon get so dark and emotional

These are the gayest fucking games and I love them

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>not staying with what the personality test gives you

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>playing Super
>personality test gives me Chikorita and an Oshawott partner
Yeah, fuck that.

Tfw always machop.

do you guys think they will do another mystery dungeon game for switch

>tfw the series went to complete shit after PMD2 with Gates being babby mode garbage having a shit plot
>tfw super mystery dungeon was actually alright, despite being a step down from red/blue rescue team and explorers of time/darkness/sky
>tfw gates was so bad that it burned everyone from even attempting super

probably not since the series stopped selling well

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Which Mystery Dungeon game should I play as my first one? Thinking either Explorers of Sky or Super Mystery Dungeon.

Blue, Sky, Gates, and Super in order
Gates is okay to play once

Except the 3DS ones

>Gates partner asks you to come back
>Tell them to fuck off, I have a life

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Doesn’t the partner really want to fuck you in Japan?

I miss being able to play as Meowth, he’s my favorite Pokemon.

Play it in release order if you plan to play all of them

>Rescue team
Blue is better than Red just by virtue of being on NDS instead of GBA.
Sky, it's basically the crystal/emerald/platinum of PMD2 and has extra postgame content
Skip if you want, otherwise play it once. Story is pretty bad and starts off incredibly slow, and the main gimmick of using your camera for dungeons is so fucking limited I have no idea why they even added it when they gutted out so many other features
Play this one. Not quite as good as the others, but has some QoL and other neat features. IIRC it doesn't have a quiz at the start so you can jump right in, but I think that gates did the same thing too. There are a few weird mechanics to this one, like everything around how Mega Evos work

Not defending GTI, but the plot was actually decent, the problem in general is that the game feels rushed(dumbed down gameplay, less pokemon than the first PMD, lmao the postgame), just like the mainline games in that generation

wrong quote, meant for

Sky first, then Super
Sky has the better story, Super has a fuckton of convenience changes that will make playing sky harder

man it sucks that we may not be getting another one
i'd pay off that preorder day 1

Game Freak wasn't nearly as involved

I always say Gates is worth playing at least once despite its gameplay flaws because it has my favorite partner by a pretty damn long shot. The music and other characters are alright too.

I'm glad they got rid of that dumbass test, or at least give you the option to pick whatever you want instead of resetting over and over.

I was always given Treeko.