Why are people suddenly surprised by Mortal Kombat 11 flopping? It was inevitable.
Why are people suddenly surprised by Mortal Kombat 11 flopping? It was inevitable
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Do advertisers even support this bigoted onion?
"The Quartering" sounds like something you would use to describe America's genetic destiny.
stop shilling your shit here jeremy
he was quartered last week by Destiny
You mean destiny was quartered by jeremy
no, that's not what i mean. be honest, it wasn't even close. right-wing dumbasses are lining up just to be dunked on at this point.
Why is it always people who look like this that use the term basedboy?
They’re projecting
When their beliefs include separating themselves from literally everyone, they tend to find they have nothing but enemies.
Fuck off OP
He's a leftist.
What does this thread have to do with red bull?
>Alt-Right sensationalist website
That's not how it works, user.
Hollywood leftists are starting to complain that their property borders aren't working:
>He told her the homeless situation in his swanky LA neighborhood is so bad that thieves are tearing the bars from the windows of his multimillion-dollar home, lobbing bricks, setting up unsightly tent cities and littering the beach with syringes.
>“A couple of weeks ago I had a problem,” the former punk prince opined. “They came over the gate and put their tent inside, right in front of the front door. It’s like ... the audacity. And if you complain, what are you? Oh, one of the establishment elite? No, I’m a bloke that’s worked hard for his money and I expect to be able to use my own front door.”
>The “Never Mind the Bollocks” hell-raiser added that these unwelcome visitors “tried to steal the iron bars off the windows” to sell as scrap metal.
The only thing I wonder is how the FUCK did this franchise last for so long?
top kek imagine believing this
Literally the only reason why it's getting a bad score is because of the mobileshit-tier grinding in what's already a fully priced game, you can argue that's also part of the blue haired out-of-touch dementia though.
I genuinely believe this guy has potential to be handsome if he got rid of based beard and lost some weight. I'm not gay but every time I see him that's the first thing I think of. Good day gents.
It's selling incredibly poorly retard.
MK11 sold well
Successful games don’t go on sale for 20% off within the first week of launch. That’s some Blunderfield V hilarity.
God this guy is a faggot. Boring and slow. Everything needs to be serious
If you are going to put your self through his videos. do your self a major fucking favor and turn the speed up to at least 1.25 - 1.50
Yeah man i agree
>disheveled conspiracy weirdos screaming about the apocalypse every day but for gaming while also begging for money
people usually ignore these types when they are on the streets
Already on sale retardo
Is it flopping?
Do you have a single fact to back that up or are you just parroting wishful thinking? I don't doubt that it will have a worse tail but opening sales were reportedly great and the player peak on steam is already double of what MKX had which was also popular.
I'm not saying it's going to do much, but the game has yet to be released in germany
I assumed it was meant in the way of being drawn and quartered
Fuck off fat ass
I still remember you sucking metokurs and Keemstars cocks after you taunted them to come onto your really god damn boring streams.
The mad men did it, and you went pale.
Shouldn't you be watching your purple lit tranny?
What the fuck are you on about, you goddamned retard?
Good, I hope they all get raped and murdered by packs of droning homeless people.
>retardera is falseflagging on Yea Forums again
It's funny you destiny cultists actually believe this.
I don't think you know what that means commie
destiny loses to right wingers more often than not. he spins out of control, starts shouting ad-hominems, bringing up studies he cant source, and trying to yell over his opponent while jumping in his seat. destiny also happens to be a professional debater while inviting random youtubers on to debate with him and ends up losing half the time anyway.
jeremy is also a liberal who believes in gay rights, racial equality, and all the rest. he's just not an sjw fanatic.
Who the left? The left is a dying minority, literally the butt if every joke at this point.
Fuck off you bitch made s o y boy
>why aren't we in your stream?
Stfu destiny wins all the time
Is Mortal Kombat even a well known seller? Most people into fighting games don't seem to care that much about it
>jeremy is also a liberal who believes in gay rights, racial equality, and all the rest. he's just not an sjw fanatic.
user that IS being a SJW fanatic you fucking moron
I know this is a total meme. but do people actually believe this shit?
Are you going to pretend the debate with Naked Ape never happened?
Because it did and Destiny got his teeth kicked in
>remove tits
I've been playing it and having fun. TheQuartering is pretty cool though.
huh metocunt (jim81jim) and keemstar are both cancerous parasites
Sounds like a communist utopia.
maybe they were surprised like when they found out quarter pounder rgot beaten up by a tranny and then filed a lawsuit against them.
You do know the whole "destiny is undefeated" is a meme mocking him and his cult like sycophants like yourself right?
And what does that make quarterpounder?
He both fears them and worships them
>being a decent human is being an SJW fanatic
Okay bud.
Did you even read the article you linked, retard? The very first paragraph:
>Some of the media may be portraying Mortal Kombat 11’s strong sales start as an indicator for the latest entry in the 27-year-old brand as a sign of things to come, but it could be the devil’s back in a bride’s dress, veiling the disastrous future ahead.
Some other parts:
>No specific figures were released, so we have no idea how “best launch” lines up with other top-selling entries in the series, such as Mortal Kombat 9 or Mortal Kombat X. The over/under could be more or less than what the other games did during launch day, just with the added padding of high pre-order sales to give Mortal Kombat 11 an extra edge. The thing is, we don’t know and obviously Haddad wasn’t going to say.
>However, this is all assuming the game is sustainable for years, and based on its current performance one might call into question Haddad’s presumptive bullishness.
>For clarity, Bounding Into Comics is reporting that Mortal Kombat 11 is already being discounted by up to 17% at various retailers, with Amazon bringing the game’s $59.99 price tag down to $49.94 for home consoles. The Premium Edition is also discounted for Xbox One by up to 10%, just days removed from the April 23rd, 2019 launch date. We saw a similar thing happen with Battlefield V, which had multiple discounts and free trial offers to move as many copies as possible, but it still ended up costing EA $350 million, and found itself on the Get Woke; Go Broke – Master List.
There's even more shit in there that says the game is pretty much done already, but being the retard shill you are, you just thought the title of an article paints the whole picture and didn't actually bother to read it. Yet another lefty faggot gets BTFO by his own stupidity kek.
Did contrapoints tell you that?
It isn't flopping, though. Also nice neckbeard, faggot.
I cant tell if its ironic shitposting or shitty attempts of gaslighting
pure ideology
>I hope this was all for the (you)'s
Do the people who believe this meme also think destiny is some great gamer too [strictly speaking SC2]
He did get his shit pushed in when he actually went to a tournament
He's showing you that this douche bag OP only posts hate threads to stir up drama, and not anything related to actual video games.
Depends if you think going on sale a week after release means anything.
Imagine being you, spending 60 or more dollars on release day, only to have it go on sale literally days later. I guess I'd be butt mad too, so I understand your frustration. Stay salty :)
Enabling fags and anti-white race envy is "being a decent human being".
Actually its sad but people do actually believe this.
See here is one of destiny's cultists.
>Enabling fags
who gives a fuck about faggots
>and anti-white race envy
Of course it means something, it's not up to opinion or your interpretation, it's cold facts. It's happened many times in the past. BF5, FO76, many, many games panic when they are failing and do the deep discount days after launch. It's a scream of panic.
think he was being sarcastic.
The "destiny wins all debates all the time" is a meme because anyone who watches his "debates" has seen he's never won any of them.
Why do you fuckers keep posting these ugly men's mugs
>who gives a fuck about faggots
I do and people who want a functional society should.
Remember the whole "slipper slope" thing we warned you about? When you said "oh no guys it'll stop with the fags, trannies won't be normalized" well we told you so.
It's literally one guy. You do realize all the weird, off topic type threads are posted by the same handful of dudes, don't you? Most of the world isn't this fucking weird and autistic.
an sjw? maybe. a fanatic? not unless you do activism for it i think.
>muh decent fucking human being
fuck off reddit faggot
Anyone on this board who watches this eceleb shit should kill themselves
Has Small Steven's ass wound finally healed from getting shanked by Nick the Knife?
