Xenoblade thread

I just want a thread to talk about Xenoblade. X was released on this day in Japan so why not having a decent thread to talk about the series? since it's impossible to make a thread about a single one

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Other urls found in this thread:


I want X ported to Switch but Nintendo prefers to port garbage like NSMBU or Hyrule Warriors

>Nintendo prefers to port shit that sells
not saying it's a good thing, but it's the reality we live in.

I love all the games.
Don't really have anything else to say, hopefully this thread doesn't devolve into the typical XB2 waifufaggoty/shitposting war like they always do.

Why do the Japanese make their drawings such low resolution?

Forgot to put in the OP. How many hours did you clock on each game?


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That is why I made a thread about the series in general. It's possible to talk about each game individually but we all know how that ends up

>XB2 + Torna

literally me

What is next on his masterplan?

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250 and rising

XC1: 120
XCX: 240
XC2: 220 - artificially inflated by core grinding

I want an X port on the switch, but I also want Cross dialogue options to be made Mass Effect style. He already has a voice, let him/her use it during cutscenes and decisions too. Bonus points if the choices you make in the story can unlock new soul voices for battle.

>yfw this scene starts in XC2

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>that part in the story Cross's arm blows up and only a silent scream came out

If a port does happen they need to include more voice segments for the character

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probably my fav game of the last 15 years

>tfw still have the Wii U plugged in with X sitting there
>want an X port desperately for Switch
Should I just play it on Wii U? I never got far in X.

Xenoblade X2: Der Wanderer und sein Schatten

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I'd prefer it if they put all their attention towards XBX2 instead of trying to 'fix' XBX. I think all it really needs is a Switch port to increase its popularity.

If you prefer to play blind just restart the whole game if not just look for a guide

Baten Kaitos

The scene was great and all, but the moment Klaus showed up all I could focus on was how shitty his model looks. It feels like they just ported over the Wii model, even though I know that's probably not true.

you know damn well that the reason Takahashi said the Switch port would be insanely expensive to make and that we wouldn't see it any time soon is because it would basically be the same fucking game, but with like 3 new continents and 13 new story missions to wrap everything up, potentially more affinity missions and normal quests too.

That's stupid. Why waste time and resources adding a bunch of shit to an old game when people are already clamoring for you to just port it as is?

Takahashi never worked on BK though
Not to say I'm opposed to a third game, Origins was fantastic

Xenoblade 3: I swear this one's not related to the other ones, just trust me

what the hell is Honne even doing now?

XC1 is something like 10-20
XCX I think clocked around 220~, but given crashes not recording playtime it's probably 225.
XC2 I think I was around 110-120.

XCX I 100%'d though, wrote a ton of guides, got every probe, treasure, etc
XCX was definitely the best by far given the exploration, I kinda wish you could still skell jump when you hate flight pack since I wanted to try skell driving routes/etc when I was done with the main game but couldn't due to that shit.

happy birthday then

I miss em, bros...

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Because he knows that a traditional sequel would be fucking retarded and requiring you to tread old ground all over again.

link to guides?

Xenoblade 2 wasn't a traditional sequel, so why are you expecting XBX2 to be one?


Tell me how the hell I'm supposed to get TP up fast brah. I keep wanting to try Overdrive to learn how to do it well, but I can't seem to gain TP at a reasonable pace. Just started Chapter 6, Galactic Knight.

1: 130
X: 250
2: 180


All text stuff from back in the day. I loved playing through and checking over all the nip stuff that was somewhat machine translated, and some of it (including what got put in the Prima Guides) was dead wrong. I think they missed 1 Storage Probe and a few others that were well tucked away. There's a few really well hidden treasures on the map.

Giving a skell at the start would destroy any pacing or build up for ground combat. Making the player play dozens of hours before getting a skell would be equally frustrating. People who care about the story want to know the continuing adventures of the existing characters, who all lack closure.

Pretty sure there were more than this. Also that general was starting to get weird with some mild role-playing

I know he's still at Monolith, but I think he's only been getting minor roles and cranking out the artwork whenever the company is recruiting (pic related).
Chrono Cross and BK look fucking amazing though, the man needs another lead role.

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TP Gain Up Jewels/decorations, whatever they're called. Check for skills that give that sort of things as well. Knowing how to chain OD with skills to reduce CDs is real important for infinite chains.

>Want to replay X
>Can't because my Wii U fucking died

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XC1: 300 between two playthroughs (2 NG, 1 NG+)
XCX: 300 in a single playthrough
XC2: 465 between two playthroughs (1 NG, 1 NG+), includes the time spent in the Torna DLC, where I also did 2 playthroughs (1 NG, 1 NG+)

I like the series a lot.

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oh yes, 2 more sheets.


Most of that RPish core was in the steam group which was where I left off, they went to disco eventually and I didn't follow past that since I was busy doing other stuff.

I've been trying to get my mate into these games but he doesn't have any ninty consoles.
I set up dolphin and he's really enjoying xenoblade.
How well does x play on PC?
I know it runs good enough but the actual playing experience?
I rmemebr lots of gamepad usage and the UI was pretty shitty even with a second screen.
Can you play it okay on one?

He tweeted about fan requests for Baten Kaitos 3 a while back.
>"It's been more than 10 years since the release of Baten Kaitos II, and even now it pains me that I continue to receive requests for a sequel. I think the statute of limitations has run out, so I can say a little bit about it. Immediately after the release of Baten Kaitos II, Namco (now Bandai Namco) worked on a sequel up until the pre-production phase, but just before Baten Kaitos III could become a reality, the story ended due to the circumstances of the involved parties.
>"If we made it, it would have been grand-scale game with settings at the bottom of the sea, on land, and in the sky. There's a large amount of concept art for the sequel sealed away at Bandai Namco. Requests for a sequel should be directed not just to myself and Monolith Soft, but also to Bandai Namco.""

yeah, I can't seem to craft those augments until the endgame though, I want tp gain now.

Hyrule warriors isnokay
But I agree, XBX would really get big on Swixh, I think.
People seem pretty hungry for big open world RPGs for the Switch, and I think the amount of time and customization investment you can put in would really work well with the portable stuff.
I’d want them to maybe add in some co-op mini game or portable local multiplayer. Just as an experiment side mode

Xenoblade Zero

well, I believe you can find some in treasure caches/from certain monsters, but you'll probably have to check the xenoblade chronicles reddit since I've no idea where our pastebin went for the link to where those treasures are.

I would have put more on X but my Wii U was constantly crashing. I put that many hours on Xc2 with Torna+challenge mode+new game on BoC. I love these games man and no modern jrpg will surpass the joy this series brings me

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Fuck you, I want a fucking sequel, not a port.

You're in luck, I somehow still have the XCX google docs in my bookmarks.

The mythos behind XC1/XC2 is pretty played out at this point. The reveal at the end of XC2 was cute, but am I the only one who is aching to learn more about the world of XCX?

Who the fuck is Elma, really? Who is the hero from the White Whale? What the fuck is Mira? How are the mims still functioning? Who are the "ghosts" and why did the Ganglion follow humans to Mira, but not them?


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You're in luck. Look up the Cemu emulator. If you have a reasonably gaming capable PC you'll likely be able to play. Just make sure you read up on what graphics packs are necessary to deal with glitches or whatnot, if they're still required.

I don't think I want a port of X. I played it for hundreds of hours on the Wii U and I'd rather they put their man power towards a new game.

I don't. Fuck Avatar faggotry and general cancer.

>>"If we made it, it would have been grand-scale game with settings at the bottom of the sea, on land, and in the sky. There's a large amount of concept art for the sequel sealed away at Bandai Namco. Requests for a sequel should be directed not just to myself and Monolith Soft, but also to Bandai Namco.""
Fuck user, that hurts.
Hopefully one day, especially now that the team is more experienced. I love the original games but they could've used some more polish.

