What is the true tier list for Hyrule warriors?
Based on the definitive Edition to be precise
All I know is my boy young link is on God tier.
What is the true tier list for Hyrule warriors?
Based on the definitive Edition to be precise
All I know is my boy young link is on God tier.
Other urls found in this thread:
sword dorf is also top-tier
Sand Wand Toon Link is elder god tier.
Darunia/Ruto are low tier for sure. They don't do anything better than most of the cast. Fi is bottom tier for sure.
Marin is op as hell too.
I like using Zelda for that TP costume.
>yet the game loves having them as REQUIRED for half of adventure maps
I completely agree with you, the only thing I can think of darunia being good for is 1v1, cause he has a specific move that kind of makes enemies feint.
Ruto is someone ok clearing out waves of mobs with her Tidal wave thing, but fi well she's shit.
Oh god marin is good as fuck.
I remember having her default weapons, and she was clearing out waves and waves of enemies and bases really fast.
This and Skull Kid are SSS tier.
Rapier zelda is extremely fun to use, shes probably my favorite female character in game.
Of course, using her BoTW costume for that supple brapper is kino.
Which map has Dorfs lvl 4+ great swords? I can't seem to find it.
>>yet the game loves having them as REQUIRED for half of adventure maps
I KNOW which is why I realized they're so damn bad. They can fill some niche roles like you said but that's it. Almost everyone else can do a little of everything except them. Fi is just trash.
>S Tier, literal gods on the battlefield, needs no help, all 5 equally high
1-5. Master Sword (Link) /Great Sword (Ganondorf) / Dragon Spear (Volga) / Mask (Young Link) / Ocarina (Skull Kid)
>A Tier, really damn good, but has a few flaws keeping them from being top
6. Scimitar (Zant, borderline S tier)
7. Demon Blade (Ghirahim)
8. Ring (Wizzro)
9. Picture Frame (Yuga)
10. Gauntlets (Link)
11. Goddess Harp (Sheik)
12. Scepter (Cia)
13. Summoning Gate (Lana)
>B Tier, above average, still really good
14. Spinner (Link)
15. Rental Hammer (Ravio)
16. Light Sword (Toon Link)
17. Phantom Arms (Toon Zelda)
18. Mirror (Twili Midna)
19. Trident (Ganondorf)
20. Magic Rod (Link)
21. Naginata (Impa)
22. Rapier (Zelda)
23. Hylian Sword (Link)
>C Tier, starting to show some flaws but still solid
24. Crossbow (Linkle)
25. Balloon (Tingle)
26. Hammer (Darunia)
27. Rito Harp (Medli)
28. Parasol (Agitha)
29-30. Zora Scale (Ruto) / Sail (King Daphnes)
31. Shackle (Midna)
32. Dominion Rod (Zelda)
>D Tier, might have some trouble playing but can still perform well
33. Epona (Link, borderline C tier)
34. Bell (Marin)
35. Book of Sorcery (Lana)
36. Boots (Linkle)
37. Baton (Zelda)
38. Giant Blade (Impa)
>E Tier, kinda bad, workable but tend to be stiff and hard to work with
39. Spear (Lana)
40. Goddess Blade (Fi)
41. Cutlass (Tetra)
42. Sand Wand (Toon Link)
>F Tier, absolute garbage that makes levels harder to play
43. Great Fairy (Link)
Other than her stomp and tits. Cia is weak.
Tits > Ass
So TP costume over Botw.
I haven't found a map that was hard enough that I had to really care about what moveset I was playing. It's obvious there's a lot of disparity, sure, but it's a single player game in the end.
1 required + 1 free character should have been the norm for all fucking adventure maps. Seriously
I'm bit curious about this chart
Would you mind going over why these specific characters are where you placed them?
>Cia being leagues above tetra
Precisely what I'm thinking, but maybe the user can shine some light on her mechanics
>Master sword being in God tier
We'll have to agree to disagree
Hey nice, got any more of the chest animations?
