So is this fad finally dead?
So is this fad finally dead?
So is Nintendo finally dead?
Literally the #1 indie + weeb machine right now.
Not much going on in terms of multiplat AAA but it doesn't need it too much as it's carving it's own self sustained niche at this point.
It's great, unless you hate japanese games and absolutely must play western AAA, in that case you're fucked.
Well, sales are still through the roof, and its in region sales just surpassed the lifetime sales of the PS4 in Japan, so I'd say no. It's most definitely not dead
Hope so, fuck this handheld
i give it +6-7 years of life
rent free
So... literally just repeating what happened with the Vita?
>Gets Switch
>Sees that fortnite runs worse on it than on my phone
>Return it and stay on PS4
Except no? Switch is a huge success, Vita flopped HARD
It's unironically the Vita, but not dead and selling more than the Vita ever did.
It's the Vita but more indies, plus first party Nintendo games.
>returns a console because it runs a shitty meme game worse than another console
Ok 12 year old.
It's already tripled the Vita's lifetime sales.
>Literally the #1 indie + weeb machine right now.
indie: maybe.
weeb: not even close to reality.
>It's great, unless you hate japanese games
i almost exclusively play japanese games. the switch barely has anything that isn't better on another platform.
Vita dreamed to be 1/2 the success of the switch
Are the jap Vita devs shifting to Switch? Are those weeb games selling as well as on Vita? I don't own a Switch, so I have no clue.
Nintendo literally got Underage panty quest as an exclusive
They don’t give a fuck anymore
For some reason Indie/Weeb games sell much better on Switch than other platforms.
Most of them have jumped shipped to switch
Literally everything except a hand full of Sony exclusives like uncharted or P4G are now on switch
Yes, that's why it's been outselling the competition globally month after month for a while now and continues to do so. Because it's dead.
no they don't.
It's been a gradual shift so far, but some are, yeah. For instance the Atelier series went from selling better on Vita than Switch (Lydie & Suelle), to the opposite (Nelke), to having now dropped the Vita version with the Switch one selling as much as what the Switch and Vita versions of the previous games did combined (Lulua). Others who have been moving to Switch from Vita include NIS (Disgaea and pretty much all their other games), Idea Factory (Neptunia, Moero Chronicle), Sega (Valkyria) and so on. Keep in mind there are usually also PS4 versions so dropping the Vita version for a Switch one doesn't mean not putting games out on Sony platforms entirely.
>ANOTHER weeb game not coming to PS4 and only to Switch
>Compile Heart JRPG
So... Sony makes a handheld that ends up having a niche market for japanese games and it flops hard, but when Nintendo does the same thing it sells like hotcakes?
Not the only one:
The Switch also has the massive market for Nintendo's first-party games on top of that, it's not just for niche weeb games.
>#1 weeb machine
Oh so I can plays Trails of Cold Steel series, Persona 5, Sakura Wars, Ni No Kuni 2, Digimon RPGs, tales of Berseria, Real Final Fantasy 15, Takes of Zestiria, the .hack games, sword art online games, Star Ocean, Every Kingdom Hearts, Odin Sphere, Blue Reflection, Tokyo Xanadu Ex+, Valkyria Chronicles Remastered, Final Fantasy Type 0-HD, Arc the Lad, Rogue Galaxy, Dark Cloud 2, The Last Remnant Remastered and more on Switch?
Truly the weeb console
The difference is that Nintendo doesn't fucking ignore the switch
The vita's last first party AAA was released two years after the console launch and then support suddenly stopped to focus on the ps4
I'm so glad I bought a refurbished N3dsXL over this shit lmao. Maybe it will be worth buying once it gets some actual games that aren't wii u ports.
>kingdom hearts 3: not on switch
>devil may cry 5: not on switch
>sekiro: not on switch
>death end re;quest: not on switch
>persona 5 royal: not coming to switch
>judgment: not coming to switch
>shenmue 3: not coming to switch
>project sakura wars: not coming to switch
>trails of cold steel iii: not coming to switch
all of these are either on ps4 or coming to ps4, btw.
>sword art online games
>Valkyria Chronicles Remastered
Yes, you can. At least cherry-pick accurately.
Should I sell it and get a ps4 pro or just wait it out until the ps5
Time to switch for a better console, like the Xbox.
