What is the vidya equivalent of this movie?
I doubt there exists a game that has had such impact as Endgame did not only on the movie industry, but the entertainment industry as a whole.
What is the vidya equivalent of this movie?
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Fallout 4 or Skyrim
Its literally beating GTA V as the most sold medium of any kind within the first week. The Mouse will soon rule the world
GTA V and RDR 2
Legend of Heroes
Cringe. Movie was average as hell with nothing but repeating one liners from past movies for nu males to clap to and it was entirely predictable if you've ever read a single comic in your so.y life
You're cringe, doesn't matter if the movie was average, it still is the most important movie of all time. Not a single entertainment product in the history has had such impact as Endgame has
better question, is there a video game series that is building up a villain since the first game?
is so impactfull that they had to give it a nod IN endgame
I generally hate movies, but it wasn't bad. Stop being a cuck. And OP's question wasn't how good it was
Thanos agrees to undo everything he's done if the Avengers can beat them in a penis measuring contest, but none of the avengers even come close. Even the Hulk is shorter than Thanos by a noticeable amount, and their girth isn't even comparable. That's when, at the last moment, Captain Marvel pulls down her pants and unleashes the phattest hawg the universe has ever seen. Shamed by her immense size, Thanos undoes all that he has done, and then commits Japanese ritual suicide. He is buried in an unmarked grave in Area 51
smash bros
What impact?
Its so fucking mindboggling that this shit is popular.
I cannot take superheroes seriously, especially nit the ones who can fly.
Its anime for normies yet praised as normalcy
It'll be the most sold movie of all time. Its already breaking records
Better plot than any of this other capeshit
Subspace Emissary on Brawl
Off yourself
video games that tackles with time travel? no reddit gate please
>implying anime isn't for normies
Stop consuming any kind of medium soi cunt
It's shit
Tales of Xillia 2. It was basically Endgame.
Don't forget that it's the end of a generation so the next one can take over. Only SW tried something like that and failed miserably at it.
>builds up a massive story for 10+ years
>has a pretty well done second to last installment
>finale completely shits the bed
what the fuck were they thinking???? ehh who cares, people will still blindly love this movie and crucify anyone who criticizes it.
Assassin's Creed Odyssey
I haven't seen a great villain done as dirty as 2018 Thanos since Madara Uchiha
I hated the first one. Is this one better?
We gonna have to inquire about the meaning of these words cause sales are one thing but a month from now no one will be talking about this movie.
I predict the MCU is going to drop significantly now, people kept watching so they could see the big finale with all those characters and now that it's over, I doubt AS MANY people are really going to care about what happens next.
There are many hyped up game franchises where the last game of the series is absolutely mediocre/bad before the reboot that claims to "go back to its roots" but it's just as bad as it was before ending.
At least Thanos did got betrayed / stabbed by a far weaker underling and replaced with a female villain.
The Last of Us
You're painfully wrong.
In fact, Endgame is basically the crescendo of the MCU and it probably will all go downhill from here. At some point they're going to push some other huge event film but it won't pull as much revenue.
In terms of film it doesn't do anything to actually impact the genre of film. Society maybe, but really you're talking about something people won't give a shit about in a year and a half
Chrono Trigger
Smash Bros or Kingdom Hearts I guess.
How does this benefit me as a consumer? Why do I care if they make money.
It's this some burger corporation dicksucking cult mentality?
Mortal Kombat
>builds up a billion characters across a lot of different games
>all culminates in a big finale with everyone there taking on a crazy new villain
>ending is fucking shit
>series keeps going despite the fact that they ended the original series
I like how we just use the word industry and not medium anymore. Genre film suck.
>People actually take capeshit seriously
My fucking god what happened to our American cinema? We used to make kino masterpieces each year that did not rely on CG and special effects.
>they have a chance to introduce the X-Men and Deadpool to the MCU
>they make Captain Marvel 2 instead
man Marvel is fucking stupid
Amerifats have devolved so hard that they brutally assault and shoot people for spoiling capeshit movies
I haven't seen a Marvel movie since the second Cpt America. How anyone has any emotional investment in it, let alone the cult like belief that it's the most profound and impressive piece of storytelling in existence. They're films as disposable and unique as a fucking Kleenex.
>so, you fapped to futa porn again
it's more like they watched so many of them that they wanted to get some fulfillment by sticking to it for so long.
>kino masterpieces
LMAOOOOOOOOOOO Americans gobble up trash genre after genre. First was cowboy shit, then arnieshit, then american pieshit, and now capeshit
Eurofag please.
>We used to make kino masterpieces
Then why the fuck are you in a thread about capeshit, you stupid bitch?
What about Star Wars? that shit was revolutionary to the point it still has a strong presence in our media 30 years after it was released. I'm talking about the originals, not the new Mouse Wars.
Some of THE BEST movies of all time are American
Kingdom Hearts is pretty much Star Wars + Marvel. KH 3 was Infinity war, 4 will be Endgame. They even have the same kind of sad lines
>KH: Who else will I have icecream with?
>Endgame: Your father liked cheesburger.
>then american pieshit
I completely forgot about that, thank god we got out of the "every popular film is just parody of other film" fad... funny how it literally was a superhero movie that finally killed it
Sonic 2006
Modern Warfare 3
The MCU is the Star Wars of our time.
I don't know anything about it, but doesn't Kingdom Hearts do that?
I want some (You)s bitch
In terms of sales or crossover content. If sales I dunno some AAA game, if crossover then Smash Bros. or Super Robot Wars.
OT Star Wars is Michaelangelo's David
MCU is a funko pop
They used it to show just how low Thor has fallen
Mass Effect 3
>franchise built up over many years
>get to know many characters
>each character has their own film/mission
>some genuine touching moments
>shit ending
Yeah, according to americans
You realize that the whole world is in love with capeshit thanks to the MCU right?