>filled with too much waifus and Agatha of all people
>Darunia is literally the only male ally until Tingle and Daphnes were released as dlc
>no Groose
What an absolutely shitty roster.
What a shit roster
For the record, the list was made over months of discussion over at Gamefaqs, but I agree with the majority and can debate a few of them.
>Cia being leagues above Tetra
Tetra is by and far one of the worst characters in the game, honestly. Cia has ridiculous bossing potential and has basically every tool she could ever need. She's got it all, really, field clearing, bossing, massive AoE and can even buff her power using her command trigger. The only thing keeping her back from S tier is that she doesn't have any ridiculously powerful commands like the S tier does, and she requires a little practice to get some of her awkward timings down.
I see, I was wondering cause tetra does have the triforce C4/C5 not sure, but it seems to be fast and strong, only her range is really limited. She might be one of the niche 1v1 characters. I could be mistaken.
>That one mission with Fi and the 4 Imprisoned
Literal hell.
Most of S tier has a general kit that can handle pretty much anything the game throws at them, be it mobs, bosses, giant bosses, you name it, and on top of that, usually possess one or two commands that trivialize an aspect or two of it, such as how Volga can infinite till the cows comes home at lightning speed, or Skull Kid has god tier clearing and giant boss gauge chipping.
A tier has the same versatility in their kit, but lacks the one super defining trigger that makes them into S. All of them have a great setup that lets them do what they need to do, and do it well, but they'll struggle to keep up with S in their specific areas they excel in.
B Tier is similar to A, but they may struggle with one area or another, like mob clearing or bossing. They can still do the job fine, but it'll be somewhat slower if they get caught in a problem area.
You can see where I'm going with D tier, at least, where it has a few moves that do what they need to and a few that don't. In addition, from here down, one big problem that some of these have is the massive commitment they have during their attacks. A lot of the ones down this far, when they start an attack, they're stuck in that attack, and there's not a lot you can do about it, and that's a big deal.
E tier has this in spades, where they're lacking in almost every area. They might have one or two things they're decent at, but overall it's a combination of things that make them difficult to use.
And we don't speak of the forbidden one, the dreaded F tier.
1v1's is an area Tetra does fairly well at, yes, but even then, it's still only at an acceptable level. A lot of Tetra's attacks need to be really committed to to really get the most damage out of, and that means putting her into harms way. Not to mention her crowd clearing is kind of garbage, and she lacks any reliable way to really get down giant boss gauges on her own. Also her trigger is kind of worthless.
>picking based on tiers
>not picking based on who is best girl
I get you now, for sure.
I wasn't discrediting the list at all. I had no Idea it came from gamefaqs, it really does look alot of thought went into it.
Very insightful my dude. thanks
I fail to see what Sheik doesn't excel in
>S tier
Master Sword
Sand Rod
Dragon Spear
>A tier
True Midna
Duel Swords
Fierce Deity
>B tier
Dominion Rod
Imp Midna
Giant Blade
Toon Zelda
>C tier
Summoning Gate (too RNG, not fun, stupid strong when you get what you want)
Medli (strong, but too much management keeping things airborn to get max damage)
Light Blade
I think that's everything.
Fuck, forgot Baton. C tier
Im guessing sheik is a bit more involved gameplay wise to really get the most of her yeah?
>sword dorf is also top-tier
What? He's too slow to be top tier since his charge moves take way too long to charge, leaving you open to damage.
Yeah, they do a ton of damage, but it's too hard to try to get S ranks with it for him to be top.
Top is characters like Twili Midna, Cia, and Young Link because of how fucking effortless they are.
>Agitha that low
You aren't using her Dark Link summon well enough. Her mine trap and that can demolish bosses. She's pretty good.
Hey no problem, man. I always love talking about the game.
Do know that the list isn't meant to discourage you from playing who you like, it's more a raw numbers thing. If you like Tetra, play Tetra, you can make her work for you. Just don't play the forbidden one.