Why do you discord trannies post about Kyle everyday. You do know all you're doing is making his channel get more subs and views right?
>I do and people who want a functional society should.
Prove to me that the existence of fags is harming society.
Do people like you have any idea how ridiculous you sound?
>this is the face of the alt-right
o' I'm laffin, how can people even vote for Trump knowing that this guy is the face representing the average Trump voter?
>Espousing these degenerate beliefs makes you a decent human being
Okay, bud. Now fuck off back to Retardera
citation needed, tranny
>Destiny won
In a Bizarro world
Naked ape is a braindead retard why would you ever listen to him?
I'm not sure that he's bigoted as much as he is playing for a team. He seems rather biased
Okay so who the fuck are the people Destiny btfo'd? I keep hearing this shit. I can't stand that whiny faggot so I only listened to three """debates""" of him, where he spent googling and arguing with the knowledge of 2 minute wikipedia.
Anyway, the three debates I watched
>Martin Shkreli
>some dude doing a phd in neuroscience
>the Alternative Hypothesis youtube channel or whatever its called
All 3 of them absolutely BTFO'd Destiny
He's not alt-right, but anyone calling him a leftist has his head up his own ass
Why wont you buy my merch???
Destiny is quite literally the Ben Shapiro of the left. He's a snivelling little rat who talks fast, brings the argument off-track with retarded hypotheticals that have nothing to do with the topic at hand, and constantly gish-gallops, which he has been called out on repeatedly. You'll notice that the internet shitflings he "wins" are called "Debates" on his YouTube channel, the ones where his arguing style is dismantled (most notably Naked Ape) are called "Conversations". He is literally a pseudo-intellectual hedonist who skims Wikipedia pages and then thinks he knows enough about the topic at hand.
There are no actual leftists in america, only mentally ill people who spend the entire day on twitter having meltdowns
Trannies and fags have nothing to do with the left. Wish this nightmare would step
He voted for Obama TWICE you god damn tranny, Accept that the 2016+ """left""" has just gone too far and driven people away.
lmao nigger
>desTINY debating
all he does is gish gallup and sperg out like a fucking retard because he can't cope with the existence of opinions other than his own
It's funny how they label everyone who isn't an extreme leftist retard as "far-right" or "alt-right" and genuinely think people won't see right through that shit. God, these trannies are retarded.
>calling out garbage hyper progressive politics makes you right wing
wew lad no, im left wing and i like trump
The US is the only place in the Western world where Obama would be considered even remotely "Left". He's to the right of parties like the Front National, UKIP, and the M5S as far as policy goes for fuck's sake.
just ordered 4
Funny how a 1975 movie predicted this bullshit around the world and mainly there
some discord tranny that wants to have their poltiics validated by the other 1 or 2 trannies that browse Yea Forums and posts things mocking the guy in ops pictures.
It's a form of cope they use. Its seeking validation from others with similar ideas. Its sort of like the circle jerks on reddit.
Makes these vocal minority people think there are others that agree with them so they don't feel as angry in life.
Played almost 2 hours before refunded it.
40% of pedophiles are faggots.
really the only person he ever did was Jontron and it wasn't really a btfo it was more like jontron was just spouting nonsense and couldn't back it up because he sucks at debating.
MK11 is a videogame
it's bait and the now settled population of sniveling leftypol partisans and unironic trannies take it every single time
I don't follow any of these political youtubers but when it comes to people like Shepiro, at least they accomplished something and proved they aren't absolute retards. Shepiro is a Harvard graduate, Peterson is a university professor, Martin Shkreli made a pharma company. When it comes to these left wing youtubers, I have no idea why people even listen to them. Contrapoints is just a mentally ill lolcow with a crossdressing fetish. Destiny is your typical pseudo intellectual NEET who got into politics because sitting home every single day playing Starcraft wasn't mentally stimulating enough. Hbomber makes outright retarded statements and abuses strawmans to death. And there are podcasts like that Chapo shit where they look like 40 year old virgins and the audience is just NEETs and trannies. I just don't know, I don't pay attention really to any of these closely but when I look at all these left wing personalities, they are like prime example of what not to become. There isn't a single person in there who isn't mentally ill or some retarded NEET playing video games
Say what you will about ben Shapiro but he can debate, he may be a little rat faced jew but he doesn't shy away from anyone and doesn't hide out on his controlled stream like Destiny or that Piker guy.
fucking lol
Ok Yea Forums how does Mortal Kombat play? Is it a good fightan game?
>Trannies and fags have nothing to do with the left.
Keep saying that. Repeating it over and over doesn't make it true.
Twitter fags are the left.
>right-wing dumbasses
With shit like AOC and calling Christians "Easter Worshippers" - are you implying that the left-wing is not completely fucked?
You're about to lose against Trump (again) in November 2020, and it's not even May of 2019 yet. Hope you've been stocking up on anal lube, because you're gonna need it.
i know they are left wing you absolute retard, what im saying none of their policies are based on left wing and socialist ideas.
My biggest beef with the left is all their "stars" are either tranny youtubers who put on a "show" rather than actually try and inform and coked out comic.
no, historically the only good thing about it was the gore and sex appeal, which is why there's a shitshow. Anime fighters have the sex appeal and actual fun gameplay. Sadley we will never have all 3.
>left wing and socialist ideas.
They most certainly are.
Is the PC port still shit?
>Thinks making shit up will help """his""" argument
>people with humanities degrees like Peterson and Shapiro
>"They have accomplished something"
They basically went through diploma mills, brainlet. Outside of STEM and natural sciences, academia is a sham, Shapiro and Peterson included. Shkreli is the only one there that accomplished anything, and he's a Berniebro
the 3d ps2 games play like trash but mk9 to 11 play good
This saddest part about the modern day e-left meaning people like yourself (who probably have no formal education other than community college or state school) is that you watch a few you tube videos on a subject and now you think you're an expert. The sad fact of the matter is much like your midget streamer hero is that 1) you don't even understand the argument 2) you use straw men and targeted sarcasm to debate and 3) think anyone gives a shit about your opinion. The people who you're trying to "fight" don't even know you exist, they are employed people with families and lives, something you seem to lack.
Also have sex.
haha yeah im sure peterson's work at a fucking clinic treating people with severe mental issues means nothing at all
If you actually think this please educate yourself on what "left/right" actually means.
seems like you just describe /pol/
Look up Obama's tax policies, look up his stance on government spending and wealth redistribution, his stance on health care and access to education, his stance on military spending and foreign interventionism. He's literally to the right of the parties I've listed, you absolute retard. The Left-Right dichotomy isn't based on how friendly one is to gays, minorities, and trannies, unlike what easily manipulated burgers believe.
Small government = Right-wing
Big government = Left-wing
I don't know what libtards don't get about that
Wasn't there supposed to be a wall by now?
government size is on the authoritarian / libertarian axis not the left / right
advertise your shit blog somewhere else, Billy
Why do people make a career out of being bitter and miserable?
>mentally ill trannies believe this
>small government
>trillion dollar military with imperial bases over entire globe
nigger i fucking hate the modern left but this is the fucking truth
also nazis were left wing authoritarians
I dont know who that is you obsessed fag
Wow and the other 60% are straight. Do we eradicate straights too?
Don't agree. Liberal arts aren't wasn't this looked down 10-20 years ago. Back then it wasn't filled with future McDonalds employees spending their whole day on twitter but with intellectuals and middle, upper-middle class people. The subject has not changed much, its the people who participate in it. Liberal arts is not bad, its just the people who study it. most of these annoying people on twitter are freshmen and undergrad anyway. At PhD level it's not as much of an echo chamber as you think
so its like the modern day right
So janitors just take sunday off, right?
except for the fact that the left is in power and is censoring the right on what has now become the public forum
>repeatedly talks about how he wants to genocide conservatives and go out on the streets hanging them on his stream
>too scared of nick fuentes to give him a fair debate on ralph's stream
No, liberal arts were always garbage, which is why it was dominated by post-Marxist commies like Sartre, Lacan, and Foucault in the 20th century.
