Boy, I am sure glad I played all those video games in my lifetime

>Boy, I am sure glad I played all those video games in my lifetime

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Other urls found in this thread:

You're damn right.

Grass is always greener

The alternative for most normalfags seems to be binge watching "woke" shows on netflix and browsing kikebook. I think vidya was the correct choice.

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>boomer projecting his idea of fun onto a different generation


As opposed to what? Killing myself making tons of money so some gold digging cunt can nag me into an early grave and steal it from me? No thanks OP, I'm comfortable the way things are


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I'm not, i'm here because i don't have enough power to change anything in the society, even if i try the dominant elite will stomp me.

I like how this implies that these are things I would want to be doing.

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This person could have spent more time learning to draw

This unironically when you play singleplayer rpgs

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Gee, it's like people don't work 24/7 or something

>I sure am glad I raised my girlfriend's son to be a man like me

thanks for the filter, fag. see ya later NOT

Turn around before it's too late anons.

someone call the cops, there has been a murder.

Wow.....did you kno.....time could be spent on productive things??

what else is there to do nigger?

I don't even play video games. I just shitpost on Yea Forums.

Yep, felt good playing games with my friends and doing something I enjoyed.
Now time to die peacefully.

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my only regret is not dropping out of school and wasting my childhood playing outside with friends

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>implying I’m not getting my Master’s degree
>implying I don’t write creatively as a hobby
>implying I don’t exercise
>implying that anybody with a Masters in fucking business (lol) is a millionaire
>implying anybody wants to read Jane Smith’s dogshit fantasy drivel
>implying an iron man or triathlon isn’t a worse waste of time than literally any video game

what's the moral here

>>implying I’m not getting my Master’s degree
you're not
>>implying I don’t write creatively as a hobby
you don't
>>implying I don’t exercise
you haven't left your room in over a year
>>implying that anybody with a Masters in fucking business (lol) is a millionaire
it's likely true?
>>implying anybody wants to read Jane Smith’s dogshit fantasy drivel
i do?
>>implying an iron man or triathlon isn’t a worse waste of time than literally any video game
it's not?

Everyone regrets on their deathbed, you're a retard OP.

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nobody likes me and given that I have no success with girls, I'm apparently unattractive despite not being able to see why.

I'm working hard at uni but video games make me happy. I'm not going to regret my solution to something I had no control over.

Spending time on things you enjoy isn’t time you wasted, I’d much rather be happy doing what I want rather than what someone else decides is productive or a better use of time

>tfw you will die with your backlog unfinished and regret all the time you spent on Yea Forums instead of playing it

Fuck, that's a wake up call.

Slave mentality, piss off.

>Boy, I am sure glad I spent 70 years working like a dog for my children just to be left alone on a deathbed without learning anything new or discovering a new hobby

Now THIS is an accurate post


To become a fully actualized human involves stepping out of ones self and connecting with other people, and finding in communication with other people satisfaction. There are animal spirits, as Keynes would call them, of humanity that are satisfied only in constructive interaction of humanity of a whole. What gaming does is provide a synthetic reproduction of those phenomena, that are totally self involved, and that allow people to eschew society and humanity at large because some box in their house gives them all the same feedbacks that one would get out in the world, but synthetically. Then they are able to subsist on that, and by subsisting on that are never really drawn out into the world and other people, and thus you get the phenomenon of "gamers."

Since "gamers" do not have any sense of the world outside themselves, recreating all of the feedback loops and connections of the world in gaming, instead of actually out in the world where they should be gaining an understanding of their fellow humans.

Somewhat out of context but the people who he was talking about were pieces of shit that couldn’t bother to take their lives seriously

>thousands of hours spent doing exactly what I want

feels good man
too bad wagies will never know this feeling

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>dying in a hospital
hahaha, nah.

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t. that one philosophy book I read in my lifetime

Live the life you want to since you can't just hope it will get better.

>boy, Im glad I spent the majority of my life slaving away for shlomo

>you're either a complete shut in who plays vidya or a normal person who doesn't, there is no in-between
Maximum think

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This assumes people who play video games are only doing it for social interaction. Fuck you. I want to be left alone because most people are fucking idiots who can't talk about their interests without thinking the other person is judging them harshly. So instead they dance around conversations trying to read the other person to see if what they say will generate a change in their demeanor.

>to do living correctly you have to do it this one specific way


please god let me die before I reach 70 after working in a nursing home I think there a certain layer of hell

>boy, sure I'm glad for giving my life away, just for the sake of Israel.

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Jesus this.
Im weak for old people but sure as hell don’t wanna end up there.

> I wish I would have spent all my life making money so I could have no time to spend it

Yeah, for the wagie wiping the resident's ass. For the resident it's a good time.

I'm 29 and already regret wasting my teens and 20s playing games instead of socialising and partying and travelling.

what's mortality like?

Shit man I forgot someone wrote a book of rules on how to be a human being

I have a Bachelors degree in Medical Biology and a Masters in Business. The Masters in Business was infinitely easier and largely useless

>implying I wouldn't still be playing video games on my deathbed

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just because your example alternative is bad doesn't mean you don't have the potential to live a truly fulfilling life if you get your shit together

Here's a crazy idea, one that may radicalize your way of thinking forever: do both.

Might as well just kill yourself now then.

Its too late for me now. I'm too old and bitter and jaded and friendless. I have a job but its just in HR working for the government. Pointless.

>work 8 hours
>commute like 1-2 hours
>shopping/preparing/eating food 2 hours
>sleep 8 hours
that's 19-20 hours for essential tasks

>I can acknowledge problems within me
>I somehow cannot change them

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>out in the world where they should be gaining an understanding of their fellow humans
For what purpose, exactly? I think it is healthy to have some relationships, friends, perhaps a girlfriend or whatever. But I have no desire to intergrate with humans beyond that. Why the fuck should I? Humanity is in a downward spiral and has been since the industrial revolution. If we don't blow ourselves up, we'll ravage the planet so hard we all starve or fall to some other disaster that could have been prevented if we had lived in closer harmony with nature. So at this point, why not just play video games? What else is there to do when you're literally living in the end times?

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>commute like 1-2hrs
Sounds like you fucked up

Consciousness ends regardless of what you did in life. It won't matter what you do, you won't remember anything or know you ever did it. The baby that dies right after birth and the most fulfilled person in the world share this fate.

Pretty much, i feel like i enjoyed a lot of stories and puzzles.

it's 1 hour even if it's only 30min per direction, also factor in the 30 minutes or so of time you need at morning before leaving your home

You arent old just bitter.

I actually do believe thats not all that far from reality, I have two uncles who both played vidya a lot as kid and still know how to play sf2 champion edition are very happy, one of them have become a bum who drink a lot but after drinking he sings instead of telling his depressing stories, compared to my dad and other uncle who because weren't all that into vidya don't even know how to read English properly and watch translated American movies and my dad just few years ago have stopped beating my mom, and other uncle just keeps crying after drinking.
>inb4 anecdotal evidence.
I know, but its Better than no frame of reference at all

the fact that it happened remains true forever

What a pussy, kys.