>good, that game is autistic like all autism hearts games. whoever plays those should automatically be put in a mental asylum
>on my PC
>on my PC
>wait for e3 kiddo heh
>garbage that only idiots care about, was never good
>wow a dating game
>fair enough
so 1 game
>not dead
>First week sales only
Sure user
The Vita was fucking garbage and wasn't innovative.
Yeah, for a few reasons.
>It has Nintendo games, and is actually supported by Nintendo
>Zelda was a big deal at launch and created momentum
>The marketing pushes how its a hybrid, and that's novel to normies
>It has the handheld market completely to itself, and Japs don't care about consoles anymore
That's most of it.
I want a switch and I almost got one but I've been holding out because of the flip flopping rumors about a stronger version coming out.
I'm holding out for the next hardware version at this point.
Neither is the Switch
Nintendo literally just said there's nothing new to announce regarding other switch models at e3
so I wouldn't wait for it
And even if they made one it would just be a handheld-only switch mini
>weebs already own a PS4 and the PS4 version so the Switch version doesn't sell as much
wow who could have guessed
With Astral Chain, Fire Emblem, Pokemon, Luigi’s Mansion, Animal Crossing, Mario Maker, and two 2D Zelda games all coming out before the end of the year plus any additional Holiday season 2019 surprise releases Nintendo will announce at E3, I’d say the Switch is just getting started.
i bet you are from afghanistan
Yes? What's your point?
Bros, i'm gonna be honest with you.
I used to be exactly like you.
I used to only own Sony hardware because it meant weeb games, and i still own a PS4.
But these days Sony has lost their way.
Moving fowards, the Switch is basically taking over.
Nintendo, in general, is supporting the shit Sony isn't willing to support anymore.
You can fight it and tell yourselves this isn't happening because you just aren't used to the way Nintendo does things and the idea of Nintendo slowly taking over the weeb market seems weird and alien to you, but it's definitely happening.
Sony doesn't want you anymore.
You'll come around.
It's inevitable.
>Octopath already coming to PC
>Bayo2 and 3 will too in the near future
>NMH on pc
>first party games can be emulated and are perfectly playable
>tfw by 2020 you'll have no reason at all to buy a Switch
>2 2D Zelda games
Do you mean that indie sequel?
when will they learn
keep moving those goalposts. your personal opinion of the games doesn't matter. how many other platforms they're on are irrelevant. the fact remains that there are tons of weeb games that are coming to ps4 and skipping the switch.
>Bayo2 and 3 will too in the near future
Found you
A third party developed 2D Zelda is still a 2D Zelda.
sony bad
forgot the pic
Then explain why it's selling a fuck ton more without saying "because nintendtoddlers eat up any shit they make". Because the Wii U proved that's bullshit.
Rent free
this but metaphorically
Nintendo's party trick will be dead by next gen. Sony already has the monopoly with general consumers. People are going to see that the PS5 can run games like fortnite and fifa in 4K 60fps and they won't give a rats ass about the Switch.
Hackers couldn't even hack it properly.
You can't play pirated games online.
Remember when people here laughed about paperclip hack?
>Using Alita to shitpost
Sick fuck
Why do Sonybros hate the Switch so much?
Its the Vita’s spiritual successor.
I own a Switch as well as PS4 but saying the Switch is the place for weeb games is a straight up lie at least at this moment in time
It was certainly a funny "hack" to mention, but it ended up not having many real uses.
I remember that Twitter feed (and it was glorious)
>inB4 never owned a Wii U
PS5 is going to be the PS3 2.0, Sony is getting too uppity again
They hate the Switch because it's uncensored and about just having fun in video games
Sony guys want everything to be pro SJW censored feminist agenda pushing cinematic experiences with as little gameplay as possible
you bought a switch to play fortnite?
People don’t hate the Switch. They hate the cult that has formed around the Switch and shills it to the point of annoyance.
You can inb4 all you want but the fact remains that nintodlers eat whatever nintendo shits out. the same goes for sony btw
>Nintendo, in general, is supporting the shit Sony isn't willing to support anymore
proof? a few shitty VNs only in japan, and a shitty cell shaded minigame featuring PARTIAL nudity. Wow, sounds like a you problem more than anything.
it takes a while for people to accept change. Think about it, most of them were kids when PS2 came out, they grew up with it. That's powerful, that's a brand you've trusted your entire life. It'll take a couple generations for that truth to settle in.
