Are you looking forward to Trails of Cold Steel III?
Are you looking forward to Trails of Cold Steel III?
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Some people here have been shilling that 3 is the best Cold Steel game so i'm kinda optimistic
It's the least shit one since it's not 1, 2, or 4.
Too bad 4 drops the ball really hard on living up to 3's set expectations
>not on pc
No thanks
No, 4 is the best game because it's not translated yet. That's how it works.
People swore it gets better in the 2nd game too, but it was the worst trials game I've played.
Good less trash people playing it.
Just give it a few months.
>Minor controlled involvement from Hatsuu
>Original voice cast returning
>Actual marketing budget from NISA
We're set for GOTY lads
>looking forward to Cold Steel III
>when we know that Cold Steel IV fucks up anything good that happened in III
Your point? CS3 fucks up everything in 2 and 2 fucks up everything in 1.
No thanks
I'm looking forward to Trails of Cold Steel VI, haha
I have never played any of the previous games, will I understand the story?
fair point
Threadly reminder from the haha man himself
but 4 lets you bang your teacher how is that a fuck up haha?
So little of note happens in 1 and 2 that it can be pretty much summed up with a 5 minute intro at the start.
>starting from the 7th game in a narrative-driven series of 9 interconnected games so far
>understanding, much less appreciating the story
That's our newfag for you, haha...
3 is literally, LITERALLY just 1 all over again. Then 4 is 2 all over again.
So you get a mediocre game followed up by a completely awful shitfest as its sequel.
You can bang Sara in 1
I'm at the Nord section of the first game, how many more hours do I have before the plot really gets going?
I've only played Cold Steel I & II but I managed to fill the gaps in with wikis.
I plan to get the Sky games when they're on sale though.
shit wait 8th game, 8th game
3 at least has better characters than 1
But 4 is so shit I don't even want to think about this series anymore
Keeping the series pure from dirt poor pirates is a good thing.
She left the project almost as soon as she joined. I would imagine NISA wasn't happy having the mascot of XSEED in their office.
Falcom hopped aboard the shameless Persona gravy train, with the president of Falcom admitting he wants to make more games in the series. It's a possibility.
lol wouldn't it be silly if a region skipped a couple of games and fucked everything up? haha
I'd imagine not. You'll at least want to play Cold Steel 1 and 2.
if 3 comes out on PC I may buy though - thats uncensored and best of all. The first 2 came to PC and so did all 3 of the Trails in the Sky games (which are in the same universe but a diffferent story)
Is that the actual voice actor?
Be prepared to enjoy Sen IV DLC and Sen the 5th coming later, haha...
You won't understand the story even if you've played every game. It's intentionally pretentious and the entire series picks and chooses which retcons remain canon, depending on which game you are playing.
Alright thank you all for the replies/insight. It looks like I have some games to play/research to do before jumping in and grabbing the special edition.
Dub VAs confirmed to be returning for CSIII
Safe bet to say that at least all the original Class VII is returning. Ashly Burch might be at the 'too big for anime' point in her career though.
With NIS involved?
>first game is always just 60 hours of filler and 2 hours of story progression, but at least the game has new areas to explore and so on
>second game is always 80 hour of filler and 30 minutes of story progression, with the game just repeating the same old areas from the first
Based dirt cheap Falcom.
Play Trails in the Sky first, it's a good game that should be played out of its own worth anyways.
Did 2 do anything to fuck up other than it fucking up 1?
>She left the project almost as soon as she joined
Her role was always intended to be small and temporary. Likely involved in voice over direction and casting as implied by Sean Chiplock.
The end of the game
The last hour
It is, but that's not a great feat considering the competition.
Ao is still my favorite
A bit but since it's NISA and they fucked up their last Falcom game I'm going to wait until after it's been out a bit just in case they fuck it up.
The PC version of the Sky series is the best, but just remember it was original a PSP title I think so the graphics look old school, more so than the Cold Steel series. If you're okay with that, when they go on sale on PC, pick up Trails in the Sky , Trails in the Sky SC (aka Second Chapter), and Trails in the Sky The Third (3rd chapter)
literally the last minutes
It honestly is. It just follows the first game's format again but it being on PS4 is a nice technical upgrade and the slicker graphics and 60 fps plus more streamlined combat menus make everything feel really nice and snappy. Seeing old locations from Zero/Ao in 3D was neat. Having lots of old characters come back and finally tie Sen into the previous games was satisfying.