You still have four hours a day even with all that to play games or socialize. You also can get off time, and days off. I'm not sure what your point is, that you suck at managing your time?

if you're incapable of regret you won't ever achieve anything

Well what do you recommend?

four hours is not a lot of time if you have a social life
also I can't speak for everyone but at least I need some time where I can be completely passive

You'll grow out of the edgy emotionless phase eventually

Look for a new job or get the fuck out of whatever city you live in. A 1-2 hour commute is way too much. You'll be way happier with a shorter commute.

>four hours is not a lot of time
>1/6th of the fucking day

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>Implying I haven't seen evangelion
>Implying I haven't been a social butterfly
>Implying that those connections did anything but complicate my life and cause problems
>Implying humans, myself included, are worth the time of day

What am I supposed to do if I have no friends? I have plenty of free time as I only live 15 minutes walk from work and just work 7.5 hours mon-thurs and 7 hours friday.

Another 500 post thread with guys too hrown to game but willing to argue for hours on Yea Forums

>bitter and jaded
What has made you like that? Because you're certainly not old.


>normie wageslave becomes a neet
>"I sure do have a lot of time on my hands, I wonder if there's anything in my community i can volunteer for"
> "it's so nice to actually be able to get out in the afternoon and walk these nearby trails, and i've learned so much about our local trees and birds"
>"still so much time on my hands, i ought to improve my french, I even have time to read through all of Proust!"
>"let me check if the neighbors are up for a barbecue"
>"hey user, you should open the blinds it's a beautiful day out. We've got burgers on the grill if you're hungry."
>"oh, ok. well good luck with your game."

it's not, you go to the gym and you're left with like 2 hours at most
1-2 hours is not even a lot if it's total for both ways

Dunno. I used to be fairly laid back and jolly until around 23

You don't regret, retard. You learn about your mistakes and then you keep going with a heart of stone and nerves of steel. Crying like a pussy for the past is not an achievement.

lol whatever fag, didn't read it. You're probably upset because someone (probably me) destroyed you in an FPS.

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that's what regret is you brainlet

He forgot to mention all the other shit adults have to do too like cleaning and managing finances and repairing possessions and maintaining relationships and errands etc. Anyone who says "you suck at managing your time" is either absurdly rich and can afford a million shortcuts or is a do nothing retard that just thinks they're productive and busy/taking good care of themselves and their possessions when they are not.

You are probably a sociopath. Its easier for people like you to ignore emotions.

name one person you know like this who isn't also retired

have sex

I've started thinking about how almost all successful people barely play any video games unless they are making their living related to that, and I realize it's because there isn't time for that shit if you want to start being an achiever

Are you cynical at all?

I tried becoming a normie and going out to parties during my 1st year of college. It was great but after a while it gets too hard to act like a fucking pleb. You know how many superhero movies I watched at the theaters because it was the thing to do with friends? I even fell asleep while watching Justice League. I'd rather spend my free days playing video games all day by myself it's more comfortable/.

Imagine you hit your head really hard and forget everything that you've ever done up to that moment. Assuming you have no records of past events like photos, it may as well have never happened.

On my deathbed I will only be angry that I couldn't finish my eternal backlog

>To become human you have to act like a normie
Have sex.

Yet here you are on a videogame board saying you have no time for videogames. None of what you listed has to consume your time every single day. I have a wife and kid and get at least an hour of vidya in daily while working full time.

Playing video games wrong
Being a normalfag right

How do I be successful? I'm willing to abstain from fun such as video games. I never drink alcohol, I never smoke or take drugs. I'm willing to give up video games. Give me guide to follow to success. I already have two degrees. One in Science and one in Business. I'm still not successful.

Ya know what.
I dont regret it.
All the memes, motivation, sexy anime babes and hours upon hours of entertainment were worth it, even if ive lessened my time playing greatly at this point.

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things that happened in the past don't have to hold significance in the present or future, however it always remains true at the point in time it happened

Yes extremely.

Not him but, being stepped on from childhood to adult life, removes any capacity of me being excited about life.
>But this time things will be different
>How ?
>Because you are older
>But most people are shit and I don't want to handle them
Life in general is shit, I don't see a single reason to change that.

Protip: even if you become an "achiever" it's basically down to luck if you wind up finding "success" (which is a terrible sibjective metric anyways). Someone will profit off your hard work in the mean time though.

Define success.

there's nothing but general suggestions like
firstly figure out what you want, more free time? more money? better social status? you just gotta firstly figure out what kind of life you want

then you start seriously planning for that and one day you might end up in that situation

This pic actually gets me. Not because of its actual message but because of how fucking old it is.

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I want to be rich and powerful. I'm an extreme narcissist. I want to be better than everyone else I know.

Based. My friends and I will get play together in old age as we did as lads


depends where you live, where I live everyone can easily find success if they have it in them, it's true that luck factors into the extent of that success though

Me too

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Projection: the post

This but unironically.

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>confirms the alternative that he's not as busy or productive as he says he is by confirming he doesn't keep up on daily tasks besides work
also it's almost like I'm at my job where my time management is out of my control. where the fuck do we keep making you no-critical-thinking dinguses at?

To whom?

the United States of course, the land of opportunity! :'^)

how about none of that shit you fucking faggot
Society is one giant bell curve. There's some virgin autists, then normal folks all in the middle, then at the top are the people you would call "Chads".

I've known plenty of people in life who were so engrossed in their productive hobbies they never watched television or played video games past the age of twenty, unless it was an instructional video or informational. Whether its woodworking, cars, cooking, weaponry...people can get really into that shit.

>23.8 hours per day
Guess he just likes to leave the client open

it's true that it happened regardless of any observer in the future

I assume you ask who it matters to, answer being the person living in that moment, the significance doesn't have to exist in the future

I'm sorry you have time for games and are taking it out on an anonymous user on the internet. I have a good, happy life. Sounds like you're a slave to work.

I like hanging out with my friends and traveling but I don't like interacting with people I don't know

Route 1:
>Go to gym
>Get pussy
>Watch netflix
Route 2:
>Be fat
>Be incel
>Play video games

>that's what regret is you brainlet
>pic related
Nop mate. it's not healthy to live from the past.


That is a goal i am working towards i started bike riding and drinking more water and will start more productinve habits and hopefully achieve this.

Well having degrees already puts you there. Since you know business and science maybe start a business?

>Because you're certainly not old
he already said he's 29

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well you gotta start a business or climb up some corporate ladder... don't expect anything more specific

Route 2 is just about everybody, except me, in this thread.

I'm not a creative person whatsoever so can't come up with idea for good business. I'm more into following rules and structures.

all that and you ain't said shit

yes and regret is the very mechanism that allows you to recognize what you considered non-ideal from the past so that you can implement a different lifestyle for a different future...

What science degree do you have?

I work 8 hours a day like anyone else. I'm pretty sure you just live in dirtier conditions and neglect more things than you realize. There is not enough time in the day when 8 + 8 + 1 + X hours are succ'd immediately to work and biologicial functions.