Man this movie should have been released today and would make the big cash. It was a few years too soon.
Yes we caused the cancer.
Yes and no. it's complicated
>people actually believe this
The OT was nothing special, take off your glasses boomer
As a proud American I need to tell you:
american superhero movies>>>>>>yuropoor shit movies
You would too if you would go outside and interact with actual people.
Infinity war was Kino, endgame is pretty meh in comparison.
They are literally the same, just in different times.
GTA's 3D era but only if it happened in reverse
nah it was a pay atention to us call for atention
even the biggest movie ever made has to bend the knee to fortnite
>Endgame reveals Thanos really had no reason wiping out half the universe and "why didnt he make infinite resources" people were right all along
what a fucking retard.
Superhero movie was made in response to superhero movies becoming so popular like how Scary Movie was made because of how popular horror movies were at the time. Nobody cared about it.
It was special in that it did conventional things very well. It's a typical coming of age fantasy adventure formula, but the characters are very likable, the setting is a lot of fun, and (for its time) it looks great. The MCU is better than gives it credit for, but OT Star Wars has more heart for sure.
wtf I love dolan blumpf now!
>"look to your left."
GTA V is the biggest entertainment product ever released.
how the hell are they going to make a Black Widow movie if that happened?
It didn't really have an impact on or revolutionise anything. It's big but I would hardly call it groundbreaking or important.
>muh shared universe
It's called a sequel.
> impact
> history
only in your childish mind, child.
It plays in the past.
Snow White is objectively the most influential movie of all time, any other answer is factually incorrect. Endgame is irrelevant
most franchises fall apart after 2 or 3 sequels, the fact that Marvel managed to do this much after 22 movies is something special.
The standalone movies have so far been the origin story movie anyway, so it's almost certainly a prequel.
ANH hope completely revolutionised popular/blockbuster genre films. Marvel is just a footnote to that.
It will never surpaas Gone With The Wind’s record of 3.8 Billion Grossed
I don't watch these movies, but I was told a acquaintance of mine did a whole drama scene in the theater after it ended. Her favorite avenger is Tony Stark so she fucking broke down when he died and refused to leave the room, on the way back she yelled at her boyfriend because he put on some music in the car and she wanted to "mourn" her loss.
The extend of how people get attached to this shit is both terrifying and sad.
>talking about capeshit without a hint of irony or sarcasm and not getting called a fag instantly
what the fuck?
it isn't though
This, Same with Titanic which is likely the most famous movie of all time
Vidya Avengers
>Master Chief
>Rachet and Clank
>Gordon Freeman
Fuck off animeshitter
So? You are saying that as if that was a good thing. Comic books are literally bottom of the barrel garbage in terms of storytelling or even as an art form. You are only seeking validation. Fuck off.
Yeah and world wide obesity is at an all time high due to exporting fast food, it doesn't mean its a good thing because its popular
> Mario
> Link
> Samus
> Sonic
> Cloud
> Snake
They’ve won every best character contest for the last 17 years
With T2, Titanic and Avatar, Big Jim also made huge technical breakthroughs in films. Marvel just kind of does the Unreal engine of film making.
I asked my roommate how exactly the MCU became so popular and lasted this long(because he's obsessed with it) and he basically described it like this
>What Marvel did was make a bunch of good standalone films first and then decided to make them all crossover. That's the reason why other attempts at cinematic universes fail, they usually attempt to foreshadow a bunch of other movies instead of focusing on making the first one good
basically if Iron Man 1 had attempted to foreshadow EVERYTHING in the MCU instead of focusing on Iron Man, it would've flopped.
would have been better if supreme champion thanos was still chilling in heaven with gammorah while all this was going on.
instead of. getting Ned starkd 'xD' at the start for shock value.
He didn't even have a short speech at the end or try to appeal to anyone, even Gomorrah before he went, pretty lame way to go out tbrqh
Super Smash Bros Ultimate, complete with the obnoxious braindead fanbase
I’d argue that The Wizard of Oz is more famous than Titanic
What's hilarious is that the new fight scenes in superhero movies play out like anime fights now
>Endgame did not only on the movie industry, but the entertainment industry as a whole.
It's just Harry Potter again. Fuck I remember when chan thought it was peak trolling to say that snipe kills gay wizard out loud in public.
What the actual fuck
how does cap return all the stones?
does he inject the one back into janes ass?
if so why didn't they show it?
What? Dude won. He didn't put up a fight because he literally pulled off what he wanted to do.
Its part of the reason why the trails games work so well. They're individual stories which tie into a greater whole
What do you mean "the first one"? Iron Man? Avengers 1? Infinity War?
Unfortunately Episodes 7-9 are the Star Wars of our time
The MCU is the Transformers/Pirates of the Caribbean of the 2010s
Infinity War was better. Endgame was still a very solid movie, but Infinity War was better. If IW was 10/10, Endgame is 8/10. The big mistake was past Thanos. It wasn't "our" Thanos. I can accept Tony's and Cap's endings as the actors wanted out and they had to do something like that, but Thanos just didn't work for me. He was also too strong, considering he had no stones at all.
>but the entertainment industry as a whole.
I wonder how long it will take for some people to understand how much damage Disney and Marvel did to the film industry.
People did the same thing with Han Solo
comparatively they are way better
Has there been a cinematic universe before the MCU? DC came in later and tried way too fast too quickly and had Batman fighting Superman like two movies and two years in
Infinity War. I sort of like some of the other mcu movies but IW was just unbearable.