XBC2 emulatable when!?!!? Fucking emufags make it work on one game and then call it quits (BotW/Mario Odyssey)

1: been a while but I think it was a little over 100. Only did a single playthrough (dropped NG+ early on, just wanted to watch the opening cutscene with end-game gear Dunban and MechaMumkhar)
X: Over 600, did three separate playthroughs, one of which was 100% survey
2: 400+, 100% NG, plus a full NG+ run (without redoing every sidequests)
Torna: 40, 100% NG and NG+

I completely forgot about this. I left the general when this was over. It was getting way to cancerous for it's own good. It was a good run

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*Dabs on Rex and Elma*

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an alien who fucking loves humans, probably worships the progenitor race

>hero from the white whale
a reference and send off to the original protagonist of the game, before he was scrapped to allow create a characters

>what the fuck is Mira
a product of the conduit

>how are the mims still functioning

Will never happen because a lot of the content would then be locked behind paid online

You aren’t the only one.
I have a feeling they’re going to connect XB1/2 to X in whatever next entry is revealed

killing se with no survivors

It's painful how much the games are held back by hardware. The art is all there but the consoles just can't show it properly.

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Made for hot human dick.

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What is the progenitor race? What is the Conduit, really? Why the fuck did the ghosts and Ganglion decide to fuck up Earth? The game makes it seem like, "they were at war and just kind of came there."

>The mythos behind XC1/XC2 is pretty played out at this point. The reveal at the end of XC2 was cute, but am I the only one who is aching to learn more about the world of XCX?
>implying all 3 aren't connected.

I think Xenoblade Chronicles 1 (inside a computer) and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 take place on Mira, Centuries after the arrival of humans.
We know that the Nopon are native to Mira.

So the planet that Klaus is from is post-human Mira?

well, it was a nice project to send off the game as the general died.

XB2's planet is just Earth.

I haven't played X but I thought the Nopon weren't from Mira either?

I just started playing
Do I have to keep using this core gachashit mechanic to have more blades or will the story give me blades that I give a shit about?
I hate swapping out these characters for literally randomly generated shit to have access to other weapon types

>Klaus is from is post-human Mira?
That would make sense, think about it.
XC2 takes place is a heavily terraformed Mira, with the ending going back to a semblance of the original Mira.
The existence of Nopons negate that, We know that the Nopon are indigenous to Mira and not Earth.

>I haven't played X but I thought the Nopon weren't from Mira either?
They are native to Mira.

Non-rare Blades are shit fodder for Blade missions, once you unlock those. You get more Blades from the story, and once you get better quality cores, you'll get better chances at Rare Blades, which are worth using.

XBC2 could look pretty good on the switch, but I guess because they weren't first party nintendo they couldn't devote the time to making it look nice like they could with BotW

In many ways I hate BotW for being a launch title and showing everyone how good games can look on the switch right out the door, so everything else looks like garbage in comparison

Do you have them all Yea Forums? unfortunately i'm missing the New 3DS version of 1 since i never upgraded from the OG

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I wanna fuck Elma

pretty sure they said that earth was just literally in the way of the two armies so we got RNG'd hard

Its coming. Its already more playable than it used to be. If you really want more emphasis on one title or another (and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is one of the more high profile titles already), donate a bit to the patreon and you can vote on what you want them to focus upon.

Yuzu is growing by leaps and bounds almost every update, which is nice to see.

But Elma came to Earth years in advance to help them prepare for that. How did she know they'd end up there?

Not to mention that The Land of Morytha, heavily resembles New L.A.
Packed with streets, lightposts, and cars.

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drew a line between the two fleets, Ganglion hate humies since they are descendants of the progenitors

>thigh window
Top tier

>The existence of Nopons negate that, We know that the Nopon are indigenous to Mira and not Earth.
Why are you assuming the Nopon are meant to be native to XB2's world?
The only 'survivors' of the experiment other than Klaus became the monsters in Morytha, so none of the life in Alrest could've descended from them. Instead, Alrest's life evolved based on the data in the Titan's core crystals, to recreate the life that had been on Earth before.
If this really was Mira, the Nopon in XB2 would be recreations of the original Nopon, and they'd be on the evolution chart Klaus shows at the end of the game, alongside all the humans. But they aren't - they're completely missing from it, meaning they came from somewhere else (presumably Mira).

No, it’s the Earth that they leave
They say in XBX it was destroyed but im pretty sure that “destruction” was just Klaus’ nonsense. Hence why the planet Mira is so weird, the White Whale and Ghosts and Ganglion actually got zipped to another dimension

It's literally Earth. The Conduit was discovered in Africa and everything.

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I'm not assuming that the Nopon are native to XB2's world. But from what we know, they're native to Mira.
I'd argue is a much easier explanation that Alrest is a future Mira after humans arrived, Rather than the Nopon somehow achieve FTL travel and arriving on Earth.

There is some stuff going around that the Ghost faction might be the Saviorite Rebels that were attacking the beanstalk

>Equip retarded looking armor
>60 minutes of cutscenes start
Every time

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Is there anything wrong with me playing as Nia instead of Rex?
I like riding around on a big fluffy tiger. Makes the game feel much nicer. Plus I'm not a huge fan of being the center of attention.

Takahashi said it'd be expensive to port X which probably implies that Nintendo doesn't feel like greenlighting the funds they'd need to do it.

Nope, Nomura-san will survive and he will recruit him. Two Tetsuyas are better than one.

>put Fiora in full speed armor and Shulk in jungle armor right before Mechonis Core
made it pretty hard to take all of that seriously
no, it means you have superior taste

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I didn't do much of the extra content in XC1 so
>XC1: 90 hours
>XCX: 160 hours
>XC2: 180 hours and counting

I'm pretty sure the easiest explanation here is actually that the Nopon are the mascot characters for the Xenoblade series, so they're going to be in all of the games no matter what, and assuming their appearance means a game is directly connected to XBX is a mistake.

So long as you're ok mostly playing heal slut for the whole game

Does more healing open up later on?
I'm like 10 hours in and the only healing Nia seems to be doing is popping halo every now and again but most of the healing comes from the potion drops.

Healing is actually pretty fun in this game, Nia is fine.

in the early game Nia's more of a break slut than anything

>Switch healing
>critical healing
>damage healing
>movement healing

Yeah kind of

I just finished a maximum custom difficulty run of XC2 genuinely the hardest part of the game is the first three bosses since you don't have access to any mechanics and have to level high enough to brute force them. Honestly spent about 60 hours killing trash mobs for 1-2xp at a time when you need like 5-6k per level just to get high enough to beat Bridghid in Gormott. Soon as you unlock blades you can break the game instantly.

Okay, hear me out:
Xenosaga reboot
But rewritten in his original 6-game vision.
Without the cut edges and plot changes
And full creative control.
And somehow connect it to Xenoblade somehow by merging Saga's "Zohar was found in a Kenyan lake" and Blade 2's "Conduit was found in an African lake" plot thread and the Conduit's ability to effect multiple universes

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Out of curiosity, what does the maximum difficulty with the custom sliders look like? I'm still kinda confused about which way some of these sliders need to be leaning to make it harder or easier.

Healing is tied more to the blades specific abilities than different spells

Like said there are different ways blades heal but it's still not super complicated

Oh yeah that's another thing, there's that affinity trait that says I heal teammates whenever I deal damage, but I don't see any green numbers pop up. Is it just invisible or something?

>6 game vision
I'm certain you could still it down to being 3 games, but twice as long since Xenosaga games are only 30 hours each.

Is it one of the three red skills on the left side of the affinity chart? Those are that blade's specials (from 1 to 3), so their effects only apply to that specific attack.
So if the skill you're thinking of is Dromarch's Aqua Wave, it only heals your party when you use his lv 2 special.


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Just want to see a sequel to X, but the setting and the way the game ended limits a lot. If it ever does happen, more engaging mech/skell battles and a more simple UI would be welcome.

Fuck Xenocringe 2.

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Eric go back to bed

I honestly can't see it not happening at this point. Both it and XC3 are all but guaranteed if you ask me.

Got tired of hanging out in the dub thread?