Boy im glad i posted this thread on Yea Forums

This picture hurts me more than anything else in the world. I needed 23 years to stop planning and waiting for everything and start doing anything instantly
fuck my life

Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Science

>Well having degrees already puts you there.
20 years go, yes, degrees these days are fucking useless.

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How are you here if you have no control over your time?

>you should never or rarely playing video games as an adult
>he says on the video game section of a Taiwanese basketweaving imageboard
Inb4 muh day off or bathroom break. You should be making a coffee table, growing vegetables, or learning a new language right now or you're wasting your life

You are implying I haven't tried any this and it's something I actually want to do.

Stop projecting your desires onto mine.

>I'm pretty sure
This fucking cope lmao. Have you ever stopped to think that I have a lovely wife to help me with that like I fucking mentioned?

Thank God I wasted my life playing vydia.

I dumped my girlfriend because she wanted me to be a house husband while she worked as a Pharmacist.

I'm fat but i have sex and play vidya :)

>Can't use his brain to conclude all of the logical possibilities
maybe my job has me sitting on my ass with periods of time of nothing to do but I cant leave? nah there couldn't possibly be a job like that in the digital age!

>reee how dare you do what you enjoy, wageslaving to pay taxes for tyrone and old mr. boomer is how every human should live

I grow vegetables and play vidya. Am I a patrician?

imagine spending 10 hours per day being a slave when you could have fun playing vidya instead
life is short, why are you doing this to yourself waggie?

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Lmaoo fuckin idiot. She would have left u for a doctor or something anyway unless u started dumping kids in her

>I have no time
>but I also have time

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yes I did and I didn't want to bring up that it means that you're ruining her time instead how nice of you you selfless paragon of human virtue

>To become a fully actualized human involves stepping out of ones self and connecting with other people, and finding in communication with other people satisfaction.

I tried, turned my back on my precious neet hobbies like vidya, low-budget movies from all over the world, internet bullshit (podcast, blogging)... got out of my bubble only to meet with the harsh truth that I can't function in today's zeitgeist due to my lack of charisma and looks.

Now I'm left and apathypilled, just worrying about how to get money for food, utilities, with no real goal or purpose. I can't enjoy anything anymore.

some people get the same kick from productive things as you get from sitting on your ass, when you break it down it's just about completing certain tasks for certain rewards

Im an incel but i have sex and play vidya :)

>he isn't sitting in a work truck watching other people work while shitposting on a Micronesian Concrete mixing image trading mailing list

Anyone has the video of the bearded man calling out manchildren for not making tables?

Man, that's a lot of purple prose that can easily be summarized with "NEW THING BAD; OLD THING GOOD."
Before you accuse me of being a reductionist, ask yourself what your main idea is and if it even intellectually deserves the trappings of these pretty words you've used to communicate it.

You are contradicting yourself. Calling me an idiot for dumping her but then saying she would have left me if I stayed with her.

>have to be here 8 hours a day plus travel
>can't be in two places at once
yes how could this possibly affect my ability to take care of pressing matters and regular upkeep?

Americans everyone.

Whoops, accidentally tripfagged.

getting pleasure from being a slave is not ok

It is clear to me you're a lonely fuck with no experience in relationships.
>hey wife, it has been a great day today. Mind if I play games for a bit? Just finished the dishes for ya and brought home some groceries.
>sure! Love you!
>love you too
>*play games*

Id have milked it im saying and knocked her up. If she was attractive
, chances are someone would have redpilled her on you to get her panties off

This is a false dichotomy and the stubborn gamer mentality that 99% of you have is some of the biggest cope I've ever encountered in my life. You make hackneyed arguments like this because you don't want to actualise yourself as a man. You're too lazy, too scared to fail and deep down you know you're too mediocre to ever contribute a net positive to human society, so you slink back into isolationism and melt your brain with mass produced retard media for children and the mentally stunted. I say this as someone who has played video games since his earliest memory, loves them and is still playing them several decades later. I love games, but they are a waste of time, and if I had a way to eliminate them from my life to pursue something tangible, I would. There's no nobility in being some vice addled gamer mental midget retard cunt only preoccupied with making numbers on a screen increase or improving manual performance of a task that isn't real and doesn't reward you in any beneficial way. It's all futility.

>take care of pressing matters
>sitting here arguing semantics on Yea Forums

Lmfao, go choke on your "redpills" you dumb incel /pol/-tard.

>enjoying the privileges of my living situation is a bad thing
hunnanhau; naaaaaaa,,,,, retard.

must be nice to have Mom 2: Electric Boogaloo. I don't want to treat my significant other like a live in servant though so I'm good.

She was extremely attractive. Wasn't sure why she liked me so much. My housemate was jealous as he introduced me to her and he fancied her.

Social pressure is a hell of a drug.

What about assassinating high profile pedophiles and evil people

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I'd love to do something else with my life. I don't really even like video games anymore. I'd like to play Tennis or maybe Golf but I have no friends to play with.

i would have kys myself long ago if i didnt have vidya anyways

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You have made me laugh aloud several times.
>significant other
Confirmed lonely

If it wasnt the civilization wouldn’t have take off

Based and red pilled.

>mfw 10 years since I've had a gf
For fuck sake. Admitably I only go to work and then go back home but still where the fuck is the RNG luck.

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how can I clean or do yardwork or get groceries or anything like that when I am stuck here at work? did you miss the "can't be in two places at once" part? are you illiterate?

Oof, stop projecting.
Some people have accepted their mediocrity.
It's obvious you haven't.
You think yourself an ubermencsh, but really you are the last man.


You're not a slave if you're not forced and you get compensated

You think an attractive professional woman is gonna to stay with a stay at home Yea Forums browsing manchild without kids involved? Even if she's dumb, guys she interacts with with will be shitting on you lowkey nonstop.

Based, fuck normalfags and fuck propaganda psyop posters

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Boy I'm sure glad I let brown invaders take over my country because I was too scared if being called racist

>Spending the last moments of your life regretting hot having done the nearly infinite amount of 'other' things to do

Why the fuck would I drive myself mad with that? Do you think that the 1 percent of people who become 6'5" mega-millionares with family trees the size of sequoias and a century of adventure behind them don't waste their time on the same nonsense? Many of them still pine for something different than what they had, to the point that they treat what they have currently like garbage. For fucks sake user, learn the value of presence and contentment. Regardless of what life I lead until the time that I die, I plan to pass away with only the thoughts what I'm enjoying at the moment in my mind. Could be the birds chirping, could be the end of possible excruciating pain, could be the look on the face of that jealous husband, could be how the sunlight peers in through the window. I personally hope to enjoy the sight of a big, wobbly ass that looks like the moon, waning and waxing at the end of my willy. But the only way that exit is ever going to be graceful for anyone, myself included, is if you're actually there. Or at the very least, to Yea Forums's own credit, willing to allow the fantasies of other lives be a source of entertainment and joy, and not of escapism and longing.

well gee I dunno because I'd fucking starve to death being unemployed for more than 9 months in my 2nd world country

and emigrating somewhere to pretend being a 1.9m tall 30yo sick retard for govnment bux doesn't strike me as a fabulous idea

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you're pulling really hard for anything to make me seem like the bad guy instead of you seeming like the dumb wage cuck who's life and sense of ethics are shittier than he admits

All great discoveries were made by free thinkers though.

