Attached: paid mods.png (640x424, 392K)

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people will defend this because its steam

people kept shitting on it so much until it got removed

fucking newfags

That Valve removed it just a couple days after the backlash?
Yeah, best not forget that, because Epic is not going to stop being anti-consumer anytime soon.

Remember when PC gamers didn't take shit from anyone? Why are they such pushovers nowadays?

Attached: 1552778892726.jpg (1024x917, 46K)

They removed it sure, but they keep saying they'll revisit it.

Just because Valve removed it doesn't mean they should ever be forgiven for it.

A lot of estrogene in their diet of Doritos and mountain dews

Population induction of commonfolk.
They didn't take shit back then because they were a niche group with standards.
Now, the PC gaming community includes every man, woman, child, and octopus with a computer, including a wide range of highly-influential "sheeple."

Pretty sure they already did with Fallout 4

no, when was that?

This was four years ago, and since then they've done nothing with the concept while ToddCo shat out Creation Club two years ago. Steam a shit for many reasons but this was very clearly instigated by Bethesda.

>Remember when PC gamers didn't take shit from anyone?
No I don't

>paying for mods
>paying for mods

PC gaming have long been thought of as an enthusiast hobby when that really isn't the case anymore. Any dumbass kid with a few bucks to spend can build-a-bear his own PC. Windows is easy. Steam is easy. PC gaming is as popular accessible as ever. The community is now no different from the general gaming populace.

They was Bethesda, not Valve.

>pirates your game

meanwhile, in consolenigger land
>that'll be 59.99 plus membership fee

>valve removes it, takes the blame
>almost instantly, bethesda goes and makes their own paid mod service
>people (from china likely) still blame valve

Consoletard immigrants being made comfortable with easy to use services like Steam.

gabe fled to reddit and memed it up with his "ohohoho silly us seem to have made a bit of a commotion here, golly" and people ate it up

It's because Bethesda is expected to be evil and greedy. Valve going all-in on paid mods is nothing but a heinous betrayal.

>Remember this like it was yesterday
>It's been 4 years

Attached: 1512394510771.jpg (400x288, 26K)

Bethesda did the same shit anyway without Valve.

Attached: 1461196326142.jpg (309x308, 33K)

bethesda gives nothing and people expect nothing
valve gave us a huge official modding scene for tons of games and then poisoned the shit out of it for a while, leaving us with the grim expectation it will happen again once the generations have shifted enough

they tried to introduce paid mods on a game that had a half decade to develop a robust existing mod scene

what the FUCK were they thinking and i hope every modder that played along and defended paid mods got blacklisted by their peers

>doesn't know how to pirate games on console

It's just PR from the head honcho who's more of a public figure than anyone else in Valve. They clearly took the blame for the fuck up in just a few days, so why does it take people years to stop being salty.

Fuck off, dog eater

Its hard for the consumers to voice their opinions when most decisions are steered by how much money a person can make. Epic isnt relenting despite the extreme amounts of backlash they are getting for paid exclusivity so clearly it doesnt work anymore.

>Gabe says this
>valve drones still defend valve

Attached: Gabe_Newell_reddit.png (609x359, 37K)

It's not salty to point out that Valve has sinned and that they will never recover from that fiasco.

Its okay to say that because its Gaben and we all know hes always the best

Given that everything was back to normal a week later and that's the fiasco was never heard of again (except on Yea Forums), I think they recovered just right.

LITERALLY nothing wrong with it

he's not wrong

Actually everyone shit on him for this, but I guess the Chinese are no strangers to revisionist history.

>successful businessman states hard truths about the world
>a bunch of basement dwelling redditor manchildren REE at him
>people with actual brains recognize and understand what he says
that was pretty funny

>show the reason people do
Calm down valve drone, gabe isn't your friend

>Steam paid mods was 4 years ago

What the fuck.

Attached: 1410176733717.png (314x316, 67K)

>I can't believe people defended this
>they didn't
Do you have brain damage?

Attached: 1555278055795.jpg (1280x720, 155K)

what the fuck it wasn't 4 years ago
it was like 1 or 2 years ago
is this a fucking time conundrum or something WHAT THE FUCK

Patreon money steers devs away from working hard.

Epic pays good.