2014 Thanos was basically who Thanos was all along. The whole "balance" thing was just an facade.
>can't time travel to stop Joss Whedon ruining film
I was honestly suprised with how good the marvel movies became. I loved phase 1, got bored in phase2 and fell for the "capeshit "meme but phase 3 was really good, I'm glad I stuck through with it.
In terms of finances it's stronger than ever but the artistic part is definitely gone. Here's to hoping that this trend will start to wither now that they don't have Ironman and Captain America anymore.
Many are still blind to it. Hollywood of course loves it though and the mass audience don't care.
Not sure how people here say the game industry is bad but haven't seen the film industry. Absolute trash.
>Fallout 4
if fallout 4 was actually good and didn't trigger the fanbase then this would be correct
>Thor Dual-wielding
When was this? He never said anything to contradict the balance thing. His revised goal at the end presumably would have rewrote the universe with half as many people, or double the resources. It still would have been "balanced".
Not much has changed though. Blockbuster shit has been a thing well before the avengers and marvel
Undertale and Deltarune is the only right answer.
Well it's a direct sequel to IW so you should probably skip it
How is it not smash bros?
If infinity war's ending is basically this:
then it stands to reason that
is the returning char sequence and...
>Endgame final battle sequence
please, stop being stupid.
Guy guys thor is an EPIC GAMER LIKE US Xd fortjnite amirite. ninja all the way or you/'re gay.
they tried to make one with the Mummy recently, and in the latest movie they apparently stopped everything just to tease what will come in the cinematic universe.
t. Noobmaster69
because only nintenbabies care about smash.
>Had the perfect opportunity to reboot the timeline and introduce the FF and mutants in the MCU with the Fox acquisitions
>Completely blew it
I think some spaghetti westerns were connected, could probably argue some pixar movies.
are these movies even worth watching? am I missing something important?
Not really, he only learned that he can't leave people with memories, otherwise they will find a way to undo all the shit he does, but goes for the most radical solution again, tho that was just a stupid way to raise the stakes (movie 1 - kill half; movie 2 - now he wants to kill all and recreate, that's more dangerous than movie 1, guys). Just kill half AND erase the memories of what caused that, and then destroy the stones again.
>Cap calling Mjolnir
IM2 was shit because it was too busy being Avengers 0.5
You retarded?
>I doubt there exists a game that has had such impact as Endgame did not only on the movie industry, but the entertainment industry as a whole.
>Not absolute saturated with normies
Iron Man *snapped* Thanos and DIED
Why didn't they just kill the Red Skull instead? It's still a soul for the soul stone.
That would had been shit because it would had screamed WE ARE REBOOTING THIS SHIT
It was great that it simply ended, they can always ad the reboot things with another movie
from my point of view, Thanos plan was to create a reality with beings mentally wired to not abuse resources
microsoft did far worse. the entertainment industry on the whole in countless areas with multitudes of companies lost billions on prematurely trusting MS with xbox 360 using outdated dvd infrastructure/hardware and casting in a lot with HD-DVD.
>it made lots of money so it's important
Your jewishness is showing
Thanos was motivated. He saw that his plan worked but the Avengers were trying to reverse it, so he went fuck you.
Avengers Assemble!
If we are talking in terms of "gigantic payoff to over a decade of build-up", unironically KH3 is the only equivalent, with MGS4 a close second (but the MGS saga still has irrelevant games while KH is literally 10ish games where every single one is important and paid-off by the end)
>Cap saying Heil Hydra
Thanos is a lunatic.
Smash might be big in the gaming industry, but Marvel Avengers is a fucking behemoth compared to Smash, Smash has no fucking chance against Avengers and gets curbstomped easily.
Nobody loved him
No if you’ve read the Comics the MCU is basically The Family Frienly Version of the Universe, and it’s really predictable and somewhat forgettable, people will say it’s the second coming of Christ but it really isn’t
>"No woman can defeat me, the Mighty Thanos. I am inevitable!"
>Captain Marvel kicks him between the legs
>Wilhelm scream
>Cymbal crash
>Thanos falls to his knees
>Every man in the theater closes his legs and moans in sympathy
>A dog covers his eyes
>Black Widow turns to the camera: "That's gotta hurt"
>Stark in his Iron Man helmet: "Damn"
>Hulk winces in pain: "Marvel smash!"
>Captain America shakes his head.
>Rocket starts laughing. "Tomorrow morning...he's going to look for them...AND THEY WON'T BE THERE!"
>Thanos looks up in agonizing pain: "YOWIE ZOWIE RIGHT IN MY INFINITY STONES!"
>Stan Lee sips a cup of coffee and looks into the camera.
>"That's a wrap!"
Dude can float, he'd just glide to the bottom
Should have just had Thor go and toss his hammer over the cliff.
It would be more apt to compare Avengers to Pokemon. If you were to count all of Pokemon, Mario, Zelda, under the Smash umbrella, it might even be bigger.
Hopefully they won't censor and ruined all the anime
>mcu over
>reboot won't be nearly as good
>dc can't get their shit together
>studios acquisitioning anime rights left and right
The age of capeshit is over, the age of the weeb has come
That's a really shitty spoil honestly, There nothing surprising happening here.
Endgame plot was pretty shit after IW though, with gigantic plot holes.
At some point during the fight, Captain marvel, has the gauntlet and has to bring it to the teleporter. Why the fuck doesn't she use it? She is the most powerful being of the MCU, she can easily use it without dying. Why doesn't she use it to bring back Tony at the end?
Not after GitS and Alita.
These people are brainwashed, and it predates the MCU, we are talking about years of Disney consumption. People immediately equate quality with Disney, and despite all the cynicism and greediness behind the curtains they still believe Disney makes magic so I don't think they'll accept that it did damage.
