What are some quintessential piratecore vidya?

What are some quintessential piratecore vidya?

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Sea Pirates 2 that got branded as "Pirates of the Caribbean" game was pretty fun. No idea if it holds up today though.

Unironically Pirates of the Caribbean Online. It was shut down by Disney but the community has it up and running again.

How long until they shut that down as well?

Hmm.... Tempest and Blackwake are nice titles on PC with a pirate focus. There are plenty of pirate-sims out there (ie Pirates!). Sea of Thieves is actually not too shitty anymore, its just a pity it wasn't released openly on Steam. If you want the experience of a first person, "lots of people need to work duty stations on the ship" type thing, Sea of Thieves is one of the best.

Oh and few probably remember it but Puzzle Pirates was an old school MMO where it was like I said, but with different puzzles for every thing - swordfighting, piloting the ship, fixing the hull, loading and firing the cannon etc... it was a true pirate MMO in that someone who owned a powerful ship was probably really good at the game and had a strong crew, because it took a long time to get to that point - there are many who never captained or owned a ship of their own and only worked on others.

Sid Meier's Pirates was a fun romp.

I have heard of this - that the private server is actually a pretty damn good game and has all the original content and more.

Sea of thieves legitimately has redeemed itself to me, I got suckered into pre-ordering with friends and after a years of updates it's actually good.

Holy mother of fuck its still running....

www.puzzlepirates.com . There are downloadable Windows, Mac, and Linux clients, so you don't have to play via Flash or whatever. Remember this game was originally running back in like 2000 so don't be hard on the graphics or shit. Looks like they've added a fuckload of new content though.

They also have an old school subscription so no lootbox shit and whatnot which is neat.

How's this play, I keep meaning to try it

Check out some videos of it and look at Steam - it has varying styles based on what your'e doing. Ship to ship battles via sky cam so to speak, 3rd person for person to person swordfighting etc.

Literally anything not online only

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One Piece World Seeker

Is pic related good? On PC and Xbox.

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It's fun. It's casual and only good with friends but it is fun.

Unironically AC IV. Ignore the story bullshit and sing shanties.

I liked it when I was a kid. Its unplayable on modern pc's I think. New horizons mod is standalone and free though

How has no one mentioned Ass Creed Black Flag?

The ass creed parts arent anything special but the naval combat is top tier

Kingdom Hearts 3

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CK2: AGoT: Stepstone Simulator

I liked it back in the day. It did a pretty good combination of sea battles and third person combat and adventuring.

>new horizons mod
Oh shit that looks cool. I gotta check that out.

Muh nigga.

good shit