If you're stuck shitposting on Yea Forums then why can't you also play games? Are YOU illiterate? This entire thread is about playing games.

Holy smokes at all this gamer cope. Who said anything about normies? Was Isaac Newton a normie? Are you guys ever going to stop ceaselessly disappointing your parents and actually fucking try at life? Are you just going to keep escaping into virtual reality into your thirties, forties and fifties with nothing to show for it in your sixties when it's far too fucking late? You've got one life, faggots. Make the best use of it you can because once it's done, it's done. You all strike me as 20-something fucktards who think you'll be invincible forever, well, you won't. Start laying the groundwork for your mid thirties onwards now or things will get way too grim for you to tolerate and you'll probably neck yourselves. Yea Forums readily admits that it's a bunch of depressed loners suffering suicidal ideation already so take this as a warning.

I can hear the foam dripping from your mouth

Not him but my mother was a therapist and she used to say Narcissism was the most difficult thing to treat and was mostly untreatable.

I used to care about what happened to my life, had a goal, had a future, had a plan and means to achieve it. Even had an amazing husband of 8 years. But then he suddenly left me and that ruined my entire future of building a life in another country. I've just been abusing pot like cigarettes and breaking down into tears wanting to kill myself for months.

My fiance jokes about being my slave. She likes doin shit for me. She cuts my food too

Pedofiles have done nothing wrong until they assault a child.

>why are you trying to be like me

The only person copping here is you. Why are you trying to prove you are a "man" by not playing video games to people who enjoy playing video games?

Do you find watching movies, reading books, looking at art, or anything else related to media to be a waste of time too?

Different or better is the keypoint here. Because you're actually longing for a better conclusion on that situation. You aren't thinking about an improvement, you're just stagnant, thinking of superfluous outcomes.

hell yeah you can quote a philospher you must be so clever then fuck gamers for real
do sex fagit

>take over
tell me the last time a brown person has told you what to do and you listened.

But I am working. I'm a chemistry analyst for Pfizer. She wanted me to quit when she qualified as a Pharmacist so I could look after kids and house while she worked. I was offended so dumped her.

>you're pulling really hard for anything to make me seem like the bad guy
>literally just got done saying I'm making my wife a slave
You're pulling really hard to make your God awful schedule seem important. I just pity that you have no time to yourself, that's all.

Who makes your child porn retard, all of them deserve some form of punishment.

I'm not the user you've been talking to.
I just took umbrage with your using the immature meme word that is "redpill."

you're making the assumption i have a workstation I can play games on or use to browse Yea Forums.

>once it's done it's done
Oh yeah I forgot when you die you get to look at your life and remember how you worked your ass off

why live a life without doing what you want? that's just a recipe for a life of misery...

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Women are odd sometimes. My ex-gf used to like brushing my hair after sex

>Since "gamers" do not have any sense of the world outside themselves
>doesn't know what Agenda Setting is
>keeps consuming what they make you believe to be the "outside world"
you gotta go back

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>what is the phone you're using to post on Yea Forums

When I was at the Bataclan

Learn how to program, get a job at a decent company and save up for a couple years and do what you want.

>getting triggered by the term redpill on Yea Forums
>using the term incel
You might actually be reddit

>projecting this hard

This is not the place to cry about your gaming addiction you fat fuck. This is the place where we celebrate ours.
>played smash for 3 hours with my nephew today. family can be ok.

>Hur your life only has value if you do these things that I personally decided are fulfilling compared to what you enjoy doing

Reminds me of when all my college friends would tell me how I'll totally regret not going to clubs then would proceed to tell me a story about the time some dude shat in the dance floor.
As if getting plastered on alcohol and doing dumb shit is so much more fulfilling as a person than doing what I did, I'm not even trying to argue that my choice of thing to do was better but you're fucking shallow and dumb if you think getting drunk and fucking each other is more a valid life choice than partaking in a hobby.
I've tried the club life, it was okay for a couple goes but it's not my scene and that's fine.

And as for the "you're only living if you spend every waking hour crafting a grand epic or working on difficult hobbys" you do realise that all your really doing is replacing your personality with a hobby? It doesn't make you more interesting or valuable as a person just because the hobby you took up is interesting and valuable. You aren't your hobbies.

And yes maybe I'll sit on my death bed and think to myself "boy I wish I played less games and spent more time on [something else] but even if I HAD done that, I could end up feeling like I should have done something else even more so, because that's fucking life, time is limited and what you can do is broad, money and resources and ability are a limit and you can't do everything you want to do or think of doing, living your life or valuing your life based on what you wish you did is a fools error anyone can make weather you're the most cultured person on the world or the richest, most sucessful, maybe in order to get there you had to give up on your social life, maybe to have a good social life you had to give up on success.
These are all choices we make and I don't act like mine are better than yours so do me the respect of letting me make my own damn choices.

okay dickhead. whatever you say.

Never mass reply to me again, faggot.

I am doing something with my life, I'm playing video games like I want to, in enjoying myself. I'm sorry it's not your approved form of living.

Humor me,
What should I be doing since you seem to be the authority on what people should be doing?

That's the problem. I'm trying to find new hobbies but everything is done better in a group. I just get bored after going to something for the 5th to 6th time alone. That's even finally pushing myself to actually state I'm new so I can get a bit of starting help.
I've tried rock climbing, skateboarding, MMA(this one is actually pretty fun. But it's a bit disappointing that I know no one will take me as a real threat to fight with.).

m8 you're assuming everyone is as shit as you at balancing vidya with game. You sound like an addict desu.

Rent free, stupid yuropoor.

Programming seems like one of those careers where you need to be extremely good or you cant get a job. Am I correct?

>mobile games
user my life is miserable enough already without paying to roll for .pngs of underage girls in lewd clothing.

It's treatable enough to be manageable and stop being a hindrance. It's fueled by insecurities which can definitely be overcome.

And the hobby I got into was playing video games because nothing else interests me. What's your point?

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I'm glad you've come to realize how you made the wrong choices in life and are a slave to a 24hr clock. Have a good one.

100% this. All of these retarded incels coping is making me laugh so hard. I used to be like one of them. I used to want to pull a brenton tarrant at one point and i thought literally all blacks and muslims were terrorists. I never showered or went outside. I then started to goto those /SIG/ threads and I started to improve my life. I took tons of showers, I got some psoriasis cream, I had a hard time stepping out into the world at first. But I loved it. I had a haircut, Contacted some old friends from school. And I hang out with them. I still have some trouble with my social anxiety. But not a whole lot. I think of it as "There are 7 billion people in the world. Why is everyone gonna look at me and judge me?" I am also losing weight too. I am still fat, but not at the weight I was before. I still play games to this day but not EVERY day. I just chill out with my bros and have a good time.

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why does what you do matter when youre dead?

this, usually callcenterfags tell you garbage like saying that "videogames are for children" while they play candy crush on their phones or play crosswords in the bathroom, them people wonder why many callcenterfags want to commit suicide

Jon... let me in...