Don't have the game handy to post you a screen shot but that should do the top 4 should be set all the way to the right and the rest all the way to the left. I warn you in advance if you do not have complete understanding of the games mechanics you will get btfo instantly so I wouldn't recommend trying it until you have at least completed all the challenge missions. If you want a super spicy difficulty try doing that max difficulty on a fresh save like I did, it took me about 120 hours to complete the game from a fresh save without altering the difficulty once.

I really wanna plow Mythra.

>Was serving a ban when the artist put out the call of people's characters

If only...

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I only did the main plot so about 70 hours
One of my two Wii U games so about 120
180, 40 hours of that is the challenge mode


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I wonder if they glow in the dark.

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never forget some of these sidequests ridiculous prerequisites that sadly very few gets to experience some of the funny little nuances in this game

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Why does Takahashi hate Xenoblade 1?

“…there are times when I want people to be more critical.”
– Tetsuya Takahashi, Iwata Asks: In Conversation with Takahashi & Sakaguchi (2011)

“…in terms of my own personal goal–my vision of an ideal game–I’d honestly have to say that it’s barely 5% of the way there.”
– Tetsuya Takahashi, Interview with Tetsuya Takahashi (Nintendo Power, 2012)

“To be honest, there are times when I think I’ve atrophied as a writer since the Xenogears era.”
– Tetsuya Takahashi, Interview with Tetsuya Takahashi (Nintendo Power, 2012)

“I often find myself thinking, ‘One of these days, I’d love to free myself from these sorts of restraints and write whatever I truly want to write’”
– Tetsuya Takahashi, Interview with Tetsuya Takahashi (Nintendo Power, 2012)

“I couldn’t figure out why they would care so much about a game like Xenoblade Chronicles when they had so many superior RPGs to choose from in the West.”
– Tetsuya Takahashi, Interview with Tetsuya Takahashi (Nintendo Power, 2012)

” [I’m] grateful for the game’s positive reputation, [but I and my team] didn’t set out to make Xenoblade Chronicles into the company’s magnum opus. It was made to be an experiment”
– Tetsuya Takahashi, Interview with Tetsuya Takahashi (Nintendo Power, 2012)

Those faces are pretty yikes, but the milkers are on point

Mythra's got a 'nobody's home' look, but I don't see anything wrong with the Pyra

God I hope we get something Xeno related at E3. It's probably too soon for a sequel, but I could see an X port or Xenowarriors happening.

>Elma pleased with you just letting this happen
Every time.

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I want a xenosaga hd collection with Japanese voices.

1 - 50 (never finished it)
X - 130
2 - 80

Also just a word of advise for anyone that is masochist enough to try this make sure you are at least level 10+ before you beat the first boss because you get put into an instance straight after where you cannot open the menu to save, change your equipment or travel back to Argentum until you beat Malos and if you don't have a high enough Agility to dodge most of his attacks you will be in a sort of softlock as if you die you get sent back on deck to face him again with the menu lock still in place and only access to 2 or 3 crabs that give 1xp each to level up with and they don't respawn until Malos kills you again. I lost about 6 hours the first time I tried this run because of that.

Sounds like there was just a bit too much meddling in it

Motion capturing was a mistake.

Imagine some depressed guy pouring his soul into a trilogy that he is quoted saying he wanted it to be a masterpiece, only for it to flop while his next project which he compares to children's anime and calls simple gets critically acclaim and becomes his most recognizable game

because he wrote a standard shonen story as an excuse to experiment with world design and then everyone fucking orgasmed over the shonen story and ignored some of the games flaws like agility

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He's salty that nobody cared about Xenosaga.

He says right there. He doesn't hate it, but he doesn't want it to be seen as his magnum opus because it was intended to be experimental.

>tfw playing xeno x back when it came out
>get ~40 hours in and my save file gets corrupted
>didn't have the heart to start over, too mad about the progress I lost
>finally get around to wanting to play it again
>all kinds of switch port rumors are going on so I wait just in case
>still no switch port

Has it been long enough where it's safe to say rhat XBX for switch isn't coming so I can just play it on my WiiU?

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Takahashi needs to fire his co-writers though. It show why they completely fuck up his scripts and it shows when they divided the 10 chapters of XC2 between each

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One of the writers, Yurie Hattori, was apparently mainly there to make sure the story would be accessible to people who weren't familliar with Takahashi's previous works, so...yeah.
People didn't orgasm over XB1 just because it was a standard shonen story, they orgasmed over it because it was presented very well. That's what really matters, and it's something XBX and XB2 simply haven't replicated.

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Does XCX still crash every 5 seconds on CEMU?

I mean its not bad but they are so out of place.

XC1's presentation is good but don't pretend that it being a straight forward revenge story from the outset didn't play a role. Simple stories sell

it doesn't crash every 5 second but each new version runs it worse than before and issues still haven't been fixed day 1. The fact people are hailing CEMU as amazing is more like praising it's BoTW the emulator.

There is like a 99.9% chance that it's never going to happen. Just play it on the Wii U.

because you're playing a bootleg version and not the original dumbass.

XC1's my favourite Xeno GAME but yeah, the writing at times left a lot to be desired for.

Every villain excluding Egil seemed one-dimensionally evil, including Zanza

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>That's what really matters, and it's something XBX and XB2 simply haven't replicated.
XBX sold almost as much as XB1 on a console with 10% of the wii's userbase and XB2 has sold twice as much

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I don't think he was talking about sales there.

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He wasn't talking about sales dumbass


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Zanza was deep in a sense he's just cynical and doesn't want to die.
Like if he actually reached out to be friends with his creations like Meyneth did instead of staying distant and then killing them all before they could evolve enough to want to leave him which would disrupt the ether cycle.

Also it's not like bad guys need deep motives. In coming political joke about the ruling party in America

I never finished XBX, but something I think would be really cool in XBX2 if there were multiple planets (like a small solar system of 4 or 5 planets) to explore each with their own unique biomes, ecosystems, cultures, etc.
You could have dogfights like in NMS, and you could eventually get access to huge freighters that allow you store several mechanical and allow you to transport them from planet to planet. Of course I have no idea of this is feasible lore-wise since I never finished the game, I just think it would be really cool.

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>Zanza was deep in a sense he's just cynical and doesn't want to die.
But we never see any side to Zanza that isn't bad or evil. Even if he had motives, he comes off as just as dickishly bad as Dickson or Mumkhar.

you literally just described starlink

Xenosaga was everything though man

Meant mechs not mechanical. This is what I get for phoneposting.
Does starlink have mechs and shit? I haven't really payed any attention to it.

>Whenever someone says something bad about Nintendo, a nintendies mind goes into a state known "Eric projection".
In this state, any and all criticisms of Nintendo are pinned to a man known as Eric.
Sometimes, Nintendo fucks up something fierce and the normal Eric Projection mode doesn't work, so they then activate "Seething and Coping Eric deflector mode" where the man known as Eric is now "Coping" and "Seething".
Sometimes, they will call posts made within less then a minute of each other, "Eric". And even though this is impossible, they're mind see's nothing wrong with it in Eric Projection mode.

what did he mean by this?

not human mechs but more starfighter mechs. You basically can travel planet to planet in space and engage in starship battles and it's all open world seamless. You can ascend and descend whenever you want and all the planets have different looks and atmosphere.

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The way Meyneth keept trying to talk sense into Zanza in XB1 had me sure they were going to give him some kind of backstory with her that showed some good in him, so it was a little surprising when that just...never happened, and instead the game just made him look worse and worse.
It felt like he was just an asshole from the beginning, and she was a idiot who had no good motivation to keep trying to reason with him.

This, only the enemies used mechs though.

I still want to see a FPS that uses XCX as a backdrop. You'd join one of two ark ships that are fighting each other, One filled with Mims, the other cryo sleeping humans who have exosuits and use robots to boost their forces. Halfway through the Ganglion or Ghosts show up and you have to deal with them.

If you need to ask why humans would be fighting each other, well, it's because they're humans and The ships aren't manned by the best and brightest of humanity, but the rich and conservatives. So it's only natural they'd turn on each other.It's not as stretch to say humans who kept their bodies would look down on mims as unnatural and an affront to nature while mims would see themselves as superior to humans.

