Why would Atlus add a scene like this to their game?

Why would Atlus add a scene like this to their game?

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Snoy requested atlus to add this to pander to the gays

Because Teddie is beautiful, I use the ancient Roman/Greek approach.
If it's cute and if I'm the one doing the dicking then it's not gay.

Because Teddie is the cutest partner in the game besides Kanji and I'm not even gay. The girls are just bad.

>besides Kanji
Nigger you find a heavily masculine attractive, you are literally a flaming fucking faggot.
Teddie at least looks like a girl.

>The girls are just bad.
fuck you

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Nah, you are pretty gay if you aren't attracted to Rise.

do you actually kiss him? also which persona?

>Which Persona
user, you should probably rush to play Persona 4/Persona 4 Golden.

I know it's 4, but aren't 4 and Golden different?

Also. do tell me what happens in OPs post.

2008 Sony isn’t the same Sony as 2018/2019 Sony.


lmao, no, that'd be creepy as fuck. It's a joke. He backs down at the last second


>being attracted to complete whore
Honestly, I don't want to dick Kanji, but he's someone I'd spend time with. That's more than I'd say of any of the girls, who are stupid and completely uninteresting. Hell, I'd rather be with Yusuke. If I'd bone any of the girls, it'd be the history teacher.

aw he's cute though

Yeah until you hear his fuckin voice

teddie is the worst thing persona has ever done

He's cute enough that i'd be able to deal with a voice that sounds like Gilbert Gottfried. that face and body are 10/10

looks like christopher robin

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the rest of the Persona team is aching to add gay shit but Hacksino wouldn't let them
now that he's working on a new IP they'll have free reign for Persona 6

>do you actually kiss him?
No because
>Dad walks in

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Llet's see you when you listen to the words that come out of his mouth, tough guy

That's the hug scene, user. Teddie has a lot of homo moments

This man speak the truth

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Based Hackshino.

There is a part in Persona 4 Golden where Yu's detective uncle and cousin go on a vacation (pretty cold hearted). Yu is left alone and contracts a mysterious illness that almost kills him. Teddie is a demon, and can't be infected by human diseases, so he watches over Yu.

Apologize to naoto

This, except girls can't be cute.

Then you're literally gay.

It's only gay if you take a dick up your ass.

It's also gay if you do it exclusively with dudes.

She's a shit character. None of the girls have any sense of humor, which makes them all irredeemable. Even the wannabe dude.

Then make me gay.

japan is a low key pedo nation

I'd say that taking a dick in the ass is a cause, not a reason.

Women are for making babies, while true love exists between men.
The ancient Greeks and samurai knew this, it's also not gay at all.

You're gay

The natural bonds between men are too complex to be considered straight or gay.
You can live with a women your whole life and still not be as close to her as you would with a man in mere moments.

it's gay but there's nothing wrong with that, boys are cute

>You can live with a women your whole life and still not be as close to her as you would with a man in mere moments

based broski. keep rocking user.

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Probably for the same reason why they made a gay ending for Yosuke's SL link, had it voiced in both English and Japanese, and then decided not to include it