What is Steam willing to give that same dev?
Epic is willing to give an indie dev $2 million
A wider audience.
why would they need to offer money?
are you retarded
Sales figures
>A wider audience.
a platform more than 3 people use
>Epic now works as a publisher that just gives money to struggling independent developers
I'm sure that's not going to backfire.
And Steamworks
as opposed to 3
>>Sales figures
>#NintendoSwitch community is a blessing! #BlossomTales is now a turnaround story: Humble indie dev @castlepixel can stay in business and continue making games. Love y’all! 3 months #Switch revenues surpass #Steam lifetime revenues 20 times!
Based Epic giving inexperienced and overly ambitious indie devs the rope to hang themselves with.
How so? Anyone who has steam can download Epic client in 5 min.
Have sex.
>developers are entitled to get published by Steam because _____
>>a platform more than 3 people use
>The Switch though has seen a number of ports sell better than anticipated. Despite already being out for over three years, the Switch version of Shovel Knight sold better than any of the other versions at launch according to its developer, Yacht Club Games. Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap, Forma.8, and other games have seen similar success. SMG Studios noted in September that Death Squared sold more on the Switch in the first three days than all other platforms it released on combined, while the same thing happened to the Zelda-like exploration game Oceanhorn. And then there was SteamWorld Dig 2, Immage & Form’s action platformer that sold 10 times more on Switch than on Steam.
a platform where you sell more than nine copies
Anyone can but that doesn't mean they'll bother downloading the client and making an Epic account only to have his password given away.
>And Steamworks
What if your game literally uses none of those features?
A satisfactory sales figure
>a platform where you sell more than nine copies
But if you have $2 million already, who cares?
Also Epic actually has games that sell unlike Steam where the game in question would have been buried
Because who the hell would sign up for a Chinese botnet for free?
>it's the same chinkoid who got his 5 threads about WWZ sales pruned by jannies
>but now he's about to spam different shit
This chinkoid is genuinely retarded.
>Also Epic actually has games that sell unlike Steam where the game in question would have been buried
... what?
Doesn't your post answer your question? Also, not a single developer on Steam has been offered an exclusivity deal by Valve.
>250.000 copies is now a good sales figure
The absolute state of chink fags
>being this much of a faggot
>Also Epic actually has games that sell unlike Steam where the game in question would have been buried
The only games that get buried are factually trash games and games nobody has heard about. If a game sells on the Epic Store is because of the asinine viral marketing stunt Epic pulls by making developers sign exclusivity deals when the game in question is already available for pre-order on Steam and people get angry because they know the developer isn't going to support the Steam release.
>brand new store breaks its own record
So how many sales until they start having to pay that back?
>Also Epic actually has games that sell unlike Steam where the game in question would have been buried
You do realize that if Epic were to replace Steam, the same problem will continue to happen, right? Changing store doesn't magically make this go away.
>But Epic is curated and that means less shit to sift through
Yes, but you do know that there will still be tons of releases. Going from 10 million down to 500k doesn't mean much when people will still only see 10k at most. Exposure is still going to be a big issue and Epic has no plans for that eventuality. They just hope that you will forget about it.
Does it mean they got enough money now and I can pirate it?
"Epic Store is Chinese spyware" is a /pol/ tier theory. Is there literally any evidence of this?
>niche indie platformer game with 0 advertising sold low
>this somehow proves that steam audience for less niche turn based masterpieces by veterans of the genre will also sell low
Epic is owned by Tencent, a notorious organization that has direct ties to the chinese communist party
>those filenames and hashes
>same ones as in those deleted thread today
Jeez you again?
Who let this insect out of his hood?
>But if you have $2 million already, who cares?
The devs when they make their next game and epic doesn't offer them an exclusivity deal anymore and they realize they made everybody hate them.
Unless Steam has 100 hour work weeks they won't be able to compete.
>You do realize that if Epic were to replace Steam, the same problem will continue to happen, right?
I don't want Steam to go away though. That's not the point. That's never the point.
>we paid for your game so you don't have to
thanks epic
you can always pirate it
>. Is there literally any evidence of this?
Epic private data policy.
They can relocate your data to other Epic jurisdictions including the ones who located in countries with different private data laws (aka we sending all our data to your daddy Tencent located in China)
A platform people will actually buy the game on
>Valve/Steam literally has employees sitting around doing nothing
Truly, this is the best way to run a company.