What I do can see happening is that the new movies are not going to be as successful as the original MCU line-up, especially if they have Captain Marvel as their new lead image. Hopefully the fatigue will settle in, but I wouldn't bet on it.
what can they even do at this point? it is the most climatic movie in the franchise.
they're making another 20 movies except they are all going to be far out space adventures
Gamma radiation
Super Smash Bros Bros 4. Because the previous ones were better. Infinity Wars was better than Endgame despite cap not having his shield
KH3 literally came up with the idea and put into motion before the MCU was even conceived
You may not like it, its correct though
Feige already said X Men are coming in 5 years
With Tony gone it's over. It was his story, people watched it for him. Next phase won't be as big.
>mcu over
Phase 3 is over. Phase 4 is about the new Avangers: Falcon as the new Cap, Spidey, Strange, Captain Fungus, Wanda and maybe Antman. Also the Guardians are still going strong.
>She is the most powerful being of the MCU,
no dr.strange is most powerful
Being this young on an 18+ image board.
They weren't intending on using it again. They were trying to get it to the van.
How come there still isn't a good MCU vidya?
Don't kid yourself, Smash Bros is nothing compared to the Avengers. You fucking delusional nintendie
Deadpool canon-wise is part of X-Men universe. Delivering him to MCU would be really corny decision and would piss off most of neckbeards.
Alita was awsome though, best anime adaptation since Scott Pilgrim.
Square Enix is STILL making it
Except that every anime adaptation made so far was utter garbage.
I like it too but it barely made its budget back and likely won't get a sequel. Movie studios want stuff that makes them money, not break even.
Kill yourself you console warring fag. I don't care about your retard wars over which toy is better.
No it isnt. Mario alone is bigger than Marvel globally. Nevermind Pokemon and Zelda
Half-life 2 or GTA V!!!FACT!!!
Look where you are.
You play video games, child.
She can travel through space without a ship, she shit on Thanos wearing the gauntlet. She destroys ships by crashing through them.
But why? There's this huge battle going on, for what fucking reason wouldn't she do the exact same thing iron man did later?
>making the "best movie ever" now hinges on spending as much money as possible on marketing regardless of quality of both the movie or story, rather than making something actually memorable or inspired
Hollywood is dead
why could they NOT just make it so the X-Men universe exists in the MCU? People were confused as to why they couldn't just make Raimi spiderman part of the MCU as well
I am Iron Man
>it still is the most important movie of all time. Not a single entertainment product in the history has had such impact as Endgame has
I bet you said the same thing about Avatar. Pic is you!!!FACT!!!
GTA V most likely.
1st Half= No action at all, Confusing
2nd Half= Interesting Time Travel but still little to no action
3rd Half= Finally the great part but ruined by Bleach tier ending of Cap acting out of character and final scene making no sense.
All in all scales to 8/10 so whatever video games are that score it scales to
MCU = Kingdom Hearts.
Sora is Ironman, the leader who brings down the bad guy in the end.
Riku is Captain America, Roxas is Thor, Terra is the Hulk. All of them come together for the final fight, and nearly everyone had their own time in the limelight in previos entries.
>she shit on Thanos wearing the gauntlet.
This I didn't get. She took a blow from him and laughed it off, then he moved one stone and suddenly knocked her into next week. Do the stones only power up the hand they're on?
Endgame is alright movie and worse than Infinity War. It has no impact, but Marvel Universe as a thing had impact on industry.
How am I supposed to think the MCU is cringe when Steve Rogers is so undeniably based?
>captain america is a nigger now
Yeah Mario is quite a big franchise, Pokemon even bigger. But Avengers are way bigger than all those franchises combined. Like I've said earlier not a single entertainment product in the history has come close to what Endgame has accomplished. It's a fucking cultural phenomenon
How the fuck was it confusing?
>Mario alone is bigger than Marvel globally.
I never checked, you know that years' long schedule of planned Marvel movies that was made in like 2008 or 2010 or something? All these years later was it an accurate map?
He has to close his fist for the gauntlet to work
fuck off burger planet
yeah it ruined movies forever and made everyone endure a fuckton of terrible capeshit being shat out every year.
I'm not planning to start any console wars, its just that its unfair comparing Smash to Marvel. Marvel is too fucking big for some nintendo shit
the anime fight scenes are the only good parts of these shitty movies
Can the people who are calling it shit explain to me how it "ruined" film ?
Sounds like a bunch of nerds are embarrassed super hero shit is mainstream now. It was a decent film and had a lot leading up to it.
A very ambitious project with high production values that paid of incredibly, Acting like a fucking snob does not change that and I've yet to see a valid criticism on this site other then people not liking it.
>Yeah Mario is quite a big franchise, Pokemon even bigger. But Avengers are way bigger than all those franchises combined
>imagine having enough söy in your system to actually believe this
>haven't watched any capeshit since Guardians of the Galaxy 1 (Spiderverse is an exception)
I really don't give a shit about spoilers. Why was Infinity War good and why is Endgame dissapointing?
imagine caring so much about a movie that you have opinions about it or care about spoilers
now imagine you are so much of a faggot that you call this the most important movie of all time
MCU is just the new Ultimate universe.
how do you avoid turning into one of these fuckers? lots of exercise and high protein intake?
Watch the movies
Its probably more that the jews (disney) and the chinks (Tencent) areworking together because it benefits both of them
>Black Widow movie despite her being dead
There's no reboot, dipshit
>retards still don't know about prequels
it's just a movie.
have sex
They're only known for movies at this point. Good luck finding someone outside of Boomers and Gen X that actually read the comics
So given that Endgame proved just how profitable marketing can be, drawing historic sales for a movoe thats mediocre at best, what do you think the next big smash hit will be? Remember that literally anything can be turned into a cultural phenomenon now. How often do you think they'll buy Endgame-tier hype levels? Yearly or every few years to give all the drones some time to cool off?
this thing is going to be forgotten in 3 years.
mark my words
MCU is going to be forgotten in like a year and people will barely remember it.