>buys a switch for Fartnite
>Why do Sonybros hate the Switch so much?
Because Yea Forums hates Sony immensely.
Yea Forums is mostly nintendo centric.
So Sony fans on Yea Forums hate anything Nintendo related.
Honestly Sony fans that are pissed off at sony for censoring so much should just look over these petty differences and understand Nintendo is their future.
Yes, Nintendo fans on Yea Forums are insufferagle smug cunts that love to punch someone while they're down, but if you can look past that and ONLY focus on what Nintendo is offering them right now, they'd see that it really is the only company left that can give them what they need in the future.
Even the fucking Xbone has more Jap games than Switch.
Cadence looks great, but I wouldn't count it as a 2D Zelda. It's crypt of the necrodancer featuring Zelda.
>"Nintendo's gonna die any day now!
>".....Aaaaaaanyday now."
Dude we've done this song and dance for years now and you know damn well nothing is gonna happen and nothing will change with Nintendo.
>weeb console
>best weeb game is a ps4 exclusive
Why did Nintenlards hate Vita so much then? Switch is Vita without the d-pad, OLED and games are way more overpriced.
sause on gif
Nintendo will never die. However their markets are dying. They already abandoned consoles. They're desperate to get into mobile since that's where all the casuals are. Nintendo thrives where the casuals are.
I want to buy a Switch just to play BoTW. Is it the right thing to do?
No. Emulate it on PC at 60 fps instead. All for free.
>They hate the Switch because it's uncensored
>all that tard rage
>wanting to abuse an animal because a game didn't come out on your favorite toy
Is this the worst consumer base ever? Aside from literal children, who is worse?
Did they? I thought they just ignored it just like Sony fans.
Switch is great, but never (ever) buy a console for one game.
My PC is fucking garbage, that's the problem. I can't even emulate Wind Waker so I'm stuck playing OoT and MM forever
Nintenlards actually argued that 3DS was better than Vita.
I went with the Switch afraid because I thought PS4 would be the weeb machine. Glad that I was wrong. In the end Sony is censoring all their weeb games and the Switch is thriving.
Then upgrade your PC, retard. You spend $400 just to play BoTW, just get a new GPU and CPU with that money.
That's just apples and oranges, pretty meaningless comparison.
im not poor, i have a ps4, a switch and a PC. Feels great not having to pretend i hate something i cant afford
No, it's the definitive form-factor for a videogame console. The only thing it's lacking is sheer power, which can be easily solved with multiple iterations up until eGPUs can be feasible on dock
>Switch is thriving
It doesn't even have the Jap games fucking Xbone gets. It's dead last in the "weeb" race.
>b-but muh visual novels
I hope you unironically kill yourself for considering those to be legitimate games.
What sort of colossal faggot gets a switch to play fortnite
>What sort of colossal faggot gets a switch
The ones ITT
Don't be so rude, user. I'd rather spend 400$ then spend 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000$ on a PC for it just to become obsolete 2 years later
Does it still hurt, Nintenbros? All that money spent on DLC for nothing.
Why even ironically support Sony anymore. There new policies are going to ruin the PS5.
Power Gaps:
Enjoy your third party multiplats now tendies
Yikes, she should put on some pants
These are nice PC games in your picture.
>it's dead last in the race if you don't consider the games it has!!
rent free
You know Sony fans are crazy when they unironically STILL defend Sony despite them censoring shit harder than the pope himself.
Will there be anime tiddys over there
sony won't let me play with them any longer
In their defense, Sony rarely ever puts out any games worth talking about. God of War, even when it got GOTY, wasn't talked about past the shitposting. It was just there and it felt like it wasn't interesting enough to be talked about. Much like TLOU2. Yea Forums cannot get into games with realism because they're fucking generic, predictable, and bland. The only reason games like that are ever brought up at all is for corporate shitposting. No one here has ever shown visible interest in games about protagonists talking about war and ptsd and all that shit. You know the reason Solid Snake was a beloved character? Beyond just the war talk he at least had some personality, same goes for Raiden. Westerners cannot DO that magic and it just falls flat.
reminder that nintendo didn't release the new 3ds until they reached market saturation with the first one
same with the ds lite
switch is about 20 million units premature for a major revision
>t-those games don't count
How does it feel that the fucking Xbone has more Jap support than your McDonald's bing bing tablet? Jap devs literally put more effort into the American Xbox console than Nintendo these days. It hurts, doesn't it?
