That one level that keeps you from wanting to replay the game

>that one level that keeps you from wanting to replay the game
Which one is it Yea Forums?

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Volleyball will prevent me from ever 100%ing Mario Odyssey again. It's still stupid even if you cheese it with Cappy.

yep that's the one. I thought it would never end.


but who is the giant rat?

is this actually in the game?

is this is witcher reference by chance? Probably not but it would be very cool if so

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Yep. It brings what is supposed to be the highest stakes dungeon to a screeching halt.

Yes, it's part of a puzzle where you have to dodge enemies and find air ducts to crawl into. There's also like five fucking maps with the rat puzzles which is the main reason why people hate that dungeon, though it's also the second-last dungeon so it's kind of expected to be long.

Mouse part wasn't that bad in P5. I hated more Okumura's palace.


Okumura's palace was much worse.

It's (good) youtuber shit

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i actually still consider palace 7 to be one of the best in the game.

>hype theme
>high stakes
>is a large endurance gauntlet fitting of the "final" palace
>interesting design
>actually shows how twisted places can purposely be if their owners know how to control them

There are mods to skip that shit lol

Do people hate the mouse stuff itself, or just that fact that it was repeated like 5+ times within the dungeon? I heard everyone complaining when P5 came out, and I feared the worst as I hadn't gotten to that part yet, but then I thought it was a fun little gimmick. But then it kept going and repeating over and over. I thought it was fine for the first couple times at least though

I'd forgive it if it weren't such a long dungeon

Yaharghul/Nightmare of Mensis in Bloodborne

Yeah, it went on too long. I'm really glad that Atlus is redesigning the dungeons in P5R. Hopefully this one will be better

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Oh fuck, I totally forgot about that shit. FUCK THAT.

These space combat sections were garbage, same with the hoverbike races and open world crystal collection

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>I'm really glad that Atlus is redesigning the dungeons in P5R
Do we have any idea of exactly how much they'll alter of the already existing content? God, this has so much fucking potential if they can actually directly fix P5's existing problems, but I don't know if I should have low expectations.

Don't forget the giant clank sections

All the fucking dungeons are dogshit in that game. I'd gladly do a NG+ run if they weren't so boring. All of them.

>make a big deal about securing a quick infiltration route to the treasure before sending the calling card
>literally only two dungeons in the game let you actually do this effectively
They just need to change the dungeons so they're not so linear and boring. Being able to quick travel between safe rooms ended up being a crutch for them to excuse shoddy dungeon design.

Yeah it’s the dungeon where you have to steal the ancient Mayan treasure

can I emulate it yet


Personally its that it went on for too long. At a certain point I remember just wanting it to be over with.

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>These space combat sections were garbage
I agree. It's one of the main things I dislike about the game. I'm glad UYA removed that shit.

>high stakes

fuck ymir forest ohhh scary ass fish in the water meanwhile they're fighting angels and shit why couldn't collette fucking FLY to get the fruit

>Game is full of unengaging, go from A to B brainless puzzles that just pad the length
>Everyone hates the palace that has actual fun and unique puzzle design that requires you to use more than a single brain cell

Shido's palace was literally the only good one.

You mean all of Persona 5 after Kamoshida?

Ymir forest, huh? Interesting. That was a nightmare for me in Phantasia on the SNES. Fucking lizards that stone you with a single melee attack. I can only avoid them so many times before I have to use up all my stone bottles and I get an instant game over when my whole party turns to stone.
So it's a nightmare in a different Tales game, too? Interesting.

>cheese it
It's then intended way to complete it

>Chapter 14 of Bayonetta
>Like half the chapters of Bayonetta 2

You can cheese that with two player. The real problem is the jump rope.

nah they wouldn't reference the witcher they know that games shit.

Bomb defusing in MGS2

You know which level I mean

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-Nova prospekt, hl2.
-On a rail, half life 1
-the chasm, Doom 2

all of V's levels in DMCV

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I dunno, I thought it was pretty great the whole way through, Shido and Kaneshiro's dungeons being the only real "ugh" moments. But even then it wasn't TOO bad. Just a little annoying

The only NOT shit dungeon in P5 was Sae's.

Without cheese this is the annoying as fuck, specially if he ends up healing to full because you have no fucking idea what just happened, I did find it interesting the first time, but in any other replay I just shoot the fucker in the dock.

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use bike, only hard part is positioning it

>okumura was ok while madarame was mediocre
who the fuck actually liked the space station?

