You ARE replaying GTA IV, right?
1 Day
Other urls found in this thread:
no, it sucks. I'd much rather replay SA or VC.
>needs Social Club and GFWL
Only things keeping me from reinstalling. You'd think that they'd patch it out after 10 years.
The worst game in the series?
No, thank you
He's not playing VC or V tho.
both are dead by now and not required
Seethe harder faggot, IV will always be known as the GTA that tried realism and failed because it lacked so many things GTA is known for.
But the Steam page says "Requires 3rd-Party Account: Games For Windows - Live and Rockstar Games Social Club". I'm confused.
It's actually the best game in the series.
>IV will always be known as the GTA that tried realism and failed
>broke world records and acclaim because Rockstar actually put the last of their heart and soul into it
>but it's suddenly a failure to because it's literally not GTA SA 2.0
Sad as fuck.
>The worst game in the series
xliveless plugin
I'd rather play fun games like VC and SA than your shitty edgelord simulator
What are the go-to graphic mods nowadays?
I've been replaying it on my shiny new 4k screen and while i've got the same gripes with it I did on release the game sure looks a lot nicer.
If you kill Dwayne over Playboy X you're subhuman.
Best GTA ever, slightly better than SA.
It has the best cast of characters, but maybe I'm saying this because I'm a Slav.
"Heart and soul"? The heart and soul of GTA is completely void in IV. It's a tech demo first, a game second in a completely grey and brown environment. So many things from previous games are gone because it wouldn't fit in with their shitty turn to realism. People who like IV are always quick to point out things like the way cars get dented or how Niko falls down stairs, always missing the bigger picture on what makes GTA great.
Sorry faggot, couldn't you hear you over the soul.
I gladly would be, but it's still glitchy as shit on PC and I've already replayed numerous times on consoles.
>b-but fixes user!
Yeah yeah, I've tried them. It helps but it's still glitchy.
I unironically listen to Vladivostok FM when I'm at work
Get mad, faggoto
Generic as fuck, while this literally bleeds soul.
>IV and Vfags continue to fight while no one talks about the best of them all
Thought I'd stop by to remind you all that The Lost and Damned (Yes, THE Lost and Damned) Is the best Grand Theft Auto game of them all.
NO! Johnny is better than all of those fuckers, I'm sorry your minds aren't able to comprehend such brilliance
Continue to say that, TLAD is Short and Sweet, One of those things is your sex life. And I'll give you a hint, It's not the 2nd one.
Imagine parroting shitty E-Celebs who claim TBOGT Is the 2nd coming of fucking Christ.
Do any of the GTA games have good stories? Like if you're one of those faggots who likes narrative driven games with cutscenes are any of the GTAs any good?
I love the Red Dead Redemption games but I've never played a GTA game.
are you even trying?
I like 4 but I didn't care for lost and the damned. Felt sort of rushed and lazy.
absolutely. Damn shame about the PC port, but the game still oozes soul. The ultra realist vehicle handling is garbage tho, not gonna lie. Still, the story, setting and characters are way better than 5.
>1 Day.
context ?
GTA IV's 11th Anniversary
first day of shilling the remake
GTA IV and San Andreas. Every other GTA just isn't as good in story or gameplay.
san andreas (unless you're a faggot that has to take everything too seriously) and IV
>babby's first GTA
Woohoo can't wait to replay this masterpiece
but that's vice city
GTA IV Soap City
but that's GTA 2
The girl in GTA IV's internet Cafe has more lines than GTA V's Amanda or Tracey combined
Wait, is this how the driving really was? I haven't played it since it came out.
I have a retail copy of GTA IV. Someone knows if the 2018 song removal patch applies to my copy?
Yes, it is.
That's a first person mod.
That's San Andreas user.
What, like console? If you've got the PC version, there's a fan patch for both GTA IV and EFLC.
They all have decent stories but IV is the only one I'd call good.
The PC one. Without Steam, obviously. I ask this because, since GfWL is in support state, I don't think there's capacity for offer new patches. Hell, Rockstar offered one in 2016 vía their own website.
So realistic!
>Firing the M4 for the first time
>The sound
>The muzzle flash
>The recoil
>The ragdoll
>Casings flying out
>Blood splattering on Niko's face
>The smoke in the room post firefight
The gunplay in this game was the best outta every GTA
I wanna go back, bros
>copyright expired so they had to remove half the songs
>The gunplay in this game was the best outta every GTA
Only if you use KB/M. Using a controller is an excercise in pain for shooting in IV. The controsl are so fucking wallowy its painful.