That's sale shaming, I'll have you know. Strong, independent for-profit corporations who don't need no customers can put their customer products on sale whenever they feel like
>the left is in power
The right has the president and had loads of media coverage during Obama's presidency.
I'm not american but how can anyone take the american left seriously is beyond me
>gender pay gap
>rape culture
>pussy hats
>9 month abortion
>strange obsession with astrology/zodiac signs while continuously hating on christians and their dumb religion
>islam is a feminist religion
>gender shit
>genuine self-hate from white people
Notice how none of these have anything to do with original socialist ideas and the struggle of the working and middle class
>the republicans are the REAL mainstream!
This discord tranny argument was made and shot down on the Trainwrecks stream. Try again retard.
>except for the fact that the left is in power
I think that user means the left controls all of entertainment media and social networking sites, which has been a thing for years now.
People like Foucault and Zizek are actually intellectuals. its not their fault trannies on twitter cling to them
The right is in power pretty much anywhere you look at in the West. The only places that seem even remotely vulnerable to a left-wing takeover are the US if Sanders becomes the Democratic candidate, and the UK since the creation of the UKIP party has kneecapped the right and left Labour with a lead in the polls.
they are also pushing their extreme anti-semitic agenda, the left must be stopped
Go back to kotaku schlomo.
I really don't think you can call Destiny a moron and then cite fucking Trainwrecks and a bunch of titty streamers as a real source in the same thread.
Oh, probably. It doesn't do those businesses good to exclude markets, so I can very easily see them being left leaning.
he's literally been obstructed every step of the fucking way to the point where he almost can't do fucking anything, the democrats have done nothing but fight him all the way on everything including smearing him and making up false allegations multiple times
the left also own all creative media, social media and payment processors
>the right is in power
right you can argue global semantics all you want but we're talking from a western context here and yes the left is largely in power in the west
Not an argument kid. Watch a couple more contrapoints videos before you come out swinging on Yea Forums.
he can still give money to israel though
yes and? of course congress is filled with neocons and dems that are all dinosaurs bought out by the same corporations that tried to get hillary elected so they could more deals with them
He's been having a great time giving money to Israel, user
I hate contrapoints and I've only seen her him on a stream once. Not sure why you think I'm apart of some tranny boogieman cabal.
>right you can argue global semantics all you want but we're talking from a western context here and yes the left is largely in power in the west
Where exactly? Canada? The right is in every country that matters, from the UK, to the US, to France, Germany and Israel.
>muh zog
>mug israel
look it's shit but israel is the last of my fucking worries, at least they mopped up isis and are cooling down the destabilization of the middle east which is something israel wants
but thats wrong, trump himself said that democrats are pushing the most extreme anti-semitic agenda in history
>at least they mopped up isis
user did you have any large vaccinations as a child?
>whining about obstructionism
That's literally how the American system functions, retard, it doesn't mean the Left is in power.
being anti-israel isnt anti-semetic. And no shit trump said that, he says all kinds of nonsense
how does that deny my statement you fucking retard who cares, the left literally has lunatics like illahn omar running around slamming jews because the woke left has gone insane
oh fuck off you disingenuous nigger, there literally is no precedent for the way trump is being treated
>haha i cant beat that argument but let me pic another random dumb thing trump said that'll btfo him
ok faggot
your post implied the left was pro-israel
go back to r/destiny
>lunatics like illahn omar running around slamming jews because the woke left has gone insane
You need to start paying attention, this stuff is important.
Nixon and Watergate
Clinton and the Lewinsky scandal
Obeezy and the Birth Certificate/Secret Muslim conspiracies and the Benghazi affair, not to mention how McConnell's firm grasp on the Senate turned his nigger ass into the lamest duck ever in American history.
Let me guess, the 2016 American elections were your entrypoint into politics?
they compared bush to hitler and so on as well. left's been doing this to everyone on the right for generations. only difference lately is they've stepped it up out of a hysterical realization they've started to lose
could this thread get any more cancerous?
I wonder who's behind this post
It's a good game. The minorty who got it didn't do so for the single player content, but just grind and play online. I think these kind of design decisions (which probably aren't even made by NRS themselves) can really put off newer players from joining the FGC and they overshadow the fact that the game itself, is good.
>when you don't have your horde of dick suckers to google shit for you
These threads are shilling, right? There is no thought put into The Quartering's videos. It's literally a whole channel devoted to yelling TRANNY LIBTARD SJW BTFO
>Nixon and Watergate
>Clinton and the Lewinsky scandal
incomparable, quickly forgiven, trump now is treated worse than bill was then even though there's literally proof against bill
>Obeezy and the Birth Certificate/Secret Muslim conspiracies and the Benghazi affair,
which took 2 years and then died down, where after he managed to get medicare instated thus achieving more than trump in a shorter amount of time
Let's just ignore how the mainstream right-wing media compared Obama to Hitler as well, with the added bonus of comparing him to Stalin too.
The right died and is now a parody of itself. They didn't conserve much of anything the last few decades and are now counter antagonists in the culture wars. They are gaining ground there and Trump is their symbol of it.
The left is parasitical in nature and had a large capacity for self deception. Their basis for morality is determined by fashionable consensus and they don't know how to build anything, just destroy. They currently dominate academia, education, DC, national media, and social media. All of which are suffering a credibility crisis.
The left currently is several orders of magnitude more dangerous than the right but that will likely swing in the next decade or two. No one holds to principles anymore and trust has bottomed out.
yeah haha it's not like he started drone strikes, made the situation in the middle east even worse and made it legal to kill american citizens with impunity
And Bush has now a 52% acceptance rate from leftists. The Iraq war? Forget that buddy. We have transphobic people now on the street!
Nixon: Comparable, suspicion of duplicity and foul play will impede one's presidency, no matter what.
Clinton: Breh, he was literally impeached. Bill has had it worse than Donnie in this respect, except if Donnie himself ends up impeached.
Obeezy: The ACA was gutted by compromise, and Trump got his signature tax bills passed. He accomplished more than Obama did. And I don't know what I can say to you if you think Benghazi dying in two years means it was short-lived
The game still selling full prince on Steam dumbass
>facts are bigoted
Why are resetera trannies always outing themselves?
Really sad how easy you can bait Yea Forums
All of the debate "losses" of Destiny have been retards intentionally flinging shit and spouting ad hominems at him so it's not surprising people here think that he's been BTFO because all you understand is shitposting and edginess.
>Nixon: Comparable, suspicion of duplicity and foul play will impede one's presidency, no matter what.
completely different time where the internet didnt exist, the president had much more control and media coverage was nowhere near as volatile or pervasive
>Clinton: Breh, he was literally impeached. Bill has had it worse than Donnie in this respect, except if Donnie himself ends up impeached.
yeah of course he was impeached because he fucking did it, the difference is people are calling for the impeachment of trump without having proof of anything simply because they disagree with his politics
i'll have to inform myself on obama more to know if that's bullshit or not but at any rate he was a media darling
>i was only pretending to be retarded
>I waS jUsT prEtending tO Be RetaRded
>retards intentionally flinging shit and spouting ad hominems at him
Look at that projection. You have to go back.
Love how the quarter pounder backpedaled hard and essentially admitted to only making money and duping people on youtube when confronted by destiny.
just stating the obvious mehmet
>they have no proof of anything
Have you read the redacted report? If Trump had been listening to Christie's advice, that would be true, but he went ahead and committed act of obstruction after act of obstruction to try to end the investigation ASAP because he thought it hurt his ratings. If the Democrats act strategically, and refuse to go after him until after they have the Senate, he's completely fucked.
That's funny, because Steven's style of "arguing" relies entirely on flinging shit and spouting ad hominems. You're a redditor who can't think for yourself and needs the big brain lefty youtubers to do it for you.
You're delusional
>spend 100 trillion dollars on advertising
>game is the best selling in the series
>is still a flop
>If the Democrats act strategically, and refuse to go after him until after they have the Senate, he's completely fucked.
hah if the dems do that it'll just come out that obama was nicer to russia than trump ever was lol
People don't actually watch youtube "debates" do they? TV debates are shitshows enough, I don't even imagine what a debate among pseudo intellectual internet tough guys with huge egos is like.
nice gaslightning. Destiny is 90% of the time the only one who actually has some sources and research. If some ad hominems happen, it's usually mutual and the other debater has no intention of arguing in good faith.