You can bring up Star Wars just about anywhere and chances are, more people will have seen one of the OT films over people who haven't.
There's also the fact that the OT is SO well known, even the people who have never watched one will know the memes and more memorable quotes.
People got over that quickly. Marvel was smart to introduce Spidey in CW and immediately establish it's a new version.
>if fallout 4 was actually good
>implying Endgame is good
I can't think of an equivalent, and I'm glad I can't. I hope it stays that way.
agree or not, Fortnite when it blew up.
will ourboy make it in?
Bend over
It makes no sense
Is it said at any moment in the film? Because this would be retarded and Iron man literally has no gauntlet when he uses them at the end.
>It's a fucking cultural phenomenon
no one cares, it's just flashy colorful crap that will entertain until the short attention span of the modern public finds something else to oooo and aaaahhh over.
same thing happened with transformers.
He's the next big bad.
>inb4 Galactus
Did you know Captain America and Dr Strange had a brief tv show? It was utter shit and forgotten.
Part of the problem is that writers don't seem to get the character, or anime in general, and thus don't know how translate the core appeal to other mediums. Think its a matter of time till the people who grew up with this properties actually start working in the industry. These shitty anime adaptations are just growing pains. Also it would be pottery as it would mirror the dying comic book industry in the 90s as the manga rose(manga sells still dwarf comic book sales).
>the 2 most charismatic characters are gone and now its up to the side characters to carry the universe
Im not sure how this is going to work.
Spiderman, the Guardians and Thor are the only interesting ones left, and even then Thor only works as a sidekick, since his solo movies are all boring.
IM has nanobots and can mold his suit into wahtever he wants.
too crowded
>have sex
>Have shit day at work because corporate is coming next day so we have to clean EVERYTHING despite customers just going to mess it up again
>Go home
>Waste an annual credit report because credit beareaus are too stupid to realize i moved a year ago and dont have my info
>Dad calls
>Want to go see end game?
>Meh, sure.
>Go to theatre
>Supposedly its sold out everywhere and tickets are impossible to find
>Get in no problem, opening night, ^PM.
>A total of 9 people in the entire theatre
>For the "biggest most anticipated film of the decade"
Legitimately shocked me more than any spoiler the movie set up.
Iron Man used Nanomachines and Strange said it in the last damn movie
>it still is the most important movie of all time.
>everytime he becomes omnipotent and still fails to win
hahahaahahahahahah i hope that this is bait
Yeah Pokemon sold way more than everything else that's true, still Pokemon can't even scratch what Avengers managed to accomplish, people waited almost their whole lives to see the Endgame.
Tony Stark dies lol
Arguably, yes. The MCU is just a larger scale version, in everything, of the Star Wars trilogy.
it didn't ruin film but it did give us a bunch of mediocre movies that made loads of money. other film makers might be influenced by it therefore making many other movies shallow as well. massively overrated despite the money and fame it got.
high production values don't hide the lack of substance.
I wish i had your optimism. MCU has proven that corporations with enough money can simply pay for their movies to be recordbreaking smash hits as they would for any other service. This is why the influencer and marketing industry is one of the most valuable things on the planet. Culture can be bought, and MCU is going nowhere as long as the puppetmasters have money to pay for their next smash hit
Why the sudden 5 year gap.
Why did they just stop trying to bring everyone back after killing original Thanos.
What's going on around the World
With no Heroes working now would be a great time for Villains to go rampant but they don't
Why the fuck have they not brought back Abomination
>The """Movie of the decade""" is a fucking spandex movie for kids.
>It's a fucking cultural phenomenon
The absolute state of the modern world.
Battleship Potemkin, Birth of a Nation, Intolerance, Metropolis, King Kong, The Wizard of Oz. I can list many more but you get the idea.
The first step in becoming not a faggot is never saying the word "triggers" again unless talking about guns.
You're not spoiling anything you little shit, most of us already watched the movie twice.
>still Pokemon can't even scratch what Avengers managed to accomplish
>he wasn't alive during pokemania
That explains it at least.
Abomination will be in the Thunderbolts movie :^)
Legacy of Kain series
Marathon Infinity
Epic spoiler my fellow troll. This hasn't already been spammed in every one of these threads.
all of those were fucking answered, are you to stupid to even understand basic capeshit plots?
The thing is that theres absolutely no need to adapt anime.
Its already in the same media as movies. Youre just going to end up with ugly costumes that dont work in real life, bad story and characters after trying to shove 50 episodes of plot into 2 hours and ugly CG that will never look as good as some well animated scene
Normalfags should just realize that hey, maybe just because its animated doesnt mean its made for children and there's actually some pretty cool stuff in there
They really just need to find their footing, or their "formula" so to say.
15 years ago, everyone would have laughed at you if you told them that they would all line up to watch a superhero movie with Ant-Man and Dr Strange.
Less than 1% of the population right now has seen those movies, probably even lower by orders of magnitude. That who has not been witnessed can't be of importance.
Put me in the screencap
>time travel
biggest and worst cop-out in storytelling.
Fortnite … seriously
You're comparing something that's still running over something that's 40+ years old. And you're ignoring how SW wasn't all that "important" during the mid 90s before the prequels. It was still of course known but not as much of a juggernaut asnitnwas when it came out.