That shit's worse than I thought. It makes me wonder if people would ever be receptive to an open world game with sim-like driving. We already know it's possible for people to enjoy shooters with realistic ballistics.
No, it's a fucking miserable game. Even 1 and London are more replayable than this trash.
No, because the z-fighting on PC is unbearable and I don't feel like installing this mod and that mod and doing ini tweaks to "fix" it.
Cars don't really sway like that in real life, dumbass.
>being this upset over a good game
someone pointed out how many hours I have on it in steam and I feel ashamed to ever pick it up again. I only beat it like 5 times but somehow I have 400 hours. I dont even play multiplayer. I think 40 hours or so could be idle but still
The same happened with Mafia. The worst thing is that songs were the half of the soul there.
I always end up replaying the same portion of this or that level just because I love the death animation and such
They actually had to replace every song except for one (Seryoga - Liberty City: The Invasion)
You're both wrong. V is the best GTA game. IV is second best, then SA, then VC, then III.
I really do believe that GTA got better with every game. Not every game series can say that, but Rockstar's standards are consistently high, and they have consistently improved the series with each release.
By the way I still love III even though I'm putting it at the bottom of that list - in fact I think III doesn't get enough love. It's a fantastic game. They're all fantastic games. But I do think each one has improved upon the one before it.
you enjoyed a video game? what the fuck, user..
I can run it on fucking Linux but you can't run it on Windows 10?
>Unironically using a youtuber's opinion to support your argument
>here's a youtube video of some redditor's opinion!
GTA 5 shooting was even worse on console than GTA 4. In GTA 4 you could play the game with free aim and still do fine, 5 has such a shit framerate and the aiming feels way more stiff that you basically need to use auto aim.
I started a replay but it gave me a crash to desktop so I dont' want to bother
Not him, but for me my saves corrupt fast to where the world doesn't load outside of Roman's first house and I end up in an invisible city.
Does this shit hold up today?
Bought it on Steam ages ago and never played it though played this shit out of VC/SA and to a lesser extent 5
What makes GTA great? Jetpacks? You're talking about one game in the series. IV is much closer to the original idea than SA. If SA is the one GTA you like you should play Saint's Row instead.
Oh look it's another Redditor regurgitating the circlejerk they found on Reddit. I really wish you would fuck off back there.
What are the GTA games even about and why are they so popular? Do they have good compelling storytelling or are they just bland open world snorefests like Watch_Dogs?
>IV was much closer to the original idea
[citation needed]
It plays like a tech demo for V (and utilmately was in many ways).
It has a way better physics engine than any of the others, so it's worth dicking around with just for that.
link me where someone on reddit said this, you seem to be an expert on the topic. I found this out day 1 when I played the game faggot.
It's a combination of a lot of things, including being at the right place at the right time
there have been numerous errors on my pc trying to run gta 4, i would list them out but its been so long since i last tried, i troubleshot as far as the internet could take my skills. i did have it running on win7 before i upgraded (i had to upograde since my job requires me to work on a pc from home and my boss needed me to run win10). gta v is still pretty fun tho, just not as memorable as 4
If you do play it, use xliveless so it can run and the soundtrack restoration. Also, every mission can be beaten in unconventional ways and it accounts for it most of the time. Playing the game the boring way is what turned off a lot of people aside from the boat driving.
Whether or not we agree on that, I think we can agree that the worst things are the 3D Era GTA games modded to have "Modern graphics"
>he doesn't replace handling.DAT immediately
>1 Day.
what did he mean by this
GTAIV is better than GTAV, but not for the brainlet reasons that Crowbcat cites. It's just a more entertaining story and the characters are a lot more winning.
Liberty City is also just a lot more interesting, despite not being as interactive.
>in the middle of a shootout
>trying desperately to get some cover
>cover system doesn't work cause is shit
>try to run away
>nico moves like a cancerous retard walking underwater
>get wasted in seconds
>checkpoint system sucks
>go back to the beginning of the mission
>gonna grab a cab cause the driving mechanics sucks
>dying in GTA 4 missions
unironically git gud
I miss cops n crooks bros
at least you can manually crouch
This. The problem with GTA V is that it doesn't take itself seriously in any way. Now that's fine, but you've spent all this time creating this amazingly interactive world. How can I invest anything emotionally in any of these people or those close to them when so much of the script is just tired satire?