>You're a redditor who can't think for yourself and needs the big brain lefty youtubers to do it for you.
Wash your balls bucko
Oh, I absolutely agree. Russia is not what they have Trump on, obstruction of the investigation is. As Christie said: Trump was innocent on the whole Russia thing, he should have let the investigation take its time and would have been alright. He didn't listened and committed a slough of obstruction crimes trying to end it abruptly. Just like Clinton did, he perjured himself while ostensibly having done very little wrong beforehand before he was worried about optics.
>Steven "I want to treat Mexico like we did Iraq" Bone'll Destiny hasn't lost a true debate
You discord tranny /pol/tards can all drink bleach.
>mfw I dont know who quartering or destiny is
one is a guy that covers autistic vidya drama youtubebux and the other is a pseudo illectual retard debating people by using wikipedia definitions
Destiny's bootlickers looking over wikipedia articles for him isn't sources and research, faggot.
straights are 99% of the population and its more like 2/3 of all child molesters are homos
It's selling really well, where's the flop?
Fuck off OP you retarded quarterinigger spammer cunt faggot
Yeah, for the 10 people who bought it
no its worse then sf5 at launch, the game play is very limiting which makes it a bore fest. if they would allow you to you a lot more starvation or have more specials instead of being limited to 3 it would open up much more interesting combo paths. As of right now its trash
the irony in this post
It was inevitable.
these are all just Yea Forums tho
over 50k sales on PC, a platform not usually successful for fighting games, I'm willing to say it didnt flop.
how can one soiboy btfo discord trannies so much?
>onions beard
>JUST hair
>pol memes irl unironically
>faced up a homosexual and got his ass beat then pressed charges claiming he was sucker punched
Where are your numbers on that?
but he said everybody don't get it because the jax ending
This fat white supremacist defended blackface that's all I need to know.
reminder that mk11 is sjw game
And they all white
>A less entertaining Jim Sterling.
>An ulgier YongYea
>A poorer ReviewtechUSA
>A fatter Dreamcastguy
This guy is everything they're not!
Its flopping just like Captain Marvel did.
>A less entertaining Jim Sterling.
Stopped reading there. No one is less entertaining than that disgusting fat whiny fuck
who says mk11 is flopping?
Get woke, kill SJW faggot scum and make them shriek as they die. Watch them try to escape as you grab their faggy, AIDS-filled necks and throttle them. They squirm and piss as they try to escape but there's no escape...just death
Quarterpounder is absolute subhuman shit but you have no idea what a fanatic is at all in this argument.
7/10 bait, you got me to respond to your faggotry.
The petreon numbers prove that wrong, Jeremy.
That's how we need to kill white people
Name 1 (one) time Destiny lost to a right-winger. The only other time I'll concede that he lost was against the Alt Hypothesis, but only because Alt Hyp has a fucking retarded way of creating original research.
Somebody's been playing MK11
>people keep replying to these shitty e-celeb threads
wow what hard hitting videos
(you) 3 aren't pretending for sure
psssh nothing personal tranny
Yeah that's what quarterpounder thinks too then he got his ass beat by a literal homosexual
Recommend me some anti-sjw youtubers who care about vidya chicks being pretty, don't give a fuck whether they are white or not and especially don't give a flying fuck about politics.
is this english? try communicating again, nigger.
there's literally nothing wrong with blackface. We should fight real problems, like high violent crime rate among blacks.
>Jim Sterling
We should get rid if white supremacy that cause all crime in the world.
That's right, I'm a real Kombat Kuck
Why are you trying to strawman by use foreign politic standards to discuss US politics?
you typing 'white supremacist' unironically is all i need to know about you
he was talking about how LGBT community is 4 times more likely to groom children than a straight people.
there is no crime problem from white supremacy. Theres no reason to do any crime if you are thinking that you are superior by birth. You can be successful without committing crime, like jews usually do.
it fucking deserves to be.
ITT: Punchable faces?
Sometimes i feel like someone should do a content cop on him or something, but then i realize he's not worth it really.
Just a sad neckbeard producing clickbait content, repeating same points over and over again and making money of his dumb as fuck fanboys.
In the end he's not reall hurting anyone even if his content is shit.
Is that why you lead in every crime and gas to actively orchestrate crime in the black community and all over the world. There wouldn't be crime in the black community if it wasn't for white supremacy. And Africa wouldn't be poor we wouldn't have any racism and it would be peace in earth. No pollution.white supremacy is the problem of the world.
>Yea Forums suddenly hates bearing
have sex incels
did they really debate? I would expect Destiny to """WIN""" because hes just quicker (higher iq) and debates all of the time. Just remember winning a debate doesn't mean the truth was discovered, just means you followed your arguments and thought process better. I don't really like Destiny btw but he is really ALOT more palatable than his fanbase is, unless they are just being ironic.
can you imagine being a brain dead polack and subscribing to this guy as well as shilling for him?
He said on Destinys stream that he loves illegal immigrants and that they should be given citizenship (but the border should be secured :)) ).
No wonder you elected the most zionist most Jewish president in living history, he lives in a fucking gold house you stupid whitoid motherfuckers.
I saw a thumbnail vid of him making fun of some basedboy dude, how can you look like him and think you have any right to criticize someone else's appearance?
How the fuck do I get rid of this cuck from my Youtube recommendations?
ah now i understand why that board is so shit
That aside your post was fairly accurate if a bit oversimplified.
>political shit flinging 2: The Electric Boogaloo now featuring Yea Forums.
fat obnoxious neckbeard and a retarded manlet
This post is a prime example of cognitive dissonance.
How on earth would you say that all the right-wingers Destiny debated won? Everytime Destiny called them out on their sources for the data they have a.) not read entirely and stopped at a point that confirmed their bias or saw something in the data that wasn’t there.
Perfect scenario’s: Vincent James and the gun crime statistics he himself can’t comprehend or Sargon “Blacks should marry to get out of poverty” of Akkad.
>literally goes to CNN HQ to get coached on social engineering
>STILL loses every debate to conservatives
>becomes increasingly feminized and deranged every moment
>still averages like 1k viewers and 1k likes on his vids despite DECADES of streaming and activity
why are leftists so unintelligent, unlikable, pathetic etc? why are they bottom feeders?
who's this ugly mutt and why should i care
imagine being so internally triggered by right wingers that you begin ironically drinking onions. So upset and mad that every aspect of your life are driven by you being mad online. I wonder if he has nightmares about trump at night
I really really like this image
board would be 100x better if everybody was like you
So when’s Shapiro gonna debate actually leftist intellectuals like Sam Seder or David Pakman?
Shapiro knows how to debate, i’ll give him that but he mostly debates college students so he’s playing on an oneven field.
>How on earth would you say that all the right-wingers Destiny debated won
you literally exposed yourself as an idiot in the first sentence of your paragraph. how did you manage such a feat? and sargon is a liberal and i dont see how you think single parent homes arent severely damaging niggers. god damn youre dumb.
>the nazis were left meme
>Sargon is right wing
t. steven "ambushed by a PhD" bonnell
Stop watching right wing pol faggot videos about video games
>no argument
I’ll accept your defeat.
>realistic and immersive
>realistic and immersive
>realistic and immersive
>unrealistic and retarded
gee, i sure wonder why she lost
I still find it funny how people don't understand the differences between video games with political elements and video games being politicized to push an agenda.
I want to see Shapiro, Rubin or crowder debate Sam Seder badly. Shapiro would be the closest to an actual debate, rubin wouldn’t be able to formulate a thought, crowder would get destroyed but it’d be way more entertaining than Rubin since he’s got a big bead about lefties not wanting to discuss things.
>SJW politics
I'm about as anti-sjw as you can be and i'm absolutely fine with all of that, just make the chicks cute and feminine.