Could we take a sec to talk about Yelv from XCX? He's looking for his best friend but it turns out that they weren't even real along. Elenora seemed to know about this as well and may even alter his memories. So is Yelc even a human or is he an advanced AI? What purpose does it serve?

It's a new pokedex entry easter egg for the new game.

an advanced AI. It's to show behind the scenes they were experimenting with potential AI mims that were being copied. Think of like ghost in the shell where there is like multiple motoko models in the movie.

>Nintendo keeps throwing money at him and now monolith has 6 studios and 200+ employees
Best timeline

1 = 90
X = 200
2+torna = 260

Isn't it just 6 locations, not 6 studios?

So it's just extra firepower, thanks for clarifying.

>The mythos behind XC1/XC2 is pretty played out at this point
not even close, we have the whole saviourite rebel and combined government war, the higher being associated with the conduit which has yet to be revealed, the origin and mechanics of the conduit, multiple character arcs, and anything else associated with the kadamony computer/artificial reality/AI of the trinity processors

yeah there are a lot of implications to it. Some are for replacing soldiers, some could be used if they couldn't find the lifehold. Not to mention Yelv is DLC so this was a big shocker to the japanese fanbase at the time of the release of Yelv's DLC


They mostly work on different things.
Parts of monolith have worked on nearly every of nintendos big games in recent years.

What said.
I was using the same reason to put off playing Saga but I finally said fuck it and bought 1 & 2. About 20 hours into 1 so far and it isn't so great but I'm sticking with it. I hear 3 is the best anyway but of course it costs an arm and a leg.

When will Takahashi stop putting important lore details outside of his fucking games?

Attached: beatingupgwin.jpg (749x553, 48K)

He's part of the J-Bodies experiment of mimeosomes running off of AI that think they're human, with fake memories implanted. It's implied that since no one knows about Cross, that they're most likely a J-Body too.

Given Yelv and Cross's performance in BLADE, they did a really good job making basically superhuman, very efficient workers/soldiers in a situation where that could save what's left of humanity. Pretty useful and important stuff, and a lot easier to manage by tweaking the memories/emotions than the humans that are having all sorts of existential dread from using the same bodies.


Attached: LinthePlotRevealer.png (843x1416, 1.79M)

isn't BoC harder than max custom difficulty since it adds rage strike and elemental awakening to enemies?

Takahashi is big on worldbuilding which 1 sorely lacks compared to the rest of the series, it got popular because it's easy to ingest

never, the ride never ends

AI. Elma's party most likely knows you're a J body as well, hence why elma was quick to get you to join just like she did with Yelv

Looks like someone accidentally knocked over a kid's action figure they left standing on the kitchen floor.

>"It's something about this planet" intensifies
>Sequel never ever also intensifies

sounds like gwin alright

Attached: Gwins'Fetish.jpg (1904x5320, 3.32M)

Also just to toss a bit more in, concept art of the protagonist when they were a set character being a create-a-character more or less looked like Yelv.

Attached: protagconcept.jpg (1254x1920, 295K)

I remember the day there the Oblivia OoB glitch was found.
Traveling to Sylvalum and then finding this fucker hiding in the sand was great.

Attached: 3KqJqA4.jpg (1280x720, 443K)

God, X is so fucking comfy. It's the reason I bought the Wii U and the reason I still own the game + console to this day. For me, it's the perfect game. The escalation of how you explore the world is just perfect and so much fun. The music is GOAT... fucking christ, xenoblade chronicles X 2 WHEN??!?!?!?!?

>my dick when this entire cutscene and then *title drops*


Attached: it's mira.jpg (720x479, 303K)

at least not for another 5 years, the next xenoblade isn't X2

I'm still mad you couldn't get color for the chest armor for you character for females.

Attached: Wii_U_screenshot_TV_01_C4_D-22.jpg (1280x720, 446K)

That cutscene was good, but I think you meant to post
Honorable mention to heading to talon rock after finally getting the flight gear.

The story and characters were weak but damn was X a fun ride. X2 has so much potential lads.

what was the point of having 20 potential party members if the same 3 are mandatory for every story mission

I loved X's gameplay. Me and my roommate played totally different, he went real basic on the top path with longsword/assault rifle, I went for the raygun class first and learned a lot in the battle system about stacking potential to make TP skills do insane damage.

Stacking shit like core crusher, ether boost, with an ether raygun, and a few other things made me able to murder enemies like 10-20 levels above me, it opened up my exploration so I saw so much before ever touching a skell. Then I saw my roommate struggling with fights trying to brute force them and it was just night-and-day.

Attached: manonpizza.jpg (614x437, 163K)

because the majority of the game is actually spent doing sidequests not the main story. Think of XCX like the majoras mask. You aren't gonna get much from just going straight forward of the story. The beautiful and enjoyment of the game is exploring and doing sidequests with the other xenos and interactions from those characters and all their different affinity mission really makes the charm of the game.

Attached: nagi.webm (854x480, 2.61M)

you make me wanna dust off my wii u

The point of X wasn't really the main story, but the whole exploration and side-quests.

when is this? I don't remember this

So who else gave themselves a robotic left arm After yours got blown off in Chapter 5?

Attached: Wii_U_screenshot_TV_01_C4_D-41.jpg (1280x720, 386K)

Nagi's side mission.

X was an experimental game where they just threw in a bunch of shit to see if it would work while MS learned how to HD. To be fair so were 1/2 but to a lesser extent

Nagi's affinity mission.

Also X2 better have playable bugmen and garbagemen

Nagi's Affinity Mission. Every Party member in the game has 2 or so missions that's about their story and backgrounds. You'll unlock them when you raise their heart/affinity levels.

Whenever people talk abotu the party members having no story or personality background they never did these missions.

Attached: C15Ov7NUsAA3Vrt.jpg (550x550, 48K)

what a bona fide badass, next time, I gotta include him more in my play

People did those missions and they were still boring as all shit.

to be fair almost none of those missions developed the characters except lao's which was required for the main story. Irina's final mission was the biggest slap in the face because the first two were actually building up to something

I really dislike mechs, mechas and other pilotable metal gear type machines. some would call me a faggot because of this. but xenoblade x made them fun to me

Irina and Gwin pissed me off more than anything in that game. Doesn't help that Doug only reveals a little bit of character at the end of the fucking game with the whole stuff happening at the lifehold

Say this impossibility actually happens would you want them to start after the PS2 games with Episode "4" or start again with Episode 1?

Irina's was final one was the weakest one. Her first one was at least a nice little cover for getting to know most of her.

Boze learning to stop being racist asshole if you did your choices properly.

Hope trying to figure out her trust issues with being taken advantage of.

Phog and Frye trying to make up for their problems and getting together again finally in the end

Development doesn't need to have 30 hours of cutscenes that some rpgs take forever with.

Do you dislike the way they play or look? Because, while the way the play in X was pretty dull for me, they looked so fucking clean.

I liked them, I just think it was a missed opportunity that Murderess didn't use Gwyn to further her vendetta against Irina

Still the king.

Attached: Wii_U_screenshot_Game_Pad_004_C1.jpg (854x480, 110K)

I do like that Doug is the only one to speak out at the end, at least. Shows he disagrees, but he doesn't go fully unreasonable because he can't do anything about it now either.

Though honestly, I would've liked it if they put more focus on the split squads a bit more. Elma out with Cross and Lin doing big plot quests, see Doug and Lao together as old veteran soldiers, Irina and Gwin as frontline grunts so you see that kind of conflict.

Attached: doug.jpg (476x674, 242K)

The only thing I need from X2 is a big shopping bazaar area, or a flying market place like Argentum in XB2.
That's my favorite type of area in any game, the traveling trade/port center. It's so fucking comfy

how the hell did you get the core crusher/ether boost augments when they require materials from level 50 enemies?

XCX is based, but it was the last Nintendo game that I played ~1000h before quitting Nintendo.

