it makes me angry knowing that there are people out there who legitimately think stardew valley is better than any of the top-tier harvest moon games.
It makes me angry knowing that there are people out there who legitimately think stardew valley is better than any of...
The genre is so starved we shouldn't even bother comparing them. Harvest moon, stardew valley and Rune factory are all enjoyable in their respective ways.
>we shouldnt compare our food with africa since they got none
>grrr people like game
The only thing that drives me up the wall is the lack of farming equipment.
I don't want farming simulator tier autism but who the fuck would use a hoe for commercial farming when they have a horse.
Real men don't play this shit
Okay lads, i have only played Stardew valley and i loved it, which harvest moon is the best and why?
SDV has a mod for a tractor, IIRC.
Horses can't use a hoe tho
Harvest Moon 64, gives the 90’s mystical vibe
One thing I miss from the SNES Harvest Moon is being able to stay up however long you want. There's also no music late at night, so it just feels eerie wandering around town, the woods, and the farm.
same, fuck stardew valley
Back to Nature for the PS1 or the gba remake, both are good, 64 is shit and only people who didn't have a PS1 like it
Get out of here /pol/ your drunk!
Magical Melody for the last HM that was made with love, chibi art and good music however actions take slightly longer than most games which can get in the way of having fun
Friends of Mineral Town for the best sprite version of the game, it's good and a perfect game for those who want to try the franchise
A Wonderful Life for the best atmosphere and setting, however this game was not "complete" and has a deluxe edition that adds a lot more including marrying best girl but it's a lagging slow piece of shit
Animal Parade, 64, and DS are my personal favorites.
The Story of Seasons 3ds games are good from what I heard, but I could never get into it.
There's also Friends of Mineral Town, which is a port of Back to Nature on the GBA.
Rune Factory is better than both of them.
How do I fuck Hayley bros
Yeah, real men play dark games, with a wicked sense of humor, like PoP: Warrior Within.
>deluxe edition that adds a lot more including marrying best girl but it's a lagging slow piece of shit
I saw that on the PSN golden week sale. Does it still have lag issues on PS4?
give that bitch sunflowers and and gemstones twice a wear. Encourage her bullshit. And bam! you're in taco town.
Star Dew Valley is a better game though.
you don't, she's my wife
Magical Melody would be my favorite HM if not for most characters waddling around as though they have a diaper full of shit.
I never understood how they managed to make the npc's in Stardew Valley so goddamn plain and unlikeable. What the fuck did Harvest Moon do that Stardew Valley didn't?
>Does it still have lag issues on PS4?
sorry can't help you with that, just DON'T get it on the PS2
They are not exactly wrong. The games from ds era till now were fucking mistake.
there's never any time to do anything
OP is a retard. Stardew Valley basically emulated and improved on the formula. You aren't going to find a better version.
There is something wrong with Stardew Valley but I can't put my finger on what
I tried playing Stardew and I really didn't get what all the fuss was about, it felt like a shit version of Rune Factory. It really seems like the people who praise it just haven't played that series
for me it's the small things, like all the towns wives gathering to gossip at the plaza at midday in the Mineral Town games
Bad attempt for the dev to take trips to hawaii and america in the name of research: the game
I felt like the dialogue started repeating way too quickly. Like I started to get repeat lines everyday from some NPCs in the first few hours.
That's every Chucklefish game ever.
They are always genres I absolutely love. Starbound is a Terraria game, Stardew Valley is a Harvest Moon, Wargroove is a turn based strategy game, and so on.
But there is something very wrong on all of them that make them all unenjoyable for me. No idea what.
Rune Factory 4
fixed that for you user
all they needed to do was google stuff. The three towns are barely fleshed out that well.
Vague is more like it but I still play while listening to podcasts and stuff.
>Not modding out the niggers
They were actually going to those place according to the interview, multiple times even
did not know that. I bought it on a whim. Just in my first year and its winter.
Its a nice time waster.