Mario's Time Machine
anime movies will never work, there is no knowledge in the normie public about the characters and you can't make a universe out of them.
And before somebody says "normies didn't know the guardians before the movie", well they know captain america and know the movies being made by the same studio. Not to mention the millions in advertising disney can sink into them, and disney woudnt touch most anime with a 30ft pole.
The akira movie will either get cancelled again for the 30th time or come out and be garbage
That'd be cool if they had a couple movies dedicated to the villians, that's kind of what they did with thanos and it turned out great for them, people crave novelty
>still Pokemon can't even scratch what Avengers managed to accomplish
you can't seriously be trying to say this right now....
>people waited almost their whole lives to see the Endgame.
oh, you must be one of those people, that explains it
The whole movie was about a fucking snap of his fingers dude.
Connecting his fingers, which I suppose it's the same as making a fist.
iirc Tony did use his current suit to fit the gems as well as snapping his fingers.
Gta v
It would be disingenuous to say that endgame succeeded by marketing alone unless you consider the previous movies since Iron Man as marketing
Not him but you're comparig a franchise that existed in the 1950's as a way to get people to rally against the war, (Not entertainment mind you, propaganda and morale) that was shown to EVERYBODY to get them to fight for their country, Versus a 90's japanese phenomenon, that whiole exploded in merchandise, did not leave a lasting impression beyond 10 years, and slowly died down until X/Y mass marketed and tried to make themselves relevant again. Don't act like Gen 3/4/5 were cultural phenomenons. While great games, they were contained to their fanbases, which you were obviously a part of. The rest of the waking world didnt give a shit until mega charizard was announced.
>still hasn't beat a film made in 1939
anime would work if they stayed loyal to the source material and didn't try to dumb it down and hollywood it up for "mainstream" audiences.
The matrix trilogy is a great example of what a smart anime movie could turn out like.
Love the nintendies who claim their little game series can compare to Marvel Avengers, not a single gaming franchise can be compared Marvel.
Too bad no one cares for those other guys, and only the people who played KH2 when they were 13 still care about the franchise.
>go to third world country without knowing the language
>show local a pic of spiderman
>looks at me like I'm autistic
>show local a pic of pokemon
>"Pika Pika"
I literally have a girl and have sex everyday though. Checkmate faggot.
I need my Freddy vs Jason vs Ash
Friendly reminder that all capeshit movies are no more than 5/10 at best, and if you go to watch them in cinemas and actually give them money for this shit you are part of the problem.
Yeah sure, next thing you'll tell me your obscure weeb waifu is most recognizable character in the world. Nice try incel, nice try
>that time he took over the world via mind control but realized he wants people to fear, respect and love him without mind control so he just gives up on that plan and lets Namor destroy his empire
Kingdom Hearts 3
and barely anyone cared about marvel for a long ass time since the war, it really wasn't until the MCU where Marvel exploded in popularity. And similar to pokemon, Endgame was the bubble pop, from here nobody is going to care as much as they did before until some random movie comes out that teases Steve Rogers or Tony Stark coming back.
Logan was good though
>I have a girl
No, you have a relationship with a girl. You don't own a girl you fucking sexist scum.
>cant spell wielding
Pretty legit Drumpf
Yeah, and the comcis were on their way out since the 80s until Disney pushed the MCu with Raimis Spidey being the expection. You're still a samefagging retard who has no idea what he's talking about and actually thinks that his beloved mouse plays in the same ballpark as pokemon.
Well... he is the MAD titan after all. He has his heart in the right place, but is an absolute madman as to how to achieve it.
All correct.
obviously you haven't dabbled in the forbidden arts of BDSM
>Lack of substance
Are you claiming the characters don't develop or are you claiming because it's an action based movie that does not delve into human interaction and psyche it's shallow?
Because these stories and characters are very developed and have been used and tested over various forms of media for literally decades at this point. The lore is deeper than any arthouse film.
Not everything can be lord of the fucking rings and being accessible is not a sin in modern media. If you think for a single second this will start turning smaller projects into superhero movies you are dead wrong.
I swear there's a campaign to retroactively discredit Raimi's Spidey, so people forget it and only care about the new shiny thing.
just never be excited about anything visibly
blah blah blah your opinions
All of these were answered and the heros never stopped doing basic hero work with Hawkeye even going full murder mode on some of the largest gangs in the world after the event.
No it wasn't unless your dumbass is gonna put bullet points
>Why the sudden 5 year gap.
To have people come to terms with the fact that killing Thanos meant nothing.
>Why did they just stop trying to bring everyone back after killing original Thanos.
Because he destroyed the stones
>What's going on around the World
We don't know, Spidey might have some answers
>With no Heroes working now would be a great time for Villains to go rampant but they don't
We literally see that there's an Avengers skeleton crew working around the world
>Why the fuck have they not brought back Abomination
No one cares
You mean like a year, right?
Normalfags will never forget their favorite Spidey though
don't unhinge your jaw for cameras like you're ready to take a load to the face
>Because these stories and characters are very developed
Like shit.
>The lore is deeper than any arthouse film.
Yeah, but the lore is shit. Better be simple and well done than big and a complete mess only retards can appreciate.
Buddy it;s been out for less than a week, we will see if that nonsense statement is proved right in the next several years. Right now it's purely hype, and I can't think of one fucking Marvel movie people still care about deeply on a significant level. It's michael bay shit except disney so they have more money for prettier actors and explosions.
You misspelt Tony Stark
Theyll find a way to undo it. These things always find a way to return to the status quo. There are never really any consequences in normie media, the sheep prefer to have a happy ending
>7 hours wasted watching capeshit
Big fucking OOF
Tell that to her she says she belongs to me all the time.
>The thing is that theres absolutely no need to adapt anime.