Sheik has great overall tools, and can do a little of everything, but she doesn't have one super defining skill that jumps her up to S. She's still one of the best characters in the game, though, simply for getting up to A in the first place, for her ability to throw out all of these field effects at the same time. put it rather well, a lot of the S tiers are kinda brainless.
I'd argue that an unbuffed Young link is no more than A tier, but getting everything unlocked put him on a level of his own
Sword Dorf is legitimately disgusting.
+High damage output all around
+High WPS damage
+ Darkness element so you gain access to the Darkness effect where continuously damaging a single foe increases damage per hit, rather easily in fact since fully charged C1 applies it.
+ Fully charged C1 makes you invincible during start-up, and you can cancel out of it at any point except for a nano-second after it's executed.
+ First part of C2 is a launcher. Which you can dodge-cancel out of to try some combos with him. In fact, it can be dodge-canceled at any point.
+ Just about every move in his arsenal has a use.
+ Attack string is relatively fast enough to let you keep on hitting enemies.
+ Highly damaging Special, with a long line AoE.
+ Every attack (except for the latter parts of C6 and a nanosecond after executing C1) can be dodge-canceled at any point, and C6 has two stun waves and the actual attack portion has a large AoE in front of him, a circular AoE focused around him, lingers for a long time so enemies who weren't hit by it are not safe, and has a huge knockback, making it very safe to execute. This means Ganondorf with the Great Swords for all purposes is probably the actual safest moveset in the game.
+ Every C# but C2 can break WPGs in a single go, so C1 while the Enemy's WPG is exposed leads to a Darkness-enhanced WPS which deals ridiculous damage.
+ Can take down the WPG of every Giant Boss without using a Special, except for Argorok and Ganon.
+ Benefits greatly from Hasty Attacks. Among other things, his combo game is enhanced and he upgrades to being able to take down any Giant Boss without a Special.
He deserves his top tier spot, and the only things that could be considered negative are the sort of slow charge times and the simplistic combo game.
That's been a topic of contention for a while with the chart, but the general consensus is that Fierce Diety is so fucking amazing that it keeps him up there.
>have the game on wii u
>really want to replay some HW since I never finished the maps
>figure why bother playing the game now just to get burned out and not want to play definitive edition
>except I don't even have a switch yet since I'm waiting for E3 for the 2.0 rumors
>don't even have my wii u on me either
DE is really worth it, I'm clocking in over 100 hours and I've barely unlocked anything
can I play this on CEMU yet?
>Yuga that high
>Great Sword Dorf in S
>Crossbow that low
>Deku Stick in the same tier as Goddess Blade the forbidden one
Water and fire suck ass for the most part
I seriously hope Koei never adds giant bosses in a Musou game ever again. Manhandla can go fuck itself.
You are right, Young Link's power comes from the mask and before you buy upgrades you can't sustain it very well. After you buy upgrades he is death itself.
Lana is the cutest and prettiest LoZ girl.
I've never been a fan of Sheik. Sure her water shield is invaluable, but I always felt she was weak outside of her charged C2. It doesn't help that in DE A-ranks are significantly easier to get than in HWU.
>wii u imprisoned
Top Tier: Characters you like
Shit Tier: Characters you don't like
I dunno bud Spirit Zelda is super fucking cute in HD
the worst thing about FD is how link already out perform the majority of the cast while unbuffed, shit's crazy
not him but
>Great Sword Dorf in S
what are you on? a C1 is a mini nuke, do his giant arm in the middle of a base and it will be blue
>Crossbow that low
the crossbow is good for single target thanks to the C1 that will melt through a target, but to clear maps ?
>Deku Stick in the same tier as Goddess Blade the forbidden one
every single animation take ages to wind up
learn it, this weapon can just stunlock an entire region by mixing combos, even if it's not intuitive
>some map in master mode
>one of the ones that really crunch you on time and finishing under 15 minutes is a struggle and superpowered enemies means if you get hit once you basically lose your S rank for damage.