>These are nice PC games in your picture.
last i checked, pc isn't a synonym for switch. if the switch was a weeb machine, you wouldn't have to ride pc's coattails for all the games that it's missing out on. the ps4 doesn't have that problem.
>more bing bing toddler shit
When will nintenfats grow up?
Don't you retards have a Crash racing game coming up?
God of War is better than any Nintendo game of this gen. Deal with it.
3ds sold over 5x the amount of systems over vita
>s-sales dont matter
literally the only thing sonyfaggots do is talk about sales because they have NO GAMES (besides BB)
Did you even fucking play it?
>Sony fans pretending like they don't eat up shit like danganronpa for breakgast, lunch and dinner
You guys talked about that game nonestop when it first released. Hell there are still threads about it. This is just massive cope and gaslighting. At least own your identity.
I'm a Sony fan and God of War is fucking garbage. God of War has always been garbage as a series
>a board of Nintendo fanboys didnt discuss GoW beyond shitposting
Truly enlightening
oh nonononono
See my point? Nintenlards loved the 3DS but are now loving Switch despite the latter ignoring all the cancers of 3DS and mimicking Vita instead. Although they still failed at it since it doesn't have a real d-pad or an OLED or affordable games or free online.
Imagine giving Sony money
Yet you can only nominate PC games.
Do you know what "weeb machine" means? No one is talking about Sekiro, Ace Combat or other PC games. We're talking about animeshit.
>ride pc's coattails
Imagine unironically typing this. I am not even an idort, I simply have a computer (like everyone else in the world) that I use to play these releases. My Switch plays exclusives and weebshit.
I'm a Nintendo fan and Nintendo's games this gen have sucked ass and their fanboys should stop suck Nintendo's dick every minute of the day.
LOL this is so true
So is this fad finally dead?
This shit is not video games
My PC also plays BoTW. Also at 60 fps.
>Nintendo will be dead by next gen
Said every gen for the past decade and a half, and yet they're still kicking
Even the rabbids game is better than nugow
PS5 is gonna be a VR machine.
BoTW is shit but enjoy it I guess.
What the fuck are you talking about you schizo cocksucker?
Stick to VNs. Meanwhile PS4/Xbone/PC gets all the REAL Japanese games. Not the budget VN shit.
When have Sony posters talked about it past the goldenjak shitposting? Name one time. Go on. Because IMO GOW threads are fucking rare these days.
What about Breath of the Wild though?
>My Switch plays exclusives
you know what else plays nintendo's "exclusives"? cemu, citra and yuzu.
It doesn't matter how much you fight it.
This is your future.
Slow, but inevitable.
This is going to be in your home.
You, yes you, the diehard pantsu sniffing sony fan.
And you, the cheeto covered PC enthusiast.
And even you, ethereal ghost of what used to be the xchad.
All of you will eventually give in and get one of these.
Every single one of you.
>babby XCom for toddlers
Why do Nintenlards suck the dick of anything labelled exclusively on Switch?
that will be $100
Generic Ubishit clone with no level design. Fuck it.
It's the vita, but with Nintendo games
>sells less than PS4 in Fiscal Year 2018
Imagine losing to a 6 year old console despite having Smash and Pokemon to boost sales.
I love that game on Switch!
It's an alternate timeline Vita that isn't dying but instead is a success.
that'll be $70 for a switch pro controller, $30 for a lan adapter to make online play less miserable, and $20/year for the shittiest online service ever created.
>Still posting this after the censor got patched out
Lmao seething nintenkid
What can you even emulate from the Switch so far? BotW with acceptable quality and Super Mario Odyssey with shit quality? Two games, and one of these two is a Wii U game too. Try playing Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Splatoon 2, Smash, anything really.
You must be a tourist or 2016 election fag if you don't know what I'm talking about. Please just go back to whatever shitpile you wormed your way out of. hurts...
If anything, PS3 is still superior to Switch when it comes to weeb games
>not being mad at them for even trying to do it
They're testing the waters, it's going to get worse.