IV is complete shit because it follows Sen II's format in the worst way possible. Barely any new locations, you just travel around the places you did already in III (I was expecting to see east Erebonia in PS4 graphics) gathering your crew and the runaway train of a shitty plot finally derails and crashes as it becomes clear the scenario writer never actually had any idea where the story was going and just wrote what the fuck ever. So much for them apparently having had the entire series planned out from the start.
Can you really or is it just dancing like I heard?
>t. guy still on the first game
No, after that horrible 1st game I didn't even feel like playing through the 2nd one.
I thought that shit couldn't happen until the third game
>Play Trails in the Sky first
Yeah don't do that, just read a wiki and start with Sky 2. You'll thank me later.
I am worried that NISA is going to somehow add game breaking bugs/glitches that are not present in the Japanese version
>it was original a PSP title
No it wasn't you dumbass.
>ust read a wiki and start with Sky 2
Yeah don't do that. Just start with Sky 1 like god intended.
What do you mean? The alien was woke as fuck, and it's not like the characters suffered from making them all being waifus for Rean
>skipping games
Why even bother playing these games, if not for the story and characters at that point? Just read wikis for all of them.
I remember hearing good things about trails in the sky back when it was untranslated but everything I've heard about cold steel makes it sound like webnovel garbage. How closely linked are the two subseries? I don't want to play trails in the sky if it's just there to set up the 'haha rean' adventures rather than having a definite conclusion in of itself.
You actual newfag the original Sky games were PC, Falcom was a PC dev for a long time
>woke as fuck
Because literally nothing happens in Sky 1.
>rather than having a definite conclusion in of itself
Sky 2 and Zero/Ao are the only games to have "definite conclusions", it's a staple of Trails games to have cliffhangers leading into the next games.
Can anyone give me reason to keep going with Trails in the Sky? I've just made it to the second town and it's been such a slog to get to this point as it is. Does anything good happen soon or should I just call it quits?
Why is Rixia so fat?
Why play story based games where nothing ever happens in the stories?
It picked up for me in the next chapter in the 3rd town for me. if it doesn't get you then, it's probably not for you.
Chiplock was the man for coming here, but jeez, the female voice acting in this game is bad. They sound like thirty year olds trying to mimic little girls. Neptunia tier.
>Because literally nothing happens in Sky 1.
Bullshit. People sperg out over FC because it's not "WE MUST STOP THE EVIL ORGANIZATION AND KILL GOD". It's just a simply story about a boy and a girl going around helping people while falling in love, and they stop a coup while they're at it. The story also builds up to the final chapter wonderfully.
Just stop if you're not enjoying it. It doesn't get any better in FC and SC isn't worth it if you're not going to go through FC properly.
Are the vita versions of the sky games any good? wanted something portable and i read those versions got english patches
I remember the first time I seen that image set. Pretty awesome art for a series that has so few doujins.
>implying it won't be sen no kiseki dancing all night
All trails arcs can stand on it's on
really the overarching narrative between them is nice but they all are solid on their on
>Pretty awesome art for a series that has so few doujins
Not if you like Alisa
Even the PC versions were low effort. It's about the same either way.
yeah when 3 local was announced he went on falcom's /vg/ thread
The plot literally only picks up in the last few hours, it's all a set up for SC
You'll need to play or read about CS1 and CS2. Other than that, you'll be fine.
Laura, Fie and Sara are the only good exceptions imo.
Sean "Gay Furry" Chiplock's pretty based, sometimes.
I played FC Evo on Vita and it was pretty good.
Just remember that you can hold the circle button to speed up battles, you'll need it.
He showed up in 3 different Yea Forums threads too
Ye, while everyone was busy melting over CS3 being localized by NISA, Sean Chiplock came here and we asked him to record lines for us, he's a pretty fun guy
Except when he's actually voice acting. He one one of the worst actors in BotW, and every voice in that game is garbage.
>with those animations
Falcom the AA-tier small budget company is too poor to afford such luxuries
Damn, XSEED has to be on life support at this point.
Akiba's Beat sold out in minutes on Best Buy's site, but it was going for $9.99.
Post the 'fuck the empire' one
they're pumping out "literally epic" /r/fellowkids material at this point "for the win"
wonder what they'll do when they finally lose their golden goose senran
I've played it twice already.
Why is she so based bros
>Hatsuu the cat killer
Hatsuu is _____
I swear this poster is the spirit of her dead cat
Just how bad is the writing and the gameplay? I need something with visually appealing anime girls, is Trails of Cute Schoolgirls better than atelier and neptunia at least?
