Platinum know how to make a good combat syste-

>Platinum know how to make a good combat syste-

Attached: NieR Automata - Dodging.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

Shit nobody ever said. Action games are the best we have for 3D combat, but they still have a long way to go. Even DMC and NG aren't thst great.

>keep pressing the dodge button
>character dodges attacks
What's the issue?

>if you constantly mash dodge then you don't get hit
You don't say

>defending this baby garbage with a skill floor through the roof

just dropping in the thread to say that the combat was alright but too easy. and the one hit death mode is just for the touhou fag masochists.
also 2b < 9s

>press button toperform action
>character performs action
I'm honestly puzzled by what you're even trying to point out with this webm

>1 hit death mode
doesn't even apply after the opening. The only reason hard could even be considered difficult is that if you were to die in the opening, you have to do the entire thing from the top because there isn't a single check point.

In bayoneta you actually have to time your dodges, in automata you can just spam the button.

>platiniggers unironically can't see the problem with an instant cooldown iframe dodge


>defensive move has no limit, requires 0 skill and the enemy can't punish it
>this if fine

Attached: smh.gif (500x248, 1010K)

It's no secret Automata plays like pure dogshit. It was made to be completely braindead for the Taro audience

This game's a JRPG with a Platinum coat of paint, not Bayonetta.

Attached: bad hombre.png (512x448, 14K)

It's meant for casual niggers. The gameplay isn't suppose to hold up to any actual scrutiny. You have to take it at face value.

>actually wanting arbitrary cooldowns on a move as basic dodging AKA your character moving away a bit

Attached: 1554879499960.jpg (1000x667, 131K)



Attached: spod.webm (1280x720, 2.75M)

You can do the same exact thing to a Mannequin in DMC1 if you want to cherry pick and take things out of context

>putting recovery on an animation or reducing iframes is "a cooldown"

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 81K)

>Press dodge
>Dodge active frames is long enough for the dodge

Pretending to be retarded or are you the genuine article?

That throw made me laugh

that's the "perfect" dodge, dummy. the active frames for getting an invincible dodge in nier all tomatoes is very high

>action rpg
Why do you care, unless you're one of those normalfags who thinks dark souls is the pinnacle of combat?

Limited Block>Parry>Block>Dodge change my mind

its not supposed to be a hard game

Nobody thinks faggot Souls is the pinnacle of combat

Prove me wrong: Parry >

Attached: Sekiro as a rhythm game.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

Then why are the schmup sections so difficult.

>cooldowns is the only way to balance a move

You could at the very least make it so you have to dodge in alternating directions to include some actual fucking gameplay and punish mindless button mashing.

Attached: 1506371904536.png (179x223, 63K)

>it's SUPPOSED to be shit, thank you based Japanese Phil Fish!

they aren't

i assume this webm is a joke but ive seen people unironically try to use that as shitpost material

>t. has never played a shoot 'em up

...I know. That's precisely what I said.

It works perfectly as it's supposed to, it's lenient as fuck because this isn't supposed to be fucking Royal Guard in Devil May Cry. It's an action RPG where everyone can play without being a mindless experience like Dinasty Warriors.

Now compare Automata with Final Fantasy 15 and tell me which has garbage combat.

Bet you niggers complain about no stamina in sekiro too

Spiderman never kills

No, Sekiro is perfectly balanced around lack of stamina.

Notice how every attack is the same?
>charge up
>charge up
This game is fucking shit.

Bayo also has a dodge limit with a pretty big timeout after the last 6th or so during which you are wide open

Okay? In Bayonetta you literally stop time when you dodge. How is rewarding using I-frames with turning the enemy into a punching bag any better.

Bayonetta, the first one, isn't balanced around Witch Time and it's disabled entirely on the highest difficulty. Even on lower ones, not every attack grants Witch Time.

Play the game before talking about it.

>The game literally disables a game mechanic to make it harder
Bad game design.

>so long gay bowser!

I played deep space waifu, does that count?

It's literally a crutch mechanic to make the game easier, Bayo 1 is not lesser if you can't use witchtime

damn its almost like bayo is a different game or something

you still have to time it right, it has diminishing returns after you do it a few times and it is disabled on the highest difficulty.

you only stop time if you do a succesful dodge, wich requires timing, something automata lacks
but the fact that automata is a trashy casual game with a badly written story (this pretty much admited by his author) is what makes retards like you believe is a good game since you can beat it and pretend to understand the "deep story"

>not knowing witch time is to allow players to learn the properties and how to connect combos for when the training wheels are off.
Absolute brainlet tier, bayo has some of the best difficulty scaling of its genre.

You'd think that. And then Bayonetta 2 keeps the mechanic on the hardest difficulty and it's an absolute downgrade in every possible way.

Bayonetta 1 only really starts when the "free hit" mechanic is taken away from you. The fight are much better and faster without bullet time anyway.

That's because Bayo 2 is fundamentally designed around it. You literally can't deal with even basic mooks without it.

And Bayo2 is a downgrade in everything combat wise period. It's probably one of the biggest gaming disappointments I've ever had.


Attached: Quality Bayonetta 2 Game Design.webm (640x360, 2.15M)

what the fuck is going on

Enemies are intangible outside of Witch Time, on the highest difficulty.

so it's like opposite bayonetta?

>Yea Forums is finally talking shit about nier and bayonetta
about damn time you weebs figured out these games are made to make you horny and have no real gameplay

Yeah, the combat is no kidding worse in every regard compared to the first one. It's fun enough for a casual play through, but the game falls apart on anything higher up.

Hey at least bayonetta's hardest difficulty didn't require you to 100% change how you play the game.

Attached: serveimage.jpg (1500x1500, 350K)

atrocious bait

The enemy dodges literally everything unless Witch Time is activated, and even then, you only get like two hits in before the WT runs out.
No one's talking shit about Bayo. We're just pointing out the flaws of Bayo2 in comparison to the first one.

name a single arpg without trash combat
>inb4 dark souls and kingdom hearts 2 on hard mode

Bayo 1 is easily in the top 5 action games.

Dark Messiah, most Monster Hunters, Dragon's Dogma.

Diablo II

That throw at the has me in tears right now

Attached: [Keks in American].webm (912x656, 891K)

Dark Souls
Devil May Cry

>Dark Souls

Attached: basically QTEs.webm (800x500, 2.86M)

DMC5 has like the best combat of all time

sekiro is more of an action game

damn user youre making it sound like theyre different series

Tales series
Dragon's Dogma
Monster Hunter and it's clones

It really amazes me that people take the time to record and upload something like this, somewhere deep down thinking they are actually proving some sort of point.

Now try the same thing in a area with multiple foes and projectiles. Also good luck beating the game just dodging.

>make one game
>reskin it a hundred times

Platinum shills are the dumbest fuckers around. Literally the Madden of action games but it's okay because it's Japanese and has left wacky blocked man making it.


t. filtered by capra demon/cleric beast/chained ogre

>Dragon's Dogma
>Not trash
>MHW clones like God Eater
>Not trash
Dragon's Dogma's gameplay was okay at it's best and horrible at it's worst

not an rpg in the slightest

What is the ideal combat for an ARPG if you could make the perfect combat for one?

>Dragon's Dogma is shi-

Attached: Dragon's Dogma - God tier combat 4.webm (960x600, 2.51M)

no you don't
the window to get witch time is insanely huge