Narrative in FPS games only exist to create immersion. No one gives a shit about the story of fucking Modern Warfare 2 or Halo you pretentious cunt.
look at this absolute brainlet retardera fag lmao
>Halo is allegorical to 9/11
Fuck how did I not see it until now?
Same. Luckily we had a bit of debating goodnes with Zizek en Peterson where JBP got exposed for being a charlatan.
Rubin won’t debate Sam Seder unfortunately since he recently said on one of his videos he’s not going to do that when an audience member asked him. He doesn’t want to risk losing his money.
i think it was because DICE essentially used it like a shield (same as ghostbusters) to all criticism, anyone critiquing the game was a sexist. Thats the political agenda that people don't want, not the thoughtful allegories in actual game narrative.
>sargon is a centrist so he can be vague about his ideas and have no accountability for his words
>sargon the centrist that constantly spouts right-wing rhetoric
big oof, my man
Using an objective international standard when talking about an international problem/market isn't a strawman, it's putting things in perspective
I clicked on a random Youtube link without a preview window. Be useless somewhere else.
if they just put women on the game no one wouldve cared, cod did the same years ago. the fact they based their entire marketing campaign about the fact there are womyn in the game now with annoying voices and robotic arm just showed they care more about pandering to some tranny crowd than actual gameplay.
>calling out CoD as unrealistic compared to halo and ass creed
You sure act like one
>being against fringe left-authoritarians is right wing rhetoric
neck yourself zoomer trash
Rubin isn't an itellectual, he just hosts other intellectuals, I'm actually confused that other people don't understand this, I get why he doesn't understand this.
Jeremy got his ass kicked by Destiny in that political violence debate because the entire time was Jeremy backpeddling and trying to conflate "justify" with "advocate." Dude cannot debate his way ut of a paper bag.
>class disparity is bad
Get a load of this pinko faggot
Is it actually doing poorly? I'd assumed that even if it was the worst fighter ever that it'd sell fantastically.
Is Call of Duty cyberpunk?
And what does that have to do with the post you're replying to?
Brainlet. Quartercuck ended up backpedaling and conceding near every point.
right. ok.
Ever noticed how Destiny refuses to appear on other's streams? This is because he uses logical fallacies and his little crowd of loud followers, and his own bullshit moderation rules to make it so that others can't have an actual debate.
How on fucking Earth do you feel like Jeremy won? In what way did he succeed?
>appeal to people who don't play video games
>game doesn't sell
Who would have thought?
It has to do with the idea that even a sperg like Destiny can dunk on dipshit anti-SJWs like the OP.
women make up more than 50% of the gamers now you nazi bigot
Being critical of the fringe left while letting the fringe right slide is not being remotely centrist, you fucking moron.
>Didn't refute
Hi Steven
NRS lied about their own game so much why would I trust them when it comes to claiming that it was a big launch? they did not even release numbers.
there is no fringe right anywhere in power or imposing their beliefs on anyone
I was going to buy the game, then I got linked all the cinematics on youtube and just watched that and had no reason to buy anymore. Anyone else? It was more enjoyable then avengers endgame
These are definitely legitimate reviews and not a bunch of 0's with people mentioning muslim kombat and SJWs.
Trump is the president of the United States.
Trump is literally a 90s democrat, if you think that's far right fringe you're a wacko.
46% of the user reviews for the game on steam are negative.
Everybody but paid off game journos are shitting on the games PC ports or its retarded lootbox system.
>Trump is literally a 90s democrat
With regards to sex scandals, sure.
any post crying about the girls can go into the trash the grind shit is the legitimate shit there
finally fucking somebody says it, holy shit why does everybody think trump is super right wing
or they where mad that the game was fucked up and they wanted it fixed fuck off with this shit retard
Just watch a destiny debate then and find out
>money for Israel
>increased military spending
>slashed education budget
>pro-big business
Gee why would anyone think Trump is super right wing?
dont do it, dont go down the rabbit hole. the fanbase for all these left wing youtube intellectuals are neets and trannies.
He's literally with UKIP now, he has no deniability left
next to everything about the game is fucked.
only the gameplay is sorta decent but MK players dont care about that.
obama gave money to israel, and bernie also will
the rest is nothing the liberal party in canada wouldnt do in some circustances
He engages in discussions of national debate though. He has plenty to say about topics like climate change, trangender people, wealth redistribution and free speech. He prides himself on the open exchange of ideas. So what if he only hosts other people? Why doesn’t he host someone like Seder, Parkman, Brooks or kulinski if he’s so interested in exploring ideas?
All those things are bipartisan, you don't think the democrats are opposed to them do you? Yikes.
bernie doesnt want open borders and foreign workers being imported either i guess hes right wing
>next to everything about the game is fucked
no its not dumbass
Democrats explicitly opposed against the education budget cut. You need to pay attention.
Why is this thread still up.
You’re insane
it was dead from 4-8 and got bought by wb
destiny fart sniffers are the worse
ok tranny
You need to pay attention if you think democrats are opposed to giving money to Israel, increasing military spending, and signing bills literally written by big business like Obamacare which was literally written by the insurance companies.
>thinking the far right likes Israel
go back to r,eddit
what kind of dumbass are you
>Democrats explicitly opposed against the education budget cut. You need to pay attention.
of course they opposte it, because their party and campaigns are funded completely by the biggest money in politics, which are unions, at the expense of children.
t. zoomer who wasn't even alive back then
there is no "left" in America. Just two flavors of imperialism and white supremacy.
neck yourself far left freak
trump was literally a democrat in the 90s you fucking mong
and his beliefs haven't changed much. back then it wasn't controversial to oppose illegal immigration, believe it or not.
Well he wants rapists and terrorists to vote local, state and federal so that probably balances it out.
have sex
There is no "right" in America. Just two flavors of globalism and soulless cosmopolitan asphalt culture.
Let's not forget he's also white and male. Clearly a nazi. LET'S GO KAMALA HARRIS SLAY QUEEN
*Destroys your arguments*
Yes, the nativist desire to prioritize "your people" over disenfranchised dreamers IS a fucking right wing position. So I guess he is in some ways.
Destiny only debates drooling retards within his iq range, he never seeks out intellectuals to debate and when he finds one he never ''debates'' he decides to have a conversation instead. He's an actual retard.
>invade someone elses country for free stuff
>somehow disenfranchised
the absolute state of the judeo-marxist mind
Mortal Kombat was basically sex appeal and gore porn for its main appeal, the depth of the combat has always taken a backseat.
So now they've basically removed half of the core draw for the easily titillated to play
Except for the fact that Captain Marvel did flop.
>Having a border is right wing
The current state of the clown world.
That is the right.
that's not what I said, but please feel free to continue OWNING me with FACTS AND LOGIC, ben shapiro
incel nazi fuck
>destiny fan
lefty/pol/ brainlet detected
Imagine being this disconnected from reality
You just went 0 to mad in half a second, discord tranny.
>please feel free to continue OWNING me with FACTS AND LOGIC, ben shapiro
imagine watching political debates on fucking twitch. get a life, you pseud
>did flop
>still failed against Aquachad
holy shit this redditor is seething
epic memes from /r/destiny and /r/latestagecapitalism. upvoted and gilded your post dude and/or dudette
>moving goalposts
woke af. I just bought 12 tickets to captain marvel and I personally thanked every woman on twitter for a being a woman.
Lmao what a sperg
Is MK11 even a game? It looks like a really long movie.
This is so hilariously bad that I'm almost convinced I'm being falsefagged
there are a few things in life that I think any decent, compassionate person should be able to agree with, just just redditors.
for example:
FUCK racism
FUCK transphobia
FUCK homophpbia
FUCK capitalism
FUCK Trump and all the "fine people" that voted for him.
if you take issue with any of the above, maybe you should have sex for the first time in your life
*not just redditors
alright its a bait
He's wrong, but Captain Marvel also wasn't the same level of resounding success it should have been with the budget and marketing push it had behind it. 175 mil in film budget and much heavier than average marketing on Disney/Marvel's End. I wouldn't be surprised if despite making a couple hundred mil less if the Wonder Woman film didn't do about as well in net income, and that's saying something.