Is that abomination GTA III?
The brazilian mods for SA are a thing of wonder if you love "remasters".
Yeah they are pretty awful. Thankfully there are modders who stay close to the original art style.
I assume that's just a higher resolution version of the original textures. Which is fine. Better than this nonsense
Xbox mod + throwing resolution at the game is all you need for a good looking GTA III.
No, it's garbage and I don't let famous e-celebs form my opinions.
Memeing basically. The only reason GTA ever got as popular as it did is because the media and interest groups bitched about it non-stop and how violent and appalling the games were, how you could allegedly rape whores then kill them and take back your money, etc. And Rockstar new exactly how to make it all play into their hand too. Now they just sell so well because of brand recognition. Essentially GTA is the iPhone of video game franchises at this point.
Watch_Dogs is a way better game gameplay wise but GTA is better in terms of content volume and story.
GTA's notoriety goes back further than rockstar's involvement - when it was basically just DMA design and take-two they drummed up some fake controversy for the first game in the UK as a marketing campaign.
Neat technology moments and details in the game world but gameplay itself isn't fun, so I'll pass.
>DMA design
That's literally Rockstar North. And the European publisher of the first game was BMG Interactive.
Basically in every GTA since III (I haven't played the 2D ones) you play as a criminal. Usually at the start of the game you're just starting out as a criminal, or you're an existing criminal who has just moved to a new city. You might start the game as a small-time criminal, but eventually you get into bigger shit, you make some enemies, and usually the last mission of each game involves killing your biggest enemy.
There are slight deviations from this formula, but that's the general gist.
And yeah I think the storytelling is good. I know I made it sound formulaic, but each game's story is unique, and so is each game's protagonist (in GTA V there are three protagonists, and each is unique).
To be honest I'm surprised that anyone who is into games can be unfamiliar with GTA, since it is such a massive series. GTA V, for instance, is the third best-selling game of all time, beaten only by Tetris and Minecraft.
why would i replay it when i've never even completed it
the driving was that unenjoyable
You're regurgitating the same Reddit bollocks and none of it is true. V's shooting is objectively improved in every single way. The weapon wheel is invaluable once you've used it. The aiming is much more immersive because you only get a small sight instead of the big round health meter that you get in IV. But, of course, you've jumped on the Reddit bandwagon of "OLD THING GOOD, NEW THING BAD!", so I guess reasoning is beyond you.
>Essentially GTA is the iPhone of video game franchises at this point
It's always funny watching the cope of poorfags and their mental gymnastics. "It's only popular because of b-b-brand recognition!" Products don't become popular unless they are good at what they're designed to do, dumbfuck.
>That's literally Rockstar North
I know. The point is before rockstar threw millions at them to make GTA III they were going for shock value as a marketing campaign.
>BMG Interactive.
Totally forgot that though, its been 20 years since I last played the original.
>watch dogs is better gameplay wise
I know were allowed to share our opinions but damn is that just an objectively wrong opinion.
Not the guy you're replying to, but he was right - the first GTA had no involvement from Rockstar Games (who hadn't even been founded then). Yes you are right that DMA Design was renamed Rockstar North, once Rockstar Games (the publisher, started by Dan and Sam Houser in NYC with a couple of others) bought them. Rockstar Games (the publisher) published GTA 2 as their first GTA title. Then they published GTA III, and then they bought DMA shortly after GTA III, and renamed them Rockstar North.
>Watch Dogs is better gameplay wise
I know were supposed to share opinions but damn that is an objectively wrong opinion.
>Products don't become popular unless they are good at what they're designed to do
sales =! quality
>virgin khhv who plays vidya all day long
>still a virgin khhv who plays vidya all day long
what went wrong bros?
no way this is real
1. Grand Theft Auto
2. Grand Theft Auto: London 1969
3. Grand Theft Auto: London 1961
4. Grand Theft Auto 2
5. Grand Theft Auto III
6. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
7. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
8. Grand Theft Auto Advance
9. Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories
10. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
11. Grand Theft Auto IV
12. Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost and The Damned
13. Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars
14. Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony
15. Grand Theft Auto V
Prove me wrong
Protip You can't
there were two London games?
what's the best 2d GTA. I think Chinatown Wars is.