>What can you even emulate from the Switch so far? BotW with acceptable quality and Super Mario Odyssey with shit quality?
what can you play on the switch so far? botw with shit quality and mario odyssey with shit quality?
>Takes of Zestiria
I can tell you don’t actually play Japanese games since no one would use this as a plus.
>I-I-It got patched.
I said this before. That's like shooting someone in the leg and taking the bullet out. You're still gonna look like a shithead for simply doing it.
>rent free
Keep squabbling over your children's toys
Meanwhile the Nintendo cocksucker pays for online, pays for an actual controller, pays $60 for 2012 Wii U games and then brags about it online.
It doesn't matter how sony censors their games or changes their policies, as long as Sony has the monopoly on the general consumer, people will still eat their consoles and games up. You saw how mediocre GoW and Spiderman were, yet GoW still won GOTY and both of them sold like hotcakes. Sony are masterminds when it comes to marketing their games and their regime will last for decades to come!
PC + Nintendo has been the best combination for the past four gens
The only reason western normalfags go with Sony and Microsoft is because they are too dumb to know how to use their computer for games
I have been saying that in this website ever since 2008 and 11 years later I am still saying the same: PC + Nintendo will always be the best experience
The controllers are overpriced, but the LAN adapter is completely unnecessary. It works perfectly fine over my WiFi. I just don’t have third world internet.
>dont need the pro controller
> lan adapter is $8, not needed
>$20 a year vs $60 a year and has been compromised numerous times
>Two games, and one of these two is a Wii U game too.
Sounds like the Switch library to me kek
YYou still haven't recovered getting BTFO by Kratos
>pays for online
PS4 online is also not free you know
>I enjoy seeing big corporations make money.
and here's what it looks like on the switch.
We're comparing Vita to Switch, faggot. Keep up.
>this reply
Soiboy is having a meltdown
You're confusing the Switch with the PS4 if you think it only has 2 good exclusives. The post you replied to literally mentioned three others even
He mentioned a trash JRPG and two party toddler games.
Sony + Nintendo + Low/middle end PC for indie games is the best option though. Otherwise you’d miss out on stuff like Bloodborne and Persona.
It's actually 3x more expensive
>replying to a post that mentions three other Switch exclusives of good quality
>still makes this post
rent free
Both are garbage
>b-but muh emulation
Doesn't count, Vita doesn't have games
Nintendo would kill you and your family for that zoomer audience.
Why did Sony censor it to begin with?
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
>trash JRPG
It's literally one of the best JRPGs released so far, and most who play it hold it as the definite best
>Smash and Splatoon
>party toddler games
You're either jaded or you didn't play them
Probably both, but I'm giving you the benefit of doubt and assuming you just didn't play them
Skyrim is Western AAA. All it needs is Oblivion, Morrowind and Fall Out and I wouldn’t mind looking like a manchild and playing it in public. Of course I’ll have to try and hide first, that shit is embarrassing, poor Nintendo, sois ruined it
>dont need the pro controller
good luck playing smash with the joycons. enjoy your analog stick drift and no d-pad.
>lan adapter is $8, not needed
>$20 a year vs $60 a year and has been compromised numerous times
$20/year for a system with no built-in voice chat, none of the discounts they promised, still using friend codes in 2019, and more features gated behind the paywall than sony or microsoft.
>It's literally one of the best JRPGs released so far
Oh boy
No games. Yes very dead.
And you run the risk of getting your credit card data stolen
>b-b-but just get a new one!
Oh yeah, that's real fun, getting a new one and having to go change the credit info for all the direct deposits set up. Sounds like fun.
They really should've given you Persona 5. This Xenoblade 2 cockriding is getting embarrassing.
>It's literally one of the best JRPGs released so far
Imagine making fun of graphics of a mobile game
>18 months later
>XB2 is still living rent free
How the FUCK did they do it?
is that handheld mode
A Bluetooth adapter is $15 that lets you use any Bluetooth controller you have laying around. Like 360, PS3, PS4, Wii u pro.
name one good vita online game, ill wait. actually name one good vita game
>inb4 pg4
the only game on the console just like BB is the only game on ps4
>Hori shit
try harder, pic related
>defeat the Noog
Yeah, if only we did that IRL the Japanese would make good games. This is punishment thanks to these fucking zoomer creaturas
>some retard calls it one of the best jrpgs ever made
>2-3 people reply to him
>>XB2 is still living rent free
it's not like the "gameplay" is any better at 22fps.