>implying you leave your home long enough to get involved in a active shooter incident
haha okay

Based. What game are you playing now?

Dunno maybe my mother was just a bad therapist so. She said Narcissists are usually unwilling to actually accept therapy.

Maybe the only thing you have now is hope.
If you lose that, truly lose that, then death soon follows.

>troglodyte thinking he has any means to lord over other troglodytes
Lmao @ ur life

>Started going on Yea Forums around 2011
>Feel like I'm now way too old for this board, even though I'm still newfag cancer myself
>Still keep coming here out of habit

Do what makes you happy bruh. I'd love to just make the depressed jaded self hating faggots that post here just go the fuck away. You fedl empty? You lose interest in games? Go the fuck away then. Does Yea Forums have hourly threads with fags ssying they don't like soccer anymore?

I'm playing far cry new dawn atm and its pretty fun desu.

You are literally an incel who never showers

Lmao @ ur life
go outside retard

What a naive fantasy

I see you're a lumpy connoisseur as well.

lmao look at this retard being proud of turning into another sheeple

Only if you want to work for Google or Microsoft.

Start with some unknown company and the pure act of having worked will open more doors than being good or having good grades.

gay and fake

based fat cat poster

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I bet it cant even run or do a pull up you absolute waste of genetic material

pic related is literally u LMAOOOOOOOOOOO

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I'm the opposite of glad that you will never realize that your measure of success and time is completely and irreversibly fucked, and that you will continue to let society run itself off the cliff operating on the assumption that everyone is just more retarded than you, which is easy enough to do when you can't stop to take a good look at where you've arrived with your own priorities with any amount of objectivity or empathy or even the faintest thought towards relativity.

Please help me. I bummed around doing shitty jobs in my 20s and am only now graduating at 30 with a degree in Business Information Systems with is like half business subjects and half IT subjects like some web dev and database dev. What do I do? I feel like I fucked up by studying something which was half and half instead of just doing full on software development.

>watching tv for hours everyday is fine
>playing video games is bad
What is this stupid meme

>tfw you will look like this at the age of 30

In my honest opinion. Video games isn't a valid hobby. It's a form of enjoyment but there's hardly any depth in the physical world for it. You don't really undergo any self improvement and there's hardly any personal landmarks you can grab from video games. I think video games are a solid form of entertainment but they aren't a good source for self improvement.

>Start laying the groundwork
But I'm already doing that, I'm preparing to hang out in my 30s.
Shit is only getting worse from this point, no reason to force my luck.

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If you say so.
But, do you consider loli to be cheese pizza?
Even if you don't personally, many people do.
So, what happens to the lolicon?
Is he deserving of this "punishment?"


We're never gonna travel to space in our lifetime so there goes my ambition to do anything.

Well this is me

>tfw I'm going to be 30 in a few years
>tfw I remember going to this board when I was still below the age of 20

People who play video games have better hand eye coordination though

Yeah but working your dick off and having no time will surely change society amiright. I dont think society is more retarded than me, I think you having no time and somehow believing that makes you important is more retarded than me. Again, I pity you.

It doesn't. That's the hardest thing to accept. But once you do, you liberate yourself from almost all constraints of society.

Right? Literally fucking everyone these days spends hours doing SOMETHING like just consuming media be it books, movies, games or tv shows.
All the "normal people" compared to the "incel gamers" just watch a lot of netflix and shit and talk about shows.

>calling me triggered and reddit
Please, meme more.
You're making your posts seem so enlightened and mature.

Have you considered that both groceries and yardwork are things that you could pay someone else to do for you? But if that's not an option for some reason you could buy a bigger fridge or build a root cellar or something so that you don't need to get groceries as often and besides why do you have so much yardwork? There are probably many ways you could make it either less necessary or easier to do. Also did you mention something about a gym? Have you considered getting most of your exercise by doing something actually productive instead of that? Or at least while doing something else you like to do.

>You don't really undergo any self improvement
You get better at playing the video game, it's self improvement

I think you're just describing the difference between a hobby and a competitive lifestyle without realizing it. Or more simply: whether or not discipline was require to achieve ends.


Everyone wants to leave a mark on history, be it through peers, art or whatever.
It's impossible though, paradise is only accessible for an elite. This leaves most of people pursuing a mirage through their entire lives, some become aware of it and find true happiness, most will pursue the unicorn in vain.

I can already tell that you smell like shit. Go take a shower you gaming freak

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I think the difference between drawn CP and regular CP over here is that regular CP will essentially get you arrested if your IP detects a hint of it, whereas drawn CP they don't give a shit unless they want to compound an existing conviction for CP or you're dumb enough to get caught looking at it at work or something.

>video games are bad for yo-

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u. Finish your sentence incel.

Video games aren't a hobby and you know it. It's just another form of entertainment. Would you put it on your CV if you were to write one?

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It can be out of topic, but someone have that image of Tails Get Trolled where tails says "Im so confused right now, i don't know what the fuck is going on anymore"?


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paying someone else to do something for you while maintaining positive net value is something only absurdly lucky/privileged people can do. I don't personally go to the gym, it's something I neglect in lieu of other priorities. the chores and errands and responsibilities I mentioned are not exhaustive by any means. I'm not a retard, I constantly play the "time optimization" game to combine activities for desired results.

While we're busy shit posting, why does captcha sometimes require one input to solve or six?

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Yes because that's the only thing I can write on it

Dumb anime poster

Watching anime isn’t either

Yeah, I'm a computer geek. It starts conversation almost every time.

an activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure.

Who the fuck puts hobbies on their resume?

No, there's probably some name for this physiological phenomenon of refusing to do something, even if it interests you, because of the fear of never becoming an expert.
It's fallacious, since you'll never be a programmer in any sense if you never learn how to be.

Why are rejecting basic science?

I just wish I had the balls to neck myself, until then, vidya are my only company

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Hobbies include useless shit like stamp collecting.
Do you spend your entire life only on things that optimize your CV? What a sad existence.

I just think obsessing over video games is harmful. There's a different between going outside and doing a hobby that's in nature than just staying indoors. I think someone can better explain what I'm talking about. The fact people are defending this like it's a meaning of life for them is a bit worrisome.

Life.... finds a way.

not him but all of u are incels lol

Define "a truly fulfilling life."


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Takes one to know one, incel.

What about bring a handheld console outside? Your argument falls apart instantly

How hard is it to do both? The meaning of life is up to you to decide.

Not him but try and type you more often you fucking teenager

Basic science by moving thumbs on a controller.

Holy shit....Gamers....Are..So..Fucking...EPIC

Video games is a hobby in the same way watching tv is. You get me? It shouldn't really be the only thing you do. You should do something a bit more physical to keep you sane and healthy.

Thank G-d you found a way to be morally superior at least.


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C'mon guys, please

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Nice nitpicking, you autist.
Having a balance is fine. I believe being completely absorbed with video games is a lot more harmful than other solo hobies.

I just baleeted my tails gets trolled collection, sorry my man. I'm not being an ashsole I literally deleted it because it was just sitting there.