The people still enticed in this game are a-holes who cry about leaderboards. They have no soul left.

i've been considering replaying x lately, 2 really didnt scratch the itch that x left me with

Attached: space_elf_with_cat.jpg (841x630, 96K)

Reminder that Elma's parents are concerned about her human hobby.

Based on what we know so far, his studio is working on 3 games, and holy fuck I wish one of them was a new Baten Kaitos.

>how shitty his model looks
>just ported over wii model
Most definitely not, the actual work in this game is excellent as far as adapting the 2d art into 3d went, the problem is with the Xenoblade 1 artstyle if anything.

>new Xenoblade X art because of the anniversary in Japan
My collection grows

They do?
Also you can just get tickets to buy the mats.

>not when Rex grabs the third sword

>1 and X have cosmetic armor but no cutscene viewer
>2 has a cutscene viewer but no cosmetic armor until DLC, but what little cosmetic armor they added people made great use of
Damn shame. I love that MGS3 Secret Theater type shit

Attached: 1513676934577.gif (726x406, 1.06M)

I want them to do something like X's sidequests again but have each questline result in finding out this kind of plot detail. Every Xeno game has all this planning that sometimes never gets referenced in-game even if it's part of the canon setting (as opposed to something they scrap early on while feeling around for ideas).

post Elmas

if X ever gets a port a cutscene viewer is one of the additions I want the most
the way XB2 handled it (equipment in the cutscene viewer reflects what your characters currently have equipped in your save) was perfect

Damn straight.

Attached: voltant busters.jpg (850x618, 198K)

so i uh got a cia of the 3ds one just to try it out
looks horribly grainy and cluttered but it's still playable I guess
fighting more than 2 medium mechons at once completely fucks your framerate though.

Attached: ZwS.540x324.jpg (540x324, 32K)

Was thinking about the game real recently, it had a super comfy setting and I really dug the characters. I love the entire Xenoblade series, and while I think 1 had the best story and 2 had the best gameplay, X was straight-up comfy and had more lasting moments on me, so I consider it my favorite as thus.
Hope was one of my favorite chars, but she gets absolutely zero art, which sucks. I hope the game gets a rerelease some day or a sort of sequel to mitigate that. I like to think Hope and Doug got married after the story of the game.

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Not him but I tried that recently before finally just starting Xenosaga and the audio issue was small but annoying enough to keep me from playing

>a voice
I think s/he has 16 voices? 24?

>drops down on you from above after a 3 second delay and wrecks you
heh.... nothin' personnel, human...

Attached: D5PwouOUUAAoahy.jpg (958x1156, 189K)

that's terrifying

I'm disappointed, I was in those threads constantly, helping out and posting screenshots or giving advice. Oh well.

Attached: Look at that Alexa butt.jpg (1280x720, 419K)

>all these ayylmaos you couldn't have in your party

Attached: D5P6aiyUUAE1q9w.jpg (988x824, 159K)

had to ask somewhat

>Playing the bootleg version.
You only have yourself to blame. No frame rate drops in the authentic version.

>headcanon’d my OC having a scarred left arm from a prior car accident on Earth
>covered the left one up with a sleeve and left the right arm exposed
>that exact arm gets torn off & fixed up later on
When you accidentally work your dumbshit imagination around the story. I wish there was a good left eyepatch I could’ve used though.

It's clear the cat people would have been playable if they had time.

Attached: HQ XCX.jpg (2139x3053, 2.79M)

I haven't found the time to 100% any but as it stands
>XC1 - 40-50 (backlog game I can't seem to find time to beat)
>XCX - 250
>XC2 - 200

I've been getting back in a Xenoblade X mood as of late, I've been meaning to grind up to materials for augments so I can get good at the combat system and start taking down the super tyrants. But everytime I do I lose focus of what I was grinding for and just get distracted re-exploring the world.

I have well over 800 hours into this on emulator

oh, well then nvm. I was in the vg and v threads, but never a discord or steam, let alone asking to be included. I did find the art humorous, though.

Attached: Crosses.jpg (1200x988, 839K)


Attached: 1555736460209.png (1000x1016, 994K)

he was asking for people to post for the collage in the vg thread for a week or two.

I always loved how the art was clearly inspired by Drew Struzan and this book aesthetic reminded my of 60s and 70s sci-fi novels like Dune.

Attached: Xenoblade Novel.jpg (500x810, 96K)


I need you Elma...

Attached: Elma 325434324234.jpg (2150x1745, 1.16M)

Attached: Xenoblade Chronicles X - Refusing to Join BLADE.webm (427x320, 2.76M)

Attached: 345345345435.jpg (1200x1348, 505K)

for sure.
though if im not mistaken it'd have the same limitations if I downloaded it from the eshop? (perhaps it's an SD card thing too)
but i'm not gonna try. again, i was just testing it out and would rather use a physical wii copy

Yup, exactly. It never got replaced every again. Way cooler that way.

Attached: Current Front.jpg (1280x720, 393K)

Hm? I just went for the class talents. The only augments I use was stacking Potential Up for the most part.

Xc2 question, who should I give the Vess core to? I'm thinking Nia but she already has a blitzball healer Blade.

Peter, if that's you, nobody appreciates you hanging out on Xenoblade X. You're a ped in denial, and you know it.

Attached: y.jpg (1920x1080, 218K)

Damn user our characters look the same. My nigga
You officially made me boot up the game again

Just go with Nia, nobody else really needs her.

Attached: 1472853731927.jpg (1132x1226, 327K)


>isn't BoC harder than max custom difficulty since it adds rage strike and elemental awakening to enemies?
No because even setting the game to baby mode on custom enables rage strike and awakening to put it into perspective you have no guage for chain attack or revives it takes you about 5minutes just to build up a level one special so you aren't getting any 3 stage combos and by the time the animation for healing arts is over you have already lost more life than you healed it isn't even comparable to Bringer of Chaos.

My name is not Peter It's Ayres

Nice decision, bro. XCX is easily top 5 games I've ever played, and I'm 32 this year.

Attached: 1472854019234.png (1040x1225, 1.32M)

>not the one with "i cant hear you/i cant see you"

Also, I thought I was doing well on the collections and even still have the XCX spreadsheet in my bookmarks, but I still wasn't even close.

Attached: For 300 hours, my percentages suck.jpg (854x480, 275K)

You read my mind before the
>wait 60s before you post again
baloney was added to Yea Forums, like, 4 years ago

This was how I dressed my Eng Lin. The tank top was easily her best outfit. The best outfit for all the girls, I think, though I don't think I set it to everyone for the sci-fi cozy.

Attached: uh, this is censored, yeah.jpg (1280x720, 430K)

Okay so

Rex - Pyra/Roc/Wulfric
Nia - Dog/Vess/Kora
Morag - Brigid/Newt/Kasandra
Zeke - Pandoria/Praxis/Azami

Is this good enough to play through most of the game?

XCX and the new Transformers movie have some of the best mech / robot designs I've ever seen. I like big and blocky ones.

Attached: optimusprime.jpg (1068x715, 83K)

Attached: You can rename your Skells, like this Verus.jpg (1280x720, 457K)

oh shit didn't know that, sounds awful. BoC was bad enough with makhos

Attached: 1478153003714.jpg (854x480, 245K)

Somewhere in the 100 hour mark for the original Xeno and the other two games artificially inflated over 500.

XC2 main story is easy enough to go with whatever, but I wouldn't recommend both vess and kora since they're both healer electric. Same with newt/brigid

Attached: All the same language.webm (1280x720, 1.41M)

Beat XC2 with like 94ish hours, thinking about starting XC1 in dolphin, but I still have DQXI in my backlog with 30 hours.

How's the story pacing in XC1? I mostly don't feel like playing DQXI because it just feels like the story is a series of episodic arcs that don't really go anywhere with flat caricature characters

If I didn't like 2, would I like X? I haven't played 1 or beat 2. It was not only how overly mor and full of cliches it was but I generally disliked how mindless the side quests were and how much shit you had to do for blades, in addition to the story just not being all that decent. I can already say the character designs are better in 1 and somewhat better in X

What we got was so, so much more...