Also, an industry titan like Disney looks at expected profit as much as they look at if the film actually profited or not. The Mouse could still well be pissed if the film or merch sales were too far below what was expected, even if what's there is plenty profitable.
None of this is to suggest Captain Marvel wasn't profitable or successful, beause only the most delusional would say that at this point. But if we're going to have a serious discourse on how well it did, it probably wasn't the kind of stupid profitable people pretend it is.
That's what happens when you censor your game to appeal to a bunch of mentally ill faggots.
user, it's either censoring OR appealing to mentally ill faggots, never both
Hi Matt. Have you consider suicide, today :)))))
This time it's both (but I'm different forms to hide one of the other reason for doing both)
why are trannies so obsessed with this guy? what did he do?
discord tranny incels have sex and dilate
as opposed to throwing big boobies in a game to satisfy a loud, tiny minority of incels who don't even like fighting games anyway and are just interested in the next culture war proxy? hmmmm...
Why are you so obsessed with trannies?
keep trying to convince us you're not one
What do you honestly think the odds are that you're right?
Lol. Imagine hating people just because they want to be away from you. Just let them.
God, I love seeing you squirm like that. No rebuttal and all bullshit. Keep going, please!
Well, I'm not denying that. It can be a success while selling less than other movies but by no means is it a flop.
But that's not the point, so let's move on.
somewhere around 40%. I dunno what I'm basing that on, I just think that's a good number
you can always appeal to everyone by having a boob slider
Imagine wanting to "be away from somebody" because you don't like their skin color. Sorry, but in a civilized world you shouldn't have that right.
im a tranny ama
>God, I love seeing you squirm like that. No rebuttal and all bullshit. Keep going, please!
I'm a different user than from your argument. I just wanted to be silly :^)
>who probably had no formal education other than college
>other than higher education a good chunk of people dont get
>go to gradschool, even more left leaning
>this is somehow not educated enough
????? and this is in sciences too
Regardless of your stance on the female kostumes can we all agree that the art direction is atrocious and that Tobias desperately needs to come back and save the series?
do you keep your dick in a jar?
u cute when ur silly :3
>tfw you're FtM trans and you hate gamegaters, and whenever incels call you a "tranny" (which they say to imply you're a biological man) they're actually validating your gender identity
sasuka incels
who's the fat fuck and why do i keep seeing him this past month?
im assuming shilling?
Wait a second hold the fuck up. Isn't this from the event when the democrats officially made Clinton their nominee? Why the fuck is she in NY and not there? You can't even bother to show up in person for your own event?
So you think 40% of the population is trans?
Same nick that's a cringy catholic?
You might think that, but that's actually pandering to neckbeards the hardest
This isn't your blog you ugly fat chick
I mean I agree with the message (I mean overall, stop putting political bias into games or censoring them because muh feminism), but that shirt is fuck ugly. Who would even wear this? Wouldnt a donation to that neckbeard faggot be even better in that case?
It's not bombing, though.
>This saddest part about the modern day e-left meaning people like yourself (who probably have no formal education other than community college or state school) is that you watch a few you tube videos on a subject and now you think you're an expert.
Literally the well-described youtube-and-twitter alt-right pipeline to radicalisation.
Turbo cringe my bro
>owning the SJWs by wearing their likeness
okay, this is epic
What's your fav vidya gaem?
who is the best candidate that....
>wants affordable health care regardless of income or lack thereof (a single accident does not put you in outstanding debt)
>wants affordable education so people aren't paying for student loans in their forties+
>wants homos being protected class so you cant fire/discriminate/deny business for being fag. Note I don't mean cant refuse to make cakes. I dont give a shit about that.
>protects internet. wants free basic internet, classifying it as a utility
am burgerland, thanks
Is that a yes?
Days Gone beat MK11 in the UK charts. OH NO NO NO Boon.
>stop putting political bias into games or censoring them because muh feminism
It's a good thing you added "muh feminism" because otherwise it would be very hypocritical, wouldn't it?
LMAO how humiliated can SJW kombat get. Looks like journalists have almost zero power anymore.
Why do you think she lost to an effete, mincing billionaire with a decaying brain? No one likes an entitled shitter who doesn't bother trying because they think they've already won.
Any liberal Democrat.
>Size S
Why even bother having those in stock? No matter how much they exaggerate those caricatures on the shirt they'll never be fatter or uglier than the sort of person who would unironically wear it.
skyrim with a billion mods fav of all time, vampire masquerade bloodline close second
right now im playing divinity original sins 2
If you need advice on who to vote from a Yea Forums thread, dont vote at all.
I read Joe Biden actually opposes a lot of those and he is the leading runner...
Unironically Bernie or Warren are your best bet for those stipulations.
not like it matters. we're getting four more years anyway
red bull did a woke ad campaign like gilette did, quartering did a vid on it
Bernie comes off as a bit too socialist to me. I'm still a pretty big capitalist fag ngl
when the left are snowflakes, but soda ads make you really, really mad
>actually only once in some random discussion half a year ago
gilette ad didn't make me mad, it was a gift from the left, it redpilled a bunch of normie men who weren't already invested. i laughed.
Something something lose connection for a second, get kicked from the game even if in single player mode.
MK 11 is flopping? Huh?
Imagine thinking theres a drastic difference between the two, especially in America.
Fair enough, at least in the mainstream.
Why? Do you own capital? Is this temporarily embarrassed millionaire syndrome?
Anyone wanna lobby for a bit?
Trying to learn sub zero
the warm-hearted left, everyone. got money? fuck you. don't have money? join me comrade
>the tranny obsessed with this guy switched images after like a year
Did they finally mark the old one you used as spam/autosage material?
holy fuck, that's downright embarrassing for how much they colluded to shit on it
Twenty year old, established franchise on four platforms with a headstart can't beat a by the numbers, literal who zombie game made by the studio that brought you Bubsy 3D.
>got money? fuck you.
Well yeah, because you gained it off the workers' backs and your hoarding is immoral.
please tell me you don't identify as right wing.
when will conservatives realize gender theory, sexual degeneracy, mass immigration, etc. are all products of capitalism
If you haven't opened your eyes yet that class war is the only war worth fighting for, you're utterly hopeless. The relationship between the owner class and the proles is intrinsically antagonistic, and that will never change. Neoliberalism has tried to blur that divide and suppress worker rights, and now we're here. If you're not a millionaire, you're an insect to these people, but Americans have been mindfucked to believe the elite have their best interests in mind. It's like believing in santa as an adult, have a little fucking self respect.
yet promoted and shouted to the high sky by lefties, keep it up
The game that had over 5 million preorders?
>im jealous of all your stuff so I'm going to take it at gunpoint
children have more well thought out, mature value systems than this.
>gender theory, sexual degeneracy, mass immigration
Yeah, because there is no commie party in the Americas nor Western Europe who approves such things.
Holy shit I hate this neckbeards face
it's all fun and games until they come for you
>>Alt-Right sensationalist website
It's not jealousy, it's justice. If I was jealous I'd just want to become a bourgeois myself.
Equating lefties to neolibs is like equating nationalists to cuckservatives. I guess all right wingers love the jews and are virulently evangelical and love to import immigrants for cheap labor, that's about as fucking stupid as what you've just said.
I don't like government and those around me limiting my full potential.
my family does and insists I do, but I don't claim to be. My social views are left leaning, with mid to right leaning economic views (with some exceptions).
And I don't care about sexual degeneracy as long as kids or animals arent involved.
Except that is too late. Neoliberals did an excellent work bringing groups that have antagonist economic, political and social interests so they can't really unite and destroy the high class.
yes, people who have more money than you are more oppressive than authoritarian states that tell you you don't have a right to own personal property
now I see, marxism makes perfect sense
not him but they play the algorithm game the best. Any time i click on a few breaking news shit whenever something or other happens and im browsing youtube. Them fucks are always the most pushed motherfuckers on me. So fuck of for hating reality and shit my man since apparently you just want to live in a world of pretend where your feelings are correct and all that matter like huge lil girly faggot. ya fucking queer
>This thread is about to hit the post-count limit
Why are there so many racists on this board?
the fuck? is Day's Gone any good? It looked rough from the webms posted on Yea Forums
We need a capitalism that isn't neoliberal.