> is Trails of Cute Schoolgirls better than atelier and neptunia
Anything is better than Atelier (at least after nu-Gust) and Neptunia, so Cold Steel is probably one of the best options out there if you're into anime girls. That's not saying much for its quality, though, which is serviceable?
Just terrible.
Pretty good. Make sure to play on hard
Will NISA set my ps4 on fire?
Probably but you will miss out on all the soul
>an innocent cat died for this
The writing is about what you expect from a large JRPG that was localised in half the time it took to make the game. Luckily the voice cast is charming enough to carry even the gayest lines.
well you get 60 hours of nonexistent plot until the last hour or so which sets up for the sequel, which is another 60 hours of barely any plot until the ass end of the game so it can set itself up for another sequel
>Pretty good
AT Delay alone makes it utterly fucking broken, and that's not getting into the simplified braindead Orbment systems, the ways that Orders alone break the game, and all other ways to break the games. Not to say that previous Trails games had their problems with balance, but they actually made you think about battles and setups beforehand.
A LOT of people drop it for a while and come back to it because of the slow start but they are usually glad they did return to it
I played on normal and got my ass handed on some bossfights, most notably crow (in his C disguise) and the death thingy near the end of the game
Since why you should play on hard. The balance isn't great, but it has a flow. Cold Steel's combat is better than the other games simply by virtue of it not being slow as molasses.
No im waiting for geofront to finish zero no kiseki.
>play on hard
That's just asking for tedium through artificial difficulty, let alone Nightmare. Granted, it's the same problem as with previous Trails games, so it's not a specific series problem.
>not being slow as molasses
That's why Turbo exists for the previous games.
What are some jrpgs with good battle systems?
>teacher who fucks his students
>he is a villain
>teacher who fucks his students
>everyone loves him
Hm, really makes you think
Trails in the Sky is meant for non-zoomers and people that don't have ADD. You need to actually be an intellectually advanced person to enjoy Trails in the Sky.
Trails of Cold Steel is probably more up your alley.
>want to buy 3
>remember that 4 is "literally everything since Sky 1 was part of our plan and we intended to lose haha see you in the next game lmao"
>Trails in the Sky trilogy with Turbo
>Zero/Ao duology with Turbo
>The SaGa series
>The Grandia series
>Battle Network series (if that counts)
>FFT/Tactics Ogre
I liked those games with neat or at least balanced battle systems (moreso than Cold Steel), but perhaps I liked them more because they usually had a moving plot and reasonable pacing to them.
>You need to actually be an intellectually advanced person to enjoy Trails in the Sky.
I liked the part where they went to a high school and they made the boy dress up as a girl and everyone was hitting on him haha
Whoops, forgot to add The World Ends With You, the most cohesive game I've had the pleasure of playing. Great soundtrack too.
Etrian Odyssey, SMT, Dragon Quest
Don't worry, in 5 we'll learn that we already knew that everything was part of their plan including losing, so we let them lose as part of our plan because they wouldn't consider the possibility that we were just holding back
I just started Cold Steel 1, about 3 hours in.
Is the school thing similar to persona games?
I feel like nothing is happening
>Does everything in her power to hide her chest and look nothing like her XSEED days
Dunno what they were smoking when they said its gonna be done by summer. We'll be lucky if we get it by the end of the year
>I feel like nothing is happening
Probably because nothing is happening haha
>Is the school thing similar to persona games?
Yes, everyone loves Persona nowadays, just look at FE: 3H
>I feel like nothing is happening
That's to be expected with Cold Steel games
Well you played through the prologue so...
You mean the part of the game that was key in establishing the first step of Estelle falling in love with Joshua thus setting up the tragedy that leads in to SC?
Yeah, I agree. It was kino.
consent matters
also rean doesn't hurt or manipulate anyone
I was on a SC stream some weeks ago and I caught the fat dyke bitch who is part of the geofront team in the chat saying they would be done around CS3 release.
I hear they handed translation over to the 'Esty Dee' crew so no, unfortunately. I really did enjoy the first two though. Definitely not enough JRPGs with mechs. Fucking hate SRPGs so don't bring those up.
Counterpoint: Rean helped literally-Hitler take over Switzerland
Rean manipulates all the hearts of the girls who come near him, haha...
Yeah, it looks really good.
By the way, I’m currently going through CS2, just did the intermission chapter on the ship where you talk to the bad guys and unlock the ogre power thing. I have a few questions:
-Does the game keep reusing assets like this? It’s getting kinda annoying having to trek through literally the same areas just with some updated events
-Does the story pick up soon? Kinda feels like the plot is dragging a bit. The intermission was a nice bit of plot thankfully though
-How much do I have left? I just started Act 2 Part 1
-Are there a lot of mech battles left? I love that shit
But in this setting literally-Hitler did nothing wrong, so yeah
You can’t. That user is full of shit. You get to dance with someone.
