Why do you play a female character Yea Forums, is it because your gay and secretly want to be one?

Why do you play a female character Yea Forums, is it because your gay and secretly want to be one?

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no i just like girls

How is wanting to be female gay fagget. If you wanted to be a man, now thats gay.

Its really just that simple

I play as a cute boy though
and mod in futa amazons

i roleplay as my idealized waifu that would never exist irl because roasties

I am gay, don't want to be a female, and exclusively play snazzy classy dudes that get porked by sweaty hunky brutes.

I like the idea of girls being interesting and competent and I'm not seeing much of that in real life

I just like looking at cute and pretty things, like my female monster hunter.

If my world isn't filled with beefy lizards and orcs then it isn't gay enough for me.

Oh, they look nothing like that, the incełs install ugly ass ENBs and skin mods and body reshapers and stripper “armor” because they can’t play videogames like normal people do.

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I play as a muscular female when possible because it makes my peepee hard.

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There’s more to the world than your parents’ dank basement, obese user.

LOL you rather stare at a hairy man ass you faggot? lmao get a load of this kid..

i want to have my prostate caressed by a big strong thick man dick

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Insecure manchild

Highly based

Should I actually bite the bullet and reinstall Skyrim to make something like this pic related, it's been itching something real bad.

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easy, kiddo

Because I can't get dicked as a man where I live.

You should literally put a bullet through your head, you won’t feel that itch anymore.

'cause the boner culture.

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I want to see her raped

>spend 100 hours modding
>play for an hour, take some screenshots and get bored
dont do it

What's more of a virgin trait?
self-insert or waifu-insert?

all my favourite movies star an heroine that saves the day

waifu insert by far. self-insert is normie tier.
I remember my freshman year of college when skyrim came out, all the dudebros on my floor played self-inserts and all the autistic nerd incels (including me) played waifus

i can not play female characters for it makes my dick too fucking hard

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no the novelty wears off really quickly

Sound like a very permanent short-term solution to a video game itch, I don't think so.


mod names?
>tfw want to be cute dragonborn (male)
>tfw want to be dommed by futa amazons

self inserting as your waifu

>his eyes gravitate to man ass and it makes him feel funny
It's okay user you don't need to get upset by it

waifu-inserts are the ultimate form of wizardry

I still haven't beat Sudeki because I always get a raging hard on

>is it because your gay
I am but no
>secretly want to be one
no its legit because i actually do like the fashion that tends to come with it. i honestly can't explain that one myself. i just like aesthetics.

because i don't want to look at a mans ass during the whole game.

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People on this board are so insecure.


>tranny comes out of the woodworks to project his insecurities

>not downloading shitload of devious mods
>not looking like a girl and be able to selfinsert as a female with equipable schlong and small tits
>not selfinserting a whore serving everyone and everything

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because male on male rape is gay

Sounds like you people have experience with it, last time I played, probably 2014 I accidentally destroyed the in-game graphics with some ENB mod then it stopped working completely, somehow I managed to do that and it destroyed my will to play the game until now.

Some armors look cooler on female characters

>and secretly want to be one
wait youre telling me not everyone wants to be a girl?

i cant make the 3d model look like me and be cool at the same time but i can always build a cute looking girl.

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Why do you make this same thread at least five times a day?

Why do you post this thread every day, user? Is it because you're OP and secretly a faggot?

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I self inserted into a game once, didn't see the appeal so I usually default to a female if it's an RPG where I'll actually look at the character, first person games don't matter

Surely nobody is that pathetic user.

Reminder if you're a Mercy main you should be locked in chastity and busy underneath a real man's desk

girls are hot, and i really like them

>make a cute loli character in Skyrim
>make her a lesbo slut
It just makes my dick happy.

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If you play as a female and are a male you are an incel no kap senpai.

And if you play as a male and are a female you are a femcel
Sorry ladies just facts

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>women are under no obligation to have sex with you
>get upset if we don't show interest in them anyway
The average woman is complicated

>>get upset if we don't show interest in them anyway
Literally who are you quoting? Where does it say that?