>buying a switch to play fortnite
>name one good vita online game
Killzone Mercenaries you faggot.
>actually name one good vita game
I can actually. Gravity Rush but it got ported to PS4
>sonyfags actually using emulation as an argument when they can only run two games
Have fun emulating Astral Chain, Rune Factory 5, or the next Fire Emblem, Pokémon, Bayonetta 3, Link's Awakening and others
>inb4 these are all shit!
Imagine thinking Astral Chain, Rune Factory and Bayonetta are shit
Nintendies think they're immortal to the death of the handheld. If anyone is so autistic that they must play games outside, they use their fucking phone. There is no niche for these ugly tablets.
When is 'Murica gonna make good games again?
It's been years
wow nice games that aren't even out yet and might turn out as trash as Travis Strikes Again.
Can't wait!
This is literally a mobile game, who gives a fuck. Switch is a gaming tablet
Your card number doesn't matter for direct deposits dipshit, what are you 15?
It's an edit
post the seething Bayo2 pic
>Fire Emblem Three Houses
PlatinumGames never failed to deliver
If you're going to shit on Platinum's games just to get to shit on the Switch then you jaded yourself just to have some extra ammo in the console war
i thought it was one of the greatest jrpgs? now we have to lower our standards it's just a mobile game?
only games you listed that qualified as weeb games were death end, Sakura and ToCS3. Japanese does not always equal weeb
I don't understand why you fucking morons have this obsession with corporate shitposting as if there's some sort of reward aside from looking retarded.
These companies do not fucking care about you. They just want your money and do not care what you want. They can fuck you over in anyway and if you want to justify their actions, use legitimate good reasons. Don't be bootlicking sheep with the IQ of the child with special needs who feel the need to be like the rich kid in high school who feels above everyone else. Epic? Steam? Nintendo? Sony? Microsoft? Google? They see you as literal walking wallets and would trade your grandma's fucking grave for a suitcase of money in a heartbeat. This pissing contest has gone on for decades to the point that retards may feel like there is something to prove from all of this. And it's just pathetic.
I really enjoyed Nier Automata exclusively not on Nintendo. But they also make shovelware, don't kid yourself.
When the noogen have been auschwitzed
>Fire Emblem Three Houses
>It's bad because we saw a few shitty looking animations!
Wait for the game to come out, sperg
Name them weeb games on Xbox
>Bayonetta is shovelware
>Astral Chain will be shovelware
This is so sad I am beginning to think they should just give you these games so you can undergoing mental gymnastics that will only jade you
I admitted Bloodborne was a good game, why don't you have the same decency? It's healthy.
Since Xbone is so similar to PS4, they also get the high-profile Jap games by default.
Those games aren't out you faggot. We don't know if Bayo3 or Astral Chain will be good. Calm the fuck down you massive fanboy faggot. I'm not buying a Nintendo tablet for games not even out yet.
XBC2 is trash, only waifufags "like" it
I hope it does so I never have to spend more then £25 on a video game. PC sales are a life saver
First console I've purchased since the Xbox 360. It's great, but probably not worth it if you usually play video games by yourself.
You can't make this shit up.
>he only knows PlatinumGames from Nier Automata, their worst game
underagers need to be purged
never ever
>Thinking made by a Japanese Developer makes it a weeb game
>all these tendies in this thread
We'll see who laughs when Sony announces another batch of new GOTY-worthy exclusives at e3
>Resident Evil
>Ace Combat
Those are not weeb games, even Kingdom Hearts is only half weeb
Yes, that's one of the things I was referring to, you absolute genius
What's the best PlatinumGames game?
....Do you mean next year?
>at E3
Uhhhhh user
>PlatinumGames never failed to deliver
they literally failed to deliver scalebound. and star fox zero, tmnt mutants in manhattan, and legend of korra were all garbage.
>they would trade your grandma's fucking grave for a suitcase of money in a heartbeat
no they wouldn't, corporation ethics are a big thing nowadays
I can pop down the road and buy an SD card for my Switch
Couldnt do that for the Vita
>I only play budget VN trash for pro gamers such as myself
Honestly this is probably just the end result of Nintendo dominating handheld shit and doing its own thing. Especially with the 3DS at death’s door.