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what makes you think of your individual life experience as something you wanted from your life

So when humans are extinct and no life exists in the universe, what will any of it mean or matter?
>muh deep teenager thoughts
Still true, there is literally no meaning to life unless you are some religcuck, the meaning is what we make of it videogames or partying with the BRUHZZZ "dude weed" all the same.

>user destroys your argument
>”I-It’s n-nitpicking!”

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I had a good time, and I still did many great things as well. Playing video games doesn't mean you can't do anything else.

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How come so many people on Yea Forums are against video games?

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>anime gif from incel calling others incel
Checks out

Cope and have sex, incel

dumb aquaposter

>Playing video games doesn't mean you can't do anything else.
The problem with the shitposters ITT is that they think that’s the only thing people do here.


>Boy, I sure am glad I'm dying

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Hell yeah.

I'm 31 but I'm only at 300 games I need to step it up. Havent even touched Dreamcast yet.

Thanks for the answer, man. I'm gonna still dumping here until i got the thing. Greetings

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>so you like doing stuff you love to do, right?, well, you're wrong because i say so

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have sex incel!

It's a 50/50 split between people baiting and boomers/normies from reddit who migrated when Yea Forums went fully mainstream.

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>he has never played Bioshock

Sad desu. Stop projecting your views on top of us. Just because you spent your zoomerhood playing gachashit doesn't mean that there aren't worthy games out there.

This is Yea Forums - successful lives mean no games, asshole

This. I think that's the best way to state it. In a way there is some benefit over playing video games. But if you completely get absorbed in and neglect basic human functions it's harmful.
I'm just scared of a day when everyone is fucking fat and disgusting because they don't care about their selves.

>Durrr why don't you bring video games outside
You fucking retard that wasn't my argument. It's that there's a difference between doing something in/with nature and playing video games. Even if you bring video games outside, you're not focused on physically being in nature. But no here's your last (you) before you typed something else fucking retarded.

>thinking you're a better person because you socialize
NPC tier thinking, life isn't worth living unless you get enjoyment out of it if you find it fun being with people then good for you, but don't expect everyone to enjoy it.
My job is literally socializing/talking with people all day long and all i want to do after coming home is play some games in peace

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No you

The moral is that the only constraints on your life are the ones you place yourself.

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If anyone’s interested read this

But for some of the anons' here that is their lifestyle....that's why people are getting really defensive.

Yea Forums is just full of directionless young adults that feel guilty about their failures so they take it out on the one thing they enjoy. I wush these daggots would go sort their shit out and stop shitting up a video game enthusiast board.

Be careful of conflating morality and legality.
If no harm is done to a real child in creating loli erotica, then is it morally justified to make owning or viewing such things a criminal offense?

>yay I slaved for 50 years, now let me spend the last, worst years of my life actually being free to do the things I want
Yikes. Fuck off, boomer.

Are they? It’s impossible to tell who’s trolling and who’s serious.

People getting out in the world connecting > fucking up earth > ultimately all killing each other

People socializing at parties > using drugs > getting soa

People socializing > becoming transsexuals

people connection religiously > go at war with each other

Wow, such nice things I don’t want miss. But you are right user, NATURE offers me more than humans, so I go out with my best friends, have fun in nature and play games together.

I’m fine with my games really, can’t wait for VR

Most people like to think in binary terms. There is no middle ground.

>I'm too old and bitter and jaded

Get over yourself you emo faggot.

>missed out on Dreamcast
Oh boy mommy probably couldnt affird an og xbox either

I swear these threads are Yea Forumss version of "Dota 2 ruined my life because I played it for 5000 thousand hours instead of going to class" reviews on steam

I'd assume some people aren't trolling. We are on Yea Forums after all.

Do you use every new buzzword the media pushes, or just the ones that best describe yourself?

Based, socializing can be great if it's with people you can have an actual conversation with but there is nothing wrong with wanting to play games in isolation when you deal with retards all day.

VR is a gimmick, though.

Considering how many times the word incel has been dropped I think it’s pretty clear

So exactly like social media then?

It is now, but in a few years it will be mainstream. I fully expect that

hello incel gamer

I'm not emo. I never wear dark clothing. I usually wear bright ostentatious clothes.

Route 3:
>go to gym
>still don't get pussy
>watch netflix but now with biceps

Wait till you can have sex in VR, people are going to go crazy once porn on it is perfected along with sexbots.

But I'm a software team lead, user. Everything I do outside of that time is by definition, a waste of time - including time browsing Facebook/ watching Netflix. It's not a false dichotomy at all. I will look back fondly on the time I spent playing video games instead of using Facebook.
>and if I had a way to eliminate them from my life to pursue something tangible
That's your problem. Cover your needs first, there's plenty of other time for vidya

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>Boy, I am sure glad I reposted the same thread over and over in my lifetime

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Route 4.
>go to gym
>still don't get pussy
>watch netflix but now with biceps
>jerk off at the end of the week because you now have disciprine

I think the advancement of technology should be something to be wary of.

>I finally managed to gain a sense of superiority over some people on the internet
>At last I can die a happy man

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It's not like I had the chance to have a girlfriend

I think the point is videogames are an equivalent activity to watching shows or whatever but everything is bad in excess.

Hello. Do I need to be autist to be software developer? I'm thinking about getting into it because of huge demand in my country and high salary.

The fact you're telling other people what to do on a board for a specific hobby is worrisome. Go tell Yea Forums to stop watching anime

contrary to the popular belief Yea Forums is actually a board about hatred towards video games. Literally since it's inception it was like that. There is nothing in this Universe Yea Forumsfags hate more than video games.

We don't like video games here

Oh yea I used to do that, before becoming disabled. You'd be amazed how quickly those connections can evaporate.

Route 5
> be skinny
> become a trap
> have lots of sex
> become successful twink later in life

Those people you describe are almost certainly living far better lives than you are. Socialising is a good thing - it's what normal people do. When they watch the same TV shows, they have something to bond over. But obviously people don't just watch a show just because others are watching it - they will watch shows that interest them, and then find others who are interested in the same show. I have never got into Game of Thrones, for instance, but I did watch Breaking Bad because it was pretty cool. And that was a show that I could discuss with others.

Sorry that your life is so shit that you sit in a darkened room, bitter and resentful at the outside world. Lmao.

My buds wife cucked him for going out on his day off metal detecting

What about women lol

Did you miss that word? It's okay, I know reading is hard.


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Uh huh you are clearing doing that here right now

>successful twink after the age of 25


What should I be doing with my time then?


Holy fuck this is me.
Why can't I just fucking stick to something?

The moral of this whole pointless thread is: do whatever you want. Niggers telling others they should socialize more and faggots saying it's okay being alone. It's ok whatever you do, as long as you don't feel sad after playing vidya or thinking how nice would be to have a girlfriend, then you should change, otherwise don't change if you still feel comfy doing what you do. The only advice i could give to you all is: don't only play vidya guys, go and do other stuff like reading a book or getting some pussy. It's nice doing and finding different things you would like to enjoy you know.