>manhandla spawn
>break WPS, doesn't kill it in one go
>time is running out
>he does his tard wail attack and poison nonstop
>fucking finally sprays the seeds
>boomerang somehow misses one
>goes back to the tard wail and poison spam
>finish 2 minutes too late for S rank
I was so fucking pissed. Argorok can also go fuck himself for a similar situation where he never used an attack that let me hook him.
He's not any better on switch really
I swear they gave him double the health of other bosses to make up for the weak point change
this game is so fucking boring. Seeing people enjoy it makes me feel like aliens walk among us
Tip for when you're forced to use Fi: Purposefully whiff on her first two attacks, don't contact the enemy til you're on the third phase of the attack. You can move while throwing hits out which is basically her only saving grace, so just literally dance around enemies and THEN move in once you're far enough into the attack chain.
This doesn't apply to everyone but it stops certain enemies from just blocking the rest of your chain after the second part.
Also, does anyone feel like the game would be better without the rupee leveling system? I'm forced to grind just to bring up the shitty characters I never use when I have to use them. I like the unlock tree but having rpg elements with no grinding is basically what makes zelda, zelda. And this game has tons of grinding in the maps.
This pretty much. People say Tingle ain't bad but fuck him to hell
you're supposed to use the magic bar to fuck them up, then cut grass to fil it again
at least that's how I think you're supposed to do since baiting for WP is pure cancer
At least you can actually break the weakpoint in a single go
I covered Sword Dorf here There's not much to say about Yuga, his combo strings are fast, he's got plenty of options for everything and he's using Lightning, the second best element. He's just solid all around.
beat me to the punch on the other 3, and he's mostly right. I will add that Deku Stick also has that commitment problem where you can't really dodge cancel out of moves safely and that can be a serious detriment. And Summoning Gate is absolute ass to play but when you know what you're doing with it, it becomes hilariously strong. It's just a pain to even consider it.
>Summoning Gate (too RNG
It's not RNG, you don't know how to use it.
This. Doesn't matter that she's kinda mediocre. I'll still use her.
she's just not broken tier, her autistic flaying deals crazy damage and the AI can't handle it
It is RNG.
>Press C1, get dino 4 times back to back when I want dragon
>finally get it a minute later, clear pack with C5, get to boss, try to get plant, get nothing but Gohma for another minute
Sometimes it will cooperate, sometimes it won't. If it's standard string was better, I would have more fun using it, but it's just bad and it's gimmick shows. You will either get a run that takes 2 minutes with killing tons of people every time you fly on Argarock and shaving off boss health in seconds when you manage to get them corner locked. Or you get Dodongo and waste tons of time for no reason. I'd rather have a consistent weapon.
She's definitely not bad, just not nearly as good as many of the other characters. In terms of tier list, I'd say she's about smack dab in the middle.
Is it worth buying the game on Switch? I downloaded in on 3DS but I just couldn't get into it on 3DS. Probably cause of how clunky it felt.
At least they managed to fix some of her previous issues, like things being able to flip out of her grabs, making some moves simply not work. But yeah, she's got tons of issues, repetitive to play, but lot's of power when she does connect.
I think the Switch version is great, honestly, has all the bonuses the 3DS version did and runs like a dream, but it's not really adding anything new. I'd say if you already got the DLC for the 3DS version then it wouldn't really be worth it, but consider it if you didn't, since it comes with all of that prepackaged. It also runs like a dream, and for a Warriors game, that's kind of a big deal when you've got so many enemies on screen at once.
>Is it worth buying the game on Switch? I downloaded in on 3DS but I just couldn't get into it on 3DS. Probably cause of how clunky it felt.
you played the 12 fps game, of course it feels clunky
if you like musous you should because it's one of the best, it's just a matter of price, not quality
i thought the c1 always gave you the last one you summoned?
Again, that's not how the summoning works, and you can always summon the Boss you want to if you've performed the correct combo, and set it to her special that way as well.
You don't know how to use the Summoning Gate.
You're an idiot.