Based as fuck
>epic staff are working in a chinese-style sweatshop all day, 7 days a week
>Valve staff work like, 5 hours weekdays, and spend most of the day playing video games
which is worse?
Tencent doesn't own the entire company, they own stock. I fucking hate the Chinese but at least get that right.
>not allowed to publish at EGS at all
Yes, plenty.
every single day gaben's complacency further discredits his company and platform. i wonder how long he'll remain "inactive".
and sit on the board, yes.
No. They own majority stake. They are in full control. The control the board and Tim answers to them.
Hey bitch nigga
How about you stop evading your bans you got today for spamming literally one thread over and over again as soon as they get pruned.
You're too obvious with your filenames and hashes.
300 more copies than they've been allowed to sell on EGS since it's been refused. How is that not a wider audience to sell to?
A consumberbase
Of they own majority, then why would they be running two game launchers at the same time?
People working for their pay > people lounging while their monopoly gets their pay
Between the fig campaign garnering them money and now Epic funding them, what incentive do I have to buy the game when it comes out and not just pirate it?
It's literally Chink and Pajeet shills, user. They all use the same image files as they are part of their scripts. And they have paid off the mods so they never get banned.
You get to be a good gweilo
You don't. Pirate and watch their company burn. It's all they deserve.
How much is World War Z currently? i was looking into it and there is articles that says it's 35$ but at the store right now it says 18$ and i don't know if it's due not being from the US.
That said i did some quick math with both prices:
-If the game costs 19$, that means Epic woulda received 2,28$ due the 12% cut they get, if we multiply that for 250.000 (the ammmounts of copies sold) we get 570.000$ that goes into Epic's pocket.
-If the game costs 35$, Epic gets 4,20$ for each copy, multiplied being 1.050.000$ of earnings.
If we go by how much Epic gave the developers of Phoenix Point (apparently 2.5 million dollars) that means World War Z is a MASSIVE loss for Epic, even if they gave the developers much less money, say 1 million, they barely scrapped a 50k$ earning.
>if he doesnt tip, I'll spit in his drink next time.
>see everyone he didn't tip, he's the asshole! Not me.
Amazing, Epic, very proffesional.
This .gif would be more accurate if she were getting run over by some tanks
Didn't satisfactory sell like 7 copies?
I don't understand the incentive to get more than one launcher. I get that some people might think this is favoritism or fanboyism or whatever, but the truth is it's just not convenient for me, and I imagine a lot of other people, to their digital copies of games in more than one store. Maybe two, if you're aiming for GOG's older games that aren't on Steam, but that's it.
What's the incentive for players to use Epic's game store? Because right now, there's nothing that pulls me towards it.
no they were memeing
I'm pretty sure they were joking about it only selling 9 but it clearly still sold pretty badly.
30% of Steam games sold 0 copies last year
Well the incentive right now is to be able to play the games you were looking forward to playing now rather than in a year's time which is a pretty fucking shit incentive when a better user experience than other stores could've been the goal.
Look at that game and tell me its unique enough to exist.
i still can't believe they went with the "super mario 64 players" philosophy of having fuckhuge lobbies of 50 people maximum
I've seen it with my eyes as WWZ sales threads were pruned by jannies and there was this one thread that was created as soon as previous got removed. Jannies were fast enough to shut them up for couple of hours.
And yet here we go again. The same pics and the same bullshit.
Those lards got a fuckton of vpns. The jannies are not paid imo
That's the thing, there actually isn't any incentive at all. They're buying exclusives exactly because there isn't any incentive to use their store, in an attempt to force it on people by locking games behind it. They know people don't want to use it and that there's no reason for people to use it either, so they're throwing around money in order to force a reason to exist.
are you implying Phoenix Point is part of those 30%?
>Metro's and The Division's record opening weekend btfo by 250k sales
9. But yeah, absolutely everything on the Epic store has completely and utterly bombed. Do not pay attention to their blatant lies and PR spin. Notice how they are bragging about World War Z selling 250K copies? That's the highest number they have to talk about. Everything has flopped. The store is a failure. They are lying constantly.
I wonder why, oh yeah, because last year the store was filled with these kind of games, after they improved the Upcoming games tab i no longer saw a single trash game in the store page.