I just finished it two weeks ago for the first time, feels good. Better story and physics than V.
Same. So much fun playing multi with a bro
>the most objective measure of a product being valued as "good" by its target audience doesn't mean it's good
The mental gymnastics are immense.
I played the DS version so I didn't have multiplayer, Is it available elsewhere? I haven't played it in a while.
It was later released on PSP and even later on iOS/Android.
I see McDonalds is the single greatest food company on earth, and that Marvel is the best movie franchise in history.
I would if it wasn't so horribly optimized.
>Marvel is the best movie franchise in history.
I've met enough people who genuinely believe this that its made me a jaded fuck.
Reminder that CJ is the dumbest protagonist in the series
>Hy friend who constantly shits on me is high as fuck
>He says we should rob the arny
Yes, and Sweet is the biggest asshole in the series.
>To be honest I'm surprised that anyone who is into games can be unfamiliar with GTA, since it is such a massive series. GTA V, for instance, is the third best-selling game of all time, beaten only by Tetris and Minecraft.
I never touched them because I never realized they had stories worth caring about. I was under the impression it was just an aimless sandbox where you ran around running people over and shooting shit with no real goal or conclusion.
>still no mod to give Niko his old hair and gloves
What a strange world.
Nobody has actually done this.
What is the best way to play GTA San Andreas? With proper graphics effects in HD? Without removed songs and stuff?
Huh? I thought there was a mod for the gloves at least.
All good answers.
look up the downgrader, it's a huge package of essential mods and fixes that does it all for you
Original xbox
I was talking about the aiming though.
>3 measly heists with a veneer of choice that doesn't actually matter (options, who you hire, etc)
>family drama instead of societal or social criticism, or revenge or whatever. took inspiration from all the wrong parts of sopranos
>le epic genius hackerman xDDD he looks JUST like that guy from south park lmao!!
>0 growth or development of any of the characters
>meaningless multiplayer cosmetics and modes DLC instead of any meaningful chapters or storyline extensions
>pay2win grindfest online
>music is all either boomer 80s crap or legitimate zoomer garbage other than a handful of rap songs
I'll admit, I do like the 1st person mode and weapon variety was a bit better, the gameplay felt significantly tighter, but that is better attributed to technology rather than any effort or passion from the devs.
Both london games were expansion packs for the original gta on pc.
the Razor 1911 version doesn't ask for either of those
It amazes me that Niko did so well as a protagonist. You'd think a hairy, ugly, unpleasant Serbian commando wouldn't test well as a main character in the normie crowd but he killed it. Whoever wrote GTAIV really nailed the themes of immigration and diversity in New York to have such a loved and memorable cast.
GTA4 fags eternally btfo
I'm waiting for the switch port
is good gaem.
I probably beat it once a week give or take
>Whoever wrote GTAIV really nailed the themes of immigration and diversity in New York to have such a loved and memorable cast.
Shame they couldn't pull the same in V. You would've thought we'd get a Mexican or Central American character to play as considering it's fucking California.
forgot pic
Hardest mission?
the first one. Can't find the will to continue after that
Not him, but the mission where Niko flies over LC while Jacob has to shoot down another helicopter with a rocket launcher.
Little Jacob sure was fun to hang out with. Packie too.
>My face when BLOOD! FIRE! WAR! HATE!
>Cannibal Corpse
>All right after one another
If they satirize Florida in VI and don't have a Death Metal station, I am going to subscribe to pewdiepie at Rockstar's offices.
I've honestly never considered it. I wouldn't call any of the missions hard, but the one I've replayed the most is probably the faustin mission where you drive a truck full of explosives to blow up a garage. simply because I use KB+M and driving is usually easier with a controller
I actually was in the middle of a replay, but got distracted by other things. I live GTA4 but it does drag quite a bit and the clothing options suck ass.
The only good thing in IV is the ragdoll engine.
The city is shit
The story is shit
The characters are shit.
>The city is shit
>The story is shit
>The characters are shit.
This is a GTA IV thread, not V.
I did, and holy shit does Yea Forums overrate the shit out of it. GTA IV is NOT as good as we remember it.
>empty map
>shitty radio stations
>driving controls get annoying after a while
>dull, monotonous colors
>tedious relationship side quests
>barely any customization
>the only cool easter egg is the beating heart
The good thing about GTA IV is the city vibe with a ton of alleys, but even in missions you barely get any use out of them. The best part about the game was the online, but it seems like everyone forgot about it and instead attributed everything to the story mode. While I admit I liked the story, the world is MUCH emptier and shallow than V.