You could say the same thing about super heroes. comics > tv shows > movies, most of the popular anime is actually based on manga. its literally the same chain.
The fact that they are 50 episodes is why they are seen as desirable, that means that they can make a shit load of movies like harry potter or they can be adapted into tv series by netflix or HBO like GoT. There are also plenty of 26 episode shows that could easily be turned into trilogies. Outfits looking shitty has less to do with the source material and more with the shitty artists working on the project. A character like Vash from Trigun can look cringy or bad ass depending on the costume design.
marvel vs capcom
You mean the stupid ass Yea Forums memes
>3rd half
this, while not solely responsible for it Disney is the primary force behind the film industry's obsession with franchises and sequels, and borderline algorithmic writing style where every movie MUST have things like one-liners and callbacks. they have a had a severe negative impact on cinema. there used to be movies that could both find financial success and be quality, but that will be less and less likely. Black panther got a fucking best picture nomination just to appease the manchilden who like this schlock. Hope everyone has a nearby art cinema or some shit cuz that is the only place you'll be able to go see a real movie in 10 years.
Peach is probably more known than any marvel superheroine. Keep up the cope though
Gundam is stupid fucking easy to adapt.
>All these replies
Incredible bait my friend, well played well played indeed
>smaller projects into superhero movies you are dead wrong.
no. instead there will a shift in importance for marketing where most of budget will go and the film will suffer as a result.
You're dead wrong, simply because the comics have more good content from that era. These nerds are already more excited for the adaption of secret wars than anything done so far.
It's an objective fact that the comics these movies are based on have been around for decades and they spent well over a dozen movies developing these characters.
Learn what an opinion is.
Why the fuck did it have to be Fortnite and not MvC?
I mean, I already know the answer but fuck me, it still would have been a nice little touch.
it's a long movie
sales don't equal importance you dipshit. Avatar is currently the film that still has the highest worldwide gross and who even talks about that film anymore?
Fucking Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom ist the 12th film on that list and that film was complete shit.
Both those films didn't make any meaningfull imapct in their genres besides making lots of money...
Mortal Kombat.
Like nobody was talking about Infinity War a month later right
>Secret invasion
Why would you tease Avengers 5 after you JUST released Avengers 4 and made it out to be the end of the era? Now it feels half-hearted and forced.
I have about had it with disney shills trying to push avengers as more than a popcorn flick
Definitely not a bad movie, it has a lot of fun moments. But, it was clearly made for the common denominator, in a sense that, its not a movie worth of rewatch on its own, unless youre marathonin the whole franchise.
Serious answer is Halo 3, snoyfags don't @ me.
Metal Gear
>You're comparing something that's still running over something that's 40+ years old
Yes and? Star Wars is still popular because the OT trilogy, but mostly ANH and Empire, did a lot of things very well. Well enough that its still remembered to this day and people could give you at least bullet points at key events in the movies.
MCU is literally just super hero movies that people forget about as soon as the newest one comes out. I've asked people about MCU movies that came out a few years ago, and they can't even recall what happens except for at best the ending to a couple of them. MCU movies are literally "turn your brain off" type movies, and while thats not necessarily bad, it doesn't really have true staying power.
I'll never stop being mad about how bad they fucked up Ragnarok
>spend two Thor movies and a goof chunk of Age of Ultron building it up
>lol, Planet Hulk anyone???? Thor needs to be more marketable!
Based on what?
Smaller projects often have little to no marketing devoted to them. Only large companies can support an actual marketing team beyond social media majority of the time.
That's not how business works you are crazy if you think Disney having alot of money to throw around will change how other do their budget. That's not how business works on a basic level.
>And before somebody says
Well I am gonna say it because its a valid point. Ironman, the one that started it and was a huge hit was unknown to normies. Maybe you can't make an exact MCU style crossover but there is no reason why they can't work as stand alone franchises.
its oot
This is the New Avengers without Luke Cage, Echo, Iron Fist, or Wolverine :^)
Cringy fortnite scene aside.
I genuinely liked the movie and thought it was a satisfying conclusion to the MCU. Problem is, it's not and it's gonna be all downhill from here.
thor ragnarok was fucking awesome, literally the best marvel movie but i feel u
Unironically, this.
Infinity War set up Thanos as the only engaging protagonist in the whole capeshit series and it was satisfying to see him pull through his struggles and win. Endgame begins with them beheading Thanos and then they bullshit time travel "remember this from movie lol" for 3 hours. When Thanos comes back, it's a past version of him that doesn't have any of his character development or interesting qualities, he's just evil bad guy
Imagine being this much of a brainlet.
No, it's because you can't make money off of dead characters. They could of course replace them if the actors want out, but besides that the producers would like to keep the recognition of their characters I would think.
Isn't that the game where shrek and naruto fight in a moba setting?
Not when Gone with the Wind is still the highest grosser and we're talking about a movie from 60 years ago
>daring to mention this movie in a positive light on this board
Now aren't you a bold one
No? People unironically know Faxanadu more than fucking LoH/Trails. IF you're going to go JRPG there literally is no answer other than Pokemon or Final fantasy.
>it still is the most important movie of all time
>end of an era
>implying (((they))) were just going tobsit back and let their golden goose die
Lmao. "End of an era" is a hype builder. Letting it rest is something a writer that cares about their story and creation does. Avengers is a corporate money maker.
Mortal Kombat is always a pleasant surprise so this.
And that was before overall globalization and the whole chink market.
If anything, it's too little.
Exactly, he got murdered by the petty heroes and replaced by a different version of himself that lacked his most compelling traits
I like it because it's anime and a excuse to ingest alcohol
>Or interesting qualities
The dude literally watched his so called plan fall apart and he got beheaded for it./ Of course he'd shift gears to something else. Were you not paying attention at all?