>Musou tier list
lmao nigga just hit the fuckin' y button and sometimes the x button if you're gettin' an RSI
like sheet cuz you could beat the whole game blindfolded
>Sometimes it will cooperate, sometimes it won't
it's because the summoning gate has nearly inexistant windows for the special attacks
they ARE always consistant, the weapon is just hard to use
Blasting through the story mode is only a minor part of the game.
you will be sucked
Is there a write up of all this somewhere because I might buy the game and I wanna know who sucks and who doesn't.
No, it's always completely random. If it worked like that I would have much less complaints. It's standard string would still suck, but getting rid of the chance system would help it a lot. Even if it wasn't a guarantee, I would still like it to at least up the chance of that summon.
I even just tested it just to make sure. Summon plant with C2, get Argorock with C1.
Yes, it does. You can't determine which summon you'll get with C1 to power up your standard combo one. What you can do is quickly cancel the ending animation and just spam C1 over and over again to get what you want, but it's not a good system. It's one reliant on RNG and seeing you so mad about me calling it shit is precious. It was made to be random, so it's effectiveness is going to be random.
t. retard
Not entirely. The information that culminated in this list was made up of information from tens of hundreds of threads and discussions, across a number of different sites.
I'm just gonna tell you to use who you like and you'll probably end up enjoying the game just fine, but I'll still point you to where the tier list was finalized and it should give you some insight a little on how certain characters were graded.
>I wanna know who sucks and who doesn't.
several tier lists were posted already
and it's a stretch based on several years of observation, everyone is perfectly fine to play, try a special attack and spam the dodge button and you have everything you need to know from the move. Musou aren't known for having a challenging gameplay
I played this on regular 3ds. AMA.
What is consistent about a weapon that takes me between 1-10 presses of a button to get the attack I want? Tell me how to manipulate the game into giving me Plant on C1 right when I want it, instead of hoping that the ring going to the ground means I'll get it and not Dodongo. Just because I can cancel the animation super fast and Lana isn't locked in place with the summon attacks doesn't make it consistent.
I could just deal with whichever C1 summon I get, but Gohma's enhancement is hard to aim, Dodongo's attack sucks and Plant's last too long for it to be the most effective.
So, what about it is a consistent weapon again?
god dammit fuck you for making me laugh so hard
how did you not kill yourself?
>tfw its my most strongest weapon
I got rid of the stars and put on hear power
Wait why do you care about clearing maps when you can just Fairy nuke anything outside an officer?
I guess Yuga just didn't impress initially. Maybe I should use him more. I know I thought Agitha was absolutely garbage until I used her a lot. Now she's fine.
Hey, me too!
Easy. I have lower standards. I remember when it was standard for 3D games in general to run the way the 3DS version of Hyrule Warriors ran, so I can handle it and not treat it as an affront to my very existence like other people do.
Basically, I'm not entitled.
The anatomy in this image pains me.
how is that allowed? that should be censored no skin should be showing wtf how is this allowed?
>No playable Deku princess
Why does cia make my peepee hard?
Not bad, and probably is based around mid tier gear/fairy.
I have finished boss survival 4 with about half the characters, most of the better characters with top tier weapons so I'm more familiar with higher tier gear/levels (lvl 100-200, full fairy skills). Fast characters become the best. Hylian is better than Master. Based on my clear times, Cia has my second fastest clear time. Young Link is in a tier of his own when you use Anti-Boss formula.
Also Epona is severely underrated. Crazy mobility and burst damage.
I agree he's great, but only once he gets Hasty Attacks. Man is he slow before this.
You do seem right about the Summoning Gate though unless I totally missed something and there is a way to get the dragon C1 every time.
The Zant buffs really made him shine.
It's one of those situations I'm happy I have a terrible sense of anatomy.
More like ahegao
What about how massively off-model Midna is? That doesn't bother you either?
