Should argonians have same rights as mer?
Should argonians have same rights as mer?
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Should dogs? Absurd questions.
Argonian/Khajiit Nerevarine is the best choice because it is the most ironic. Prove me wrong.
>should dogs have the same rights as dogs?
Get slizzard!!!
>Should dogs?
Mer have rights?
Ash niggers literally got their shit kicked in by argonians and had to move in with the snow niggers
You ought to be shot.
You happen to know where this mod is at? LL? or Nexus? Gonna need to check it out if i ever feel like firing up Skyrim again.
I don't even play Skyrim, I just found the picture and thought it was funny so I post it to farm (You)'s like the poster above you. Sorry, user.
Ashggers seething because they can never be this
>half the populace gets diseased from a body horror magic AIDS
>government gets killed by a resurrected fuckass mad champion of a literal demon goddess
>people start sacrificing mass amount of prisoners, slaves and later citizens just to avoid catastrophe
>still fail in the end and a literal comet hits them and erases the capital
>this causes the giant volcano to erupt and obliterates half the fucking country
>all silt striders die out so the means of transportation get fucked
>great houses start bickering and some even get destroyed
>bunch of nigger lizards get uppity and start massacring the devastated civilians that just survived multiple apocalypses like the pieces of scaly shit that they are
>they still get their shit pushed in when the Redoran lads regroup
>"hurr durr lizards are totally victorious"
Back in chains you little tree fucking shit.
That's it im getting me whip.
If you want to make lorefags seethe some more remind them that these dog furrbait shits are actually canon.
Based and ashpilled
Nobody cares if some furfag wanks on his degenerate shit, beastfolk in elder scrolls are not furshit.
post more memri tv edits
*breathes in*
REMOVE LIZARD remove lizard you are worst beast. you are the swamp idiot you are the swamp smell. return to black marsh. to our altmer cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,argonians we will never forgeve you. n'wah swit FUck but fuck asshole lizard stink fetcher outlander..lizard genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead lizards..ahahahahah BLACK MARSH WE WILL GET YOU!!
Redoran house is gonna kick your ass next elder scrolls and you know it.
Much obliged, might play Skyrim for a half hour every other day again!
Based argonichads btfoing grey skins
God damn I fucking hate Argonian and Khajiit players. Why are they so numerous?
By Azura, you are leading people astray
Khajiit and their cousins the Lilmothiit are made by Azura.
Fucking gross lmao
lol ugly ashe gnomes
My sides!
no, argonians are filth that only attract more filth. just look at the kind of people in this thread that like them.
Argonians are cold blooded reptilians, it's obvious that they have only murder and slaughter in their savage minds, it's their nature.
she cute
>Should treating dogs the same as Argonians be considered animal abuse?
Backwards swits; there is a reason why they struggle with trivial matters.
Fuck the Hlaalu