Attached: xcx in a nutshell new.jpg (1753x2000, 2.92M)

pacing is similar to 2, except the start-mid is better while end is worse

Well my only other option on Nia is another blitzball and using two of those seems bad but I'll try it.

I don't have another tank for Morag yet. Should I savescum and try to roll one?

X's main story is meh but like someone else said in this thread it's like Majora's Mask in terms of structure; the main story is not the focus and a lot of your time will be spent doing sidequests and stuff to develop new tech and upgrade your mech and stuff
I got halfway through 2 before dropping it but I love X - give it a try

Attached: KOSMOS artHQfull.jpg (1732x1204, 284K)

they're very different games, though I don't think a bunch of what you said is going to be alleviated. X's main focus is exploration, if you want a game that focuses on that aspect of 2 except expanded ten fold then go for it. If not I don't see why you'd bother

>XCX is easily top 5 games I've ever played, and I'm 32 this year.
33 here. Same. It's literally the one game I've played in the last 10 years that I feel any gaming nostalgia for.

I thought XB1's pacing was great in the first half, and ground to a screeching half in the second. But by that point I was invested enough to slog through the slow parts, and it was worth it.

XCX was a wonderful game with fans that genuinely loved it.

Attached: Colonel.jpg (595x842, 70K)

use a common until you get something else. Don't ignore them, especially ones with good stat modifiers or orb master ability

>Acquire lvl 60 stinger missiles with mag up
>Watch as enemies fall apart with the press of a button.

Attached: WVW69j8f04Ae6mH0d_.jpg (800x450, 95K)

My Wii U is in some corner somewhere now that the Switch is out but this thread has me genuinely wanting to fire it back up to play some X. Thanks.

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I was happy with Monster Hunter 3U, but yeah, it' basically the game with some of the fondest experiences in the last decade.

Attached: doing her duty.png (869x1013, 957K)

It is truly brutal there are some fights that are literal RNG, you have to rely on TNK blades using the arts that grant you evade while they are active to dodge enemy arts because there are some that can 1 shot you at full health and some have that blade art that restores arts faster that can just fuck you over if you run out of arts that can evade, you also have to be super aware of your positioning to protect your teammate because the AI just isn't built for that kind of shit. You can honestly solo the whole game with Rex but it goes by alot faster if you can everyone alive.

fucking this

iirc, there's only one character saved per user right? I want to play from the beginning again but no way am I getting rid of my old character

Attached: Nice Skell there.jpg (824x824, 1018K)

I don't even remember. It's been years since I've even touched my Wii U, so I'm fine with restarting.

>no good Elma doujins

Attached: image023.jpg (640x640, 103K)

I can't remember. I doubt there's multiple save files considering the optional dialogue branching and the online that used to exist.

Attached: L's Dance.webm (850x800, 1.86M)

Anybody have funny stories about Sylvalum? That place is such a fucking beginners trap
>Giant ass robot stalks me
>Snow starts
>Run to take cover behind purple pillar

Attached: fuck-you.jpg (710x399, 63K)

Are you implying that the fact you're an Elma person is hindering your prospective thrills?

Attached: Aren't you glad.jpg (900x820, 184K)

Lvl 60's fuck them up, it's comically just how much you can strip off them.

I assume there's an unedited version somewhere.

unrelated to anything in this thread, but why the hell do some people get so upset about dying to the high leveled monsters in the early areas of these games? there's no punishment for death, you just respawn, usually at a landmark really close by.
is the problem that you can't just run around without looking at your surroundings? I don't get it.

Sylvalum was veiled ominous that I basically just put off until needed. I explored it, but I didn't bother doing anything but running away.

Literally everyone thought it was snow. The joy of exploring XCX was that it was WORTH exploring XCX. Finding out it wasn't snow was great.

Attached: Sylvalum and Luxaar's Xern.jpg (1280x720, 469K)

XC1= 150
XCX = 650
XC2 = 340
All 100%. Xenoblade is a fun time and I can't wait to see what Takahashi and friends put out next. XBX was my favorite over all.

Attached: 00e65923c97f85c1e0478d6bbdd16aef.jpg (750x1000, 223K)

>those and/or disc bombs
the game can't handle high magcount disc bombs, it's fun stuff

Is the dlc for xc2 good?

The next Xenoblade's story is going to be written by Soraya Saga, screencap this.

Torna is better than the base game

They went above and beyond for the DLC.

So this is how a true Xenoblade thread is?. Good discussion and criticism for all games? This is a first for me I like it

Attached: 1537252844171.png (170x296, 107K)

this desu, shame it wasnt longer


Attached: 51379138_p15.jpg (900x502, 282K)

Something everyone should do is once chapter 4 starts you just explore the entire the entire world on foot. You can and they even made it so that there ways to sneak around without abusing stealth abilities so you can reach most areas without dying.

Attached: WVW69jxDPVYhcVw6g5.jpg (800x450, 101K)

There is.

Attached: ohohoho.jpg (1096x1074, 765K)

It's good, but it's not amazing. Too much padding.
Very worth the price, though.

oh no, it's the mislinked one....

My biggest Xenoblade scare story was actually from XB1 and It's the same as everyone's. This terrified everyone.

Attached: Clifftop Bayern.webm (480x264, 94K)

is... is this a spoiler? i was thinking of playing Xenoblade 2. And i think this is just what i needed to get interested.

>Turning a gif into a webm

Just make a different profile with a different NNID on your Wii u and the game should boot with a new save.

it's pretty easy to see it coming and it's not a long segment, but yes, it's a spoiler
that user is wrong about morytha being new L.A., though

XC2 was a test run for Nintendo's next mobile gacha game. It'll launch in 2020 and be called Xenoblade Sagas.

It will feature a create a character. The blade mechanic from XC2 will return. Additionally, Skells from XCX will return. You will roll for new Blades and also be able to customize Skells for certain types of missions.

The game play will be 3 units vs and enemy team RPG turn based style. The same combat systems are present with art combos and elemental combos. There will be story units that join you. Your player character does not fight but can be customized for various passive effects.

The story is loosely based on the idea of two Planets losing their regular orbit and potentially crashing into each other. Your created character will be on the planet of your choosing. There will be PvP. Two unique story lines as well.

This is a leak. You won't believe me but I am telling the truth.

here's the actual one
it took us so long to even realize there was an issue

Attached: QXlK3je.png (1600x1568, 2.51M)

Attached: Vandamu.jpg (500x420, 102K)

You're making me want to photoshop together whatever my own Miranium sites were. I don't have a screenshot, apparently...

Attached: Example of Gamepad Hex Screen.jpg (854x480, 377K)

Fake leak user? Is that you?

The gif is 4+MB.
I'm upset, too, dude.

Attached: there are no emotions.jpg (890x159, 45K)

imgur.com/a/whQGU my maps with 162k Storage, a bit more optimized. G8 Minings again.
imgur.com/a/PA5xD My maps with 238k Storage, Endgame Storage. pastebin.com/bk6mevtS for a text list of nodes.
imgur.com/a/JzSQN My maps with 244k Storage, Endgame, 11 Storage Probe Map. pastebin.com/2BQhhV9K for text list.

Do it up man, we made a good deal of these. Someone even made a program to fit any random config you wanted in it/would tell you if it was possible. Just use the one posted and rescale your zones to it, should be doable.

Attached: XS3-040.jpg (2880x1620, 701K)

I think one of these is wrong or something. It mentions an extra probe that doesn't actually exist, I believe.

Damn, it's been a while so I can't really say for sure which one it was.

>main character can't fight
Tell those Monolithsoft fags to step their game up. I want my OC to carve bitches in half.

80, mostly just dealt with the main story
170, 100%
170 as well with DLC, though not completely 100%

Love all three games, can't wait for whatever MS are working on next.