Yeah, in this setting
kamoshida raped a girl tho
I dont trust a single thing they say, so im not getting my hopes up. Might just end up playing with the current translation
>Does the game keep reusing assets like this?
Falcom, being as poor and small as it is, has mastered reusing assets since the first Trails game, so it's to be expected. That explains all the backtracking, mind you.
God yes
Haha... No
About half
Can't remember, think you should still have a few left
So did Rean, it's called statutory rape
You can't claim to be anything close to intellectual when jap shit is concerned.
Can I finally impregnate Fie?
god I want to fuck the alcoholic teacher
Nothing happens for 90% of CS1, it's the most formulaic game I've ever played.
>Free day
>Practical exam
>Field trip
>Solve conflict between two characters in field trip group
I loved it though lmao
Imagine if you were a girl who was well endowed in the weebshit industry. If you show but a millimetre of skin below the neckline you'll have an army of virgins loudly wanting you to deflower them.
Altina > Fie > useless hags
Hahaha I got banned in the NISA discord by calling her a dumbass, had no idea it was someone from the fantran
>statutory rape
>implying such laws exist in based Erebonia
Besides, nothing can stop our mean Rean machine, haha...
Yes, but there's a handful of new assets still to come
You're at the halfway point, and the story probably peaked hypewise at like a quarter of the way through. Last area is pretty cool though
See above
A few, about as many as you've already played by now, maybe a bit less.
God I want to fuck the homicidal maid with the sexy dub voice.
no you dont have the fertility rate to do that.
rean never fucks a girl you stupid ass retard
Right, instead he fucks Crow.
Stop user I only just fapped
>play cold steel 1 and like it
>come to Yea Forums to talk about it and everyone says it's shit
>start disliking it
>can't play cold steel 2 now
This happen to anyone else?
so this whore is fighting now too huh?
>ps4 only
no, i will wait until ps5 launches to see if it has bc or get a cheap ps4
that means you are a retarded sheep who cant think for himself.
No because I am of age
Why do you even acknowledge what Yea Forums has to say about literally anything?
They already confirmed PS5 has PS4 backwards compatibility.
Well, there's always the other, better Trails games.
Yeah, like Cold Steel 3.
>No PC despite the series being successful on Steam
I wish Japs were less stupid sometimes
Give it some time, all localized Trails games find their way onto Steam sooner or later.
its gonna be censored to death on ps4, not gonna get any swimsuit costumes.
I know it will, but it is stupid to treat PC as a second-rate platform in fucking 2019
I'm sure it will come out eventually. There could be a timed exclusivity deal or nisa might want some more time to make sure it isn't another Ys 8.
PC isn't even a third-rate platform.
I managed to go through Cold Shit 1 but gave up at 2. goddamn do i hate nearly every single character in this saga
He does in 4
NISA cant handle releasing games on a single platform, let alone multiplat. Cant wait to see just how much they'll fuck up the translation
If you liked CS1 you will like CS2.
Yea Forums considers pretty much everything shit if it's different from what came before it.
Haha, that's our fujobait for you...
Mom, why are you dressing like that, you are embarrassing me in front of my friends
Hey guys what's up? My boat got wrecked and some faggots locked me up, but I broke out. I dyed my hair blue to look more like Rean since he seems pretty popular. Anyways, I heard you were having some problems with a secret society and some guy named Osbourne. Want me to take care of them for you? I'm pretty handy with a sword.
Wow, this light novel protagonist looks cool haha
I don't know about you guys, but this man looks like he could solo Ouroboros all by himself.
I don't know about you goys, but this man looks like he could solo Ouroboros all by himself.
Y'know, for a degenerate furfag, he's pretty alright.
He looks pretty fucking based, I'd trust this man with my life.
Though the Crossbell arc is perfectly playable in something akin to English.
it's actually supposed to be black hair
Also based Adol is so famous that he dyes his hair for camouflage.
Did he pick a favorite cartoon horse or something? What makes him a furry? I doubt he has a comprehensive library of Sindolls works.
It's actually Crow
This is objectively wrong as long as Zelda's English VA exists.
>you will never have a gigantic empire solely dedicated to hunting down your ass to punish you for all the cool shit that you did against them
>you will never be smart to know to dye your famous trademark hair to avoid capture
Reankeks will never know this feeling of being a smart and believable protagonist, how tragic.