Because they have better appearance options than dudes get (but not in unmodded western shit with bikinis and that actual garbage)
Because I can separate my character from me
And because they're cute

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Because I want to fuck one, specifically one of the characters I create. Not only do I shape them to perfectly fit my desires in that moment but the surprisingly erotic creator-creation dynamic cannot be experienced as easily elsewhere.

>secretly want to be one
Yes. I get my character in a /u/ relationship and go on adventures with her waifu removing bandits, demons, and other baddies. I can't be a girl in real life, so video games help me escape.

No, I do it because I'm a woman respecter.

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I don't. I've dropped or not played multiple games just because they have a female protagonist. For example, I find the Atelier games pretty interesting but I won't play them because they're almost all female protags. And full of yurishit, to boot.

because im grill silly boys teehee


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Because I wish I was a girl and it's why Im currently taking HRT

what kind of hrt are you taking

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I’m a dyke though

Because after years of playing as dudes, its nice to jump into an avatar of the opposite gender, especially after living as a dude my entire life.
Then I can make the females do lewd things to get my Marty Robbins on.

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Generally to play a magic focused character or because I’m bored and want something different.

Really depends on the game desu. In your example big dick futa mommy is literally the correct way to play.

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Why do people keep posting this webm?

I prefer playing traps but this is also an excellent choice.

Have sex, incel

The only time I made a female character in Skyrim was a Orc that ended up becoming a vampire. She looked cool as fuck.

cos girls are cute and men are gay

Literally because I'll never be able to do this in real life.

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>not being a 300 pound lard ass
you can start now, its not too late

I wish.

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god imagine the smell...


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Gay guys aren't sexually attracted to girls. If anything I want to be able to switch back and forth between being a sexy lesbian girl and being my regular self.

>want to minmax a particular skillset
>gender-locked class is the best choice

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Easier to customize the character and harder to force equip the slutty modded armors on NPCs.
Why have sex slaves when you can BE the sex slave?

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>not being the male sex slave
Lol cuck.

>being a fat fuck is the same as being an busty bimbo
>still having a penis
I want what I dont have, damnit!

So I can do this.

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/int/ is that you?

But yes.

is that drawfag still around, i haven't checked that place in months.

I've never met a person who plays a female character that isn't a sexually depraved weirdo and passes it off as "I just like girls."
No, you like larping as women because deep down you can't identify with male characters.


Okay, you got me. I played female in a game once because i wish i was a girl so i could get kidnapped and used as a living onahole for hours on end.
Are you happy?

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>le i have to self-insert and identify with every character i play as
You must lead a dull, shallow life.

explain to me how your life isn't dull and shallow?
You're currently on a video game forum for kids arguing why you like to control female virtual avatars in games

And then I get to go off and pretend to be something else. You get to be stuck as you.

Get help.

Not that user but it's clear that looking at fictional women in the privacy of your own home and no one being hurt upsets plenty of women, enough that they demand change in the gaming industry. Why would that be?
If not a direct feeling of being threatened?

>I've never met a person who plays a female character that isn't a sexually depraved weirdo and passes it off as "I just like girls."
Jesus, go meet more people then.

get SE

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Nice projection you got there tranniie

I'm playing it fine with LE tho

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Holy shit, modders have come a long way. Is this all just in the workshop?

On the Nexus
the redhead is my character tho

you just know

That his FemC is taking that greatsword-wielding Redguard's darkmeat? I hope so.

that's a lotta ass

just until I can get to the part where I can hang around with Serana

why so many players choose de ygnord race?
Racemenu or ECE?

help please.

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just go to /tesg/

Absolutely based

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The only difference between "I just like girls" and a sexually depraved weirdo is loneliness and time.

I wanna look like that

OwO what's this

Says the guy making blanket negative statements about half the population on a website where that half wont hear him