No, it's not you boomer. If you want an actual parallel to Endgame it would be Halo 3.
>Dudebro/normalfag audience
>Hyped to the moon and back
>Epic 'end' of a saga
I don't care what you actually think of the game or quality, but Halo 3 would be the "endgame' of videogames.
Endgame isn't even going to make top 10 of this list
God of war
I think they mean end of an era in the sense it's no longer Steve Rodgers/Tony Stark Avengers.
It was the exact same guy tho ? The movie just was not devoted to him this time. He was basically the main character in infinity wars.
just like capeshit fans stop making his argument for him
>It was the exact same guy tho
He wasn't the Thanos that sacirifced everything to see his goals realized
Asura's Wrath
but it already did.
Because half the fucking cast was missing for a majority of the movie. No Dr. Strange, no Quill, no Peter, etc. They all showed up at the very end.
cringe and retardpilled
her glare in this scene made my dick diamonds
It literally didn't and won't. You clearly didn't understand what that list is.
Will games quadruple in price like movie tickets have in the past 15 years? No movie will surpass gone with the wind when you account for inflation and that the world’s population was nearly 1/3 of what it is today.
Video games get extra boosts from dlc passes and special editions
Stop sucking Nintendo cock, Captain Marvel is more recognizable than any Mario character you fucking incel
Outstanding job, user.
Thanos in Infinity War sacrifices his daughter to obtain his goals half way through the movie and is humbled by it for most of the movie, often pitying a lot of the heroes for their circumstances like Iron Man and Scarlet Witch
Endgame Thanos is before this and is just a fucking asshole
Actually I feel that if this movie was released today, many people would be triggered about it.
>implying you'll ever defeat Avatar
keep dreaming marlels
>They're only known for movies at this point.
Are you saying the Super Mario movie is a bigger success than all of the MCU combined?
Don't forget Microtransactions
>only USA domestic adjusted for inflation
>muricans thinking they are the only people on Earth
Yep, that's about right
How did that movie make so much money?
Can someone post spoilers for this shit movie? I don't think I'll ever see it but I'd like to be able to spoil it for some people.
How the fuck does Disney get away with making a long line of movies with no fucking gripping story or narrative beyond LMAO COOL SUPERHERO POSES AND WINS? Nothing thought provoking, nothing new, just fucking cliches on action figure cutouts in the safest plotlines of all time to appeal to all ages. And marvel cucks have the audacity to say it's the most important line of movies ever. Fucking plebs shut the fuck up.
Endgame is an american movie whats your point
>"why thing works like this?"
>"thing is explained to work like this"
>"oh it's retarded then"
Based Thanos putting bitches in her place
This is bait of the highest quality.
Well done.
First movie to ever make me cry.
Absolutely fantastic ending. Middle wasn’t so good.
get higher standards. comicshit does not have well developed characters.
We already know it blew TFA out of the water.
It's going to make the list no problem.
Re-releases mate. It had like 2, each for some new 3d tech. Also it was the 3d debut so people overpaid as fuck.
It's an american movie and it's not even going to be a top 10 one. So it won't have any more impact in any other country.
Why though? For epic troll points?
>sound of music is in number 3
Pretty based tbqh
Point is that the list encompasses only USofA, nothing else so you are measuring the success of a film based on one country.
for the lulz
m8 it's just star wars, but made by a less competent director
kill your fucking self
Everyone who cares saw the movie. Multiple times.
You're cool, user.
Also the ticket prices didnt go up much and the inflation did. It's the videogame pricing thing all over again.
>Glove that turns you into a god hurts you as well.
>For some reason you have to do hand motions to use the god powers that are going through your body.
>For some reason Thanos had to take the stone off the glove to punch yas kween marvel instead of just using the fucking glove because she was holding it or some dumb faggot retard shit.
I'd say the movie should have been about Doom, but the sub human beta males in charge would have fucked that up as well.
Imagine living a life as hilariously miserable as yours.
Movie was fantastic. I feel so bad for anyone who has it spoiled. Be it by accident, or by accidents like you.
Unless it has BvS legs, it'll beat it
Ant Man crawls up Thanos' ass and explodes him from the inside, but dies in the process.
Tony invents time travel, goes back in time and fixes everything, but he loses his life.
Captain Marvel and Hawkeye get together.
No, I get it, if those are the established rules, ok then.
It was just weird that in the end, the gauntlet wasn't anything special since the Iron man armor could harness the gems power because nano machines son.
>Shilling mouse capeshit
How can you punch if someone is holding your hand?
These are the people we share this board with.
20 years later and a fucking Shirley Temple parody has still not been proven wrong.
>"I've seen em come, and I've seen them go there's one thing that I know/you gotta give the people, what they want, or you'll wind up back in Cocomo"
>"Mr. Pussycat, listen to me/ YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE GOOD, BUT YOU BETTER BE.... BIG AND LOUD"
You don't have to make anything with substance, or really be that good in order to succeed, just make something flashy and insane to appeal to the Lowest common denominator and you'll do just fine.
Anyone can use the Stones. People have done it multiple times in the comics.
>best selling game of 2019
>n-no one cares!
If she was stopping his glove hand how could he punch with that hand?
Shitty movie. Trying to push an agenda. Average actors. Doesnt even have a great ost. Damn even the fucking harry potter did have an objective good ost.
Remember when super heroes where a nerd thing?
People don't actually want to watch film, they're satisfied with a shitty flick to pass the time.
i have no idea what this shit is, who the fuck cares about hollywood or movies
>doesn't matter if the movie was average, it still is the most important movie of all time