In the past, capitalism was checked by nationalism.
Now, nationalism = BAD.
keep denying it, every lefty spouts liberal buzzwords and all of them were over the biggest lib movement metoo. You can keep trying to make out like theres a massive divider between the two though
>I don't like government and those around me limiting my full potential.
"Those around you" apparently not including exploitative corporations? Have fun reaching your "full potential" of working two jobs and still not making rent until you get sick and die from lack of treatment due to unaffordable healthcare.
did you watch your first chapo podcastt?
I mean I havent seen any censoring done because of right-leaning-ideologies. Atleast not in the past few years. If you have an example, show me, but recenlty it was mainly because of "stop objectifying women!" (Again, I Agree with that if the women are real. Video game characters however are not)
You don't know any leftists.
The bleak future of neoliberalism has left millennials and zoomers to either look towards xenophobia or socialism. It's why this election cycle will actually be interesting, there's a good chance a social democrat could actually win the nomination against the president who is the perfect poster child for capital. No one can say that race is just two people from the same uniparty against one another like all the others.
pol is the website, other board are just pol with a theme
I was just pointing out that you can't claim to be anti-censorship whilst at the same time limiting the range of acceptable expression for video game devs.
Destiny doesn't expose right wingers so much as he exposes how garbage the "debate" format is. I've watched quite a few Destiny debates over the years and when someone goes on and gets BTFO I'm always left with the impression that "destiny won" but never "destiny is right".
most disgusting facial hair on youtube
The likes of bernie and AOC represent your ilk now. Deal with it
>Without socialism people need to work 2 jobs and still can't pay rent
Lmao this delusion thinking this is normal. Go outside and look around at the real world please.
There should be safety nets for those circumstances, yes. But at the same time, the environment should allow for innovators to reach success. I still value our Elon Musks and Steve Jobs. And if I invent something spectacular, I want the ability to start a business that makes millions to billions if people valued it as such.
It's not black or white. Its not you get one or the other. Theres going to inevitably be some socialist elements. But I want there to be success of the individual. Geniuses should get what they earn IMO.
His effeminate voice and lethargic mannerisms remind them that he's supposed to be on their team.
His view-count reminds them that outside of their discord they have absolutely ZERO power over public discourse in the areas they try to influence.
His patchy beard and terrible hairline remind them that they will never, ever pass.
He's their nightmare.
Sanders isnt a leftist?
I dont agree with that user but in some areas that can be very common. But its less rent and more college debt usually, unless you live in a big city. I know alot of people personally who work two jobs to pay for college debt.
We can thank the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 for that change of paradigm. Some interesting words:
>First, our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually. Under the proposed bill, the present level of immigration remains substantially the same.... Secondly, the ethnic mix of this country will not be upset.... Contrary to the charges in some quarters, [the bill] will not inundate America with immigrants from any one country or area, or the most populated and deprived nations of Africa and Asia.... In the final analysis, the ethnic pattern of immigration under the proposed measure is not expected to change as sharply as the critics seem to think.... It will not cause American workers to lose their jobs. -Ted Kennedy.
> This bill that we will sign today is not a revolutionary bill. It does not affect the lives of millions. It will not reshape the structure of our daily lives, or really add importantly to either our wealth or our power. Yet it is still one of the most important acts of this Congress and of this administration. --Lyndon B. Johnson.
>oneangryincel is valid when his article agrees with my argument
fuck off
Go back to box opening you fat faggot i don't give a fuck if you get banned from jacking off on hobo's just open boxes!
Capitalism needs cheap labor, which logically follows they need immigrants to keep workers from gaining any institutional power like they had decades ago. The same does not apply to socialism. You could have a social democracy like Japan that slowly trickles immigrants in, but as long as America is ruled by capitalists, that will never be the case. Enjoy being bred into irrelevance, but hey I guess you get cheap produce and electronic devices for it.
by my eye it seems to be an average game that's being shit on by 'journalists' because it's got a white man as the protagonist instead of literally anything else
It's NOT normal, but the capitalists would have you believe that it is.
Elon Musk and Steve Jobs are overrated clowns who got rich off the backs of so many others who did the actual work for them.
>And if I invent something spectacular, I want the ability to start a business that makes millions to billions if people valued it as such.
The American Dream is a lie they tell you to prevent you from rocking the boat.
If I invented something actually worth billions I would not keep it to myself, I would share it for the betterment of society. No man deserves billions, certainly not when so many others have nothing. The equation of wealth with value is one of the biggest capitalist lies.
>the only capitalism is neoliberalism, there's literally nothing else
>lethargic mannerisms
that guy is so mild-mannered that it would make a great sleep aid
I just watched a new gameplay vid of it. Seems like a very mediocre game in the vein of the modern Far Cry series. if it's on sale for ~10 bucks, I'd buy it.
People need to understand that being liberal is far more in common with conservative than being Left.
>It's another "Communism would work if I was in control because I am so benevolent" thread
Listen, titwank, you don't know any of that shit for sure, you just strongly suspect they're assholes getting by on others work.
There's never going to be a system ruled by the benevolent, like you think you are, because as soon as such a ruler is in place they'll be fucking murdered and replaced with literally ANYBODY who is willing to do what you aren't.
>Destiny says thing
>Quarterpounder: I agree
>got rich off the backs of so many others who did the actual work for them
you socialist always project your own shit on to others. you say you want justice for these evil capitalists stealing the work of others, in the same breath you demand they give up huge portions of their wealth because .. you want it
Everywhere besides America, yes.
>If I invented something actually worth billions I would not keep it to myself, I would share it for the betterment of society
That's good for you, but not everyone subscribes by the same sentiment. Even so, you can do both while marketing it for what its worth. Making every innovation non-profit would stifle progression. Humans are inherently self interested and require incentive to provide.
People like Henry Ford and Elon Musk are inspirations to me. They're a business, yes, but they try to genuinely better society with their power. Not everyone is like this, yes, but the environment should allow for it. We can NOT rely on government and 'good will of the people' to progress technological development enough to keep up with the rest of the world.
>Complains about people working 2 jobs
>Acts like Japan is good when they have an even bigger work culture and nobody has kids because they're too obsessed over their work
You can't be serious.
that's because the 'left' of today as people mean it, meaning the leftist/communists, are so far left that everything remotely moderate seems far-right to them, it's a matter of perspective
go home and tend to your kid destiny
Why do you keep posting this sperg?
I don't need to watch someone on youtube regurgitating the exact same shit I read and post on Yea Forums.
Given that it resoundingly won on the world stage, yes. Just like there will never be a functioning communist country, there will never be a functioning capitalist country without neoliberalism attached to it like a remora. Trump was supposedly the great white hope that would change everything, and all you've been given is bog standard conservatism, which is caught in the neoliberal death spiral. But please divulge your completely realistic and not impossible idea of how America can retain its ultracapitalist ways without fucking genocide.
In economic issues? Sure.
In social issues? No way.
>Listen, titwank, you don't know any of that shit for sure, you just strongly suspect they're assholes getting by on others work.
No, I know for sure. And you will too if you just think about it for a second.
>as soon as such a ruler is in place they'll be fucking murdered and replaced with literally ANYBODY who is willing to do what you aren't.
Fuck you, fascist. I never said I was benevolent, anyway. Bring back the guillotine. Now there's an invention that benefits society.
The game sold millions, it didn't flop.
Can't believe I actually bought MK11 what a fucking waste of money.
>If I invented something actually worth billions I would not keep it to myself, I would share it for the betterment of society.
I have a feeling you'll never have this opportunity because you're too jaded to ever work toward bettering your own situation. That's probably too aggressive, isn't it? Probably playing right into their machine, isn't it?