Attached: 1544295602480.jpg (1280x720, 496K)

Attached: ahoge.jpg (519x569, 137K)

Attached: I have no love.jpg (1280x720, 511K)

nope, I made every one of these by hand. The nip/prima guide materials didn't actually know where everything was. Double checked all this several times when I was trying to find out total probe counts.

To note: The final counts of probes so far is:
Mining Probes:
G1: 20
G2: 24
G3: 7
G4: 15
G5: 9
G6: 10
G7: 4
G8: 23
G9: 10
G10: 4

Research Probes:
G1: 3
G2: 4
G3: 2
G4: 6
G5: 7
G6: 4

Storage: 11
Duplicator: 4
Booster G1: 3
Booster G2: 3

Combat Probes:
Melee: 3
Ranged: 3
Fuel: 3
EZ Debuff: 3
Attribute Resistance: 3

Fantasy Game, XBX2 and ?

Attached: C_spZVpU0AAEbk_.jpg (847x1200, 150K)

Good Xeno threads happen fairly often, it's just that you never know which threads are going to be good and which are going to go to shit.

>170 to 100%
Bullshit unless you used guides for everything.

first post best post

fuck kiketendo

certainly was doable in 170 even with the dogshit launch info we had, considering 100% survey isn't really 100%

It may be bullshit. It's been nearly 3 years since I 100% it and I'm too lazy to plug the Wii U back in to check if I'm right.

Thank you for the reference numbers, I will check them out later. Maybe I never actually found them all and I wouldn't actually be surprised if that was the case. The game is just that huge.

Not something that happened exclusively in Sylvalum, but
>approach one of those weird plants near rocks and wall on each continent
>get jump scared every fucking time by those fucking insects and the battle engage sound
X had a shit ton of jump scares for a non horror game because of those enemies that blend in with the environment and just go aggro on your ass. The fucking Aviors and that huge mech in Noctilim are some of the worst offenders.

I can link where most of the non-normal (boosters, storage, etc) probes are, if need be.

It's mostly the ones XB2 focused.

Just a giant flower, don't mind me...

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That one is pretty obvious, the small insect ones could've been duds. Nice Lailah Queen btw.

I've got some missions to do, still

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if a thread opens with pyra, mythra, nia or dahlia than i automatically assume it's going to be shit

very good and well worth the asking price, it's like a proper expansion

Will we ever get a more dark non-shonen story from Takahashi again? They're a flagship developer for Nintendo now so they're sort of forced to make more mainstream appeal stories.

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>rise of the blood lobster
fucking nam flashbacks there

Isn't that what he's saying he wants to do with his next game?

Took while to find!

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If you have a list at the ready I wouldn't mind.
But if you have to go through the trouble of compiling it then do not bother, I will do the field work myself.
Either way, thanks in advance!

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Also, just found a lobster

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I don't know. I hope to fuck that's the case, I really hope developers have seen the success of Red Dead 2 that you can do a big budget "unaccessible" title as long as you have people's respect as a studio and market the game correctly.

>Only need to find about 2 more
>Did it all without a guide years ago and cannot be bothered to go through every single one to find the ones I need
Fuck this mission

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I'm not sure if I'd call Red Dead 2 'unaccessible'. Why do you say that?

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I beat 2 on my friend's Switch last year and plan on buying my own copy soon.
Should I be aiming to 100% everything on the first run or in NG+? I can't really remember. I plan on getting Torna.

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Storage Probes :
- Chapter 3
- Chapter 4
- Chapter 6
- Chapter 11
- Kirsty quests (x3)
- Sylvalum : In a cave, north east of Spot 401
- Cauldros : On the edge, south segment under spot 514
- Complete Collectopedia (Blue items to pick up on the overworld) in Cauldros.

Duplicator Probes :
- Chapter 5
- Tobias Quests (x2)
- Oblivia Canyon : Near Spot 307.

Boost Probes :
- Kirsty quests (x3)
- Gau Shiro's quest (probably a different name in English). The quest is about Miranium (as all ofthe others)
- Hugo's quest (the guy at the back of the Outfitters Test Hangar)
- Complete Collectopedia (blue crystal like) items in Primordia? (Copy/Paste said Desert of Origin (First Continent).

To get the final Boost 2 probe you'd need to finish the collectopedia of Cauldros, AKA a HUGE fucking pain in the ass, plus you would need to finish the second Tobias quest for a fourth Duplicator.

Just sitting in my pastebin, not a problem

Ugh, the Blood Lobster...there were a lot of them.

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You technically can't 100% until NG+, since there are NG+-only blades. Finishing Poppibuster's affinity chart requires that you do all of the NG+ heart to hearts, too.

Is it possible to not use a healer or tank in xc2? I don't understand the point of Zeke. Am I supposed to play as him instead of Rex? Nia feels required like I can never take her out.

Well it's more they made the game that they wanted to make and didn't really give a shit about marketability or current trends. It's a slow ass semi simulation game with a depressing story and many unlikeable characters. It actually is quite amazing that a game like that could be made, especially with the huge budget it had.

Once you get crit healing healers are pretty useless.

What's the best song from any of the Xenoblade songs? Pretty sure it's They Will Know Our Names.

Thank you for this info, I will add it to my XCX data folder.
Completion is not a problem, I have it all done and I only stopped playing the game once I could no longer find anything else to do aside from kill Telethia 100 times for that last achievement.

The probe map did always leave an itch behind my ear because, like I mentioned before, there was one probe that didn't seem to be right somewhere. At the time I searched but to no avail.
With this I might just finally get it!

Many thanks, you have made my day.

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adding to that, the GTA series while aimed at adults have always been appealing to teens due to the cultural elements and the satire and other aspects of the games while Red Dead is very much only catering to more adult audiences.

Is there a way to fix the audio issue on pc? I was gonna CE for tiddies and online only items but the audio issue is super irritating

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Is that an accessory or something?

best of luck man, scouring the world was one of my fondest memories.

no you have to hack it around even then not worth the effort. BOTW the emulator is shit for XCX. Don't even bother.

You can use whatever party setup you want as long as you know what you're doing.
Zeke is basically a damage dealer, you can either replace Rex or have him alongside Rex for more damage.
It's all about how you use your party or each member, as with proper preparation you can solo pretty much everything.

Is it really that bad? I've been playing all the Xenos and I'm up to X. Emulators only.

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Tfw no Xenosaga collection ever since monsoft is a Nintendo slave now

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Yes. Classic/Avant-Garde medals give it.

I will never understand why people like They Will Know Our Names so much, yeah is good, but is really not that memorable, at least to me

Unfinished Battle is the GOAT for me, shame it only plays once

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not like namco or square was treating monolith any better at the time.

I'm much more a fan of relaxing or environmental or background music. Gaur Plains was cheerier than I imply as my musical preference, but still fantastic. Everyone knows.

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Shoo shoo nazi frog


just an ordinary xcx doujin

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Satorl Marsh Night.
Or Sylvalum.
Maybe Mor Ardain.
Heck, Auresco Night theme?

Fuck, you ask tough questions!

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>Heck, Auresco Night theme?
Good fucking taste. Auresco Night is underrated as hell.

Don't know about best song in general
But this is my favourite town theme in the entire series; gives off a really strong late 70s and early 80s anime soundtrack vibe but modernized, which is fitting for the chapter it's in. I love how triumphant it sounds, and I love when the guitar picks up a good ways in.

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i fucking love those 3 pictures of nagi on the big screen looking progressively more ridiculous.

You should, and will.

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Changing armors and letting them keep their look in whatever cutscene they were in was a blessing not many have the joy to experience.

Having Nagi in those weird costumes appearing on screen while he talked as if being too busy with work or some such was fun to say the least, specially when we're the ones doing all the work in the missions.

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I want both a port and a sequel to X. God I already miss the actual fun combat and world. Instead we get the extremely animu shit known as xenoblade 2

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I can't believe the Black Knight (Ontos) revived Lao and turned him into his driver!

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I decided to go with the second option the guy just to spite them. To think something a minor side mission with the car would lead to that the blood lobster.

Which is the superior version?

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What's his endgame?

