What are your favorite things to do in minecraft?

Attached: minecraft.jpg (1200x630, 465K)

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building towns and writing lore for them

Attached: 1554134971795.png (422x357, 161K)

find a jungle and make a tree city

Find a lava pool and build a house in the middle to have a magma moat.
Haven't played since hunger introduction.

I love building bricks with minecrap

playing on a server with some friends. There are way better games to do this in though so i stopped

Installing a super grindy modpack and sinking hundreds of hours into god gear.

Attached: fsdaf.png (739x635, 192K)

This but I cant find any fucking jungles please help I've been deprived of the one thing that keeps me going

>bone for the guard
that's retarded

Why has my world seen no thunderstorms?
I live in a mountain/plains biome and havent seen lighting since I started it weeks ago even when exploring. I'll never get to use channeling

Care to share?

kill myself for playing a shit game.

Build shit

damn right

it's nothing too detailed, just putting thought behind questions such as what the towns eat, how they make a living, what they export/import, etc. All of this while taking the town's surroundings into account. That means that a town placed within a forest will mainly "export" wood and apples, and so on

i wish i still had the imagination for this

>conduit block added to game
>is not a conduit for redstone underwater
>is not a conduit for waterflow
>is not a "conduit" in any regular understanding of the word

use Avast

bwown bwicks

Shoot my arrows in the air

pee shit and cum



Go into your singleplayer world, type /seed and copy the long ass number into this website. It will show you a map of your world

When I find a village I like, I'll typically start expanding it and build a luxurious mansion for myself and become "dictator" of the village. I like to build large elaborate prison facilities in which to store villages that have committed "crimes" against me, which have various punishment and execution facilities depending on how much I feel like fleshing them out at any particular moment. I wish they would let you leash non-baby villagers so it would be easier to get them into the prisons.

do farmers now not actually farm anymore? I feel like they just loiter around the fields

redstone contraptions

>Spawn in
>Mine wood
>Build house
>Mine iron
>Mine Diamonds
>Reach The End
>Exit world and never play it again
Console version fucking sucks

getting diamonds takes too much effort. i always get bored before getting them

use a version which has custom worlds and set the biome to jungle

making a mob farm

My negro

Autistically automating this game is the only real way to have fun.

Attached: Luigi Ass.gif (500x500, 999K)

Building railroads

you can get diamonds reliably within half an hour

Make maps. There's no other game I know of that lets you do that

Build castles full of knights and watch them fight each other

Survival Island which grows into tech colony

I like to watch piropito (0v0)