I personally love both my Switch and PS4, they compliment each other well, but Sony is being kinda weird so I’m skeptical about PS5, but both’ll have their strengths and weaknesses.
Fanboyism and console wars are for faggots and retards anyway.
You're right. Those are Japanese games in their best form. Only subhumans play anime weebshit with no gameplay or production values.
Those are weeb games user, the prime definition.
Playing nothing but AAA trash does not make you a weeb
That you can play on PC?
I'd say Metal Gear Rising.
>I personally love both my Switch and PS4
I am not shitposting moron, it's just sad the Switch will become obsolete because of an bad mid-gen release decision. Imagine if Nintendo kept supporting WiiU and only unveiled the Nintendo Switch this year, with bc, 1080p native, and on the evening of the new next-gens. It would be a blast.
>I am true weeb
>*only plays AAA shit marketed to Americans*
poser is more like it
Neptunia is also on PC, user.
Why would you pose as a weeb?
You'd still be complaining
>Only doing 1080p when 8k consoles are coming next year kekekeke
That's what you'd be saying.
Why is Bethesda so cucked?
I am actually playing Fortnite right now because Endgame changes the game a lot and the powers are fun, uninstalling after the event ends.
>Implying it'll be real 8k
But the portability of the Switch makes all the differencet. A 1080p hybrid console by the price of $ 299 is a must.
Cope, Snoyger. You’ve literally only had one 97 in your company’s history. Even Valve has more
>unironically taking pride in playing Jap kusoge instead of their top games made by their top devs
So this is the power of Switchfags....
Did this bug get patched?
>Replied to an user asking to be shown Weeb games on Xbox
>Shows non Weeb games made by Japanese Devs
>Shown to be retarded, starts shit slingling to detract from his retardation.
Accept when you're called out as a retard with grace user
Nintendo's games mostly run at 1080p/60fps. Few exceptions.
>o-only kusoge VNs for incels count
Get some taste, you absolute shiteater
Upscaled, and with heavy framerate drops. Few exceptions my ass.
Most of these scores are incorrect and what do old Nintendo games have to do with Switch?
Go on GameRankings, all of the games that scored 95 or higher have a 97 Metascore. Metacritic doesn’t even count all of the reviews for all of the older games
>top games made by their top devs
Yea and those top devs also almost always add DLC and microtransactions fucking over the experience
Im not a good goy like you
>only kusoge VNs for incels count
Never mentioned VNs once, just pointed out that Resident Evil 2 and Ace combat and even Kingdom Hearts aren't weebshit. You're the one who went to games for an "absolute shiteater"
What does that even mean? Code Veronica on DC doesn't have a Metascore at all
Keep eat literal shit then. Whatever floats your boat nigger.
I’m saying that Metacritic didn’t become accurate until the 7th Gen. Most retro games weren’t even listed at all, so you have to go on GameRankings to find the actual rating
>where the fuck is metal gear solid 3?
>look it up
>91 metacritic
my mind is fucknig blown
how can normalfags have such shit taste
>Yea and those top devs also almost always add DLC and microtransactions fucking over the experience
Yeah because Nintendo doesn't do this shit.
Oh fucking retard
isn't smash the only game that achieves this?
Oh ok. Lots of N64 and PS1 have a Metascore though
Mario Kart 8, Super Mario Odyssey, most of them.
Only when docked, of course.
Give it a year with Sony's new policies and these numbers will swap places.
>dlc is awful, it ruins the experience!
>now if you'll excuse me, i have to post five more threads speculating who the next smash dlc character will be.
Some people do play it outside user.
Who mentioned Nintendo? They count as AAA most of the time too
>Yea Forums is one person
Trails in the Sky OVA. Not at all a substitute for the games, but good for a watch if you've played the games.
Yeah but you still have to double check how many reviews were counted on Metacritic in contrast to how many times they were actually reviewed. Otherwise some games will score lower or higher than they should be. It’s like if they stopped counting BOTW’s reviews before those 3 low scores were published
it fits!
Why do games like this exist? I've been watching anime for the entirety of my life and I still don't understand
I wish, its the biggest piece of shit meme console ive ever owned. I havent used it outside the dark souls port in months
>This is why we need to hang the mentally ill
tails in the sky estelle bright