He's a literal fursuit-wearing homosexual. Check his twitter.
The only reason to play FC is so you can really enjoy SC and 3rd. Or if you can appreciate a comfy romp around a country with mostly slice of life storytelling. But stick with it if you want the story where things actually start picking up.
I said ONE of the worst retard.
But isn't he married to a woman?
>No PC port
Don't give a fuck. Fuck NISA.
Gameplay wise it's at least enjoyable. Definitely more so than the grind heavy nature of Atelier and Neptunia. But it ranks lower on the cute girls scale than either Atelier or Neptunia.
>all the girls wanna bang him
Only in anime
So was Elton John.
Dragon Quest legitimately qualifies because it started everything, and despite everything else copying it and eventually evolving, it has consistently maintained what it is for decades. A battle system like DQ's was commonplace for a while but now it's one of a kind again.
No, sorry, but I did lock my keys inside my house. You know someone who can get inside?
You called, buddy? A house has walls, right?
The only good thing about Sen no Kiseki is chinaman's 50 hours livestream. Everything else is trash.
Someone please spoil the series for me so I don't need to play it.
Bad guys trying to collect all dragon balls to do something.
Osborne did nothing wrong
Heroes go on a gigantic treasure hunt for artifacts, who always get BTFO by a morally grey organization
Characters show up and hold back
Nothing happens
Rean gets another girl in his harem haha
A lot of cucking happens up north
Who holds back the most?
I got so hype for Cold Steel 1 (preordered the steel book version for vita) and was hugely disappointed. It felt like a budget generic JRPG with some carryover from Persona. I hated the MC. Does 2 get better?
Things at least kinda happen in CS2.
>budget generic jrpg
I mean Sky looked like a low budget PS1 game, so what were you expecting?
The Writers
Who doesn't?
Why are Japs so incapable of writing a coherent plot?
TITS was fantastic. It slowly but consistently ramped up and I cared about the characters. I'm not talking about the visuals, I mean the story, characters and progression in Cold Steel. I enjoyed the lore additions and some of the world building but as a game it was far below expectations. TITS is probably my favourite JRPG.
Idk that plot looks pretty coherent to me
>Does 2 get better?
It's not as much of an autistic adventure that requires a guide in order to not miss hidden quests, but it's still awful.
Except not even that. The only Septerrion Ouroboros has collected is The Aureole. Mirage, Fire, and Earth all get deleted.
Because they're into cuck porn and NTR, as evidenced with Rean's underdeveloped harem.
i have all the trails games on steam so I dont wanna buy this one for my ps4, so no.
wake me up when the steam version hits
Only because it has yet to be translated.
Once it out, weebs who paid $80 to import it will claim that the translation is to blame.
They're obviously just letting time pass in the Erebonia arc so they can make Rean the protagonist of the Calvard arc.
Just play the games and enjoy what you can. Some of the weird decisions in CS that just gave me momentary pause while playing are eternal flaws here. Not that it's not worth talking about the flaws, what else would we do here. I'm still wondering what the fuck was up with CS2's plot and Olivier and Victor's decision, as well as the tonal shifts in the series since 3rd, but stuff happened and the story moves on and hopefully gets better. At least Laura and backup girl Sara exist to distract me during the Erebonian detour.
On that note it's worth noting that CS doesn't stand alone for many here. People calling it shit aren't going to stop playing after sinking 200+ hours in. Perhaps Calvard will be when people actually stop if it sucks badly enough, but that's a lot of sunk time, perhaps they'll stick around for the finale of the shitty trails anime at that point.
Yes but also no because
>Rean gets to fuck this ass every day
why care about hidden quests?
>subhumans discussing which game is the best when the whole series is nothing but cash grab after cash grab of generic shounen games that seem original because by the time anyone cared to localize them the tropes that permeate them will belong to the last decade
Filled with padding, each single story has to be split in multiple entries because whoever who's in charge of adapting shounen jump latest hot take into a mediocre rpg with mechanics stolen straight out of Persona and Fire Emblem believes that you can't do a good plot without having to traverse each modern fantasy town over and over again with a goody two shoes master of all trades protagonist, his harem of dumb bimbos who apport nothing and his background male companions.
A sad corpse of a series with even a more tragic fanbase, who cling to it either because they think niche is cool or because they spent years learning japanese just to play a literal fan fiction of a retard who played Suikoden and Xenogears and thought that a long lasting series in the same universe would be good, with political themes as understood by a 11 year old and mechas. Literally everything that Kekseki ever did has been done by literally any other jrpg series, but better and ten years before. It's no wonder why this shitshow ranks lower than the most cancerous weeb games in japan, the series has become a shittier parody of itself.