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>we're the rats
celebrating yet another birthday bash

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Fucking brainlet
The End is the best boss fight in MGS3

It's a fact Yea Forums has garbage taste. The entirety of the ship was fucking fabulous. Even the space station was.

I was about to bury you, but then i realized that this was probably the worst chapter of 3. So you are indeed correct.

Chapter 6 RDR 2
>b-but Chapter 5
Literally five minutes of a reprieve from the Western aesthetic, fuck off ADHD-addled faggots.

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I was referring to the 2 player cheesing.

The jump rope was different for me. Got it on my second or third try.

The story goes to shit at this point

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almost all of this is wrong

Kamoshida and Sae are the only two peaks in the game. Everything else is shit

The 2 vehicle sections in HL2
Lost Izalith in Dark Souls 1
Iron Keep in Dark Souls 2
The bike section in Bayonetta
Every single underwater section in Bayonetta 2
The beyblade and board game section in DMC4

>Tales of Vesperia
>walk through the fuckhuge final dungeon
>can't burn the net at the end
>have to walk all the way back
>get lvl 4 ring
>walk all the way back
>it was actually only an optional area

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>the fucking boat
>better than Shido's hype as fuck bossfight

>the final prison and final boss
Yike post

it's "pray at night" bucko

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surprisnly accurate, except everything after Shidp should be brough WAYYY DOWN to below the worst level. and everything else was still gud, even if low points. seriously though, I get it is an SMT/Persona staple, but they didnt need le fight with god bullshit after the lile 70 game was already over.

Manaan (I think that was the name) in KOTOR 1

nope. can't think of any egregiously bad sections

I just replayed Arkham Asylum - only going through the story, not trying to grab every trophy and shit - and quit at the last fight. I forgot how boring yet frustrating that fucking Titan Joker fight is.

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The facts that there's legit ways to skip/cheese him makes it the best part of the game.

>Not engaging in a kickass sniper duel across multiple maps
What are you, some sort of faggot?

Why do you play these games if you know you're not interested in how they're always going to end? It's not like they don't start out with supernatural abilities and higher powers helping you. The premise of Persona revolves around the collective unconscious of humanity, you fight fragments of it all throughout all of the games, but you find a single powerful entity acting under that will at the climax to be shoehorned in?

Brainlet detected.

Eh, it's not actually that bad. I thought the cliff area with the bubbles you have to fly around in was worse.


>listen to a liar!
no thanks, NPC.

>inb4 "the AI has no reason to lie"
They have no reason to tell the truth


>The End is the best boss fight in the MGS series, and possibly in all of video games

Now this is contrarian on some insane fucking level

That until the end is the best part of the whole game

>That until the end is the best part of the whole game

except it takes the already established story, throws it out the window, and replaces it with nonsense.

It felt like I was playing a different game and yet I was still that PoS Raiden so I knew I was still stuck in MGS2


It's not contrarian it's the fucking truth. How the fuck could you not like sneaking around as a cute mouse? There was nothing bad about it, not fuck all. It was lengthy but that was good as one of the last palaces. It had tons of mini bosses that were challenging on a first run. The ship had a beautiful design and the music felt like the finale. The space station was aesthetically one of the best palaces and the mini puzzles were the best in the entire game. Floating in space was a nice visual. Being contrarian is not liking these palaces because you're a fucking retard with shit taste who doesn't know shit if you don't.

Recently replayed the game. Search EVERY room. Even the empty tiny rooms serve a purpose, whether it's passing through them to unlock a door, or being normal to view a strategic point where you will be when you are a mouse.

> How the fuck could you not like sneaking around as a cute mouse?
I get it. You got a boner when Ann turned into a mouse

Would you a naked mouse Makoto?

The Virgin P5 rollercoaster versus the Chad P3 mountain climb.

Those puzzles were suprisingly easy, those air vents in the space palace almost made me pull my hair out
>>that one level that keeps you from wanting to replay the game
How about every level except the first and the casino. I can't believe how overrated Persona 5 is when 70% of the game is such a chore

>saw "Skip the fade" being the most popular mod for the game
>"Why would I need to skip it lol"
>drop the game immediately after entering the Fade and never touched it again

Garbage taste. Kill yourself.

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VERY accurate, though IMO Madarame was still a good palace


why doesnt anyone like futaba's palace? it's one of my favorite in the game

Its literally the most common opinion on the game besides the lost causes who never touched a JRPG before and act like the game's flawless lol

Shido’s palace made me drop the game for literally a year and a half. Honestly the most boring shit ever

I like Futaba's palace

I think the main problem with this part of the dungeon is that Atlus intended for people to take breaks from Palace diving and come back to them, not finish them raw in one go, but the other Palaces weren't designed like that and could comfortably be completed in a single sitting unless you got forced out by the story like in Madarame's.