The abortion that is V makes IV good in comparison, but IV is still shit.
>What is the best way to play GTA San Andreas?
On PC with whatever input device you want.
>With proper graphics effects in HD?
SkyGFX and ThirteenAG's widescreen fix
>Without removed songs and stuff?
Don't use Steam versions of any GTA game ever.
I also forgot to mention that "GTA IV is better than V" comparison video by crowbcat. Once you're actually playing the game you couldn't give 2 fucks if the car has an extra dent from when you crash.
>preferring any gta over San Andreas
Wanna know how I know you a straight busta?
>as we remember it.
Speak for yourself zoomer. It holds up well other wise I wouldn't replay it.
It feels like I'm driving on ice.
>as we remember it
Speak for yourself faggot. I don't have to "remember" shit. I have the game installed and still jump into it, as I do with every GTA before it.
>but IV is still shit
Nah, it's still good.
No, voice acting is terrible dogshit. Also it was boring as hell most of the missions at start were to just drive around.
">lets make our MC a Serbian and hire someone who can't speak a single word of it"
you mean the best in the series?
I don't recall but the last mission is the hardest like
user said.
>you mean the best in the series?
Not with all that sand.
>car undergoes 30-60° of rotational velocidensity every time you turn the steering wheel
so realistic!
McDonalds are the best at delivering cheap and tasty fast food, and Marvel are the best at making superhero movies. That's why they're on top, yes. I'm glad you're finally understanding how the free market works.
>4 is better than 5
>shows how despite being older, 4 has better cop AI, ragdoll physics, car damage, and other gameplay relevant details
>5 is better than 5
>shows how, with it being a newer game, 5 has better graphics fidelity to detail such as better shores, leaves being cut by helicopter blades, blood splatters being affected by wheels, glass shattering, and other visually appealing but ultimately useless non gameplay related things
god job on the second video proving once again how 4 is better overall
This killed the whole game. Driving is very important in GTA games. Maybe the most important.
Replaying this game made me realize that the love Yea Forums has for it is just nostalgia mixed with contrarianism.
This game looks pretty decent in 4K with VisualIV desu
Remember that great AI?
>other gameplay relevant details
Don't feel bad about it user, I've probably played through IV like 10 times myself, it's that good.
the city is dense and has character. I never even use way-points as I've memorized how to find my way to anywhere. All you have to do is look around and you know what part of the city you're in, as al the boroughs have their own feel.
The story isn't bombastic, but it's rooted mostly in reality and is more believable than most of the GTA story-lines that came before it, making it a more cohesive/enjoyable/less jarring ride.
Niko is probably the most fleshed out character of any of the games in the series. I know a lot of people shit on the friendship system in IV but if you pay attention to the conversations you have with the other characters, you get a feel for their motivations and come to see them as a lot deeper than if you skipped that part of the game.(Did you know Packie was molested as a child?). I know I'm biased because I've spent nearly 200 hours playing this game but I genuinely think it is one of the best in the series.
>b-but 5 is empty and there's nothing to do!
>play 4
>it's empty and there's nothing to do
Fucking this. Just wait until GTA VI comes out.
>guys, was GTA V really that bad? It wasn't VI at least.
Is that the graphic mod I should use now or is there anything better?
Like I said, the aiming in V is much more immersive because it uses a tiny dot reticule, instead of the massive health indicator ring that you get in IV. And your comment about auto aim is completely asinine, of course. Nobody with a brain would try and shoot people in GTA without locking on to them. Wasting your ammo like that is just the dumbest idea that I've ever seen suggested on Yea Forums.
Official GTA Protagonist by Ethnicity rankings
>White Tier
Claude Speed
Tommy Vercetti
Toni Cipriani
Johnny Klebitz
Trevor Phillips
>Black Tier
Carl Johnson
Franklin Clinton
>Hispanic Tier
Victor Vance
Luis Lopez
Michael De Santa
>Asian Tier
Huang Lee
>Fucking this. Just wait until GTA VI comes out.
Whatever becomes of VI, it won't make V unshit.
>going to subscribe to pewdiepie at Rockstar's offices.