>$2 mil backdoor deals
They better hope they make enough profit off Phoenix Point to fund their next game because they've really pissed off their original backers. If they try to crowdfund their next game I guarantee it'll be a failure
You can still play them if you pirate them though. There's nothing stopping you from doing that.
A store where my account isn't hacked within two weeks of making it. Fuck you Epic I've had my steam account since 2006 and NOTHING happened to it
The Division 2 was a massive flop across the board, and Metro only sold like 40K at most on Epic and only 2.5 million total including Steam and console.
>Gamedev's first game sold zero copies
I'm a faggot who doesn't like pirating games but Epic made me do it and encourage it
They use free games to pull you in and 1-year exclusive games to make you digitally invested in the platform, then they'll start implementing shitty business practices by which point you might have to abandon the games you've bought on the Epic Store
It's a standard business practice, similar to loans offering low initial interest rates before jacking them up or whatever
why are you posting articles about switch?
Now post how it did on EGS.
>Doing this shit while arguing that you are fighing for devs
The same amount of money that I'm willing to give them:
Last year i made an Epic account to try out Fortnite, it was gay so i uninstalled it, to this day i still receive emails that i have "succesfully changed my password!" when i haven't touched the account at all, the other day i tried to log in into my account, i now have a different username and all my friend list has been wiped out, there is no way in hell i am giving these retards my payment information
What could their employees possibly be working on? Doesn't the game only have one map? Isn't most of of the "content" they release just shit like the Thanos event and cosmetics?
If you want guaranteed sales, you want the commie chink store. If you want free market in action go with Steam.
Epic and Tencent actually are letting that happen/doing that intentionally. Think about it. If people keep getting their accounts stolen, they will likely end up making new ones if they can't recover it. All they want is to inflate their user numbers so they can claim they have millions of registered accounts using the store, which they don't actually have.
This should be a sticky. The console versions of both games started lowering in price almost immediately due to the existing gamer boycotts.
>bragging that they had the highest sales ever on some random zombie game release
Division 2 must have flopped on egs
>division 2 physical launch sales just 20% of division 1's
how is this possible when pic related has been #1 top earner on consoles?
Everyone mentions the exclusives shitfest and the lack of features but nothing matters at all if there's no security for it. If steam had this same problem I'd have gone physical until I discovered GOG
I received an email like that. I made damn sure I had zero personal information/payment information tied to my account. Even my password was drastically different than other accounts. Fuck China.
Honestly its shocking to me too and though I'm not a developer and have very little understanding of how that works the changes they make seem to not correspond with that work load.
I find it kinda funny how Tommy boy is calling Steam "unsustainable" when he's shelling out millions for games that aren't guaranteed to be successful
It didn't sell shit, the game is a complete bomb. You could barely even find people to play with in the dark zone or co-op. However, because the game is absolutely riddled with microtransactions, my guess is that the few people who actually bought and played it are dipshit whales who spend thousands on microtransactions and loot boxes.
Superdata literally makes up data, just like all the largest "data collection" companies (including newzoo).
Why do you think he's now demanding Steam adopt his model in exchange for him stopping this failed marketing campaign?
>Pls gabe, shoot yourself in the foot I'll stop punching my dick if you do. It's only fair ;_;
Even then, in christmas 2017 i believe, there was a TERRIBLE Steam bug that caused that login into your account had the chance of logging you into a completely different one, Steam pulled the plug instantly when that happened and fixed that matter in HOURS, while Epic still hasn't done anything about it for months, there is even reports of people not being able to create accounts on Epic because their emails are taken already from bots that mass create accounts there.
No platform is too safe, but Epic takes the cake on how inept they are
>he still thinks a majority of console sales are physical
They have already lost those 2 mill again due to refunds
Yeah it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me either.
I am guessing on future content to keep in the backburner and release in batches, from what i gathered Fortnite has new content added almost weekly to keep the interest going, also they have events really often too, when a game usually has 2-3 events per year, Fortnite may have 8-9
No offense man, but what the fuck is wrong with your brain? How many hundred times are you going to post this shit again? If this isn´t paid shilling, it must be some kind of serious mental illness.
Perhaps it is mental illness.
Mod themselves confirmed back in may 2018 it's the very same autismo lord spamming the board using shitton of vpns.