Literally the only reason I care about trails past AO is simply to see what the characters I actually like are up to. And even then Cold Steel makes them all fucking jokes. Olivier went from one of the most cunning people on the entire continent to being a complete fucking retard, for example. At least he and Schera get married at the end of CS4, one of the few good things to come out of that shit stain of a series.
How can Liberlbois, Hamelfags, and Crosscucks even compete against based Ereboniggas?
>People calling it shit aren't going to stop playing after sinking 200+ hours in
Pretty much. I hate what CS has done to the trails series, but i just cant stop playing, still hoping they're gonna get another trails sc. Like you said, Calvard or w/e next arc will make or break it for me. If its another harem self insert bullshit i just might quit
based Kekseki poster
fuck Rean and fuck Cold Steel
I don't get it, do you just abandon your previous harem in 1 to fuck new bitches in 2 and 3?
Why is Ms. Valestein so perfect bros?
I really hope her VA comes back for III
Our lad Rean needs an excess of cute new things on his dick from time to time. It's all actually part of his curse, haha...
Alisa, Emma, Laura, Sara
Alisa, Emma, Laura, Sara, Claire, Fie,
Alisa, Emma, Laura
Alisa, Emma, Laura, Sara, Claire, Fie, Musse, Juna, Celine (probably the most disgusting offensive thing to have happened in Trails history), Altina
Oh and Crow is fujobait throughout the entire series.
TITS felt pretty unique to me at the time, at least in its pacing. It wasn't afraid to go slow and give you a bunch of mini sidequests. You didn't really know what you were working towards for the first 20 hours. It was a pretty cool slice of life with some interesting world building that seamlessly ramped up into being a larger scale JRPG. The music fit the setting too with jazzy battle music and relaxing exploration. Most JRPGs start with you being the chosen one and have most locations exist purely to push forward the story in some way, but TITS felt like it was on a larger scale (especially since the other Trails series all take place around the same few years and show other sides of the story).
Millium is the only character that ever gets kicked out of Rean's harem.
>liking the Sonic 06 of Trails
You ended up coming around but still.
This image subtly conveys everything wrong with Cold Steel.
Is it worth reading a summary of 1 and jumping into CS2? I only put 7-8 hours into 1 but don't plan on going back. I want more trails though.
Haha, I think you mean everything right with Cold Steel.
Might as well just read a summary of 2 and jump into CS3.
Rased and Bedpilled
I can summarize it for you right now. LN protagonist goes to school, discovers he's a gary stu, fixes everyone's problems, then gets a mech to chase after his boyfriend who ended up being a bad guy all along.
get dabbed on Skyboomer
us Senchads are taking over, haha...
I'm really disappointed that she's wearing a shirt
Sounds good to me, thanks.
why would you wanna jump into CS2? CS1 is infinitely better
shut the fuck up Crow you cock-hungry conman
Wait, Hatsuu has no job again? Who do I have to boycott now?
Southern California
lol delusional skyfags still at it after all these years
Not an argument CS-kun
You know and we all know you want a piece of this big teaching boy~
post more best canon girl
>ywn get your meek wingman Elliot laid
I'm sorry resounding beat-man, I have no women to spare
NISA better not censor the outfits in CS3. If Sony tries pressuring them, they should send one of their Yakuza buddies over to have a talk with Sony.
He doesn't need your help, he's popular with the ladies.
Hey, it's better than Anton's situation.
How is their track record for censorship?
Does anybody actually like Alisa?
Is she the favourite character of literally anyone?
>canon girl
Crow is Rean's canon love interest
Not my favorite, but I think she's fine. But I like tsunderes so my opinion doesn't mean anything.
Not my favourite girl, but she's cute and I enjoy tsundere girls. Plus I have a bad habit of only choosing the canon girls as it would flare up my autism otherwise.
Yes, she's the most popular girl in Japan and the West.
She's the favorite of horse cocks and bugmen doujins
>Jusis and Millium #2
A speck of light in the dark.
post laura
canon girls unite
triumphing over sword autists any day
Are they actually good
I don't care if Sumika is canon, Meiya is objectively better just by way of actually having more screentime and thus more development.
wat is this crap
>No pc
>No steam
>No epic so i can pirate it
They've spawned the Smol Alisa meme with bugmen eyes, so I'd say they're pretty good.
Ehh shes ok, id go with laura or sara first, but since its implied that she's the cannon choice i ended up with her
>literally is canon that she loses in so many timelines that her jealousy crosses space and time to connect with an alternate reality version of herself
what the heck is a bugmen doujin?
