So what's your preferred order?
Dragon Age Origins
Depends on the character but typically
Mage Tower (get the fade out of the way)
Orzammar (get Oghren)
Brecillian Forest.
I like to do Redcliff late so that Alistairs reveal has more weight to it/easier to miss it entirely.
my preferred order is not playing this garbage game.
Orzammar is canonically last
My two last playthroughs went something like this
Mages tower (end up templar but keep wynn)
Redcliff +haven (whoops no more mages can't use lyrium let's kill Connor's mom)
Quest around denerim as much as possible
Orzammar that soon? Art thou mad?
>the turn based combat it too hard for meeeeee
>why is it not like the best game evr made, Skyrim?
DA Origins is the only good Bioware game but still shit overall
Mage Tower for those early stat boosts and because I genuinely like it and the fade.
Redcliffe afterwards because it's fun to make the first enchanter your bitch and make him take care of the demon.
Then it's whatever. I do Orzammar last because it's boring.
I like to use Oghren and unless I'm playing Nightmare its usually not too hard to play out of order. Though fuck that group of mercs you face immediately.
my preferred order is hitting esc, clicking quit, and then going into steam and rightclicking 'uninstall'.
>I genuinely like it and the fade.
>and the fade
Mage towe + Redcliffe/Haven
Elf forest
It's true. I never understood the hate for it. You get a bunch of free stat boosts and it's a nice change of pace to keep the mage tower from becoming a slog, plus you get some fun unique dialogue for whichever party members you bring along with you.
apparently it was too hard for you too. dumb fucking bioware shit eater
I divide the game into two sections. I either do Mage Tower or Redcliffe first, because while Redcliffe is more mundane Mage Tower provides a lot of context that seems superfluous if you've already stopped a demon and the events of the Ruined Temple help contextualize the social order that produced the Mage Tower in the first place. Next I do either Brecillian or Orzammar because they escalate the fantastical elements. On the one hand Brecillian involves a lot more disparate magical elements, but on the other Orzammar is more relevant to the Darkspawn in the climax of the game. I save Denerim for last because it's the most relevant to the climax.
>getting this upset
Dude, just close the window.
The issue is, at least for me that it bottlenecks any choices in the game.
You don't have any companions, you spend a lot of time in the forms that always play that way.
It's one of the sections that doesn't really change between playthroughs. After having done 14 or so playthroughs, Its pretty frustrating to have a section with so little variety.
the difficulty spikes in DA:O are fucking garbage not matter what order you tackle the major zones in
>bandit ambushes become harder than most major encounters
DA:O is breddy cool. Kind of ugly for the time but still had some good ideas as far as visual designs went. Some of the cnaracters are pretty shit but Morrigan wins everytime. I haven't played it in a long time, can someone remind me what is where in terms of the major areas? I don't have a clue about the Brecillian Forest. Also, as other people mentioned, the game scaled "random" encounters way too hard. The end game bandits/darkspawm/etc. that you'd meet on the road could forcibly fist fuck you if you were leveled high enough.
>dragon age
>turn based