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Rape just happens to idiots, it's a thing on Mira

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Superior what?
Nagi is the best unit of the 5 in combat
The alternate swimsuits is nice
The different poses are best
The higher resolution of the first is better

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>Xenoblade X 2
>halfway through the game
>Lao reveals to the cast that he's still alive
>suddenly he pulls out an overdesigned fantasy sword out of no where
>the black knight reveals himself, with a glowing link connecting him to Lao
>black knight takes off his mask
>alvis introduces himself as ontos

Attached: huehuehue.gif (210x200, 24K)

honestly, that shit worked for me in XB2, but if they pull it again I'll just be disappointed

But what if it is just the minor plot twist and there is a bigger one at the end of the game?

Monolith finally found someone who gives them a chance and doesnt treat them like shit. Nintendo is their true home. Deal with it, frog!

Seeing this thread reminded me to finally buy the XC2 expansion pack.

Before checking out Torna I decided to see what got added to the base game and seriously? What's with the way the new features are added? Like every new feature and quest is technically a key item you click to redeem? How would that even work for NG+?

for me it will always be themex, although 1's theme and THE DECISION are great as well. themex just sends chills down my spine everytime

People playing and enjoying Xenoblade 2 to me is like watching people playing and enjoying The Wonderful 101, only I wish both games had achieved the same success.

As much as I like Alvis I hope that isn't the case. I'm expecting the Black Knight to be someone like Elma.

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They all carry over to NG+, you don't have to redeem them again.
I like it, since it means you can start a new file with no DLC if you don't want to use it.

Wasn't the black knight the second skell pilot Elma talks about?

I thought X and the numbered Xenoblades were separate and unrelated

They had other characters to play roles, too. And they didn't do jack with Brock and his Bitch.

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The Black Knight was the hero that saved the White Whale in the prologue scene

Theme X is absolutely incredible. Every time I hear it I get sent on a journey in my mind.

Fantastic taste lads
Though really, you can't go wrong. The soundtracks are just too damn good.

So it is the pilot.

Would people mind if when you entered a skell you had a completely different type of battle style? Something more action oriented or first person even.
I'm throwing things here as an example because I personally would like skell combat to be expanded upon with the regular style, but the acton style gameplay did occur to me after watching the cutscenes.

They are. They only "relation" is
the idea of Nopon being native (or at least much longer residents) of Mira And Nopons appear in all the games because, "haha mascot"
the fact Takahashi feels compelled to reference something plot relevant from everything since forever in all his games always "haha was there a connection? guess we'll never knoooowww~~"

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The power of Jin and the Acting God are fucking great themes and extremely underrated

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That Fei action figure is making me laugh for some reason

Their remixes in Torna are great, too.


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>xenogears remaster never
just fucking kill me
also fuck square

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you'll get Fei in a mobile game and you'll fucking like it

Is it bad if Xenoblade is one of my favorite series of all time? Only other that I hold in such high regard is Chrono but that's just two games. Zelda is good as well but has its rotten eggs.
Its just Xenoblade and not the wider Xeno series because Saga isn't doing it for me so far. I'm only about halfway through Episode I though so that may change, in which case Xeno will easily be my favorite vidya franchise.

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How much cash would Nintendo have to throw at Square and BandiNamco to get their Xeno games?


you're not going to get an unbiased opinion because this is a xenoblade thread, but no. it's a good series.

I hope so, should just say fuck it and do a sci fi only seinen like xenosaga for XC3 with klaus/galae as leads

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Stop buying Square, they are the EA of Japan, and will never get off any of the IPs they own, even if they are never going to use them ever again.

Physically impossible, these companies will sit on these IPs until they join the public domain. Square-Enix still own Geno and Mallow, characters from an IP that they don't even own.

>Dark story
fuck you, you're the type of faget that wanted the bittersweet ending for XBC2.

I hope they never connect numbered with X, the though of multiple Earths in the storyline existing irks me

From the moment when there are people who say FIFA is their favorite series of all time can you really feel bad for liking anything else?
And really, should you even care? Even if it was FIFA and you like it, who are other people to tell you otherwise?

Just enjoy yourself!

We don't know who the Black Knight is or who Elma's old co-pilot was. Judging from Elma's scenes in XC2 is fair to say that Elma's old co-pilot was probably human and from Japan. The Black Knight has even less information for him however thanks to Conduit/Mira fuckery he could be revealed to be Elma's old co-pilot.

It's a shame the other Qlurians were cut. It's obvious there was much more to Celicas and rocks story. At least their cool skells stayed in as extra bosses.

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If Xenoblade managed to take off and land 5+ million units with 1 title Square-Enix will capitalize on this and re-release it like they did FF7.


I love the designs of this game

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>thanks to Conduit/Mira fuckery
You know what they say about Mira!

I agree with you on Qlurians but would also like to add other races that were obviously cut as well. It's a shame we had to stick to the regular human cast but at least they provided us with a lot of fashion options to play with.
Regarding the skells...

Why are the enemy mechs in all games always the coolest? And why the fuck can you never play with them??
Come on!

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They had a very talented artist providing their concept work. And there's a very large concept artbook that was released because even they knew what they had was something people wanted and would buy.

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there were like 10

Also, if there was anyone I wanted more story on, more than Elma or Black Knight or Nagi or Cross or the completely lack of ANY story on BrockyCelly, I wanted L'cirufe to get the attention he (and Mira) deserved.

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inb4 Monolith goes insane and they create something even grander. Their studio becomes one with existence and produce JRPGs that will never be eclipsed. Only for Nintendo systems

Id really like to play this game. Hopefully they release an uncensored version on switch some day.

I tried this but
>make one stop into cauldros
>die to firestorm
never again

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Enemy mechs always have unique and stylized designs. The Vita in particular is a sexy as fuck mech.

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>and produce JRPGs that will never be eclipsed.
They're already doing that though.

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>Their studio becomes one with existence and produce JRPGs that will never be eclipsed
>make the best JRPG of 7th gen
>make the best JRPG of 8th gen
They're well on their way

I would have been happy with just the Almandal

You may not like it, but they also
>make the best JRPG of 9th gen
though the competition was indeed tougher. Monolith is a treasure.

Is Tiger! Tiger! the only way to increase Poppi's skills?
I've only got like 300 of the poppi points or whatever and this is already no longer fun

A man of taste

I dont think Nintendo will ever give them up either.

XC1: 0
XCX: 180
XC2: 0

poppi isn't worth it unless you go into NG+ to get easy crystals. Just use the next tank you get

until NG+ yes
it's why I didn't use Tora after I got the second tank on my first playthrough

i don't know about treasure there have been a couple of games they made that were either weird or just doesn't work well.

Namely the Video Crossovers with Namco x Capcom or PxZ games that are a slog to go through and Disasters Day of Crisis was just such a strange depature from. I couldn't stand most of them.

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I always thought the Vita was really fucking cool with how it could strip its armor and turn it into cannons and shit, I just wish we saw it more instead of it being fucking nothing for a good portion of the game especially when it's emphasized to be so important. At the very least It could've gotten the Almandal treatment where it gets a recolor as a Tyrant, but oh well

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>X thread

Fine I'll post this:

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1= 60 1st playthrough, 100 2nd playthrough
X= 100 story, 185 till 100% map
2= 100 till credits roll. Have yet to replay

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A sequel to X is gonna take place with either the Japanese survivors or French survivors as we know they also landed on mira

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Oh no! Human females have lost the ability to reproduce. Only Elma can conceive human children now. Will she accept the responsibility?

There is defiantly more going on. The Ganglion were there to destroy humans, and the Ghosts showed up presumably for a similar reason as the hunted after the ships carrying humans. The battle happend because they were both there at the same time.

Why not both?

God yes

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Best boy.

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XcX=30, started school and didn't get too far into it. Enjoyed the game though
Haven't played 2 yet. Almost done finals and I'll be purchasing it

He deserved the fate that he got. Him admitting to it is what got me

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>Not a single shitposter
Fuck you all, fuck you, is not fair.