>you couldn't protect her smile
Usually they fly under the radar because nobody plans on buying their games anyway. XSEED used to take the hit and pay off Sony or whatever was done to keep the games pure.
>That doujin where she and Rean are fucking in the pool changing rooms trying not to fuck loud enough to alert Monica
Insects, creepy-crawlies, and the like
A favorite choice is usually wasps
Should I bother playing 3rd or skip to CS1 from SC?
You mean that one doujin where she's raped in a cabin and then a giant wasp rapes her for some reason?
Magical Laura is cute! CUTE! I want her to rape me in her cave!
machias is best bro
You've gotten this far, play my game you fuck
>Read the wiki
That's a pretty cute sword autist there, user
I can understand that European and American players have little criticism of it.
If you play start at "-Sen No Kiseki"
Then the work of the four-part song looks "still ok"
If you played Sora no Kiseki 1FC+2SC+3rd
Zero no Kiseki
Ao no Kiseki
Then, you start playing Sen No Kiseki", you will feel that Electronic Arts has a reputation and integrity that is much higher than Falcom.
I don't know if you have ever felt that way. You are very passionate about and deeply fascinated by a work. Then you find that the author who wrote the script has changed. You never recognize the beautiful world again.
Some are just cheap scripts and full of Mary Sue stories.
I don't know if you have experience watching A Song of Ice and Fire. The next chapter turns into Guilty Crown.
As uncomfortable as eating faeces, KUSO GAME
3rd has the only good protagonist in the series, so play it.
I love her
I want to fuck her
I want her to fUCK ME please dear Aidios pLEASE
I like that one. The art is good, not keen on the wasp shit. Also the one where everyone on the airship takes turns fucking her and Sara to boost morale.
That's not Jusis
Why do western fans hold grudges? The current NISA is not the same as the old one. Its completely different.
>Everyone else he reuinites with he just stands there awkwardly with his hands by his side
>The only person he actually embraces is Machias
What did they mean by this.
What does this even mean. They've been fucking up the same exact way forever.
>hatsuu still refuses to do porn despite being in financial troubles
The wait is almost over lads. She will cave in soon.
Ys 8 is still fresh in their minds and understandably so. However I believe their remorse is genuine and that CSIII will be done properly as a result.
Probably just overflowing emotion since Machias is the first of his friends that he comes across.
it hurts to much bros, haha.......
The guy with the glasses usually is the best bro
I'm still mad you don't have a duel with the sword autist herself to decide who tops.
If her father was putting on an act while fighting Rean, I'm pretty sure Laura would get run over.
>wanting to watch porn of a cat killer
based and swordautistpilled
How does save transfer work from 2 to 3? I picked Alisa and now I want to change to Laura when CSIII comes out.
i'll be there day one desu
For what? Doing porn? Doing porn with Hatsuu?
throwing money so she can maintain her figure, of course
There's no save transfer from 2 to 3
>giving money to a bonafide cat killer
should i PS4 or wait for PC?
Then how do you maintain any established romance?
I haven't been paying attention to their twitter or anything. Has NISA said anything about PC or are they being suspiciously silent?
You dont, they pretty much reset your relationship.
Rean starts with Amnesia in 3.
>established romance
Why bother with that when you could have a harem all to yourself, haha...
But Alisa said she loved me at the end of 2 ;_;
Unless you have a perfect understanding of Chinese, you can't. The Kai versions were created exclusively for China by Sony of China.
Sony of China sounds pretty based desu
Not like Sony of California at all
Alisa's a fucking whore, what else is new
>They haven't even gotten 25% of the way through text localization
We won't know for a looooong time.
If I remember correctly, when Rean first meets up with one of the girls, you're given a dialogue choice either implying they're a friend or gf.
Im sorry user, but you'll have to move on
>They haven't even gotten 25% of the way through text localization
nice try, sword autist
NISA doesn't do GOG so I'll be on PS4.
best girl always finds a way
>nisa doesnt do gog
I totally forgot that they do Ys now too. What does XSEED even have at this point?
I keep hearing good things about this series, (including TitS) but I dunno, man.
I've just got so many other JRPGs on my must-play list.
Like, is this series really worth playing over Suikoden 2?
Only if you haven't played the previous Suikoden game for that save file transfer
No, play Suikoden 2(and 3 and 5) first, and then consider playing Trails.
Playing Xenogears would be a good prep for Trails later on
CS4 isn't even announced, you'll be done with the entire Suikoden series 10 times over before CS4 comes.