Most fun to use:
Rapier Zelda
Sword Ganondorf
Spear Ganondorf
Dragon Knight Guy
Book Girl
Not fun at all:
Fish Lady
Pirate Girl
Skyward Homovillian
Rod Zelda
Haven't played in months so I can't really remember what else. Based Skull Kid is fun but his attacks get boring quick.
I wish they could have given a better focus spirit burst (What do you call the move when you end a focus spirit with the special button? To skull kid, I mean FD Link's special is amazing, but skull kids? Not so much
No, that's not how it works. There is no RNG in discerning which Boss you'll summon.
Lacks a lot of range (doesn't have a massive charge move to wipe out entire corridors) and her special move is not very good, helps that she can charge it up with her Light Harp skill. Whereas Sword Ganondorf can clear entire bases with his massive Ganon claw combo.
Nope, not really. Yet oddly if a character has a stupidly sharp chin that kills the image for me.
Princess Zelda, I'm CIA.
Tell me how to get the dragon on C1 every time then.
So how can we sure that Persona 5 warriors (P5W) will be HW and not a fucking FEW?
Is the rupee glitch from Wii u still in DE? That's the only thing that made the grind bearable
Nope. But really I never had to grind for levels or money. On Switch don't have to re-do adventure missions for items since you can just buy them. All Adventure maps are open by default so you can basically choose the difficulty you want to play. While the game is obviously repetitive, the only grind I did was doing specific short missions for good weapon drops.
Never forget
FEW was alright
The source material was just dogshit
FEW had some good ideas to it, like making the CPU partners actually competent enough to capture bases and the Weapon Triangle, but it looked like ass and that cast list is abhorrently bad
Difference between something like Master Sword and Goddess Sword is night and day. There is literally no balance in this game.
>it has every single zelda character ever except for groose so its shit
please fucking kill yourself. the roster went above and beyond. agatha was added specifically at koei tecmo's request
And? It's not like you can't beat everything with anyone.
Hell, Fi is fun to play for me
It's nice that they included her. Gave us a slight resurgence of Agitha art.
Midna a best
>Fi is fun to play for me
How? Are you a masochist?
Running into a group and just twirling like a retard amuses me.
Meanwhile, I hate playing Volga.
Because he is a man of style and grace
I want Linkle to fart directly down my throat
Fi CAN work, she's just a bit unconventional cause of how long all her attacks are, but at the same time her attacks mostly give free motion so she's more about weaving than just lining things up.
I bought Hyrule Warriors back in 2014 but never got any of the DLC, I got a good 30 hours of enjoyment out of it
Is the game on Switch substantially better than how it launched in 2014?
Is it worth buying at full price?
Agitha is pretty based. Glad she's still remembered.
Definitive Edition is this:
>3DS Version base
>Wii U Version graphics and audio
>ALL the DLC from both games, including stuff that was previously exclusive to pre-orders or purchase location.
>Minor re-arrangement of adventure maps to better integrate said DLC
If you bought the Wii U version and didn't buy any DLC, I'd say it's absolutely worth it to double dip because you're getting so much more out of it.
It's the same game with more content
You can get a whole lot more than 30 hours out of it but it's still just a musou
I remember playing this on the Wii U and 3DS. Got a good 900 hours out of it combined. I can't wait to get a switch and start all over again.
>Minor re-arrangement of adventure maps to better integrate said DLC
Really? Are we talking about the re-arrangement the 3DS version already did or even more? It would be nice to be able to use Marin/Medli/Toon Zelda outside of just their own adventure maps.
It's mostly the same. All the characters can be unlocked pretty early in their maps though
You do get some stuff like Toon Link having heart pieces scattered through every adventure map though so there's a bit more incentive to use him
I swear, Manhandla's AI is by far the worst of all of the bosses in the game. It fucked me over and over in Adventure Mode.
I want Linkle to go tinkle on me
>but it's too hard to try to get S ranks with it for him to be top.
learn to play, seriously, I get S most of the time with Ganondorf on my FIRST try.
You don't even have to think, just kill everyone and concentrate on the best course of action.