Also they've said anything can trigger his autismo fever. So it's not the EGS subject alone
>-If the game costs 35$, Epic gets 4,20$ for each copy, multiplied being 1.050.000$ of earnings.
that's GROSS, not profit
Actually they said even if everyone refunded, the game would still be a success thanks to the deal
But I like your cope
>egs loses more money
only cope here is you shill boiii
If people are working 100hr weeks, they're probably spending most of time correcting mistakes made due to exhaustion from a 100 hr week.
I see a snake eating itself.
Sadly? They did not.
The devs already stated that 100% of the backers could ask for refunds and they would still be more than fine.
This is why the amount had to exceed the original pledges by such a high amount.
I would love to see a few years in the future and see how the Epic Store fares, they are filthy rich due the Fortnite money, but at some point that money will ran out and not having a stable storefront to compensate would be bad for them
They said they'd still be in the black, breaking even isn't a success you dumb fuck. Also they've went full retard and instantly started to "reinvest" the money from the deal into making DLC no one is going to buy.
Strange because I'd bet there's more than 30% of steam games that don't deserve to sell copies.
Epic runs into an issue wherein Valve most likely has some kind of pricing clause for their store that stops devs from simply marking up their prices for the 30% lost on steam. Here's a proposed solution: Keep the prices the same across store platforms, however buying from the epic store gets you 30% cash back in your Epic Wallet or whatever, to use on products on their store. This allows them to be actually competitive with steam and force industry change that isn't a race to see who can buyout exclusives. It's a win for all parties in addition to actually incentivising people to buy on the epic store when other options are available.
>the game is a success because everyone refunded
Do you ever stop to think about the stupid shit you say? The game isn't even out yet, and they said that they would still be in the green even if everyone refunded, meaning they still would have the money to keep paying everyone's salaries until they finished developing the game.
A userbase with secure accounts.
Still weird why they didn't go the exclusive bonus dlc items route or something similar we had with the preorder bonuses back then.
They just fucked themselves over with their practice. Nobody likes to join their gay club.
>implying anyone wants to buy an NES megaman tipoff
This fag should be happy to sell one copy, 15 years ago it would have been free on newgrounds.
>implying Ebin Tencent would ever do something for the consumer even if it's for being competitive (which they are tryong to avoid by doing exclusivity garbage)
Point is, not everyone refunded - not even a worrying fraction. Only autists cared about this.
Considering it is a digital game download, epic probably has what, $.01 cost for each sold? The expenses are negligible in this case.
They don't have, they give the Steamworks development APIs for free and Epic only cares about indie developers if they have a curriculum vitae.
This nigger waits for these threads to post this image. You're literally advertising his game every thread whether you realize this or not.
Just cash out and make a new studio. Nobody remembers dev names and if they do, they don't care after a year or two.
Yeah, and only a minority of people actually donated, if they were good on funding then they wouldn't have needed Epic's 2 million. You're calling the kettle black.
>chinese people
>not lying about numbers
sales and community.
never gonna happen IRL.
Yeah that's why they damage controlled hard while it was happening, because they weren't worried lmao.
nigger you think it costs nothing to pay tax, separate for every country that buys your product at that?
can you really call yourself a game developer if no one plays your game
yeah, they got paid by epic, but the game might as well not exist
god i fucking hate americucks so much
>inb4 butthurt mod bans me
When is the Epic store getting Winnie the Pooh's Homerun Derby?
>implying any company ever does anything for consumers
It's profit, you dumb shit. Every time Cheerios puts a gay couple in a commercial it's to make money. Every exclusive buy out, everything. If it bumped profits 10% Valve would shoot your dick off. Stop being the kind of stupid fuck free market retard that thinks consumers matter. We're there to hand over money. Nothing else. The only reason we get tech support is to get us to buy again. Altruism is for individuals. It does not exist anywhere else.
What the fuck is phoenix point
He deserves every last cent.
t. backer
>such a long assblast
Wew lad
>he thinks epic charges tax for copies sold in huehue land or wherever
You are a hilarious man. These internet companies do not pay tax to Brazil when a huehue buys the game you absolute idiot.
>look at the game
>literal zelda knock off with no original ideas and literally steals bosses and characters
Honestly surprised Nintendo didn't fucking sue them.
Yet another spiritual successor of X-Com: UFO Defense
We dont even care about you