People on Yea Forums said the same exact thing about GTA IV years ago
Too bad the shooting goes out the window thanks to all the guns sounding like shit and lacking the kickback like IV's guns. Micro SMG > everything in V
List of GTAs released in the 00s:
>Vice City
>San Andreas
>Liberty City Stories
>Vice City Stories
>Chinatown Wars
List of GTAs released in the 10s:
>Johnny the Jew
Thing is IV held up a lot better than V.
Your bigotry is not tolerated here
you do know DeSanta was his alias in the witness protection program, don't you?
Most Jews don't consider themselves white as far as I know.
you do realise every gta before it also had unrealistic driving?
It's unbelievable how contrarian you faggots can get. You'll shit on Yea Forums because it's considered empty but IV is the same god damn shit but with worse driving controls.
>b-b-but crowbcats video!
Nobody gives a fuck about tiny cherrypicked details when you're actually playing the game. You don't see the difference unless there's a side by side comparison.
The GTA V video shows the following gameplay-relevant details:
>stand on moving trucks/trains
>swim underwater
>slide across car hoods
>fly planes
>impromptu drag races with NPCs
>shoot car's gas tank to drain its fuel
>step over small ledges/fences automatically
>hitchable truck trailers
>taxi side mission
>move while sniping
>various customization options
jews are only white when they attack whites
>getting this upset
Yeah I started a new playthrough yesterday out of the blue. Had to download a mod that added back the original songs of course.
It's weird how much I'm used to V's driving. In IV I was crashing into parked cars and curbs like it was my first time.
It's the only one you need alongside the downgrade to patch, changes the colours to be more natural and unfiltered. Much better than the many (shit) ENBs out there. Only downside is that the lighting in the tunnel to Alderny is messed up.
>fixes GTA IV
New GTA is soulless.
that mod makes cars turn less than vanilla. it's the exact opposite of what V shitters are used to. it also fucks up the brakes on a bunch of cars
t. IVfag who tried the mod
>V's shooting is objectively improved in every single way.
lol no. Everyone in V had laser accuracy and the guns felt weightless and shit. You couldn't even free aim because the combat was so shit. A few UI improvements were not enough to offset the absolute state of the cawadooty tier shooting V had.
that mission where you have to chase that chicks boyfriend on a bike is the fucking worst
This is why I don't mod. They never follow through properly.
men of true culture and taste
and I agree, if we see Florida in VI and there isn't a killer death metal station I'll go batshit
Johnny didn't deserve that end. Fuck Ashley.
The way NPCs react to being shot in IV is what makes it better. Shoot a guy in the foot in GTAV? He dies instantly.
Jews aren't a race. Some are white, some are not.
Why were the graphics so fucking awful in GTA4? It was a 360/PS3 game but it looked like a fucking Dreamcast game.
well in that specific screenshot I can tell that "definition" is turned off which makes it a blurry mess
I used to replay GTA IV every year because I loved the game so much but I haven't been able to for the last 4-5 years. I don't even have a PS3 anymore and I don't think my pc could run it.
multiple strains, my friend
If your PC can handle any game released in the last decade, it can handle GTA IV.
Pretty much every GTA had sub-par graphics for the time it came out with the exception of 5. GTA5 is really the first one that was on par with or exceeded other games of the same era in terms of graphics.
ryzen 1600 and gtx 1060gb, 16gb ram, couldn't get the game to get steady above 40fps, with drops down to like 15. game is a literal pile of stinking dog shit. ps3 version is so low res and blurry that it hurts my eyeballs. i'll never replay gta4 again unless they one day do a 'remaster' which i'll pirate
Just finished Chinatown Wars today. T'was a nice little game.
They are an ethno-religious group.
They identify as whatever is convenient for them at the moment.
>A religion
>A race
>Any of the above
Back to faggottera with you
There's your problem. AMD CPUs are garbage at running games.
nigger that cpu was like space age shit when gta4 released
Based OP. Love this game.
Yes it was, at that time Dual Core CPU's were just starting to become mainstream and single core perf was king in games at the time. GTA IV sucks ass at utilizing more than one core and runs like shit on everything. Performance difference from something like a Core 2 Duo E6400 and an i9 9900K will probably be the same on GTA IV.
now,after 11 years and after the dust has settled it can finally be safely concluded that gta 4 while not being as good as san andreas was still a decent game
there's plenty of other games from the same era that were also optimised for single core performance that don't run like absolute shit. gta4 is rotten to the core, there's something very wrong with that pc version