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>mba gets you rich

This but INTJ

I hope I don't even get that old. God life is so boring but I don't want to die yet either because I have some obligations left


>Boy, I am sure glad I spent all that time sitting around drinking poison with people who don't really like me

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>this fucking post
Holy shit kys tonight m8

I'm pretty normal apart from the no friends and no gf ever thing. All the women at work think I'm very nice and hard working and they always buy me chocolate and sweets. Even the manager tells me to go home early on Fridays because "you probably have a girlfriend to go meet" Women in their 30s and 40s have always been oddly attracted to me for some reason but never women in their 20s. Any input?

>Boy, I am sure glad I spent all that time fishing for attention on social networks like everyone else only to realize nobody gives a shit about anyone
Yeah I prefer videogames

>The only advice i could give to you all is: don't only play vidya guys, go and do other stuff like reading a book or getting some pussy. It's nice doing and finding different things you would like to enjoy you know.

stfu fag dont tell me how to live my life

not only have the end goals of adulthood been completely diminished, but the roads to them are rapidly deteriorating before our very eyes

incels are actually scared of women. they actually hate themselves for not being attractive for females

Is it weird that I can only tell how my Dog is feeling by how he breaths rather than his body expressions?

It’s your eyes, they’re probably friendly. Older people recognise them because they’ve been though a lot more.
Basically friendly eyes are hard to come by.

>subhumans who think there is an objective way of living life
Know only one this and it is this. Whatever it is you do in life, the things you spend your time on, do it unapologetically and without shame. Whether it be getting paid and getting laid or sitting your ass all day playing videogames. Maybe it's reading books and listening to music, maybe it's writing, drawing whatever the fuck it may be do it. But if you feel shame, if you feel sad, angry and bitter all the time then a change in your life is needed and your body is trying to tell you this. So if you do enjoy playing video games and you don't feel shame, and you don't feel embarrassed, depressed or bitter then good for you. Keep doing it.

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Fuck the older women user. They love younger guys

Video games criticism aside, you're never gonna convince me that facebook culture is a normal thing for human things. It's social engineering at its finest.
Having to constantly post about you car, your purse, adding lots of people as friends, etc just to "compete" in the normalfag circle and get validation from stranger likes, is totally retarded and tiresome. There's no excuse for normalfags and their social media hivemind. Most of them would go in a panic attack if they didn't post something every 10 hours or worse, become suicidal should facebook close.

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>It's nice doing and finding different things you would like to enjoy you know.
I was told this several times now and after trying every fucking thing on the great list of "Normie Anti Depressants" I reached the conclusion that the reason why nothing works for me is because everything sounds much better in my mind than in reality, this results in me being miserable if I'm playing vidya alone but being even more miserable if I do any of the shit the normie brigade tells me to do. I really do wish I wasn't a massive pussy and could just end it

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We are all alone here on Yea Forums

I'm in the same boat. Years ago i'd get a burst of inspiration, and end up telling a few people about it due to being excited, then lose interest a few days later and completely drop the idea. I stopped mentioning it to people nowadays whenever I get like that again because being asked 'Oh how is x coming along?' every time just got repetitive, making up an excuse and sweeping it under the rug. Most recent one was thinking about learning piano, bought some digital keyboard for myself start of the new year, tried it out once, realised I can't read music sheets and now it's just sat there collecting dust.

I chalk it up to just not being interested or having anything to motivate myself to bother. Don't care about relationships, family or success.

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Unironically would not have any regrets.

Especially as game tech gets better it’ll become more fulfilling and EPIC

Fucking hell, user.

*beings, fuck

Except being a Furry. Fuck being a Furry.

based Diogenes poster

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You forgot to try the most normiest thing ever, drugs.

dude you have no control in the end of what makes you happy and what doesn't, your consciousness is tied to a bunch of particles doing their physical interactions in the world

They are all married with kids lol. They are very touchy feely for married women. Always grabbing me and hugging me and pushing up against me.

Sounds odd to me but ok. I'm actually not friendly. I just pretend to be.

Yea Forums is made up of 4 posters including you who samefag but pretend to be different people and reply to themselves.

>source: i am a janny

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You need only a few things really -

Someone for your Lovelife, a buddy in life.
Someone you can call a friend, to have fun with
Work you enjoy
Being healthy
Having a hobby

Weed was fucking boring and I always mess up when around booze. I can't go any harder than that unfortunately

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Shut the h*ck up

looool they want to fuck you dumbass

People told me I'd be happy and get a gf if I exercised and lost weight. I went from 200 pounds to 135 pounds and am just as miserable if not more miserable as I was when I was fat. Still no gf or interests.

damn right


I'll pass on the Jewish propaganda.

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I havent replied to myself once

I wish I could say I can't relate to this but it is the worst shit. I see something cool maybe some sort of art project so I buy all the shit to try it. Sit down all ready to work on it, only for it to come out looking like shit and then I immediately quit. No motivation to keep working on it so I'll get better. It makes me want to fuckin die.

Every day I'm starting to regret it bros. But it's all I have.

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just keep doing it until you stop caring so much

user Jesus Christ are you retarded? Women crave attention and their husbands likely no longer give it to them. They will absolutely have sex with you if you tried

I'm not going to fuck married women with kids. What do you take me for? What sort of cunt would do that? Also they all smoke which is a massive turn off to me as they all always smell of smoke.

Dude, I get so fucking mad that I work so hard and then all my hard work ends in failure because nobody wants to accept me. I work way more harder than my peers, I'm always attentive in class and always set to learn, but I always make one mistake and suddenly nobody wants to believe in me. Am I fucking adachi from Persona 4?

lol fag

Well thats because you're a manlet

The ones with meanigfull stories sure, I'd hate to be some cucked who wasted his life away just for some gameplay

No, you think you pretend to do so because someone probably hurt you when he told you that, and you have a low self esteem. Embrace yourself, it’s ok to not be an alpha chad. In fact, being friendly and maybe slightly submissive isn’t bad.

kek dont have sex

I have no need to go out. I have everything I need at home, I have enough money to get anything I want, I've always been a loner but what will talking to people accomplish i would just be repeating the same things over and over and over again but with little changes. life was too easy on me and for that it's fucked everything for me

Its not right to have sex with married women especially if they have children. I know most of you are atheist but I'm Catholic and its not right to me for someone to cheat.

Find a divorced one then.

Found the Sonyfag

I'm a manlet king though as I'm 5'11

It's not that simple mister smarty pants. This box lets us access more than just games, its necessary for communication in the office environment and other places where we would get to know people. Hell, some places won't hire you unless you have a linkedin profile so online communication like that and emails are about as synthetic as multiplayer games, though obviously not as necessary. You could have said this post to someone you knew but instead you came here to lecture us. Unless you're an old fashion boomer with a simple job like being a farmer, you have no leg to stand on.

Yeah, that sure is a lot worse than making several thousand posts on this site just to get (You)s.

Catholics do that the most. Just confess your sins. The priest will fap to it later

I know it to some extent. I came to believe that all humans emit a different aura, so to speak. X guy does a mistake, but he's still accepted by others, but you make a mistake and suddenly it's the end of the world and others lose their interest in you, despite that appearance wise, you look totally normal.