I liked it. Cool aesthetic, nice music. Boss sucked though.

Most of DMC3

The game is flawless. It's literally one of the best games ever made. It's common for people with garbage taste to dislike the game. Don't try to defend yourself by bringing in other non existent people.

Didn't even get there.
Space McDonalds was so fucking boring I still haven't finished the game.

Why would it be cool to reference the Witcher?

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Kamoshida was a fucking high point of the game specifically because the story had you emotionally invested in taking the fucker down because of how much of a petty asshole he was to you and your friends specifically, not to mention sexual abuse being a really big blip on the "fuck this guy" radar

Everyone else save Sae and maybe Shido are trash-tier at getting you invested, it's always "who the fuck is this person and why the fuck should I care"


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>Why doesn't anyone like the palace full of level spiked enemies with no weaknesses that have OHKO moves?

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Lol no. The high point was Akechi and the end.

Only Anubis has no weaknesses but is easily dealt with by using status ailments.

>le pancakes man being high point of anything ever

I don't give a fuck if the point was that you were supposed to see him coming from a million miles away, he's still a shit, rehashed character with a shit arc and highlights the Japanese cultural problem of "this character literally murdered an untold number of people including two of your party members' parents but you can still redeem yourself because you're a pretty boy!!"

If Akechi looked like Mitsuo from P4 he'd get no sympathy. Wish I could've shot him sooner.

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>Reminder that this section takes like an hour to finish (maybe even more on your first try) and there’s so safe rooms unless you wanna backtrack all the way to the beginning, so if you die you have to redo the whole thing.

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before shido and after shido needs to switch places.

put both yaldaboth on midcore.

>big chunks of the game are OK to mediocre
How good is P5 if most of the game feels like a slog according to this?

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You have a severe empathy deficiency if the only way you can give a shit is if the game spends hours beating you over the head with how much the villain has personally wronged "you". The thrust of the story, your team's goals escalating to targeting bigger villains with more impact on society, is not compatible with you having profound personal stake in every event. Why play the game looking for this sort of personal attachment when it's very up front about the phantom thief idea?

cause the witcher is cool you smelly ugly double nigger

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not very just play persona 4 and skip the rest

Now this is epic.

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The experience really depends on how much it clicks with you over all. Which is also why the games reception is so split, if you don't care about the games story, characters and aesthetic that much it'll bore the hell out of you because of its awful pacing

prey can be a verb, too

>trash-tier at getting you invested
reading comprehension
when the point of the story is changing the hearts of the corrupt they decided there needs to be some level of getting you invested with every boss, it's just that most of them fucking suck and are contrived as shit or have people acting like goddamn idiots for the sake of the plot

>Makoto runs into a fucking Yakuza hideout and gets you all blackmailed
>Morgana gets pissy at bants and runs away

This shit is prevalent

well to be fair, Symphonia is the prequel to Phantasia

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was really considering starting ng+ right after my first playthrough but after i did this i just put it off.
sae's palace had moments like this too.

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I'm sorry you take every shitpost on Yea Forums as fact. You must live a sad life.

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Yeah, I seriously hope they figure something out for P6. 3 had the fatigue shit, so it was a lot harder to do in one sitting, but P4 and P5 are the exact same in that it's easy as fuck to do it all at once. I played 4 for the first time right before 5 came out, and I did literally every single dungeon in it and 5 all at once without even trying hard. It seems like a waste of time NOT to, really.

I'm at that part now and just died before saving. Taking a few days break before I start again. Pissed me off so much.

But that was one of the best parts about the game.

>Implying anything besides the accents in that dumb shitpost is wrong
Only thing off in it is the fact that you fight bandits dressed as drowners instead of six normal drowners and a hag.

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not the guy you're arguing with but if this copypasta is one of the funniest on Yea Forums it is specifically because it describes a funny quest you would never see outside of the Witcher universe, and if i hadn't played the game i would want to just from reading this shitpost, you dumb nigger.

Literally everything before Chapter 4 in Mother 3
Who's bright idea is it to make you wait 10 hours before you play as the main character

Lost Izalith is at least easy to run through in 5 minutes, New Londo and Catacombs/Tomb are worse to me.

>The 2 vehicle sections in HL2
They're great though.

What in the fuck? Do you even enjoy games?

I liked Futaba's. Okumura's is definitely shit though.