How prominent will she be in Animal Crossing Switch?

How prominent will she be in Animal Crossing Switch?

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Very. She's the mascot of the series now.

Hopefully less than 3ds

People love the shit out of Isabelle so best believe she'll have a big role. I bet they'll come up with another furry bait character to go along with her too.

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Thems' are Fightin' Words.

Because that pink otter worked so well

She's my main in Mario Kart

And Smash

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She'll be the only redeeming factor in a shallow, stagnant IP. Fuck Nintendo for lacking the imagination to develop AC.

It’s been a while since we got AC though, I could see it being good.

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This. I want to be greeted by actual villagers again instead of her every time I start the game up.

I don't want AC Switch to just be New Leaf 2 so hopefully not a lot.

> how prominent
She'll be my wife, so VERY prominent!

What would putting my dick inside her feel like

I hope she gets to be Mayor in the Switch game. Then we can be a normal villager like before AND she gets an important role. Win-win.

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How would you handle this situation?

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Isabelle is overrated fap bait and her brother Digby is better in every conceivable sense

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Fuck that. President. President Isabelle.

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There will be no escaping her this time

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Digby has even less personality than Isabelle.

shizueeeee sexxxxxx!!!!!