Yeah, best to not do shit with you life and just smugly talk about how generous you'd be if you happened to trip, fall and invent something without ever using anothers labor.
weird how people are completely fine with politics in the first 3 examples and only start to take issue when contemporary, virtue signaling, shit-lib politics are needlessly inserted into the game, almost as if there's something hostile, forced and intrinsically unlikable about it
think of it like this:
imagine deus ex or fallout new vegas without their political content, they would be radically different and undeniably worse games
now, imagine battlefield 5 without "politics" in it, it would literally just be battlefield 5 but with slightly different aesthetics
we're often told that "all art is political" but modern sjw politics are perverse in that distinctly neoliberal way because they involve altering the content of the art for explicitly political reason but produce an effect that is apolitical:
the *explicitly political* art is APOLITICAL
the left will never stumble onto this basic observation because they've spent the past 5 years wheeling out the trivial observation "u don't like politics in this game but ur fine with it in this game?? u just dont like women!!!", right intuitively understands it but can't articulate it because they're dumb
>there will never be a functioning capitalist country without neoliberalism attached to it like a remora
Pre-1970s America? Globalism ruined everything, Pasolini was right.
>I never said I was benevolent, anyway
nobody assumed you were, commie fuck
No, because they didn't earn it and don't deserve it.
>That's good for you, but not everyone subscribes by the same sentiment.
And those who don't are kulak scum who can have a bullet for free.
Henry Ford was a Nazi supporter and admirer of Hitler.
Economic issues are the only pertinent issue anyway. Social conflict is amorphous and constantly changing depending on the time period, economics is the only thing that maintains a relative baseline for centuries.
I can't stand listening to this guy. Not that I disagree with anything he says, he "Ughm' panders and "Ughm" doesn't get to the "Ughm" point of what he's "Ughm" saying until at least "Ughm" five minutes into the "Ughm" video after he's done "Ughm" "uhhh" duuuuuuhhhh" talking about why he made this video responding to "Ugghhhhhmmmmmmmmmm" said controversy.
>Fuck you, fascist.
lol wat
I'm apparently a facist for pointing out that good kings get murdered by ambitious dicks who'll stoop lower?
>Bring back the guillotine. Now there's an invention that benefits society.
There we go, that's what I was looking for, the point where you pivot to out yourself as a would-be murderer. I bet you're super justified in wanting to murder, too.
>Just like there will never be a functioning communist country
You're right, Comrade Trotsky.
you wouldnt even be able to own a gun in socialism land, idiot
>/pol/ supports a guy that buy funko pops
really tells you everything about that board
40% lower than MKX's launch.
>don't deserve it.
and you are the one to say who deserves what, yes? you are the enlightened one who can see the path through the dark forest
>if you happened to trip, fall and invent something without ever using anothers labor
I just told you, that's a myth, and that's one reason why I wouldn't be entitled to millions. We stand on the shoulders of giants.
A communist country about the Russian Revolution could be interesting and fun (engaging for Naught Dog employees).
A mediocre shooter game with superficial feminism is just dissapointing.
You know countries with the same economic system can have very different social ideas, right? Hell, Stalin is the very best example for the changes he did when he rose to power.
You literally just did
He's just following a very standard user content standard, for youtubers.
jfc dude they even highlighted the word "you" and you still don't get it
"keep your politics out of video games" is not a general call to remove all politics from video games, it should be read as:
keep *YOUR* politics out of video games
hence why it's often directed as sjws but never at anyone else
Well fucking put.
Politics aren't the problem, it's that the politics of intersectionality are so obtrusive and alienating that NO ONE wants them in their games outside of the small niche that pushes it on everyone.
wasn't me, you never tricked me like you did the other user
why people think /pol/ supports everybody on the right of the young turks?
Shut the fuck up, he's based
It did, but globalism is simply a necessary next step to capitalism, so unless you have a time machine you're fucked. America is obsessed with infinite growth capital, therefore when you finish dominating your own countries market, it is only obvious you look towards dominating the markets of other nations as well. You only stop this with fierce nationalism, or severe government regulations. We've passed the point of nationalism, unless whites want to accept the browns as Americans, so you're just crying over spilled milk if you're clamoring for that now. You have to reel in the capitalists, because they do not give a scintilla of a shit about their own nation or its people, they're just breathing wallets to nickel and dime.
>I'm apparently a facist for pointing out that good kings get murdered by ambitious dicks who'll stoop lower?
You're advocating for a race to the bottom, essentially might makes right, where the de facto outcome will be a fascist "strong man" at the top. Either you become one yourself or you will be ousted by one.
>Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary.
- Karl Marx
No, the eternal science of Marxism-Leninism lights the path.
"send out officers in the night to pull people from their beds and take them to jail, if they resist, take them somewhere quiet and shoot them"
-every marxist dictatorship ever
That was in regards to overthrowing capitalism, following every communist revolution they made moves to disarm the populace. BASED
He's trying to fill "Ughmmmmm" ten minutes for ad revenue. Which means pandering and "Ughmmmmmmm" not really saying anything to force "Ughmmmm" viewers to watch longer. The fact people subscribe to listen to that is annoying. LegacyKillHD does a better job with needing fat basedboy beard and cat to pander with.
>Commie is a wannabe mass murderer
Imagine my shock.
He "tricked" himself by making a random-ass assumption I immediately dispelled, you dishonest fascist.
The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 just got rid of national quotas and replaced it with a merit-based system based on if you already had family in America. You're just seething because too many of the immigrants aren't white.
Well, I will wait for people go so nuts and riot everywhere against the government and Silicon Valley. The explosion in drugs use and suicide will someday blow really hard.
i just love inventions and technology and where i work would not be possible without large non-government big business. We would not have the iphone, VR, smart cars, spaceX, etc. Heck, we'd be super behind basic automobiles without Henry Ford. I just cant stand to see society slow development. I want to see us colonize space before I die, damn it. And safe roads with AI vehicles. And amazon drone groceries. And thats not gonna happen with just government and limited success potential.
No, that's /pol/, sweetie.
A fucking zombie game.
"pleaaase gubment, take the evil capitalists money!"-commie
also commie- "anyone who disagrees with me is a fascist"
>Heck, we'd be super behind basic automobiles without Henry Ford.
Fuck off, if he hadn't done it someone else would have. It's not the one flash of genius insight that makes progress, it's the culmination of years of hard work by a multitude of people.
I see no contradiction
I'm not advocating for it, you brainless bootlicker, I'm saying that's what'll happen regardless of my feelings toward it.
It's little wonder your ilk are so perpetually miserable when you want to guillotine the messenger.
Must feel like the whole world are against you. It's okay, you likely don't leave the house often anyway, so you're probably fine.
>Fuck off, if he hadn't done it someone else would have
dumbass, nobody could do it in the environment did not allow for in the first place. It required big business to get it started, actual retard. Government and people of equal income arent gonna do that shit cuz they fucking can't.
>I'm not advocating for it, you brainless bootlicker, I'm saying that's what'll happen regardless of my feelings toward it.
That's the same as advocacy. You're saying if I don't do it myself then it will be done to me. What choice does that leave me? What has to happen is your entire worldview has to be discarded to stop the vicious cycle.
>iphone, VR, smart cars, spaceX, etc.
It's funny how you cite worthless gimmicks while ignoring the huge amount of really fucking important innovations and inventions that exists only thanks to the state i.e. Nuclear energy, or that space exploration you seems to love so much.
>I want to see us colonize space before I die, damn it
You are deeply retarded. Space colonization will never happen, at least not in this millennium.
Think about it this way, it be easier to colonize Antarctica or even the bottom of the oceans than it would be to colonize any other planet.
>Government and people of equal income arent gonna do that shit cuz they fucking can't.
Oh? And why is that? They wouldn't have the resources if they pooled them? They'd have more than Ford.
Thanks for proving my point fag.
>ree there's too many wetbacks in america
Your video also states the per-capita percentage of foreign-born people in america is still lower than it was in the 1920s.
>bottom of the oceans
Nice. I want Rapture in real life.
>a person who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause or policy.
You are a retard. I'm not advocating for retards, simply acknowledging and lamenting that they exist, and they are almost invariable socialists looking to murder everybody that doesn't share their brain disease.