Boarded up windows and cobwebs.
Senran Kagura.
Cringe translations.
It's dead, user.
Well surely XSEED will be in charge of Rune Factory 5 right?
Theon dies
Jorah dies
Lyannah dies
Bran dies and is brought back
Beric dies
Varys dies
Gilly dies
Missandei dies
Don't remember those from the previous games
Cold Steel is one of the dullest series in the history of JRPG franchises. Seriously each chapter following the boy student and his pals from Thors Military Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the high school imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Kondo vetoed the idea of keeping the previous sprite graphics; he made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for his merchandise. The Cold Steel series might be anti-Crossbellian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-Sky series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least Cold Steel 3 was good though
The writing is dreadful; the game was terrible. As I played, I noticed that every time a character finished a battle, it was written as if the character "held back."
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Kondo's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that he has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Cold Steel by the same Tetsuya Takahashi. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are playing Cold Steel at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to play Xenogears." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you play "Cold Steel" you are, in fact, trained to play Xenogears.
>spoiling normalfag shit
do you seriously think anyone here gives a fuck about normie cringe tv shows?
imagine unironically giving a shit about game of thrones.
Whoa, calm down with those spoilers, pal. If I knew who even one of those imaginary people were, I'd probably be sad.
I mean probably.
Episode leaked in spain haha
Seems legit, user.
prove it so I can cause sorrow, otherwise that list is just obvious guesses
Anybody who gives a shit about propaganda trash made by hollywood pedophiles and faggots needs to die
First game is one big prolog.
Second game is one big prologue.
See You in cave.
Personally I am because I love Falcom and this franchise. I do believe that CS has been a signoificant step down in quality yet I personally still enjoyed the games a lot.
I will also say I don't think it is a good idea to listen to what people on Yea Forums say about 3 or 4, then opinions parroted (and yes, I mean parroted, you honestly think there is more than maybe 1 or 2 people who actuall speak Japanese and played these?) vary wildly.
>3 is great and 4 sucks!
>3 is terrible and 4 is great!
>both are terrible!
>both are fine!
>all of Cold Steel is terrible!
>Falcom literally killed my family so I have dedicated my life to shitting on them
Don't know what to think but I am looking forward to forming my own opinion.
Also discussing Falcom on this website never goes well, just look at the Falcom general.
>a worse thread than average /fg/-edition
that's an accomplishment
>you honestly think there is more than maybe 1 or 2 people who actuall speak Japanese and played these?
They could've used the spreadsheet translation that's floating around for these games.
Says the guy posting some scatfag gook's edited porn.
Why is Renne so lewd, guys?
Haha, that's our Rennefag for you...
And I honestly don't believe that is more than another 1 or 2 people. You are giving the people who post on this website too much credit.
Why does his art have to be so good in the wasteland of lewds
>Laura will never p on ur pp
Flirting with Renne!
Inviting Renne out for dinner!
Getting to know Renne!
Walking Renne home!
Lending Renne my coat to keep her warm!
Comforting Renne over her issues!
Holding hands with Renne!
Kissing Renne on the cheek!
Saying goodnight to Renne!
Walking around the back of Renne's home!
Waiting three hours behind Renne's home!
Climbing up to Renne's balcony!
Beating up Renne's guardians Estelle & Joshua and climbing in!
Sneaking up to Renne's bedside while she is asleep!
Covering Renne's mouth!
Taping Renne's mouth shut!
Tying Renne up!
Giving Renne a ride to paradise!
Shackling Renne up!
Slipping my hand up Renne's skirt!
Punching Renne to stop her squirming!
Grabbing Renne's thighs!
Slipping my hand under Renne's pantsu!
Fingering Renne's cunny!
Pulling up Renne's skirt!
Kissing and licking Renne's tummy!
Sucking Renne's perky pink nipples!
Licking Renne's armpits!
Ripping off Renne's pantsu!
Pulling Renne's legs apart!
Sliding my cock into Renne!
Fucking Altina in the Renne and then the asshole!
Cumming inside of Renne multiple times!
Calling friends to run train on Renne!
Shoving my dick down Renne's throat!
Deepthroating Renne until she stops breathing!
Running more train on Renne!
Noticing Renne is still alive!
Cutting Renne with my kitchen knife 35 times!
Continuing running train on Renne!
Helping Estelle search for Renne a week later!
Comforting Estelle and assuring her Renne is just fine!
Flirting with Estelle!
Sorry I can't post this stuff here unedited. I don't give a fuck if it's a scatfag as there's plenty of shots without that shit