No I really do pretend. I hate most people I interact with but its more useful to be nice. Theres nothing really gainful from being rude to people as much as I'd really like to be.

... but what to do if you have autism and everything scares you and tires you out? What can we do if we want to try So hard but gain so little, we have no other choices than to enjoy a world closeby, the digital one.

JP fag

>dont tell me how to live my life
But i'm not?, i was just saying you should try different things, otherwise you could get bored from only playing vidya. Take it or drop it, it's all up to you, i'm nobody to tell others what they should do with their lives since i don't even know who they are and what are their problems. I only said a generic advice that I know it could work for some people, that's it.

>imagine falling into the normalfag meme
Not even surprised here, just do stuff YOU find great to do, not shit others tell you to do, faggot.

Not him but I wish I was cut out to be a farmer. I tilled a garden one year and never did again, fuckin hard ass work (not a gas powered)

Nice bait you anorexic faggot

People would respect your assertiveness if you choose to show that, maybe even more than they respect you now, surprise them.

Its not bait. I'm back up to 145 now though.

wow! gamers rise up!
when did Yea Forums become the most reddit board?


just accept the fact, that no 20-something girl will form a fmaily with you. if there is anything that can be considered single and childless 5.5/10 at your work (in the sense of former 7/10, but aged) fuck it in the pussy (just do 3 weeks noporn & nofap to charge yourself), impregnate it and form a family together. do it asap, because if shes 30 and older, there is high chance your little baby boy will get the big autismo. but the younger she is the chances are slimmer

literally no other option. the dating market is fucked for young males and it will be even worse in the future with basically physical jobs being eliminated. only office soft boys and IT nerds will get to smash. mad world

It's frusterating because all my success was because of luck. I was only accepted into my program because there wasn't that many applications that year. I got my job the same way. I always admit to my mistakes and always try my best to fix my mistakes. BUT NO EVERY FUCKING DAMN TIME THEY NEVER TAKE ANOTHER CHANCE ON ME.

Cringing @ your post rn

writing essays about how awesome your life is for a Mongolian basket weaving forum is a giant red flag. Just admit that you're life has only improved a little but you're still about as miserable as the incels.

Thats pathetic

Based and deathpilled

He’s getting ready for 420fps in heaven

I know you're instantly gonna go for words like "edgy" and "immature", but here's the thing: Life. Does. Not. Matter. Bottom line.
There's no reason any single human should live out their entire lives the way anyone else expects or wants them to. If someone's idea of a beautiful life is one where they spend it all just wandering around alone and then killing themselves mid way through, then let them live it if they truly want to. These "gamers" seem much more confident in their lives than you are in yours, not to mention more self-aware. They're not the ones preaching and coping here, you are. I don't know how, but you'll have to realize you're not nearly as significant as you think.

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It was you people who told me id be happy if I exercised and lost weight.

This literally did not happen.

Uhm you mean 4channel sweetie.

How many times do we have this thread

Everyone's success is some part skill and some part chance.

Why is this garbage thread still up

Nice b8 m8. 5'11 200 would have been perfect for lifting tho

Is working as a programmer hard? I'm considering studying it in college but I'm kind of a brainlet so not sure if I'd be able for it. I'm also pretty old so thats probably a big problem when I graduate and looking for job. I'm 30

So now my children can do the same!

You’re anorexic, not In shape

good post


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being a shitposting farmer sound comfy tbqh

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I was fat as I had no muscle. I lost weight by treadmill and diet. I didnt lift any weights.

Unless you’re mentally challenged, then there will be no regret, no wonder they always look so happy

>KYM filename

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Yes social media like twitter or facebook is absolutely pure social engineering that tells its users being an illiterate normalfag consumer and obtaining the most validation from their "friends" will give them happiness while in reality it causes them to live a life that is not their own and mindlessly follow what they are told.

I live a life of constant regret.

>not shit others tell you to do, faggot.
I understood what you meant pal, I was just saying that there's shit I want to do "in my mind" but that in reality is fucking awful. Some people don't have anything they find gratifying is what I'm trying to say here

I've never had any recent chance for success where I got it from my own merit. I feel like I'm not good enough despite me trying so fucking hard. Everytime I think I do good or great, I'll always get a bad result back. I can't take it anymore. I just want someone to fucking believe in me.

Philosophy is video games now.
Because how can we be certain that life isn't a game?

Living the life! And it’s easy as well where I live, there are entire communities for these kind of lifestyles and they grow by the year. Believe me when I say it makes you happy, and you can still game

Is Business Analytics a good career? Thinking about doing masters in that.

You fucked up. Might make a goid trap now. No women wants that. Start hormones

fuck, you have impostor syndrome
you are sabotaging your own hapiness. nigga, stop thinking, start enjoying. you may have some luck and there people out there who are smarter and more talented than you, but still pretty miserable, but it doesnt matter. you did it. so try not to let it go. start thinking about where you should actually improve instead.

>having sex

It's the most well documented event in history. Questioning it isn't a crime, denying it is. We should punish those against truth. We don't need stupid people.

only if you have chad personality

Just be yourself, bruh.

Tfw i plan to play Doom 2 one last time if i ever make it to my deathbed

You could say this about anything

>Boy am I glad I read all those books
>Boy am I glad I climbed all those mountains
>Boy am I glad I hiked all those miles
>Boy am I glad I learned how to fix motorcycles.

Just shut up, OP.

go IT
or do this business analytics but in the context oif python, neural networks, every hot IT buzzword out there, because otherwise you are fucked.

Any particular reason why a business analyst would need a chad personality?

Is this it user?

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I've experienced the real world and wasn't really into it.

Boy am I glad I spent all day on v talking about anything but games

How be happy?

>tfw a dude who slept with over 300 women will die just like me
Nobody is immortal

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What's the point of this thread?

>stepping out of ones self
You mean 'outside the box' and not so much the box as the Saturn blackcube. I don't need to know and interact with people when I too can consume the entertainment which tells them how to think (GoT, capeshit, vidya). I do have a sense of the world -it's the entertainment they love and it's enough for me.

So maybe Data Analytics instead of Business analytics? I've just been looking around at various masters in colleges close to me. My undergraduate degree was in Business Information Systems.

Find back what you lost while growing older. Enjoy shit

Look, there's no way I'm going to be happy on my deathbed no matter what, so why worry about this?

Mental illness bait. The other threads might have some quality posts with all the vidya haters refreshing this

just be around IT as much as possible
even if you dont know much about computers, programming etc. it doesnt matter now. get basics, finish studying, try finding something inbetween.

What do people mean when the say "IT" exactly?Software Dev? Or something else?

Enjoying what? That I have no fucking self worth? That everyone else gets a chance because of their innate talent? That people like me born without any goal or drive should just get a job any maybe I'll be happy? My parents are lucky I'm too scared to kill myself

Please don't be insecure, user.
The people that you see as better than you are also flawed in their own way.
Just give everything you do the good old college try.

Same my man. 23 since last year and I can’t remember when i last felt happy